The abuse the children missing the director was openly saying that he did want to adopt the children out for a price about 10000. 00 which is which is extremely concerning for forcing as well the deduction is illegal income. There are allegations of physical abuse or food standards so the kids are looking hungry was open sewage the boys are sleeping and there are smaller roof in the roof is leaking so this place is Getting International volunteers for you organizations do you know who these organizations are well suited rosa came forward and were volunteering really consciously brought and this is dating back to literally one pretty much one year ago. She should took the allegations to the competent government to send in their exam and in november 2011 and january 2012. Has been inspected try. Its by the ministry of social affairs and they found their condition a step holding him back their families but they would close the orphanage down if it doesnt start complying with the minimum standards. To avoid devising suspicions we go in on the cover as volunteers wearing hidden cameras. Are all. And they are. Well we are greeted by sin itself the orphanages tirade rather than the letter to barry. And over them. Oh yes it is king for us to start teaching straightaway oh pub im going to let in the market bob well im feeling up one let out a good thing i have never done any teaching yeah and ive been told you that youre going to have to do the same for young people i have the book and you can respond to these. You. See having simply walked off the street we are now teaching an english class then there is a seemingly endless amount of playtime. Many of the children are hyperactive and demand constant attention. To details as to how many of the many kinds of sticking to. And he said think out of this mess there is no longer. The kids of color nothing to do. And what shes going to. Win Senate Returns he shows us the childrens rooms only half of the beds have mattresses on the 3rd look so holding out ill only say i dont know what is the metal these other conditions the government inspectors asked him to improve on is that i would cut the roof is out now rendering canali that right neil white. Was one of the little a lot of heat for that you have. I dont really play her but that you is a lot of people who are. In the middle of the quote we also see the open sewer report to see sure. There are accusations that cynic uses the childrens misery to generate donations whether or not this is truth he certainly doesnt seem to make any effort to meet the governments minimum standards. Before we leave cinna tries to get money out of us again i have other was all kinds you have to. Carry them out to get me out there and im. Cold and i was. Ready half an hour sometimes i go im not at all the right. Things a cuckoo up bad. But in the evening we learn that they can get even worse. Yes become a target put child sex offenders and one to come investigate such cases for an n. C. O. Called x. For his own home and. Hes deeply concerned that some volunteer placement organizations fail to ask volunteers to undergo criminal record checks this is a very high use for the movie and children who are living in god. This guy you know his american guys and he came to come boy you through watching him brought you would in a pretty tricky hospital shockingly this man dr James Dagostino had originally come to come both yes frugal in tearing with projects abroad and that the time he also brought 3 on the boys and one and all to leave in the body would run to sleep and according to the statement from the boy he appears the boy on multiple occasions in another case a british p a file nick griffon had opened his very. Orphanage and abused boys then. Both men were found guilty in cambodia in courts and sentenced to jail terms of 4 and 2 years respectively we returned to cuckoo to follow up on the single most serious allegation that some of the children have gone missing from the orphanage. Staring at me i would say to our surprise a dutchman has arrived. Here with us and also the same thing really. With the out of hours from your face other people who are all the travelers they have stuff but. Theyre sick so far. They feel that wherever we turn we keep hearing about projects abroad to our amazement he tells us projects abroad never asked him for a criminal background check which he would have had to agree to under dutch law. When we go looking for direct as soon as we find him at the back of man. But. We want to test how serious he is about protecting his orphans by asking him if we can remove some of the children and. Then run. For everyones safety weve asked the social worker to join us we tell sinnett shes a friend and interpreter we wanted her to. This afternoon to see if we can take some of the kids to have a little toy or. Something and think wow how many king of the language that maybe you can get i can see in it is actually getting us to choose between the children. And minutes later we leave with 4 of them. Never once have we been asked for identification. This is actually totally crazy ciena just allowed us to pick up 4 kids from his orphanage in our con now and we could just draw. Off with them. We knew from seizures investigation that the children are from the north east of the country but the paperwork at the orphanage was fabricated and their birth parents could not be traced. For you. This sad reality is that even if the government would come to the rescue of these children they could never be reunited with their families. During our time income boda we have heard a lot about projects abroad now it was time to find out more. Projects abroad had a turnover of over 24000000. 00 us dollars in 2010 that made over 3000000. 00 u. S. Dollars profit and paid a dividend of 1000000. 