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U. S. Has to pull back from supporting this war in yemen donald trump actually had to veto that in the end and there wasnt enough votes to overturn that veto so this is going to rule on for a few months i think the split in the House Committee that we saw in the last couple of hours was definitely along the lines of republicans saying were not pleased the youve sidestepped is here but we understand why youve done it and democrats saying look there is no emergency here what on earth do you think youre doing some of these weapons would be delivered for months in some cases possibly even years so how can not possibly be in emergency but the assistance secular state went back to the argument were here to support. In the area and were here to combat the threat posed by iran right alan fischer thank you. Police a force thousands of protesters away from hong kongs Legislature Building theyve used tear gas and pepper spray to clear the area debate on a controversial extradition plan has been delayed that says activists blocked politicians from entering the building or live to hong kong in just a moment but 1st this report from scott hyder. Major intersections in Central Hong Kong transformed into front lines as violent confrontations between riot police and prodemocracy protesters escalated throughout the day. The fighting was near the Legislative Council headquarters where the proposed extradition law was due to be debated but the government session was postponed because legislators couldnt avoid the protesters to get into the building or anywhere close. Late in the afternoon riot police fired tear gas and pepper spray at protesters and then rubber bullets right now what youre seeing is this is one of the main areas where this confrontation between police and the protesters and the going on whats amazing is the communication between the protesters now that this has happened here this tear gas is here theyre going to roll back in there to tell everyone well behind that this is happened so everybody will push back but look how quickly this is cleared out. From early in the morning protesters blocked roads leading to the Central District the heart of hong kong we have to say phone calls now have to say there will fall and then we have to make sure that that one country 2 systems commitment is being like bringing on and to continue and not to lose hong kong im sad and frustrated and angry and everything we have here and then well stay on this evil is going away the socalled one country 2 systems where freedoms guaranteed in the treaty when colonial rule is britain handed over hong kong to china in 1971 of the organizers of sundays 1000000 people march demanded the government scrap the extradition laws. Chinas leaders say the law is necessary to close a legal loophole which allows suspected criminals to escape prosecution as protesters built barricades and government leaders issued a warning to pay for the Hong Kong Government is calling on protesters who are blocking roads to return to the pedestrian sidewalks as soon as possible so traffic can resume im also urging protesters to stay calm disperse peacefully and not test the law. But the protesters are testing the law and its looking like theyre digging in preparing to stay images reminiscent of the umbrella prodemocracy movement 5 years ago with protesters blocked off the Central Business district for 11 weeks its got harder aljazeera because lets not cross over to depict hall and shes joining us from hong kong so as we saw in scotts report the call to come out and protest was very well received a couple of hours ago its well into the night right now and if you are the protesters still out on the streets. There enough protesters are not few and far between theyve been pushed back by police away from the main area they were around the government headquarters and the Main Financial center where i am now is a bit further down and as you can see behind me there are actually more police that im seeing them protesters there right police with their shields up there blocking the main Police Station here in the area that blocked both sides of the road so nobody can enter or go to work at the Police Station i have walked the whole leg of the protest site this evening and what ive seen is a lot of the protests as they were being dispersed have just been pushed further into the financial area and slowly disappearing but what theyve been doing is still manning barricades so you see a few of them manning barricades every time one gets taken down they put it back on a regular day i would be able to stand on the street and be run over by the electric trams that are so iconic in hong kong but because there is a barricade just at the end of this road there is no traffic passing through so while the police have managed disperse the protesters there are still barricades that are that is preventing a lot of the traffic from coming through and will be interesting to see how long they will be there particularly in a few hours time will be daytime in the rush hour traffic is due to begin the Group Protesters say their whole point although theyre not out here in numbers is to paralyze the city paralyzed the way to the government offices and todays legislative meeting was canceled for today at least due to that paralysis so we know what happens next. Thats right and thats very important to remember the reason it was cancelled was not necessarily because of the protesters demand was because the Legislative Councilors could not get into the building so it was more for logistical reasons do we know whats going to happen next while the chief executive earlier this evening gave an interview to a local t. V. Station and she once again expressed the need for this fugitive socalled fugitive or extradition law saying that hong kong needed it and it was important for hong kong to