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President has on rouhani is calling for calm kim jong un issues a new years threat to the u. S. As he signals a desire for better relations with south korea president Joseph Kabila faces calls to step down amid rising violence between protesters and Security Forces accurately and welcoming in the new year spectacular fireworks around the world as people celebrate the arrival of two thousand and eighteen. And ensembles with all the sporting through doing its a happy new year for liverpool fans in the English Premier League as the a last gasp three three. Welcome to the program our top story Iranian State media reporting that fourteen people have now been killed and four hundred erected in four days of antigovernment protests it says Security Forces repelled what its calling on to protest as it tried to take over police stations and military bases there reports have not been independently verified and tash are going to name has more. A social media blackout didnt stop protesters from gathering on irans streets for a fourth day and posting these videos by the iranian government says people have the right to express their discontent but violence is unacceptable the Iranian State media says some social media sites and messaging apps such as telegram have been blocked to keep the peace. On saturday there were also progovernment rallies our own who take it we cannot predict the time when the protests will come to an end but the protests will shake the people in power who must give priority to peoples demands and needs. To know what im going to find the state of the economy and rising prices sparked the initial protests austerity measures after years of sanctions have led to a twelve percent Unemployment Rate but anger has also shifted to Foreign Policy protesters are critical of the governments support for the Syrian Regime of Bashar Al Assad has bought a lot in lebanon and hamas in the occupied palestinian territory. The iranian government says foreign entities are fomenting violent and deadly clashes among the dead two people one a boy hit by a fire truck in whats been described as an accident Authorities Say it was stolen and abandoned and. Through investigations we came to know there is a clear rule played by the foreign intelligence agencies and the government open session and these killings the police never opened fire on the protesters now did cloven a great role in the in washington d. C. Outside the white house people called for the removal of president has been rouhani President Donald Trump tweeted that people are quote getting wise to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism rouhani fired back. All you can do is doubt on this man who today in america wants to simplify as a people has the gall to but a few months ago he called the nation of iran terrorists. These are the largest protests in almost a decade although sundays protests were smaller than the previous night there are calls for people to continue with the demonstrations natasha going to aim aljazeera. Well joining me now in the studio is iranian political analyst and scholar Mohammad Ali Shabani thanks very much for coming in to speak to us how would you describe the situation in iran right now with these protests is there still momentum behind the demonstrations or definitely from what ive seen geographically to quite widespread many smaller town mainly provincial centers or Major Urban Centers like tehran breeze its logic quiet you have places like the u. S. Or tehran in the streets around its running its. Small skirmishes small groups of protesters theres nothing major nothing along the lines of what we saw in two thousand and nine hundred thousands of people on the streets the economic grievances have long been there people feeling angry or disappointed with inflation rising unemployment the rising cost of living why is this frustration now spilling out into the streets at this point in time i think in terms of Economic Indicators like inflation has actually been quite a large cut compared to four years ago was a wrong he has been well quite successful in terms of containing it however at the same time trials of unemployment weve seen that wising cost of living keeps rising as well brant and things like that issue i think is elevated expectations i think thats where the danger comes and people have been expecting better lives apart as a result of on his promises in connection with the nuclear deal so i think its not a matter of absolute poverty driving people into the streets its mostly about people thinking that we should we need more than this we actually were promised more than this whats happening why do we not have the jobs that we were anticipating that kind of dynamic and so you have these expectations continuing to rise when the government of president has and romney is unable to deliver and so then what about the chance in the slogans because that you know they weve been talking about the fact that this is unprecedented something weve never seen in the history of these lamb it republic to be calling for the end of the. The Supreme Leader and so forth so how is something that is very much about you know an economic grievances then moving into the political sphere well i would disagree with the president the nature of those slogans we heard exact same slogan in two thousand and nine among the more radical protesters i think even now the one key issues to understand is a we dont know who precisely is behind the protests they do not have the same kind of leadership as in two thousand like i think secondly did different grievances you can hear things like initially they were opposed to high prices some now say you know death to harmony some say death to rouhani so theyre targeting different political figures Different Power Centers that different demands what do you want in leaders have been saying is we have two types of protesters ardent and in the streets we have some with genuine economic grievances and they have a right to protest and there are others who are out after a different thing which we do not accept referring to people who call for the death of common experience so i think that dynamic is quite interesting you have very demands and also you have varied responses from you want eaters so youve got a lot of disparate groups coming together with with different demands are not all necessarily calling for the same thing does that make it easier for the