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The expansion of a controversial pipeline despite protests from indigenous communities and environmentalists. And hundreds of thousands are displaced in the democratic republic of congo further complicating the fight against. Fellow donald trump has officially launched his campaign to be reelected as the president of the United States speaking had a launch in the key state of florida trump attacked his political opponents and doubled down on his Campaign Promises from 2016. Were going to keep it better than ever before. And that is why tonight i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a 2nd term as. Our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett has more from the Campaign Launch in florida. Oh as donald trump officially kicks off his 21. 00 to the election big year you know landover not even notice that this is going to be an Honest Movement one that starts in a very competitive battleground state and continues to spread across the country donald trump argues that there wasnt enough enthusiasm to be contagious hes highlighting would he says are the achievements of the past few years in office not only that hes delivering on his Campaign Promises he says he would a hard line immigration policies were directing the wolong the southern border of mexico but also creating jobs the was challenging continues to make the argument that the special counsel Robert Muller in his probe into whether or not Donald Trumps campaign for good with russian dogs was that is that exonerated him the fact remains that the report says that congress should continue to investigate something that the democrats in the house of representatives continue to do theyre not only looking into that but also investigating his business and his campaign these are the challenges donald trump will have to overcome the for now he is every basking if you will in the enthusiasm of the 20000 that have filled this are really about something that he hopes will build momentum all the way to election day so as trumpet launches his bed for a 2nd term hes under pressure on several fronts including growing calls from within his own party for his and patrons i have decided to support impeachment investigation of the president. I have not come to this easily i come to this decision after much deliberation and i know deeply what this means for our democracy i cannot with a clean conscience ignore my duty to defend the constitution i cant claim to be committed to rooting out corruption and putting people over politics and then apply those same principles and standards in all of the work i do thats face to joe watkins who is a republican political strategist and a former white house aide to george w. H. W. Bush joining us live from philadelphia thanks very much for speaking to us joe watkins did you hear anything new in his message at that Campaign Rally in florida when he announced his intention to run for presidency once again. He said basically what i thought he would say which is and ive been saying this for a while now ive said on aljazeera in the past that the president is going to course the voters know that hes made good on many of the promises that he made back in 2016 when he was a candidate for president the 1st time and hes going to say look at what ive done ive brought you tax reform or tax form and youve seen in decades look at the economy the rate of unemployment is low its been in 50 years look at what ive done in terms of trade ive renegotiated a number of the trade agreements not shaken up all the trade agreements that we had that i didnt think were in the United States favor and look at what ive done in terms of trying to piece together a relationship with north korea and certainly improve relations with china and then stop the flow of Illegal Immigrants ive worked hard all those things im going to continue to build the wall hes saying and but ive made good on a number of the promises i made to you in 2016 and so thats what hes going to use this is rallying cry in this 2020 election hes going to say why would you fire me when ive done all the things you asked me to do but then what how do you explain his his low Approval Ratings currently the latest figures that weve seen around 44 percent and the latest polls in fact right before this reelection announcement show that hes trailing behind the democratic candidates. Thats right joe biden certainly looks at this point very strong certainly is posting strong numbers against the president in a number of states a number of key states so thats something for the campaign to be concerned about but the president will point to the fact that he has a very very solid base that base maybe less than 50 percent its hovering around 3940 percent of americans but its very very strong very committed and as you can see tonight very enthusiastic for him and what he has to win of course is he won last time were those independent voters people who are not going to show up at these rallies and cheer for him but people who save themselves well you know what at the end of the day the economy is better than its been in a long time the rate of unemployment the lowest its been 50 years and we dont want to go backwards the president s made good and doing away with the individual mandate in health care and a number of other things so we may not be thrilled but what were going to vote for that is unless democrats are able to offer a better alternative other than the fact that they dont like the president but is also enough and that becomes a challenge from the democrats right right but its his base enough now to get him through this 2nd round especially with you know these growing calls for impeachment. Well the president s been able to use the growing call for impeachment to his advantage at least with his base by saying again and again theyre bringing these charges against me and theyre unsubstantiated charges that theyre trying to get me and its us against them because im on your side he says and hes saying that its the politicians its the fake news those folks are the ones that wont be out in that are. Building up the case for impeachment that being said its not likely that the said it would ever vote to