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A few weeks ago he came to the country boy and that the United States has offered to mediate especially on the kashmir crisis his previous statement said mr modi comes to power it will be a solution for bush mean it could be on the cards so hes placed a lot of bets on this government in india and now hes come under tremendous amounts of pressure to try and do something he was frustrated as we saw yesterday in parliament as well when the opposition raised this very point that focused on needs to do more and he turned around and asked them whether by design should go to war with india he said that hes doing all that he can in his power he has called varioUs Government leader hes called back his foreign minister who was on program and hes going to be taking the message not just of the United Nations but across various allies that pakistan has to try and pressure the Indian Government to come to some sort of terms and to try and draw some sort of dialogue with the government of india over the dispute of kashmir some analysts have been saying that what this move by the Indian Government brings for pakistan is that it is no longer a Bilateral Agreement something that india was keen to keep it and keep the status quo now that the Indian Government has taken a unilateral decision and pakistan will be going to other parties it becomes it becomes a multilateral issue and more power world powers will get involved but that remains to be seen because pakistan is trying to get its allies on board and try and get some sort of an agreement in the International Arena whether its the organization of islamic countries or the United Nations Security Council to come and back its version of events and try and seek a solution when it comes to the issue of kashmir and made mention of ordinary salmon is how much how much of a divide is that line of control and how many families would you say cross on a regular basis or have done. Well martin earlier we were at one of those camps where the government here in the uk when you heard of kashmir says that about 35000 people who have family members on the other side who come here and cannot go back to months ago the incident other in the wake of other incidents which india blamed in pakistan the Shuttle Service the Border Crossing in the indian administered from which we had to pakistan in reservation it was shut down and. Go across and since the the build up to this the the events that weve been hearing reports that in the not just in the cities but in the outlying areas of in Union Minister were family have been have not been able to get in power today dont know what is happening to people and rumors are abound there we were in the camp and people came to a thing that they are hearing reports that dozens of people have been killed in kashmir and this is the kind of atmosphere that family members here are living in because they cannot get through to their loved ones and some are binge of aid reporting live from after a bad thank you very much now we can talk to shar faisal here is a former government officer in india administered kashmir thank you very much indeed for talking to us as i understand it youve recently arrived in new delhi from srinagar and that you used to work for the Indian Government that you resigned earlier this year tell us what was it like working for the Indian Government in trinidad and why did you resign. You know for last 70 years generations of people who believe that article 370. Various other protections which were provided to these people under the Indian Constitution they were nonnegotiable. So the debate was always around the entire argument of political mainstream and the electoral politics in kashmir it was about protecting these articles and protecting these this special status which had been given to. Me state in the wake of the exhibition to india in 1947 but now that these guarantees these protections have been divorced and did as extreme resentment interest me at this time i was yesterday at their. Unprecedented security deployment its like a war like situation and people are definitely a very angry ride would you say the vast majority of people in tryna go on the Kashmir Valley more broadly are against this move. What has happened is that you know the state has 3 regions one is just more want to me than of the region is love dark villa dark has been carved into a separate Union Territory germany has been kept as a state there were definitely weisss but in general region who believe that this decision should have been taken but there was i think of what a vast majority of people in kashmir almost maybe the entire population in kashmir region who believe that this think should not have been done but because there was a complete communication breakdown in the state this time right nobody has been able to communicate this to anybody else the t. V. You know the did the dish t. V. Dish t. V. Is working but the Cable Television is down 4 nights working the landline phones are not working security restorations up there on the movement of people so not many people even have got the idea that what has happened exactly maybe its going to take some more time before to sink him oh right now the Indian Government to justify the action that its taken says that the separate status the the autonomous status that. Indian administered kashmir endured until now actually encouraged separatism would you agree. This is not true what fede believe is that these protections were part of the agreement between the Founding Fathers of the state of Jammu And Kashmir and the dominion of india at that time and the accession happened you will recall that. The idea of state of Jammu And Kashmir exceeding to the union of india was against the support of the partition it was a partition done on communal lines but then german fish made state despite being a muslim majority state had exceeded on a certain condition to the union of