South korea says the north has launched missiles off its east coast thats. A missile test and less than a week they were fired from the town of one song and flew 250 kilometers south koreas foreign minister said the tests wont help ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula the government has held an emergency meeting in seoul from the bride has more from the south korean capital. This latest missile firing is being viewed with deep concern here in south korea its the 2nd double launching of short range Ballistic Missiles in less than a week and the 3rd Missile Launch to take place since may in direct contravention of the landmark military agreement signed between north and south korea last september during the period of improving relations that was meant to have put an end to testings like this one south koreas defense minister has said that if the north continues with threats and provocations like this then it would have to be considered an enemy so there has been some very strong words used by south korea contrasting with all of the period of reconciliation that weve had over the past year and a half or so north korea said when it launched missiles last week that that should be considered to be a solemn warning to south korea being very careful not to direct any of its anger all wrath at the americans and that u. S. President donald trump in particular but this does seem to be a reminder from them about the size of their nuclear and missile arsenal that yes this is only a short range missile but it is a reminder that they are serious about getting the u. S. Back to the negotiating table and eventually getting some relief from the crippling sanctions now one part of the founding director of the center for the study of global issues and he says the u. S. Must make concessions or there will be no day and that north korea. I think north korea is willing to give up their Nuclear Program but we have to presume paroquet did. With the sanction reduction with the nonaggression of graham agreement maybe peace treaty diplomatic normalization we have a lot of things that we can offer but nothing has been offered to north korea and their missile tests its designed to demonstrate that theyre willing to strike back at if there are attack or preemptive strike if theyre educated they think theyre constantly being threatened because american troops are stationed in south korea in japan in. Guam so that part of the world they said very heavy on the by the United States and north korea is very unhappy about that and threaten the in terms of their security so we have to really sit down talk about mutual concessions we have to give something to them by way of reducing. Sanctions and canceling the joint military exercise compromising the on sale to south korea so these things would have to be coming together with North Koreans concessions to order some pretty denuclearization. Were going to move on to other news now and more than 40 protesters have appeared in court in hong kong on charges of rioting supporters gathered outside as the accused were granted bail it is the 1st time authorities have formally charged any demonstrators with rioting which carries a jail term of up to 10 years the territory has seen more than 7 weeks of mass protests triggered by a controversial extradition bill. At least 32 people have been killed in a roadside bomb attack on a bus that of ghanas province the bus was traveling on the kandahar head up highway women and children among the dead. Now democrats in the u. S. Have clashed of house immigration in the 2nd round of debates for the partys nominee for president but he sounded us and as both one and. Among 10 candidates on stage and detroit another debate will take place on wednesday night with 10 more hot folds becomes the democratic nominee will face donald trump and the 2028 president ial election john hendren has more from detroit. It was a debate designed for confrontation and that is exactly what happened to democrats consider themselves the party of civility but many of them came out swinging that is because many of those democrats know that theyre coming theyre low in the polls and that in order to break through and continue in this race they really needed to have a breakthrough moment in that debate so there was a confrontation between the moderates and the progressive progressive led by Bernie Sanders and by Elizabeth Warren 2 senators who want to Health Care Program big covers of all americans in that eliminates private Health Insurance at one point Bernie Sanders says every poll that i have seen shows me beating donald trump and one of his rivals tim ryan said yes Hillary Clinton was also ahead in the polls the reason its happening here in detroit is that thats a bit of a sore point for the democrats in 2016 they used to have what they called the blue wall these were supposedly impregnable democratic states they included the parent state of michigan right here also pennsylvania and wisconsin but trump won each of those states around doing that blue wall and democrats know they have to win those states in order to win in 2020 and this debate is still going on because tomorrow on wednesday biden is it that is joe biden the former Vice President will be standing between cory booker and calm away harris to have his greatest critics theyve been criticizing him. Civil rights is would likely to get even fights year on wednesday. Now a 2nd case of a bowler has been confirmed in one of the democratic republic of congos biggest cities goma it comes just over 2 weeks after its 1st case but Officials Say theyre unrelated but 2000000 people live in the city on the border with rwanda the d r c s face in the 2nd worst of all algebraic in history which has claimed the lives of 1700 people well it is nearly a year since the latest outbreak began that started in the Eastern Province of north kivu and within weeks it had spread to at least one neighboring province by november the outbreak had been declared the country the worst in the countrys history and the 2nd biggest worldwide efforts to contain it spread have been handed by widespread violence against Health Workers in the region and dozens have been killed since january the World Health Organization confirmed the 1st cross border cases of a bowler in uganda last month and shortly afterwards the agency declared the outbreak a global emergency less than 2 weeks ago the Congolese Health minister resigned over his governments response to the crisis hes criticized what he calls outside pressure to roll out a new experimental a ball of vaccine well lets get more on all of this were joined by bond and