Authorities contradicts European Solidarity and threatens energy security. Sergei bezrukov, 50, is one of the most soughtafter actors in our cinema, who has proven more than once he can do any role. The artist gained great fame from his work in the tv series brigada. The image of the criminal authority sasha bely immediately became a cult, and bezrukov was told that it was unlikely that he would be able to get rid of this role. But he was able to, chose a new role, different from the previous one and. Each time he revealed himself from an unexpected side, what is his appearance in the film vysotsky worth, thank you for being alive, with someone elses face, with someone elses voice, but not a single actor in the world would have managed it the way he did, now Sergei Bezrukov runs the moscow he gives all of himself to the provincial theater and his favorite work. For the anniversary of Sergei Bezrukov, watch the premiere of a documentary film on our channel , whose heart beats louder, how the everyday life of an actor is formed, how images and ideas for new performances are born, we will show it at. At 16 10, but today dont miss the next episode of the retro detective story bison is the case of a fashion model with a wonderful artist in the title role, immediately after the program time. Well, theres an antifake on the air right now. How russian cyclones interfered with ukraine. And why did the head of the Ukrainian Navy almost burst from envy live, and also why the armed forces of ukraine are replicating fakes that were exposed by the germans many years ago, and the true history of the russian language, today on the program, this is an antifake program, and here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation about how it always spreads a huge number of fakes, well look at one of them now. An official representative of the Ukrainian Naval forces said that the ship cyclone, we all know about the one that russia put on combat duty at the end of august, has a very small functionality and cant even be used, well see. The Russian Federation launched its new ship , the cyclone, into the sea, they intimidated the world so much about how powerful it is and what a threat it poses. I dont know where the information about him comes from. Capabilities and power, this is an ordinary small serialtype missile ship, near sea zone, seariver, it is in fact a sea platform, a carrier of cruise missiles, this is its only purpose, the rest of its standard weapons are intended only for defense, roughly speaking, this its only functionality, but even taking this into account, it is not yet capable of it, it is really a platform, such ships, it is a platform for launching other cruise missiles, the fact that it is equipped with standard launch containers, we can also say that it is a traitor of the erleg class, american this is also a platform, and so it is for launching tamagaka or sm2, sm3 missiles, that is, the difference is only in actual size, now lets take the advantages, that is, we understand that eight calibers, well, they will sink a realberg, they will not sink an aircraft carrier, well, as an option how they fly by, but the thing is that the launch container is 9s, 14, it is intended not only for calibers, it is also a universal. Launcher into which you can put a rocketux, or you can put a zircon missile, and a zircon is a Hypersonic Missile and by the way, i note , it is already in our arsenal, that is, here the question i would say is not what kind of boat, but what was put in it, but its main advantage is that it is a riversea class, that is, ships of this class can be pulled deeper territories under the protection of air defense systems, the same destroyers, well, in principle, they also do not work separately, they are part of. Strike groups move, their main task is also the defense of aircraft carriers, but they can no longer do this, that is, they will always defend themselves in such situations , i propose to include in our conversation. A military expert, sailor, captain of the first rank vladimir shigin. Vladimir velenovich , we are glad to welcome you, hello, dear, we are now discussing our cyclone, we are talking about its advantages and maybe some disadvantages, here they say that we they passed it off as a miracle weapon, in fact a simple ship, so how do we figure out whether its a miracle weapon or a simple ship, you, as a person who was on it, means, firstly, ships are not built just like that, each ship is built for specific tasks , for the task of the mrk type it means 22800, these are karokurts, which also includes the cyclone , this is precisely the delivery of missile strikes, these are ships of the near sea zone, in this regard it fully corresponds to its tasks, it has an excellent aluminum armored hull, it has good seaworthiness , good air defense, and the most important thing for such a displacement, say a small 850, it has very serious missile strike weapons, which, as they have already correctly said, can generally be combined and changed depending on specific tasks, so the ships are very successful and therefore the series is sufficient large, and for such a closed maritime theater as the black sea, in my opinion this is an ideal ship, as for these fakes that are spreading, well, as the classic said, that there is. The enemy scolds us, which means we are doing everything right, therefore, if the enemy criticizes and scolds our ships, it means we have the best ships in the world, but if we compare it with some western analogues in size, in equipment, well, the fact is that there are no such analogues in the world, then, as for the arliburka, they will now correspond to ours, meaning pottype frigates, now superpots will soon