authorities to potentially put an end to these protests or to try and pacify the protesters in some way or does it make it far more complicated because there isnt one single organizational public face or leader to negotiate with thats precisely i think were on the key questions that nobody really has a good answer to i think right now one of the great things about having a visible opponent is of course you can detain him you can accuse him of things you can do all of those and he can do that with that when theres no face at the same time when there is no face its much more difficult to resolve because there is no link between say the people in the streets and those in disturbed went right now for instance not a single reformist leader has backed the violence whatsoever and at the same time in the streets you dont hear any of the chants in two thousand one hundred there is no more calls for the release of we are saying mousavi. Uncaught i mean of course for his reports its a completely absent and this is quite intriguing to me because theres a disconnect there the can as you say either be more easier to contain for the authorities because its not an organized challenge its not like three Million People out in the streets with alternative vision for the government a visible opposition that can replace you now its mostly. Dispersed chaos homes in some areas well thank you very much for that nuanced analysis. And im going to our top story this hour north koreas leader warning the United States that is Nuclear Forces are reality not just a threat in his new years address kim jong un also said he had a Nuclear Button on his desk but he struck a much more conciliatory tone with south korea saying he was open to dialogue and wishing them success for the Winter Olympics arent slowly reports from seoul. This is how north korea welcomed the new year with a fireworks display much like the rest of the world but it is leader kim jong uns new years day address that is drawing all the attention if two thousand and seventeen was marked by fiery rhetoric and rising tensions because of north Koreas Nuclear ambitions two thousand and eighteen may bring more of the same. Colors from the to the u. S. Mainland is within the range of our Nuclear Strike and the Nuclear Button is put on the desk in my office at all times they should clearly understand that this is never a trash what a reality kim has called for the mass production and deployment of more Nuclear Warheads and missiles but weapons experts agree that north korea may not yet have the technology to miniaturize a Nuclear Warhead and mounted a missile that could be entering the atmosphere while kim speech made no mention of the new kid atmosphere test he reiterated the claim that north korea is now a nuclear power. In stark contrast to the hostile remarks to the United States is the conciliatory overture from kim jong un to south korea has even suggested dialogue between the two sides something south korean president proposed several months ago and which north korea ignored means needle jiang and i dont we should actively create an atmosphere to move forward with the National Reconciliation and reunification improving ties between the north and the south is an urgent issue that not only the north and south want but everyone else wants he suggested north korea is prepared to send its athletes to participate in the upcoming Winter Olympics and paralympics in next month south korea has responded to these proposals positively saying it hopes communication which has been severed between the two sides for nearly two years can be restored to modernism on south koreas president ial office wall comes north Korean Leader kim jong ils new years speech today which expressed willingness to send a delegation to the counter olympics and proposed talks as the egg knowledges dont need for improvement into korean pies but analysts say the olive branch may be a ploy to gain some political ground north korea was to drive away as written seoul in washington at the same time tried to dilute the impact of economic sanctions north korea is facing its toughest sanctions yet including a cap on petrol imports as punishment for its nuclear and missile tests last year kim jong un speech while it seems to lay open a path to dialogue with south korea is proof that north Koreas Nuclear ambitions are here to stay Florence Li Al Jazeera seoul. I mean is a Research Fellow and cliff ration in the u. K. Policy at the think tank we see joins me in the studio now so many ways a very interesting message from north Korean Leader kim jong un on the one hand reminding the u. S. That they have the ability to strike the mainland so issuing a threat there but on the other hand calling for direct talks with south korea how do you explain this well its part of a larger effort to make sure that south korea and the United States are not coordinated we have to remember that for kim jong un the biggest threat is the United States being right on his borders and he wants to get rid of the United States and the only way to do that is to make sure that south korea and the United States have different priorities and different negotiation outcomes that they see different negotiation outcomes and so then how is south korea likely to respond to an of a chair like this it would be difficult for south korea to ignore Something Like this and they have been ignored in the past when north korea has approached about family reunions or joint Industrial Projects those are things that have been going on in the past and theyve negotiated on a bilateral level so south korea will be very difficult i know theyve they passed the deadline will be very difficult for south korea to turn away north korea when it when it is a a friendly just at least on paper so what is likely to happen now will it materialize into any form of negotiation on just something more tangible well that may speak but its clear that north korea is has a strategy here because they also threaten the United States in the same new years message and thats also part of bringing the threat to the u. S. Homeland and thats another part of splitting the United States from south korea so by threatening seattle north koreas hoping that the u. S. Will be more occupied with defending seattle and not focusing as much on its ally thus causing a split in the Korean Peninsula but its a transparent strategy in many ways is it likely to walk. That remains to be seen we have a new president in the