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Committee hood a different version of conditions inside the sentences and what was worst about this mr chairman was the fact that there were American Flags hanging all over these facilities that children being separated from their parents in front of an American Flag that women were being called these names under an American Flag. We cannot allow for this as we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional and cruelly created by the Top Administration duds and sending a hate filled message that those seeking refuge are not welcome in america in our America President trump has dismissed the claims of mistreatment they are phony sources that even after they write whatever they want but the scrimmage he made clear consider the details of maltreatment fully substantiated a report considered by the committee was based on data provided by President Trumps own Administration Officials under subpoena among the facts that they confirmed is the fact that as many as 18 children under the age of 2 infants and toddlers were separated from their parents for periods ranging from 20 days to 6 months the house efforts to investigate claims of abuse do not end here the Judiciary Committee this week approved a number of other subpoenas to be served on those dealing with migrants the intention to establish whether the implementation of the administrations 0 tolerance policy contravened federal law mike hanna aljazeera Washington Well you saw the Vice President visiting one Detention Center and that report well he will say to another facility crammed with almost 400. 00 men in sweltering heat some said theyd been there about 40 days and complained of being hungry hence acknowledged it was quote tough stuff and that he expected it to be overcrowded however he says the facilities are something all americans can be proud of. Still ahead on aljazeera the new west african currency if its been in the wax that 3 decades we have the details. And hope in the battle against h. I. V. We hear from one of the scientists behind an experimental vaccine. Hello the focus is there on the gulf of mexico across the United States its all about Tropical Storm barry which continues to get stronger hour by hour at the moment you can see on the satellite not a huge amount of cloud in its the coast but thats really confuse you because its all about the rain in this system will continue to do some very heavy amounts of rain were looking between 250 and 500 millimeters of rain to full of throughout this region really in the next sort of 24 to 48 hours and it could develop into a hurricane but some of the winds will continue to strengthen is expected to make landfall in the early hours of sunday morning with winds at about 110. 00 academy does allow so just shy of a come but again it will be about the rainfall the region this system is sitting just off of course is the easy one and in particular its the Mississippi River this system is likely to really cool storm surge and it will push right the way through these very very low lying areas so that is the main concern as we continue to go through this weekend well monitor it very closely the rains of course that extend from there into much of the southeast so again because the more flooding across this entire area of 30 celsius and you want to new york its dry and fine out tools west at 30 but as i say all eyes on Tropical Storm barry. A battle rages over the countrys bomb and with activists in varying farms stealing wads stones and intimidation from one when they are these tacked on to from 0. On counting the cost 3. 00 decades after the collapse of the soviet union russia is engaging with africa to raise its political clout and we look at the economics behind so hes decision to buy the u. S. 400 and f. 35 still. Counting the cost on a. Hello again im. A reminder of our top stories this hour the u. S. House has voted to prohibit the sale of some munitions to saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates for one year these are the weapons being used in the war in yemen the conflict left thousands dead and millions facing famine. Police have released all full cream members of an Iranian Oil Tanker last week the ship was detained by British Forces on suspicion of taking oil to syria and breach. All 4 released on bail without charge. And turkey has received its 1st shipment of the russian s. 400 Missile Defense system a controversial deal has angered the United States with washington threatening to impose retaliatory sanctions. South african soldiers will be deployed in cape town to help police fight a surge and gang related violence and the Defense Ministry says theyll be there for at least 3 months but some locals say the minute she cant fix the economic reasons behind the unrest i meet a man has more from cape town. Were in the precinct of the Manenberg Police Station Police have told us that it would be better for us to full within the Police Station rather than out in the street because its not safe its been 24 hours since the minister of police announced that the National Defense force would be deployed to areas of the cape flats the army is going to target at least 10 areas here that are infested by gangs where theres a high crime rates especially murders and this is whats led to this decision by government the minister of police says things are out of hand and this deployment is expected to stabilize the situation here so that police can do their jobs people here say that they live in fear and even as that announcement came from the minister of police this evening weve continued to hear gunshots people here telling us that its likely Gang Violence and perhaps a lot of that coming ahead of this Army Deployment people here are scared they say that they have difficulty sending their children to School People often keep indoors because the streets are unsafe we have seen homes that are riddled by bullets people here say that this deployment by the army is a Long Time Coming every normal day would be a day with these noble islands that would be normal though everybody is trying to figure out why you sit quiet what is happening the extent to which going to. Put people have become desensitized to these a lot of and within the community theres a lot of trauma also within the community because of the history of violence in in the the decision by the government to deploy the army to the streets of the cape flats has both its supporters