be built, also ships of the ocean zone, which are ships of the corresponding class, in this class of ships as missile ships of the coastal zone, at the moment our karakurts are the best in the world. And ill also start from the words that were uttered by our enemies, he wont be able to show himself in a naval battle, a cyclone, what are we talking about here, will he be able to show himself in a naval battle, what is modern naval battle in general . No, how can you say whether he can or cannot, if this naval battle has not yet taken place . The thing is that its not for ukraine to talk about this, they dont have a fleet at all, so i think this is elementary envy and such anger from the impossibility, it means something to us to oppose, ships of our type, which means that the corokurt are already striking military targets in ukraine, in terms of a special military operation, let me also find out what the mosquito fleet is, well, the mosquito fleet is mainly called the coastal fleet, ships of small. Displacement, but, which can cause the enemy a lot of trouble, like mosquitoes, yes, they seem to be small, so to speak, but their bites are very strong, so let them continue to criticize our newest ships, and we will build them and put them into service, and thats right, and bring closer our victory, thank you very much all the best, goodbye, military experts analyzed everything from their technical point of view, but in order to disassemble this fake into parts, firstly, its strange to hear any reproaches regarding our fleet from the country, as they said, which does not have a fleet, secondly, there is such a thing as specialization, and this applies to any type of equipment, not just military, that is, it is strange to demand from a sports car that it transport large volumes of cargo, and it is also strange to demand from a truck so that it accelerates like a sports car, a small missile ship, as the name suggests, has. These are missile strikes, this ship carries calibers, as far as i understand, not only and as i understand, ukraine has no doubts about the effectiveness of the calibers, another thing is that they are constantly they say that we have run out of these calibers every month, so this fake is in the spirit of this same reassurance that the calibers have run out and the ships that carry the calibers are bad, that they will not survive a naval battle, the question is, well, with whom will there be a naval battle, if you dont have a fleet, of course, fixation on the weapon. In the Ukrainian Information agenda, it is constant, it is standard, i would even say, ukraine adores one weapon, to extol it, to call it almost a wunderkind of some kind, which should change the course of events, lets say, the military, on the other hand, everything , what makes russia, of course, ukraine seems to be something unworthy, petty and unworkable, with korakurt there is even an interesting philological moment, i generally really like how the russian military. Call weapons technology, because karakurt is a small spider , so even from the name it is clear that no one tried to build a ship that should be frightening with its appearance and i dont know in some. Bring people, here we are talking about something that is really very a mobile, lets say, ship that will fulfill its tasks, we again exchanged fakes from ukrainian propaganda, in what dialect ivan the terrible, peter ii spoke, so ukrainian propagandists have their own version, the crazy story of the people of kiev immediately after the advertisement, we no longer need glasses, breakthrough in medicine lenses for myopia, kumquad. The best product for pahmelia, spider veins on the legs, we will cure, the program to live healthy, will help everyone, today on the first, romca, a Stellar Group product, this is kind, cozy, our beloved tatyana anatolyevna tells the whole truth to the uterus, as usual. They want this to be born in their countries, and not in our country, ugh, it should be like this , to each his own, but as long as we cant win, we cant even open the door here, say hello to everyone, quadruple, here this is wow you fell in love then , yes, yes, you fell in love terribly, we have a new flying stool or there are more stools, dont you think that the ceiling is already very close and what s next, where . No, there is never a ceiling, but why surprise . Approaching somewhere to the ceiling, massage my brains, for example, podcast ast lab on saturday on the first. I will steal, if stealing is to your liking, am i in vain. Sometimes you wonder besides your family, friends, children, does anyone else need you . For. To do something you have to be either from birth desperate or for circumstances to become desperate, but this may be the most important piece, my emotions arise in the frame instantly, there is simply no fear, please, the seat belts are fastened correctly or not, the theater is necessary for the artist, it is vital, because professional growth occurs in the theater, i built the moensky theater in the likeness of a snuffbox, i wont go out of budget, this is the same theater that i love very much, i love conventional theaters, except for vladimir sergeevich, malyshov suggested that i take courses in geeking, again sit down at the desk, talk about it again, we need to move on, we need to develop, every time with a sinking heart, thank you, it means this is fate, it means this is how it leads me through life, it means its necessary, for the anniversary of Sergei Bezrukov, premiere of the documentary , on saturday. On the first, a person, as a rule, dies with the help of his own decision to die, how to prolong life and stop aging, vladimir skulachov tested on himself his discovery, which he called