To get us on the docket. Or just some to. Sit all day. To found enough funding from all the fitted are fun to do you do this to. Show you when your eyes are to pop or. Then in 20126 months before the London Olympic games quentin injured himself the issue of doping came up for the 1st time markets were meant for him we can ensure that it is a battle with. The nominee of our men only for. Our commitment to anything and for some top schwab to normal physical stars here its you up i dont see or touch i thought i was on trial it is. City going to. Put us in a place alone during the famine it says that it was still unclear when the trailer looks. Well go not a trophy and was originally prescribed by doctors to stimulate the secretion of sex hormones athletes use it for its anabolic effects to help increase muscular mass. Quentin b. Goal was also taking testosterone proponent injections. Meth and die alone orally. And stanozolol the steroid taken by ben johnson in 1980 for 2 years quentin was able to avoid testing positive. Jump assisted in europe small dispense it in any way for the apollo once programming was complete shock well it. Had to only if. You know what when youre a shock jock but dont. Sit in on the toilet were in hindsight he incriminates his relationship with his trainer. I mean dont phone affair or. Sufis. The book. It is ernie tapper fair point this was all nailing on that all kind morning drew we appreciate more papa bear this rethought of our process at all because. She can also be with. You when you would love a sponsor is. Second 2nd while his former coach denies any involvement quentin admits he made a mistake and wants to move on and says oh yes i mean. You were called in air force or youre calling because all. Of us. So there are thousands of cricketers if not its on the visit of a family. Every year worldwide 3000. 00 athletes are suspended by their federations. On a global level the fight against doping began fairly recently in 1999 the World Antidoping Agency wada was created what defines doping in legal terms. The mafia badge and being our must see a map of drugs also stirs just the fear for amnesty but it requests i would also want to follow what is just part. In 2005191 states signed Unescos International convention against doping in sport and began to harmonize their legislations but the World Antidoping Agency still has no operational role it is the responsibility of the sports federations to find cheaters and therein lies the main problem. Organize 2015 beijing hosts the 15th world athletics championships organized by the i. W. And the International Association of athletics federations since the 2008 Olympic Games china has excelled at all going to using sporting events for 9 days almost 1900 athletes from 208 countries were watched by 6000000000 television viewers. And the am the i w f organizes the event and sells Television Rights to broadcasters oddly though they are also responsible for enforcing anti doping regulations its a system which makes the federations both judge and jury. By any. Total competence or rollercoaster through vista political i generally also bob i just moved and of course the question was ill upon orders and was the only player for the charger sources that i hope i shall apply to was. Behind the finishing line doping inspectors and members of the International Federation await the athletes selected for testing i be tough to pass through done so we are secure in knowing that we dont concede a can of mace many of the athletes that have been selected were required to do so in a case of stunts off the bus in the proceedings and. In this accuser own 500 samples are taken no camera can enter when an athlete is present. And then c c c. I thank you so essentially they say thats exactly what we need you can see how. This is now. Thank you. To see. So. Resounding so i can see. To tell you yes. There were cases where. Athletes were not required to. Draw completely so the possibility to hide something with it. They were nothing. An example of this was a trick most famously pulled off by boxer mike tyson who confessed to having deceived testers by using a fake penis filled with clean urine. An independent laboratory analyzes the samples there are 35. 00 in the world that are accredited by the World Antidoping Agency each athlete must provide 2 bottles sample a for analysis and sample b. For a 2nd test if required the anonymous samples are separated into several tubes and tested for 400 different chemicals every year the World Antidoping Agency publishes the list of prohibited substances and methods the athletes take great care to avoid the banned substances. All those are very very good produce going to call for positive because the cover was going on as it. Ready is what do you want to see if its statistically. It will prevent more people doing what. It is to. Prove they will do it. Because having already got it this issue of. Potential is that. Testing during competition is above all about protecting the reputation and credibility of the athletics event in question these urine tests are supplemented by other checks elite athletes are subjected to testing several times a year either at home or at a hotel tests that the federations normally do not allow to be filmed. And this is the downdraft is there shes my colleague sure how did you get some this time its a blood test. Images its. Great. When