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The special Operation Zone is collected and implementation is monitored. Talked about what else they could do legislators to support our military . We often discuss issues that today worry not only us, not only the army, but the entire country, so that we can understand the full scale and scope of what the armed forces are doing today. Well, to understand the scale, we only supply water to the armed forces, every day 1,500 tons , this is not all happening in one place, its on a huge front line, which, if we take a total of more than 1,000 km, all of this naturally needs to be managed, we supply armed strength per day up to ten, and sometimes days up to 15,000 tons of various types of materials, these are ammunition, fuel, everything related to repairs, maintenance of equipment , it is important to hear firsthand assessments and the situation, what else is needed, perhaps the support of legislators, of course it is important, consolidation is very important society, but the coordinated work of all government bodies is no less important; it has not yet been possible to establish interaction between federal and Regional Government bodies in resolving certain issues, combat veterans. Svos participants, but this the work is being streamlined, and this is a very effective mechanism in general, which was proposed by the president , when any member of his family, a member of his family, can come, ask, consult, get help, receive support, this or that document. A detachment of russian warships was solemnly welcomed in indonesia. On a long sea voyage, the large antisubmarine admiral tributs and in a few days our sightseeing sailors will play football and volleyball with the local military. Matches comrade the atmosphere is the most friendly. The naval visit to indonesia as part of strengthening partnerships in the region was emphasized by the command of the pacific fleet. Road safety and accident reduction are one of the key issues that the government pays attention to. Prime minister Mikhail Mishustin spoke at meetings with deputy Prime Ministers about the construction of new highways, the reconstruction of existing ones, and everything connected with this. Another important topic is the development of siberia and here there are grandiose plans for the development of airports and the repair of major highways and the construction of new ones. Buildings for the universities of tomsk and novosibirsk, which will meet all international standards. Our correspondent Dmitry Kochetkov with the details of this important meeting. Rollers, asphalt compactors and dump trucks can now be seen on many highways; the safety and efficiency of transportation in a large country depends on the work of road workers. They are being built at a faster pace. New routes, highways; since the beginning of this year alone , more than 10,000 km have been created and brought into proper condition. The Prime Minister recalled that last week the president took part in the opening of several new and reconstructed facilities in five regions, the donetsk peoples republic, dagestan, the krasnodar territory, the sverdlovsk, and leningrad regions. They are of great importance primarily for the residents of these and neighboring regions. They will help you unload. Sections on highways to speed up movement along them; also, all highways, federal, regional, local, must be provided with the infrastructure necessary for safe movement. Deputy Prime Minister khusnulin spoke about the industrys immediate plans. By by the end of the year, it is planned to build, reconstruct and bring to standard more than 31,000 km of roads, including 4,500 km of federal roads and 20, 6,500 km of regional and local roads. Thanks to the support of the president and your attention, more than 180 million square meters will be laid in the regions this year to advance financing. Indicators, never before in russia will we reach a new record according to the data of such a volume of road surfaces being repaired. The indicators set for this year, according to the deputy Prime Minister, have been met ahead of schedule, of course, do not forget about road safety. Over the first 9 months of this year, the number of accidents with pedestrian fatalities decreased by almost 5 . Reducing accidents is generally one of the main tasks in this area. Thats why we hold an allrussian event for schoolchildren every year. For a safe road, it is very important that children from the first grade know how to behave in areas where vehicles are moving. Maratovich aleksanovich, the fourth such competition ended last week, please tell us about its results online competitions are being held for the fourth year in a row, from september 19 to october 22, it welcomed almost 5 million firstgrade students from 89 regions of the country, which is 500,000 more than. Last year. In general, over the years of the olympics , more than 15 million schoolchildren have already improved their road literacy level. The safety of children on the roads is our priority. Its great that so many kids took part in the olympics. This is very important educational work and, of course, it needs to be continued. Today the government approved a plan for implementing the Development Strategy siberia until 2035. The document consists of 150 points. Among them, reconstruction is an increase. Ability of airports, repair of large sections of roads, for the universities of tomsk and novosibirsk will build two worldclass campuses. In a number of regions of the district , a strong Educational Research base has already been formed, which needs to be improved to achieve the technological sovereignty of our country. Particular