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Are using agriculture to protect their land from illegal israeli settlements. And rebuilding the bahamas the cleanup operation resumes in the islands battered by a Tropical Storm and hurrican. How it will cause impressive weather now making its way across spain weve still got a little area of clouds circulating away here but the heaviest showers they are pushing in land a little further north but some westward so we will see some weather coming in here over the next few days but that may well the system is now easing out theyll be a few showers across northern parts of spain maybe even into Northern Areas support cubical to the right here its been particularly dry over the past few weeks to try me mom across central and eastern parts of the mediterranean much of based in europe not faring too badly but he pushed further north and it is certainly on the blustery side quite a cane wind blowing through open office and snow way over the the mountains there in the way some of that western weather that unsettled weather will slide a little further eastward still wards the Baltic States towards well across sweden into finland things quieting down behind 900. 00 s. In london the cold all the breeze coming through its going to drive is going to be fog is going to be sparking sunshine but its not said hes going to feel too warm woman off meanwhile across the apostle of africa say 23. 00 celsius there for about 27. 00 in algiers was shot as we have had starting to ease away but on choose to you might just catch your show up towards as will the parts of algeria to the east of that is fine dry and sunny. Youre watching all of us here a reminder of our top stories this hour of these drone attacks on Saudi Oil Facilities have triggered a record jump in oil prices as markets have opened but theyve since settled u. S. President donald trump has authorized the release of americas Strategic Oil reserves if needed. And the u. S. Government has released satellite images which are said to show the damage from saturdays attack the drone strikes in dubai yemen School Things have shut off about half of saudis. Ballots are being counted in tunisia after nearly half of registered voters turned out to choose the countrys next president official results or jus choose day but supporters of the 2 anti establishment candidates. We are already celebrating with both claiming to have won the 1st round sundays vote was john is in his 2nd president ial election since the 2011 revolution Stephanie Decker has more from tunis. Half an hour before voting was due to start a small q. Had a ready formed tunisians waiting to have their say on who is going to be their next president. I came here to vote in order to get someone who can get this country out of the crisis the economic crisis the financial crisis we have lots of debts its very frustrating for me im not fully convinced about any of the candidates because there are so many and i havent seen them from the beginning the 2nd time tunisians are electing their president since the revolution 8 years ago tunisia is often quoted is the only democratic Success Story to come out of the socalled arab spring. The 1st country where its people took to the streets bringing an end to the 23 year rule of president saying. This is democracy in action yes there are many different candidates to choose from but the question is what can they offer to people are they going to offer real change or is the next president going to be more of the same voters here are telling us theyre tired of empty promises. The next president is pressing issues to deal with unemployment is higher than it was before the 2011 revolution the security situation is a concern and corruption remains rampant the new leader will face a population hungry for change especially the youth many have told us they dont trust the politicians charlock in most of these elections are a good thing its the 1st time weve had a debate on t. V. With our president ial candidates we used to watch the debates on t. V. In the United States and now were watching the same thing here in tunisia thats the 1st. National and International Observers were polling stations across the country we knew just a gradual slew of people but interestingly we saw many elderly coming in very in the morning and being very well organized and there has been no issues and so so far its been good which is hoping that by now the young people would have come on board and increase the percentage of voters luminary results achieved later with the official announcement on cheese day the winning candidate will need more than 50 percent of the vote and no one expects that to happen the likely scenario out of 24. 00 candidates the top 2 will head to a runoff in november by the end of the day tunisian should know who they are Stephanie Decker aljazeera tunis voters in israel head to the polls on tuesday for the 2nd time in less than 6 months by mr Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening to annex land in the Jordan Valley if he wins and palestinian farmers are vowing to protect whats theirs that enable him reports from qalqilya in the occupied west bank. This is the 1st time jamal jabara has planted trees on this piece of land and qalqilya his harvest of up a goddess should make him a prophet in 2 years but while the climate is not a threat the location is. The land is an area see a term describing more than half of the occupied west bank that falls under full israeli control here palestinians need israeli approval to build or develop their lands but all around them new israeli settlements are sprouting up here and. Its a risk that if we keep being scared then we wont do anything if yes israelis have the stronger hand when it comes to control but we shouldnt leave our lands. Jim and received support from a Palestinian Government project to farm the land the government says it will disregard israeli control over the area but that might be easier said than done. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised many times to apply jewish sorrentino with. The latest his pledge of annexing the Jordan Valley if he wins the palestinian leadership says its not just the threat of course is using this as a ploy to pander to his extreme right wing racist base but at the same time hes been implementing this underground gradually below the radar and some cases but now with from this administration and the u. S. There is no need to fly below the radar he is now concretely and specifically carrying out these steps and the clearing them announcing them whether netanyahu remains in power or not observe or say political progress in the occupied territory is unlikely. To result in the terminology used in israel the discourse now is a political settlement that sees given the israeli settlements and cost as it is they talk about the Jordan Valley as a place they can go there was never a consensus about this issues in the past for many palestinians it doesnt matter who leads the government. As israel shifts more to the right is radio elections heavy influence palestinians lives but they dont have a say in. The occupied west bank. U. S. Pharmaceutical company purdue which manufactures the controversial painkiller oxycontin has filed for bankruptcy just days ago it reached a tentative settlement with some of the thousands of state and local governments suing the company over its role in the Opioid Epidemic much of the crisis has been blamed on the overprescribing of addictive painkillers like oxycontin the settlement could eventually be worth up to 12000000000. 00. Workers at u. S. Automaker General Motors have gone on strike for the 1st time in more than a decade well than 49000. 00 people have walked off the job at 31. 00 factories across the country the United Auto Workers union is pushing for better wages Health Benefits and job security guarantees if theyre going to stay on strike until the agreement is reached talks to continue on monday Michel Martin is the reporter for Automotive News based in detroit and he says workers are demanding a greater share of profits. It could cripple g. M. If the strike lasts long enough currently the automaker has been preparing for some type of action and they have a 77 days supply of new vehicles on hand that number fluctuates depending on what the able youre talking about and theyre more profitable more popular s. U. V. S and trucks they have a lower days supply in the fiftys but if this drags on and then it essentially means they cant build any products dealers wont be able to sell those products because there wont be anything there this is a very significant action its sort of the last resort that the union has in negotiations that have reached an impasse and we dont know yet what the impact will be on General Motors it depends on how long the strike lasts but workers in less than 10 hours now will leave the Assembly Lines and form picket lines outside of all those facilities workers are looking for higher wages theyre looking for retention of very lucrative Health Care Benefits that theyve been able to keep. Theyre looking for a greater share of the profits that General Motors ford and chrysler have been able to amass over the years and theyre also looking for protection for temporary workers to try to find a way for them to reach full time permanent status. Health minister from the democratic republic of congo has been arrested accused of embezzling 4300000. 00 is intended for the ebola epidemics police said id say only a long ago was planning to flee the country as lawyers deny the accusation congos Ebola Outbreak is the 2nd worst in history more than 2000 people have died in the past year. There will be more small rallies in hong kong but theyve remained calm unlike the scenes on sunday pockets of violence of flared after the 1st mass rally since the territories leader withdrew an unpopular extradition bill government opponents are demanding more concessions and reforms and organ reports from hong kong. Another day another represent of unrest. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators defy a police ban to march through Central Hong Kong once again. There is no shortage of anger here the turmoil in hong kong is well into its 3rd month and protests continue unabated. Informal groups of volunteers from 1st aid medics to lawyers and will be just leaders show that support for these demonstrators is far reaching a full withdrawal of the proposed law to extradite suspects to china was announced by chief executive care really lamb last week a concession by beijings leaders but observers say it may have been given too late. Protesters say theyre refusing to give in until their other 4 demands are met demonstrators say carrie lamb is just a lackey of beeching. Everyone knows shes not sincere to face to people in her call as long as she doesnt response to all demands will continue to protest. The government is full of hypocrisy its the government that undermine the rule of law police are using on reasonable violence the protesters are using force not ballance its violence only when it harms people. Water cannons the police back 6 which had so far only emboldened protesters to keep surging forward for the last few months these have become familiar scenes the streets of hong kong have become a battleground this is hong kong on edge young people here tell us they are forever transformed by the recent political turmoil and they are risking all to resist what they call creeping authoritarianism from beijing to Melanie Duggan im just here a hong kong former to tell you an interior minister Matteo Salvini has called his former Coalition Partners traitors he criticized the 5 saw movement during a rally in northern italy after salvini pulled out of his coalition with 5 star they formed a new government with the pro e. U. Democratic party. Ive said it in all the languages italian people are no ones slave thank you surely whispers with merkel in my crown were leaving them for traitors of your talian People Police in serbia briefly clashed with far right supporters who tried to stop a gay pride parade attended by the countrys Prime Minister and a bona bit shinar partner joined several 100 others marching to belgrade hours before the march about 150. 