Tench were typhoon nidia the strength running up the east coast of china produce a grain i think into shanghai but not so wind direction off witnesses sort of thing that prompts the northeast monsoon to take over so humidity is dropping the temperatures not yet with it so that you are in hong kong about 13 will hung but his strong if the most part the rain further west has been showing itself as the monsoon rains typically should be the south response in this is should be disappearing but youve got a load of rain up in bhutan northeast and india and the Tibetan Plateau where of course its cold enough for snow the general rain belt is moving south was now we see the potential there weve seen realize flooding in cambodia in taiwan the potential still exists because thats where the line is that does also mean youve got a little while to wait before the dry season ends in indonesia or indeed mushroom allays you could sing like a shower to singapore might get a shower too but its not really the season just yet and as its in the southwest monsoon is retreating from india it is today it was doing it quite slowly so still you have in the forecast and in real time from good euro northeast winds heavy rain potential. Who wasnt sponsored by qatar and. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline and illegally dredged and some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish its a big business smuggling when they go take the system there in through the sand is are there you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera. Hello again youre watching aljazeera and here main stories this hour there have been protests in egypt for a 2nd day on saturday demanding the resignation of president of the c. C. Security forces fired tear gas at protesters in the streets of suez rallies were also held in gives a near cairo thousands of people were arrested in fridays rallies which saw thousands take to the streets. Saudi arabia says it will wait until it finishes investigating last weeks drone strikes on 2 of its Oil Facilities before it takes action the u. N. Is investigating and the kingdom says it believes it will confirm iran was behind the strikes on our aamco. One day after leading the biggest climate protest in history young activists have taken over calls for action to the United Nations the Climate Summit was opened by the teenage campaigner gretta who inspired fridays demonstrations our diplomatic editor james space reports from the u. N. Headquarters. The day after people around the world led by the youth took to the streets here young people taking over one of the global holes of power this is the u. N. Youth summit but the most powerful person was not here to speak un secretary general antonio good terrorist whos billed as the keynote this now and these are among the speeches he heard these negotiations and Climate Change policy started in 1902 even before most of my generation was fun for over 25 years and the emissions have only resin. We appreciate that you there are no other table where the discussions are being held but our voices and our imports must be allowed to influence this disease yesterday millions of people across the globe. Marched and amandas real Climate Action especially young people. We showed that we we are united and that we young people are unstoppable the u. N. Is hoping to leverage the people power weve seen in recent days led by the youth and gratitude ahead of a Climate Summit of World Leaders on monday among those will be there at the launch chancellor merkel of germany president macro of france and Prime Minister modi of india but what about the 2 biggest emitters or china will be represented by state councilor and foreign minister wang ye and the u. S. Will President Trump is in town but he wont be attending the meeting in the us system the longer your title the more junior you are and were told the u. S. Delegation will be headed by the Principal Deputy assistant secretary of state for oceans and International Environmental and scientific a furze marshall burn a cat id never heard of her before a clear snub james. At the United Nations in her andersen as the executive director of the United Nations Environment Program and she says young people are making progress where an older generation has failed. We are behind the fight against where we should be on the fight on Climate Change which is why were seeking to mobilize which is why we want the whole world to see that there is still time although that window is closing there is still time to take action we need to carbonized our economies we need to invest in a nature in restoration for resilience because if we dont those 4 and a half 1000000 people that are impacted by climatic disasters that number will grow if we dont them stew and a half 1000000 people that live with water scarcity on the 2 thirds of the population that live with more to scarcity that will grow if we dont those fires so inundations those droughts etc that will grow so i think people only people are seeing the lives in their lifetime the environment in their lifetime change so there is a momentum and volunteers around the world have been hiding out streets and shores for world cricket update and india thousands collected garbage along beach fronts oceans have long been used as dumping grounds for various types of waste posting at threat to marine life from on the environment you can always watch our news show that planet s. O. S. Well be showing it right after this news bulletin here in aljazeera. You havent heard the rebels are celebrating the 5th anniversary of their takeover of the capital saana thousands of supporters attended a parade marking whats known as the september 21 revolution there were these took control of saddam following an offensive in september 24th teen saturdays rally comes a day after the rebels said they would stop aiming missiles and drone attacks at saudi arabia and warning that a continuation of the war could have even more dangerous developments. No matter the