Water mark of threatening to annihilate the country at the u. N. General assembly to the high watermark about a year ago in singapore and then of course that 2nd summit in hanoi that really was not a Great Success lets talk about 3rd summit President Trump on his way from here to seoul after this summit to meet president moon of south korea to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula and james and i were going to lead watching that as Prime Minister and i as separate see generational lead is continued and were going to leave it there just for just for now james but were going to come back to you very shortly when theyre all lined up on the stage to talk through the dynamics there and that was our diplomatic editor james thanks for that james. Now the u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill providing 4600000000. 00 in emergency funds for the migrant crisis on the southern border the democrat controlled house and the republican led senate each approved different versions of the bill this week house leaders reluctantly agreed on the Senate Version to get the funding approved before congress breaks for the july 4th holiday the bill now goes to President Trump but he hasnt yet indicated whether he will sign it now mexicos president has written to the other g 20 leaders urging them to address the Central American migration crisis mexico is currently giving refuge to more than 14000 Asylum Seekers and under a new agreement with the United States could be about to take 60000 more but there are serious questions about whether the country has the capacity to handle them all John Heilemann has been meeting migrants on the streets of the border city of tijuana. Myra and her 12 year old son waiting on a mates compatable the next school in the us thats 6 months away its part of a plan known as remain in mexico those mainly from home salvador and guatemala like myra whove crossed into the u. S. To ask for asylum being sent back to mexico to wait while the process plays out. I dont know what im going to do im scared of being left in the street with my son mexico agreed to the plan reluctantly in january now under u. S. Pressure its expanding it about 60000. 00 Central Americans could be sent here by the end of the year luckily for them mexicos president says theyll be taken care of it. Will be offering humanitarian aid Job Opportunities house and education except we found that in t. Quanah with 5000. 00 have already arrived none of that is happening everyone we talked to like were only given temporary papers which explicitly state they cant kid despite the fact that for many their next Court Appearance is months away we talked to 7 migration shelters all along the border they told us theyd seen nothing of the governments promised work or Education Programs meanwhile theyre bearing the brunt of the new arrivals i think its the perfect storm coming together which everything its not its going to hit it and its going to explode one moment down the line if the government actually got any shelters of their own theory they want to they have no shelter all the number of private organizations charitable organizations churches they have not met with us they stopped for meetings since the last 2 or 3 months so we dont know what their planets. We dont know either with the wave of people already crushing in there is government ministries what they plan to do with them no one could tell us or even give us an. The issues particularly person because these people are being dropped into some of the most dangerous areas in mexico here into quanah theres been more than a 1000 murders so far this year and where we are right now we just heard shots people fleeing federal police turning up. Its not a big surprise that many like moira are trying to get the money together to simply get out and go home thats certainly the most convenient course of action to mexico and the u. S. John home. The point of. Forces allied to the u. N. Recognized government in libya are now in full control. Just south of the capital tripoli they kept to the strategic city from rival troops allied to the ward Khalifa Haftar wednesday have his forces have been using try and as a staging post an air campaign to seize tripoli but theyve now retreated to nearby towns to their asthma and up to wahid has the latest from that. This is the Central Command of forces loyal to the world. Have stood in the city of the u. N. As the city of the u. N. Has completely fall into the hand is of the forces do it through the. Government of National Accord its a measure that sets back to the forces loyal to the world a lot of have to just because it was the fittest city to be taken control of by have to the forces in the west of libya when helped launch his military campaign to take control of the capital tripoli in march now from this Central Command military sources here say that has generals. Run the battle for tripoli from hit from this Central Command from here they were running the battles in southern tripoli they were sending troops and also weapons and munitions. The forces on the southern outskirts of the libyan capital military forces with the government here say that heavy fighting took place around this its called sort of. Whos from always some cities took part in the battle for. All the world to the u. N. Recognize promised a full use else arroyo we will not allow have to us forces here again and now as the Government Forces are in full control of the city some of help to the forces retreated to the nearby town of others to the city of the horn of the city of the which is controlled by i have to this forces we understand that in march we have to the forces fittest entered the city of that area and some of the fighters from the city allied with the help those forces locals here are worried that have those were planes good targets Government Forces locations