00 antigay protesters sang religious songs and waved off the docks christian imagery the Prime Minister is being criticized in the Gay Community for not doing enough to promote rights since coming to power to use a go. Operations have resumed in the bahamas as Tropical Storm on backhoe moved away having missed most of the islands some communities are coming together for the 1st time since how to condone even hit 2 weeks ago alan fischer tells us more from freeport. For many this was the 1st time to come together since the hurricane the church a source of comfort after some difficult days once more the hugs were warm the tears were real the stories of survival frightening we watch our house and our homes destroyed i mean limb by limb you want to call it they just you know we were sometimes over 20 feet coming in over the roof into the roof because were you know sustained some damage in that area. But luckily dad didnt see us there sharing what they have one man and his family are sleeping at a friends one woman has a walking well so were sharing Water Community coping together we lost Everything Everything we might as a salvage some little shoes and pants and stuff i got to get something of a few of my Church Members have lost everything you know so i think that i didnt have that major damage in my house like some of them but were all alive and were holding on. Just a short distance so we in the hudson neighborhood the work to rebuild has already begun. Many buildings survived but have been left to shell by the storm waters this is probably about a kilometer from the sea but at the height of the storm the water was so high it would have been above my head simply inundating all of the houses in this city. People are saving what they can but theres not a lot left to see most of it is right and. What we had salt water and sewage backing up into the building. But the everything is you know. While saving. George like many families here is hoping things will start improving before the end of the year getting back to normal thats not even under consideration from. Alan fischer in freeport on the island of grand bahama. Time media is saying at least 86 tigers rescued from an infamous tourist attraction 3 years ago have died in all 150 tigers were taken from a buddhist temple where visitors to self is with the animals and fed them the animals that died were weakened by inbreeding. Climate change activists have targeted former pop star Victoria Beckham at London Fashion week members of the Group Extinction Rebellion and blocked roads and called for an end to socalled fast fashion that results in expensive mass produced clothing marketed by retailers in response to short term trends. This is all just here these are the top stories of saturdays drone attacks in Saudi Oil Facilities have triggered a record jump in the price of oil prices have since dropped u. S. President donald trump has authorized the release of americas Strategic Oil reserves to fill the market gap if needed the u. S. Governments released images which is said to show the damage done in saturdays attack they could prove vital in determining who attacked the plant and from where ballots are being counted in to near 0 after nearly half of registered voters turned out to choose the countrys next president official results of june choose day but supporters of the 2 anti establishment candidates highside and now bill carter we are already celebrating with both claiming to have won the 1st round sundays vote was 2nd president ial election since the 2011 revolution. U. S. Pharmaceutical company per do which manufactures the controversial painkiller oxycontin has filed for bankruptcy just days ago it reached a tentative settlement with some of the thousands of state and local governments suing the company over its role in the Opioid Epidemic much of the crisis has been blamed on the over prescribing of addictive painkillers like oxycontin the settlement could eventually be worth up to 12000000000. 00. And 50000. 00 workers at u. S. Automaker General Motors have walked off the job and its the 1st strike in more than a decade the United Auto Workers union is pushing for better wages Health Benefits and job security guarantees they threaten to stay on strike until an agreement is reached the talks are scheduled to continue on monday form an italian interior minister material vini has called his former Coalition Partners traitors is criticize the 5 Star Movement during a rally in northern italy after salvini pulled out of his coalition with 5 star they formed a new government with the pro e. U. Democratic party a former Health Minister in the democratic republic of congo has been arrested accused of embezzling 4300000. 00 intended for the ebola epidemic Police Allege only a little girl was planning to flee the country his lawyers deny the accusation they are congos a bull outbreak is the 2nd worst in history and the news continues here in aljazeera after inside story ill be back in about half an hour by phone. What guarantees will be given to the people who will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to apologize for someone who is also a terror right we meet with global newsmakers about the stories that matter on the home to their own. How it sounded radio respond to more drone attacks on its Oil Processing plants half of the kingdoms daily output of code is not questioning higher prices worldwide iran dismisses u. S. Accusations of involvement is the possibility of a war between iran and the sound is increasing this is inside story. Of the welcome to the program. Its being described as an unprecedented attack on the Worlds Energy supply oil prices are expected to rise after saudi arabia was forced to cut production in half. The rebels in yemen say their latest drone attacks on the Worlds Largest oil exporter one a major success knocking out the Worlds Largest Processing Plant. Its not known how long repairs will take oil markets havent seen a shutdown. Since iraqs army invaded kuwait to start the 1st gulf war in 1900 iran is this missing u. S. Accusations it was behind the attacks the hertha warning of more to come. He said attacks are our right and we warned the saudis that our targets will keep expanding we have the right to strike back in retaliation to the air strikes and the targeting of our civilians for the last 5 years. Lets have a look at some of the recent attacks on saudi arabia in saudi government said a drone attack damage a main pipeline and 2 oil pumping stations west of the capital riyadh in june 26th civilians were wounded in why the Led Coalition in yemen said was a healthy missile attack on airport on the south of the kingdom last month who rebels say they