immortality, he did not grow old in the end, in fact, because, unfortunately, leaving life was associated with an accident , our exclusive, the main secret of the invention of a worldfamous scientist, while we are breathing, we are burning ourselves out very slowly, we visited the laboratory, or the head of the diggers, to reveal the secrets of their longevity are the secrets of our longevity. This is a new fashion among those who want to prolong their life. In the states they offer extracts from the stem cells of infants; it is theoretically possible to extend our century to 200 years. What else did academician Vladimir Skulachev learn . About the mystery of life and death . Vladimir petrovich did not let old age defeat him. Children from kulachev continue experiments, testing their famous fathers elixir on themselves. We. Very determined to complete this work, death was invented by evolution for its own acceleration, death is not necessary for living beings. Exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, on saturday on the first, this is an antifake program and we continue, you will be surprised now, but it turns out that the russian language is only 100 years old, as a russianspeaking blogger from the usa claims, lets look at her statements and facts, you started using the russian language only in the 20th century, look, until the 17th century all writing was in turkic, you wrote something on birch bark, there were no books, ivan the terrible did not speak russian, peter ii did not speak russian either language, and the 16th century, well, based on the fact that all the kings were germans, which means in german conversation, but an aristocrat. Speaks only french, this war and tolstoys world , remember, all the characters there spoke french, without an accent, these are five, i think, but here is 10. In war, tolstoys peace is everything spoke without an accent in pure french. The first thing to say is, well, the woman is obviously not herself, because all her videos have similar content , she walks, i think she lives in boston, she walks the streets of boston endlessly, she sees some Public Toilet , immediately shoots a video, then the russians, look, there is no Public Toilet in the usa, but you dont, wait, since you started talking about this, lets see, russia, do you know what this is . This is the finest, softest toiletry paper that just melts when touched, you know where i got it from this street toilet, furnish it, you go into the street toilet for free and there is such a soft paper, i go into the toilet, well, the fact that it is clean is understandable, look, please rate your liked it. I liked the average, and here you can also scan, imagine, you go into the toilet and you can rate the toilet, by the way, america cares that you liked going to the toilet, these are the stories about how bad it is to live in russia, love very much abroad, ill tell you a personal story, in 2000, eight, no, ten, i went to the United States on a Student Exchange program, i came to america and settled in an apartment with an odessa resident, his name was uncle sasha, uncle sasha was an elderly man who left from the soviet union in one of the waves of emigration and since then, in general, has never been to russia, and uncle sasha, like a miracle of scientific technology, showed us a microwave, he just looked at it in admiration and said, look, this is a microwave, we are like that , father sasha says, well, yes, we do too microwaves at home, what are you telling me, uncle sasha said , what kind of microwaves you can have, like this in a microwave in general, but in their minds its as if the soviet union was fixed and did not change in any way, and microwaves of course are not in their world appeared, apparently in this womans world toilets did not appear in russia either, lets look at the second part, now comment , lets add first, i read that when these wars came, and the tsar needed to gather many, many ordinary soldiers, the problem was that when you give a command, these people are from ryazan, from kursk, from samara, well. They did not understand the same language, they all spoke different dialects, there was no russian language, it was impossible to lead this crowd, so they didnt even know what to do, when there was a battle going on, the commander was talking to them, and no one understood what he was saying, so we have before us a language that is only 100 years old, and the kings spoke german, because everyone was from germany, wait, yes, and the nobles. And novgorod residents in their own dialects, of course, she had to say further, and between them all there was a translator running, who do you speak english . Translated everything, why is it in mov, there is socalled trash content, where all sorts of people, freaks, just talk outright nonsense, everything that suits them or do some kind of crazy stuff, thats why people watch because its just funny funny , on ukrainian tv there are even. Stories with this lady, this is how they look, in principle, they invite, communicate, talk, lets add another person to our conversation, a famous linguist Dmitry Petrov is now in contact with us, dmitry yuryevich, we welcome you, i welcome you, what can i say , our russian language is 100 years old, according to this lady, but regarding the age of our great and mighty, of course, this is not 100, and not 200 or 300, the fact is that it is very difficult to find a starting point from what year, from what date to consider that a language appeared and that you can call a day its date of birth and count the age accordingly, but again starting from from these interesting statements, in what language ivan the terrible spoke, here he tells us that all the