and critics many are worried that policing in this area will be militarized theyre also concerned that soldiers dont have the training to deal with survey. Millions but many here are also supporter of they say theres no other way to deal with the levels of Gang Violence they also accuse the police of being corrupt and one other concern is that police are under resourced just to give you an idea in affluent suburbs in cape town there are about 135 people to every one Police Officer here on the cape flats theres about one Police Officer to about 721 Citizens Police simply current keep up and the government is hoping that this deployment of the army will stabilize the situation and that people here want to live in fear. Leaders from 8 west african countries have agreed to switch to a single regional currency. That means the former french colonies will give up their use of the c. F. A. French and fog of a plan to strengthen regional ties and base trade and interests has moved from the economic capital abidjan. Its definite now leaders of west african nations using the c. F. A. Front the 8 countries in the region under the west African Monetary Union have decided to go ahead with the rollout of the proposed west africa single currency the echo they said they are they have decided to go ahead with a process and any other country but wants to join or who are not decided to join can join later so in the next 2 months we will see the rollout of this currency in west africa that is going to be. Legal tender in this region a question was for to president ouattara the president of ivory coast and was president of this conference and he went on whether or not the new congress will be a problem with existing currency to which he answered. The Exchange Rate between the existing front c. F. A. And the euro will remain the same with the echo comes on board today the Exchange Rate is 655. 00 to the euro before the heads of state decide to join next year the rates will not be affected immediately we hope an echo is launched others will join us there welcome it will be nice to have 12 as the 50 now basically people in the region will be looking up to a bigger economy is like nigeria ghana and others as to whether or not they will quickly join this process now will be the deciding factor will be how quickly these countries will join the process of utilizing what other joining the call currency which will facilitate trade according to the leaders of the other meeting here today now what economists are wondering is what how this will impact the economies of these countries in west africa basically. West africa country is rich in resources i recall general and mineral but the production is very very slow there will continue to import most of the products that are needed outside what the export actually is Raw Materials to the rest of the world for processing. Zimbabwe is going to raise Public Sector pay for the 2nd time in 3 months after labor groups threatened mass protests inflation there is running highest 100 percent and the country is struggling with shortages of bread fuel and baths and our image has a has more from the capital harare. Its. Traditional charles blunder and his wife glenda both take home 280. 00 zimbabwean dollars a month after deductions thats roughly 30 u. S. Dollars each combining both they salaries they agree to spend no more than 40. 00 on groceries but when they get to the till they realize theyve gone over budget things are just too expensive to make things worse some products they really need arent available because of shortages things that takes. Just taking issue as it comes. To this beautiful. Truths the government is offering Civil Servants including teachers a cushioning allowance on top of their monthly salaries by thats only an extra 10 u. S. Dollars. But. Im dreaming all and can and. Does and if such kind of scenarios. That. You. Espouses to kuta into your drawer source. When somebody gained independence from britain nearly 4 decades ago it had a strong currency but rising inflation over the years gradually eroded salaries of Civil Servants these new. From 1980 up until 2003 after land reform economy collapsed inflation was one of the highest in the world thats when the government introduced the they were called a beer it. Was 100. 00 people would have to carry a bag of carrots just to buy a loaf of bread the money was worthless. Been 10 years ago theres a dollar was abandoned as an official currency in favor of foreign money cash shortages continued in 2016 want to introduce to trade alongside foreign currencies but things kept getting worse last month the government of the to imprison dollar known as r t the only legal tender. After shopping charles and when they joined the queue for fuel another scarce commodity and after finding fuel there is no guarantee they will be power when they get home because of daily and frustrated electricity cuts for struggling Civil Servants and millions of others this is now an everyday reality in zimbabwe. Now only 17 people have been killed and 6 more are missing across nepal after torrential monsoon rains caused floods and landslides the river overflowed its banks just roaring roadways and flooding towns police have evacuated homes in the capital of kept under the heavy rains are expected to continue for another 2 days now moving to north america Tropical Storm barry is maintaining its strength as it reaches towards the u. S. State of louisiana parts of new orleans are already under water after days of thunder storms and floods youre watching live pictures now from their states of emergency have been declared with hurricane Warnings Issued along the coast back as a Research Scientist in the department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State university and he says the greatest concern with Tropical Cyclone barry is the possible rain for. Already seen quite a bit of rain using the cedar vans even yesterday before we got to lay. For other systems and so we dont you know hurt perry maybe a man fall probably in the wee hours of them already and theyre forecasting potentially 10 to do as much as 20 inches of rain and it was already said you know the city really was already a flood stage this is very likely exacerbate some of the fighting that theyve already at because there is a very slow moving storm so youve rainfall is the biggest concern however obviously is the forecast does it there are 5 it does lend to her again where are we see going to see some very severe theres just some significant relief act as well maybe guys as high as 80 miles an hour and also you are going to see some storm surge so basically in a shoot from water into the size of a 3 to 6 feet our storm surge warnings posted for centuries from these even as well as west of the city. Now u. S. Regulators have approved a roughly 5000000000. 