its going. To. Have. Blood testing allows levels of other substances undetectible in youre in to be assessed. The equipment and protocol are the same for all athletes in all countries all blood data is kept on record by the i. W. A. F. For comparison purposes to help identify any suspicious variations this is what is known as a biological passport. The best of the regime seen. Made by doodoo doodoo canadian like them honest. They do vollies says if it. Effect of a movie over the mask of saga sold in. Kenya naaman over letting more stubler a keeper of the year last. Year as well pleased to be all over. This is the value of various work your typical title so if. Youre the boss we disappear. In beijing 450000 euros to spend on the drive to unmask dont produce but only 2 kenyan athletes testing positive samples can be reanalyzed for a period of up to 10 years. So i started to do what are sort of to show. The case that that was fair does attitude. Is the cause of me. Because for us all these are what i when they said the poses had to be democrats or through the desert let polyfill fish other for. These retroactive tests can shatter the podiums years after competitions since the london games russians are a poor was stripped of her gold medal in the 3000 meter steeplechase. The u. S. Relay team lost their 4 silver medals and turned out to keane returned her gold medal for the 1500 meters via his left us better than me and i last sees me is one boys them is what their sexual means the boys are mourning in their own but. That being your me yes of the boys did their the drugs no he will sign do is me leaving safe nozzles the hail me usage going on here but. Nowadays any athlete is seen as capable of dont bring. Them up on. Subtle of the sentence now had to. Be content to state his mind has been on the neck of the wood he. Wanted to. Kill me dog for sale ice. Sheets to stand here. Dont flip out on the campaign stump mice. This one is not. Going to spy on me. You will have. No deal oh. My bowels and they. Form a killing for his team. Which i want. Dalton youve. Been a. Nice little boy. The 1st. You same voice only. See that i spoke at a sit com joy leave my face you see the. Im in the entire history of the 100 meters athletics blue ribbon sprint event only 10 men and run the distance in this the 9. 8 seconds using bones is the only one to have never been accused of doping. Was it what it was it was the jamaican is the 1st sprinter to have been proved 100. 00 metres world record 3 times some of these records were achieved during a period when no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes. Yes you do do poem class the point i made evident. You know. It by tab you give it back program to test sure you didnt just want to have it is that that the time you and the law. Because the day are bad you dont. Tend to get the full immersion. If the law says that lead to. That lead. From that it isnt. Hard may be demo not to. Sit in and they dont need the bad better looking for it possible here lighted up is possible. In theory every country needs a national Antidoping Agency able to independently organize the testing of its athletes however in many countries due to the interference of National Sporting federations of the state the agencies do not carry out anti doping tests thus in 2012 there were no urine tests in jamaica during the 6 month period that preceded the London Olympics where using bolt made off with 3 gold medals. They didnt go. Because i know that theres more. Football when. They say look theres a young for a saturday and they got the does not only are. You saying balls Great American rival Justin Gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines and testosterone he returned at the age of 32 Even Stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows. Am was. Rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the best of our to sirius documentaries mistake it. Was easy just. To rewind continues with saving sweat or seeing the light 10 years later the plight of you every person that for a community in Southern Africa is no better this is a great motivator for us to keep giving back to these communities on aljazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you aljazeera. As a weapon of war leaves the very deepest scars. Scars so wrong that the victims men and women can barely talk about it. They are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice aljazeera fall as human rights campaigners in libya investigating right since the 2011 revolution. Libya unspeakable crime on aljazeera. There is regrown in a very short time to be a trusted news source wherever you are in the world he really want to know whats going on there and to find out very quickly were not looking at the news from some nations prism. We are probably International Everybody will learn something watching our coverage. Be shown that we can be the best International News and most trusted source of stories that people actually cant find elsewhere and thats going to continue. Well im fully back to bill in doha with a look at our main stories on aljazeera President Donald Trump says hes called off secret meetings involving the taliban and Afghan Government that were due to be held in the u. S. On sunday he says its because of a taliban suicide bombing in kabul which killed an american soldier and 11 other people she have a ton she has more