00 to the to direct us i asked projects abroad why they continue sending that wasnt tears into orphanages that are so clearly failing the children and why they are putting children at risk by not asking all their volunteers for criminal background checks the company declines an on camera interview but tells us in writing that ku receives 50. 00 per month for every volunteer they say that even if the allegations against kuku were correct it would be better for the children in the orphanage to have better volunteers on the ground they also claim that since 2010 they do criminal background checks on the over thirtys and that for those younger they require a written reference from a School College unnamed referee. When we put our allegations to sin at the director of kuku he denied them all. Most volunteers decide on visiting come podia with nothing but good intentions and until things improve the country and its people are said to benefit from sharing qualified skills. But most volunteers also fire an increasingly commercialized system and before leaving home its worth investigating who really stands to profit from their present. Cambodias often business a film which played a major part in increasing the understanding of the potential dangers of volunteerism well im very pleased to say that were joined here in the studio by the filmmaker herself julia rufus lovely to see you giuliana you were one of the 1st people to report on this internationally how did you even come across a story like this im actually quite interested in psychology and i was attending a conference on trauma and it was a global conference and there was a psychologist sociologist from cambodia and shed been working on that issue because a lot of the children were damaged psychologically and she told me about it and i thought it was astounding that this really wasnt an issue that was known about. Tell us about the children who you met there 1st of all we used the word orphans are they all technically what we would believe to be orphans yeah i mean that was really the 1st thing that i was interested in the vast majority of the children in these socalled orphanages actually do have parents and they there are people who go around and who effectively recruit these children they say to the parents that the children are going to get great education that theyll be in touch with lots of best westerners and the parens allow them allow these recruiters to take the children and then they get put into these again often ages and effectively some of these orphanages are a money making machine and do the children actually get to see the benefits of any of that money or a lot of the children are really damaged their damage firstly because theyre being taken away from their parents and then secondly a lot of them and you can actually see that in our film they have a. Its called an attachment disorder so that they continuously get attached to a new person a new volunteer plays with them show us them with affection and then leaves very quickly im trying to imagine what what you went through on that actually i know its about the children but i mean thats a thats a very emotional things ago as for where this story really got me is when we tried to take some of the children out for a day out and what we tried to demonstrate is really the complete neglect of care that it was just he was just allowed to do it this is the thing you could i mean he was in ordinary because were good actually its a country that has a well known problem with child abuse and especially paedophilia that is foreigners Foreign Tourists for socalled tourists again coming in and abusing children so the idea that we could take these children out without any supervision was quite astounding and that is really the thing that hit me i was so focused on will this happen can we take the kids out that when we finally said with these kids in the car it was actually quite emotional because we had this sense of the driving of with them in a car and we could have done absolutely anything to these kids and when you did take the children out of the orphanage you had a social worker with you and yeah you can actually see in the film and the social worker she was there for 2 reasons firstly to protect the children and to make sure that theyre safe and comfortable and she helped translate but secondly it was also to actually protect us because we were aware that we were making what could be a very controversial film and we were worried about future allegation accusing us to have done something incorrect with the children so she was there also to make sure that we were safe in that sense and whats happened since what as far as tightening up the laws. We can talk about the government but what about the actual images themselves are they still operation like this yeah there were actually quite a few responses to this so firstly. On an International Level the awareness has really grown so astray i would say is as a country a leading example because they have actually made the trafficking of children into orphanages illegal theyve theyre describing it as a modern form of slavery and so thats the International Response then income bogut self the authorities have reacted to some degree theyve shut down some of the orphanages and theyve worked with International Agencies like the u. N. And and also International Organizations to close these orphanages down and and actively reunite the children from orphanages with families where possible but also and this was particularly important to me some of the companies that run voluntourism schemed have to cite it to abandon the sending of untrained wall and tears into orphanages and julian its been fascinating talking to you really great thanks for coming in thank you for having me. And projects abroad the company which you saw in that film say they no longer work in orphanages they say they now work with Community Based projects which means working with children still living at home well that is it for this edition of rewind to check us out online at aljazeera dot com for more