tsars spoke german exclusively, so i very much doubt that Ivan Vasilyevich spoke german, especially since in the 16th century, when he lived, the german language, in its literary form, had just appeared, in principle, it is conditionally possible to count the existence of the literary german language after Martin Luther translated the bible into it, as for the tsars, undoubtedly all the russian tsars spoke russian, despite the fact that some of them did not speak it with birth, but for example, catherine ii, as you know, was german by origin , learned russian upon her arrival in russia, and she learned it, well, at a very good level, because contemporaries remember that she spoke, of course, with easy german accent, but mastered all. Styles, lets also look at the fact that when the tsar convened ordinary soldiers, as she says, they had to be taught the russian language for 10 years, because no one understood any commands. Russia is still a multinational country, it has languages ​​of other groups other peoples, turkic languages, finnougric languages, caucasian languages, it was and is so, but the russian language has always played the role of such a connecting means of communication, moreover, it has always had such a strong advantage that in it almost all dialectal features are mutually intelligible, then there is, we understand that in a vast space from the baltic to the pacific ocean, and someone okak, someone okak, someone gekak, but in principle it is one language, while, for example, returning to the soldiers, only in the Napoleonic Army it was possible. To overcome colossal differences between different french dialects, that is, in fact, at the time of the great french revolution , about 20 of people spoke the language that we call french, all the rest spoke a variety of dialects, only napoleons great army, where he deliberately mixed in different regiments people from different localities, made it possible to develop some kind of unified french language, and something similar was accomplished by bismarck; with the germans in our time, we cannot, say, strive for absolute equivalence of different languages, because we we live in the Information Age and, if only for the sake of keeping up with all the information resources that a modern person requires, not every language, but about 1015 of those existing in the world can afford to translate everything that is necessary, for example, for specialists in different technologies, too many. This includes , of course, english, chinese, including russian, which can keep up with all the new technologies and become the languages ​​of the Information Age, the languages ​​of the internet, the languages ​​of science and education. Thank you great, it was very nice to listen to you today, all the best, thank you, goodbye, it doesnt matter what language you speak, it matters what language the instructions are written in, what language the textbook is written in, this. This is key, especially within the framework of Technology Development everything else, by the way, to the question of what language peter i and the russian nobility spoke, here is a book that was published in 1717, this is just a textbook, a set of rules of behavior, and one might say, an educational manual called youth, honest mirror. The second book, by the way, after the alphabet, is intended to be studied by noble children in russian. Firstly, most of all, the children of their father and mother should maintain great honor when their parents, as they are ordered, always hold their hat in their hands, and do not lift up in front of them, do not sit near them, and before them do not sit in front of them dont look out the window with your whole body, everything is clear here, but this is 1717, a printed publication, if we really say, peter i spoke russian, theres just a confirmation, documentary evidence, that the most the main thing is the iron chancellor and his russian years, as in the ssu which he did not talk about, about this immediately after the advertisement, comrade, found it, write the address, shop belyasovs office there, what happened, they came to my dealer, he ratted you out, how do i know , whether he ratted me out or not, calm down, stop. Sergei bezrukov in the serial film by Valery Todorovsky bison the case of a fashion model, watch the time after the program. Grand in russia, live broadcasts, on the weekend at the first one, lets see, it will be very interesting, you love figure skating, love figure skating, appreciate figure skating. Beautiful, charming, always young Elena Proklova is celebrating her anniversary in our studio today. Larisa ivavanno. Yes, i love my numbers 70 years and a wonderful age. I canceled my anniversary; i never thought that an anniversary could have such an impact on a person. It forces you to sum up some results and outline new plans. And with you in the studio is a promoter of a healthy sexual lifestyle. Helen, good health. Oh, thank you. Yes, so beautiful, lena watch him when he cant get up, his leg is broken, stroke, and the viewer is waiting, she gets up and walks, i still dont have white hair, i can lend it to you, no one has ever given me flowers, this is not some kind of ring, this is a peach, this is a million, this is a ring, you you know, we have a stewardess costume, this is exactly the same one. Hello, larisa ivanovna, i want it on saturday, on the first. I decide to confer the title of hero of ukraine with the order of the power of bandera on stepan. Stepan banderas father was a ukrainian greek catholic priest, and he was of course integrated into the church a structure that was permeated with hostility to russia. He was quite flawed, sickly, short, his hands were somehow behind