in and around this area. State media says nearly 250 people have been arrested in connection with a failed rebellion in the northern states. That number includes at least 39 members of an ethnic abhorrent Political Party dozens of people were killed in the attack and the fighting that followed the Central Government has accused them horace form a security chief of organizing that rebellion but our correspondent there harding has the latest from. Well since saturday theres definitely been and increased military presence several roads were closed earlier in the week since saturday several of those roads have opened we actually dont have any reports at least on thursday that roads were still closed so we do think the road systems have gone back to normal but the biggest difference would be the internet and there is a mood shift there people been really frustrated that the not been able to get on line its been difficult for our team i know but to day thursday an added it was a the internet was partially restored just in parts of the city earlier in the morning here in the southern part of ethiopia there was still no internet there so we dont know how when that will be restored to the rest of the country but for now it is just centralized in different parts of the capital. Indonesias president has welcomed a court ruling that rejected allegations of widespread voter fraud and confirmed his election victory joko widodo challenger wanted the result and now old and without i disqualified but the Constitutional Court ruled the evidence wasnt Strong Enough for 3 reports from jakarta. Indonesias Constitutional Court gives its verdict the judges rejecting president ial challenger probables to be antos application of the 2 and now the results of the election. We declare the refusal of all arguments in principle submitted by the applicant and related polities entirely. The 9 judges ruled there wasnt enough evidence to prove that big massive fraud and systematic cheating in the polls as alleged by probably his lawyers argued the president joke over doto mobilize the power of the state to win by breaking Campaign Finance rules and that up to 13000000 votes were stolen speaking after the verdict proposal says he accepts the decision. But we understand that such legal decision must have deeply disappointed. Supporters the just and Prosperous Indonesia Coalition and surely ourselves everyone in the Election Committee yet all of us agree that we will obey and follow our constitution the court in the capital supporters in the hundreds waited in anticipation of the verdict thousands of them demonstrated last month against the election result 9 people were killed and hundreds injured during 2 nights of riots this time supporters left before the verdict was announced many analysts didnt rate his chances of winning the case. The public. Proposed decision to challenge the result right and wrong its difficult to win in the Constitutional Court when it comes to president ial election of 2004 cases be rejected but its. No other way to challenge the result except to bring the case to court the courts decision is final and cant be appealed the Election Commission is due to confirm the final Election Results within 3 days that president joker widodo will continue to rule indonesia for 2nd term. With a legal challenge behind him president as hes popularly known can focus on governing the country but hell have the added task of bridging the divide that this election achieved dispute has caused florence aljazeera jakarta now washingtons acting defense secretary mark esper has told his nato counterparts that the u. S. Doesnt want a war with iran and marcus 1st meeting with the alliance and taking up the post he said he wanted to move from a military track to a diplomatic one and follows a recent spike in tensions which included President Trump calling off planned military strikes on iran and response to the downing of a u. S. Drone but our correspondent john how has more from brussels. Acting secretary of defense mark s. But i think broadly speaking successful here at nato in convincing allies that the iran question is a global one in need of a global diplomatic solution as opposed to simply a problem involving the u. S. And iran successful also in setting out the parameters of the u. S. Approach aimed at bringing iran back to the negotiating table by squeezing it economically and winning i think broad support among the allies for that approach this was what Jens Stoltenberg nato secretary general had to say all allies share concerns are going to constitute iran. These the ability activities in the region their support for different groups there their Missile Program of a program of iran and also their announcement that they will now start to enrich uranium again will stoltenberg went on to say that he particularly was impressed with the u. S. Core message that it does not want to go to war with iran that he does want direct talks with iran without preconditions and he said nato would support moves to deescalate to decrease tensions over the issue and avoid them spiraling out of control but they were war words of caution from secretary of defense esper i think aimed particularly at iran we do not seek Armed Conflict with iran but we are ready to defend u. S. Forces and interests in the region no one should mistake restraint for weakness. And there were words of caution for the United States from within the Nato Alliance from france in particular reportedly joining the closed door session on iran france already in opposition to the u. S. Unilateral move to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal france cautioning the United States here not to involve nato militarily in any mission involving iraq. Well lets take you back to a soft canal and this is the arrivals hall at the venue for the g. 20 summit where leaders have been greeting