fired a long range missile at the port city of demand in the northeast 4 days later the forces say they launched more drone attacks on 2 airports at her and those around as well as the king khaled base near riyadh and on august the 26th the rebels say they launched a drone attack on a military target in riyadh. Lets bring in our guests in. A yemeni affair specialist via skype simon le bon director of the Richardson Institute for peace studies at Lancaster University in Houston Texas josh young portfolio bison interests. Wild come to you all. The latest attack of the Oil Installations in this. Is this new phase in the conflict in yemen is this a new us collision. Yes i believe is a new place and we remember that but if you are a drone attack on the oil pumping station on as well on. Oil fields in saudi near United Arab Emirates it was kind of a message to saudi arabia that were going to start to target you all. Infrastructure but because the saudi actually has continued its war and its combat and blockade on yemen they havent done anything to. Agreement and thats why yemeni army here in sanaa has decided that they should bring this war to the backbone of the saudi economy which is the oil field and thats why they have targeted one of the largest. Oil production site in the ward and i think that if so we will continue its war or if they are not going to come. Through to stop. Its blockade on yemen to have been the port to the airport here in sanaa no data Yemeni Army Spokesperson have said that they will continue this type of strikes and attacks that are more big that i talked to come. Simon were talking about suns arabia which is one of the Biggest Oil Producers in the world and now with this potential for more disruptions to happen in the near future sure the International Community be concerned or should or in markets because sant. Yeah i think it its easy to see how that might be a conclusion to be drawn that the International Community has long been focused on yemen albeit slightly different really isnt theres been a great deal of humanitarian concerns about the ongoing situation there the ongoing Bombing Campaign and the devastating impact the potential for catastrophic human suffering beyond the scale that were seeing right now so the International Community is focusing on it but much like its focusing on events in the persian gulf and concerns about the detraction to the shipping which of course will have potential what potentially have an impact on the oil markets this type of response and this type of action i think weve been a yemeni conflict could also have massive repercussions for the Global Economy and so i think adds another dimension to the International Community and its focus which could hopefully put it dition all pressure on the parties involved to get this conflict to an end and to put an end to the humanitarian suffering just saudi arabia is widely known for having this ability to coercion against any Oil Prices Spike spur the because of the spare could production of about 2400000 barrels a day they can pump is that something that should be reconsidered now with this unprecedented attack at the heart of the saudi arabia. Yeah i think thats a great question i think actually if you look at what was priced into oil on friday versus what may get priced in on monday there was actually some concern that there might have been additional barrels coming online from the middle east particularly from iran and so that seems less likely right now and then like youre saying the risk of. Saudi arabia more fully supplying the market again from an oil price perspective that could be perceived as a risk that is reduced obviously there are different reports saying that production could come back on line anywhere from 2. 00 days to 2 weeks other reports are saying much longer than that and if it does in fact take multiple weeks for Oil Production to come back online from this particular facility that got attacked as well as from a field that got attacked that could have a really substantial effect both on the price of oil as well as on the saudi economy to say in his books versus of the earth is managed to fly 10. 00 drones into saudi arabia these were the same joes thats struck the Oil Installations but there is a prevailing sentiment there is absolutely no way the whole thing is how the capabilities to build manifests meant dros to the arabia which is one of the wealthiest nations on earth. I mean they they have the ability though. Look yemen which has forced the whole the to depend on themselves to depend on be able here in yemen who have the ability to have studied outside of russia in north korea and other area who have seen that may attack start the. Design and abandon saudi didnt say. I mean that they didnt blame or saying that those drone came from another area but the yemeni army here is well capable of using these drones and and we have seen and that this attack that if the saudi actually will keep trying to blame someone else if they will try to stop this war in yemen everything stops so there is no need for the blame game but they trying to look for any scapegoat because for that it with asian to be defeated by a group which would so do you can say that they have no support in yemen but its actually whats clear now that about hard now is for their money out of me even though they have simple drones saudi arabia have all that type of weapons from the United States and still they couldnt do anything to stop those attacks on saudi arabia and i just want to mention one more thing i would remember the saudi in the last 3 or 4 months most of the strikes they claim that they have thought of the drones factory so i know they are trying to blame someone else or that this drone came from a lack of another area simon were talking about saudi arabia which is the worlds highest spend on military equipment investing Something Like 7070000000000. 00 in 2018 yet they cannot intercept and destroy. Some of them dont cost more than 50000. 