india at that time which was a dominion basically yes this time van people say that was no im sorry im what im what im trying to get we understand the history of this attitude because we have been covering this story for some time what im trying to get from you is what the majority of people in the region actually feel. Kashmiri people from indian administered kashmir particularly the Kashmir Valley do they feel and regions to new delhi do they feel indian. If i heard you correctly i dont im not even able to hear you correctly but i think those people who have been saying that this is kind of promoting separatism they are forgetting that this is basically protecting the identity demography history of a certain region and those people who have been having this assimilationist of this integration is to be what the polity and rest of the country more softer the rights being came to power in india i think those disses unary to build by them otherwise i think these are being part of the constitutional guarantees provided by the parliament of india to the people of germany misstate so faisal very good to talk to thank you very much. Lots more to come on this aljazeera news hour including fighting a bowl of the democratic republic of congo rwanda agreed on a plan to tackle the outbreak in a border city. Thousands protests in turkey warning that a foreign owned gold mine will cause widespread condom contamination. In schools indias cricketers try to make a clean sweep against the west indies in miami action coming up with. Their under is taking emergency measures to try to stop the a bowl of virus from spreading across the border from democratic republic of congo since the latest outbreak was discovered in the d. L. C. More than a year ago the diseases killed at least 1800. 00 People Health ministers of both countries have met to try to work out a plan of action Stephanie Decker reports now from the rwandan border city of. The mouth of this movement of people across the border in east africa has become an International Concern especially here in rwanda after cases of the bowler were confirmed in the nearby city of goma in the democratic republic of congo. Its prompted a senior level meeting between d. R. C. And rwandan officials here in the seine together with the world health organization. But if this disease doesnt know borders it doesnt need to present itself to immigration to get a visa so if it crosses it will cross very quickly were told around 60000 people cross this border every day so what did this meeting achieve with the agreed to you know accept. To go to. The team and i think this is really a very important. Group to improve the Border Crossing. Point of you know scaling this is extremely important in terms of. Health checks of increased here but checking all of these people is a real challenge trade is one of the reasons why this border is so busy its mostly foods that cross its a constant back and forth now its important to both rwanda and also the d r c which is why many people will tell you its one of the main reasons that despite the threat of a boat nobody wants to see this border closed. Its not just rwanda that is concerned about the movement of people uganda to. In june 3 people in western uganda tested positive for the virus the 1st cross border cases in the south break there been no further cases reported thanks in part to its containment efforts but uganda is now testing a new vaccine one that could vaccinate a larger percentage of the population than the one currently being used in the d. R. See that this study is really important for uganda especially given our location and we have so many and you never had it but i breaks in this country so i think this study is important in that it to help us in development of what seems the future used to prevent it but for now Doctors Without Borders says this outbreak is not under control able has been deployed and International Public have flipped. To prevent. The d. R. S. Hes been bashing demick for more than a year the fear now that it could spread further Stephanie Decker ajah 0 on the Rwanda Border britain through to industry is warning the bracks it could lead to nationwide shortages the food and drink federation says it would be disastrous if delays at ports schools Fresh Produce to roll out the governments being is to waive some competition rules to allow retailers and suppliers to Work Together if theres no deal the industry is testing alternative ports to avoid the main lorry route from from france which is color today over a 15000 passengers have been left stranded in london after British Airways was forced to cancel almost 100 flights because of an identity failure more than 200 flights have also been delayed at Heathrow Gatwick and london city airports this is the airlines 3rd major computer failure in little more than 2 years. Campaigners against people trafficking in britain are accusing government organizations of failing to protect victims and they say hundreds of exploited workers are ending up in jail and they should be in hospital being treated for torture injuries emma heywood has been meeting some of the many victims of modern day slavery. Cant forget being beaten having both ear drums perforated his tooth broken by the criminals who kept him as a slave Little Wonder then that is trust in people is shattered leave from vietnam doesnt want us to use his real name or show his space and weve disguised his voice after being trafficked to the u. K. He was forced to work inside an illegal kind of response. They beat me they hit me in the face if anything was to go wrong they said they would lose 100000 pounds the value of the crop in the house and then theyd cut my throat was arrested and then convicted despite telling me your thought is he was a victim of trafficking halfway through his custodial sentence he was placed in an Immigration Detention Center the u. K. Home office had mistaken him for another vietnamese man they thought theyd already deported that left with Lasting Mental Health problems. Many times i wanted to commit suicide because i felt depressed and had too much pressure i had nobody to talk to and didnt know what was going to happen to me lead did win his case against the home office but both imprisonment but his lawyer told us that victims are often treated as criminals by the author when they enter the u. K. And when theyre here theyre then forced into criminality. And then finally as has happened in this case when when youre finally found by a Public Authority for example the police when you think that youre finally going to be saved you are then in fact criminalized and subsequently detained by the home office in question that them still. Many victims of modern day slavery are hidden in plain sight controlled by those intent on exploitation last year in the u. K. Just over 3600. 