white house he has still we have still to see a comprehensive north korea policy from him and it will be interesting to see how he responds we also have to remember its only over the last year that north korea has gained the ability to directly threaten the United States mainland and that changes the situation it made it means a different situation from the one that president obama was dealing with and it is a very different situation and also we have a very different leader in place of course president trump. Very much contrasting with braco bamma in personality in temperament and also in approach. You study into north korea and the regime in pyongyang very closely how do you think it he is generally received or perceived by kim jong un how do these two mix thats difficult to say i think on the u. S. Side the United States absolutely know that if they attack north korea there will be a military spillover that will cause a great effect on the Korean Peninsula and its south korean ally they also know that that threat has been there for a while it may have changed recently because north korea has Nuclear Weapons they can deliver how that calculates and how trump is things and how kim jong un things thats the great mystery and thats also why its such a fragile situation and while the goetia is might be a good thing in this case many more questions than answers thank you very much and well dial thank you. And watching the news hour live from london much more to tell you about the protesters rallying for their democratic rights and freedoms in hong kong also losing their faith in south korea churches and temples try new ways to bring people back to religion. And then later on in sports a golf cart reaches its climax as the formating teams get ready to battle for a place in the final. U. N. Secretary general is president Joseph Kabila to step down from power in the democratic republic of congo in accordance with a deal signed a year ago after Security Forces killed at least seven protesters on sunday during rallies against his rule reports. In the democratic republic of Congo Catholic worshippers pray this sunday they pray with a political purpose they want president Joseph Kabila goal tending was last week was a very good thing these guys think it was time for. Their prayers were heard by Security Forces in kinshasa twenty seventeen ended as it began kabila second term as president ended in december twenty sixth saying he refused to step down and the un says kong Security Forces killed forty people who protested the decision four hundred sixty were arrested. One year on they marched off to mass twelve a lot of boys and priests were among the dozens arrested tear gas was fired into churches. The hospitals filled with protesters once more so it goes on the mind that i was if your term is over give opportunities to others to run your son of the country you belong in the senate give the others the opportunity to lead maybe theyll do it better than you did. Catholic bishops brokered peace talks between the opposition and government with the agreement that could be low would leave office at the end of twenty seven tame but hes still in power and now the catholics and the opposition are united shall you see me coming in shooting one because it is not it is simply because we have upcoming we have come here in order to the way to pray for all we mission. Opposition voices can be heard by ending the fractured country from all corners even in the troubled east a thriving battleground between rebels Security Forces say they use of force is justified one Police Officer was killed and this police. The station was torched by protest is only got there so we are in need of peace i assure all of our government authorities that our City Government is in peace people should sleep calmly because we as professional police we are doing our job. The president kabila says he will stay in power until december twenty eighth because of delays in voter registration. Meanwhile voices appear to becoming increasingly impatient charlot bellus aljazeera. Of thousands of people have marched in hong kong to express their frustration at chinas tightening grip on the territory accused beijing of eroding freedoms which were guaranteed when fresh colonial rule ended twenty years ago and the apollo reports many fear two thousand and eighteen will be another disappointing year for the democracy movement. Defend hong kong the theme for this years rally those taking part say the protest has particular resonance after year when peoples rights were violated repeatedly israel because of about history just because. We see the dettori asia use in the rule of law in hong kong so we believe we should stand here to protest their future the various posters depict their grievances they are protesting against the jailing of three young prodemocracy student leaders and also condemning a change in Legislative Council procedures that would enable the government to push through unpopular loss without opposition and theyre angry at a plan that could for the first time allow mainland chinese Law Enforcement officials to operate on hong kong soil im afraid that a pop up becoming and other parts at china. Where you purchase as a direct link up on top of the government that there isnt and if we dont know not anything else so i want all cost freedom prints to. Come out in march like this would be unthinkable elsewhere in china where the government cracks down harshly on any kind of dissent but with new security last proposed unlikely to be implemented next year many fear that they will not be able to express their anger or criticize the government so openly in the future but there are those who feel beijing has hong kongs best interests at heart dozens of people held their own rally holding up hong kong and china flags they say they represent many in the city who would rather stay out of politics. People like susan kwan who has been running this two food shop for forty five years business is brisk on the first day of twenty eighteen for the sixty four year old she says hong kong people have a lot of freedom and democracy shouldnt be a priority at all if you got that youve got china is a very strong country we should upset them if you havent done anything wrong theres no need to be scared of the chinese government. The rally entered civic square with protesters surrounded by police there defiant almost euphoric to be here in front of the government offices which had been