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Off u. S. Aid. After days of unrest tens of thousands of iranians rally in support of the government. Its fares cracking down on the opposition now ethiopias government says it will release all Political Prisoners plus. Im a lesson here for you columnist Western Region after car where voluntary doctors together with the countrys marines are bringing Health Services to once conflict ridden areas. Palestinian leaders are condemning u. S. President ronald trumps threat to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority trump also says jerusalem is off the negotiation table angered palestinians last month by recognizing truce on israels capital palestinians one occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state tweeted asking why the u. S. Should make any future aid payments to palestinians when the u. S. Gets no appreciation. I would say that palestinian dogs are not for sale and will not succumb to the acme theyre out imperatives and requirements for peace and unilaterally president campaigns this story done it has a very sabotaged out efforts at that she being a just peace and getting freedom and dignity for the Palestinian People might recognize ng occupied jerusalem as the capital of israel he has not only disqualified himself as a piece of real dirt only mediated by taking sides and by becoming complicit in those as occupation he has also built to me some but those he is still to leave the story devoted foundations of peace israel has welcomed transfer marks as it in trump is absolutely right it is impossible to wait and we wait for so many years for the policy views to go forward and renewed the negotiation they left the room you know april fourteenth and for four years. They are reluctant to negotiate with israel and they should not be given so much money from the american taxpayer without no understanding that its time for them to get from the mighty come to their senses and go shares with israel washington is also threatening to cut off funding to the Un Agency Helping Palestinian Refugees according to the United Nations relief and works agency more than one and a half Million People live in fifty eight recognized Palestinian Refugee camps in jordan lebanon the gaza strip and the west Bank Including occupied East Jerusalem as the us is one of the main contributors to relief agencies for Palestinian Refugees that goes towards Education Health and social programs washington donated just under three hundred seventy Million Dollars to the United Nations relief and works agency last year one hundred million of that went to palestinian aid efforts. Has more from ramallah. Those remarks from bassett or haley in the tweets from President Trump every inflamed the situation here when it was already tense now we also spoke to a spokesman for the u. N. Agency for aid and relief for Palestinian Refugees in reaction to the remarks from u. S. Ambassador nikki haley that the u. S. May cut their funding to he says he has not been informed by the u. S. Administration of any changes and u. S. Funding to the agency now while the u. S. Has in the past threatened to cut funding for the Palestinian Authority and while funding has been increased these past several years it is being taken much more seriously here the idea that the u. S. May cut funding to honor where the u. S. Is the biggest governmental donor to the group they have dispersed just last year around three hundred Million Dollars of aid thats a huge amount at a time when need for Palestinian Refugees are already great and only growing greater. Has more from the u. N. Food distribution plant her Palestinian Refugees in gaza. These people are queuing to get food and other kinds of support from the u. N. The u. N. Supports more than five million Palestinian Refugees some here in gaza some in the occupied west bank and some in other countries around the region and the u. S. Is the biggest funding this program. The refugees of people who fled were forced from their homes by the israeli army in the wars in one thousand nine hundred forty eight and nine hundred sixty seven and their descendants economies down here in gaza people desperately need jobs and thousands of people here depend on this support to be able to get by. With if trump is going to cut off the aid of course it will affect us how are people supposed to get flour or cooking oil what will we eat or drink. These plastic sheets are given to people is one of the forms of assistance that the u. N. Provides many of the refugees live in very basic accommodation in the plastic sheets can help prevent the rain coming in through the roof during the winter if the us was to cause its funding and if no other came in to make up the shortfall for these people it would make a hard life even harder. As. A former policy adviser to the palestinian Prime Minister. He said cutting aid to the palestinians was a major impact on refugee camps in the region. The Palestinian Government and policy and leadership always expressed willingness to go back to the negotiating table but not for free as iran has been violating the palestinian rights all along and they have been violating all of their agreements that the Palestinian Authority have signed with as a rail cutting aid to the Palestinian People will not make them bow to the as riley and the american will and cutting aid will not only affect palestinians but would also affect. The neighboring arab countries because if you im sure all of you know that we have thousands and tens of thousands of but is to refute in many other countries especially in syria and lebanon and jordan and cutting aid to pay to see how refugees will also have a dangerous time if occasion is not only in palestine not only on the palestinians and israelis but also on the region as a whole that the u. S. Is the biggest contributor to the Palestinian Refugee agency that on the way it is out of the core budget the u. S. Contributor around twenty six percent which is around one hundred fifty two Million Dollars a year and if you add to that also the u. S. Support to the humanitarian projects they also are implemented through the underworld this number could could go up to three hundred sixty eight Million Dollars a year so this is basically a huge number and it will definitely affect the situation of the police here if you g. s as they said not only in palestine but also you know in the arab region and the refugees will not