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Im Richelle Carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up for the First Time Since the latest for hanjour crisis began me and mars later visits Rakhine State. The letter the change palestine wherever as protests mark one hundred years since the Balfour Declaration. Plus a warm welcome canada says it will admit nearly one Million Immigrants over the next three years. They begin in madrid where spanish prosecutors have asked the high court to jail depose cataloged ministers while they are being investigated for sedition fourteen members of the sacked cabinet had been summoned for questioning over last weeks declaration of independence but the regions ousted president carlos pushed him on to not appear across the road the speaker of catalonia was dissolved parliament was greeted by a cheer. Merge from a separate hearing in the Supreme Court come on watch what you tell is one of the six other m. P. s being investigated there both courts are in madrid been a show of defiance pro independent supporters rallied outside the Parliament Building in barcelona so lets go to hood up to hamid who is live in madrid so as we said theres there was a couple of things going on in madrid so kind of lay it out for us. Well at the moment there was the hearing that still ongoing is the one happening inside this building here and thats a National Court as we understand it as of now and the court is in recess even though we were expecting those nine members of the former of the deposed government to come out we are told now but this is not confirmed but certainly we are told that there were not allowed to leave the building during the recess it should last about ninety minutes and after that we should hear the judges ruling what kind of measure the judge decided to adopt whether its confiscation of passport or indeed preventive detention as asked by the persecutor for only eight out of the nine people attending at the hearing one of them was actually made a very long speech chewed in the court he is actually with the business minister who resigned shortly before the declare ration on in independence on friday and he actually had some very tough words towards the carlist boojum on the leader now in exile he said actually by traveling to brussels with other members of the deposed cabinet he has those who remained here in spain or in catalonia in danger alan and a risk of this preventive detention now has to be said that among the nine new are appearing today some of them are ministers who had gone to brussels and made their way back yesterday first to barcelona where they were actually greeted by some cheers and also some boos airport in barcelona and then they were they made their way here by train to madrid and at the station there were people waiting for them and with the spanish flag telling them that cut alone. You know was part of spain this is not a friendly territory for them. The full force of the consequences of the actions by really seems to be facing him and catalonia right now things seem to be crumbling around him what is next for catalonia. But actually i think thats a question that many in catalonia have been trying to answer ever since that they collaboration of independence you know there was a lot of celebration certainly for those who supported the move on friday and then came the weekend and then there was all these rumors swirling about the whereabouts of fusion on that it was a huge surprise if not a shock for many people when they heard that he actually gone to brussels monday was supposed to be the first working day for the new independent catalonia they expected actually karlas jim on and members of his cabinet to be defiant to try to get into their offices they expected even a standoff with the National Police none of them happened and i think people are bit confused of whats happening exactly is this declaration of independence has just come and gone and in the meantime the only thing that appears to be clear and going according to plan is actually the measures and the steps taken by the Central Government in madrid at the measures also taken in barcelona for example not allowing people ministers to go back to their office imposing the Central Governments rule over the catalonia region until the elections next sembler certainly very confusing for many people at this stage they dont know whats going to happen. Ease not here today here at some point were also going to hear from the judge if she is going to issue an arrest. National arrest warrant against him or not but from the minute he doesnt appear in court and he still has tomorrow for him to come here if he doesnt do that then he becomes officially a fugitive and he certainly cannot be part of the next elections. Those who are now attending the hearing they might not be able to also take part in the next elections if they are if they have the cases are still ongoing against them or if there is a very big issue. A huge problem probably they would be looking for a new leadership a new representation in this next elections but certainly it seems at this point that the authorities in bit of this arrangement. Thank you live and madrid who abdelhamid in march later on on such a has visited Rakhine State for the First Time Since that military crackdown forced more than six hundred thousand range of minorities to flee their homes shes been facing International Criticism for failing to stop the army from what the u. S. Described as ethnic cleansing in florence early reports. This is also first time in Rakhine State military offensive began in august accompanied by government officials and prominent Business Leaders she visited several villages and spoke to people there including both muslims and buddhists all of us want to live