00 with a massive impact on the economy. Yeah i mean this is i guess paradigmatic example of of asymmetric warfare and the ways in which across history weve seen incredibly powerful military organizations all midis militias whatever it may be that have struggled in the face of of creative for a sponsor of asymmetric responses that have been able to combat and that the huge military might i mean we saw that across iraq in the post invasion years when when the United States for a Counterinsurgency Campaign the u. S. Is a hugely dominant military force but struggle to cattail the militias and that is a sense that would challenge him and its the same thing here you can you can put in place all this fancy military hardware military structure changes but in some cases you can actually legislate or indeed prevent a drone from flying in without some type of shield or Something Like that so its a paradigmatic example of asymmetric warfare and this very little that you can do to stop it unless you try and take out the root cause which is why were seeing these attacks on drone factories just in an area where there is this ongoing debate strained relations between iran and between the u. S. About the supply routes across the strait of. To that what is happening now in saudi arabia and the installations which have been recently hit is this. The beginning of a new geopolitical caltex where oil supplies have to be redefined in a way or another yeah i think thats a great question i think weve been in a period where theres almost been a geo political discount for oil rather than a geopolitical premium and that has seemed inappropriate to me and has driven me to be long oil equities because they are particularly mispriced but i think i think its its one of these strange things where oil had done so poorly and been so oversupplied for so long that quantitative analysts quantitative funs have just been shorting any rally in oil from a price perspective and from a size perspective the paper barrels available on wall street and across c. T. S. And other quantitative trading platforms are much larger than the fundamental barrels that are produced and sold on a daily basis and that i think has kept this discount longer and made it larger than it should be and i think were in the process and we may see a revaluation starting on monday geo political discount going to geo political premium saying the americas the sod is and many others believe that what the earth is is due to the help they are getting from the iranians particular from the Islamic Revolutionary guards for that perspective do you believe that were going to work as a broader confrontation between the saudis and the iranians were yemen could be the battlegrounds. I mean those claim they actually try to ignore that there is a bloke in yemen nothing go in or out of yemen only. Must be searched by the saudi Led Coalition on the other hand lets say that with their claims. Right if iran really is supply in this what does this mean that the located in yemen has say that the saudi arabia has killed 250. 1000 of yemenis because of the blockade unitive have said one child died every 10 minutes because of preventable diseases so i mean why did they enforce this blockade on yemen and why i mean did they should go to war with iran instead of fighting someone who is broke c and you cannot defeat him so how can you actually defeat iran if iran really who is supplying those weapons but those weapons on those attack on saudi did not start only after saudi lounged its war on yemen so did not only target and houthi they even killing each other in the south has already declared the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization the same thing with United Arab Emirates which claim to island by iran the only thing they want from yemen they just want to buy yemen rhode island and other island and the main. The best today thats why they came to yemen they didnt come to fight iran iran is in the United Arab Emirates that are flights going from there so they should focus on iran i live yemen simon saudi arabia is broke down in this conflict in yemen which has turned out to be a total embarrassment do you think that of this particular states are they going to be engaged in any confrontation with the iranians or they are just in one position where they have to sort of swallow their pride. I think that this saudi iranian rivalry is long and its complex and it transcends the yemen conflict and i think we must we must put it into context here we must say that this rivalry well it has taken on and it de tional meaning after the revolution of 1979 it has its roots far earlier than that and its about a struggle for regional supremacy its a struggle for regional order and we see that continuing to play out albeit with the sort of the finale error of religion in the years after the 1979 and thats when we can see it playing out in yemen of course as a struggle to to exert influence and to preserve particular forms of Political Organization but it also plays out in iraq in the train in syria and in lebanon in different ways in clown text specific ways and i think what we see is that the saudis are increasingly concerned not only about increasing the rate in and flew it but their own position vis a view that and so that way i think it would be incredibly hard to see the saudis winding back from the us i think itll be difficult to see them taking a step back because of concerns about what i dont what this could mean for the iranians and their influence but also what that would mean for their own just to missy but put the mastic audiences and international in the struggle against the iranians just this comes when the sonde is us really excited about what they consider to be plans for the largest initial Public Offering of stock in the world for their oil company around coal which they believe could be one of the biggest financial events of all times is this something that comes as a major setback for all those plants. Yeah i mean ironically every news article every news headline every new segment like this. You know is going to further exacerbate the Political Risk that gets priced into saudi aramco i think a way to think about it is for every dollar per barrel that oil goes up on sunday night from a u. S. Perspective monday morning. That should translate into multiday dollar per barrel discount in the valuation for saudi aramco relative to what it might have been a couple weeks ago prior to this kind of further physical and geoPolitical Risk getting priced in and i think theres been a little bit of misunderstanding about what a ram co could or should be worth there is this idea that i mean