impeach the president now with a republican majority and even then suppose you the speaker of the house is hesitant to make the impeachment the centerpiece of a 4 strategy to win the white house in 2020 shes sticking to her guns and say well lets do the investigations but lets not center on impeachment because she knows that impeachment will probably be a losing a losing battle for democrats all right joe watkins we thank you very much for speaking to us from philadelphia. The u. N. Has demanded a thorough independent investigation into the death of egypts only democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi there was a high security presence and he was burned at a cemetery in cairo rather than in his hometown as his family had requested journalists were kept away from the Borough Service that was held a day after he died in court 67 Rights Groups complained that much he was tortured after being held in prolonged solitary confinement and having access to medicine restraints. Well mourners still gather the notices home province of suck to yet to pay their respects hundreds dead and sprayed hematite security and the village. Mosi had been in jail since he was forced from power in a military coup in 2013 the Un Human Rights Office says any inquiry into his death should examine how he was treated while in prison these statements went on to say as former president Mohamed Morsy was in the custody of the egyptian authorities at the time of his death the state is responsible for ensuring he was treated humanely and that his right to life and health were respected any sudden death in custody must be followed by a prompt impartial thorough and transparent investigation carried out by an independent body to clarify the cause of death. While thousands of people throughout the middle east have been remembering mo to see with funeral prayers politicians and the prayer for him despite concerns that could be seen as a political gesture elections are being held there later in the year and hundreds of people also gathered to remember him in libyas capital tripoli and in turkey president. Attended prayers at an istanbul mosque where he raised concerns about how she died sin of course more from istanbul. Oh. This is a special food service for egypts former president Mohamed Morsy hundreds of people gathered in a stumble. To honor his life and struck a. Few gyptian is here already agree. I was something changed after he died and. Were not to forget him because he was a good leader show us oh people here believe despite the loss of a leader the revolution will continue history shows that they are not a leader this is a group created. Another leaders will continue with. The words. Millions. In the capital ankara hundreds gathered outside the Egyptian Embassy in protest one with talk is Opposition Leader criticized the charges morsi had faced and said the former leader should have been buried with president ial honors earlier to say mosques like this one held prayers for deposed president Mohamed Morsi tricky soft religious body had called for the nationwide special service many people here to part to remember the tips in leaders and protest against his treatment while in prison former politicians and more says cabinets believe the egyptian governments neglect of more so while in prison led to his death they have a mind of their force the force of the surrender and the knowledge that it otherwise they would kill for so they waited for years you know killing him through a slow process of medical negligence or that would provide again basic health care and having an independent international transparent investigation on the circumstances of these that. This is the least the International Community should do after the very years so many years of negligence yeah of the good video stores for taking care of any. Turkeys present treasure typepad john attended one of the special prayers in istanbul he said there are doubts about this case and blamed egyptian president dr fatah 160. 00 for moshes death and that of other dissidents. When im sure i do not believe that morsi is death is a natural one such cowards that they are they did not hand over Mohammed Morsi is body to his family that iran has spoken out strongly against ages 2013 military coup that toppled morsi especially after turkeys own failed military coup nearly 3 years ago seen m. P. s all of aljazeera stumble. Islamic scholars a former hamas leader and members of the egyptian diaspora. All attended a ceremony for the former egyptian president and cats heart our reporter jamal say al was their. Absentee funeral koreas have just concluded here in doha with hundreds of people gathering to pay their respects to the former president morsy the crowds are overflowing from inside the mosque on to the carpark outside and beyond significant figures participating including the former leader of the political wing of the. Resistance Palestinian Resistance movement from egyptian actor aziz ground or some exclude others to separating us as well the significance of this gathering is the fact that the people who post here want to send a message to the egyptian authorities gotten despite attempts by the governments in egypt to prevent any similar you know president place in egypt and despite the states media essentially admitting to. The events of the death of. The legacy of egypts only ever democratically elected president is a legacy that goes beyond egypt and one that will continue it will not be forgotten here as far as these people are concerned Mohamed Morsi did not want to represent a significance because he was the president of egypt but because he was the only democratically elected 11 who represented the aspirations of selfdetermination of freedom by being that 1st president chosen of the gentlemen 25th revolution in the presence of people like Khaled Meshaal and others is also testament thats morsi was seen as a champion of other causes like the struggle for freedom in palestine and other causes like the Syrian Revolution and so forth so prayers like these taking place in doha as well as malaysia turkey and other countries is testament thats the legacy of the morsi not only lives on through the die a Small Community of egyptians