from them streets help give us a framework for understanding various of those that weve been monitoring over the last week on monday Zalmay Khalilzad the u. S. On voice for the talks with the taliban had said our agreement in principle had been reached with the taliban for the withdrawal of u. S. Troops them on thursday we had a bomb in kabul turn afghan civilians dead true nature so it was personnel killed including one american shortly after those return suddenly to cutoff for more talks with the taliban that have been previously scheduled Hurricane Dorian has left a humanitarian crisis in its wake with thousands of people fleeing their destroyed homes in the bahamas aid is coming in but its hard to distribute because of damaged roads one ways and ports joins us and turkish patrols are getting underway in Northern Syria in areas covered by plans buffer zone turkey wants to extend its military presence along the border and allow displaced syrians to return home u. K. Prime minister boys johnson has lost a senior cabinet minister after a week of parliamentary defeats and defections amber ruds who was work and pensions secretary resigned from the government and the conservative party she says she could no longer endorse johnsons approach to break said because he seems determined to crash out of the e. U. Protesters are marching towards the u. S. Consulate in hong kong calling for u. S. Politicians to support their movement on saturday u. S. Defense secretary ma. China to exercise restraint in hong kong it follows a night of demonstrations outside a Police Station in the city offices use tear gas and bands to push back the crowds who were demanding an independent investigation into Police Conduct and polls have opened in moscow for Regional Elections that kremlin opponents hope will be a referendum on president Vladimir Putins government have been weeks of protests in the lead up by people furious at 30 opposition candidates were banned from running in the elections those are the headlines for stopping the endless chase continues next on aljazeera stay with us. Just off one of his main highways immediately yes family collects as much water as possible from the mountain above. A nationwide blackout left millions without power a regular water supplies. But this water is not portable the Health Ministry is recommending people treat it with chlorine but with none available. Hopes the boiling at 1st will make it safe for her family to drink. It says the increased consumption of untreated water in the last 3 weeks is making an already catastrophic situation worse of anyone in norway no we dont have the precise numbers yet but we know that in the public and private hospitals theres been an acute increase of cases of severe diarrhea that require hospitalization including children under 2 years of age which could be fatal local and International Public Health Experts describe the crisis its a complex humanitarian emergency. In the entire history of the 100. 00 metres sprint event only 10 men and run the distance in less than 9. 8 seconds using bolt is the only one to have never been accused of doping. The jamaican is the 1st sprinter to have improved 100 metres world record 3 times some of these recalls were achieved during a period when no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes using bowls Great American rival Justin Gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines testosterone he returned at the age of 32 Even Stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows scientists suspect that doping may indeed have long term effects and i. Believe p. Z. Teach you more could be oh yeah im a back to good only one will soon lets go. And. Then. Saw. The f. A. Measuring effective more connected to mood if he sued if a. Second here compliments of the property. Considering your knowledge of his performance this present is this to remind you your duties as far as life i gotta go i read that your job is to go out there and give. Give the news to the world but have a bias opinion so i think you dont do a good job of being the reporters can meet later to discuss more about it now. Despite 4 years of suspension Justin Gatlin signed another contract with nike the Worlds Largest Sports Equipment manufacturer is sending out mixed messages. As for not they dont weigh within eco that that there was a come on a clip of him brought in with a nigga gotta get this back up or bottle but theyre under not aggressive on the opposite they want him better. So your money in there is going to see him from the 1st last and make it should be runner up at the end of this which i let us call mario and young Justin Gatlin mike domingo thought they were going to show us in the box with an open id is told only they are there for more than one. Thing. Then we dont look as if they leave we need most is the few people who frequent romel and most of us snore couldnt be the. One youngest your tsunami because this could go. Well that should be called google but will seek a new cellphone molieres hes read up on the critical spoke to the local b. And b. But the fuel shortage and they almost full. Resolution can be sure. To stop cheating many athletes are demanding more severe penalties. The novice who could have spent its been on a side to clear up play. Thing fuck open my eyes thing fits of i with my eyes thing on some issues with ace in the lower than side