difficulties or how much the International Community conspires and hires mercenaries and no matter how long this war last year many people adamant about gaining the complete sovereignty and freedom and independence the revolution of the 21st of september is a revolution against oppression and tyranny. And muhammad ali reports from the rally in santa. It was yemenis from all walks of life have gathered here outside the old city of sun out to mark the 5th anniversary all the 21st of september robles and little girls of the b. Say this is considered to them as the starting points to get their country back from the saudi a new is domination. Kodesh tumbled out of us out its a revolution up rooted corruption and up for each of the tyrants we used to be just followers of the u. S. And saudi arabia now we are independent and we reject any phone interferes with god this is who took quads in the revolution of 24 to say that the internationally recognized governments have cracked down on them in order to put an end to their brothers i guess what they say because rights saudi backed freezing. The road at the start of our revolution we face different kinds of crackdowns but now we started to get stronger with the current invasion and aggression against tech country be operationalised to continue average illusion who. Never said what it was of the minimal. Political leader of the hokies madam assad said and presenting the masses was down to the saudis but he will see. The side of. The saudi territories such one as the has been will come by put this is the will live on that in more than one occasion the saudis have not positively responded to such an agenda. On the other its a Good Initiative to call for peace but unfortunately the saudis and the allies havent reacted positively yet they could lose this opportunity provided by the political leadership. That. Now with the us President Donald Trump or send more forces to the region to secure Saudi Oil Infrastructure does this mean that the region is going to weigh in as more brutal and fierce battles this year it has to be seen. Ukraine is denying reports that president blood america lensky was pressured by the u. S. President this year so investigate the democratic president ial hopeful joe biden and his son ukraines foreign minister says a phone call in july between donald trump and the lansky was long and friendly but there was no pressure from the u. S. President the u. S. Medias reporting that joining the call of trump repeatedly asked his ukrainian counterpart to investigate the business dealings of hunter biden former Vice President is seeking to rival trump in the 2020 president ial election. I know what im up against i dont know but you seem to really be using logic this guy who is the abuse of power every word he receives any time he sees any threat to his staying in power to do whatever he has to do pierce brosnans. This last year. And call the president released the transcript of the call let everybody here were there is that the how she and she what he did. Hong kong police fired tear gas to disperse protests in 3 districts as antigovernment rallies there and to their 16th week. Separate protests were held across the territory on saturday but much of the chaos happened near the u. N. Long metro station thats where protesters were attacked by alleged gang members 2 months ago demonstrators also angry with the polices decision to cut short an authorized march some reportedly threw petrol bombs at officers and tried to take their guns its called hydra has more details from hong kong. This is the 16th weekend of protests here and this was in a mall at j. C. See when you are telling me the reason the protesters are here was a few months ago a gang dressed in white shirts beat up protestors after they holding a bench here and that is something thats really been a rallying cry for the protesters here about why theyre here tonight. The protesters are here because and our species long stacey was shot down by the police now they were supposed to be here are 7 pm and theyre a little bit delayed because theyre holding another protest at the m. T. R. Station earlier that protesters actually by the government but they ran a little bit late past the 5 year mark and theres a bit of a confrontation between the police and the protesters but they will be here to the mall. Earlier in the day probating supporters carried out what they said was a clean up and they went out to the living walls these are places that have been dubbed as such because this is where protesters went out and put out antigovernment anti kind of banners and notes on the wall the probate supporters went out to clean it up now protesters say that theyre going to continue with their operations this weekend on sunday theyre going to head out of Hong Kong International airport there they say they want to get in that make an attempt to disrupt the traffic there. 2 Pacific Island nations have cut diplomatic ties with taiwan in favor of china the Solomon Islands and care of us have both reached agreements establishing diplomatic relations with beijing wants this china is using investment to lure away its allies and reduce its International Presence claims taiwan is part of its territory only 15 countries now recognize the selfgoverning island as a sovereign nation. U. K. Opposition leader Jeremy Carvin has been forced to diffuse internal fighting over the party stance on braggs it a day before labours annual conference of carbon intervene to stop a motion to oust his Deputy Tom Watson has clashed repeatedly with parts of the labor left wing on several issues including calling on the party to reject regs it or been instituted dress members on sunday like philip cat name is a senior lecturer at m. Politics at kill university and his moves to try to get rid of tom watson will only more disunity. The Labor Party Just needs to start showing its guts and units a recent Team Election campaign one of the successes that campaign is that the labor m. P. s did not undermine