remain silent im sure this will also lead to a protest would also lead to perhaps more violence will also affect the fragile security situation in also the arab countries especially syria and lebanon tens of thousands of government supporters are rallying across iran the. If support comes after six days of demonstrations against the government theyre gathering in at least four cities to condemn the recent unrest in which at least twenty one people were killed the us has called for an emergency session of the Un Security Council to discuss the protests in iran iranian Supreme Leader has playing what he calls external enemies for the six days of violence i can i has the latest from u. N. Headquarters in new york. Ambassador nikki haley called a briefing to outline u. S. Priorities at the United Nations in this new year and top of her list the situation in iran if the arraign in dictatorships history is any guide we can expect more outrageous abuses in the days to come the un must speak out in the days ahead we will be calling for an emergency session both here in new york and at the Human Rights Council in geneva we must not be silent the people of iran are crying out for freedom all freedom loving people must stand with their cause this echoing sentiments expressed by President Trump earlier who said in a tweet the people of iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt or a new regime all of the money that president obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their pockets the people have little food big inflation and no human rights the u. S. Is watching. This little evidence in the streets of tehran of the turmoil evident in some other parts of the country but there are deep concerns expressed about the rise in food prices and drop in employment. Monday impinge on the part im working but in this society im always stressed about the possibility of getting fired the next day always being worried about my job my family the security of my family the main problems people are grappling with are their security the economy and their livelihood ammonia das and there are some who are poor and cannot make ends meet what should they do life is really difficult we have tenants i have a daughter and son both at school the high prices really put me under pressure at home irans Supreme Leader has broken his silence on the protests accusing irans enemies of responsibility montazeri it for the enemy is waiting for an opportunity for a crack three which it can infiltrate because the recent events. All those who are at odds with the Islamic Republic have used various means including money weapons politics and intelligence apparatus to create problems for the islamic system the Islamic Republic and the islamic revolution. News agency put it reveals ongoing protest in a number of regions hundreds are reported to be in arrested and demonstrators continue to defy and attempted to government blackout of social media that at the United Nations the new president of the Security Council has confirmed the u. S. Has been in contact and discussions are ongoing but its not clear at this stage whether the u. S. Appetite for a formal meeting is shared by the wrist of Security Council members some may be reluctant to intervene in what they would regard as an internal domestic dispute my kind of aljazeera United Nations the state department is considering further action against iran. We dont get ahead of sanctions but that is one tool kit a couple things that we have in a very broad and wide tool kit so there are a range of options that we certainly have Going Forward and thats why i say we are watching reports very carefully of any potential human rights abuses of these protesters who are protesting peacefully irans foreign minister has said back at president tromso marks telling the us to stay out of his countrys affairs homage of its array of tweet at this hour on security and stability depend on its own people who unlike the peoples of tribes regional b f fs or best friends forever have the right to vote and to protest is harder and rights will be protected and infiltrators will not be allowed to sabotage them through violence and destruction which is where is an associate professor in contemporary history katerina versity he joins us here in the studio appreciate it very much so there was a bit of a pivot today the protesters that were out there were protesters in support of their government is there really any way to know whats driving those particular protests as you know after the first few days of the first few days within the station were against the government the government to actually actually start to hit back and by saying mobilizing its people for hours. I think which we saw today actually the the words of the region this time last month rather than the government we have to differentiate between the government and the regime because the government is its basically a mr the position would receive only looking at the day to day business of the the whole system the regime itself is the stablish mind is the by its a lot of how many is the security. Institution the president himself is small component of this so basically what we saw today in particular is actually the support of the jeep its basically people who are believing that what whats happening is against that you deem and they want to support the regime by saying this is a revolutionary jeem and we are in. David of it so let me ask you that and theres people that are supporting the regime is kind of a way to stir that up is when the leader say this is these are outsiders that are doing this to us i mean that tactic is as old as time right you are right i mean that is that is a if you if you notice this this is executed as used by the government in the last forty eight hours basically and with basically its an approach to wash their hands of saying its not the economy its not the worst situation were in its actually the foreigners part of playing in our affairs its reality is there are a horrible situation economy situation in iran there are people who are suffering the middle class as disappearing the poverty is increasing and i think there is no credibility to any external power to play in iran and the moment notice let me ask you lets talk about that you played a clip of nikki haley u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Saying that this is going to be a priority that that they want at the u. N. Security council to get