closed to the public for nearly three years this is where the landmark twenty four thousand prodemocracy occupy Movement Began and this is where in the past activists have held rallies and one against the government they hope its a sign the twenty eighteen will be a year when the government will listen to their concerns the bigger pollen are jazeera hong kong pakistans government is increasing fuel prices blaming the state of the International Market its a move thats expected to particularly affect the countrys poor and as reports could also signal bigger problems for the national economy. The people are too large are already calling it a new game from the government of pakistan to its people and its making headlines across the country and eleven point seven five question dried and be filled the government is saying that the move is justified because of the rise of prices on the International Market and that the prices and. Then many of these countries are for the people. You know. From the government is in justice with the poor people who are suffering due to inflation in the country being a Government Employee i can still survive but im good about those who find anything to eat up. By this move are due to frequently are easing off Petroleum Prices its becoming difficult for takes to dry words are so far the public because people cant afford it so the government should take notice due to the raising of Petroleum Price prices the whole market prices become i mean stocks are good start or is there a higher price of fuel will have a knock on effect on everything including daily come ordered transportation costs and their shares are falling value of the rupee against the dollar already shared there is inflation that people cannot cope with the opposition is calling it a government failure and while the countrys finance minister and the proclaimed of friend are hiding always a country the economy. And then trouble. Syrias government has launched at least twelve strikes on rebel held areas just sat just outside the capital damascus according to opposition activists this video is said to show the attacks on her around line kilometers northeast of the city center and neighboring suburbs and east and kuta fighting has intensified in the region where a Syrian Army Forces been trapped inside a military installation for the past twenty four hours. Palestinians of widely condemned vote by the likud party on an exciting parts of the occupied west bank and the party the Largest Group in israels governing coalition passed the resolution late sunday the land is earmarked for palestinians for their future state resolution is nonbinding its not known if it has the backing of the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will israeli authorities are seeking now twelve charges against a palestinian teenager filmed slapping and kicking two Israeli Soldiers in the occupied west bank this video of sixteen year old i had to mimi and her cousin noor which was filmed on december fifteenth went viral she was arrested by the israelis four days later her lawyer says the charges relate to six separate incidents if found guilty on all counts she could face up to two years in jail pope francis has used his new year homily to urge peace and understanding for migrants and refugees in his end of year message the leader of the worlds one point two billion catholics also called on people to avoid empty consumerism and focus on the real meaning of life speaking at a service and peters basilica pope francis later struck a more optimistic note when praising those who cooperate silently for the common good. Now rescuers in the alps say that concerned about the number of refugees and migrants trying to cross the snow covered mountains of europe half of those making the journey of thought to be children or teenagers peter shop reports. Over the last three months at least fifteen hundred migrants have embarked on this perilous track over the alps crossing from italy into france defying freezing temperatures and heavy snow rescue workers say that totally ill equipped for the arduous journey around a dozen migrants reach france every day but some wont make it mountain guide say theyll perish in the attempt to reach france rescue workers expect to discover the bodies of african migrants when the snow melts in the spring. Yes melanau is seventeen years old from guinea set their body through for more it wasnt easy at all for me because the trip was long and also because the first time i saw the snow i was very tired i didnt feel my feet anymore but we arrived in the shelter where we made a fire and we took arrest and then we restarted to walk and it wasnt easy i didnt believe that we would arrive here. Better rubino is Deputy Commander of Alpine Rescue coordinating efforts to bring the stranded people off the mountain. That are not that we get emergency phone calls almost every night we found groups of people for five or six people who were really badly equipped they had nothing to protect themselves from the cold no gloves no scarves no hats we even found people with no shoes. The shelters the staff by local volunteers there offering what help they can to a constant flow of migrants cooking a hot meal and giving them a chance to sleep for a night in a warm place. We found people in the snow who had no shoes or just with a t. Shirt the reason is that the African People have no idea how dangerous the mountain is they have no idea at all and there is no let up to the number of migrants prepared to take this risk when to a last another three months taking its inevitable toll on those trying to start a new life on the other side of the alps peter shop al jazeera. Much more to come for you on the Program Including looking at how modern germany is dealing with the architectural remnants of its nazi pos. Two thousand and eighteen is Election Year here in brazil and a country that struggling with its corrupt politicians and economic strife will be hoping that something is going to change. For the olympic torch shines a light here in south korea santa will have that story and much more. A little bit of disturbed weather in the forecast for the middle east over the next couple of days little area cloud just suspending out of that eastern sot of the mediterranean into the levant you can see that cloud just nestling its way across syria lebanon jordan all the way down into israel further north we have seen some rather lively showers into turkey theyre