gerry call it what they did keep pretty much to script. I think its very ill advised the bed to try and try this gesture some speculation the reason this is being done now is because even they think that gerry colvin sounds very little chance the next election and this is a way of trying to get rid of his opponents before that all you wins and they want to sure position. A Conspiracy Theory both ways but it is incredibly badly time when labor is trying to project a united front in trying to get agreement in conference on next but it also reflects divisions inside the party more broadly the trade Union Movement led mccluskey whos a big supporter Jamie Corbett is progress 6. In the trade Union Movement arent in favor grex it and so this is threatening to create the kind of divisions you seems the conservative party on display in labor party which is not helpful to their election major us retailer walmart says it will stop selling east cigarettes because of increasing government regulation 8 people have died and hundreds more have developed lung problems in the us after using isa gretz walmart says growing regulatory complexity and uncertainty were behind the decision. A museum in washington d. C. Showcasing paintings photographs and videos from artists around the world that highlight the global refugee crisis the exhibit at the phillips collection includes a video from a deaf mute 13 year old syrian boy he describes the bombing of his town by using hand signals and museums chief executives Dorothy Kaczynski and she spoke to aljazeera about how art is now be used to highlight this pressing global issue. My name is Dorothy Kosinski i am the great and burg director and c. E. O. Of the phillips collection and its really a un of the art world i would say you have artists from all around the world each of the in his or her own way. Addressing the age old. I think that now its almost biblical theme of human migration issues of displacement from a large sort of to scale model of queen mary 2 made out of detritus the remnants of the migrants boats washed ashore at lampedusa in italy the floor strewn with a sea of clothing. Sort of from dark blue washing up towards your feet theres another video its much smaller in scale and i find it actually hard to look at and its of a death mute 13 year old syrian boy mine meaning desperately trying to give expression to the destruction that he witnessed all around him in the village in which he lived you have. A painting with cloth applique thats. Commemorates tells us about the trail of tears the forced displacement of the native american and then theres Beverly Buchanan sort of little theyre almost like toy shanty town houses you know made up of found materials a very rough but beautifully constructed and here you see. Real people. The artists capture real scenes they isolate a face they show a persons dignity. It was a god is there and these are main stories there have been protests in egypt for a 2nd day on saturday demanding the resignation of president of the. Security forces fired tear gas at protesters in the streets of suez rallies were also held in near cairo dozens of people were arrested in fridays rallies which saw thousands take to the streets. Our correspondent says Security Forces had initially exercise restraint during fridays protests. Down the street seems to have been discarded now weve had over the past 24 hours of putting to rights activists in egypt more than 150 arrests that we know all those forcible disappearances and other things that come to mind and weve seen. Not only children and some other things being used. Saudi arabia says it will wait until it finishes investigating last weeks drone strikes on 2 if its also sell it before it takes actions the u. N. Is investigating and the kingdom says it believes it will confirm iran was behind the strikes on our aamco teenage campaign aggressor turn burke has opened the youth Climate Summit at the United Nations this comes a day after millions around the world took part in protests calling for more action on Climate Change millions of people across the globe. Marched and demanded real Climate Action especially young people. We showed that we we are united and that we young people are unstoppable. Given to the rebels are celebrating the 5th anniversary of their takeover of the capital sana thousands of supporters that tended to parade marking whats known as the september 21 revolution saturdays rally comes a day off to the rebels said they would stop missile and drone attacks at saudi arabia d. And ukraine is denying reports president vladimir is the lenski was pressured by the us president this year to investigate the democratic president ial hopeful joe biden and his son ukraines foreign minister says a phone call in july between donald trump and selenski was long and friendly but there was no pressure from the u. S. President. And now its planet as. Hello im a mans apparel and welcome to planet s. O. S. A new weekly show on aljazeera our planet is in crisis all over the world people are affected by what has become a global emergency and the Natural World is in decline a 1000000 species more than 12 percent of all known life on on the brink of extinction but that is time and there is hope new science new Technology People around the world already taking action one person may not make much difference but billions together now that creates wealth quite. The crisis affecting our planet is unprecedented and. Each one of us is affected in some way and for many its already an emergency our actions are behind it but our actions can also change it around the world scientists activists politicians business and Community Leaders every day people are taking action working out how to adapt to Global Temperatures rise how to prepare as weather pattern shifts how to prevent ice sheets melting Sea Levels Rising and the collapse of the earths natural support systems on which life depends thats why al jazeera is boosting its coverage of this truly global issue every week on