have it so she obviously has and backed down as far as the protests go she acknowledged that they were happening in fact on sunday as reports a 1000000 people came out on the streets to protest against this extradition order chillis into them well no in fact she decided to foster track the process instead of going through the Due Diligence thats required by hong kongs constitution so thats what the protesters and will people be back on the streets tomorrow well that is also a very big question originally protesters had permission to protest until friday midnight but according to the civic human rights front who are one of the organizers or who support these protests police have now cancelled all permits have banned protests particularly around the government headquarters and around the Main Financial center so its hard to tell exactly whats going to happen but what everyone does know years that china is watching these proceedings very closely and it seems that they will not have the patience they had in 2014 when they allowed these protests to extend to 79 days where hong kongs main center was paralyzed for that length of time with protesters taking over the heart of the city this time and many people know that is very unlikely to happen ok if you go poland thank you. Plenty more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including reports of attacks targeting fulani villages amaldi just days after nearly a 100 people from a rival ethnic group were gunned down. Ebola reaches uganda a 5 year old boy dies after crossing the border from the democratic republic of congo. And fined for spying on found details of a punishment for the spanish football league. But 1st police in russia have arrested several 100 protesters demanding punishment for those involved in the suspected framing off a journalist lets cross over to Felicity Barr in our european Broadcast Center for more. Thanks so much terrain yes the opposition politician alexina valley was among those arrested after thousands of people gathered in moscow to demand accountability for even arrests the investigative journalist was detained last week on drug charges but he was released after the government admitted there was no evidence against him step fasten reports. One by one they were arrested randomly taken from the crowd thousands of people took part in the protests in the center of moscow despite government warning still really close illegal. Protesters one by one. And they bring them to the police truck bans of processes have been arrested so far the protest has been called illegal because the demonstrators didnt get the approval in time it takes 10 days at least here in russia to get the permission for a demonstration so the police has from the beginning ordered everyone to leave they said this isnt an authorized protest but the protesters are defiant. Girl not arrest last week. Outcry even in russias tightly controlled state media yes surprising release on tuesday didnt stop people from taken to the street. Around that despite the fact that ivan was released they havent changed the legislation havent reforms the police what is the difference even if one particular case something went well overall it doesnt change anything. Because the issue hasnt been solved its still here and tomorrow they can plant drugs the same way to my children relatives or colleagues. Opposition leader alexei enough and he who was released from his latest detention only last october was arrested as well fellow north who has been investigating and we feel in Corruption Cases inside the moscow government was released on tuesday night because of a lack of evidence an unprecedented u. Turn by authorities in a country with a nearly 100 percent conviction rate and the history of framing opponents in drugs cases by these protesters fear that his release has not changed anything they say todays Police Crackdown shows just that and not all rally is expected at the end of the week stop fast and aljazeera moscow. The 4 month trial of 12 cassel and separatists independence bid from spain has ended its a verdict not expected for months theyre accused of a barely in or disobedience over a referendum in 2017 the Central Government had banned the vote of the regions Vice President says organizing it wasnt a crime. The end of a politically explosive month trial in Spain Supreme Court the 12 defendants some of the key figures in catalonia as drive for independence among the charges rebellion and the misuse of public funds theyre seen as violent seditionists by the government in madrid as Political Prisoners back home in barcelona. The court has focused on the role of these once respectable politicians in organizing an illegal referendum on independence for the spanish region and a declaration of independence shorty off towards the capital of parliament. One of the accused a former Deputy President in the Regional Government oriel john carroll said in february that he was being prosecuted for his ideas not for his actions it is a case that has highlighted bitter divisions and still risks and flaming independence feeling in catalonia the around the most controversial elements of the trial is the charge of rebellion faced by 9 of the 12 defendants that implies a violent uprising that the only violence seen by witnesses at the time was carried out by the police. Its a political trial whats being judged today is an ideology political decision hadnt been any crimes if there was no rebellion or sedition or misuse of funds. Into defense lawyers have accused the prosecution of fire and exaggeration of the verdict is expected in the autumn or. Was marie le pen is to stand trial in france over twitter post from 2015 that showed iceland thats according to the a. F. P. News agency the leader of the french far right National Party posted 3 tweets showing the gruesome aftermath of some of isilon actions in march she was charged with circulating violent messages that incite terrorism will seriously harm Human Dignity it carries a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. And ill have more from europe a little later but right now lets take you back to doha and to jury thank you very much from the city while new attacks are being reported in mali thats where ethnic tension is high wileys Prime Minister visited the village where at least 95. 