in peace she reportedly said adding that everyone will have to try hard to achieve that analysts say thats a wider message is trying to put across i think its all designed to give the appearance of some kind of stability and normalcy that simply doesnt exist there and again i think this is. Dissolve tree attempt at spin to convince the world that everything so kind and that shes in charge of the situation. These are the scenes that would have greeted the myanmar. House after house destroyed by five entire villages once home to a hinge of families deserted the government has refuted allegations that its troops are committing ethnic cleansing is defend the military operation as a legitimate counter offensive against a group of fighters it calls a terrorist organization the spokesman for the Rakhine State government told al jazeera that. That the two shows that the region is now stable but were just with spoken to say they dont believe have changed things on the ground or that more than six hundred thousand people have crossed into bangladesh to august and the exodus hasnt stopped. At least two thousand or a head to fling man maher stranded and feels near a Bangladeshi Border crossing the ring held there by Bangladeshi Border guards and the u. N. Is calling on the government to move them to refugee camps atory gately reports. Pasi is only a few days old his mother mommy to gave birth to him in traumatic circumstances while escaping me with her two year old she delivered him in the open air with only her mother to help. My daughter was in labor when we were escaping there was no one to help during the birth of my grandchild i helped my daughter deliver the baby alone it was in the jungle on a hilltop a meme i cut the umbilical cord with my own hands it was a tough job media and her family are the latest arrivals in a mass exodus ever he. Come it has sane left Rakhine State with his School Children he says Security Forces are committing atrocities. That the military brought to our houses and encircled the village they were forcing us to take National Verification cards if we taken them they would run through us from our village because the card says our national. So we skate on here in the jungle now were here in bangladesh. It was a long and difficult journey for hamad and his family and its no say they yet they in around two thousand dollar range being held at a Border Crossing by bangladeshi guards theyve not been told why over how long theyll be stuck there bangladesh says the refugees require vetting that the un is calling on the government to allow them to move to a refugee camp because people have been walking for days just to reach the myanmar side of the border they. Even last night across the border theyre in terrible shape we hope the government can release them let them come further inland as soon as possible. Officials in Rakhine State deny the military is committing human rights abuses the government says there were Illegal Migrants and doesnt officially recognize them despite many having lived in myanmar for generations. The Bangladeshi Government says it cannot cope with any more refugees. Which leaves her hinge on like to see stateless imposed akitas with no way to call home victoria gazin be aljazeera. And it has been one hundred years since the Balfour Declaration where britain endorsed the creation of a jewish homeland in the middle east as are the most contested documents that eventually led to the state of israel and dispossession of palestinians from their store a clan while a Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just met terry some may at her residence at the diplomatic tightrope walk from a government regards israel as a close ally while at the same time supports International Efforts for a peaceful two state solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict solidarity protests for a Palestinian People are expected in london or even demonstrations in occupied palestinian territories or the scene outside the british consulate in East Jerusalem where protesters gathered carrying black flags and want an apology and accountability from the British Government for that tackle aeration Harry Fawcett was at a protest in ramallah in the occupied west bank. And is on the first of the Balfour Declaration being marked here in ramallah new york replied west bank by protesters in march to the British Cultural Center here also one hundred thousand letters from Palestinian High School students were handed in to dish consulate in East Jerusalem expressing their feelings about the legacy of the Balfour Declaration we got a statement too from the prime it from the president s office what about his office in which he called again for an apology from britain in recognition of the state of palestine and compensation to that i was promised to people both in politically moral and material terms as for the israeli recognition of this. The moment its relatively muted in israel proper there are some conferences going on the real focus is in london where Benjamin Netanyahu and the british Prime Minister reason may will be attending a dinner we expect to hear from the british Prime Minister in which she is likely once again to express the pride of britain in helping to create a homeland for a persecuted people and we also expect her to talk about the need for a renewed resolve in finding a settlement that satisfies both israelis and the palestinians little satisfaction on display here though for palestinians this is very much the moment that one hundred years of dispossession displacement occupation that all began so ahead on aljazeera the suspect accused of killing eight people with a truck in new york city makes his first court appearance. Taking a stand for when and how this peru beauty contestants have staged a