planet s. O. S. Well set out the facts on the science well celebrate our collective determination to find solutions and will discuss the issues at stake. All be with you throughout as well our environment correspondent nick clark whos covered this story extensively for aljazeera and knows it inside out hes been traveling the world to tell your stories for planet s. O. S. Were joined by aljazeera as correspondents from around the globe from island nations threatened by rising sea levels to Energy Innovations in thailand and threats to the rain forests of borneo as a warming planet forces in the news its a move its capital city will report on Land Regeneration in africa water challenges and solutions in the middle east and broadcast from the melting glasses of iceland and as the amazon forest burn and the extreme weather destroys lives and livelihoods well tell your stories of resilience and determination we begin in French Guiana a region of rich biodiversity its already under pressure from development and now illegal gold mining heres nick clark with our exclusive report. Prince ghana has what is a rare wealth in this day and age a natural wealth you have to take to the air to get a measure of it. This is one of the most forested territories on earth the outer reaches of amazonia there are few roads into the interior you travel by helicopter or by water. But that hasnt stopped people getting in in search of wealth of another kind i think its pretty thin strays there lies gold lots of it the price of gold is high that brings the caddy paradise the illegal gold mine. Were in the air for just 10 minutes when we chanced upon this a great scar in the green and elicit gold Mining Operation down below the mine is c. S. And scatter theres a futile attempt to hide equipment here someone throwing a water pump into a mining palm. Trees have been ripped out and mercury used in the mining process would have leaked into the soil and waterways most of the miners cross illegally from brazil its a problem of destruction of chasing an emotion and rebirth we fly on and see evidence of more activity around 400. 00 illegal mind sites in French Guiana extracting an estimated 10 tons of gold annually worth nearly half a 1000000000. 00. On the ground of a Scientific Research station we meet the head of this french territory. We have 600 soldiers power in minute she police and other services engaged daily in the fight against illegal gold mining 200 of these mostly Soldiers Police forestry and customs agents sleep nightly in the forest. Its only when you enter the rainforest and you see and hear all its tremendous by diversity the really begin to appreciate just whats at stake here. The tropics contains off the world by mass and rain forests a significant proportion of that. There is plenty of science going on for one thing research is helping to build knowledge in the fight against Climate Change we are in the way where. Nitrogen i increasingly we would like knowledge to better understand what thing for rest how the forests react with a set change. As rain forest remains an invaluable resource irans mostly intact part of amazonia keeping it that way is the challenge and the clock in French Guiana the planets s. O. S. For some people a warming planet isnt a possibility its already a reality more than 2 and a half 1000000 people in somalia have been forced from the highways by the ravages of a changing climate aljazeera as mohammed has a report from. Braai dusty and parched desert sand is slowly taking over once for tel filson somalia. Just 2 years of to the last drought and the countrys again facing one of the drives 3 misses and in more than 3 decades the victims are visible almost everywhere makeshift camps like this one for those affected by drought can be found in almost every city this is by door in southwest somalia these people of just arrived from the countryside. However if he builds a heart for her family from old clothes she says it took them a month to get his own name burner and our cattle died fast and then the crops failed and we fled hanging out here but it is still follows as we have had no help. The people of somalia have always name drugs and use the buses total miles on this but that was one doubts what and or 15 years up odds now they have become the new norm and Scientists Say that the country has dried up mark foster in the 20th century than at any other time in the past 2000 years. These but in plains of sand and stone have always known long dry spells but theyve always been followed by a rain enough at least to rebuild hearts so thats can be repaid and milk provided for the children thats changed 91 year old. Ses has never seen shifting weather patterns the some forgiving. Many here and. I dont remember grammar its not having food and people researching this droughts are quite different from what we used to see there is no time for recovery they just keep coming back. Just a few months ago to shut up that man had 25 goats now she has just 5 the rest with it and died in the current drought well up above a my welcome my high i survive on donations from well wishers theres no pasture for the goats and im forced to look for grass for them in found and at times i even have to share my food with them. Nomadic animal hoarding is not just an Economic Activity for the people of somalia it is who they are. And as the Climate Changes they too being forced change mohamed are doing by door somalia for planet a source. So a heartbreaking report from a place where the Climate Crisis is already so real well one of the worlds most powerful men the head of the United Nations has put the Climate Emergency at the top of his agenda and trying to get terrorists sat down with al jazeera as diplomatic had said james bays ahead of the u. N. Climate summit you have convened a Climate Summit you said to those World Leaders dont come with a speech come with a plan what do you want to hear now its very simple we are losing the race Climate Change is running faster than what we are seeing is are getting worse by the day the rising waters. In the oceans the increase of temperatures the multiplication of lots of these ourselves the dramatic impacts of drought in different parts of the world all these is creating a situation that is a real sets to human kind and we are not doing enough or is a criticism of you and it was made of your predecessor as well which is that you are not prepared to stand up to the 5 permanent members of the Security Council on this issue which you say is so crucial are you prepared to confront them even if it costs you a 2nd term as secretary and i dont care about the 2nd term with the United States or china with russia or wherever ive been telling all of them that they need to do everything in order to make sure that we reach Carbon Neutrality in 2050 and that temperatures will not go above 1. 