00 dog and farmers and their families were killed on sunday were see so says the attack was a tragedy for humanity that followed a similar massacre of 164 lani villagers in march joining us from alis capital bamako what more do we know about these latest attacks on 2 villages. In the last hours weve now got reports of 4 different attacks 2 villages were attacked one that was populated by people from the doggone ethnic Group Another populated by people from the fulani ethnic group is today going to knit group whos village one of whose villages was attacked on sunday night massacre in which nearly 100 people were killed and we also spoke a short while ago to somebody from a dog a militia who says that theyd attacked a fulani militia one of the militias that seeks to bring political islam to the area but we its hard to get details from some of these places theyre completely out of phone contact but in one case the mayor has said that several injured people have been taken to the hospital and weve just heard just in the last minutes that the president has fired the governor of mopti thats the province the province where a lot of this violence has taken place hes been blamed that governors being blamed for not doing enough follow a lot of people here would put that question to the state centrally for being absent and for not being present generally either in a security sense or in terms of other Public Services throughout central mali where this violence is taking place and as theyre saying lot of violence taking place and these attacks are really not know what are the circumstances that have led to such attacks. People from the going to group. 3 farmers to do some hunting as people from the full army ethnic group are cattle herders and they migrate around the area even around neighboring countries pursuing pastures and of course when the dry seasons come in with the end of the dry season now the demand for pasture where the livestock can graze becomes much greater and water i guess is a Precious Resource in these areas and so cases where livestock trample on the crops of the farmers where the farmers need arable land where the herders need to take the livestock of lead to conflicts in the past these have gone on for generations but previously were often sorted sorted out through meetings between Community Leaders and if there was violence it would be a very low level of violence but in recent years things have changed the conflict in northern mali where there are several armed groups some connected to al qaeda and the Islamic State supporting the prevalence of weapons and banditry and also the absence of the state in central mali a lack of Security Forces and also a lack of Public Services the perceived lack of justice and policing led to these old tensions between ethnic groups escalating into the kind of into communal violence that were seeing now. Thank you. Still ahead on the aljazeera news hour in the u. K. The race to replace to resume. Suppose that front runner has a rocket launch and in sport with peter and back for more they lie and denounce their coach for the tour of south africa. Hello there were seeing yet more showers over parts of techie really having fairly unsettled recently you can see. More cloud with us at the moment and that tab also drifting its way across the caspian sea more showers are expected then as we had 3 thursday and friday not really a great deal of change just plenty of showers around many places including that northern coast elsewhere its hot now baghdad up to 43. 00 degrees and also pretty help force in tehran at 35. 00 not too far away there they could be one or 2 showers just dotted around the caspian sea coastline here in doha certainly hope currently 4445 we are maximum temperature over the next few days this far more climb to the south of us and thats thanks to a Tropical Cyclone thats making its way up the west coast of india and towards pakistan thats going to inject more moisture into the atmosphere so staying hot here but also rather cloudy at times further towards the south and its largely fallen and dry for most of us over the southern parts of africa at the moment so for cape town it wont be that will 14 degrees will be our maximum but at least it should be drawing and sunny for most of us as well we are going to see it will cloud in the eastern parts of south africa thats going to be giving us some heavy rain and gradually drifted its way northward into parts of mozambique as we head into friday so durban should brighten up the top of 90. Germanys but there ian alps where stunning scenery is playing host to europes latest arrival. Sampras in origin. Yeah a common room. And together the dream of a german future. Welcome to germany come favored last eyewitness documentary on aljazeera. If you. Follow again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour japans Prime Minister urged iran to respect International Nuclear regulations on his 2 day visit to the country. Hopes to ease tensions between the u. S. President Hassan Rouhani says iran will give a crushing response to anyone attacking this country. Led military coalition at war in yemen is promising retaliation for. On an airport in saudi arabia the Coalition Says at least 26 people were injured when the. Airport was. Right police in hong kong have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at tens of thousands of protesters theyre refusing to leave the city center in anger at a new law to allow extraditions to