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Hello im watching aljazeera live from london also coming up iraqi tomei protesters baghdad stops International Flights into the region in retaliation for monday secession vote. Barcelona to show their support for sundays vote on its secession from spain. And dozens have been killed and injured in a rush hour stamp aid in indias commercial capital by. The United States government has ordered sixty percent of its staff in cuba to leave its embassy in havana its said to be because of quote specific attacks on u. S. Diplomats some of which have taken place in cuban hotels also used by american tourists the embassy is now expected to stop processing visas and issue a new travel warning lets get more from our u. S. State Department Correspondent patty call hane in washington d. C. Whats happened to these u. S. Diplomats. Well it is the strangest thing some of them reported that they would lay in their bed in this one hotel and they would hear this annoying hum when you stepped away just a few feet it went away went back to the bed he heard it again some of these diplomats said they didnt hear anything all of a sudden they just all started having these different kinds of symptoms took the state department quite awhile to piece together that it could be related were talking about things like hearing loss dizziness loss of balance able to sleep cognitive dysfunction some of actually been diagnosed we believe with traumatic brain injury so fishel started looking at what they called a sonic weapon and whether or not that could be directed at their diplomats in their homes at these hotels. Tell you ive been talking to scientists in this field they dont think its possible but yet the obama. Administration says theyve been investigating they still are investigating dont know what caused it but as a precaution they say as of today theyve ordered all nonEmergency Personnel nonessential personnel out of cuba along with all of their families this is as you mentioned sixty percent that means no more visas for cubans they couldnt tell us exactly how many visas they were in fact giving out every month in cuba still trying to track that down but at the same time they say the investigation is continuing they havent ruled out that this could be from a third country someone else trying to muddy the relationship so the state Department Taking these steps they say to protect americans not to punish the cubans and how might this affect the relationship between the u. S. And cuba and of course those efforts for reconciliation. You know its maintaining the course for the most part you know obviously these are two countries that hadnt really had any relations for decades for fifty plus years then president barack obama in that historic visit to have and he reopened a lot of ties didnt lift the embargo only congress can do that president came into office saying that he was going to rip up the deal make big changes he made a big speech about it in south florida to some of the republican big donors down there who are very much anti castro presidency he said he was going to make changes but really those of proven to be pretty much just cosmetic now the travel industry could be impacted by this and the only thing the state department is doing is theyre putting out a travel warning to american citizens saying they didnt know what happened in their diplomats but they were in hotels americans and you know tells because they dont know whats happening they cant tell them how to protect themselves so that could have a direct hit on the Tourism Industry in cuba coming from at least from the american side thanks very much patty calling in washington d. C. International flights to iraqs kurdish region have been halted as the government ramps up pressure for the results of mondays session to be cancelled shortly before the ban came into effect. International news carrying messages of pace the Central Government of baghdad has ordered Foreign Airlines to stop services to the region but domestic flights will go on as normal monday secession referendum received a ninety two percent yes moat. From arbella International Airport. There are no more International Flights to and from both. Airports now this should last for a period of three months according to the director of this airport she said that she has been trying to reach out to authorities in baghdad to try to solve the situation but received no response the Prime Minister said that this was not a move intended to quote. People it was simply a move to extend the federal authority to the entire territory of iraq including the kurdish region but many of the people i spoke to today didnt agree with that and many were from the kurdish jasper who had actually come here to take part in this referendum and they said that they felt bittersweet happy and one sided to have a voted but they. Were leaving now many ahead of schedule simply because they didnt trust what was going to happen next they also said that as people who actually went to the polling stations they didnt feel safe to transit through baghdad to catch an International Flight from there well to spain where farmers have converted. In barcelona on their tractors to show support for catalonia secession referendum protests have been taking place across the region against measures taken by the Spanish Government to stop sundays vote which it says is unconstitutional in order to keep polling stations closed but the farmers say they will block authorities from the police with that tract is cast led me to say more than two thousand stations have now been set up. Lets go to john hendren whos in basilan a force it seems as the result