its almost like being talked about like a we work or Something Like that where it gets valued at this kind of extreme high valuation wall around co does produce a lot of barrels of oil Oil Companies predominantly today are trading as a multiple that they generate you know their earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization so you know if you look at what aramco actually earns net of taxes and loyalties and so on and then and you know we dont have the exact financials out but if you look at what they likely earn and then you look at the additional discount the needs to get put on their multiple given the geoPolitical Risk and the actual physical Security Risk of their barrels being able to get produced and getting processed and getting sold i mean one could argue that the likely valuation if they went public tomorrow would be substantially lower than the number that theyre talking hossain youve been talking about the truth is determined to continue the attacks but dont you think that is something that could backfire because when he hits the arabia what its hurts the buck demised come back with massive strikes than of a before. I dont think that the saudi has anything to offer now because they have used the old the force at the beginning of this war and they have to reach anything but on the other hand we see that the hoti is used in the war against saudi arabia stage by stage and i think the 1st war in history that one side which is on sort of those hidden are always warning the saudis stop your war thought of get your main vital sites you should stop this war or were going to extend our attack deep inside saudi arabia i mean the main issue here is not about where the weapons come from because we know saudi arabia by although it is from United States that is you u. S. And u. K. Bosal inside saudi arabia helping them the main issue there is one country was saudi arabia a night out of any of those will launch to a war against yemen or against the host either i agree with them or not. You should expect that this group they will attack back they will retaliate they will try to defend themselves but now we see saudi is crying out loud in every corner of of the war if the word about those attacks and i just want to add one more important thing about deuces statement from a u. S. Official about that iran is to blame all these drones came from iraq we should actually listen to United States where remember before the invasion of iraq colin powell and they were in Security Council with a small pipe have said that this pipe cannot kill everyone in the room and they have launched a war against iraq to find weapons of mass destruction they havent found anything they destroy the entire country the same thing they want to do to yemen but i believe there are more of that coming and saudi arabia is basically on that oil infrastructure. Simon the u. S. Accused iran for being behind those attacks and offered help to saadi arabia could this translate into a new path where the americans would say you know what a thing for the sake of a smooth Energy Supply worldwide we need to protect the saudis win it to build a new defensive infrastructure to put an end to those attacks targeting the audience the nations quite possibly yeah i mean what we fly think seems donald trump came to power is an increasing pressure from between the saudis and the americans because prior to trump under obama thered been a lot of friction and been an increasingly fractious relationship between washington and riyadh and so on to try. This 1st official state visit we start to see this thawing this this this cultivation of the relationship between donald trump and mama been summoned and the king and i think this is probably the next logical step we know that theres been a great deal of trade between the 2 defense spending etc so i think this would be the next step in a relationship that has really gone back to strengthen going back to its roots for real fundamentals i should say but i think that if this does happen then it will really play into a rainy im concerned it will it will really exacerbate their fears iran has long seen itself is uniquely qualified to to to assert Regional Security whereas the saudis a real life the next annals funders and external actors so this would really add exacerbate tensions i think and make the situation far worse just the if you look at the targeted Oil Facilities they can process Something Like 9000000. 00 barrels a day and the production though was cut off because of the attack is estimated at Something Like 5700000. 00 barrels a day talking about over half of the nations overall daily output. Do you expect the oil prices worldwide to be affected were going to see a dramatic increase in the oil prices in the coming days or weeks yeah thats a great question and the estimates that ive seen have been anywhere from a 5 to 15 percent potential gap up in oil prices from the Closing Price on friday to the opening price on monday. My personal view is that actually the more interesting place to look isnt going to be in the spot price for physical crude and its not going to be the nymex spot price its going to be the combination of the forward curve so what does oil look like 3 months out a year out and then also what do valuations do u. S. And canadian shale producers because if their valuations start to increase along with the forward curve so further out oil prices increasing you could see a substantial increase in drilling activity in the u. S. And canada which over the short to medium term could start to offset some of the losses so i would watch for both the immediate effect which again analysts much smarter than me with much more data than me or estimating at 5 to 15 percent along with their potential revaluation up a very depressed levels i sell stocks in the u. S. And canada saying is there any rule in the future for political talks with the saudis of the who these other hertha is willing to go to model and talk to the saudis and stop this. Of course they are willing to do that and they did that i believe in april in 2016 in that on a general south saudi arabia but because its already made that secret then after that saudi didnt actually keep any of the of those agreements but hold the told that if the with saudi arabia but we know that saudi arabia doesnt