5 degrees at the end of the century obviously there are scientists with different views on this but from what youre being told how you look at how my definition of use but nature is angry and ive seen it in the bahamas but i when you have to plan that its more than 200 Miles Per Hour winds that stayed in an island for 2 days the story every see Mother Nature is angry and i understand so whatever they want but the majority of the overwhelming majority of scientists recognize why Mother Nature is angry and Mother Nature is angry because we are making it angry with what we are doing pushing for Climate Change today Public Opinions are more ready to accept the need to change then politicians themselves and that it is very important that Public Opinions push their governments push their political systems to take the right to see what he is being told by the scientists how long do we have to say dont tell it much time we have probably 12 years 1112 years to change course if not it will be irreversible that we will not be able to contain the increase of temperatures at 1. 5 degrees at the end of the century what is clear for me is that we absolutely need to rican silo. Human kind with nature if you look at history. Is 3 is full of examples of people fighting each other i think for the 1st time people are fighting the creation people are fighting Mother Nature so we need to recognize these and we need to change course your family man secretarygeneral when you think of your children your grandchildren and their future as this issue the Climate Crisis does it keep you up at night its central in my life i have 3 granddaughters. I have no idea how the world will be when they have they will have my age when they will be 70 the world will be completely different but when seeing is clear my generation is the obligation to allow them to live you know Healthy Planet and we are not feeling that obligation we these drawing the planet in which they will have to leave a powerful message there from the u. N. Secretary general and lets we compliance s. O. S. Were bringing you how politicians and the people they represent responded to his call now talking about the Climate Crisis can be difficult not just for World Leaders but for many of us too but there is power in information and not just from us aljazeera has joined more than 250 media organizations in a Global Initiative called covering climate now its aimed at strengthening reporting of the Climate Emergency and over sharing content from our partners throughout planet s. O. S. Undereducated initiatives like this one from the International Red cross its a new social Media Campaign called faces of Climate Change with plenty of suggestions on what people can do to end the crisis. The largest climate protests in history millions of people in more than 150 countries joined what was truly a Global Climate strike the rallies on friday began in the pacific and asia inspired by youth but joined by people of all ages demanding an end to the Climate Crisis from kenya to south africa mali to madagascar young people led marches across the african continent and in the middle east large parts of europe were brought to a standstill including the city of london already the focus of months of climate strikes people marched in the americas brazil believe via mexico city and the United States culminating in a mass rally in new york led by the schoolgirl who inspired the Global Climate strike 16 year old gretta turned burge gretta became a global icon after an impassioned speech at the Un Climate Conference in poland last year since then shes emboldened millions of students to hold protests every friday one of those shes inspired is climate activist the lesson from kampala in uganda the 22 year old is in new york for the uns youth Climate Summit. Im going to take the love and passion that these kids have climate issues in their countries and to get back home to our country to teach and let other you know that it is our responsibility to fight and be mindful whats right should be ours now aljazeera visited for nasa just before she left home heres her story. After school i wanted to build something that could cause change and impact was lights in my country through my research i got to find out about climate strikes by greater than bar. I started looking for climate activists our own africa but i failed to get one i said to look for them in uganda but i felt to get one so it was up to me to start the playmate strakes. Im fighting for a Better Future for everyone a Better Future for my family for the citizens of this country for africa as a quantum net and for the citizens of this entire world i believe that through my strikes Climate Action can be taken by our government leaders and the public to train me to get their situation and revive the problem that we are facing great now i was invited by the United Nations for the youth Climate Summit so ive been current got preparations im going to present my country and africa as a continent. Climate change is real and dangerous for us all it knows no age and it knows no person if it is to destroy our life it destroys anyone so they should join the fight against