emphasis in the plan is placed on creating conditions for largescale attraction of private investment using cluster approach. Koltsova near novosibirsk, as part of the development plan, will complete a unique project to create a siberian ring photon source. The synchrotron should become the best in the world; it will make it possible to observe and record fast processes in dynamics, to literally shoot movies and the lives of molecules and atoms. This project will allow scientists to conduct the most complex research in the fields of chemistry, genetics, pharmacology and biomedicine. Dmitriykov, in tekiran , Russian Foreign minister lavrov took part in negotiations on the 3 3 formula on the situation in the south caucasus. Among the main topics is the settlement of relations between azerbaijan and armenia, given recent events, one of the first questions asked of the russian minister is what he thinks about the situation in the middle east and whether russia is ready to mediate in resolving this most difficult crisis in recent years between the israelis and palestinians. What our minister answered and what he thinks. It is necessary that the conflict does not spread to other countries in the region, in the report by pavel pcholkin. Heads visit the Russian Foreign ministrys visit to tehran took place against the backdrop of a critical escalation of the situation in the middle east. Of course, the ministers did not ignore this topic. What is happening in gaza today is certainly a war crime against humanity by the israeli regime. Horrible scenes of massacres of women, children and civilians will affect every person. Considering that israel is already bombing southern lebanon and is threatening to attack iran if it joins. During the war of the proiranian hezbollah movement, the situation escalated to the limit. Lavrova was asked if russia could perform mediator in the arabisraeli conflict . Russia was part of the mediation mechanism in the form of a quartet, International Mediators , russia is still ready to help in every possible way, to stop the bloodshed and move on to discussing a longterm solution based on a Un Security Council resolution, and here we are, well, really. We have normal relations with israel and palestine, president putin has invariably emphasized in his International Speeches on the middle east our special commitment to ensuring the security of israel, there one and a half, or even 2 million of our citizens, we see in what geopolitical conditions this country is developing, and of course, we understand that it needs peace, but its neighbors also need peace, this includes with whom for 75 years now for more than years they have not allowed us to create our own state, as all progressive humanity has sworn allegiance to, the russian us minister is playing the most destructive role in the middle east. The United States is already among the leaders, those who are already interfering, this is the direction. Two Aircraft Carrier groups, several thousand combat soldiers, as i understand it, with absolutely necessary weapons , including heavy weights, the more such proactive steps there will be, on the part of, by and large, any state, the higher the risk, the higher the danger that the conflict will escalate. We are convinced that the first and absolutely essential step should be a ceasefire, resolution of humanitarian issues, and facilitation of the departure of foreign citizens from the gas sector. There was a question about what the settlement formula might be. Our turkish colleagues put forward the idea of countries that have influence on the parties to the conflict have identified a kind of guarantors, and these guarantors could somehow unite and agree on certain recommendations to the parties, and today i asked my colleague, turkish minister of affairs hakan fedan, to flesh out this idea, well see. But in any case, the movement of thought is correct in the direction of collective action. The decision to meet in tehran was made quickly, including due to the fact that the middle east conflict is burning very close to the region. Formula 3. 3 for the southern caucasus these are armenia, azerbaijan and georgia and their neighbors, iran, russia and turkey. That is, essentially the entire caucasus will be involved in the negotiations. The new format was proposed by ankara and actively supported by russia to independently solve the problems of the region without outside interference. Process. Things are not going well, including due to the fact that the west is using all its influence to prevent it, and there are many contradictions between the countries of the region, for example, georgia, clearly not without the knowledge of washington, refused to take part in the negotiations, but the ministers emphasized that the door is always open to tbilisi, in addition, the idea of ​​​​creating such a format provides not only for solving Security Problems in the region, but also for serious investments in the south caucasus. We are talking, among other things, about intensifying trade and creating new transport corridors through armenia, azerbaijan and georgia. There are construction plans. Energy infrastructure. In all these areas, today there was agreement, the parties agreed that each of the participants, each of the participating countries, will appoint a special representative who will formulate national ideas, and then all this will be coordinated by our turkish colleagues, who will host the second ministerial meeting, which was scheduled around. Between azerbaijan and armenia, after yerevan recognized the territorial integrity of azerbaijan, new opportunities have opened up here. The conflict has largely been