making their way further west was the coming back in behind there for tuesday that will change a few. Things central parts of iraq easing over towards iran back that around nineteen celsius might even see a few flurries of snow into northern parts of the country over the high ground as we go on into whedons stay it comes on next batch of disturbed weather pushing into the levant by rated around eighteen celsius is struggling to get into double figures for a lot by with the cloud and the writers coming in off the mat but some of the wet weather across the Arabian Peninsula temperatures picking up again in doha to around twenty seven celsius the Early Morning mist and for that weve seen recently should clear away at least full choose day maybe a little misty as we go into what to say the winds for lottie and i think that breeze should be enough to keep any fog problems at bay meanwhile weve got some very heavy rain coming towards madagascar at the moment possibility was to pull cycling pushing in here with some wet weather stretching his way to northern tanzania. A nation where corruption is endemic now embroiled in a battle to hold the power to account. How does this radical transformation occur. I mean it i mean if you want to shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain the people of this town on colleges in. The globe in the United States i learned that the First Amendment is really key to being a good citizen freedom of the child is going to be done for men and women for the resources that are available but its an aljazeera story to me is that we just dont tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for thats what aljazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth. Welcome back you with the news outlets update you on the top stories at least fourteen people have reportedly died in antigovernment protests in iran with state media saying Security Forces repelled armed protesters youre trying to take over police stations and military bases. North koreas leader is one the United States that has Nuclear Forces and now a reality not a threat that kim jong il and also says hes open to dialogue with south korea and the United Nations secretary general is president Joseph Kabila to step down from power in the democratic republic of congo and the violent antigovernment demonstrations Security Forces killed at least seven protesters on sunday during rallies against his rule. On the german city of by lin is known for its edgy art scene and modern buildings but hidden in the skyline of remnants of nazi architecture which hark back to a dark a period in the countrys history john mccain has more. In modern times this is the home of the hatter bellina Football Team but others its the Olympic Stadium from one thousand nine hundred thirty six games of the many buildings that were thrown up during the one nine hundred thirty s. And fortys this is one of the best preserved the pride and joy of the nazi regime it offered hitler an opportunity to show the world what he considered to be the wonder of his racist ideology one that had grandiose building planners but which modern architects say was doomed to fail doesnt. Resonate never succeed and if you want to if you want to try to build dresses it cannot succeed as well its impossible the idea is so stupid so the architecture was very often stupid as well but its not just sporting venues that have survived germanys transition from dictatorship to democracy the modern federal finance Ministry Building occupies space that was once home to nazi germanys air force or loved. Professor has been is the curator of the Berlin State Monuments Office he explained that after World War Two germans felt it important not blindly to destroy everything that the nazis had created and if you think i believe you were to destroy remove the buildings raise them one would deprive society of the option to encounter their own history we have to understand the past we also must criticize the past we need to do better and to not want to repeat it. Tempelhof airport predated hitlers coming to power but was revamped under National Socialism to have a larger than life effect on passengers who used it its postwar usage sort gained world attention as a key venue for essential goods during the berlin airlift of the late one nine hundred forty s. Now it is used as a temporary home for people who have come to germany fleeing war zones in recent times architects have tended to agree that of the buildings that survived World War Two it is the Olympic Stadium that is the most remembered the flame which lit up this architectural wonder of a stadium is long dead as is the regime which built this entire stadium but democratic germany believes that there is a place in society for some of the nazi era architecture but securely as a warning from history of the dark past dominant came out jazeera at the Olympic Stadium in berlin. South koreans are moving away from religion with many saying the church as r. K. Can out of touch christianity is the countrys biggest faith but its in sharp decline or than half the population say they are now nonreligious but as Tony Berkeley reports from seoul new efforts are being made to reverse that trend. Well its no bigger than an office but this is the Soul Baptist Church there are almost eighty thousand protestant churches in the country many a small is this for the last fifty years christianity has been a big part of south korean life along with the United States south korea is the biggest exporter of missionaries in the world more than ten thousand south korean preachers are active in one hundred sixty countries for me and for my my own and for my pastor said in. Two priests the first in the planets first and then next one is that we tried to communicate. In south korea though that message is being ignored christianity is the major faith followed by buddhism but young people are moving away from all religions the latest survey shows that fifty six percent of the population now describe themselves as nonreligious. One of these or that i think people need someone to rely on but i usually go to my Family Friends and girlfriend so i dont really feel the need to be religious. Some believe Church Leaders and priests live affluent lifestyles with no financial transparency and are out of touch with modern society. It seems south korean religions have failed to maintain the moral and Ethical Trust of that era you know what happened many especially young