around the world but also among the other arab and muslim communities who are seeing Mohamed Morsi that champion of the local rust. The u. N. Special operator is due to release her long awaited report into the murderer saudi journalist. Later on wednesday in early findings i guess kalam are said the killing of the saudi consulate in istanbul last october was premeditated how so how about a reports. Shocks he was killed 9 months ago his murder and the whereabouts of his body remain a mystery. But the gruesome descriptions from an audiotape turkeys shared with World Leaders caused an International Outcry and calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice it all started on october the 2nd when Washington Post columnist. And the saudi consulate in istanbul to retrieve documents for his upcoming wedding this is the moment he entered the building a few minutes later he was killed by a hit squad sent from saudi arabia. The murder strained relations between turkey and saudi arabia turkish officials accuse the kingdom of stalling the investigation and undermining efforts to find out what happened inside the consulate. Called for an International Investigation that was rejected by a. U. N. Investigator and special report. Has investigated the case. Was denied access to the saudi consulate but her team listened to an audiotape detailing kashyap says why not moments really interesting will be if she doesnt name people and its the same as the 5 people apparently on trial at risk of their lives in saudi arabia or the few names of those and so i think the alternative is named people that it will in some way implicate the state as a body and that much more difficult to tie down to a criminal charge it becomes it is much more diffuse and less for the activist or for turkey to grab hold of maybe maybe he did they did not make that assessment the Trump Administration made a few statements denouncing the murder of hostility but states short of taking action but 22. 00 bipartisan members of the senate called for an investigation into how. The cia believe calm principal. Ordered the assassination if there isnt and same in regarding the killing its going to put more pressure on the trumpet ministration overall but its not necessarily going to make them decide to cut ties in terms of military funding to saudi arabia it will help feed in to the pressure from congress in particular and congress is likely to use that as an argument for cutting future weapon sales to saudi arabia 500 trump is trying to bypass. Congressional approval for an 8000000000. 00 arms sale to saudi arabia the move was widely criticised by the congress after initially denying any involvement in. Saudi arabia acknowledged the journalist was killed after a flight broke with the people he met of the consulate saudi arabias narrative about how she has it changed over time from denial to acknowledging the journalists murder was premeditated but the u. N. Inquiry team are still trying to figure out what exactly happened on october 2nd and if the order to kill. Came from the highest authorities in riyadh. Is the border the u. S. Secretary of state might compare her stop saudi arabia from being added to a list of countries that recruit child soldiers for his decision goes against the state departments recommendation based on news reports and Rights Groups assessments they say the kingdom hired sudanese children to fight for the u. S. Backed coalition in yemen for militaries on the list are banned from receiving u. S. Aid training and weapons glencora was the former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for transnational threat that the cia he says pompei as move reflects washingtons changing alliances in the middle east in recent years. There is a long tradition in the United States that the standard position for many years of u. S. Policy has to side in these sunni shia tensions the saudi iranian tensions in the middle east with the sunni president obama change that policy it was an historic shift its debatable whether it was wise or not i personally think that it was but thats certainly legitimately debatable and trump has gone back and then some to aligning with the sunni and the saudis now theres an added fillip for twist to this which is that its less on principle and policy by trump as it is apparently for a personal enrichment jarrad his son in law whos handling issues has clearly been seduced by the saudis and the alignment is is with saudi is another reason to that thats happened and that is the u. S. Policy is closely aligned with the release mimics that of the likud party in israel which. Is very hostile to around i think there will be pushback from the democratic majority in the house of representatives and the democratic minority in the senate but the senate is remains controlled by the Republican Party and the republicans have almost literally to a person sold their souls and align themselves with donald trump so congress cannot do too much. More ahead on the hour including. Me. We are. They survived brutal conditions in libya and. We hear the harrowing stories of migrants arriving in. The battle to become Prime Minister Boris Johnson surges ahead in the race to become britains next leader. Records are broken at the cricket world cup by the big hitting hosts peter details and sports. But 1st canada has approved a plan to expand a Controversial Oil pipeline the 7000000000. 