00 suspected victims were identified a recent report by after exploitation found that in 28 teams more than 500 suspected victims of trafficking were held in u. K. Detention centers and campaigners say that its role as an immigration and force are often means the u. K. Home office doesnt deal correctly with victims of trafficking clearly when a victim of trafficking is detained this is this is horrific and should not be happening there needs to be a clear separation of powers between people identifying victims of trafficking and immigration authorities levy is still fighting to overturn his conviction the home office says the government is committed to protecting the vulnerable and treating those in detention with dignity and respect and he says decisions about detention and whether somebody is a victim of modern day slavery are made on a case by case basis campaigners say the whole system needs an overhaul but cases like that of late dont happen again and i would aljazeera in london. The United Nations is saying this him badly needs urgent help to recover from a drought thats left millions on the brink of starvation president emerson meninga has declared the drought a National Disaster has more from the zimbabwean capital harare government Officials Say zimbabwe has had one good season of rainfall in the past 5 years this is an agricultural base society you have your commercial farmers and your small scale farmers these are people who usually grow enough food to feed their families and sometimes have a little left over to sell thats not the case this time the United Nations says the number of people who need Food Assistance is staggering. Right now on food sure you mom. People that are in crisis mode im not talking about just you were talking about people that truly are marching toward starvation if were not there to help them 2300000 people in this country by this fall. It will be substantially higher 3600000. 00 people because elisi season is coming upon us then by early next year were looking at 5. 00 give or take a 1000000 people just on what we call our pisa level freel for crisis emergency bowl for security its not just People Living in the rule areas that are affected people in towns and cities will also need assistance and drought is not the only problem earlier this year cycle and die hit when you kill and problems thats in the east of the country is an area that usually fertile people there grow a lot of food but when the rain wins and floods came it destroyed many of the costs making the situation even more serious the government say it is going to buy grain from neighboring countries but agencies say even if that grain arrives it still wont be enough right now in her is report you heard david these say the executive director of the World Food Program hes now joining us on the phone from harare life thank you for talking to us again mr beasley the fact that zimbabwe is on this point of crisis this is a country that not that long ago was a major Agricultural Produce exported beef to the European Union is this just a matter of changing weather patterns. Well its a combination of many Different Things its almost a perfect storm youve got a government just trying to do a major transition in the economy and then thats compound that with major drought theyve only had one natural good year of rainfall in the last 5 years couple that with the cycle they just came in at the worst time were live in that one of the worst droughts in a very very long time so its fled you know drought and we are literally talking about the 1st of 2020 over 5 and a half 1000000 people literally in crisis Food Insecurity its a desperate situation thats why im here ive been on the ground now for 7 days meeting with leaders at the capital today has extensive conversations with the president and his cabinet we had very productive conversations practical conversations talking about solutions to help the people in this desperate time of need and were going to do everything we can and were talking to the donors now leaders of the countries that support is needed when its needed now right what sort of advice are you giving president clinton god and the rest of his government in terms of handling the future because obviously with some luck emergency funds will be forthcoming and therefore people might be prevented from. Slipping into starvation but what about the future and the future management of resources. Well thats one of the things that we talk about that we with the right resources we can prevent famine we can prevent catastrophe on a short term humanitarian basis but the long Term Solution is rebuilding the economy with the right solutions and and doing whats necessary so weve had very practical conversations because we believe as you said zimbabwe one time was the breadbasket of africa we believe that can happen in the reforms will have to take place we talked with the leadership the president is committed to moving forward but what was very encouraging to me is we met with the ministers of the government and we met with the president we didnt just