mainland china. Lets turn to return to one of our top stories the attack on a saudi airport by yemens hold the rebels will speak to david sosa professor at the. Security studies hes joining us from washington d. C. Good to have you with us on the aljazeera a news hour so the whole thing were very clear in saying that this was a Cruise Missile that they used to target an airport but the Coalition Spokesman has said its an identified projectile why do you think that is. Well a Cruise Missile implies that it has a jet motor and its a level of sophistication that we havent seen from the new things so far its probably my guess is that this would be a propeller powered drone like a commercial drone with an explosive charge. It takes a while to figure out to piece together the pieces of figure out whats happening but the who thiis in the past have exaggerated some of their military prowess and obvious if they do have a true Cruise Missile that is a new level of threat to the saudi numerati defenses so you think that the saudis are just taking their time to find out what exactly this type of miss alice. Well this thing could collapse into a building exploded and injure 26 people so the 1st priority is to you know get the 26 people taken care of the 2nd priority is to kind of repair the buildings then you have to find fragments of something that blew up in piece together what it is that takes it that takes to a time and you dont want to come out with a false attribution so i expect well have a better sense of what happened in a day or 2 but yeah its a little unrealistic to expect it instantly but how do you explain then the inability for the saudis to actually intercept this missile when in fact they spend billions and billions of dollars as we know buying assist systems and weapons from the United States to intercept missiles. Good question so when you the interception systems that all of these countries have the United States russia saudi arabia u. A. E. Its generally a point intercept system is designed to defend specific targets and those are military targets this was a civilian target it was undefended so there is a large military air base 40 kilometers away from civilian airport the premises shape base that is the larger goal target because thats where most of the air strikes in yemen are being run out of but its defended and so the hutus have chosen to hit an undefended civilian target much harder and of course if its the saudis have to defend that they actually have to step their efforts up basically these air Defense Systems only defend a point they dont defend an entire country but heres the thing going into the war in yemen the Coalition Said one of their goals or theyve insinuated one of the goals of this war has been to destroy the capabilities and the missile capabilities of the whole with these yet we see these attacks now tense in place inside saudi arabia so has the coalition failed in that mission militarily. Oh well you saudi arabia is no closer and probably further away from achieving their strategic goals now than they were at the start of the campaign but these are new i think that when everything is known well know these are new capabilities probably supplied by iran so they may have destroyed everything that was there when they went in but new ones have come in to take the place and most of its coming from iran and of course important to note however that iran has not commented and these are simply allegations at this point but for the time being david the ross we thank you very much for speaking to us from washington thank you thank you very now britain says it will legislate to ensure net 0 Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050 a 1st among g 7 nations for more on that will cross back to Felicity Barr and london. My story and yes the british Prime Minister treason may call the commitment ambitious but essential for protecting the future is in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement but climate activists say its not enough now to reports. On paper at least what we could be looking at is major changes to the u. K. s Climate Policy in the coming decades with one eye on the stop wishing her legacy beyond the ongoing brics it chaos to reason mays announced legislation committing britain to reach 0 Carbon Emissions by 2050 this is about the long term climate targets were proud of the world leading beating record we have but i absolutely agree that it is vital that we continue this work and make sure that we protect our planet for generations to come if passed it would make britain the 1st of the g. 7 group of Major Economies to put a net 0 target into law in other words balancing Carbon Dioxide emissions with Carbon Removal measures or simply eliminating emissions altogether but the leader of the opposition sounded skeptical existing in the bay governments record on supporting efforts to combat Climate Change was paul another saying to those who inspired by the government is that of the renewables industry. Solar installations are down by 94 percent onshore wind coming to a grinding halt. The Governments Advisory Committee on Climate Change recommended the net 0 target last month saying if other countries followed suit there was a 5050. 00 chance of staying below the recommended temperature rise of no more than 1. 