the Climate Crisis. Or gratitude burke wasnt the 1st young woman to take her fight to the global stage in 1227 colors suzukis spoke at the u. N. Summit in Rio De Janeiro or just 12 years old lets listen suppose cycles for drastic action. My dad always says you are what you do not what you say well what you do makes me cry at night you grown ups say you love us but i challenge you please make your actions reflect your words thank you. You say you love your children above all else. And yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes. Until you start focusing on what needs to be done rather than what is politically possible there is no hope. Well 7 has gone on to become a prominent environmentalist and she joins us now from gothenburg in sweden 7 hollow very good to have you on the show so very similar messages from children calling on the adults to take the action necessary to protect their future and yet 27 years in between how many times is this message going to have to be repeated well to be honest we dont have another generation to wait this time Climate Change is here Climate Change is happening were well into the 6th mass extinction event and now the voices of voices of future generation are calling for intergenerational justice and weve run out of time this is it and its incredible that the young people around the world are are rising up and demanding the adult generations to prove that they love their children so you sound optimistic and i hope for the mobilization today can really make a difference is that how you feel im a mother i have 2 little children i have cast my lot with the future and i have to believe that we we are we have a chance and of course we have a chance human beings are incredibly innovative i mean especially emboldened when i think about past mobilizations i think we can see that there is a real hope and Real Progress and real possibility so yes i am hopeful because i have to be what do you think the best way forward is to ensure the impetus continues to move forward and doesnt get pushed back again like in the early 1990 s. We need our politicians our leaders to implement different policies to level the Playing Field so we actually as a society can revolutionize and transform we have to get off fossil fuels this is a huge change in our in our way of human life and so we need infrastructure to shift we need infrastructure and we also need inspiration what do you think it is about these 2. Young girls you and grettir which really made people sit up and prick up there is its really amazing to me that people are still talking about a speech that a 12 year old gave at the u. N. 27 years ago people really respond to the voice of our children theres something about the clarity the voice the moral authority of children and youth that can cut through all of the rationalizations that we make for the destruction of the world and lets hope that the adults continue to listen thank you so much 7 its been great to have you on the show thank you very much amanda will some much and has not been without consequence one of the memorable images from Global Warming protests in london in april as a protest to fill kingston eating his lunch on top of a train on his 18th birthday we talked to have him here on planet tessa west but he and other Extinction Rebellion protest is a now awaiting trial for public order offenses. Our planet is heating up largely because of all the Carbon Dioxide were putting into the atmosphere so what if we could take it out its a radical solution thats been around for decades but the technology isnt quite there yet its were talking Carbon Capture and storage all c. C. s is aljazeera is mariana honed with a look at whether this really comes save our planet. A number of companies around the world are at the cutting edge of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology will c. C. s using machines to 2nd and then absorb c o 2 from the year using a range of chemical reactions different technologies but the same objective to pull a tonne of carbon from the f a much less than 100. 00 and lock it back in the us where it came from Scientists Say if we had to make a real day into the cabin pollution shrouding our planet then Carbon Capture and Storage Technology needs to be deployed on a mess of and global scale problemas it uses a lot of energy and its an economic theres just no money to be made in it sure burying the c o 2 back into the ground is good for the planet and for us but theres little incentive for Companies Including the carbon polluters to develop c. C. S. Technology and iron out the kinks and for the entrepreneurs who are trying will they left hunting for cash to cover their costs. One possibility is for governments to subsidize the process through texan seem to or to agree on a global price on Carbon Pollution thing is to build a cabin kept the industry to the scale needed the price on carbon has to be high and many government saawariya of the backlash from voters if it affects the cost of everyday goods which leads us to another possibility what if rather than storing all that waste Carbon Underground we used some of it to create things of value things that might even be profitable well scientists an entrepreneur. I have been experimenting with just that how to convert cabin pollution into products like jet fuel concrete even food and as Renewable Energy gets cheaper using Clean Energy Sources to ensure the different processes a gentle on the planet scientists agree carbon recycling cant replace Carbon Capture and storage theres simply too much c o 2 out there but the benefit of cabin recycling lies in the market it creates for all that captured carbon a market that turns waste c o 2 into something profitable a launching pad for it to be deployed on a global scale what the worlds leading Scientists Say is needed to keep our planet cool. So shift in the way we think about carbon from waste that pollutes the atmosphere tours also can be recycled for more mariana joins me in the studio rianna so it