of many people there is only strengthening for this to take place whats happening now. Well you can see behind me miriam theres a crowd of people gathered to celebrate what they believe is going to be a referendum vote on sunday theres a concert out here this is sponsored of course by the Vote Yes Campaign there is no official vote no campaign but we have had some news the last couple of hours and one thing that has happened is that the local mosque those police have been criticized by the Spanish National police for going to easy on the protesters but they have been ordered to clear the schools here the schools double as polling booths so that is an Important Development because at the schools they had scheduled all kinds of events in order to keep those schools open this weekend as an excuse to let people vote well now the police have been closing those schools and there have been some video posted on twitter showing police clearing those schools out so heres the problem no nobody knows in the public anyway exactly where they are going to be able to vote and. There may be voting in private places there may be other places where they can vote but the normal places they would go are going to be shut down thats going to be a challenge for the government of catalonia which insists that this vote will go forward the president of catalonia has also said that regardless of what the threshold is how many people end up voting that this will be a legitimate referendum and therefore he is determined to declare independence within forty eight hours that is on tuesday of the vote if people vote yes so theres a lot going on you also have sixteen thousand or so Spanish National police and Defense Forces who have come here from other places and their man. We should just stop that vote so the concern is that though those police will be considerably more determined and rougher than the local marshes police nevertheless a new poll suggests that people are more likely to vote perhaps because of those spanish actions judy thirds of catalans in a recent poll said they will vote in this upcoming referendum as are people of voting age and thats ten percent more than he said so in a poll about june weeks ago. Even though people have been told that this is illegal even though theyve been told that their ballots will be confiscated they are still determined to vote and this is what its all about the Spanish Police have confiscated ten million of these Spanish National police nevertheless you can find them pretty much anywhere you go here and people here say they are determined to devote to high thank you very much john hendren with the next from boston i know where rallies continue ahead of that crucial vote on sunday. United nations is going to set up a group to examine all Human Rights Violations committed in the war in yemen the Un Human Rights Council said i was to identify those responsible for possible war crimes the yemeni delegation said it accepted that the rise of the resolution that was passed in a compromise between western powers and the arab countries lets go live now to u. N. Correspondent rosen in jordan in new york and of course the allegations of war crimes in the yemen conflict have been long running what has the United Nations decided to do now. Well the Human Rights Council has decided to set up a panel of Eminent International legal experts to look at these allegations of Human Rights Violations and other violations of International Law inside yemen since the civil war started more than two years ago this is a compromise as you noted mario between what the chairperson of the council. Saying wanted which would be a formal commission of inquiry which is the Gold Standard level of investigation carried out by a u. N. Body into allegations of possible crimes against humanity or or alleged war crimes but. The saudis who have been leading the air war against the who these inside yemen wanted was simply a statement of support for the internal Yemeni Government investigation into these allegations and of course many critics said that would be problematic because the saudis have been supporting the Yemeni Government and that because of that support it could not be assumed that anything that would be uncovered by the president s investigation would be considered fair free and impartial so the compromise is to get this panel to go into yemen as soon as possible try to do the work in cooperation with the Yemeni Government and then report to the Human Rights Council a year from now what are the challenges facing that in the investigation of war crimes in yemen. Well the first is going to be getting complete access to all parts of the country where these are allegations that in particular the Saudi Led Coalition may have been indiscriminately or deliberately killing civilians in an effort to try to go after the who these as well as there are supporters of people who support the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh that that question of access is key because thats the only way to really determine whether or not there were enemy targets that the coalition for example was going after or whether it was simply engaging in a kind of Terror Campaign in order to get people to not side with the who these or with those who support the former president theres also the question of how much how seriously their work is going to be taken because this isnt a normally carried out process and so it may not have the legal weight that would be necessary if for example there were a decision in the Human Rights Council to try to set up some sort of formal or make a reference or make a referral for a formal Court Process in order to try to hold people who