resolved. Both sides agreed that karabakh belonged to azerbaijan, and this was the main unresolved problem. Now, of course, there remain practical steps towards complete normalization relations, first of all, in preparing a peace treaty , delimiting borders, establishing transport and economic ties, without any obstacles, as was agreed upon at the meetings of the president s of russia, azerbaijan and armenia. Before leaving moscow, Sergei Lavrov met with iranian president ibrahim raissi, the conversation included the situation in the middle east and bilateral relations. Dmitry popkov, olga gerasimenko, kiril danilov, First Channel tehran. Tsro assisted the Ukrainian Special services in preparing and carrying out a number of highprofile terrorist attacks in russia. The american newspaper Washington Post writes about this influentially. We are talking in particular about the murder of dari dugina in august last year. According to the publication, the target of the terrorist attack was the journalists father, philosopher and political scientist alexander dugin. And this is only part of the shadow war of the sbu and its american curators. The lists of sabotage include attacks on the crimean bridge and russian ships. Black sea. According to current and former ukrainian american officials, these operations involved elite teams of ukrainian operatives from the agency, which were formed, trained and equipped in close cooperation with the cia. Since 2015, the cia has spent tens of millions of dollars to transform ukraines sovietera services into powerful allies in the fight against moscow. The Us Intelligence agency provided ukraine with advanced surveillance systems, trained recruits in ukraine and also in the United States, and built. A new headquarters for the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Unit and exchanged Intelligence Data with them. Thats it, direct evidence that connected the states are helping ukraine in terror against russia, the hand of washington. However, in the west they try not to notice it, but everywhere they try to find the hand of moscow. It gets to the point of absurdity. According to french media reports, the countrys Intelligence Services are seriously considering the theory that moscow is whipping up hysteria among the residents of the republic regarding the invasion. Klopov. Allegedly. Some telegram channels associated with our country publish messages about these parasites, which in fact have been haunting the french for many years, ce nest quand meme pas les russes qui ont invente. Well, it wasnt the russians who came up with the idea that france has a problem with bedbugs . No, of course not, this problem is almost 20 years old, every year there are more and more bedbugs, of course, not the russian source of psychosis, but they are effectively using the situation, the opportunity to destabilize france, an ally of ukraine and the country that hosts the Olympic Games, they force us to think , it would be better if we did not accept ukrainian refugees, this is called psychological warfare. She cannot ignore the attention of the french general staff army. New force, new parties, new approaches to solving the worlds most pressing internal problems. Member of the bundestag, sarah wagenknecht, simply calls a spade a spade, if she considers the policies of chancellor scholz to be stupid and harmful, both for germany and for the world as a whole, then she says so. She is now the third most popular politician in the country. The party she creates must be registered in january, and voters will make their verdict in the elections in the summer. What kind of life do they want for themselves and are they still ready to trust the current government or will they do Something Different . Bets on newbies . Time will tell all this, but for now, heres ivan blagovs report about a man who cares about the interests of ordinary germans and does not want to dance to the tune of sounds emanating from the other side of the ocean. Not even a minute had passed since sarah wagen knyakhts speech about creating a new party when the politician started talking about antirussian sanctions. In europe, and throughout the world, there is no government that is so. Destructively applies sanctions, as germany does. Why, for example, can other countries afford to freely buy russian oil . Knyakht. By the way, germany also does this, but in a particularly stupid, particularly expensive and particularly harmful to the environment way, we get oil through india, and gas in liquefied form through belgium, it would be much easier to use pipelines, it would be much cheaper. The words need to repair the Northern Stream were not spoken, but it was fun. Air in august, sarawagankhneh became the third most popular politician in the country, leaving far behind scholz and his two most antirussian ministers, Annalena Baerbock and robert habik, the latter for destructive economic policies to please the United States, wagansnecht publicly called for his resignation. Lets make America Great again is a Great Program from the german government. The biggest problem is your big idea to start an economic war against the main supplier. She was often called the icon of the opposition party, the left saravagen knyakht for many years was the most prominent politician from this party in the bundestag and the most capricious, not afraid to disrupt the established political and media culture in the country consensus conflict in ukraine . Actually, mainly between russia and the usa. What should berlin do . Western countries hold the key to peace because we supply weapons. This winter , together with a human rights activist. For peace with a call to start