5 degrees celsius by 21 hundreds as agreed under the paris climate accords. It would almost certainly mean people eating less meat and dairy and taking fewer flights any remaining pollution would need to be offset through carbon cutting measures such as large scale tree planting. Campaigners whove been pushing the government to declare a coup. Climate crisis im not impressed they want a net 0 target of 2025. Un general secretary said by the end of next year we dont start radically cutting our Carbon Emissions humanity face extinction so thats our answer to them you cant gamble with our kids futures and thats what a target of 2050 does so while some say the governments move is a bold one many question whether the political will so force through the huge changes needed to meet their targets the barber aljazeera or the man widely expected to become the u. K. s next Prime Minister has lost his campaign for the conservative Party Leadership Boris Johnson has vowed to take britain out of the e. U. With or without a deal by the end of october but hes faced a string of questions about his suitability for the job or ensley has more from central london. The front runner in this race had been all but invisible at this point leading to accusations that he was dodging the media and all the difficult questions about his past but he couldnt do it forever and to try to get off on the front foot by promising to deliver that would be good for everyone so that no time. No community no person feels left behind and that is the way we will remain the bones of this amazing country and in everything we do we will seek to strengthen the union of our 4 nations that invincible quartet the awesome foursome that makes up the u. K. The worlds soft power superpower such as is customary he had to field questions maybe someone should have given him a crash helmet as foreign secretary you offended people at home and abroad you have a reputation for being cavalier with vital detail and already in this campaign youre telling some supporters youll do everything to avoid leaving the e. U. Without a deal and others that you gladly would do that is a simple question if you want to be Prime Minister can the Country Trust you you brought shame on your party when you decide veiled muslim women as letterbox is bankrupt as people who have worked closely with you do not think you will fit to be Prime Minister you told g. Q. Some years ago now when asked would you take in cocaine yes i tried it at university and i remember it vividly and i asked whether the drug it actually got up your nose you said yes it must have done but it didnt do much for me were you telling the truth then and do you regret the fact that you took a class a drug of course he prepared for all this and other diverted of course occasionally some plaster comes off the ceiling as a result of a phrase i may have used to justify his conduct by claiming hes the sort of Straight Talk of the public wants but if thompson got away with the questions about himself there was a much greater on which he offered very little detail namely how to renegotiate a different and better bracks it trade deal in the very short amount of Time Available before the end of october on that point he was almost entirely vague suggesting that in his opinion the European Union would have what he calls. A symmetrical enthusiasm about reopening the talks something the e. U. Has said it will not do. Whatever platitudes johnson or the other contenders come out with about renegotiating the can stretch time and there is such concern in parliaments are the prospects of a no deal bricks its that the opposition parties launched the 1st of what could be several procedures which they hope will allow employees to block any attempts to see it through. Johnson may be a far better communicator than sarees and may at the task facing him is no different. Aljazeera london and former u. S. President bill clinton is in kosovo to not 20 years since the nato operation and its control of its majority albanian province clinton was a key figure behind the naysay Bombing Campaign which aimed to stop a serb military crackdown on Ethnic Albanians he was welcomed in the capital prishtina by crowds waving cost of an albanian and us flights kosovo declared independence from serbia in 2008 but belgrade has never recognized it and relations remain tense. Or thats it from here in europe back to doha and to terry felicity thank you well a 5 year old boy has died of ebola in uganda while 2 of his relatives are now infected with the virus its the 1st death there since last years outbreak in neighboring democratic republic of congo the World Health Organization has convened an emergency meeting several hire our latest. Family in quarantine in a hospital in east in uganda the 5 year old boy succumbed to the virus shortly after arriving there from neighboring democratic republic of congo where his grandfather also died after contracting. Doctors treating the family say theyve been expecting the worse this is a disaster which you ask on the way to where it. Starts in spain and you get home but this is the day we showed you how to cope with the government going to make sure that we get him out something like. Its the news ugandans have been dreading for months confirmed by the minister of health to journalists to Media Briefing in the capital kampala before the boys death. The ministry of health the World Organization and the center for Disease Control have dispatched a Rapid Response team to classes to support the teams who are on the ground to continue with the various activities including contact crissy and kissed management. Uganda has been on high alert for the last 10 months since the outbreak in the eastern d. R. Sea where 2000 congolese have contract at the virus and 1400 have died in the 2nd worst ebola epidemic on record. 8 people in contact with the family have been identified the ugandan authorities will vaccinate all contacts and ensure all Health Professionals and the district are vaccinated. The last outbreak of ebola in uganda was 7 years ago then it strains an already overstretched. Health system this time the government wants to contain the virus much more quickly uganda have a long history of well the bola outbreak couldnt only use their. So it with a well coordinated and intervention and date with funding and this should be possible to way to contain this virus the governments new inching and emerged

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