involved and we also have the spokeswoman for the state department talking about more sanctions what role if any do any outsiders actually have any first of all explain why they are now becoming in favor of the iranian people that are not allowed to go. There supporting the president now is facing a real challenge by mid january he has to decide whether there is more sanctions or actually iran is credible in its implementation of the deal which means basically removing the sanctions and sending more money to iran he is under pressure and he want to execute to find excuse not to support the regime financially by saying look its not the youre on the iranian deal its the other issues the street is a dictator is you know is against human rights and we have to look at all of the the whole issue together of not only the nuclear deal. So the government now of the United States they want to do the nuclear deal was signed with all the same old no no no i saw it has nothing to do with all of this but now the American Administration in particular want to invest of the woman and to benefit from it in favor of its own Program Towards iran origen the towards iran they want to undermine the deal and thats the way is to benefit from the moment now where basically people are the mr. One for one quick comment on the action from outside there i mean thats important to remind viewers that you know neither of the european nations actually governments they are it could have been there are now simply because they signed the deal with iran knowing that this is actually the teacher is against the human rights is actually people are you know. Thousands of people in jail so the people that are asking where are you when you signed the deal to us now about us so there is include the nation. I would say its unlikely to be accepted by the iranian people at the moment not the star have a lot of credibility with them at all ok im sorry thank you very much i appreciate it. Funny war had on the news hour including. Hotline active again north korea sacks the tone for tuesdays talk with the south. Closing the door on open borders countries and europes own refuse to give up passport checks and support find out if one of the biggest comebacks of the n. B. A. Season was worth the wait. Three years a crackdown on the opposition and social media if the government says it will release all Political Prisoners it also says it will close its notorious prison and turn it into a museum charges will be dropped for all Political Prisoners under prosecution and court will be issued to all of those already convicted and serving sentences or testers and Rights Groups have been calling for their release accusing the government arresting them on trumped up charges now hundreds of ethiopians have been killed in a series of antigovernment protests since two thousand and fifteen the instructions have largely been led by two ethnic groups. They accuse the ruling party of political and economic discrimination a government dominated by the smaller to gray ethnicity has tracked crack down that is all the opposition in the protests and posing a state of emergency more than two years ago it was lifted after ten months but critics accuse the government of using its antiterrorism laws to arrest opposition leaders and journalists. In africa analysts he joins us via skype from the car and we appreciate it very much so. Why now there have been protests about this for quite some time why now. Because the government of ideas money and decided the Prime Minister of the trivia realizes that it should be going to continue to be a cool story. To country and that it has to stop a political dialogue in order to avoid really being sidelined by the International Community secondly it is a complete that is. Showing love real good to great economically it is just enough the industry got loose a double digit growth rate and if you want to continue talking Foreign Investors and their political interests from the rest of the work it has to somehow openness on the Democratic Front front m what is the timeline for this and how this is supposed to play out have you heard that gap. I didnt mean to come out to eat never forget the easiest. And i just lived in these extra list government that couldnt do enough you know to work through the bottom of the guns that will still continue to control the country and this is somehow a symbol of a chance now to lead moderate of Economic Development whereby you really didnt be part if you can see them but if you control the economy and you make sure that the people would accept not to call you on the red line is somehow more than one that would sort of thing and i dont think that in the short term they would allow any democratic transition to happen unless reading the opposition now on purpose to buy just isnt just going to keep with the head of the International Community human Rights Groups and other foreign buy from those of you could get that now according for really Good Local Police in the region so what is the record of the census to become what it really a sustainable that so youre saying that any expectations at this will mean more openness should be should be tempered that perhaps people shouldnt expect too much. To the people who need to be read. And look at this is maybe a little bit but not something that will be limited to the close formation of the country if you go as a tool of two trivia you can still see that this is a really big brother country where every move you make when you have a security agent when. In the level of the society when mr. Murray had decided the current Prime Minister who is the head of. The former Prime Minister mr minister no he is still in the more of the crowd and i think its five zero in this you can see that this is. It is still has a vent that. Just is not going to relinquish overnight and allow people to drop in the cut they want to into the economy progress made under this predicament if you will of the country continue to remain and i dont know if the legitimacy of the community said x. Or the government. Ok well have to see how it all plays out amadan again thank you very much for joining us appreciate it. North korea has reopened communication inside to militarize south korea for the first time in almost two years this took place ahead of talks between the two governments scheduled for tuesday a monday north korea north koreas leader kim jong un made a rare conciliatory offer of talks staring has