00 project will link canadas landlocked oil fields to a major reports its faced off from indigenous communities and environmentalists construction is due to start next year but its expected to be hit with several legal challenges the transom out the pipeline has been in operation for more than 65 years we approved the twinning of that pipeline so running a single additional pipe alongside the one thats already there this project has the potential to create thousands of solid middle class jobs for canadians people in b. C. Alberta and right across the country would have more opportunities to earn a good living lets speak to the poor of burma and shes joining us live from new york shes the International Program director at stand earth thats an Environmental Protection organization with offices both in the u. S. As well as in canada thanks very much for speaking to us on the aljazeera news hour youre against this pipeline whats your biggest concern. This pipeline would facilitate the expansion a significant expansion of the tar sands in canada the emissions just from the production of the oil alone are the equivalent to putting about 2200000 cars on the road this is going to facilitate Significant Oil expansion and oil and gas are the fastest source of emission Fastest Growing and largest source of additional in canada it means that canada wont be able to meet our climate targets heres the thing though trudeau say. Hes actually committing to directing money earned from that pipeline to investments in Clean Energy Projects what do you make of that argument that hes putting forward. The fact is the market is moving away from high cost high carbon oil which is what we have in canada and demand is softening many countries around the world are banning the fossil fuel car and thats why investors pulled out of this pipeline in the 1st place so our federal government bought it is using 7000000000. 00 of taxpayers money to buy this pipeline and build the expansion they could be using that 7000000000. 00 directly to Fund Clean Energy without increasing pollution if a wealthy country like canada with a stable democracy cant do our part to address climate safety when were all experiencing the rise and floods and fires then who can we need canada step up to the plate and address Climate Change and expanding Oil Production and building new pipelines is not the way to move away from fossil fuels how do campaigners like yourself then take this fight forward because environmental campaigners organizations groups all saying that this project will not go ahead without a fight. The fact is there have been many approvals of pipelines keystone x. L. Northern gateway in canada none of them have gone forward because what were seeing is growing opposition its not just environmentalist and indigenous nations who are opposed to this project its 19 minutes apologies its the city of vancouver the city of burnaby the province of British Columbia so there will be more legal challenges there are already protests there were hundreds of people in the streets in vancouver tonight and you know it remains to be seen but i think this program this project will continue to be challenge to we are continue to try and delay it and hope that our government will see that we need to invest directly in clean energy at this moment in history and not build more fossil fuels i think the fact is canada like many other countries our climate politics are being held hostage in by the oil and gas industry a very powerful lobby that is pushing to expand at a moment when we know we need to move away from fossil fuels rights as a poor a birman we thank you for speaking to us from new york. A vessel carrying 75 migrants has been allowed to dock and after being stranded off the coast for nearly 3 weeks the country has seen a rise in people seeking sanctuary after fleeing from libya on the sinai. Most of them arrive after trying to make the crossing to europe. They finally arrived exhausted and not where they originally planned to be most of them from bangladesh some of them barely there telling this they could hardly imagine the ordeal that awaited them at sea after theyd survived the brutal conditions in libya. To the road ok they have done the push to build these into and leave us if if we dont do these guys they told me if you dont do this we are. Among one Sudanese National he said he had fled the fighting after the feel of the president bashir was the only one of the group that was offered asylum in tunisia. They had spent nearly 3 weeks aboard the egyptian owned bessel most of it negotiating the conditions of their arrival with the truth is you know storage fees food water and medical attention of were provided by n. G. O. S only when they were able to reach them. Well. It took a long time because there were a few problems and on the boat there were 32. 00 miners between 12 and 16 years of age they were at risk of being exploited in traffic in europe so im relieved that they will be returning to their countries the small blue boat attached to the vessel was where all 75. 00 of them were found drifting in the Mediterranean Sea theyd set off from the libyan port of the waiter their destination was europe and they were so desperate to reach there that they were willing to risk their own lives to do so. Ever since this years clampdown on rescue boats in the mediterranean to musea has been receiving group people arriving from libya by boat and over land this Migrant Center some 100 kilometers west of the libyan border houses women and miners all of them have common here via libya. Who does not want to be identified found herself at the mercy of kidnappers she was taken prisoner and repeatedly raped by men paying money to her captor she became pregnant but managed to persuade him to release her. Only. Cause i was. Feel like i was experiencing a few last infections. So. When i continue to live. Well the conflict in libya rages on so too does a Smuggling Network with little regard for its victims. The summer brings cama sees an opportunity for criminal networks to feed off the vulnerable as the region becomes ever more wary of providing sanctuaries for those in desperate need. Aljazeera. The us police have seized over a 1000000000. 00 in cocaine from a ship at the philadelphia ports its the latest drug seizure in a series of cocaine busts in the u. S. East coast the drugs were stored inside a cargo ship that sailed from chile to the u. S. Via panama the bahamas members of the crew were arrested and face federal charges. Face spoke is a step closer to launching a Payment System next year powered by a new Digital Currency its partnered with 30. 00 companies to manage the currency called libra it will be run by a geneva based association that includes visa master card and pay pal users will be able to buy products directly from platforms such as instagram or comes in 2. 