thousands of. On they come from the olympics and speed and i keep this here scene for stakes that late in 2000 couples have tim said mido seen. This in this theater so fear the fear of others food speak to meet welcome to cannon meant on their plate and im fucked and im so hungry in wont see meat on a lot and his meat comparison done he says needs to say oh mommy says i read. This is to plow eggs and reached us he felt things face about a complaint in laos and south of him east. Hes been at them i dont go sleep in the get up top and but in the babysitting sense of of inflated have to be stuff that i missed and. Then i know the smug being of the lawless they leaked behind the recent. We mustnt leave it this fast ill talk to stephen on the plate and. It seemed as mystical start to focus on the stuff and we say this to get things going down a bit this is the last year says he asked again over the. Pio zappa who is one of the few journalists specializing in doping since 2006 hes been conducting a study on cheating in spain china and kenya in 2015 he brought the lies and corruption at the highest level of the i w f to light. This is a comment. That inventors that have been as. They gather. Brutally at a fresh start or season for me and track and spit. The massive doping has worked to try to take away yall invective easons and most these are the results of blood tests for 5000 athletes taken between 20012012 amongst them 800 a suspected of doping for example this value of this blood sample should not exceed 143 sometimes we find samples valuing 145155 or even 156. Norton but versions of it here get off to often kind of persons i know a lot interesting a bit of the talking ive been to a vet to have the often a tradition was a hands off of your insanity i dont know annoyances were dropping the norm and were dropping me toward. The federation the us knew that many of their athletes with doping notably the Long Distance and medium distance runners but they allowed this to happen even worse the directors of the i. W. A. F allowed athletes who tested positive to compete in exchange for money according to the newspapers le monde. Mean diac the president of the idea of up until 2015 admitted to french prosecutors to having him penciled 1500000 euros the money would have been used to fund the election of the senegalese president in 2012 his son. Back former Marketing Consultant supposedly targeted athletes such as the russian marathon runner. From whom he allegedly demanded 450000 euros so that she can still compete racketeering money was moved to a company in singapore black tydings when investigated by interpol he denied all involvement gabriel de lay the head doctor of the federation is suspected of having received nearly 200000 euros for having concealed the doping but see this is obviously just. Much dop thats about to push the united top of a culture clubs and get it for blunt and i stuck to it as i said comforting golfing at the forefront in the fight against doping and one internets and argue about it see or touch these after about and i cannot asking type them out out dont go if now to just good story that is all bunch bought up were talking to americans and which comes im. Disgusted by these practices athletes decided to take matters into their own hands here i dont we cannot trust you anymore you damage our sport we have to. This is what we have to see. You put money. I want to run against clean athletes not monsters. Integrity passion. Some athletes went even further yes the plan of russias 800 metres champion in 2011 along with her husband vitali unveiled to the world how russia creates its champions for 5 years yulia rub shoulders with the worlds best athletes the tally is an advisor to the director of the russian Antidoping Agency this is him at the side of the sports minister in 2009. In 2014 the couple decided to reveal the systematic doping of russian athletes doping organized by the countrys medical and sporting bodies and covered up by the state there revelations caused a scandal. Mr new report on does being in Atlantic City size russia basic coverage be true also that sort of to civility it is believed is all take up going to need to do better to cope says learn from the what i think is below as we see it as being the other lesson in lessons for the all to do best of all shook us is that it gets your. If. Forced to react to the i. W. A. After suspended 4000. 00 russian athletes it was the biggest collective punishment in the history of sport. Vladimir putin was forced to reassure the world your program will produce just for yourselves in there but nobody knows us here and you. Have a species somewhere. To picture and were prepared to have him only start the engine the commissioner told me and you dont. Stop. 2 months later 2 directors of the Antidoping Agency died under suspicious circumstances vyacheslav seen have a new key to come out of their deaths took place just as they were preparing to make Public Disclosures according to the sunday times considered traitors of their homeland the whistleblower couple exiled themselves to berlin. Resistance the best right now so mr beaton its gotten. Us to. This years. The story began the day that usually a med surg a pro to gun off the head of the athletics federations medical department who prescribe a doping program. To go out again and claridge. That presented the dog that wasnt