people have decided to leave their religion that thats one of the main reasons for all denominations in south korea wrestling with the problem of how to stop the religious decline and how to adapt to a fast changing World Without sacrificing their principles and values that wont be easy but faiths are desperately searching for ways to modernize and become an important part of Korean Society once again. Less archaic methods are being adopted including discussions and lectures in informal settings and technology is being introduced. Phone apps have been developed so sermons and scriptures are easily accessible and more and more modern thinking churches are using Live Streaming video of services. Once more popular than christianity here has suffered the most only fifteen percent of the population actively follow the faith now temples are offering temple stays for people to enjoy good food and meditation in peaceful surroundings as a way of reintroducing them to the faith. They may be considered gimmicks and gadgets but it may be the last chance for faith to stop koreans from losing their religion completely Tony Berkeley aljazeera seoul. And as well as president Nicolas Maduro says hes increasing the minimum wage by forty percent along with the pay for all Public Sector workers critics say it will just add to venezuelas rampant inflation expected to be more than two thousand percent this year but madeira says the countrys economic problems are not the fault of his policies but rather those of the u. S. And its allies. Willing to do many. In twenty seventeen bespoke to move north american imperialism President Donald Trump spearhead of economic aggression against our beloved people twenty seventeen b. N. Which our economic recovery began so attacks not currency sabotage of all industry Electrical Industry permanent efforts to prevent the stabilization recovery of the old price and the sanctions signed by the government of donald trump to form a crude blockade of the noble workers country of venezuela was part of our series i want two thousand and eighteen has in store we had now to brazil the countrys been struggling with an economic recession and a huge Corruption Scandal there are hopes that you elections could see a change for the better john holdren reports from the city of. Brazilian politics is in the doldrums forty percent of the congress are under investigation for corruption the president s ratings are in Single Digits and his reforms a stock but this year brings elections and the promise of change. I think to many of brazils pulled feast that means hope for the return of former president Luis Inacio Lula providing he can be corruption charges his leftist government was known for helping the working class examples of one leader for us with lower income the best president with lula he did more for us he offered us social programs like bosso familiar improvement in the region for the schools for the children. In more affluent south paolo many echoed the view of months ago they see both lula discloses challenge a giant bull sonata of right wing a whos progun and anti gay as dangerous populists. But im also the biggest concern is the polarization these days i work in the Financial Market and all that really a fact shares in commodities prices and were worried because so far there is no other candidate that could challenge those two. That worry has reached professor cram of the sousa as he walks the corridors of power in the Brazilian Congress he sees a stagnant political scene so we need kill personally off and then about all these corruption and about the fact that all of these called all of these speeches about ok and you kind of society ideal kind of brazil one you kind of perspective it it all feels that ok deadline this is only the third decade of democracy in brazil after a military dictatorship and people say that in the early years Election Night it was like a huge party but corruption and mismanagement of really ground that down and now. Many here the countrys political dinosaurs have taken over that party for themselves. While the wolf rage is trying to get a fresh talent vote the siddur program which Public Policy experts who train would be congressman from all walks of life its paid for by own troopers crowdfunding the only rule though career politician of the political system is very important so our plan is through this program is to hope to challenge the status quo and break this vicious cycle of decline in brazilian politics. That will be tough the candidates who still have to room with established parties in brazil independents are allowed but if the discredited Political Class is to change. These people stone john hoeven. Now iceland is implementing legislation on new years day to ensure equal pay between women and men the nor is the first in the world to require private companies and Government Agencies to prove that pay is fair or face Fines Companies with at least twenty five employees must have a certification of the equal pay programs which is checked by the government while the Economic Forum is ranked ice in the world was gender equal country for the past nine years but twenty seventeen has not been a good year for gender equality globally the form says parity gaps across Health Education politics and the workplace have widened for the First Time Since two thousand and six well they are the oscar adults here and is a board member of the icelandic womens Rights Association and says previous equal pay roles have been unsuccessful. This legislation is basically a mechanism that companies and organizations that are. Going twenty five or more people so the employers have to evaluate every job thats been done and then they get a certification and after they come through the process if they are paying men and women equally so its really just a mechanism to ensure that women and men are paid equally for their reaction has been a little bit mixed during the last ten years now but i think now people are starting to realize that this is a systematic problem but we have to pack early with new methods and i think people are becoming more course of their mens especially because i think women have been talking about this for decades. And that i really think that. We have managed to raise awareness and we have managed to get to the point that people realize that the legislation we have had the race is not working and we need to do something more. So a come for you on the program why a new gold rush in the u. S. State of california has perspectives hoping to strike it lucky and then in sport the longest postseason drought in north american sport finally comes to an end. Years in palestine they also have art. Architecture hes used by arctic thats where the trio vies met reveals a room look off the texture in his radio queue page everything in this panel rama to use a technical tool with n. P. R. The thick cure for depression just need to know how to be told the architecture of foreign troops part of the rebel doctor series this time on. The. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. Now in the middle of the Nineteenth Century the discovery of gold in california caused hundreds of thousands of people to rush to the state hoping to strike it lucky but recently have the right has bought gold up to the surface of the river beds and some optimistic respects as a once again trying their luck in the. Fornia health as well battles reports. Deep in these rugged hills and plunging valleys a new age of gold has dawned and modern day prospectors are on the march in search of the glint of glittering gold and there are still gold in them there are hills theres a lot of gold out here members of the delta Gold Diggers Club are panning and pounding hammering and digging sluicing and sloshing in ice cold california streams in years past the gold was hidden beneath tons of gravel built up in the stream beds but furious rain storms and floods earlier this year change that virtually overnight the rains scoured the canyons and made gold easier to find you had to work for an hour solve before to disk it down to the bedrock that start moving that bedrock around breaking apart and getting the grout the dirt that has sunk in over thousands of years and get the gold thats in those cracks hours of work shifting boulders earned mike steele a golden reward worth about twenty dollars this is the heart of the historic California Gold rush country the discovery of gold here in eight hundred forty eight set off an unprecedented global Bass Movement of people sailboats steamships and horse drawn wagons brought three hundred thousand gold crazy migrants from the eastern u. S. Europe and from as far away as china and she lay the surge of gold stimulated Economic Growth around the world but the influx of miners devastated native american tribes in the region gary taylor understands what brought the hordes to california nearly one hundred seventy years ago at their go fever of you find some then that is kind of that way then it keeps you going the final bad thing ok lets come back and find some more jay randall struck gold not much its true theres a little kind back in the thought that people were looking for but hes perfectly happy anyway i just like to get out. See if you can find something kathleen borghi hasnt found any gold but shes having fun getting out in the forest. And begin the round in the. Making much on. Gold fever still alive and well in the california hills rob reynolds near columbia california sun has an hour with us for thank you very much Marian Liverpool have given their supporters a very happy new year in the English Premier League they extended their unbeaten run in all competitions to sixteen matches but only just liverpool were without stars philippe courtin you and most who are both listed as injured still a sixty first minute strike from side your money i had put them ahead burnley look to have clinched a late point to as a equalizer in the eighty seventh minute only for ragnar club and that to score in injury time and secure a two one victory for your going cups man. Im really happy about attitude character all that stuff you need to win if you average games you need to win but you have to do which youre not one hundred percent best case and correct it was one percent for me its was a source already but of playing but who cares. About results hes liverpool keep the pressure on third place man to see united both teams are level forty four points but united can overtake chelsea into second with a victory over the tin they need one male other new years day results i have seen less to be at huddersfield its three nail newcastle down stoke while bright and with form this. Its the semifinal stage of the gold cup tournament in kuwait to own queues day with. Facing off in the first mad to followed by the United Arab Emirates and iraq by her own are the only team left in the tournament to have not ever won the trophy before the u. A. E. Are aiming for their third title in ten years they take on two thousand and seven aging champions iraq in a repeat of twenty thirteen final where u. A. E. Won an extra time iraq have yet to win the gold following their return to the competition back in two thousand and four. Since the postgame inspiring and i have spoken often ambition on the reality of the iraqi streets after the recent clearly as an iraqi football we have to compete for the strong but i am missions go beyond competing for this title every match is different and we will play against the u. A. E. Team in a way thats appropriate to the level required. Iraq has a great history they are a strong team we know the team well their strengths and weaknesses although we havent really followed their progress this tournament because of our own matches. Everything about them you studied every last detail of the iraqi team and will explain everything to us we know we will face a strong team. On the last day of the year the pair flying up was decided in the n. F. L. So the end of the longest postseason drought and north american sport the Buffalo Bills beat the Miami Dolphins twenty to sixty in the result combined with the loss of four the Baltimore Ravens that means buffalo qualified for the playoffs for the first time in almost two decades they will now play the Jacksonville Jaguars in the wild card game. Well in total there are twelve teams still left standing in the n. F. L. Off to the regular season split into two divisions eight of them didnt make the postseason last year new england and pittsburgh are the top seeds in the a. F. C. And a good byes into the second round of the playoff games the patriots are the a. F. C. Number one seed the full third time in four years and now the reigning super bowl champions philadelphia and minnesota lead the way in the n. F. C. The eagles clinched Home Field Advantage throughout the playoffs while the Minnesota Vikings a kid get to play super bowl fifty two at their own stadium