00 parts money wallets libra will be a Digital Currency backed by a pool of currencies and assets stored around the world and will have an Exchange Rate for converting to traditional currency users will hold their currency in a digital wallet called a liberal which is how facebook takes parts transactions will take place and be recorded by block chain ensuring security at skeptics say facebooks record on data privacy and protection as well as how currency regulators in the u. S. And e. U. Will react to our concerns stuart was an attorney at the Electronic Frontier foundation he says facebooks currency will be less like bitcoin and more like regular Payment Systems. They spoke is under more scrutiny from National Regulators then probably at any time in its history and its kind of hard to imagine field that they could go into that would attract more scrutiny for regulators than payments particularly crypto currency is no way to tell whether it will be more or less secure than Payment Systems that already exist whats interesting is that the defining feature of a crypto currency is that they are decentralized what facebook is announcing today sounds quite centralized although possibly in the hands of a consortium of companies my guess is this is going to end up looking a lot like existing systems and its really just going to be a matter of who. Takes the transaction fee in the middle or who can use this to leverage other parts of their business such as messaging and advertising and so on still ahead on the i was there and hes our flying high engineers outlined their plans for a new generation supersonic passenger jets and the Paris Air Show. In sport they Tour De France champion suffers a setback ahead of the big race peter has the details. On the web sponsored by qatar. Welcome back well cross parts of china we are still seeing quite a bit of rain and flooding thats going to continue over the next few days as you can see here on the satellite image were seeing rain all the way from the east coast down here across much of the southwest now the showers have been heavy we are looking at saturated ground so it doesnt take much rain to continue the flooding situation across much of the area as you can see here on wednesday not a lot of rain but the problem is were going to be seeing a lot of humidity across much of the region as the the air comes in from the south thats going to bring those temperatures in the real feel is going to feel even higher than the numbers we have here on the forecast map we are going to see in hong kong with the tempter there on thursday of about 31. 00 degrees but heavy rain towards the north torching high where the temps there of 27. 00 degrees as well well cross much of the south in Southeast Asia were going to simply rain across parts of malaysia as well as western indonesia to the south though fairly dry across much of java as well as into bali over the next few days the forecast map looks like this jakarta is going to be a nice day at 32. 00 degrees up towards middle of though were going to see a break in the rain but the clouds are still going to be a problem 33. 00 degrees as your forecast high but over here towards bangkok expect plenty of rain in your forecast we do expect to see a turn for there of 32 degrees. The weather sponsored by cattle alleys. Freezing winds and rugged terrain and at times seem impossible. But the afghan traders who braved the concrete or its no choice. Can batting the impossible to sell their goods and isolated areas. We found that tearing chinese as they overcome the extremes. Risking it all afghanistan on aljazeera. As it breaks local communities here in puerto are very frustrated because the lack of post services with detailed coverage this month none of the people who talk to see this struggling to make ends meet and just want a better life from around the world and agnes has been offered to those who rebel against the government. Except those involved in human rights abuses a war crime. The top stories on the aljazeera news hour donald trump has launched a new attack on his political opponents kicking off his bid for the 2020 alexion speaking at a rally in florida the u. S. President lost the democrats the media and best to get into russian meddling. The u. N. Has demanded a for independent investigation into the death of egypts only democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi he was birding tribe or rather than in his hometown his family had requested a day after he collapsed and died in port. Despite fierce opposition from indigenous communities and environmentalists canada has approved a Controversial Oil pipeline expansion the 7000000000. 00 project will link canada oil fields to a major port. Kuwait samir is due to arrive in baghdad in the coming hours his 1st state visit since iraqs invasion of kuwait in 1900 talks will be aimed at boosting bilateral ties and Regional Development so happening against a backdrop of building tensions in the gulf region. Reports. From baghdad. Since last month it off has been the center of a flurry of diplomatic activity in may u. S. Secretary of state mike pump aoe made an unscheduled visit he was followed in june by 1st the foreign minister of germany then the foreign minister of oman but the impending visit of the emir of kuwait doing but that on wednesday for his 1st state visit may be the clearest indication yet of just how big a toll escalating tensions between the u. S. And iran are taking on iraq and kuwait it doesnt meant. It always wants to be a gate to peace and wants to send messages messages that could be from saudi arabia or other parties to iran sent through iraq kuwaits official News Agency Says shift with us a box to visit comes amid rising and unprecedented tensions and developments witnessed by the region particularly the act which targeted the safety of oil supplies through destruction and strikes on oil and commercial vessels many weve spoken to here in baghdad are growing more worried that it up caught increasingly between the u. S. And iran may have the most to lose if the situation continues to deteriorate mean nothing jeffie this visit by kuwaits in me a succeeds in resolving the differences between the u. S. And iran. The region cannot take any more struggle problems as a fix all the countries if a conflict or a struggle between the us and iran takes place surely the whole region will be affected economically