bigger stress or smith reports. This is the only official means of communication between north korea and south korea but for almost two years the North Koreans have refused to answer the phone until wednesday when they placed a call to the south. Kim jong un has given an order to reopen the hotline between the north and the south to contact south korea regarding a right time for talks and sending a delegation to the kyung chuang winter olympics. The decision was welcomed in seoul a day after the government there proposed high level talks amid a tense standoff over north koreas misawa Nuclear Programs but the u. S. Government wasnt impressed we wont take any of the talk seriously if they dont do something to ban all Nuclear Weapons in north korea we consider this to be a very reckless regime we dont think we need a bandaid we dont think we need to smile and take a picture we think that we need to have them stop Nuclear Weapons and they need to stop it now. In his new years speech kim jong un warned the u. S. He had a Nuclear Button on his desk. That prompted donald trump to continue his apparent mockery of a president hes nicknamed little rocket man in a tweet the u. S. President wrote i too have a Nuclear Button but its a much bigger and more powerful woman his on my button works north korea has been punished with unprecedented sanctions by the un over its weapons programs the u. S. Has warned of more measures if young young conducts another missile test. Aljazeera. As a Research Fellow at the institute for defense and strategic studies in Singapore Says expectations for any positive outcome should not be high. I think theres a lot of hope in the the new found hope is a warranted one because we have had a very difficult year in twenty seventy with you know regulus not being from the North Koreans any offering of figleaves or olive branches sorry towards the other side and now weve seen a letting up and so things have happened very quickly and clearly both sides are trying to capitalize on the op on the opportunity to try and set up the best possible stage in order for them to talk to each other i think we need to have a very modest expectation of whats in store for the upcoming dialogue next week its going to be very focused very narrow and very mediocre so to speak centered around north koreas intention to send an athletic delegation to the twenty eighteen winter games in february and i think that is a modest yet law hanging fruit that both sides should true on right now if they can get that right im quite certain that it can get the bigger things right along the way so this is really a moment to sort of secure this foothold talking to each other agreeing on something and getting something tangible done which is has dividends on them on cultural on a cultural social level between will science says i bombers killed eleven people at a mosque in northeast nigeria that happened during don prayer as an oral and borno state where to set the center of the conflict with boko haram on tuesday the crips later released a video claiming a series of recent attacks and me. To senior members of germanys far right party are being investigated for incitement to hatred over social media alice whats our m. P. s response torch have criticised had criticised the police force for wishing followers online happy new year in arabic their party had finished third in september selection dominic kane has more from orlando the decision by the police to investigate alice via the coleader of the alternative for Germany Party alongside their investigation into the comments of her colleague bed weeks one stork came at a point when we knew already that several hundred people had complained themselves about the point the points that the bear took from stalk had put out on social media the interesting thing to to say here is that following news that use it into news the new law has come into effect in germany which regulates what can and cannot be said online as much as it does in the broadcast media of the written major and in the street as it were and so the question that the police will have to with the authorities will have to work out is whether the comments that were made by. Talk by alice vital do contravene the law and then there is the question of the motivation behind it because several years ago in twenty fifteen years eve twenty fifteen when many women complained in the city of cologne that they had been assaulted by people of a with a migrant background the alternative for germany was very hot on on pointing out the dangers that the same thing is appearing to be sent now the difference is that very very few allegations of assault were made on new years eve twenty seventeen so the question would be what the motivation is behind the decision by these two ladies to make the comments they have made and the investigation is ongoing. Some members of europes passport for a schengen zone have extended restrictions on travel or crossing borders despite a deadline for their removal sweden france germany austria norway and denmark were introduced border checks in two thousand and sixteen by and security concerns as millions of refugees made their way across europe for twenty six members nearly every country on the european mainland the return of internal passport controls led to concerns about the future of the agreement all resupport snell from one of the busiest crossing points between denmark and sweden. From an open border for refugees to a closed border for anyone not carrying a passport or a swedish Identity Card swedens policy on opening its gates to Asylum Seekers during the crisis of twenty fifteen is long gone. But Police Checks on the train from denmark dont seem to be going anywhere soon the bridge between copenhagen. Was the main entry point for more than a hundred sixty thousand people who applied for asylum in sweden in twenty fifteen that flow has now dried up the law allowing restrictions has expired but sweden is one of the countries citing security as a reason for the controls to continue. The closure of the balkan routes has led to a huge drop in the number of refugees arriving in europe yet sweden fronts germany austria norway and denmark have all continued to impose controls on that front t is. Those restrictions legally expired on november the twelfth on the article twenty nine of the schengen borders code but article twenty five allows the countries to extend them for six months if they claim serious