violate those International Laws accountable for their behavior so those are two real problems and then of course there is the assumption that there will be cooperation with the Yemeni Government but of course that remains to be seen what people promised to do isnt always what they turned out to do in these sorts of situations weve seen it multiple times as an example in syria thank you very much charles in jordan with all the latest on that from the United Nations was watching also in tell you about this half hour field of dreams the pioneering scheme allying Syrian Refugees in greece to grow and sell food. Also attending Science Fiction into science fact areas Space Companies unveiled their futuristic plan. Colonise mines. Welcome back as we look at the weather across the levant and western parts of asia weve got some clouds moving across overseas and large rainfall totals being reported in parts of iran and Southern Side of the caspian sea there is still the risk of more showers here nothing particularly happy but this sort of area could pick up some showers or tehran probably staying dry further so still pretty hot bite out of forty but kuwait in at forty three degrees once again around the eastern side of the mediterranean weather conditions are fine for beirut further north some showers for turkey and those also like to be affecting the caucuses for both georgia and armenia showers are likely saturday and through into sunday so lets head down into the Arabian Peninsula where temperatures are just easing slightly around the gulf states thirty eight in doha and Abu Dhabi Muscat thirty four i dont the other side the potential is still pretty hot with temperatures there of forty medina mecca thirty nine as we had on through into sunday for southern portions of africa has a bit of cloud around and its got the potential to yield some showers across parts of south africa in particular so theres the forecast about the risk of showers durban passing the old shop at cape town should be dry and fine further towards the north fine across mozambique zimbabwe through into zambia with highs of thirty expected in soccer. On counting the cost of the worlds Fastest Growing startup created a new virtual labor market but can that Business Model clear the regulation roadblocks ahead plus the fact is that players or prices enter a bull market counting the cost at this time. I come back to watching aljazeera the top stories United States government has ordered sixty percent of its staff in cuba to leave its embassy in the capital of ana protesters outside Erbil International airport have really been loons carrying messages of peace just before iraq halted International Flights to the kurdish region in the United Nations is going to set up a group to examine all Human Rights Violations committed in the war in yemen or china and russia have both thrown their support behind the myanmar governments handling of the range of crisis russia blame many of the attacks on civilians in the burning down a village is on groups while china the International Community to back the myanmar government in solving the crisis china condemns the recent Violent Attacks in myanmar or all kinds state. Support effort to keep his domestic situations legal it behooves the International Community to view the difficulties and challenges confronting the government of myanmar through. Optics exercise patience and provide support and help. In recent days we have received illustration of the fact that the. Me was involved with the killing of civilians what was also found were caches of improvised explosive devices there is information that the extremists force members of the Hindu Community in border villages to leave their homes and to migrate to neighboring bangladesh together with the muslims. Well as many as sixty ranger refugee dead after that capsized in waters off bangladesh. But hundreds will continue to make a perilous journey for me because theyve been warned of an imminent tell me crackdown in central iraq and stay. Has more now from coxs brazil in bangladesh. You can see the beach behind me this is where the boat wreckage tragedy took place on thursday evening we spoke to some of the survivors in this boat wreckage that told us there were at least two hundred people in that boat. By the bangladesh. Hit something hard on the sea and capsized near the beach my mother sister brother in law. Lost family members this boat i meant for only barely twenty five to fifty people you can see the boat on my left side part of the wreckers the other wreckage all spread across the bridge now most of this people. The people in northern part came to their villages and told that you need to flee because the army is going to crack down in the central part of the village at least within the last two days theres been thousands of people have crossed into the exodus isnt over the pace is slow but hundreds of people are crossing into bangladesh every day we spoke to. Two thousand five hundred people on. The twenty five thousand people between when. The camps the temporary shelter just im able to cope with the sheer number of refugees coming into banger. At least thirty two people have been killed and another twenty seven injured after a stampede in indias commercial capital mumbai appen during morning rush hour on a pedestrian bridge connecting two railway stations but it smith has. Crushed against the steps of this Railway Overpass or the bodies of commuters flattened as a stampede of passengers pushed them to the floor. By police a falling concrete part of the hombre and people panicked thinking the bridge was collapsing a monsoon downpour made things worse as there were also people sheltering from