00 settlement with facebook over its handling of user data according to the wall street journal the federal trade commission has been investigating allegations that the social media giant inappropriately says the information of 87000000. 00 uses with british Political Consulting fan cambridge analysts the settlement would be the largest civil penalty ever paid to the f. T. C. Pharmaceutical giant johnson and johnson says its preparing to test an experimental vaccine it would be the wilds fast immunization against the virus the drug maker and plans to conduct a large scale study of the vaccine across the u. S. And europe some time this year hiv which causes aids kills about a 1000000 people around the wells every year dr khalid different packages from the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases. The purpose of this vaccination is to create a method of preventing people from becoming infected with hiv were testing it in the americas to test it specifically in game and transgender women importantly theres a parallel study that is already fully enrolled with this vaccine that is in Subsaharan Africa being tested in women so were testing this vaccine simultaneously in the highest risk most important populations that need a vaccine the fundamental obstacles have always been does the vaccine induce a Strong Enough immune response and then does the vaccine response stick around long enough to protect. The studies that weve been following with this vaccine it looks like were in pretty good shape on the. Well you can find much more on our web site details of that controversial sales attack the address is there at dot com. And i am astounded how with the headlines the u. S. House has voted to prohibit the sale of some munitions to saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates for one year these weapons are the ones being used in the war in yemen the bill still has to pass the senate and be signed off by President Trump the amendment was put forward by House Democrat tom unannounced. This war has caused the worlds worst humanitarian crisis more than 200000 civilians have been killed or died of starvation while the who these are to blame for much of this saudi and u. A. E. Airstrikes are responsible for 2 thirds of yemeni civilian casualties there was a strike on a funeral more than 150. 00 civilians killed a strike on a school bus that killed 40 kids on a save the Children Hospital on a wedding these were not mistakes these were deliberate and precise attacks and everybody in yemen knows that the bombs causing the suffering or made in the United States police and gibraltar have released all 4 crew members of an Iranian Oil Tanker that was seized last week the ship was detained by British Forces on suspicion of taking oil to syria and breach of sanctions all 4 were released on bail without charge. Turkey has received its 1st shipment of the russian s 400 Missile Defense system in the controversial deal has angered the United States with washington threatening to impose retaliatory sanctions u. S. President donald trump says mass immigrant deportations will begin in 10 u. S. Cities this weekend coming under renewed attack over his immigration policies some democrats are accusing him of cruelty because of conditions in Detention Centers on the border the president has called the allegations phony and exaggerated now u. S. Vice president mike pence has visited 2 Detention Centers in texas including one crammed with almost 400 men and sweltering heat some said theyd been there about 40 days and complained of being hungry. Tropical storm barry is remaining its is maintaining its strength as it moves towards the u. S. State of louisiana parts of new orleans are already under water after days of thunder storms and floods states of emergency have been declared but hurricane Warnings Issued along the coast next stop what i what as iraq rebuilds itself following years of conflict women struggle to play a bigger role politically and Domestic Violence also remains a problem. But some of the brave women battling abuse talk to al jazeera about the struggles they face and their pursuit of justice. On farms across a stray or a battle is on. Activists are demanding that farmers stop grazing animals for human consumption. But their tactics are controversial. Trespassing on Agricultural Properties stealing livestock and intimidating farmers for college how do you sleep at night. As tensions rise one on one extend 1st against the bitter divide that restrain his farm animals. Its just before dawn in australias Southern City of noble and activists are gathering the all star a very early. Christian leader is about to lead more than 100. 00 people in a protest that would disrupt the city all in the name of Animal Rights and the environment. Im a larger culture is a leading cause of Climate Change is just showing up on a completely such is about making it clear that this is an emergency is what brings you out here medals here with slavery a lot of mystery at this point them for our being stupid this would have to tell to do so as. We have tried to change a lot of mating she needed anything. To back it all pledging peace but here we are were just ordinary people we have jobs people of all walks of watch want to stop eating animals. And. They guinns dont eat or use any animal products believing all living beings are equal. The ultimate aim of todays protest is to stop animal farming theyve been mobilized by a documentary which activists say was secretly filmed destroyed in farms and. Just. As the sun begins to rise kristen rallies the troops for the days action it my feeling we dont know what to expect when we get there so i just try to stay calm as long as we sat in the snow and. I dont. Want him to constantly hes not around and hes brought a man to meet me. She leads a group of activists towards an open city center for the bulk of the. Property here stop and talk about. It with about 200 people have managed to shut down the center of melbourne at pick out their police and their angry commuters the world is trying to go about their day the face