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May have to recognize truce on this israels capital. With. A stern warning us president seen a lateral decision is condemned at the u. N. Im Richelle Carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the u. S. Pressure saudi arabia to lift its blockade of yemen to allow in much needed aid. And a last minute deal the u. K. If you reach an agreement to move talks into the next phase. At least two palestinians have been killed more than seven hundred entered in violent clashes with Israeli Forces across the occupied west bank. And the gaza strip u. S. President s recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel has also sparked protest around the world and the u. N. As warning that Donald Trumps you know lateral move would spread unrest in the middle east i canna has more. An animated discussion between the us some best of the palestinian representatives just one of the conversations taking place around the room even before the session began the packed chamber a testament to the dip the International Concern and some of the credibility of the Security Council itself is under attack if it comes from. Iraq to according to to what its minded use which is a person having peace and security then the council might become another oak park territory. Speaking by video link from jerusalem the u. N. Special coordinator condemned the unilateral u. S. Action if the Israeli Palestinian conflict is not resolved in line with relevant un resolutions and in a manner that meets the legitimate National Aspirations of both peoples interests being engulfed into the vortex of religious radicalism that has taken over the middle east italys position on jerusalem remains unchanged speaker after speaker reaffirmed the uns position on the status of jerusalem and we believe that the future status as i said of jerusalem can only be resolved through negotiations criticism too from the staunchest of u. S. Allies and the British Ambassador also called on President Trump to make good his purpose commitment to a Peace Process we welcome his commitment to a two state solution u. S. Representative decided the best form of defense is attack over many years the United Nations has outrageously been of the worlds foremost centers of hostility towards israel the un has done much more damage to the prospects for middle east peace than to advance one of the one thousand nations represented in the chamber on this day the u. S. Position was shared only by israel the United States had the courage and to understanding of just this door physically state what ive already been known to you as this city and to reward israelis impunity undermines and essentially disqualifies its leadership role to seek peace in the region. By the jordanian ambassador exchanges high fives of the palestinian representative a key question remains hanging in the chamber how can the u. S. Continue to be regarded as an honest broker in attempting to resuscitate a long dormant negotiation process Mike Hanna Al Jazeera United Nations as i mentioned thousands of palestinians rallied across the occupied territories against trance decision Harry Fawcett was an occupier from where he filed this report. Two days after Donald Trumps announcement the first fatality of the protests that sparked came in gaza israeli troops firing across the border fence with live ammunition. More. Earlier thousands marched through Gazas Jabaliya refugee camp hamas leaders a calling for a new palestinian uprising. These marches will not stop until the liberation of jerusalem god willing they want only being severed also in the west bank and in the territories of one thousand nine hundred forty eight. In ramallah in the occupied west bank stone throwing protesters sheltered behind tires smoke and improvised barricades the Israeli Military had mobilized thousands of extra troops in anticipation. There was similar scenes in bethlehem just days ago the city ushered in the Christmas Season with fireworks now its tear gassed streaking the sky. And the focus of it all there were protests too in occupied East Jerusalem at the old citys damascus gate after friday prayers hundreds gathered regular scuffles punctuating and otherwise relatively peaceful protest there been sporadic clashes one of them is taking place right now it seemed to start when a young child needed medical attention there was shouts from the steps where people been protesting and then some people rushed down to where Police Security forces cordoned off where that child was being treated just a. You can meet his away in west jerusalem an entirely different sort of a day President Trump is a very good friend of his room. He was from missing everett all that stuff before the elections and i think its time now to accomplish his from asus i think its good. I dont think we need that in a proof from anyone thats. I think its a bit dramatic and we all werent to officially recognize jerusalem the u. S. Vice president stood behind donald trump during wednesdays announcement the palestinian leadership now says mike pence would be welcome in the occupied west bank when he visits the region later this month it says the u. S. Is disqualified itself for meeting a Peace Process whose goal of a two state solution looks at the further from you are equals that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem and aljazeera had made was in ramallah during the height of the clashes and it. There have been confrontations and clashes. Across the occupied west bank. Here typically what happens. Is that picking up this field and. Who are further back now. Is that they fire. To push as far as possible now you can see also on that road. And what they