films from the series and updates from the odyssey rock life and well see you again next time. Rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the best about to see spot the mantra by the early onion the onion the future spot the hard. To rewind continues with losing louisiana what was once a thriving community. Water with motoring above downtown leave all right on the southern tip of the xian or the law is superb 30 feet below us on aljazeera i really felt liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth doesnt either thats what this job. You know that corruption has reached a love all like that before judge jury. Rank outsider. To president of the United States. The power was in the data we will honor the people with the truth and nothing else discovered. From winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera. Whole. Crude oil prices register their highest one day rise on record after saturdays attacks on Oil Facilities in saudi arabia. New satellite images appear to show the damage caused in saturdays attacks donald trump says the u. S. Is locked and loaded to respond but is waiting to verify who was responsible. Hello again im dennis your without is there a live from doha also coming up counting is under way engineers here 2nd president ial elections. The arab spring as 2 candidates claim the lead palestinian farmers lead the fight to protect their land from illegal israeli settlements. Saturdays drone attacks on saudi arabias all facilities have triggered a shark jumping Global Oil Prices oil futures in asia opened 19 percent higher jumping as much as 11. 73 dollars a barrel to 71. 9 5. 00 thats the highest single day increase its features trading began in 1908 where riyadh is racing to restore its Oil Production which is being cut in half after drones targeted the heart of its Energy Industry president trampers authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum reserve to keep the markets world supplied right lets talk about this now with our economics editor avid early at it how big a moment is this in terms of oil supplies for the world and the Global Economy so this is really is a new day shoots attack coming whether its drones or whether its cruise missiles as this has been suggested they traveled over 500 kilometers over saudi territory without being detected and thats a big problem and so this is a reason why were seeing this premium to oil prices right this very moment in time because traders are worried that if it can happen once it can happen again and its something that they havent considered in the past now as President Trump has said this plenty of oil and there is because the u. S. Energy agency says theres about 4100000000 barrels of oil around the world stored around the world just for cases like this obviously nobody predicted a case like this but nonetheless for emergency exactly their own emergencies now the u. S. Has about. 70700000000 china has nearly half a 1000000000 barrels of oil and the saudis themselves have about 188000000 barrels of oil stored stored away in water. Just off the coast in the madrid train not from egypt so they can tap into the these reserves and so this oil Price Premium that were seeing is not based on reality is based on the fact that there is the perceived threat Going Forward right quite often perception is more important than reality specifically when it comes to the markets but what exactly did the saudi authorities need to do in order to stabilize the situation so the futures trading will come down so the saudis have been rather good when he come out and say look we need 48 hours to assess whats happening so. They also trying to float. The most Profitable Company in the world which is aramco which is their oil company and theyve been coming clean about you know how much profit you make so how much oil reserves you got how many. Reserves you got and so were at a process where basically theyre going to update us very soon and say you know we reckon it will take x. Amount of days for us to come back on line so thats a crucial information that the market really needs despite the fact that we have all these reserves of oil sitting around its important because if after 90 days we still have no fixed fix to saudi facilities then it does start becoming a problem for the Global Economy right and beyond the immediate state of affairs in terms of saudi Oil Production today and tomorrow there is the wider fear isnt there about greater bellicosity certainly in the language coming from the United States locked and loaded again that kind of thing will have a great impact on on how the markets perceive the general risk associated with the possible flotation of aramco its absolutely so. So you know the these things comments from trump really do affect the markets now when you say locked and loaded most the time its not individuals who are trading stocks and shares or bonds or oil its computers along with ems and they read through social media through newspapers and anything else and they find these trigger words and they react to that and so the 1st reaction to this was prosperously you know totally to do with computers going ok weve been switched on weve heard all these all these bellicose language and now you know this is the response and then after that its the traders who come on and kind of calm the markets down by saying ok we know that theres this oil in the storage for 90 days and so we dont think the impact will be that much and so weve seen oils oil prices go up 71. 00 and now theyre back down to about 656060. 00 thats brant crude which is which is used to price 90 percent of the worlds oil right ok thank you ali who be keeping an eye of course on this developing situation well as youve already heard the u. S. President has offered to release emergency reserves to deal with any oil supply shortages President Trump also says the u. S. Is locked and loaded and waiting for a confirmation as to who exactly carried out the attack on riyadh Oil Facilities Gabriel Elizondo has more from washington the us has some of the largest Strategic Oil reserves anywhere in the world its 650000000. 