and security wise for a year is. Acoa respected mediator chips obama has one of the regions most highly regarded diplomats hes played a Critical Role in attempting to end the blockade of qatar and also worked hard to repair relations with iraq after its invasion of kuwait in 1990 now many would look to see if the emirs visit coming at such a critical time could help defuse a situation that only seems to be worsening. But that medical facility is in serious last major rebel stronghold are no longer sharing their coordinates with the u. N. For fear of being targeted by russian backed Government Forces u. N. Secretary general has appealed to moscow on turkey to stabilize the situation and lead our diplomatic editor james bays has more from the United Nations the u. N. Secretary general addressed reporters as the Security Council prepared to meet to discuss the russian and Syrian Government offensive on the globe which has been going on for over 2 months. Tara said the situation on the ground was getting worse i am deeply concerned about the escalation of the fighting in italy and the situation is especially dangerous given the involvement of an increased number of victims and let me underscore that even in the fight against terrorism there needs to be full compliance with International Human rights and humanitarian law however in the Council Chamber his head of humanitarian affairs explained that is not happening medical facilities and schools are being repeatedly hit creating a facility whose coordinates were shared as part of the uns decon fiction system he simply intolerable. A number of partners now feel that supplying geographical coordinates to be given to the warring parties effectively paints a target on their backs european ambassadors shocked by whats going on many of those in the in the civilian infrastructure they have stopped giving the coordinates because. They are concerned that giving the cordon it also means that maybe those people who shouldnt get the coordinates receive them and use them your understanding of International Humanitarian law and the rules of war can there ever be any justification for targeting a school or a hospital no no just occasion when so ever. Even the fight against terrorism is not a reason to target a school or a not spittle thats very clear for us of course the russian and the Syrian Ambassador has said they were simply fighting terrorism the Security Council remains divided the agony for the people of looks certain to continue james. At the United Nations gunmen have killed at least 41. 00 people in separate attacks in central mali the attack took place in 2 different villages Ethnic Violence has surged in the area in recent months the victims were mostly i think all guns hundreds of people from the dog and im for a lot of communities have been killed in fighting over land and order. Has more from mopti in central mali. We were in a camp people from the group. Villages following attacks and killings and now theyre sheltering here basic structures like this made of plastic sheets and dry grass having left behind hearts and homes made of bricks people many of them a nomadic herders but only the lucky ones were able to come with their animals that they depend on for their survival because many animals have been killed or stolen in the conflict the conflict is between forlornly herders and gone farmers and the tit for tat killings have continued just on monday more than 3 dozen people from the going to ethnic group were killed in 2 different villages that were attacked by militia and the conflict just seems to grow worse and worse not helped by an influx of arms into the country from the north that followed libyas civil war which began in 2011 and also the government here is accused of having very little presence here providing little security so minor disputes that have existed for generations between the 2 ethnic groups. Into a bloody conflict hundreds of thousands of people have been forced from their homes in the democratic republic of congo by fighting between tribal groups nearly 200 people have been killed in the past week in the Northeastern Province the u. N. Says the Mass Movement of people is complicating the tracing and treatment of patients at risk of. Just a warning alexy obriens report contains disturbing images. The killing was indiscriminate babies and Young Children from the group among hundreds of victims hacked to death. In the Eastern Province of a tertiary and democratic republic of congo the survivors say the attackers were from the linda tribe when huge fighting between him a casual herd is in linden fan. Ammas has forced thousands of people to leave their homes over the past week and move to camps like this. In london came during the day on monday we were in the fields we started to run towards our homes which had been satellite some people were burned alive inside their houses they killed people with machetes and we dont even know what they did with the bodies thats why we fled here. The lendu and he may have been fighting each other for generations tains of thousands died between 19092003 they communities a separated from each other its the latest violence was sparked by an attack on 4 lendu merchants in the hema area. I didnt come here voluntarily but a group of people from the hills massacred and burned our villages we had no weapons so we couldnt do anything but watch our villages burnt and our people die i lost a lot of members of my Family Survivors of last weeks attack on the village of being protected by soldiers from the Congolese Army still i say theyre terrified and want to leave the area if they can find a way around the lame do rebels who have blocked the surrounding roads brian al jazeera. Their pro brecks that m. P. Boris johnson has surged ahead in his bid to become the next british Prime Minister hes 80 votes clear of his nearest rival foreign secretary jeremy hunt reports. It doesnt guarantee. There was a time to kick off any of voices and opinions but all of these contenders say theyll do you will the outgoing Prime Minister fails to deliver breaks it we got here we can hear you this is the 2nd t. V. Debate between leadership hopefuls in 3 days. 5 m. P. s made the latest cut to become britains next Prime Minister after a 2nd vote by conservative m. P. s on tuesday Boris Johnson 126. 