threats to public order or internal security. Danes and swedes had previously been encouraged to see a newly branded urson region as a place in which they could freely commute between the countries they say the increases in their journey times around just to find this is mainly. For show internal politics theyre worried citizens a word here in sweden about the mass influx of immigrants trying to show that theyre doing something and reality this nothing happens here this is. Almost a circus a waste of time journeys of thousands of kilometers from the middle east and africa how finally ended here in recent is the question of whether Free Movement in the schengen zone can ever begin again is still in the. Whole race aljazeera. Time for weather with every parent it is insanely crazy bitterly cold in the eastern us. There right now no no no not at all it is going to be early next week before we see the temperatures in parts of the eastern u. S. Getting anywhere near as high as freezing so thats how cold it is its quiet at the moment so thats the good news if we can call it that with that quote whether this is chicago temperatures in chicago normally around freezing at this time of year anyway were looking at temperatures struggling to get up to around minus ten months eleven over the next day or two i think the say its pretty quiet with those clear crisp sties lots of ice around and these will take a little while to change over the next couple of days well coated digging in from the arctic then thats going to make its way down across the the great plains pushing down around the the midwest we are going to see something of a chinese little area of low pressure down towards the southeast and colder and that will herald a change over the next few days look at those temperatures then well minus four the top temperature monastery and they see it as minus twelve for chicago but that every of low pressure thats the thing we need to focus on right now the spinning away there drawing in some relatively warm moist air in from the atlantic hitting that cold air that we have around that eastern side of the u. S. The snow there on the northern flank even some freezing rain from northern florida as we go on through the next few i was also a system will make its way right up the eastern side of the country dragging in that moisture hating the cold air and i think as we go on through the next twenty four to thirty six hours little sigh rachele some of these parts could see forty to sixty centimeters of snow. Thanks everton still ahead on aljazeera looking ahead to a challenging year for yemen which is facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. And its important again but the team manager says isp. Health is at risk. You are making a great point in three months where on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been the criminal mind or if you join us on saying no evil person this wakes up the over the morning in the sense i want to cover the world in darkness and they say is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion online what about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. The foreigners. Watching aljazeera and these are the top stories right now palestinian leaders are condemning u. S. President tunnel trumps threat to cut aid to the Palestinian Authority trump also says jerusalem is off the table negotiations for a palestinian state tens of thousands of government supporters are rallying across iran they are condemning the rest which has killed twenty two people and the last six days three years of crackdown on the opposition and social media if the government says it will release all Political Prisoners or testers and Rights Groups have been calling for their release accusing the government are arresting them on trumped up charges. Israel a show soldiers have shot dead a palestinian teenager in the occupied west bank the seventeen year old died during protests near a Village North of ramallah theres been an arrest in the area since the us decided to recognize true slim as israels capital last month the death brings the number of palestinians killed in the confrontations to fourteen the us says it intends to withhold more than two hundred fifty Million Dollars of aid to pakistan as well the decision comes after President Trump again accused the country of being a safe haven for what he called terrorists jordan has more from washington d. C. The u. S. President doll tromped used his first tweet of two thousand and eighteen to attack the pakistani government accuse the pakistanis of not doing enough to crack down on groups such as the hunt khan the network or the talabani say these groups are destabilizing not just pockets but also afghanistan to the west on tuesday the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley made it plain that the u. S. President simply wasnt tweeting her in her words nikki haley said there are real concerns with what is a lot of bodies doing to fight but the u. S. Calls terrorism pakistan had played a double game for years they work with us at times and they also harbor and to cherish that attack our troops in afghanistan that game is not acceptable to this administration we expect far more cooperation from pakistan in the fight against terrorism in addition the state Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert told reporters on tuesday that pakistan knows what it needs to do in order to make the region safer and she said without going into too many details that it definitely means trying to crack down on these groups that are doing stabilizing the region and she said that islam abides complaints simply arent going anywhere. Pakistan has rejected the u. S. Allegations its envoy to the United Nations told aljazeera you have contributed and sacrificed the most in fighting International Terrorism and carried out the largest counterterrorism operation anywhere in the world a spokesperson should not shift the blame for their own mistakes and failures on to others and on to say pakistans cooperation is not based on any consideration of aid but on our National Interests and principles so far jaspal as an analyst on pakistan and professor of International Relations at university he says a move like this should not have been a major surprise to policymakers in pakistan. The americans are not asking about the hospice practically they are asking about the how can you network big bucks don is denying that he did carlie network i mean