protest. Hello there lets have a check on our storm then as its working its way towards vietnam is this blob of cloud ted its gradually rotating and tracking its way towards the west but its moving fairly slowly so during the day on friday there moose is just see that storm work its way towards the coast it wont make landfall just yet instead well just have the outer fringes of that storm bringing us more heavy rain to the eastern coast of viet nam but then as we head through friday into saturday thats when its going to make landfall very heavy downpours likely to be some flooding and maybe some damage from the wind as well but the wind wont be the main problem from this storm it is going to be the rain instead and as you can see that heavy rain also extends further north as well so for many of us in the southern half of it is looking pretty wet as we head through the next day or so meanwhile we had across towards india theres also been a lot of heavy rain in the south here here pictures from tamil nadu showing some of the flooding that weve seen here and you can see why weve got lots of cloud with this currently is also affecting us in sri lanka and this is showing no sign of going anywhere as we head through the next few days we could still see more problems with very heavy rains as we head through friday and saturday meanwhile further north largely fine and dry as youd expect at this time of year thirty degrees is currently the maximum in new delhi. Alison when theyre online in a hurricane. Almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on saturday. But. This is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a. J. Stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories this hour. Ministers have appeared in a Spanish Court where theyre being questioned over last weeks declaration of independence fourteen members of the sacked Catalan Cabinet are facing rebellion and sedition charges in mars later on sunset she is visiting or the Rakhine State for the First Time Since the military crackdown forced more than six hundred thousand red handed to flee their homes she visited two villages with ministers where she spoke to locals and gave a message of peace and stability hence the refugees have accused me of mars military every arson and killings and there have been mass demonstrations and occupied palestinian territories marking one hundred years at the Balfour Declaration they want an apology from the British Government for a document that led to the creation of the state of israel an expulsion of palestinians from their historic homeland. The president s of south sudan and sudan have met in khartoum to try to ease the tense relations between the two countries that south of here is third visit to the sudanese capital since the country split in two thousand and one after a twenty two year civil war the leaders addressed border disputes and mutual accusations of supporting rebels in each others territory sudan has also agreed to help south sudan restart fuel production and oil fields destroyed by the war in the morgan joins us live now from khartoum so he will tell us more about what these two men what else they agreed to. Well first of all lets remember that relationship between stan and south sudan have not been smooth since the two countries in the us in south sudan get independence in july twenty seventh theyve been occasions of south sudan arming sudans rebels as well as sudan arming south sudans rebels and that has created a lot of tension there was also border tension between the two countries more than sixty percent of the border between sudan and south sudan are yet to be demarc ated and theres also the issue of oil south sudan need sudans pipelines to transport its oil to International Markets but south sudan and sudan had a disagreement over how much to pay and went to pay them back into nato which has forced south sudan to halt its production damaging its economy so the two men and the representatives from the two countries sat down and agreed on resumption of Oil Production in south sudans unity state or former unity state Oil Production has been cut down by more than have because of south sudan civil war and theyve also agreed to stop arming each other each others rebels although both of in the past said they do not do so theyve come out strongly from after these meetings saying that if there are rebels in each others soil they would be there just as civilians and they would not be allowed to carry out any armed or Political Activities this means that if there are rebels if there are south sudanese rebels in sudan or sudanese rebels in south sudan they may have to go back to their countries that theyre whose governments theyre fighting it also means that they would be short and ammunition so they would be vulnerable to the government that theyre fighting and and it may sustain a loss to them so these agreements that have been signed by sudan and south sudan by the two president s and the ministers from both countries means an economic stability to the countries but more importantly a political stability ok i haven morgan live for us in khartoum thank you very much. Well it British Police have requested the extradition of the manchester area bombers brother from libya officials want to arrest in relation to the murder of the twenty two victims killed in that concert attack someone to be detonated a suicide bomb during an Ariana Grande a concert and may both brothers had traveled to libya in april with some on returning alone to britain before carrying out the attack a month later is believed to be in custody after being captured by a Libyan Fighter Group mood head has more from tripoli. The special Deterrence Force that is the Security Apparatus policing the libyan capital tripoli and it is affiliated to the e. U. And