exquisite cutter but the spots near enough that a lot of its border. To find out um you brought back to murder me a little was that. Despite an absence i mean that i just. Need to stage a whole new. Class thats just what them the covert. How do. You not go there bill stuart you know. That the storm new government your own go idealist on saving the world about its must see that zone go just ones that people who you will eat up with. To have the gold Medal Winners of the London Olympic games if you athletes tested positive it was because the Anti Doping Agency in moscow were themselves corrupt. And that resignation a. Bit about us is a slower some move it is just i didnt. Have permission you must be out there now but the goal of only is because. Its about a book with a mobile distiller on your door when you go in you boys are to your prostate as they are sure which. Student but them to be over the blanket was of an account on the piece a moment problem it didnt use a mascot name or problem but so i guess thats just the popcorn duck what it has a place where you are yeah im disallowing them or probably it ends up with i guess most probably no names. Did you did while competing union made retire early her future husband on a 2nd date she broached the issue of doping. I. Dont ask are you applying our. But ill. Cook of this because that the promo put it on the tube to. The sun to go to most of the civil place conditions for them just sit still for some. Severe measures to richard and thats what he has recorded over so theres no new offer to the shop or for the radios could always need to take a starter with main street to the sunni dr billy. And they me of us but they all if i am or tell. The man who said nothing was we are just love scene of one of the 2 directors the died under suspicious circumstances. But what were the russian athletes doing to escape checks abroad. That we said come on and said no imam. Is not general design is good neither wisdom is damned that will come to. Us at the brigade a sentiment is plentiful is that not only you know the detection methods is always changing and the dates how long. Some substances can be detected always getting shorter but again usually the directors of the labs are the 1st ones to receive this information so that they in the country like pressure the they have to share this information because the main goal is not to catch their peers the main goal is to help people in the gold medal. The russian Anti Doping Agency disputes the accusations. Vitali he has refused to cooperate with us on this matter. And for us its a pity if you want to fight against doping in sport you should not only give these bold statements publicly its not enough just to you know appear in the screen and say everyone is crap that facts and presumptions that what we need to have in order to establish an underdog and all. The evidence was collected by hi oh. Yes if you have a as a tradition yesterday in your phone peter. And you just have an off duty guy i mean. In video and audio from the top. Why is. He going to not need to have one in you know not on sweaters and sort of. You know in. Your view you know its a day in is so good to see does he. Get up i know don was times to the economic hot. Beleaguer. Just dropping and it was just nice to take up tired. Or maybe tina does money reagan was testes us and sustain him an interest problem theres always this response to minister there was disinvited to. Use it thats all it was hes from upper left almost didnt witness that she took the equivalent. Of the visual image from throughout me that i you see but i couldnt conceive in my books of the minimal for the month that i. Grew any should be most of the and she still makes you dont. Lose it that is a sore spot people who are. Going to look past me to look want to me that. Following vitaly unions revelations want i began investigating russia. Meanwhile julia hopes to rediscover her best film. Because i just want to get i guess that no also get the most you got dont see me have a child but. I suggest to you on each of. These 3 you have a new wife still. States yet you still dont know if thats what sports. Do you think that they take in the yes. Within the 350. 00 foot if. You were. To take part in International Competition she 1st needs to find a host country to accept into their team. Because it was in us to but its a we can fix that and then you just get that from my store up and get to the covert status to bring up to the head you have to get your question. Which country would be dead if i russia and adopt a union. Russia however does not have the monopoly on doping every year worldwide 3000. 