want to be a member of any. Future tall corps as well in the past or because they still call it yemen civilian war or yemeni conflict thats why saudi actually but i believe theyre after out of those type of attack and if not the whole the yemeni army extent of it i thought they would force the saudi government to the table but now it will be diffident now and solid or they are stronger than before so they were both that demand on the table thank you well have to leave it there saying pretty simon le bon. Young i really appreciate your contribution to the program and your insights thank you very much indeed and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash story you can also join the conversation on twitter our hundreds at a j inside story from me the whole team here in doha but for now. Peace between ethiopia and eritrea has meant a park area future for the iraqi people but it doesnt we have to create farmland for our souls for arabs its a matter of survival. A movement trying shows us how the iraq coping with life on the edge of the border. On aljazeera. Me. What guarantees will you give to the people who will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone who is also a terror right we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does their own. World Oil Prices Soar after an attack at the heart of saudi arabias production and out. And u. S. President donald trump declares hes locked and loaded to respond to the attacks. Matheson this is all just here on live from doha also coming up with counting on the way off to chin is his 2nd president ial election 2 candidates claim to be in the lead. On strike in car factories across the United States almost 50000 General Motors workers accuse the employers of putting profits before them. Prices have surged after the attack in saudi arabias largest Processing Plant cut the kingdoms output in half prices spikes 19 percent when markets opened the biggest single day increase on record they have since settled there are now trading up around 9 percent meanwhile donald trump has tweeted that the u. S. Is quote locked and loaded waiting for confirmation of who attacked riyadhs Oil Facilities emmons who the rebels have claimed responsibility of one they may target the facilities again they say the drones used in new engines meaning they can reach anywhere in saudi arabia well in a moment were going to be live to dorsetshire body in teheran 1st this report from to have a gun for. These satellite Images Released by the u. S. Government appear to show damage to part of the oil plant at al because in saudi arabia they could prove vital in determining who attacked the plant and from where it looked like they were damaged in the north and west or of the facilities which would mean that they didnt come from yemen but then ive looked closer at all the people of look closer at those photos and its not quite clear looks like some was just from the west that could have been coming from yemen but dont forget the holy 7 launching drones and the missiles against saudi arabia for several months now none of them have been able to cause the damage that they did these did but this is not new for them to do it. Who the rebels in yemen say they flew armed drones across the border deep into saudi arabia to attack 2 major Oil Facilities if confirmed its their most ambitious and devastating operation following dozens of smaller scale strikes in the kingdom in recent months but. We exploited vulnerabilities in the Saudi Defense system and we built our drones in order to avoid these systems therefore the saudi and m. Iraqi airspace became open to us after their Defense Systems failed to even spot the drones. The u. S. Secretary of state flames iran for saturdays attacks might pump a 0 says theres no evidence they were launched from yemen although he hasnt explained how iran is to blame or where the drones took off from secretary powell has made clear that the Iranian Regime is responsible for this attack on civilian areas and infrastructure right are vital to our global Energy Supply and were not going to stand for that in fact our department of energy stands ready to tap into the Strategic Reserves of Petroleum Reserve asked to stabilize the global Energy Supply iran says it rejects the u. S. Accusations. What is concerning is the wrong path of the americans in the region they are supporting saudi arabia and the u. S. In a sort of consistent to their role in creating instability they point the finger at other countries in the region dialogue between regional neighbors is the only solution to resolving the conflict. The state owned Oil Company Saudi Aramco says the fires started by the attacks knocked out more than half of its entire daily output close to 6000000. 00 barrels of oil the Saudi Energy Minister says stockpiles of oil will be used to offset the loss of production but oil markets havent seen a shutdown on this scale since iraqi troops invaded kuwait to start the 1st gulf war in 1990 and its not clear how long. Repairs will take the impact will depend on how quickly the saudis can restore full production. And chinas decisions are a warning to the u. S. Is saying it would be irresponsible to blame anyone for the saudi attack without conclusive farts dosage about his love for us into iran irans already been saying that the allegations that theyre involved are completely basis baseless what else of the been talking about while rob according to the Foreign Ministry spokesperson up us mousavi who held the briefing this morning in the capital he said that this is not something new with the iranian government is used to taking the blame for incidents like these thats because the United States is not willing to face the fact that they are failing in their policies in this region lets hear what else he had to say. In going to have dismissed these allegations iran has explicitly said that it defines the rights of the human people accusing iran for these attacks is in line with the a mix of them to seek to policy we are not surprised by such comments the countries who make these comments do so to make themselves feel more secure and reaching the goals we can deem the nations which i totally baseless this sentiment was also shared by the president said spokesperson he held another briefing this morning as well he said that these kinds