the from the taliban fighting all good that it does not possess any shift have been in pakistan because since yesterday or before yesterday if you see pakistan has once again to be created is that there is no see if i havent thought of anyone as in pakistan let me have submitted that since one year buck standard americans perception on the modernity is on of on its own have been. Americans have been alleging or they were asking about. This fifty dollars you can see stars thing you have to not forget here not only of the start of our current debt of because you call it alignment International Falls things and pakistan is drifting towards euro ish an alliance is like china and that is not acceptable to the american who told the same to National Security strategy which was released by the drop in a speech on the age of december two thousand same thing that indicates ballast up all of that indicates. As appeared all skewed to compute it a bit as boxed on is against trenton i think that since one the pakistan has been preparing to respond or to bid this kind of a burden thats why you started you see public uproar it is one but on the other side of the government the armed forces are under pressure because no one is here the opposition to go home it is designed to appease america. And just the last two days us president ronald transitions twitter to announce a cuts to both pakistan and the palestinians he also used to make significant comments about north korea more on how morals dealing with trumps twitter and Foreign Policy i spoke with scott lucas from university of birmingham in the u. K. This is someone who should be regarded as issuing a statement of policy having spoken to advisors having to look through documents have a good sort of situation this is a man who watches t. V. In particular the channel fox news and then he immediately reacts in the case of pakistan you might say that there is a background to this that makes sense and that there are tensions between the u. S. And pakistan over how to approach the afghanistan question how to approach insurgency in pakistan thats been going on for years in the case of north korea to mention another tweet to simply just again threaten war just at the drop of a tweet thats irresponsible and then in the case of palestine the subject of discussion right now to you know to to say look this will be positive in any way given the israel palestine issue just to threaten to cut off aid to one side while giving almost unconditional support to the other after the jerusalem recognition thus not a sensible Foreign Policy is not sensible in terms of daltons tweets and its not sensible in terms of an American Administration israel has given an documented african immigrants three months to leave the country or face and present and those who leave during that period will be given plane tickets and three and a half thousand dollars Rights Groups have condemned the decision saying it puts peoples lives in danger tens of thousands of people entered israel before it built a fence along its border with egypt like statement on whos a Senior Writer for alter net dot org says it will be difficult to stop the deportations. Human Rights Groups in israel it within Israeli Society are under unprecedented assault from a right wing Israeli Government and you know african and non jewish Asylum Seekers have faced open race riots in tel aviv that were actually stirred by the culture minister a member of Benjamin Netanyahu is ruling we could party who referred this rally to africans as a cancer in israels body they say street harassment and violence and its a very unpleasant situation for those who are actually allowed to be on the street and those who advocate on behalf of them from within jewish Israeli Society also its incitement and are very marginal so its unclear to me how any group from within Israeli Society can create unnecessary pressure to stop this potentially calamitous mass deportation of over thirty thousand people fleeing a horrendous human rights situation far away as stopping weapons exports to the United Arab Emirates over its participation in the war and then. A member of the Saudi Led Coalition fighting with the rebels and the Country Coalition as opposed to blockade on yemen that leading to widespread Food Shortages and a Major Health Crisis and estimates more than five thousand civilians have been killed since the conflict began in two thousand and fifteen and its facing what the u. N. Calls the worlds worst humanitarian crisis in two thousand and eighteen will bring even more challenges at least twenty one Million People are said to be suffering neighboring countries were under pressure to help some of the edge of aid has this report and the latest on our serious looking ahead to the years big stories. Of good imagination and the skeleton of a motorbike is these children how they live in one day the one of yemens most impoverished regions the import dependent and cash starved countries been under a saudi led lucky since two thousand and fifteen use of not sure what the new year will bring or his family has is a hot cobbled together with strong wood one hundred cloth and nothing. Its Getting Better everything is deteriorating back in the days we used to feed our kids now i cant provide them with anything all i want is rice milk the basics just food for my kids. The biggest challenge for two thousand and eighteen will be to provide aid to the twenty one million yemenis in need of urgent assistance. The situation here has been described as the worst humanitarian crisis which is resulted in the Worlds Largest cholera outbreak with close to a million suspected cases the u. N. Says unless the embargo to provide medicine and aid is lifted the crisis could get even worse. Theyre blocking medical staff and supplies we dont have anything thats enough we dont have the basics to take care of our patients let alone the needs of those who need urgent and specialized care. Crisis is directly linked to the war the Saudi Led Coalition was asked by yemens elected government to take back control from who think the rebels no side has been able to claim a decisive victory the saudi backed forces havent been able to move closer to the capital from the central of. The border incursions and attempted missile strikes by the who havent won them any ground either the recent death of depots president Ali Abdullah Saleh has dampened hopes of a diplomatic breakthrough that had you know. For