protesters are planning to stay here for as long as they can. Some members of the pup. Decide to take part in the protest i just felt really good in straight away when i saw was. Unimpressed. Its absolutely stupid boy to get your point across saying that a moment of inconvenience is worth that much and you think. The little guy was. One thing it is doing is raising the profile of the Animal Rights movement what does this action make you think about the bacon movement. It does give us the presence of social saw from the perspective its worth. I dont know if theres just not a do or say no were making a stand of people already walking past is yelling and screaming at us so we bring charges sweeping her. Voice answered within the search you know it was not there at the time it and birthday. Thank you everybody looking at video of omaha where you will be arrested was. Was. Kristen is one of 39 people arrested and. The mobile demonstration is one of 9 of them is taking place across the country today at abbott was and in public spaces like this one. Of a string of controversial protests which have attracted the attention of the entire country including the Prime Minister who has called the actions against families on a strain and i think starting to richard governments should. Ensure that the full force of the law is brought again. Base brain called clinical. An Animal Rights group called ozzie farms has been accused of encouraging these types of trespasses by publishing the addresses of animal farms and abbott was in an online map outraged fama say its a breach of privacy in danger in their animals homes and employees and demanding the map be taken down. That category 2 months after the math was published about 100. 00 activists stormed this cut off lead lot and dairy farm in queensland and the countrys milk under it but i dont know what the protesters occupied the property for more than an hour filming and verbal the abusing the farmer and his family so how do you go about taking those you know those mothers are right for them any time your mother if your mother how do you live with yourself in. The field with you from your mother your. 10 people were charged with trespass 8 were fined. Dorner is breaking at the get go from about 2 hours drive from opened. Its home to about 2000 goats. Owner john commons is watching on as workers heard the animals into the milking pen. And many couldnt get. A really. Good going on. This dairy is part of his multimillion dollar business which produces goats milk to make yogurt cheese and baby formula its been the target of several Animal Rights protests. Are not at risk there were thieves like straight onto the property to. A little pitching here and they loaded animals in the. Last december around 70 to spray keane and stole 3 goats and a man. Now leading a limping goats a native angel. If youre not coming. Up people make a big deal out of it in 2000 gods angels had a sore foot. On if you have 2000 and of rituals with it i dont care whether its people ok its ok i was in not all of those 2000 a perfect day every time just because youve got a letter doesnt mean you havent been treated or under recovery. Unlike many families who have been targeted john decided to go public posting security footage of the raid online. A lot of families that weve spoken to here in this program have declined because theyre afraid of becoming a bigger target youve gone the opposite way why. Well we were one of the few families that. If you like had facebook or a media profile and you know we had the ability to to fight back and to create some sort of public. Reaction to thats why we did it families in a strategy are being. Hit and they have no ability to fight back and they annoyed me enough to fight back well this could be this little one is only 4 or 5 because very early days. A pretty kate to be honest but it has come at a cost structure how to run yet john and his staff began receiving constant online abuse threats of violence and intimidating phone calls so he decided to close the farms popular cafe and petting zoo people would do that all day long used to give us a lot of pleasure you know you see half a dozen or a dozen people lined up feeding the little guts or wanting to cuddle them thats very satisfying is a farmer who wants to be invaded and have your animal stalin and be the subject of a of the slander on face book. This is the old entryway into the typical. This is whats left of the come play this is whats left of the well this was the servery area and one approaches of converting it back to the mystic and you can see this is still up the stairs on the side of those are often hard to wash off. Because were telling the staff why youre working there youre youre abusing all these animals youre doing all these things wrong and you dont do that to your staff you know as employees we have responsibilities one call that sticks and sometimes the threats got very personal a man rang me and he said joseph here listen here you piece. If this continues its going to be all about you were coming down to get you. 7 activists were charged in relation to the incident so far only one has been fined for a total of 2. 00. I was appalled by what happened i thought it was a total miscarriage of justice and never seem to signal to anybody that youre not allowed to come onto a farm and steal enemy. Kristen says she wasnt involved in the give me go to prom incident but admits she stole an animals while trespassing on farms and an albatross. Some of them she now keeps in her backyard on the outskirts of melbourne. Is what one see they call biology by the industry so they were rescued from slaughterhouse 3 from one and one from a truck on the whites of this. So you would say that these animals have been rescued but the people youve taken from would say that youve stolen them or i say to their well i dont think you can steal a life when youre giving them sanctuary kristen told us she feels the tactics used by Animal Rights groups are confronting but necessary and how would you feel if a group of say 100 people came onto your property and started to walk through it and wouldnt leave when you asked them to do you find that intimidating aware of how dr silly fill in other odd funder intimidating i can say what people say absolutely i can understand that people will feel confronted by that because you know this is their every day thing i do in there they just want to

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