him, and such people, as a rule, of course, of Course Experience an inferiority complex. The guys from banderas security said indignantly that he beat his wife, or even kicked her in the stomach when she was pregnant. When a child grows up in an atmosphere of violence, this becomes a kind of tolerance for the use of violence. As a child in his youth, he had the nickname koshkodav. Avver actually took him under his wing ukrainian nationalists, and this. On august 29 and 30, 1943, i massacred and shot over 15,000 civilians. The german troops were amazed at the cruelty they saw from the banderratz. Banderas diagnosis, premiere, on sunday on the first. Hey, long time no see. The dragon missed you. Well, how are you, libe, libe, amore, amo, whack, take away the finished one, whack, whack, whack, whos on the new one, whos on the new one, i want it to be a catfish, but in my opinion im not sleeping, im sick you, sexbum, god, what a man, i want i want a son from you, i want a daughter from you, all together, put your ears to the ground, its better in an amicable way, drive the phanta with a hop. Stack next level from october 27 to fridays on the first. This is an antifake program and we continue. Interesting historical fakes are now being spread not only by historians, but even by some commanders who have diplomas as historians; i suggest looking at them and then discussing them together. Maxim is from the generation of young ukrainian successful commanders. He is not a career military man, a historian, he graduated from a university, he joined the whole, as far as i know, from the times when there was russia in different forms, the russian empire, muscovy, we have always been at war with this state, bismarck once said that russia without ukraine is worth nothing, it cannot exist, well, bismarck didnt say that, as far as i know, because this. It was brzezhinski who said that if you tear ukraine away from russia, this is one of the main goals, and bismarck said dont fight with the russians, the russians always come for their own, and he couldnt just say that, because when bismarck was there, there was no ukraine , it was part of the russian empire, little russia, there, of course, there was no talk about any ukraine, because ukraine, as a colleague already noted, really did not exist at that moment as a state, and therefore, in political terminology, ukraine was also unknown to europeans. Talking about ukraine, it would be the same thing, that i dont know, Vladimir Lenin would Say Something about the donetsk peoples republic, that is, the events of historical eras are completely different, and yes, indeed, theres bismarck in 100. 890 died, and the first ukraine, as a state, as a state on education began only in 1917, after the february revolution, when the provisional government gave broad autonomy to kiev and they began to form this ukrainian state called the ukrainian peoples republic. There are such fakes that can be directly called in the internet terminology bayans, so this is the accordion, this is such an ancient fake. That it goes back almost to the times of the truly russian empire. The last 20 years there, he is constantly found on the internet, various things are attributed wording of this phrase by otha von bismarck, they very often write that the only operation that russia will not survive is the amputation of ukraine, that is , for some reason it was often found in this formulation, but the funniest thing is if you are now this wording if you type it into any search engine, even into enemy google, you will see the first link. That you will see, this is a refutation of this phrase, that otto von bismarck never said such a thing. Now i propose to include in our conversation a Senior Researcher at the institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of sciences, political scientist and expert on german history, Alexander Kamkin is in touch with us, we are glad to welcome you. Hello, why are there so many false quotes from bismarck about russia . Bismarck is a very major historical figure, and of course, with his opinion, they often. Covered their positions, well, the famous quote about ukraine, of course, does not stand up to any criticism, if only because in bismarcks time, there was no ukraine as such, there was little russia, there was a coal basin, on the basis of which later donbass was formed, there was galicia, which was part of the austrohungarian empire, but there was no region on any map issued even in germany during the bismerck era until 1890, bismarck was quite a prorussian politician, in modern terms. And spoke for an alliance with russia, even in 1887, on his initiative , a secret insurance agreement was concluded between russia and germany, which provided neutrality and even military support in the event of an attack on one of the parties, well, first of all, he was directed against france at that time, therefore, wishing harm to russia or planning to tear away little russia there , of course, bismarck simply could not do this, yes, he really said that you cannot fight with russia, you cannot deceive the russians, because they will still come for theirs, but of course , this quote is an extreme distortion of the facts the separation of malarus from russia was the goal of austriahungary and they began to work with it at the end of the 19th century, when there was rivalry between our powers in the balkans and, in fact, on the basis of galicia and the ukrainian language, the socalled ukrainian culture, was artificially created, and we saw that in the first world war, it was from the golicians that some military units of collaborators were formed there, precisely in the austrohungarian army, but bismarck, in principle, did