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This is obviously a very tall order and it requires a lot of optimism and were hoping that you know the Political Leadership is there to make sure that we ever have a more kind of military crises that we saw in recent weeks involved in the tankers and the drones because we know by way of miscommunication or miscalculation those things could be really stupid things out of control ok so hell show that in london thank you so much and to be here thank you ok in a Senate Tension to washington and donald trump again lashing out at a group of 4 high profile Congress Women mr trump is demanding an apology from them for what he called quote horrible and disgusting actions of comes one day after he sent racially charged tweets to the politicians telling them to go back to where they came from. If youre not happy in the u. S. If youre complaining all the time very simply you can leave you can leave right now come back if you want dont come back its ok to but if youre not happy you can leave can you help is there for us at the white house kimberly out of these 4 congresswomen i think 2 or 3 of them are actually born and bred in america they are american passport holders so how can he possibly say to those people go back to where you came from. Yeah and thats whats making people so upset about these comments republicans and democrats mostly democrats republicans a little slower to trickle out their criticisms but youre absolutely right of these 4 democratic congresswoman who are brown and black skinned 3 of the 4 were born in the United States in fact all 4 hold american passports illinois omar is the only one who was born outside the United States came to the United States as a refugee and has been a u. S. Citizen for at least 20 years so this is what is concerning so many is that the president has been very openly is nancy pelosi called that xenophobia not just tweeting criticizing these 4 democratic congresswoman on sunday but also on monday as well take a listen to one of these tweets it was serious that was put out on monday the president writes when will the radical left congresswoman apologize to our country the people of israel and even to the office of the president for the foul language they use and the terrible things they have said so many people are angry at them and theyre horrible and disgusting actions what the president is referring to is comments made by rashid to leave she is of palestinian descent but born in the United States she has repeatedly called for Donald Trumps of peach using Profane Language as recently as a few weeks ago and so thats one of the reasons shes asking for an apology the other is from omar she has in the past and she has been condemned by own members of her Democratic Party for her statements criticizing members of congress of georgia just said calling them benjamin saying they were motivated by money instead of principle but the difference of all of this is that she cut she did apologize for those comments the president has not but when it comes to the parts of American Culture the sharpened of American Culture kimberly the people of color in america who listen to the president of the United States saying this i guess their reaction might be. Actually ive heard comments like that be in the playground be it on the school bus be it when i was at university or wherever people have observed listen to absorb that kind of attitude and to get that from the commander in chief thats a kind of an uncomfortable place to be put into. It certainly i think there are few americans that still believe that since im trying to take an office that the presidency of the United States will ever be the same certainly decorum is it is just one of the many things that has disappeared from this white house but sadly there is certainly an element of racism built into American History that exists today so when you heard the president talking about these women and the fact that they should go back to where they came from even though the majority of cases it was the United States that they came from there was applause there are Many Americans that support this president support his views feel that he is finally speaking out for a silent minority or potentially even majority so this is sort of a window into what is likely to be repeated on the campaign trail is a comfortable as it may be the fact of the matter is is that donald trump knows what plays to his base they know he knows that it is a divided nation when it comes to race but he feels this is whats going to get him traction and ultimately vote for reelection into the oval office kimberly thank you so much well the u. S. Congresswoman that were discussing the obama has spoken exclusively to us he has the right she says the u. S. Is living through what she calls and historically traumatizing talking to Donald Trumps leadership. Colorization in this country really has existed for a long time and what were seeing right now is an earthing of the kind of cancerous that could really present. But the positive things that every time when there is a challenge there is an opportunity so because we have the most the face of president were living in. Historically traumatizing time at least in my generation in this country and you can watch that interview in full with. Talk to aljazeera this saturday 1st broadcast at 430 hours