00 athletes test positive for doping among the sports in which cheating has been found to be the most prevalent in recent years are bodybuilding athletics baseball american football weightlifting boxing wrestling cycling ice hockey rugby swimming and basketball power and insurance sports are not the only concerns. Only on the overall is a specific nick book if you didnt. Saw that it. Would board put it in his pool and it has all of it is. More all know people feel the movies rather denise and if theyre not sure that he needs me all could do sure that the. Natural skittishness of all dont do is thank him said look they stood it to me not least because promote it. As a sport that relies on technique football would seem to be above doping scandals and yet it has been tainted by match rigging and corruption. You. Know during the 2014 world cup in brazil 736 players were tested as shown in this free for promotional video. Once again the tests are financed and carried out by the federation that organizes the event do you think the values of the people like in other words or what is your opinion is my beef with informal. Just moved around just move cool how are you going to brand new balance and you need also a little luck this quarter was. No footballer tested positive in rio a satisfactory result for a free for. All. The last. Case we had was during the 1994 world cup in the United States maradona. There is a very clear commitment to make the fifa competition free. Despite this show of toughness to the leaders of World Football really provide the necessary means to catch cheats in 1954 had all the samples destroyed after the world cup thus avoiding any subsequent unmasking of drug cheats in 2006 no blood samples were taken in 2014 the laboratory that tested the samples was in no zone over 12 hours away from rio after 12 hours tiny doses of a no longer detectable in urine samples so is the myth of clean football to be believed retired player right World Champion in 1904 is skeptical. So. As to be open. To only my article vital to those. Sports working to control the strain of the strain of. Years so looked at as a future boy as he would inject went into that. Badge of music with my i was there with my shorty there was that i may perceive him as massive amounts of muscle spasms of them being. Ripped out of some fused. If we witness here and its just backed. Of eventually. Just full of whatever was was beaten with when was heavy. With me. You see a bit she grabs issue which frees them to be no. No i. Was only moved to the minimum is more. Yeah weve history got it or wars and youre closer to. It watch the video of it you know what in my arm i see my eyes fickling to my eyes my eyes up without the ha ha ha ha ha oh. I mean because it was part of what i think an issue part. I pop your finger and. I. Ah i just really should look like i did night by the twit of all still could not dothraki. This part and sweet. Little budget id stick a dixie or for boat call early i let the explaining. It keep a saw so maybe youll see still could nationalist want to know if you do but do you plan to do that then bash shots if you could meet because it will be able to teach you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance yes he just wouldnt get as the people seem to do better be go with the old one and you might want some your ball kinetic and even when you dont do so without much but to start. With i used. To waiting to get medicare or let the most sophisticated people use it the official welcome to geneva for the special one to independent Commission Press conference that we had found to cover up speed film destruction of the samples in the fortress payments of money in order to conceal the doping test so its worse than we thought. Hello there have been very few weeks in the caucasus where weve not seen close avella been to showers in the last couple of months beyond and heres another bell going through the back a lot you get a shower to further south it looks fairly dry tempest on the come down in both iran and iraq for 2 years and next in terran and 40 in baghdad the breeze typically a northerly so its looking like a change of season still 30 there in beirut from the east side military is nice and quiet not particularly humid a continuation the drop in temperature brings baghdad down to 48 to 42 that cooler weather right now is a relative has not reached for the south its on the forecast to rather still 43. 00 in doha a little bit less than that in dubai abu dhabi dont think it will be a continuation despite the fact the breeze is certainly picking up humidity wont be anything like as high whereas along the our money coast is a bit of a boost taking place here to the how if 29 in salalah represents overcast drizzly weather is well welcome of course. There you see its a big temperature differences recently in south africa cape towns in the surtees down to 21 also on sunday the reagans moved to the eastern cape and. Has disappeared were going to quote top of the day. This is a dialogue which you decide not to have children to say the plot its what the stake is really human survival everyone has a voice but ill start with our community because of course this is a debate and its a heated one visit it will be asian literally be able to do a ph d. And ideally join a global conversation with people i think if only they knew what is happening to we were muslims they will be with us and they will be outraged on out to 0 i really feel liberated as a journalist was going to get into the truth doesnt lie with us with his job. Donald trump says his canceling a secret meeting in the u. S. With the taliban in the afghan president because of an attack in kabul. Play or watching al jazeera live from a headquarters in doha with me for the battle also coming up a new breaks it problem for u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson a senior minister quite says cabinet accusing him of political vandalism. Cross wanting washingtons attention thousands march on the u. S. Consulate in hong kong calling for congress to pass a bill that would help their protests and peace returns to nigeria