negotiations with moscow and stop arms supplies to kiev. The petition was signed by almost 900,000 people. On february 25, politics organized a demonstration of thousands of people at the brendenburg gate with the same demands. According to a survey published by the newspaper bilt, more than 70 of german residents are now dissatisfied government of olaf scholz. This opens up prospects for a new political force. What kind of Popular Support wagenknecht can count on, however, is not clear. Some say 19 nationwide, others assume at least 5 . It will be possible to check these figures next year. In january, the new party is expected to be registered in the summer, elections to the European Parliament in the fall in three states of germany. Regardless of the results , another party will appear in the country, in addition to the alternative for germany, whose policy is critical of the sanctions hysteria in relations russia and to further pumping weapons into ukraine. And this seems to be a trend moods are changing. In september, in the parliamentary elections in slovakia, with similar rhetoric, the social democrats of robert fitso won, he is now one step away from taking the post of Prime Minister, another call from switzerland in the parliamentary elections that took place the day before, conservatives from the Peoples Party are leading, they are in favor of strict adherence to neutrality by maintaining a ban on the reexport of weapons to conflict zones, including to ukraine. By the way, at the hourlong press conference of sarivagankhnyakh, the topic of assistance to the zelsky regime, or ukraine in general, was simply not of interest to journalists. And this is also a trend. Today there is a meeting of eu Foreign Ministers in luxembourg. The head of european diplomacy , barel, who never heard questions about ukraine, even specifically addressed journalists. And also ukraine. Dont forget about ukraine. Dont forget that fighting continues there, and this will also be on the agenda. Journalists did report news about ukraine from luxembourg today, this is what it is. Minister the eu countries were never able to agree on allocating the next tranche of 500 Million Euros to kiev for the purchase. Weapons, ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, khristina ivanova, sergey filippov, channel one. This is the program time and we continue. Why former Austrian Foreign minister, karin kneisel chose a position as head of a Research Center at the university of st. Petersburg. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, she will answer various questions and explain why working in russia is interesting for her. Her point of view on why the world began to revolve around the east, as it was 2,000 years ago, what is the fate of the European Union in this new world, and much more. What does farewell to europe mean to her . Interesting thoughts from a very interesting woman. In the report by alena germanova. Welcome to the house of a lawyer, it is a great joy for me that i can work here, there is such a concept, the genius of the place, and you can feel it here. In the most beautiful, private mansion in st. Petersburg, the owners of siberian mines once lived; today it is a university building, where 120 years ago there were the personal chambers of the kelch family, the new office of the former minister of Foreign Affairs of austria, now karin kneisel, a teacher at st. Petersburg State University, this is my work desk, i must say, i come to the office about halfway through. Conversations with us only in fits and starts, right on the run, and so for 2 days in a row in the teachers busy schedule , there is no more free time than the heads of mead. Professor, i am very pleased that you took the time, excellent, very well done indeed. So, ladies and gentlemen, you are about to officially open the conference, sorry, hes here. Winston, you shouldnt be here, okay . Youre not supposed to be here, youre supposed to be sitting downstairs. Following the hostess of the student seminar came the dogs, winston and jackie, whom karin had once taken from a shelter, beloved pets, several treasured items, everything that she managed to take with her from austria. Here i put photographs that are especially dear to me, i always take them with me, and when i lived in lebanon, one day an electrician came to see me with the photo was taken 5 years ago during Vladimir Putins visit to vienna, on that very day Austrian Foreign minister and invited the russian president to her wedding and he came. Welcome, your arrival is a great honor for us. For tatane and the russian leader at that very wedding, she was condemned by the british media and loudly indignant in kiev, but karin even today does not regret anything, she speaks of her personal acquaintance with russian politicians. Proud, by the way, he recalls an argument with an american professor over us actions in the middle east. I was surprised at their completely illogical tactics. I approached she said to the professor i dont understand why you act this way. the professor remarked , you know, in the usa they dont play chess, we play baseball, hit and run, in russia they know how to play chess, at all levels, at the political level too. After her resignation in 2019, kneisel continued to cooperate with russia, for which she is threatened. They were going to deprive her of austrian citizenship, she had to give up everything and move to france, then to lebanon, and this summer she moved to the village of petrushevo, ryazan region, everything i like is depicted here, horses, heat, i bought this on the blachine market in france, a little like a village, it also looks like there was a very interesting location