the rain but very few for the stampede happened because there were too many members of the public on the bridge and the people were in a hurry and wanted to get out because no one helping they were suffocating a felony child. A commuter filled the crowded bridge minutes before the stampede. It was a bomb by friday morning rush hour in the worlds second most densely populated city this see is typical. As soon as the bodies have been moved the bridge was open again a few blood spots the only indication of what had happened. To. The injured who had probably been on my way to work when our on their way to hospital. Relatives of those who didnt survive waited outside to recover their bodies in the israel way minister says hes ordered a high level inquiry burnet smith aljazeera. As a for refugees dries up in greece a syrian expats has begun his own initiative to help out is that up a farm to give hundreds of refugees the opportunity to grow that old food government leaders are thinking of expanding the idea but in a country already under austerity no everyones happy about it. Reports from Central Greece. He goes by the name of castro and wears a cuban style military jacket but his is a silent revolution castro left his native syria in the one nine hundred seventy s. When Syrian Refugees fled to greece two years ago he helped them become squatters in abandoned buildings in central athens as donations to help the refugees began to dry up he set up a charity called syrian Solidarity House it rents land to grow fruit vegetables honey pulses and wheat refugees are being taught how to feed themselves and then mix a bit of this but its not dignified to expect charity racists accuses of burdening Greek Society now we can prove the opposite we plant sale and even pay wages to those who come with tractors to plough up the fields contributing to the Community Using a former high school as headquarters castro distributes organic produce to one thousand two hundred people in his care and bart has some of it for fish and milk and the old schools kitchen tomatoes are turned into paste and cans to eat during the winter syrian Solidarity House has further ambitions to establish a dairy farm and produce cheese and yogurt and a seed bank to set up individuals as farmers and beyond producing and consuming its own goods it also plans to trade them and become financially selfsufficient government leaders have visited castros farm and are thinking of repeating the refugee experiment on a larger scale but the policy risks offending hard pressed greeks trying to survive higher taxes me me and my mother need me just as the government gives free land to war refugees and only to war refugees and should offer free land to our children to castros greek neighbors are supportive but austerity has saps their hope this farmer has invested almost two Million Dollars in his land and sees little return. You know i respect the refugees a lot they never bought their. Anyone theyve never stolen anything i hope they manage to settle down but the truth is we can barely support ourselves they wont survive here the refugees bring a different attitude theyre willing to work for food and this land has given them a sense of belonging for the First Time Since they left home here theyre creating their own future jumpstart ople us aljazeera in Central Greece i saw as leader of a back road bike daddy is urging its members to step up attacks against the west as well as continuing the fight in iraq in syria the armed group has released an audio recording it says contains a message from al baghdadi this is the first time hes been heard from since i said lost control of the iraqi city of mosul in july in june russias military said al baghdadi may have been killed in as strike but the u. S. Believes hes still alive. Now many are calling on the u. S. President donald trump to stop tweeting but for him it seems that twitter has emerged as his preferred method of communication uses the one hundred forty characters to promote and defend himself and to bypass traditional media to speak directly to americans and the world. Looks at the history of how u. S. President s chose to communicate. Ladies and gentlemen the president of the United States when president Franklin Roosevelt wanted to urgently speak to the American People my fellow americans he took to the radio we are going to win. The power we Welcome Change and openness in one thousand nine hundred seven president Ronald Reagan harness the power of television to give a historic speech at the berlin wall mr gorbachev tear down this wall. And when president barack obama wanted to talk to the American People about Climate Change and everybody he chose to do it on his first ever facebook video post this has been my backyard for the last seven years over the years the ways president s communicate to people has evolved but when the history books are written about Donald Trumps presidency there will certainly be a chapter dedicated to a little bluebird specifically his political use of twitter the most Important Role for president ial communication is not necessarily in swaying opinion but in setting the agenda and dictating what it is that americans in the media are talking. But trumps tweets are a window into his thoughts and were the subject of a recent satirical donald trump president ial Twitter Library exhibit in new york. The most famous tweets were framed in gold a jab at the president s love of bling even this puzzling tweet where he typed a word nobody knew how to pronounce let alone what it meant they are being read by so many people across the world theyre in poverty in policy theyre affected how we see him in other countries c. E. O. s trumps