Catherine Sawyer shes live for eyes in nairobi do we have any more information about the latest case catherine. Yes we do elizabeth this man is a resident of goma but he was working at a mining area in italy this is one of the regions that have been affected by so he came back to go about 10 days ago and he went he came by he went to bo he went back to goma bypass and he went through the various medical checks that normally happen no symptoms were detected and a few days ago he started feeling sick he thought he had malaria he went to a local clinic right at the edge of the edge of goma city this is where he lives so he went to this clinic and hes been going in and out buying medicine from local pharmacies as well and this clinicians realise that he has symptoms that are close to a ball of symptoms so they called in experts who came 2 days ago to kiss tests and then yesterday they confirmed that indeed he had a bowler so so right now they have isolated the clinicians who are handling him their families and theyre also looking for other people that he could have come in contact with theres a lot of panic in goma right now were being told a lot of concern the World Health Organization representatives there held a press conference asking people to keep calm things are under control but saying that they also have to keep vigil and use 100 washing points keep clean as well but there is a lot of concern as you mentioned elizabeth because this is a huge city one of the major cities india are seeing that gateway to other countries as well it is right at the border with with one day and its also very easy to access other areas in the r. C. Including the capital kinshasa which has about 12000000. 00 people so a lot of concern indeed. I guess one good thing about the latest case though catherine is that this man actually went to a clinic a lot of people theres a lot of skepticism about Health Care Facilities and Health Care Workers and thats just one of the reasons why it has been so difficult to contain this latest outbreak its going to be a year tomorrow since that was declared. The absolutely its been very difficult for Health Workers that weve been talking to many of them over the years and thats exactly what they mentioned the security situation theyre dealing with is quite bad we have local militia groups there are the local militia groups called my my so the fighters have been attacking our Health Workers more than 10 Health Workers have been killed in the last year theyve been attacking Treatment Centers as well and you know we have communities as you mentioned the do not trust at all Health Workers they say that this is a disease that has been brought to the d. R. Cboe by foreigners because of political reasons they do not trust the vaccines that are being administered to them as well so this is something that Health Workers something that all the patterns that are working in the r. C. Are trying to deal with as well but not just that theyre also dealing with an issue where you know the d. R. See in that particular area is quite porous people are able to move from one place to another very easily without necessarily passing through this medical check points that have been set up its also very were seeing relatives who are hiding loved ones who fall sick so all those reasons and just the logistical nightmare the infrastructure is very bad very difficult to access some villages as well so all this issues and many more making it very difficult for Health Workers to actually do their work properly catherine thank you very much for that catherine so over the latest live in nairobi thank you. Still ahead on the bulletin that was supposed to stop last year but some advice for words in the u. S. Say hundreds of children are still being separated from their parents at the border with mexico and calls on the u. N. Security council for an inquiry into the bombing of hospitals in syrias adlib province. Hello that very mixed picture across much of yeah i would say if a few showers and also some pretty strong thunderstorms in the last few hours. Little bits and pieces of cloud but its a little bit worse than it looks because within those some very strong thunderstorms have actually taken place a good case in point in austria this is respect and this is a particularly heavy downpour did you can see it literally washed away this fairly main road and of course that is the power of the water but the storms have been you know quite widespread but within them as i say some very heavy amounts of rain so as we go through wednesday again we have some warnings across much of Central Europe will see more thunderstorms some strong winds at times as well as a fairly low pressure here bringing some strong winds and also some heavy rain with us on the storms across much of the u. K. Temperatures not chiba 24. 00 in paris it is cool though across the east 14 celsius in moscow thats 9 degrees below the average and it doesnt go more cloud in the fork also keep. A bit of a clearing across the Central Europe but the southeast will see the rain in the thunderstorms and then it is a much warmer day set in paris with a high of 2724 degrees celsius in london i mean could just if you were southwest of falls that to the south of there very nice image ridge with a high 535. Good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories south korea says the north has launched. Its east coast as pyongyang 2nd missile test in less than a week the south korean government has held an emergency meeting and says the tests wont help ease tensions on the peninsula at least 32 people have been killed in a roadside bomb attack on a bus in the. Province the bus was traveling on the road between kandahar and head up women and children are among the dead and democrats in the u. S. Have clashed over health care and immigration in the 2nd round of debates for the partys president ial nominee because of the crowded field and not the debate will take place on wednesday night for the 10 more falls. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are expected to be discussed at a Southeast Asian regional summit underway in bangkok the gathering of Foreign Ministers from the blog will be joined by the u. S. Secretary of state along with his chinese and russian counterparts the region is facing many challenges including disputes over the South China Sea and the trade war between the u. S. And china scott highly reports. As taiwan hosts the Foreign Ministers of regional forums this week which due to be discussed wont just be about Southeast Asia one issue of particular focus

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