have a simple chit chat we actually talked about details whats going to what is is going to take how can we help the people out in the Rural Communities how can we rebuild the farm economy how can we help smallholder farmers and communities be sustainable once again resilient so they dont need outside help and i believe we can get there but its going to have to be some tough decisions but were prepared to walk alongside and help rebuild this nation because i do believe when you meet with the people that just in the leadership level and ive been all throughout the country meeting with people at the local level and the spirit in the hopes of these people is quite remarkable in spite of the economic decline despite of the drought theres a lot of hope in the hearts of these people and so we were confident and hopeful at the same time that the sun is not steady but the sun is rising so we dont need a lot of International Support in this meantime its not just food there are other issues that need to be addressed and the whole humanitarian team year on the International Side we are ready to walk alongside and support and i really do feel that this country and the leadership are committed to making the decisions to move in the right direction david be the executive director of the wealthy program thank you very much indeed for talking to us now so many just coming in to news just coming in from pakistan the government has said that. Its going to take the issue of kashmir to the United Nations Security Council is also saying that its going to downgrade diplomatic relations with new delhi as well as suspend bilateral trade so thats just coming in from pakistan that the government has decided that theyre going to go to the United Nations Security Council regarding the issue well now we can speak to said Geoffrey Nice is an International Human rights lawyer is joining us live from canterbury in england via skype thank you for talking to us can you clear this up for us these what is the status under International Law of this disputed territory which 3 countries have laid claim to where you could say exam disputed unresolved but the fact of the matter is that partition in one in 48. 00 left the relevant part of kashmir which we are concerned with with india but with its measurable ptolemy that is now just been taken away from it since then efforts to resolve this and resolve this you either at the United Nations or even elsewhere but always failed and so whats happened now very sadly born to be you will be citizens of that area is that the man has been been brought true either another or maybe the final crunch point and how that is resolved who knows but in the interests of the people it will be best if things can remain as peaceful as possible india goes through its Legal Process 1st sorry to interrupt you know in a situation like this i dont know if there is another similar example that we can compare it with whether a territory is in dispute what sort of international what sort of obligations to those countries that administer parts of that territory what sort of obligations are they need to live up to. Well there are all there are parallels one phylactery to spell them out too strongly because they have often ended in disaster for kosovo in the former yugoslavia is one where autonomy was withdrawn repopulation of the area was attempted by serbia and eventually that all fell apart with the International Intervention in kosovo getting its independence so that if you look if you take that ruled in very rapid sweep of the potential worst outcome in one sense the obligation of all who participating countries as the journey proceeds is their obligation under International Law to do everything they can to avoid the greatest of crimes for example genocide and there are those who have been let alleging genocide against india as a way of getting that before the International Court of justice and they are an absolute obligation to protect those citizens from foreseeable human rights the trouble here is that theres been a long pattern of so it is said human rights abuses by india without left without stock and theres no reason at the present to believe that things are going to change so just to come back to my earlier point the duty of the countries and also the hope of the people must be that peace can remain for as long as it takes to resolve the legal issues before the Indian Supremes call and then if the matter is taken to the United Nations which has proved powerless in the past to the United Nations and then if imran khan of pakistan is successful in an endeavor to get the matter before the International Court of justice again because it has been there before in different guises to do that and have only things could remain peaceful for as long as that so that the law can be given its absolute maximum galore and International Diplomacy can be given its maximum period of time in which to achieve a row the aleutian so much the better right yes so therefore is it appropriate to use the language of annexation at this point india has it said keys to unilaterally stripping indian administered kashmir although its autonomous status can we use the language accurately both attic sation. May i respectfully suggest that we didnt use or in the use of language that can only be in german tree it may be better simply to the historical realities that there was a ton of money and that has been taken away in a controversial way by the present Indian Government and the bat removal ptolemy now needs to be tested 1st in the courts because testing it anywhere else is going to be probably diabolical Geoffrey Nice thank you very much indeed good to talk with. Right lets take a break now with the weather and kevin thats right and we have a very active tropical system happening here in the western pacific 1st i want to show you whats been going on here its not just the western pacific but also the bamaga all into the South China Sea we have 2 areas that we are watching for potential development but its out here towards the western pacific we actually have 3 named storms cross has moved through guam the storm isnt expected to intensify but really stay out in open water up here towards the north francisco has moved across the Korean Peninsula we do think its going to stay a Tropical Storm as it makes its way back towards parts of japan but its here this storm is the one were going to be watching over the next day it is expected to increase in intensity right now a category 2 equivalent by the time it makes its way towards northwest they could even get stronger to a category 4 equivalent right now with winds of 157. 