sounds that recycling is the way that were going to be able to take this technology forwards exactly cover recycling a liar and once fix the problem of Carbon Pollution a number of the recycled Carbon Products like jet fuel will simply put the carbon back into the atmosphere so the real appeal is in developing the market for that waste c o 2 turning it into something useful and didnt seem to vising industry to be able to double down on developing the technology to the point it needs to be to reduce the amount of energy needed to convert it to another of a yield enough c o 2 to make it Cost Effective and then deploy it on a large global scale to be able to deal with the huge amount hundreds of gigatons of c o 2 in the atmosphere and yet you do hear despite the uncertainty at the moment you g. Hear a lot of people talking about it as these solutions are right away emissions and its not its not its not even close there are politicians with their own agendas there are some in the fossil fuels industry who are trying to paint Carbon Capture and Storage Technology as the answer as a way of cleaning up duty energy and there are power plants factories which are capturing emissions but theyre a tiny fraction of those that are pumping out c o 2 and its nothing like what is needed so what is needed how much carbon to get were going to have to capture lets take a look at the scrap here you can see its from less and it gives you an idea of c o 2 emissions over time and you can see under the line the gentle rise and fall of c o 2 right up until 950 and then it rises to where we are currently sitting at around 400000 if we stay here were in trouble thats catastrophic Scientists Say where we need to be is back down on that 350 mark now to get there the uns body on Climate Change the i. P. C. C. Says we need to look at more innovative potentially radical solutions one of them is Carbon Capture and Storage Technology that has promise its technology that needs to be developed along with many others so theres a lot of progress that needs to be made very quickly. Thank you very much mariana for a deeper dive into potential new technologies take a look at climate hackers thats a program from al jazeera as people in power series and youll find it in the documentary section at aljazeera dot com well thats what weve done but we also really want to hear from you you can get in touch with us on twitter using hash tag a. J. Planet s. O. S. Theres a lot of climate data out there and it can be overwhelming but some data trends are simply more important than others and so weve created a data tracker setting out some of the big numbers and well bring them to you every week whats going up but which will hopefully one day start coming down next week well have the uns highly anticipated report on the health of our planets ice and oceans and well take a look at whats needed to preserve these vital resources well thats it for planet s. Y. S. This way from am on the barrel and the whole team good bye for now. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticized repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was powerful if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world while we were. Out. Devika palin and these are main stories and knowledge is there more protests have broken out in egypt with demonstrators demanding the resignation of president of the. Security forces a fire tear gas at protesters in the streets of suez rallies are also underway in giza near cairo it comes after thousands went on to the streets across the country on friday dozens of people were arrested during clashes with police at an demonstration in the capital the protests were sparked by an online call from prominent egyptian businessmen and actor muhammad ali hes in selfimposed exile in spain and has been calling for protests in regular videos which have gone viral across egypt well as the protests rocked the country the egyptian president is in new york for the United Nations General Assembly while he is there says he is expected to meet the u. S. President donald trump i can as more and that from washington President Trump invited to receive to the white house shortly after he was made president hes met with him now on a fairly regular occasion he describes him as a strong leader whos done a fantastic job in egypt is what President Trump says he also strangely enough at a meeting of the g. 7 last month said at one stage where is my favorite dictator according to a number of people who were present at that particular meeting but he met the egyptian president at the. Summit and of course hes going to be meeting him again on the sidelines of the u. N. General Assembly Next Week so regardless of the human rights abbreviations within each of President Trump has never made any comment about that the white house has stayed completely silent while many in congress have expressed deep concern about the human rights record in egypt and have called into question that 1400000000. 00 that the u. S. Pays egypt egypt each year. Now saudi arabia says it will wait until it finishes investigating last weeks drone strikes on 2 of its Oil Facilities before taking action saudis minister of state for foreign affairs. Believes un investigators will confirm iran was behind the strikes on our aamco riyadh has rejected a claim by yemens who the rebels the they carried out the strikes practically in the bush tomorrow most of my dilema could be the International Community has a huge responsibility to put an end to runs aggressive and illicit policies and practices that undermine the region if not the whole world these acts are in violation of the International Laws and International Customs must prove its not a barbarian country is a state if so it should respect the sovereignty of other states free from supporting terrorism in refrain from exporting weapons to terrorist militias in the region that are used against civilians teenage campaign has opened the youth Climate Summit at the United Nations this comes a day