gods sake the saudis need to stop bombing yemen and end this war we are displaced we are starving we are cold and we are hungry. Hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people are living in desperate conditions but despite the suffering some havent lost faith in a peaceful settlement. We hope that in twenty eight eighteen we will be able to overcome all the difficulties we suffered in twenty seventeen we hope the yemeni family will be stronger and that we can find Practical Solutions to our economic social and political problem. Many children have seen nothing but war in the last three years many civilians can only pray this year the fighting will come to an end some of the job read out as their. In the next part of our series well look at the upcoming president ial election and mexico will have the biggest choice of candidates and that countrys history thats on thursday here on aljazeera some remote regions in colombia are finally receiving health care governments with leftist rebels as facilitating the delivery of medical services to areas that were previously are to reach. Traveled with a group of doctors who have enlisted in the marine reserves to see the progress of volunteer doctors setting sail their mission is to win support from an Indigenous Community longer afflicted by colombias conflict a peace deal signed with five gravels last year means its now easier and safer for the navy to bring assistance to poor remote areas through Civic Military brigades what people here are less hostile to know its very forces now that they have encreased their hold in presence theyre starting to look up to the colombian state and im proud we are able to contribute to. That is a classic hearts and Minds Campaign in a territory where peoples allegiances of long been wobbly and where state president says been synonymous with military force see. The governments clear guidelines are to take advantage of the fact that these armed actors are not interfering in these territories so the state seeks to enter with all its capacity and avoid further institutional gaps that might be filled by new criminal groups. But in villages like those gaps remain why filling them will require time and resources. Our health post is not enough for all the villages on the river and they attend only people with health cars wed love with the brigades could come twice a year. Most kids here have rarely seen a toothbrush let alone a dentist yeah it takes three to hold this patient down while he has this tooth pulled out his mother says bringing him to a doctor ten hours down river was never an option i know in spite of the government efforts to improve the delivery of Health Services a major logistical problem. Last year sixteen percent of colombias rural population to further go medical care because of distances to services. Over the course of the day hundreds are taken care of twenty two year old students stephanie says its worth giving up her weekends. Just like how i feel when people think when i can contribute to those without the opportunity or the money to get to a doctor for them i do not understand Civil Military brigades will hardly be a long time fix for chronically Poor Health Care but me by this time as it tries to pacify these restless areas for good i listen that im. Part of it is financial i had to shut down by protesting Dollar Community traditionally discriminated against in the Country Society the demonstrations are in response to attacks by right wing hindus on monday aleksei the police didnt take any action against those who attacked them theyd been celebrating the two and a verse three of about a word talents a line with British Colonial forces defeating an upper caste or. First. One of his lesser known works of the most influential artistic thinkers on display in new york. Has that story. Time for sport now at hand thanks so much for showing Manchester City manager pat cordella his hits out of premier league bosses he says the hectic christmas and year schedule is a risk to his Players Health well while many other european leagues are enjoying a winter break choose they saw city playing their fourth game in eleven days the second in just seventy two hours city did beat wafa three wants to extend the lead of a soft in the table to fifteen points but guardiola believes this run of games is a disaster for his pious were going to kill them so i think for duration i dont know who are the bosses they have to reflect a little bit that is normal guys to play thirty first into i know the show must go on and it doesnt matter with with the guys still must go and the manager is here another one and the players are not here once but that isnt the moment for games or play when she states hotman beat swanzy two no virus a fifth in the table west ham why beat west brom to get themselves out of the relegation zone in Crystal Palace also moving player of the bottom three with a two one win obvious southampton. Theres only so many blows to the. Altar serving. Pretty much on the canvas using proof. Previously rather think looking to at least now get ourselves into the groove to the pupils we really go to war will be in the same for be up the holy most Interest Groups were suggested polish will recover from this well thats a quick look at the top of the table city and complete control of the title rice i love lights when asked not by face third place chelsea. You played many times did she was always tired results apart from tom last year i think we beat him too in europe but after i was we played them many times and it was henris big battle and chad she comes back is wearing a good form you know very been consistent recently. Amount of books a surprise price in the fall of the gulf cup the tournaments involves eight scenes from the region and i choose like a monday borrowing to set up a title decider with the United Arab Emirates home and reports was scenes of joy and happiness for my moms football fans app players as they celebrated a place in the final of the gulf cup its a region where football delivers almost unbridled passions and i mans air force and Sports Ministry had put on id free planes to get their supporters to kuwait for their semifinal with bahrain but after the talk about hold up the victory however was also a good time the second was a first half on goal from bahrain was all that separated the two tames as a modern one one nil the armanis led by dutch manager pim the bank now have a shot at adding to