do is that they burn tires to create a smoke screen behind. Their rocks. Now we all saw one of these young man what why he was doing this he was expected. Doing this for jerusalem i dont expect anything from Mahmoud Abbas he needs to quit and let the people show their problems with israel there have been similar scenes trust west bank now its unclear yet whether this kind of. Will pick up steam but one thing is for sure is a lot of anger among palestinians. And show. Many now are still trying to come to terms. Believe this. Was a red line. To cross well many would tell you that that has to happen now and its time for the palestinians to reach a strategy. For the second time in a week the u. S. Is calling on the saudis to completely end the blockade and yemen this hours ago the white house released a statement saying its gravely concerned about a recent escalation in violence and humanitarian situation on the ground earlier at a meeting in paris u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson also spoke about saudi arabias actions in yemen and a troll and regional affairs. I think with respect to saudi arabias engagement with qatar how theyre handling the yemen a war that theyre engaged in the lebanon situation i think we would encourage them to be a bit more measured and a bit more thoughtful in those actions to i think fully consider the consequences i think weve been clear when it comes to yemen we have called for and President Trump himself called for this week a complete end to the blockade of yemen a reopening of all the ports to not just humanitarian assistance but commercial delivery as well because about eighty percent of the food comes in all commercial shipments we are asking that saudi arabia allow that access i think goes to lebanon things have worked out in a very positive way perhaps even more positive than before because there have been very strong statements about affirmation about the future of lebanon which can only be helpful at all to an as that wall street journal reporter says they trumpet ministrations criticism of saudi arabia as rare given their close ties it seems like this week. Trump an ministration maybe lost a little bit of patience with the saudi policies. That you referenced twice they were twice criticizing saudi arabia for its the way it is waging war in yemen and the plot that humanitarian blockade. And then the saudi saudis criticized its quite a forceful statement criticizing the truck instructions decision to move the and the scene israel to to jerusalem so that the relationship is still quite strong and it seems like President Trump and the saudi leaders in particular have still have a very strong relationship but the ties to israel that this week. Deal has spinnaker is here between britain and the u. E. U. That is a lot of bricks and it goes stations to move to the next stage pending a vote in the European Parliament on the go ahead stalled over Citizens Rights u. K. s divorce bill and the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic and barker reports. The end of the beginning for bread sic talks the british Prime Minister arrived in brussels that door to sign off on a fifteen page Progress Report opening up the second phase of negotiations on post breaks it relations the commission has just formally decided to recommend to dupion council that sufficient progress has not been made on the street terms of the divorce getting to this point has required give and take on both sides and i believe that the joint report being published is in the best interests of the whole of the u. K. A deal had to be done imminently to allow e. U. Nations to ratify it at next weeks summit both sides have been forced to compromise weve been working extremely hard this week and as youve all seen it hasnt been easy for either side. One of the biggest hurdles has been over the border between the republic of ireland an e. U. Member and Northern Ireland to pay. For the past twenty years its been completely open economically benefiting both countries but at the height of sectarian tensions in Northern Ireland there were checkpoints and border posts nobody wants the return of a hard border after breaks it for the british governments part as in Northern Ireland the Democratic Unionist Party also want to make sure the region leaves the e. U. With the rest of the u. K. The Prime Minister has promised Northern Ireland full alignment with the rest of the u. K. And with some existing e. U. Rules the Northern Ireland Company Shares with the republic of Ireland Dublin says its positively happy about this arrangement it keeps the borders open it keeps trade flowing but some pro British Union is so wary about being treated differently to the rest of the u. K. And some hardline unionists all interpret this as a possible step towards uniting the oil and of ireland. The deal has been clear on other sticking points e. U. Citizens living in britain and british citizens residing in europe did get some certainty about their future the deal weve struck will guarantee the rights of more than three million eight you citizens living in the u. K. And a million u. K. Citizens living in the e. U. They will be able to go on living their lives as before but the European Court of justice will continue to have some influence over british courts something hard line breaks a t is will not be happy about and when it comes to the brics it divorce bill an exact figure wont be known until trade talks begin it could be as high as seventy billion dollars its been eight months since may signed on article fifty which triggered britains departure from the European Union fifteen months remain to decide the details of the divorce talks will now focus on trade