g. M. T. Now the trumpet ministration is tightening asylum rules in a bid to cut the number of migrants arriving on the u. S. Mexican border the new regulations will prohibit migrants who resided in a 3rd country from seeking asylum in the u. S. It would make Central American migrants traveling through mexico in eligible for asylum lots more still to come here on the news hour including by the former South African president jacob zuma says hes a victim of a conspiracy. And after another we can. Later risk further inflaming tensions by referring to protesters as rioters. Also had by the wimbledon champion has more reasons to celebrate after returning home to remaining far as the sports news in a little over 30. The chinese economy isnt being helped by a trade war with the United States growth in the 2nd quarter of this year slowed to a 27 year low it was 6. 2 percent down from 6. 4 percent in the 1st quarter chinas all important export trading for falling as well thats despite tax cuts aimed at boosting spending to stimulate the worlds 2nd biggest economy robert scott is a Senior International columnist at the Economic Policy institute he joins us from washington robert welcome back to the news out so whats going on with the Chinese Market i think. The chinese summer is actually not. Very just United States us very it is a rhodes small part of chinas almost sort of half trillion dollar export world as a whole i think the larger problem is. That the basket room is slowing down. Announced that it was going backwards or else were on. One 7th and 6. 3 percent of the. U. S. Is slowing somewhat so not as much steeper and under a lot of countries in. Western europe and is that what most know now its. Well all eyes are unstable oh im. Ok so far so not very good then but if the chinese economy is right in the coattails of a mine a dip the chinese economy is so big too big to fail i guess or to tilt towards failure could it then feed into itself and become this kind of economic hurry can twist of negative sentiment building on negative sentiment and the whole thing begins to go down not just the chinese economy but the global economy. I think theres an exaggerated sense of. Irony on china and china actually. Dragging on us world of the past 20 years as one massive. Trade surpluses of well it is in fact exploiting unemployment its growing faster by making yourself more go slow so all i can or intuitively are that its pretty surplus right except sex. For the us and well i think whats going to happen is well 1st of all i dont think china is on a slide into the next very recession its very unlikely china. Incision 7 best. And some honest Government Spending spigots it can open up Credit Access if they wanted to and they havent done that and thats why china was the only major fund weve slimmed down under in the very section. 9 that. China can simply refunds and scrip. Decade ago ok. One final point rub it briefly because we are almost out of time is that why one gets the distinct sense that the powers that be in beijing dont seem particularly both that about doing a deal with donald trump on the trade wall beyond the deal that theyve made already which is kind of frozen the whole thing in aspect because is the logic in beijing well he might in theory mr trump be gone in 1820 months time you know it is exactly the time side of or where. You know were not. Frankel or exports the United States is not the way it should be but china is not in myrtle. Tree dispute robert scott thank you. Youre. The former president of South Africa Jacob Zuma today told an inquiry into government corruption that he is the target of a conspiracy the commissions investigating corruption and allegations of mass looting of state funds during his time in office most of the charges are linked to mr zuma is relationship with the wealthy family theyre accused of influencing government policy to win lucrative Business Contracts just as rumor denies any wrongdoing. Ive been a subject of. Talk in this country for. More than a dick. Ive been vilified. And there is too. Keen of. Corrupt people. More now from joburg. A lot of time was spent talking about the gupta family jacob zuma was accused of using his influence back when he was president to help them set up a news paper its alleged that he made a phone call to a Government Official a transcript of their phone calls without during the commission and jacob zuma told this Government Official my brother they are these gupta guys we need to meet with you and need your help please help the zuma was in us to respond and he said i dont remember making this call it might have happened he did insist he is friends with the gupta says it is family does speak to the doctors but he says no law has been broken and he says all this is part of a Conspiracy Theory that goes back to about 20 years any alleges they are players for the foreign and local who are trying to remove him because he says he thinks its because he knows too much when he started speaking at the hearing he claimed that he knows he has a list of people who are corrupt and hes threatened to release that list what will be the implications if he does or some people assume there could be some top officials on that list if it is released and the names are announced questions will be asked what did they do. And what is the way forward zuma will be making an appearance from