00 leading the pack by a large margin is arch broke city airports johnson really out of the limelight he was absent from the 1st t. V. Debate on sunday preferring to make his debate debut against this pared down group of rivals we must come out on the 31st of october because otherwise im afraid we face a catastrophic loss of confidence in politics weve already kicked the can down the road twice and i think the british people are getting fairly fed up with johnsons promise to negotiate a new brics a deal with the e. U. But insists the u. K. Will leave the bloc come what may on october 31st this uncompromising stances made him popular with those who want a clean break from brussels. 80 votes behind johnson is the foreign secretary jeremy hunt described as a continuity to reason may not leaving the e. U. He said could be the end of the conservative party but he advocates working with the e. U. To negotiate a good departure deal. Environment secretary michael gove from aims in 3rd place and in 4th International Development secretary rory stewart made a surprising gains hes the only candidate rejecting a new deal breaks it all with you believing those 31st of october if youre leaving no deal on the table please will someone tell me how you are going to do it against the consent of parliament there is a secret knock out every day this week until thursday by then the hope is will know who the final contenders are its then down to the members of the conservative party to make better choices for. Only 4 weeks after that we have an idea through the next Prime Minister will be wherever that is will not only have a massive impact on bracks it but on british politics going ahead for many months if not years to come. A successor to to resume a hasnt even been chosen but theres already talk about whether an early general election is likely johnsons promise to take the country out of the e. U. Without a deal has led to predictions of a snap election soon after the new Prime Minister takes office if it comes down to a crunch a vote many conservatives believe johnsons the only candidate that can avoid a crushing defeat in the polls to bark aljazeera westminster. Climate experts have released an image showing the rapid ice melt in greenland with sled dogs appearing to walk on water they were travelling to retrieve measuring equipment in northwestern greenland when this image was taken the dogs were forced to walk through a lake a partially melted sea ice Scientists Say the mountains unusual but not unprecedented for this time of year it was caused by warm weather last. Germany has been forced to rethink plans for a new highway toll after the use top court ruled it would discriminate against foreign drivers the toll could charge for motorists an annual fee of up to 145 dollars to use motorways and those with cars registered in germany would receive a corresponding tax reduction the European Court of justice ruled the toll would have breached e. U. Laws. 15 years after the last concorde flight there are plans to build new supersonic passenger jets and say they could be cheaper and cleaner thanks to new technology and tasha butler reports in the Paris Air Show. Blake shoal is preparing to bring back supersonic flight to the aviation world at the Paris Air Show his Company Launched a project for a plane the could fly twice the speed of sound 50 years after concorde was designed with wind tunnels flight rules and drafting paper we now have carbon fiber composite vacherot and amex and new engines that allow supersonic flight to be accessible to tens of millions of people and a way thats economically and environmentally sustainable the companies raised more than 100000000. 00 to build a 55. 00 c. To plane that aide says would be affordable and produce ciro Carbon Emissions they hope to have a prototype flying by 2020 its not the only supersonic aircraft project a number of u. S. Startups airlines and even nasa are in the race but commercial aviation has been hit before its been more than 15 years since the british french concorde stopped flying it was a feat of engineering it could only fly over the sea it supersonic speeds though because of the very noisy sonic boom and despite his popularity it never broke even financially challenges all that the computer world has changed as concorde. Environment restrictions noise thing around airports have a much stricter so how does that fit in on the other hand compensate structures materials see if the modeling Engine Technology theyve all improved. This could be interesting to see how it turns out if supersonic travel becomes a reality again the 7 and a half hour flight between paris new york would be hauled and a new generation of people could experience travelling through the sky at breathtaking speed. Aljazeera paris still had on the i was there a news hour peter i will tell you why ben wattpad was involved in a football match on a tennis court. Greg. Greg. Greg. Halloa. Thank you very much captain owen morgan produced an incredible hitting display as hosts england fired off a record breaking performance at the cricket world cup they found afghanistan old trafford in manchester Jonny Bairstow set the ball rolling as he made 90 joe routes 88. But when more women came to the crease the big hitting really got going he fired 148 off just 71 balls that included 17 sixes an individual record for a one Day International as well as the england team total of 256 its been dispatched to all corners of the ground as in and posted a massive score of 397. 00 for 6. Afghanistan never got close in reply just for archer taking 3 wickets as did our dual rashid they batted out their 50 overs for the 1st time at the tournament but only made 247. 