and security with many jobs potentially at risk the brics a clock ticks ever louder need parker aljazeera london. Still had on aljazeera. The growing threat from north koreas but listing missiles to get back the question just how to fell it is Young Nuclear program and the devastating wildfires across Southern California refuse to die out. By this guy nine of invasion harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. How we have plenty of press and sunshine in the forecast for china over the next coming days is lot of five and dry head temperatures in hong kong at around twenty degrees celsius little cloud there just towards taiwan towards the philippines thats all going to just drift a little further south with some west which as we go on through the next few days really not too bad here the wetter weather will be further south we got some very heavy rain on that northeasterly wind the northeast the monsoon stretched from the philippines right down towards singapore this big line of cloud is pretty much like to sit here as we go on through the next couple of days around the malaysian peninsula northern parts of borneo expect to see some big and foundry downpours as seasonal rates really kicking off over the next day or so and they will extend down into a good part of indonesia should be dry there has been of late for thailand the wet weather here is making its way across the by a big goal of this big massive cloud may still develop into a side so that said we want to watch either way were looking at some very heavy rain into the northeast of india up towards a bit hard towards west bengal and that will feed some very heavy showers there into a good part of bangladesh and the far north east of in the home feeding a little as we go on through sunday but the showers never really too far away watch out for some showers too to the northwest. There with the sponsored by cats on release. If you were in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see american warships. But as the somehow time is aiming to replace america and and go around the world well the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a persian for our first president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china this time just. Rushing out is there and these are the top stories this hour at least two palestinians have been killed more than seven hundred injured during clashes with israeli Security Forces across the occupied west bank East Jerusalem and the cost of strip it was all part of a day of rage protests and reaction to u. S. President ronald trumps decision to recognize treys limits the capital of israel. Yes increases pressure on its longtime ally saudi arabia to completely lift its blockade on yemen secretary of state Rex Tillerson added his voice to calls from the white house to allow food water fuel and medicine into the war torn country groups warn yemen is at risk of widespread famine if the blockade is not lifted. Britain and the e. U. Have agreed to a deal allowing broxton negotiations to move to the next stage is to us to be approved by the European Parliament go she said stalled over Citizens Rights you case to force bill and the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. More on our top story now the backlash against the move to recognize true islam as the capital of israel demonstrators have marched in solidarity with the Palestinian People worldwide motto reports. In tukey the reaction to President Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the cup at all of israel was swift and it started protesting almost as soon as the us president had finished his speech on wednesday i thought i was in smushed again on friday at one of stumbles biggest mosques that raid to clear judas a limb is not to start a red line for palestinians they chant. Five after obama goes i was proud of this precious thing i have one that is from one president. From osama was the next week he was the first thing im missing all the organization are from a country that wants to see a consultant on. The program from this nation. In various countries protest as he did the calls by palestinian leaders to take to the streets on friday in indonesia the most populous Muslim Country thousands protested in the capital jakarta demonstrating this what it does it to with the palestinians and denouncing trumps decision. In neighboring malaysia protest us in kuala lumpur held placards their message crystal clear. Is not americas to give away. Malaysias Prime Minister najib razak expressed his governments a position to trumps position. In egypt thousands gathered at the main mosque in the capital cairo. Students of the many can the university of cairo as well as about institutions voiced their feelings to. Why protesters in other countries while out to express themselves freely palestinians living under occupation was attacked by Israeli Forces when they are tempted to make their voices heard in the occupied west bank some rubber bullets were fired at protesters israels claim to jerusalem is based on a belief dating back more than two thousand years the Court Granted it to the jews while jerusalem has been under israeli control for decades now the United Nations considers israels presence there illegal. And expressed while the wait is because what is perceived as an attempt by bolts trump to smush these longstanding International Consensus in a dangerous way muhammad at the wall just stumble. A former white house middle east cord nater under president Barack Obama Robert malley says trumps decision is a reckless step. Its an unfortunate reckless statement but it doesnt really change that much in reality because the president and his advisors have been at pains to