some fire region after decades of violence that killed thousands of people. Thank you very much for joining Us Donald Trump says hes canceled secret meetings with the taliban in afghanistans president that would take place in the u. S. On saturday night he put out this surprise sweet saying unbeknown so almost everyone the Major Taliban leaders and separately the president of afghanistan were going to secretly meet with me at camp david on sunday unfortunately in order to build false leverage they admitted to an attack in kabul that killed one of our great great soldiers and 11 other people i immediately called off peace negotiations the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack on thursday saying they were targeting a Foreign Military convoy of brass destroyed cars and shops not far from the headquarters of afghanistans International Military force and the u. S. Embassy theres been no letter been violence despite taliban and u. S. Negotiators reporting progress in talks hosted by qatar lets bring in our correspondent in kabul Tony Berkeley tony at this week certainly has come a as a surprise to many people the fact that a meeting was being planned at such a high level around the anniversary of the 911 attacks at camp david where the oslo accords were signed 1st of all any reaction from kabul to this tweet from the u. S. President. 2 things the Afghan Government said its committed to a Permanent Peace and i think that sort of official line i think on officially theyre quite happy this being canceled because they have been critical of this process of negotiating with the taliban in fact president ghani said after the bombing last thursday that a peace is meaningless when theyre dealing with a group that is pursuing the killing of innocent people a lot of people are surprised by the timing of this tweet about President Trump it seems that it was going to be a staged managed event for a president to say that he is actually starting the end of the war in afghanistan which would be quite a coup for President Trump even all. Were signs that were coming out from kabul and from washington were quite encouraging quite positive in fact the taliban were quite positive also in their tweets and they were expecting the 10th round of talks to begin very shortly so its a bit of a setback this but also i think theres a lot of internal criticism within the u. S. Administration because this bombing happened on thursday the taliban admitted responsibility almost immediately afterwards yet nothing was said at the time so it is a bit of a surprise but i think the internal objects that are coming out of the u. S. Have a great deal to play also the Afghan Government which has not been happily theyve been sidelined on this event because the taliban wont talk to them the u. S. Has been accused of going too fast and agreeing to too many concessions in return for too few from the taliban and also there been other taliban attacks during these negotiations i mean so what does this mean then for the peace negotiations the meeting in the u. S. Is ours but where does this need the talks between the u. S. And the taliban well its a big setback for the peace talks will have to see now i understand the taliban are having high level meetings to decide their next step it could be will see an escalation of the conflict as you say to be carrying out regular attacks almost daily around the country and in kabul showing their bargaining strength this may be a retaliatory tactic by president trying to say listen were not going along with what youre doing because youre giving us a little return so unless you come to the table with Something Else to offer were not going to talk a lot of people are saying the taliban is also tired of fighting everyone agrees that nobody can win this war that is why the taliban is talking but this is just the 1st hurdle in a long road so this initial Draft Agreement is not the end of the war its the beginning of the end if you like but theres still so many things so overcome in this very complex situation thank you very much for that Tony Burke Lee live for us in kabul. In other world news a senior british cabinet minister has resigned in protest over Prime Minister boys johnsons breaks it strategy arrived who was work and pensions secretary quit from the government and the conservative party she objected to johnsons commitment to leaving the e. U. Even if its without a deal rudd voted to remain in the 2016 brecks it referendum. The move comes a lot of work going on tonight if im not off going in to get it. And then on top of that have seen 21 like good strong concerns to please try to moderate progressive values excluded from the party indicating to the conservative party the such a source for good income in this country no longer has a place to sleep. And i cant. Meanwhile on saturday breakfast at protests became violent outside the houses of parliament in london on thai europe demonstrators fought with bernice as they try to reach a rival on time brets at ronnie offices blamed most of the violence on a far right group called the Democratic Football Alliance song had a ago was at an demonstration in london where protesters were calling for the Prime Minister to resign you may have only been in office but 45 days to be fine mr mubaraks johnsons bureau made 5900 line his version of bricks it ready for it to be very difficult to. Another