harvest as they gather for the traditional family 1st well bring you all of that as it happens and we will have ongoing coverage of the g 22 stay with us. Is a dialogue reading about it for us and seeing it on International Media and on t. V. Why should we stop it with skepticism because theres a lot of it on why everyone has a voice mail being taken advantage of just because you know Small Community without any network just eat healthy join the global conversation on aljazeera all they want to do is start a debate the same kind of debate that we have here in st. Examining the headline scientists are telling us that we have just 12 years to make unpressed that any changes unflinching i have been told to leave to leave. The sharing personal stories with a global audience we see people making sacrifices this is what women want to see explore in abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. Selfless act human bravery and 10000 precious pieces of literature rescued from being burnt to ashes besieged sorry. Its the bosnian women and men who risked everything to save their rights and heritage. The love of books on aljazeera. The 1271. Set out on an extraordinary. Letters from the great. Marco polo travelled through. Today. China japan with questions about the relationship between east and west. On. Rex tillerson says he was kept in the dock and caught out of the mood by the president s son in law when he served as americas top diplomat. Hello and welcome to our dizzy or alive for my headquarters in doha with me out of the parana also ahead World Leaders are all smiles as they begin their g. 20 summit in japan but had to shave enough to be one of the potentially most fractious need. To reassure wary tourists after 2 suicide bombers blew themselves up in the capital and spain battles to control wildfires as most of europe bakes in a searing heat wave. Rex tillerson has described diplomacy being done behind his back by the president saddam nor when he served as u. S. Secretary of state he made the remarks while testifying about his rocky 13 months of the job which ended when donald trump fired him by a twitter john hendren reports from washington d. C. The United States former secretary of state says he often had to practice diplomacy in the dark Rex Tillerson told congress that president Donald Trumps son in law had cushion or directed his own Foreign Policy without tillerson his knowledge President Trump did not know him and President Trump had no idea about how the process was supposed to work he probably thought oh well this is the way ive run my business in a newly released transcript from closed door testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs tillerson says he was surprised to walk into a washington restaurant to find jared cushion or meeting with mexicos foreign secretary i could see the color go out of the face of the foreign secretary of mexico as i very i smiled big and i said welcome to washington and i said i dont want to interrupt what you all are doing i said give me a call next time youre coming to town tillers and says he was taken aback when he was told cushion or in president ial advisor steve bannon knew of the blockade of qatar before it happened question on or about may 20th 2017 there was apparently a private dinner that was hosted between Steve Bannon Jared cushion or in the rulers of saudi arabia and u. A. E. Respectively were you aware of that dinner answer no question that wasnt something you would heard previously answer no question and to clarify sir not prior to when i just said it answer correct question whats your reaction to a meeting of that sort having taken place without your knowledge and sir it makes me angry here in washington the revelation of dueling Foreign Policy is want to seen as a diplomatic debacle Foreign Policy run as a Family Business with the agency in charge of diplomacy often sidelined it since they suggest that its totally chaotic why for example would you appoint a secretary of state because thats a trouble point not a holdover from obama where you hear so distrustful of your own appointee that you shield him out of the. Major decisions trumping tillers and had a tempestuous relationship tillerson reportedly called trump a moron by all accounts trump has a much closer relationship with killers and replacement former cia director mike pump ale trump tweeted that pump a it was doing a great job while tillerson was dumb as a rock and lazy as hell john hendren aljazeera washington. How did josh allen as executive director of the absent of washington and he says the u. S. President is letting his private advisers hijack the state departments responsibility. Is already significant revelations. Essentially revealed how dysfunctional this administration has been since its beginning when you have a secretary of state and a secretary of defense kept in the dark when it comes to major decisions pertaining to their turf if you will. Essential job that shows you would. Be the process has been hijacked from the state department from the Defense Department into basically that the private advice section. Of the white house floor for the secretary of state to learn to wait after the fact of these major trips major decisions being made on behalf of the United States yet the person who was supposed to be in charge of forcing an implement in u. S. Foreign policy doesnt know that he could of all of these meetings is a very serious violation i think of 1st of all in terms of Security Issues and in terms of the procedure that is usually conventional wisdom and terms of how policy is conducted in washington. The g. 20 summit is officially underway as the worlds most powerful leaders gather in japan that they are getting into place for the traditional family photo before getting down to business or tension between the u. S. And iran has already come up with chinas