00 club winds gusting even higher than that now over the next 3 days its going to be parts of taiwan as well as there you go islands that sees the heaviest rain from the storm as it does increase in intensity most likely though the northern part of taiwan is going to be hit with very gusty winds month slide landslides as well as flooding and then as we go towards friday this is what we do expect to see a potential landfall in this area but as we go towards the weekend it is going to be the eastern coast of china potentially parts of shanghai could see landfall as well. Kevin thank you very much indeed the president has you to go to dayton ohio where a gunman killed 9 people on sunday the f. B. I. Is investigating what it calls the violent ideology of qana bets his sister was among his victims before the 24 year old was killed by police within the start of his shooting spree police say there was no reason to prevent him buying a gun but a former girlfriend said he thought he had a Mental Illness including bipolar disorder following saturdays shooting in texas some survivors say they wont welcome president visited 22 people were killed or the Shopping Center now paso president toms critics say his comments on immigrants have fueled hate crime reynolds reports. In el paso each day brings new stories of courage under fire at work to a mayor is only 9 years old but on saturday he likely saved his mothers life. In walmart a person started shooting my mom 1st she couldnt move so i grabbed her hand and we ran outside and hid behind a truck. On tonioli zora day came face to face with the gunman and was shot in the foot at the list my nephew who made fun of me. With the details but whose. Horrible niche. In that whole nobody ever told me. 3 people President Trump plans to visit el paso as well as dayton ohio on wednesday the local Democratic Party chairwoman has a message for him stay away unless his tummy to acknowledge that his language played a part in still having been witness to this massacre on top again i dont think that theres any need for him to tom and i think the collapse of the only cause more damage to talk immediately does come trump has made restricting immigration the center of his political platform he has described mexicans as criminals and rapists he referred in obscene terms to countries whose people seek to enter the us and grinned at a rally when a supporter suggested shooting migrants holding says trumps words matter his language has consequences and we saw what those consequences would be that he said bad. Immigrants arent invaders and thats the exact same language that the shooter used in films i say that he wrote explaining his reasons for coming out so since the beginning of the year the Trump Reelection Campaign has posted more than 2000 immigration themed ads on facebook using the term invasion university of texas el paso scholar daniel check on says words like that are packed with negative meaning to invade you know a country or region is to take it over to dominate it to be invaded by you know by another army is basically what youre saying they want to come in they want to take over they want to take whats ours but the el paso. Look at Party Chairman says trumps words are not racist and that he is welcome you know past that i think the president coming here to show that hes got concern i think is outstanding theres a lot of people in this truly did support him certainly many in this city will welcome from with courtesy others however they feel it is he who is invading them rob rebels Al Jazeera El paso. The United States is nearly impose sanctions on venezuela will cut off funding for president during his Vice President has denounced the freezing of assets as a global threat and a u. S. Attack on private property meanwhile ordinary venezuelans a desperate to escape the collapsing economy poverty and shortages that is a boat imports from the capital caracas. Long lines in front of the peruvian consulate in caracas most of those who come here are desperate to leave the country. Is a retired engineer she has been waiting for months to get an appointment because she says she cannot continue living year one and i mean really i have a pension of 40000 bolivars that i can buy 2 kilos of cheese my son is in peru and im going to live with him but i cannot get their. Stories like my as i frequent in venezuela these days as the country struggles with an economic crisis that has forced millions out of the country for the United States and dozens of other Countries Worldwide who are meeting in. Venezuela needs political and economic change the United States and venice will have historically had a strong bilateral relationship but that relationship started to deteriorate 20 years ago when socialist leader over chavez took office and denounced what he called the United States interference in this country in the past month the situation has escalated even further the United States shut down its embassy here in care act after and i was hard. Economic sanctions to go out of office in the past the u. S. Imposed sanctions on venezuelan individuals linked to model the Us Government and the way they were venice way less state oil company accusing them of serious human rights abuses

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