say were not prejudging the outcome of the boundaries of jerusalem that would be decided in negotiations technically it doesnt change anything so why do it when you know that psychologically emotionally politically it has an implication it has certainly i mean were seeing the motions that generates and that it further discredits the United States it further makes it harder for the united and its allies in the region to be viewed credibly in this process so although theres no positive reason for doing it the one hundred negative reasons why it shouldnt have been taken my point was the decision in itself practically doesnt really change much what it should serve as a reminder at least it should be a moment where palestinians in particular come to terms with the fact that there is no serious Peace Process to speak of there is no credible mediator to speak of and therefore they do have to make some choices about where they want to go those choices are overdue but maybe this is an opportunity for them to think and its not up to me to say what i think or what they should be doing but at least an opportunity to think that in the absence of a serious Peace Process in the absence of a prospect of serious negotiations with israel and in the absence of a mediator in the u. S. With whom they have who they trust their the burden is on them in some ways to think through their strategy what are their goals how do they want to organize themselves domestically to achieve them and how do they want to organize themselves internationally to achieve them so it doesnt as or change much but in some ways it is a wake up call for those who have decisions to be made at least fourteen u. N. Peacekeeper racin five congolese soldiers have been killed in firing on a u. N. Base in the democratic republic of congo at least fifty three people were wounded in the attack in the Eastern Province of north can for the shooting took place during a medical evacuations. Yes or general antonio tara says the peacekeepers killed are mostly from tanzania and he described it as a tragic day they want to express my. Thoughts of heartbreak at last nights attack on the United Nations peacekeepers into the r. C. I offer my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims and to the government and people of times anea and i we should speedy recovery to all those in judes i condemn visit take any critically and use the leave its attacks against you in peacekeepers and acceptable and constitute a war crime the former president of georgia Mikhail Saakashvili has been recaptured in the year craney and capital kiev authorities said put him on a wanted list after supporters helped break cameron free from Police Custody earlier this week is accused ever saving Financial Support from a group allegedly linked to former president theyre trying to cope because potentially face up to five years in prison if found guilty have stripped the forty nine year old of his ukrainian citizenship in july. On sunday the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the lead up to the ceremony weve been looking at countries with Nuclear Capabilities that comes as tension remains high on the Korean Peninsula following pyongyangs launching of a new enter continental Ballistic Missile what it says can hit the United States kathy novak takes a look at how developed the Nuclear Program really is in the north. Its a secretive state that is quite open about its Nuclear Ambitions north korea says its developing an intercontinental Ballistic Missile or i. C. B. M. That can deliver a Nuclear Warhead to the u. S. Mainland a necessary deterrent it says against what it calls hostile u. S. Policy or pressure on Nuclear Arsenal is for them ill commit insurance policy for survival and his source of salvation for north korean regime north korea first test fired a rocket in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and started underground Nuclear Bomb Testing in two thousand and six. Simply or kim jong un came to power six years ago more than sixty Ballistic Missiles have been tested despite round after round of International Sanctions this photo was released in september when the north conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test of what it said was a Hydrogen Bomb the most recent launch ended a two month gap for missile tests north korea says and analysts agree it was its most advanced i. C. B. M. Yet and state media triumphantly declared the countrys rocket weaponry System Development was complete but is it from the window you knew in my opinion north korea has achieved about eighty to ninety percent of the technology of the Nuclear Weapons development. Since north korea expelled u. N. Nuclear inspectors in two thousand and nine analysts such as kim dong yup paid close attention to images and statements released by state media and some estimate the north could have around sixteen you clear weapons down. The lacking in north Koreas Nuclear Missile Technology is the reentry that is technology that would allow a Nuclear Warhead to survive the heat generated when it enters the earths atmosphere at hypersonic speeds still kim says the international communitys preparations and responses must be based on the assumption that north korea is a Nuclear State if true chung yolngu says that is a very dangerous reality most Kristie Ohman Nuclear State they cannot. Cannot be deterred deterred when the moment comes the moment of truth comes thats the problem the threat from across the border has even led some South Koreans to ask whether this country should have its own Nuclear Weapons or allow its ally the United States to deploy tactical Nuclear Weapons here but president moon j. N. Has ruled that out saying when it