the title by last one in two thousand and nine im going to know what it was in the fall of the fall of the ball where the only team that entered this tournament without any pressure possibly because the group is young no one expected all man to play to this level we were in a difficult group with kuwait the u. A. E. And saudi arabia yet we managed to qualify and i hope we will offer a good performance in the final. It was a bumpy start for the United Arab Emirates in their semifinal against iraq the Armani National anthem played by mistake and i missed a chance to clinch the game in the eighty ninth minute as headed to extra time i was. One there and then it went on to penalties where iraq missed two of their shots i the u. A. E. Then prevailing to repeat their victory from the twenty thirteen goals cup final and booked their spot in the twenty seven tane edition on friday holeman aljazeera one of the most anticipated it returns of the n. B. A. Season happened on tuesday i was our thomas recovering from injury. To make his debut for cleveland a son from boston as part of a megadeal a sort of in going the other way so masood injured his hip didnt disappoint in his first game since may didnt start with scored seventeen points in eighteen minutes again sam gets the call and trailblazers the performance help in cleveland seal a one twenty seven so want some winners. Also a win for the l. A. Clippers lee williams hit thirty three points as they beat the Memphis Grizzlies one thirteen to one i five the clippers are ninth in the western conference and outside the playoff spots. Nazi time defending stanley cup champions the Pittsburgh Penguins face a fight just to reach the playoffs this season the penguins did start the year in style beating the Philadelphia Flyers five one but theyre still in second place in the metropolitan division and two places short of a wild card spots australia captain steve smith and fast bowler Mitchell Starc of both passed fitness test to play in the fifth and final ashes test against england in Sydney Australia lead the series three male star missed the fourth test with a hail injury while smith there is been struggling with a bank problem hasnt stopped since scoring three centuries and he could become just the full force train to head for hundreds during an ashes series and to be nice big away to win the series sam its been a good one obviously personally from a bit for the team as well i think weve played some some really good cricket it be great to in this series with with four new. You know stuart a had five days in front of us quite frustrating as an opposition captain that hes is in that sort of form in such a big series for his book and a credit to him hes played exceptionally well and now weve got to make sure that we make that the case say he does walk away with a pair to finish little ok more sport throughout the day but that is it for now which andy thank you very much. More than two hundred works of the italian renaissance artist michelangelo that is have gone on display at the metro metropolitan museum in new york is works at the ground for modern western art with many referring to him as the divine one i was there as cover it was on when to have a look. Art lovers examining the work of a legend a new Michael Angelo exhibit at the metropolitan museum of art in new york brings together one of the largest collections of the lesser known works of the man considered one of the most influential figures of western art there is this piece called the torment of Saint Anthony believed to be Michael Angelos First Painting it was completed in fourteen eighty seven when he was only twelve or thirteen years old but its still a regional pencil on paper works that are the real draw when he draws serious forceful yes espresso he said marble sculptor is so he uses the chalk especially with great force on the paper almost carving on the paper as if it were marble although he considered himself primarily a sculptor michelangelo was also called the divine draftsman and designer at this exhibit there are one hundred thirty three of his drawings many of which almost never go on public display because they are so rare and fragile four hundred fifty years after his death his drawings are often an overlooked part of the artists work it took the metropolitan museum of art eight years to collect all of the michelangelo pieces that are on display here they mostly come from over fifty different art institutions and private collections such as those from Queen Elizabeth and even the vatican an exhibition of this magnitude in importance is a global activity and the man has the resources the commitment the scholarship to do it and its part of our mission its part of our responsibility to serve the world in that way and a chance for visitors to look closely at the drawings in the sketch books of one of the worlds greatest artists to get a better sense where his ideas originated gabriels on to aljazeera new york. That is all for me for this news hour but we have much more news on the other side of the break here on aljazeera so keep it on our websites aljazeera dot com. January on aljazeera african heads of states and governments will gather in as ababa for the state if the same body of the African Union where the goals set out say in twenty seventeen met rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best aljazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the World Economic forum what will be top of the agenda maggie our sun engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on up front and in a week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to americas most controversial phase didnt of modern times january on aljazeera. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. With a big breaking news story can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. People shouting instructions and if youre trying to provide the best most accurate up todays information as quickly as you can. Its when you come off air on things to pin realized he witnessed history in the making. News has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife and the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera. I would say that palestinian dogs are not for sale and we will not succumb to react i mean palestinians head out of president after he threatens to cut off u. S. Aid. And Richelle Carey this is al jazeera life and

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