demonstration saturday in Central London is also capping off one of the toughest weeks of these props almost more difficult than you could have ever imagined week that saw him coming to sift through riches system having such 21 members of his own party is im forever resigning from his cabinet and also the house of lords opera house approving a bill that would effectively block a new deal breck said and put a 3 month delay in order to try and get a deal to avoid a disorderly exit from the European Union now while Prime Minister course johnson did say that you would rather die in a ditch his words rather than os for an extension cross ols effect he has already. Been hemmed in by is. The director of the Public Prosecutions himself said that if he did not obey the law then there is a good chance that he would standing in temps and could even see himself possibility of being put in jail for not abiding by the laws of this country from having taken back control by minister Boris Johnson now finds himself being controlled last in downing street. Thousands of protesters are making their way through downtown hong kong to the u. S. Consulate in the city theyre counting on u. S. Politicians to approve legislation allowing the white house to impose sanctions on hong kong officials the march follows more violence between police and protesters on saturday demonstrations have continued despite a major concession from the government last week that speech our correspondent in hong kong for is still on and didnt looks like a large turn up behind to tell us about whats happening today. Thats right fully this is an unexpectedly large turnout and were seeing people from all across sections of the fighting here not just the regular mass protesters that weve been seeing in recent days but also the elderly working people families even Young Children all protesting marching down here through their own products Financial Center to the u. S. Consulate that is about a kilometer behind me and theyre all chanting all kinds of slogans and looting and with hong kong support hong kongs freedom many of them are carrying u. S. Flags earlier loudspeakers are playing the u. S. National im. The bill is the human rights and democracy act and theyre urging the car to push it through once they come out of recess amongst other things as you mentioned the bill would allow the secretary of state to submit an annual report to congress on. On fronts autonomy every year it would also established punitive mechanisms as youve mentioned against officials that erode home constitution to me by not allowing them into the u. S. And freezing their u. S. Assets and the below so call for universal suffrage for hong kong people to be able to elect their own leader which they contact the moment theyre appointed by beijing but hope for them to elect their own leader by 2020 fully. Defeat what is the protesters strategy right now and what is there and again the government has withdrawn the contentious expedition bell and yet people are still taking to the streets. Probably thats a very good question what is their strategy were seeing protesters take or protests a form and all kinds of different ways i just have to mention that this is the biggest protest weve seen since that actually dition bill but the drawn but we have seen sporadic protests otherwise another point i need to make is weve seen a certain decrease in the level of violence they appetite for confrontation seems several of them not just from the protesters but also from the police the police seem to be acting more restrained and they seem to be giving more permits for protests like this to take place this is a legitimate protest as far as what theyre are asking for the extradition bill has been withdrawn but during those 3 months of protests for other for other demands for world socalled foreign lamang them universal suffrage and also an investigation into how police have behaved during these protests the actions of the government against protesters and also police using Excessive Force not only against protesters but also those and the vicinity as far as the strategy go it seems like theyre well what is known is that theres no leader to those protests theres no single direction to this protest you see sporadic protests spontaneous protest. Right people art called are on buyer you social media and then you feel larger protests like this where once again war to spread by social media but old so it appealed still a wider or home kong public thank you very much for that d. V. I go pollin a nice auras said there a in hong kong us and turkish troops have sodded patrolling up planned buffer zone in Northern Syria turkey is boosting its military presence along its border with syria and is pushing display syrians to return home us backs Kurdish Forces withdrew from the area under last months agreement alj there is to monolith child is in had taney of a techie syria border the starts of joint patrols between the u. S. Im Turkish Military use are being see him of a positive step this because both the americans on the charts were unable to see our it so are you as through how to operate within syria over the paused year or even longer them not to turkey has always insisted that it needed to establish some sorts of safe zone up until up true maybe 30 kilometer is inside syria is a

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