monday to friday after the commissioners at the hearing say they need to bring him back then they will mark his testifying he came here to address some of his supporters who insist that he is innocent they also believe as part of a Conspiracy Theory and they plan to also be outside the hearing out of the commission every single day saying they support zuma critics of zuma say that he is indeed guilty theyre going to blame him for destroying the country who blame him for presiding of a corruption when he was president say they want him held to account. Store across a Research Associate at the Africa Program at Chatham House in london who says the commission is casting its net wide and may expose more than mr. So it was very pervasive and particularly at the top of the party and thats what this is looking into is that issue of state capture but theres also a much broader issue of corruption within south africa which is about the relationship between the party in the state at a local level at a municipal level how government tenders are awarded much of the south African Business space is dependent upon government tenders in an interaction in some form with the state and so theres a much broader issue of corruption that isnt just around him and what was going on but the issue was that he was a man who was at the very top of governments who allowed himself to be captured by these elite interests and so thats whats thats whats on trial here this kind of brazen approach to what was going on and its important to remember that the commission thats going on at the moment is part of busy it was set up as part of the a. N. C. Trying to bring you trying to rejuvenate trying to demonstrate to the South African electorate of look with this is us trying to atone for what happened and trying to get to the root of it and almost Transitional Justice Committee Part 2 but actually out of this on the commission weve heard a lot more detail about the extent and the scope of state captured german in that time which has had a blowback effect on the a. N. C. And detail that is coming out of this commission is is touching on a lot more people than was anticipated when it 1st got set up. Still to come here in the news for you monsoon rains leading to devastating flooding across india and the power. And barcelonas new signing is done to work at his new club far as more in about 15. Welcome back were here cross the levant we are talking about temperatures are slightly cooler than average for this time of year were talking maybe one degree or 2 degrees there so for baghdad maybe 42. 00 degrees for you down here towards coate city at 45. 00 but the big problem over the next few days is still going to be the wind across much of the area were talking about southern iraq down here towards the country of court as well coming in from the northwest and that will also go across parts of the gulf up here towards tehran though it is a little bit warmer a few at 42. 00 degrees and then across the gulf the winds are still going to be a problem for us here and we do expect them to be even breezy or as we go towards tuesday for the forecast map 43. 00 degrees here in doha very dry conditions as well over towards abu dhabi at 38. 00 and a Beautiful Day as a law at 27. 00 degrees with clouds stay well off the coast and then very quickly across parts of Southern Africa we are talking about some clouds along the cape those clouds are going to bring some winds as well as a storm system skirts the southern areas and makes its way towards the indian ocean so for cape town maybe some clouds in your forecast at 15 degrees but a warmer day here in durban tempters coming up if you were 28 degrees as the high and johannesburg it is going to be plenty of sun with a temperature of 17 degrees and heavy rain across much of central africa. Discover new developments in surgery im going to have it up when im in hiroshima japan to meet the surgeon pioneering new techniques in regenerating money and could a breakthrough medical trial provide some much needed on to Cystic Fibrosis sufferers based on all of the evidence behind the mieris if the least stop 105 more effective cancer. Yet the cure revisited on aljazeera. Education is struggling to keep pace often failing to prepare children for todays world. But some schools are changing the rules are good to have the dade county and how they did meet. With the stunning results of the glass last. Event but are in. Rebel education Early Learning mexico on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news on my names peter dhabi these are your top stories the e. U. Foreign policy chief says none of the parties to the Iran Nuclear Deal have signaled that they want to use a dispute resolution mechanism but their meeting in brussels federica mockery need done played irans decision to enrich uranium above the limits of 2015 and called tehrans breaches in significant. The us president has once again lashed out at a group of 4 high profile congresswoman donald trump is tomorrow. An apology for what he called quote horrible and disgusting actions and comes one day after he sent racially charged tweets to the politicians telling them to go back to where they come from. Former South African president jacob zuma has told an inquiry into government corruption that he was the target of a conspiracy mr zuma was forced from office last year accused of