of allegations do nothing to strengthen the relationship between iran and washington if anything they only create a further gap between the 2 countries are analysts here believe that these accusations come at a time when the United States government is really keen on having any some kind of a meeting with iranian president Hassan Rouhani later this month at the United Nations but both the Government Spokesperson and the Foreign Ministry spokesperson have reiterated the fact that this meeting will not take place under the Current Conditions by stores of. His own as in washington d. C. To tell us more about Donald Trumps attempt to calm energy markets. The u. S. Has some of the largest Strategic Oil reserves anywhere in the world at 650000000 barrels of oil that are an underground salt caverns in the state of texas and louisiana these are all oil reserves that are only supposed to be tapped in extreme emergencies and trump indicating on sunday evening that he is prepared to authorize the use of this oil should saudi arabia not be able to increase its Oil Production rapidly enough and there becomes a world oil shortage trump saying that he wasnt going to tap into this yet but would authorize if it gives you an idea of how worried washington is about these developments right now in terms of u. S. Readiness trump also tweeting late sunday that the u. S. Was locked and loaded those were his words on twitter ready to prepare. Were preparing a response to the culprits of the attack against the Saudi Oil Facilities he said that the u. S. They believe they know who the culprit was but he did name it but on saturday secretary of state mike pompei or pointed the finger directly at iran in terms of this language trump is using hes used it before as fire and fury and referencing north korea hes used walked in loaded this terminology before as well its unclear exactly what he means by that but given that hes the commander in chief of the worlds most powerful military here in the United States those are words must be taken very seriously ok lets talk more about the volatility in the oil markets with all ages it is economics editor thanks very much for being with me so weve seen this spike that weve been talking about it is a significant one but how does the pattern of the spike relate to whats happened in previous occasions ok so lets have a look at these particular spikes so markets open 19 percent higher this morning so what that tells us is basically a lot of people are unconvinced that basically that the saudis have got this problem under control and theyre unsure about the attack in sense of you know these whether these were drones or crude crude missiles which actually hit the plant they want more clarity in that in effect so markets opened 90 percent higher and after that u. S. President stepped in and he he put out a few tweets to reassure the markets that basically there is enough oil in the markets as there is plenty of oil in the markets came back down now what we have not only do we have traders trading. Oil Oil Contracts but we also have Computers Computer logarithms and so theyll be reading the headlines ahead of what was happening picking up on social media tweets as well as well as News Headlines putting all that together and they started buying oil oil or Oil Contracts basically that set the price up once those. Tweets came from from trying to say you know theres plenty of war then you see the price come down because thats the reality there is 4100000000. 00 of reserves around the world which have been in store the last time we saw a spike of any magnitude was that the price went up by 2. 00 that is the last time this particular plant was attacked it was a failed attack but nonetheless it did happen similar kind of situation attack attack didnt result in any kind of damage and so the markets then basically come down so its almost like a relief that nothing too serious has happened now with the markets are just waiting to hear back from the saudis to give some more reassurance as to they got everything under control that theyre going to be able to put more. Crude back onto the market as soon as possible thats what they want to hear you probably hear a Statement Today or at least by tomorrow at the latest as the c. E. O. Of iran co promised yesterday so as we mentioned before President Trump has said that hes going to tap into the Strategic Oil reserves you were telling me before that that only benefits the u. S. It doesnt benefit the rest of the world how does that help to calm the markets you see the u. S. Is one of the biggest consumers in the world and thats a signal to the markets that you know we have got 90 days worth of reserves and were willing to use that at any moment to calm the markets down chinas got 500000000 barrels of oil and the saudis themselves 188000000 barrels of oil which they are utilizing right its very moment to ship out to places like asia which are where the most of their clients are they also have reserves in rotterdam in just off the coast of egypt and also which is in japan which is close to one of their big biggest markets so what were trying to say is theres enough oil to meet demand you go remember that the Global Economy is slowing and there is less demand for oil anyhow this is the reason why the saudis joined up with the russia to raise the prices of oil. All so that they can benefit from so that they can benefit from that for their budgets and so basically what we say what were seeing right now is just a wait and see approach to buy everybody just to see what the saudis come back with and tell us later on today or tomorrow theres a told here i would as always thanks very much indeed now in the news ahead were going to tell you how palestinians are using agriculture to protect their land from illegal israeli settlements and the u. S. State of texas passes new gun laws off to a series of Mass Shootings why some say it doesnt go far enough. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast were going to take you over here toward spain we have been bringing you a lot of stories dealing with the flooding not only for spain but for parts of North Western africa as well as into the islands just off to the east but we have more video to show you here this is coming just out of

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