the backed government of National Accord has just said that it has not given in a statement announcement or comments regarding the extradition of the brother of the. Suicide bomber who is responsible for the attack on Manchester Arena last may now they said that the british have not received any direct request from the British Police and instead they said that the British Police might have addressed the Libyas Foreign Ministry the general prosecutor they said that when it comes to extra any prisoner it is only to libyas general prosecutor according to the special Deterrence Force it is only up to the libyas general prosecutor to decide whether or not to extradite. Understand that. Was a pretended by the special Deterrence Force last may one day after his brother attacked Manchester Arena and according to the special Deterrence Force. Has confessed that he and his brother the suicide bomber are eisel affiliates and they also say that. Was about to carry out similar attacks into the in tripoli before they captured him they also said that there was there was communication between the here in tripoli and his brother the suicide bomber in manchester prior to the attack on. Beatty is a british born libyan from libyan descent and he was studying engineering and manchester and. Before his brother carried out the attack he traveled to libya and he received an amount of money from has a brother celebrity prior to the attack on Manchester Arena. Documents released by the cia are shedding more light on the former leader of Al Qaeda Osama bin laden as a toss of a name reports the files range from one journal to document showing possible links with iran. This is the worlds first glimpse of homs bid ladan as a man now in his twentys hes the son of the former al qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and believed to be a potential future leader of the armed group home videos osamas journal and a list of his and his familys viewing habits are among the four hundred seventy thousand files seized during the raid on bin ladens pakistan compound in two thousand and eleven he was killed by u. S. Navy seals but whats also making headlines in the u. S. Are revelations about al qaeda links to iran its alleged iran offered al qaeda money weapons and training to hit american targets in the gulf iran denies that and points out that it imprison bin ladens family and other al qaeda members this is already a precarious moment for iran u. S. Relations President Donald Trump is hoping to scuttle a nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama Administration and five countries the iranian dictatorships aggression continues to this day. The regime remains the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism and provides assistance to al qaida the taleban has been mosques and other terrorist networks the cia release of al qaeda documents also comes as i saw is in retreat theres speculation al qaeda is hoping to capitalize on the groups weekend state natasha going to aim aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says the man charged with carrying out a new york city truck attack should get the Death Penalty expect emigrant has been charged with terror later defenses after he claimed that he acted in the name. Or since only me has the latest. The complaint filed in federal court in manhattan list two charges against twenty nine year old site follow side they include providing Material Support to a terrorist organization i saw and using a vehicle to cause the death of pedestrians we know now from the Court Documents and from the prosecutor that sipar the waived his right to self a criminal self incrimination agreeing to talk with investigators from his hospital bed where he is recovering from surgery and gunshot wounds to his abdomen he told investigators that he did in fact gain inspiration from eisel and they found thousands of eisel videos on his cell phone he also said that he chose hollowing to conduct this attack because he knew that there would be more people out on the streets right behind me here thats where that attack took place and its still closed down in part for investigation now acting attorney acting u. S. Attorney june kim says that he had been planning this attack for months so a pov allegedly admitted that he was inspired to commit the attack by the isis videos he watched and had been planning this attack for two months he also admitted that he had rented a truck on october twenty second in practice to practice the turns he would make. On his halloween date how will we know they attack now authorities have also located a second man who they are describing as a person of interest his name is mohammed right here condor he is also an Uzbek National he was taken into custody shortly after authorities announced that they were looking for him they have him in their custody but they say that they are interested in learning more from the public if the public has any information about either of these two men or any information about what happened on that day theyre asked to come forward and share it. The british Prime Minister has the name chief whip Gavin Williamson as the new defense secretary he replaces Michael Fallon who quit over allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior in recent days of negotiations have been made about n. P. C. Conduct including. Many of these allegations have been false but i realize that in the possed i may have fallen below the high standards that we require of the forces that i have the owner to represent i have reflected in all my position in government and i am the full resigning as defense secretary so to haul haas more now from london. Well things are getting extremely uncomfortable now for the Prime Minister to resign may who can really ill afford this sort of scandal