overseeing the mass looting of state farms. To Health Workers fighting the break in the democratic republic of congo have been found murdered in their homes the killings in north kivu province follow attacks on a boulder clinics and stuff doctors have discovered the 1st case of the virus in the provincial capital goma is catherine soy. The people sitting in this stand in goma are being tested for a boy they touched or interacted with a man whos now sick with the disease a preacher who traveled 200 kilometers north to the site of an outbreak to pray for those whod been infected and doctors are also searching for some of those who were traveling with him on a bass from the news has caused fear in the city of more than 1000000 people and thats by the border. Because. This is information to scare us. Whats going on why is it happening in goma how did it get here from so far away a country great in one now a country free in goma where lake street food. Health workers say many people in remote areas dont trust them and theyve been attacked by local militia groups whose fighters have also raided and burnt Treatment Centers just days ago to community Health Workers were killed in their homes theyve been receiving Death Threats for months this Health Director says hes also concerned that the disease is returning to areas where it had been contained this is concerning because it shows that somehow the gains that have been made were lost very very quickly and so we need to build resilience into the systems resilience into the communities so that the virus doesnt keep spreading. Into new location that are clear from the virus and then a few weeks or months later they get reinfected in geneva delegate in a meeting convened by the World Health Organization and the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs discussed the Ebola Response and the need for more resources if those on the ground are to make effective gains the identification of the carriers in goma could potentially be a game changer in this epidemic were confident in the measures. In place. And hoping that we will see not for the transmission of ebola in goma this is the 10th outbreak in 40 years and the 2nd deadliest in the history of the Country Health officials in goma say the pattern now is to find everyone who has been in contact with the picture but they dont have much time in the cities i get tweets maybe in countries as well as other areas in congo and that includes the capital kinshasa catherine aljazeera. Ok joining us here on the news hour is most assange garra hes the response to rector at walt vision he joins us on skype from beni in the d. R. Sea. Welcome to the news hour why is a bowler apparently making such a strong comeback. Well. Thank you for having me. Just wont come back. Mainly because im. One of them course being the very Weak Community gets range at the moment we might there are organisations green everything we can from all be those communities to get them involved in the fight against the boiler. But so far it has proven to be weak and i believe that is one of the reasons why we are seeing. This thread of. The initial locations of. Why is there a certain reluctance to declare it a global emergency because if it was declared a global emergency i think im right in saying that would change the strictures inside which the medical teams can operate thered be more financing for the right kind of Medicine Point of delivery. I believe it is not yet yet international health. However it is still owes us. Significant trekked. For spread across neighboring countries if we International Community continue to strengthen our efforts to stop on face the make we will be able to stop it going to have been it become an international. How can people on the ground carry on doing their job reporting here on this channel today 2 Health Workers found dead in their homes it does clinics coming under attack as well that must make it impossibly difficult. It is indeed difficult regarding the Health Workers theres an investigation still going on he is not yet clear what the circumstances are even though they have been receiving threats its clear whether its not related to their work india Border Response or not but gets really take a machete with a strong hand or its pretty. Good judgment we will be able to address all these. And youve been employed have been trashed is in the teens involved in that verse and Community Members bearing in mind that we also have a lot of people who are crises. There is significant level of crime. In some of these. And that would also be. One of the reasons. They work. With us and go out there and then he thank you very much. Hong kongs leader kerry lamb has for the anger protesters demanding her resignation she called them riots as she made that comment at a hospital where 3 Police Officers injured during clashes on sunday were being looked after tens of thousands of people in hong kong are demanding the full withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill morris a planned in the coming weeks and i think the gun has more now from hong kong. Caroline a statement condemning the violence and basically vowing to make those responsible accountable violence committed against police force is not surprising for the protestors that just basically is a reaffirmation that there has been no change in her policy and approach the words