00 barrels of oil that are an underground salt caverns in the state of texas and louisiana these are all reserves that are only supposed to be tapped in extreme emergencies and trump indicating on sunday evening that he is prepared to authorize the use of this oil should saudi arabia not be able to increase its Oil Production rapidly enough and there becomes a world oil shortage saying that he wasnt going to tap into this. Yet but would authorize if it gives you an idea of how worried washington is about these developments right now in terms of u. S. Readiness trump also tweeting late sunday that the u. S. Was locked and loaded those were his words on twitter ready to prepare preparing a response to the culprits of the attack against the saudi Oil Facilities he said that the u. S. They believe they know who the culprit was but he didnt name it but on saturday secretary of state mike pompei o pointed the finger directly at iran in terms of this language trump is using hes used it before and fire and fury and referencing north korea hes used locked and loaded this terminology before as well its unclear exactly what he means by that but given that hes the commander in chief of the worlds most powerful military here in the United States those are words that must be taken very seriously but the u. S. Government still say released images missions said to show the damage done in saturdays attacks to harris out before reports these satellite Images Released by the u. S. Government appear to show damage to parts of the oil plant at alba kike in saudi arabia they could prove vital in determining who attacked the plant and from way but look like they were damaged in the north and west or to sell with these which would mean that they didnt come from yemen but then i would close sort of all the people who are closer of those photos and its not quite clear looks like some was just from the west could have been coming from yemen we dont think yet hooty suppan launching drones and the missiles against saudi arabia are were several months now none of them have been able to cause the damage that they did these did but this is not new with them. Who the rebels in yemen say they flew armed drones across the border deep into saudi arabia to attack 2 major Oil Facilities if confirmed its their most ambitious and devastating operation following dozens of smaller scale strikes in the kingdom in recent months but. We exploited vulnerabilities in the Saudi Defense system and we built our drones in order to avoid these systems therefore the saudi and iraqi airspace became open to us after their Defense Systems failed to even spot the drones. The u. S. Secretary of state flames iran for saturdays attacks might pump a 0 says theres no evidence they were launched from yemen although he hasnt explained how iran is to blame or where the drones took off from secretary powell has made clear that the Iranian Regime is responsible for this attack on civilian areas and infrastructure right are vital to our Global Energy supply and were not going to stand for that in fact our department of energy stands ready to tap into the Strategic Reserves of Petroleum Reserve asked to stabilize the Global Energy supply iran says it rejects the u. S. Accusations. What is concerning is the wrong path of the americans in the region they are supporting saudi arabia and the u. S. In a set of consisting to the role in creating instability the point the finger at other countries in the region dialogue between regional neighbors is the only solution to resolving the conflict. The state owned Oil Company Saudi Aramco says the fires started by the attacks knocked out more than half of its entire daily output close to 6000000. 00 barrels of oil the Saudi Energy Minister says stockpiles of oil will be used to offset the loss of production but oil markets havent seen the shutdown on this scale since iraqi troops invaded kuwait to start the 1st gulf war in 1990 and its not clear how long repairs will take the impact will depend on how quickly the saudis can restore full production. For. The ballots are being counted interim is iraq to almost half of registered voters turned out to choose the countrys next president the official results so until tuesday but supporters of the 2 candidates criseyde and the bill car we are already celebrating both having claimed to have won the 1st round sundays vote was too noisy a 2nd president ial election since the 2011 revolution Stephanie Decker reports from the capital tunis. Half an hour before voting was due to start a small queue had already formed tunisians waiting to have their say on who is going to be their next president. I came here to vote in order to get someone who can get this country out of the crisis the economic crisis the financial crisis we have lots of debts its very frustrating for me im not fully convinced about any of the candidates because there are so many and i havent seen them from the beginning its the 2nd time tunisians are electing their president since the revolution 8 years ago tunisia is often quoted as the only democratic Success Story to come out of the socalled arab spring the 1st country where its people took to the streets bringing an end to the 23 year rule of president saying. This is democracy in action yes there are many different candidates to choose from but the question is what can they offer the people are they going to offer real change or is the next president going to be more of the same voters here are telling us theyre tired of empty promises. The next president is pressing issues to deal with unemployment is higher than it was before the 2011 revolution the security situation is a concern and corruption remains

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