where we spoke to us broadcaster michael calls and about who he sees as the favorite heading into those playoffs. Well the bookies like new england because as you said they have Home Field Advantage in their conference throughout the playoffs to the defending super bowl champions on paper they are not as good a team as they were last year they were supposed to be better but theyve had a lot of injuries to retirement and they the roster just doesnt look as strong as it might be but you can never underestimate Bill Belichick as a coach or tom brady as a quarterback pittsburgh have played really well if they can stay healthy Antonio Brown their star receiver is out right now but theyre hoping that week off for the bye week will help him hell be back in time for the playoffs and in the n. F. C. Minnesota who as you said would become the first team in super bowl history to play the super bowl in their home stadium are looking very good right now theyre a balanced team between often seen defense they are at home they will play in bad conditions which a lot of teams cant deal with as well the big surprise are the Los Angeles Rams and they will have an interesting battle against atlanta who were the defending n. F. C. Champions and lost that super bowl to new england last year with a lead twenty eight to three the rams last year were terrible a new young coach in shaun the day a new old defensive coordinator and Wade Phillips theyre strong on both sides of the ball they could be a real dark horse. Well the saga of the Winter Olympics is now just over a month away the olympic torch began twenty eight hundred ninety eastern most point of south korea had to digital Gathering Place for those wishing to see the first sunlight of the new year the flame is on its way to pee on tango worry it will light the cauldron at the games Opening Ceremony on february the ninth. While the athletes are getting ready as well on monday limpid gold medal favorite shifrin one the parallel slalom event in oslo it was the americas thirty seventh that waldo cup victory with a twenty two year old looking good to defend her title in pyong chang. Ready to see size like this next month as well on the second leg of the four hills tournament it was held on monday its a four stop ski jumping the wall cup event held in germany in austria each year since nineteen fifty two and two time olympic Gold Medalist scummiest a one his second straight leg the pole is up to second in the world standings. And thats a four man due back to marry him in london. Very much now have been fireworks around the world to mark the start of two thousand and eighteen as many were celebrating the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorists took the opportunity to issue what he called a red alert about the dangers facing us all christian salumi reports. Two thousand and eighteen got off to a colorful start down under in new zealand and australia there are a rainbow of fireworks lit up the sydney harbor bridge in celebration of that countrys legalization of gay marriage. In tokyo the color was white japanese revelers released helium balloons each one containing a wish or a prayer for the new year. They were looking ahead to the two thousand and eighteen winter Olympic Games in south korea and hoping for peace with their neighbors to the north where Ballistic Missile tests have aroused International Fears of a fireworks display of another kind its one of Many International conflicts the United Nations secretary general called on World Leaders to solve. I mean its a red alert for our wills conflicts if the point a new dangers of emerged global in science is about Nuclear Weapons are the highest since the cold war and Climate Change is moving faster than we are inequalities are growing and we see or refute volitions of human rights i urge readers everywhere to make these new years resolution nettled again bridge the divides rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals unity is the best. There were a few signs of conflict on this holiday in the middle east just a spectacular laser light show in dubai. And no obvious divisions in europe for hundreds of thousands of people came together to party from london to Rio De Janeiro with its party on the copacabana beach. Or mexico city because its fireworks. And no one knows how to celebrate new years like New York New York revelers braved bone chilling cold terrorist threats and a blizzard of confetti to ring in two thousand and thirteen sharing one thing that is universal this holiday the hope of even better days to come kristen salumi aljazeera new york. Well celebrations have continued to a hair around tough a Million People have lined the streets of london to watch the annual new years day day parade well formosa around the world are taking part with cheerleaders and marching bands from the u. S. Playing to the crowds that have gathered the march from piccadilly to the houses of parliament is screened across the world this is the thirty Second Annual parade and this years theme as you might guess was show time. Well that so for me and thats it for the news hour but my colleagues and will be with you in a moment with much more of the days news so stay with aljazeera. You are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on sect no evil person just makes up of it in the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion online about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera january on aljazeera african heads of states and governments will gather. For the thirtieth assembly of the African Union where the goals set out say in twenty seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best aljazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the world Economic Forum what will be talk of the agenda. Engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on the front and in a week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to americas most controversial president of modern times january on aljazeera. Facing realities the president said that there would be a complete audit a hundred percent audit that audit hasnt happened getting to the heart of the matter. So are you saying then that the future of the g. C. C. Will be in doubt. He had the story. On talk to aljazeera at this time. At least fourteen with fourteen dead and four hundred arrested as irans antigovernment protests grow increasingly violent. Oh im sorry to

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