not deal with such things, what was important for him was precisely the preservation of a reliable rear in the east in the form of good relations with russia. I think the answer is complete , thank you, all the best, goodbye, in 2014, the german publication deutsche contacted the german bismerg foundation to check the veracity of these quotes. Foundation employee. Responded to the editors request that otho von bismarck did not say anything like that. There is not a single evidence of the chancellors own records, nor the minutes of his speeches, nor draft letters, nor the memoirs of contemporaries that would mention Something Like that. Moreover, in his memoirs , the chancellor talks about the socalled party of the weekly in prussia, which predicted the dismemberment of russia. bismarck responded with obvious disapproval of this. Sergey arutyunov, associate professor of the department, is now in contact with us literary excellence of the gorkov literary institute. We are glad to welcome you. Hello, well, about otha von bismarck, who ended up in russia, by the way, in the very years when serfdom was abolished in our country, this is 1859 and until the sixtysecond year he tried in russia, this is the future unifier of germany, he received such, you know, a good vaccination. Empire, because germany in the middle of the 19th century was not yet an empire; it still had to be united from many principalities. And this same otta von bismarg leaves for himself to germany, and from now on, not only is he not at war with russia there, he doesnt express some invective against her, but he considers her a model of how to conduct business, this is a great school for him, he takes her with him himself in germany is involved in the affairs of germany , the unification of germany, which means that in his detailed memoirs he was indeed published, by the way, in the soviet union, according to the 1940 edition of the memoirs, it is quoted that a Certain Party is involved. Something like that means they say about the division of russian territory, the giving of crimea and some there, that means malorovsky lands in austria, well, accordingly, it means that these people wrote a note, at the very top, at the very top, when they read this note, they just got angry and these people were generally removed from their warm places and removed somewhere a little or not into exile, bismarck writes about this with visible irony and, in general, the rest of some words about the fact that ukraine can, or should be separated from the territory of russia, are not in his memoirs or anywhere is located, he knew perfectly well that russia has the strongest army, he knew very well that we had huge territories, he treated us with great respect, he never uttered any negative or subversive things in his entire life. Thank you very much, all the best, thank you, all the best. Lets talk about good things, its always nice to celebrate those teams of people who have long understood what is happening and support the guys on the front line with their creativity, i suggest watching the video first, and then discussing it, its rolling on the floor, our tank is tired, but you cant get away from him, the adversary, the Diesel Engine is roaring, the game wants iron, so. To pile up a shabby cat in battle, lets make a move, brothers, lets make a move for victory, lets make a move for our homeland, lets take a step for the faith , the gunman will look at the fascist, and by the way, the soloist and leader black birets , igor kreshchenok has now joined us from kaliningrad, we are glad to welcome you, hello, studio, welcome, tell us about the creative fate of your team. Well, the fact is that we started to engage in creativity from childhood, uh, because we chose to connect our lives with service in the armed forces, it was an accompanying hobby for us for a long time, lets say, but we never left it, i had to fight in the first chechen company, from there, in general, the first songs that became the basis of our repertoire, well this year the ensemble celebrated 25 years, now. Of the Russian Federation, the only fulltime one is a smallform ensemble, we have 12 song and dance ensembles, large, large forms, and here is the thirteenth warrior this is the concert ensemble of the baltic fleet, black beret, please imagine who you are with today, this is the foreman of our team, but with us every person, both the shvets and the reaper, the nadade and the grets, acts in many hypostases at once, so he is a foreman by position, here in the team. This is mine the chief arranger, if i am a songwriter and bring him a song, he already makes professional arrangements, plays ten musical instruments, as they say, the surname obliges him, and the surname obliges the guard senior warrant officer alexandrov, alexander, alexandrovich. Great, youre welcome welcome, easy to remember, but please tell me the songs, right now, where the ideas for the words come from in order to write, to reflect the reality that is happening now. Inspiration, in fact, is, of course, the work that our guys are doing, uh , right now in the zone of a special military operation, we are constantly on business trips, and we draw inspiration from there, our guys, their feat, the way they live , what they breathe, how they work, in general, they wrote a lot, this song, it probably reflects those despairs, the hopes we have in common with you, in fact, we just recently wrote it, so. When the victory chat rings, the fog clears and the smoke, well wipe away a tear from our tired eyes, when we return to our loved ones, sweet home, what were we talking about . Only dreams, and fireworks thunder will break,

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