advisors have urged him to slow down with the tweets warning he could be held legally accountable for any that prove to be misleading or false but trumps love of twitter not going away unable to tame trumps twitter finger a Top White House official recently said anything trump tweets should now be considered an official statement from the leader of the free world gabriels and oh how does it or washington. Private companies are leading the way with plans to put humans on Aerospace Giant Lockheed Martin wants to set up a base camp where all space x. Found in alaska has a much more ambitious plan to colonize the red planet in the next few decades. Im has more from an International Space conference in adelaide industry heavyweights and space lovers converged on adelaide for this Years International Astronautical Congress the highlight of the event was without doubt space royalty entrepreneur and billionaire ilan musk has long made it known he wants to make humans and interplanetary species to make sure we dont go the way of the dinosaurs now he says hell start a colony on the red planet with the first human flights in twenty twenty four. For the base starting. Than most horse eps and circling off the city than the city bigger. Yeah and at that time tom foreman was. Making it so really a nice place to be. Lockheed martin to has plans to get humans to the red planet it revealed more about its blueprint for a Mars Base Camp that will orbit the moon and act as a launching pad for Human Missions to mars it believes it can have it operational in a decade in about five billion years give or take the sun will eventually be going to a red giant it will expand and devour the earth so at least in five billion years we need to have somewhere else now how much do you need to worry about it in twenty seventeen fair question but that eventually youve got to get off the planet if were going to continue as a as a as a human race at the moment all we have on mars two rovers like this replica of the curiosity and while there are Many Companies here that believe humans will journey to mars within this generation and possibly even colonize it there are doubts about whether mass should be considered a backup plan to. All missions to mars need the hope of one of three nasa deep Space Command centers this one is new strain capital camera it operates like air Traffic Control but the space sending commands and receiving signals from spacecraft and all the Vital Communications for any Human Missions to mars will also go through here i think one of things that journey to mars will tell us most especially is that really in reality the earth has always got we have to look after this planet first and foremost going off to mars going to have to create a whole range of new technologies to survive in an environment thats trying to kill you every second of the day and theres no shortage of Companies Working on those technologies to keep humans alive in deep Space Technologies that if nothing else could perhaps be useful to humans on earth to yarber malham aljazeera adelaide. Well find comments analysis and video on demand you can watch us live as well aljazeera dot com a. Quick recap of the stories making headlines this hour the United States government has ordered more than half of its staff in cuba to leave its embassy and have anna is said to be because of quote specific attacks on u. S. Diplomats some of which have taken place in cuban hotels also used by american tourists a u. S. State Department Correspondent has more from washington d. C. Talking to Senior Department officials they say the investigation is ongoing they still have absolutely no idea what harmed their diplomats they say they are taking this step reducing all basically everyone but non Emergency Personnel and their families theyre off the island because they want to reduce the risk to american diplomats they say this isnt meant to punish cuba they simply it while they dont know they want to take these precautions International Flights to iraqs kurdish region have been halted as the government ramps up pressure for the results of monday secession vote to be canceled protest as outsider bill International Airport hes balloons carrying messages of peace monday secession referendum received a ninety two percent yes vote. Farmers have converged in barcelona on that tract is to show support for catalonia as independence referendum protests taking place in the region to oppose measures adopted by the Spanish Government to stop sundays vote which it says is unconstitutional. The United Nations is going to set up a group to examine all Human Rights Violations committed in the war in yemen the Un Human Rights Council said it hopes to identify those responsible for possible crimes the yemeni delegation said it excepted the resolution. As many as sixteen rangel refugees a feared dead after that boat capsized in bangladesh on thursday it comes as both china and russia. And the myanmar governments handling of the ranjit crisis. And that people have been killed and another twenty seven injured after a stampede in indias commercial capital mumbai happened during morning rush hour on a pedestrian bridge connecting two railway stations local media say it was triggered by overcrowding and panic when heavy rain caused some concrete to fold. Up today on all of our top stories ill be more on everything in the news hour in about twenty five minutes time off the inside story. Iraq war does International Airlines to stop flying. Which passed with overwhelming support if thats pressure forced the Regional Government to come the results or will it backfire this is inside story

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