off to millions around the world took part in protests calling for more action on Climate Change millions of people across the globe. Marched and demand does real Climate Action especially young people. We show that we we are united and that we young people are unstoppable. The rebels are celebrating the 5th anniversary of their takeover of the capital sana thousands of supporters attended a parade marking whats known as the september 21 revolution saturdays rally comes the day after the rebels said they would stop missile and drone attacks on saudi arabia. And ukraine is denying reports president president vladimir is a lansky was pressured by the u. S. President this year to investigate the democratic president ial hopeful joe biden and his son ukraines foreign minister says a phone call in july between donald trump and selenski was long and friendly but there was no pressure from the u. S. President. And u. K. Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has been forced to defuse internal it fighting over the partys towns on brecht is it been intervene to stop a motion to oust his deputy some watson has clashed repeatedly with parts of the labor left wing on several issues including calling on the party to reject it. Well those are the headlines stay with us now for sander wars. We bought the house about 2 years ago hoping that we would be able to retire here but from here you could see how much sand weve lost underneath the house. The world is running out of sand consumed by Industry Construction stolen and transported by criminal mafias around the world. Ive been. Washed away by rising sea levels. Being in the middle of the indian ocean for the last 5000 units become. Lost to human greed and stupidity. When we loose. We loose. Weve never needed so much sand so badly with beaches and entire islands already disappearing hulet samplers. For most of us san makes us think of days at the beach sand castles and sunshine and once the holidays are over we slip back into our busy lives. But is feeling the sand between our toes or caught in our bathing suits the whole story. Does this so familiar substance played any other role in our daily lives. Standard is what i like to call an unsung hero. Its because there are just endless examples. Of the way in which sarah and intersects with daily lloyds which we all really know commonly aware of. Sand has quietly infiltrated every corner of our world melted and transformed into glass it sits on every shelf. Its also the source of silicone dioxide. A mineral found an hour winds cleaning products detergents paper dehydrated foods hairspray toothpaste cosmetics. And an astounding variety of other products we use every day. But its. Mended such as. You. Think about your computer. You know and it can be manufactured if you do not have high quality said. The minerals extracted from sand are at the core of our Hyper Connected Society they form a basic material for microchips without which our computers Credit Cards Bank machines cell phones and many other devices would not exist. Sand even alps or supply in our airplanes the plastics lightweight alloys of the fuselage and jet engines even the paint and tires are all made with sand. Its almost become like a they dont think too much about it but you cant live without it. And the industry with the biggest appetite for sand. Construction for the last 150 years sand mixed with cement to form concrete has shaped the contours of our increasingly urbanized world. Because of its low cost strength and ease of use disgrace larry has become the dominant Building Material around the globe. The quantities used are astronomical. To build an average house it takes 200. 00 tons of sand. For a larger building like a hospital around 3000 tons. Each kilometer of highway devours 30000 tons. And to build a Nuclear Plant the estimate is about 12000000. 00 tonnes. Production of sand exceeds 15000000000 tons. And that is a quantity that is so huge that its beyond imagination how much is 15000000000 you dont know because no other resource is used in such vast quantities as sent maybe with the exception of water. So where in the world does that much sand come from. Lets just say the sand men who work in the aggregate business have not been affected by the economic downturn. Behind air and sand is the most used commodity in the world. Business is booming but meeting this demand is not always an easy task sand is not something thats easily found like you might think it is used to be that youd have a sand and gravel deposit and youd simply go and dig it up out of the ground so youd have to make your roads bridges and buildings up but that type of material has all been taken away its gone abuse it already. With the process of service and exhausted we started dredging rivers for sand but this is lead to flooding. Now weve turned to the oceans for sand. To satisfy our seemingly insatiable appetite for sand weve industrialized extracting it from beneath the waves. And the workhorse of the industry is a dredger. A giant tanker equipped with a suction arm capable of pumping huge quantities of sand to the surface. And. The right bessel in the right location can pump up to 400000 cubic metres of sand to the surface every single day. Each dredger cost anywhere from 25000000. 00 to 200000000. 00. But the sand is free. So the thousands of tankers combing the worlds oceans at every incentive to suck up as much sand as possible for their increasingly hungry clients. An astonishing example of this appetite within a few decades this fishing village has morphed into a modern architecture is a sandbox for developers were no fantasies to grandiose. Projects. Of sand using huge volumes of sand and Construction Projects concrete and indeed just making more land as is been doing with the with the artificially constructed islands. As landfills or even bigger consumers of sand the concrete. With a booming economy the emirate launched an ambitious expansion project

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