president saying the gulf is at a crossroads of war and peace trade disputes and the state of the Global Economy are also high on the agenda well lets bring in our diplomatic editor james bays he is at the summit venue in osaka and were watching both as leaders of 19 countries and the European Union gather for the. James of the 20th anniversary of the 20 summit. Yeah theyre all making their way to the flags to have their pictures taken together we saw a moment ago President Trump touching the arm of president putin as they walked to the point where they are all standing to have their pictures taken as we look at these photos you can see by hamad bin solomon in the center he stands out because of the color of his National Dress its worth noting that the last time theres a g. 20 and when as our as the family photo focused on him because there were some that wouldnt shake his hand i think the japanese organizers knew that was embarrassing for saudi arabia and weve seen that some of the shots of the various leaders walking together to the family photo work kept very very wide you couldnt really make any one out so that i think any moments where people were looking rather coldly towards others or werent shaking hands werent really evident to us this is the family photo there they are the leaders of the g. 2019 Member States of the g. 20 plus the European Union 2 european leaders their head of the European Council and the head of the European Commission very near the end of their terms and other leaders youll see among the faces there for example president sisi of egypt hugo while hes not in the g. 20 is egypt no egypt is not its there as a representative of the arab league so you actually have by my count 26 different heads of countries there as well as a number of Different International organizations the family photo now breaking up and you saw in that photo president xi next to president putin and his but i would say that those are 2 of the central figures with President Trump and although theres lots of meetings with everyone involved its going to be the summits those 2 many that will summit meetings between she. And trump and putin and trump which were expecting in just 2 hours time thats going to be very very important indeed also worth noting that President Trump was standing next to a man who has been in the center of the photo a time when theres been fresh focus on the death of Jamal Khashoggi grimace because shoji and that report by un special rapporteur agnes cullum art critic critical of saudi arabia as a state for his murder in the consulate in istanbul and of course he was a resident of the u. S. That didnt stop President Trump from only right next to him at the front of the family photo a really extraordinary james to see the Saudi Crown Prince front and center all of that you know as we look at these leaders standing there how much do you think this family i guess of sorts has been destabilised by the man standing next to mohamed than saddam on u. S. President donald trump and his actions and the various tensions that he is at the center of what those countries that you mentioned not just china and russia whose presidency is missing but also those great tensions that weve seen with iran over the past few weeks. Theyre always in the world and always have been in Human History great power tensions but its in the 70 years or nearly 75 years since the end of world war 2 that has been in International Order theres been whats called multilateralism everyone trying to Work Together the g 20 is actually in its 20th year of these summit meetings there behind the scenes always been really contentious subjects between Different Countries but there are some issues that theyve managed to find common agreement on key among those i think is Climate Change and that important cap paris Climate Change deal another one is free trade well on those 2 central blocs that everyone used to agree on Climate Change there was a lot of arguing over the detail President Trump has really certainly been a force of up a people. Among these g. 20 leaders as they now go into their Plenary Session and of course its not just the issues with President Trump its the style its his manner of doing things its his appearance on twitter and pressing the hour sometimes in the early hours of the morning calling out World Leaders criticizing World Leaders they really did not know what to do when President Trump 1st arrived on the International Scene that of course now is nearly 2 and a half years ago and i think some have got the measure of the man probably one of those whos best got the measure of the man is the man who is hosting this summit japanese Prime Minister yes he gets Critical Systems to about trade and about defense but he i think he knows the gulf is an important part factor with President Trumps he knows flattery is an important factor and he saw that he had to get a personal relationship going very early on and so he was one of the very 1st just days after the election to visit new york it was then. See president. James thank you very much for that is our diplomatic editor james bay is joining us live from osaka where we are looking at pictures of the leaders sitting down for the 1st Plenary Session of this g. 20 summit in japan and james will have on going coverage throughout the day on aljazeera. Now back to back suicide bombings and capital have killed a Police Officer and wounded several other people the government is trying to reassure tourists as travel agencies canceled tours and countries issued warnings Victoria Gate and the reports. In the center of tunis close to the French Embassy Police Responded to a suicide bomb attack that killed a Police Officer and wounded several other people shortly after another explosion this time at the Counterterrorism Police headquarters

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