how to deal with this crisis and this is essentially a trust issue the protestors also believe that their interests really are not focused on the welfare of the hong kong people as they describe it but towards more of her loyalty to beijing and Mainland China in general the letter issued by Police Officers junior Police Officers requesting for better security for their homes and their families signals basically that the police force is going through as a very difficult situation compared to the 2014 movement several years ago both sides accusing each other of violence weve seen that over the last few days it remains to be seen what sort of concessions can carolines government offer but what is clear though based on what the statements weve gotten from protesters here is that there wont be an end to the Current Situation that they will continue to protest until real political reforms are in place. Representatives of the Yemeni Government and the rebels have agreed on new measures deescalating fighting to keep cool city and state the u. N. Says both sides agreed to a mechanism to reinforce the ceasefire deescalation around to data the talks been taking place on board a un still with both parties discussing how to reach a cease fire and pull their forces. 3 men are being questioned by Italian Police after being caught with nazi memorabilia and weapons including a missile with the rest of the stories from europe lets cross it with 2 for the city of london you sent. My experience those 3 men were arrested in northern a silly after police uncovered a stash of or weapons nazi plaques and that air to air missile Police Say One of the men is linked to a neo fascist italian Political Party at his home they found 9 assault weapons really 30 hunting rifles pistols and baronets as well as ammunition to 2 men other men were detained after a french made much missile designed for Aerial Combat was discovered at an airport hangar 50 kilometers north of genoa. In rome migrants have set fire to mattresses and rubbish as right police evicted them from an abandoned school its part of a wider crackdown against squatting in the capital deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini says italy has no tolerance for anyone who illegally occupies empty buildings city who Officials Say be 200 residents have been given of terms of housing. Maybe 300 people have been arrested across france in unrest following the algerian football teams qualification for the africa cup of nations final celebrations turned violent in paris after algeria be nigeria 21 in extra time bins were set alight and barricades were damaged france is home to a large Algerian Community many of whom to go the parts of the seans elisei in the center of the capital. Tourism in the former soviet state of georgia is taking a massive hits thanks to a major diplomatic route with russia its black sea resorts are popular with russian holiday makers but last week Vladimir Putin banned direct flights to georgia and ordered russian citizens to return home now as i do simmons reports from the capital tbilisi georgias tourist industry is fighting back. Putin continues to break up the phones so Many Russians normally have at this time of year in this part of the world from the beaches on the black sea to the capital city to russian tourists easy to find on the im going to break this to a group is from a sturdier although some of them are ethnic russians who were initially quite scared about making the trip i was afraid of coming here because i watched. But i came here and. In think its ok if not all of the. Nations should live to get. Our history. Shows that we love each other. Without mentioning him by name many people are blaming Vladimir Putin for this problem whats happening now is a fight back online a campaign to try to persuade people of all nationalities to come to georgia. Spend your summer in georgia. Started growing and growing it really went viral and currently there are 265000 members and around 40 percent of. What started as a small Facebook Campaign among young volunteers as quickly morphed into something much bigger the campaign is also reaching out to russians you can also see that there are a lot of russian people who are against political position politics of their own country and they just one travel freely to this country they want an experience and they are more than welcome to do so. Is a russian business woman who lives in georgia she says putin has made false claims that russians safe here i dont feel it now and i dont feel its an old time i live here i live here 8 years. Old georgian people. Were friendly. And now its not change the georgian government heard for cause more than 1800000. 00 russian tourists would visit this year now war bank is predicting half that number and 300000000. 00 of revenue will be lost if the flight band goes on placing that shortfall with new markets will be hard if not impossible Andrew Simmons aljazeera to please and here in the u. K. Hundreds of environmental activists have staged protests by blocking roads in several major cities protest as used a blue yacht to block a road in Central London at the beginning of a week of demonstrations the Extinction Rebellion Climate Group also help process Bristol Cardiff glasgow. Group previously causing major disruption in the capital

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