00 for 8 england winning by 150 runs as they go top of the group table. Brazil strike a martyr has extended her own goals record at womens world cup finals she netted her 17th goal as they beat italy on tuesday but it wasnt all good news her penalty was the only one of the game but due to the inferior goals scored record for the all finished 3rd in the group and will face either germany or france in the last 16 italy will meet either nigeria or China Australia finished 2nd in group c. Behind italy thanks to Salman Khurshid scored all 4 goals as they beach maker for australia reached the knockout stages for a 4th time in a row and will meet norway in the last 16 defending champions the usa are preparing for their final group match against sweden that scored 16 goals in their 2 games so far but something more important as impressed defender crystal done at this tournament. I am seeing so much more diversity and i think thats really all i hope for is year in year out i think its always progression progressing in the right direction and. You know especially being a woman of color i always root so much for for the black girls that are doing well and im always rooting for just so much diversity in this sport to continue to grow to spain as the leader now its 340000000. 00 and counting for real madrid as they try to regain the title from rivals barcelona tuesday saw last long course show off their latest edition 18 year old brazilian the road we go forward with sign for a reported 50300000. 00. Is the 1st big money so i think for the summer theyve already brought in has your bitch. And maybe the former head of european football michelle platen he has been questioned by french Anti Corruption investigators its part of the ongoing inquiry into the awarding of the 2022 world cup class and he was head of u. S. For for 8 years and voted for qatar to host the tournament 63 year old was banned from football following the 2015 fee for corruption scandal. Like this instead of it is beyond my comment was it a listen it was long but given the number of questions it could only be long they ask me questions on euro 2016 that the russians will count east of the counter world cup paris st germain the for so lots and lots and lots of things so i reply to all of that as my lawyer said i dont know why im here but hey i replied to all the questions. Sports correspondent lisa willing. According to. The former interior minister Claude Johnson and implicated in other financial scandals is also helping place with their inquiries now the Bigger Picture is that of course Michel Platini is banned from football or was banned for years thats been reduced to 4. In october of this year and that was officially by faith as Ethics Committee called it disloyal parliament for the day in favor of president of course sepp blatter youll remember that case well so i wish i cant play any part in football he vehemently denies any allegations against him continues to do so whether they via qatar or anywhere else he says that hes an innocent man and your sure that hell be saying that again with this investigation that continues with the french authorities. Tour de france champion gear on thomas will defend his title despite suffering a big setback ahead of this years race a welshman crashed during tuesdays 4th stage of the tour of switzerland after a collision with andres writes both riders needed hospital treatment sama says now pulled out of this race this crash comes just days after a full time Tour De France champion and fellow team any os rider chris froome was ruled out of the sports flagship event room is expected to be out for 6 months after suffering multiple fractures in a crash. Roger federer has got his Grass Court Season off to a winning start the world number 3 was a straight sets win over australias john moment a needs 1st match of the hallow open federer is looking for a record extending 10th title and this evening. Now heres something you dont see every day a bit of football on the tennis court take a look at this joe wilfred song is playing fellow french player in the hello open 1st round and when you lose your records as there may as well just play some football is going quite well up until this cruelly executed surface kick there is. Not only lost his record but the match too. And thats all sport we have if an hour well have more again later. Thanks for watching at the news hour on aljazeera well be with you in just a moment well have much more of the days news coming up but all the days top stories thanks for watching aljazeera about. Voters beaten in polling stations stolen 12 european politicians on trial for their role in a referendum on Catalan Independence their political opponents in the prosecutors seat for a case that traces crucial questions about democracy and selfdetermination. But is the outcome already decided by a hostile Spanish State the catalonia trials justice or vengeance on a. Leah and her husband gavin were sleeping when 4 teenagers broke down the back the teenagers just scribed as being of african appearance a still on the run the full of this happened i wasnt scared out of black people or people of color. Whatever the focus on african gang crime began in march 26th jane when violence broke out at the moon the festival at Federation Square in the center of melbourne to gird serve african young people coming together and knowing there was a fort bragg at every time i rolling all if you like some of that was because the place because i mean all of them we started chasing they just fables and that created all narrative in the media at the top a lot of political pressure on. This people to commit crime can do single race whole human gets blamed for the actions of the few. To people have to pay sites i have to feel saif side theres a lot of perception issues i think that we need to deal with this well monitored truck quantified i mean value missing data a new car for. Your data your identity is a commodity and you have to understand where im from a come from ah so you think its time to reclaim our cyber so you have to put in them a something that cannot be sold we are creators we are optimists we are. Give us back our data does you know. I stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a 2nd term. Donald trump kicks off his Reelection Campaign at a rally in florida. As im seeking this is live from doha coming up. The u. N. Calls for an investigation into the death of egypts former president Mohamed Morsy in court as mourners pay their respects in his hometown. Young with guns the u. S. Secretary of state stop saudi arabia from the

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