in the village, when i left the house on one side, i saw lush vegetation, a forest, on the other, a steppe, this combination of landscapes was probably the most amazing , she would like to live there some more, but in the spring , the rector of st. Petersburg State University nikolai kropochev invited karin to work in st. Petersburg, she immediately agreed, it was once the office of the minister of Foreign Affairs of the russian empire, so ambassadors and Foreign Ministers took photographs by this working fireplace. Consuls, yes, they love it very much, karin was photographed here with pleasure, along the corridor of the university, along which ministers of imperial russia once walked, karen does not go, she runs towards the rector and hugs him like an old friend, but congratulations, that everything went well, i know, we are doing great, thanks to you, thank you very much, thank you, the former head of metaaustria at the university deals with key problems of russia, leads gorkas own geopolitical observatory. We are now experiencing enormous changes everywhere, confrontation of alliances, the world is again revolving around the east, as it was 2,000 years ago. These changes are especially noticeable in russia. The European Union in this new world, karin argues in her book, writing during breaks , the title has already come up with a requiem for europe. The book is about saying goodbye to europe. And for me, and for millions of people, this is due to this. That europe no longer embodies for us freedom, rights, and both are being violated. Behind i have experienced this first hand over the last 2 years. They were with me when i. Was still the minister of Foreign Affairs of austria, at first i thought that i could start all over again in france, but i had to leave there, they just kicked me out, i didnt know where we could live, but these dogs gave me strength. Together with dogs from her native austria, karin also transported two ponies, here in the stables, in the leningrad region, she spends all her free time, dreams of traveling all over russia, but living and working while she is in st. Petersburg, due to its capricious weather, is already prepared. In russia, there is a saying nature has no bad weather, only inappropriate clothes, so i bought myself very elegant rubber boots in st. Petersburg, and now everything will be fine. Alena germanova, denis toroschinov, andrey vetrov, ksenia ugarova, nina khureva and nika vishnyakova, channel one, st. Petersburg. A most complex operation at the vishnevsky Central Military hospital. A soldier was brought there from the svo zone; due to the explosion of a nato shell, he was seriously injured. Hybrid operating room, which allows you to work with the highest precision, so that later the patient can fully recover, many splinters were removed at the first stage by neurosurgeons, and we were already here removing a splinter from the heart that pierced through the left ventricle, got stuck inside the heart, and was taken to a hybrid operating room because it has all the necessary diagnostic equipment to detect, make a minimum of additional trauma in the heart, remove this fragment , suture the heart wound, and the achievements of the doctors of the legendary sklif, they proved diabetes type 1 insulin dependent, now you can overcome it, in the unique department of the famous emergency room named after sklifosovsky they have developed a method of transplanting not only the pancreas, but also. The kidneys, because it is the kidneys that most often suffer from this insidious disease. Yulia anishchenko knows the essence of the new technology that will help save more lives. She visited sklif and talked with those who had already been helped. I know this device very well, i spent 9 months with it, i even knew how to handle, switch, connect. Natalia remembers kidney dialysis with a shudder. Three times a week, for 4 hours, her blood was purified. She underwent a painful procedure. Due to diabetes mellitus, which was discovered in her childhood, complications then fell one after another , loss of vision, hypertension, Blood Pressure under 200, in the end her kidneys failed, she just came and said, thats it, take me to the operation, here i am i knew that according to klifosovsky , the best is done here, who performs this combined operation, so there is some question of choice there is either dialysis for life or it was not needed at all, insulin therapy in this case does not save, transplantation of, say, only the pancreas or kidney will not help, we will transplant a kidney, for example, but diabetes has not gone away, it will also to devour this transplanted kidney, thats why we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to transplant a kidney and gland, when you transplant a kidney and gland, diabetes disappears, it sounds like science fiction, because type 1 diabetes is considered an incurable disease, sklif specialists prove otherwise. Even created here a unique department for kidney and pancreas transplantation, but, of course, it is impossible to help all patients, there is only one problem, a shortage of highquality donor organs, first of all there must be a donor, he must be young, and the quality of the organ itself must be appropriate, quantity patients, recipients on the waiting list is growing every year, we have patients, they have been waiting for years, for several years specialists have been looking for a solution, suturing the artery, if previously two vessels were used to feed the pancreas, for some reason they didnt fit, the organ was considered unsuitable, but now only one vessel is sewn on, which means there are more suitable organs , the technique was patented , an