this sort of destruction and moment of crucial importance in breaks in negotiations but its clear now with the departure of the secretary of defense of Michael Phelan a senior minister and also with her party mired in allegations of Sexual Misconduct its not the only party of course all the parties are touched by it but the conservatives deeply implicated by it its clear that she cant now avoided some reports suggesting that so Michael Phelan was pushed that he was forced to resign by the Prime Minister who has said that she will demand the same of any minister found guilty of such misconduct to Michael Phelan in his letter of resignation to the Prime Minister saying that you know look what conduct may have been considered acceptable ten or fifteen years ago clearly is not now the culture he said was changed he was accused hes admitted putting his hand on the knee of a journalist three times during a dinner in two thousand and two with among the fallout on thursday senior conservatives calling for a sea change for much deeper change for the Prime Minister to use this moment to draw a line under what has been described as a sort of boys own locker room culture essentially that men in positions of seniority of power within the parliamentary infrastructure using their power improperly over colleagues over junior staff and volunteers the fifteen thousand or so pass holders who come and go from the palace of westminster every day many of them young women young men desperate to climb the ladder of power and dependent on these men in power for the opportunity to do so. And this duty contestants have turned a pageant into a protest and said of reciting their measurements they quoted statistics on violence against women chris went to south america the most dangerous countries for women. I mean my name is camilla and i represent lima my figures on two thousand two hundred and two cases of reported femicide in the past nine years in my country. Canadas government says it will welcome nearly one Million Immigrants over the next three years thats a base to more than ten percent on current figures and a lack has more from toronto already more welcoming of immigrants than many other countries canada is opening its doors even wider plans to admit more than three hundred forty thousand people a year up from roughly three hundred thousand now were announced in parliament by immigration minister Ahmed Hussein who came to canada from somalia in one thousand nine hundred three. Once this was a former british colony home mostly to people of european origin today especially in cities its one of the most diverse places in the world recently released census figures say more than a fifth of canadians were born outside the country most of come under a merit based system that rates education and job skills highly once accepted theyre allowed to bring close family here in the shopping malls and neighborhoods around canadas largest city is where the transformative effect of immigration can be seen most vividly and with the governments plans to bring in even more people from around the world over the next three years and beyond those changes will be set to continue economists and policymakers have long argued that even more immigration is crucial for canadas economy as it settled population ages and has fewer children the federal government is taking steps towards recognizing that daniel lack aljazeera toronto. This is out there and these are the top stories to pose catalog ministers have appeared at a Spanish Court where theyre being questioned over last weeks declaration of independence fourteen members Catalan Cabinet are facing rebellion and sedition charges man march later she is visiting northern Rakhine State for the First Time Since that military crackdown force more than six hundred thousand to flee their homes refugees have accused man maurice military of rape arson and sedition. There have been mass demonstrations in occupied palestinian territories marking one hundred years since the Balfour Declaration they want an apology from the British Government document that led to the creation of the state of israel and expulsion of palestinians from their historic land israel is israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just met with theresa may at her residence our government regards israel as a close ally while at the same time supports International Efforts for a peaceful two state solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict solidarity protests for Palestinian People are expected in london and the british Prime Minister has named chief Gavin Williamson as the new defense secretary he replaces Michael Allen who quit over allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior it is the first resignation in a Sexual Harassment scandal at westminster in recent days of negotiations have been made about m. P. s conduct including. Many of these allegations have been false but i realise that in the post i may have full and below the high standards that we require of the forces that i have the honor to represent i have reflected in all my position in government and i am the full resigning as defense secretary and British Police have requested the extradition of the Manchester Arena bombers brother from libya officials want to arrest him a baby and relation to the murder of the twenty two victims killed in that concert attack. Needed a suicide bomb during an argument ground a concert and made brothers who travel to libya an airport will some on returning alone to britain before carrying out that attack a month later. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the strain thanks for your time keep it here. North korea. Really. Today one nation over looking to the. United states

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