comes to denuclearize asian on the peninsula south korea should lead by example Kathy Novak Al Jazeera seoul you can watch an exclusive interview with the sheriffs Nobel Peace Prize laureate tristan from i can be speaking to us right here on aljazeera on sunday december tenth at sixteen g. M. T. Amnesty International Says the honduran doron government skill to have human rights abuses in the days after the president ial Election Organization says it is dangerous and illegal tactics against protesters last month group says Human Rights Violations were widespread in the capital to. Fourteen people were killed during the largely Peaceful Demonstrations most of them by gunshot wounds. Yes President Donald Trump has declared an emergency in california in order to dish to be sent to the region as six wildfires continue to sleep across the southern part of the state is here live pictures from Ventura County the fast spreading fire said forced more than two hundred thousand people to leave their homes over the past five days about five hundred buildings have been destroyed and ten thousand hectares of land burnt the flames are being fanned by strong dry winds allan shuffler has more from mentor county on the outskirts of los angeles. Were outside los angeles to the northwest and this is whats called the thomas fire its the largest of the fires burning across Southern California and firefighters say they have made some gains overnight and this morning theyve taken advantage of calmer winds which is allowed them to stop focusing on structure protection so much and actually get out and fight fires what was five percent contained yesterday is now ten percent contained and theyre hoping for more of the same in terms of the weather in los angeles some of the people forced from their homes by fires early in the week are now being allowed to go back into their neighborhoods restrictions there have been lifted but to the south in san diego still a very serious situation whats called the lilac fire has forced thousands out of their homes many people taking refuge in one of the five shelters that have been set up outside the city of san diego in all of this the weather is the key high winds were predicted for last night and through today they havent quite materialized as strongly as predicted and that has been a boon firefighters certainly hope that continues through the weekend but the National Weather service says theres still a red flag warning still a potential for very high winds and that will mean more problems for californians aljazeera as demanding the release of external to saying has been entered egyptian president for more than eleven months hes accused of broadcasting pos news to spread chaos which a an al jazeera strongly deny saying has repeatedly complained of mistreatment and jail he was arrested on december twentieth while visiting family. There affairs the Digital Currency bit coy could be headed for a total price collapse after tumbling by an average of twenty percent and ten hours of course in stock price surged by almost forty percent to a record high of seventeen thousand on thursday before tumbling on friday its value was more than tripled since the start of october and currently sits at more than fifteen thousand dollars and get much more information on the days news for all the updates our web site aljazeera dot com. These are your headlines on aljazeera at least two palestinians have been killed and more than seven hundred injured during clashes with israeli Security Forces across the occupied west bank is true some and the corsa strip its all part of a day of rage protests at reaction to u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize troops as the capital of israel and Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss trumps declaration yes ambassador said israel would not be a bully while the palestinian spokesman warned the truce son was a red line for the Palestinian People. Jerusalem significance to the Palestinian People most limbs and christian cannot be on that is to me through president abbas in his statement six days some but clearly of the Historic National and the religious attachment to the holy city is declared ation along with those by palestinian millions of palestinian citizens should leave no question that. Is a matter of priority and the red line for palestinians. Yes is increasing pressure on its longtime ally saudi arabia to completely lift its walk eight of yemen sect of state Rex Tillerson added his voice to calls from the white house to allow food water fuel and medicine into the war torn country aid groups warn yemen is at the risk of widespread famine but in the e. U. Have a grade on and to allow him. To move through the next stage so as to be approved by the European Parliament. Had stalled over Citizens Rights amnesty International Says the government as guilty of human rights abuses in the days after the president ial Election Organization says it is dangerous and illegal tactics against protesters last month the group says Human Rights Violations were widespread in the capital to go see call for fourteen people were killed the former president of georgia Mikheil Saakashvili has been recaptured in the ukrainian capital kiev authorities have put him on a wanted list after supporters helped break him free from Police Custody earlier this week and those are the headlines news continues right here on aljazeera after inside story keep their. Smiles all around news brags that talks produce a last minute deal a breakthrough diplomacy or a hurried deal to prevent the collapse of the whole where does it leave stage two of negotiation this is inside still

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