article was published in a foreign medical journal that interested foreign colleagues, because now patients with one of the most common diseases on the planet have been saved , maybe much more, all over the world transplantation is carried out at the expense of both. If there are anatomical difficulties, as a rule, such organs have not been transplanted before, using the new technique, these organs are not are disposed of, they are replanted. The institute of emergency medicine is one of the largest clinics in the country, where they perform almost all types of transplantations, heart, liver, lungs, and there is also a unique laboratory where they quickly carry out the necessary set of tests for patients awaiting organ transplantation. This is a very rewarding operation, people live 25, 40 years. And live an absolutely normal life, women give birth twice, they play sports, there are olympic competitions, Olympic Games for transplant patients. Organs. Another examination proved it. Natalias operation was successful. The pancreas and kidney are working properly, the tests are also normal, and most importantly, the woman managed to completely stop taking insulin. Forecasts live happily for a long time with a working pancreas and without any diabetes. Yulia anishchenko, tatyana bakulina, isis gurbanberdiev. First channel. Possibilities without limits. The championships ended in moscow under this motto. These are big ones. National competitions professional skills for people with disabilities. This year , more than 2,000 people took part in the championship, which was organized by the president ial platform of russia, the land of opportunities and the ministry of education. 750 reached the finals, 76 regions were represented, including all the new peoples republics of donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions. Contestants competed in three groups schoolchildren, students and current professionals; 49 competencies related, for example, to information technology, were presented. Industry, medicine. The most important thing is patience and never give up, everything will work out later, but we tried, we worked hard, so we won, there was a lot of competition , but we managed, because we are strong, strong in spirit and the support of the team, this is the most important thing, we are the best, winter is knocking on the doors in capital region, today in moscow and the region was the last relatively warm day, it will also be remembered for the thick fog that. Hung over the city almost the entire day, because of it dozens of airports were canceled flights, tomorrow it will be colder 2 4 snow and rain, on wednesday night the thermometers will show minus and it will be like this at night until the end of the week, during the day there will sometimes be plus, but not much, snowfalls will begin on thursday. Forecasters warn that by the weekend a temporary snow cover of up to 10 cm high will form, that is, the snow will fall, but then it will melt, but for motorists, those who have not yet changed their tires from summer to winter. Its time to do this, especially since this year the use of summer tires in winter is prohibited a fine is provided. As for the weather in other regions, overseas snow is also forecast for the volga region this week. The picture is the same in the northwestern federal district, and in some areas of the komi republic it will be up to 200 at night. But in crimea its still summer; a new temperature record has been set in simferopol. The day before , the thermometer rose to 30, for the first time in the history of meteorological observation and before the weekend, it was above twenty all week. Thats all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, and now on the air of channel one sergei bezrukov, in the serial film by valery todorovsky, the bison is the business of the change women, it was at the station, in the thick of the bustle, i love, you told me. The pride of the capital of our soviet homeland, that spectacular woman over there. State plan and this is a singer, in a suit the color of bakvazha, yes, the same leva, im sorry, ill leave you , and ill cry with joy, and ill cry with joy, i lay down with elastic bands, so i didnt understand, christy, stop breaking away from the group, a couple of minutes , now, okay, these are very, very, very simple things, pasha, how can you not understand me, pasha, excuse me, please, we are talking about existentialism here, thats right, yes , and you constantly fall into metaphysics, i do nt understand how this is even possible, well , little one, tell me, little one, why do i need an existential movie, with what . Who is the loss of the people, and i dont know where to go, and there to the vesiya, unisu him, and be a Police Officer for a day , life will seem the other way around to you, lets drink to those who are in the mura, to those who are in the mura, no one. Drinks, lets drink, for those who are in the moor, for those who are in the moor, no one drinks, but for company next table and at the next table there is fun, she pays zero attention to me, her neighbor is scolding yesenin, spend a day in the police shoes, life will seem the other way around to you, lets drink to those who are in the moor, to those who in the moor no one drinks. Communist party of czechoslovakia, comrades. Oh, light, what did you say, when you arrived , its showing on tv, well, the hammer has risen, go ahead, sit down, and youre ready, what is this . Scramble, i spied a recipe in london, like scramble, scramble, or to put it in human terms, scrambled eggs, half a chicken, eat, you wild man. And that means you will have

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