Covered by that system and thats a big source of its actual relative pain amenity to other countries and then when the expenditure takes place when hospitalization here is quite bureaucratic in spite of the paperback and there are things in the system that dont necessarily push the direction of efficiency is there anything. To recommend about the u. S. System of health care is the hit anything that anyone else should be looking to replicate thats a really interesting point i mean at that at the very start where the best in the u. S. Its actually the best of the maps the globe if you need the top quality treatment of some sort or other you know it can often be found in the u. S. But you can and one of the things to take out of this story is actually that for relatively lower levels of money you can actually a cheap pretty high success so one of the projects sort of highlighting the huge amount of expenditure in the u. S. Is it coming out and. The signal that you need to spent lots and lots and as you know theres a push to create universal how to cut rich basic package and actually you can achieve a lot with a lot less money in the u. S. The World Health Organization says that 371000000000. 00 or 58. 00 a person per year is all or all it will cost to get health care to low and middle Income Countries what kind of care does that provide and is is that even feasible is anyone willing to pay to pick up the cost. Well theres 2 things the 1st thing is to get this whole thing in perspective you quoted. Well were in a Global Economy of 80 plus trillion dollars a year so when we talk of 3 or 400000000000. 00 it sounds like a lot but its actually only a fraction of one of those 1000000000 or that one of those trillion numbers so its actually as a percent of the global g. D. P. Its a practitioner of the sat the 2nd thing is that the push to create universal Health Care Coverage and the numbers you talked about capita thats for a very sort of basic package and one of the things that thats been going on the last 5 or 10 years is has been measures to try to actually make it that many cultures can afford that package one of the things that perhaps 10 years or so ago we realized that it was important to get right is that you know theres a lot of tax revenues out there theres a lot of Economic Activity going on thats thats thats not so its fair whack so one of the things that the w. H. O. And the well back and others have been analyzing and trying to understand is is the source of its revenue we have actually trillions of dollars of resources that dont find its way into the mechanisms that actually act we know that in the very course countries of war there will need to be a period of time where richer countries and the numbers are they sound a lot but theyre quite small if you think of i started the process if you think of the number you just quoted relative to the cost of the afghan years ago its family trivial the other thing about the numbers you just quoted is that in terms of Health Impact on the force one of the the terrible things about it is its often the most vulnerable its the even harder get access to cash when they need it and one of those sort of curious as it were is that when you need Health Expenditure when youre in a very poor. And somethings gone wrong in the family. Your counterpart for getting good how treatment because you cannot quickly or retina get hold of the cash so a large chunk of the initiative to create these programs we invest in after alqaeda coverage is to make it that people in the past in many cases conjugate so there are schemes in which even very poor people put something every now today and that gives them some sort of automatic right to some sort of access so its not just rich people and money and its its richer countries and towards the very poorest for a period of time and its really good to talk to encounter the cost many thanks indeed for being with us thank you my pleasure. With the trillions spent on health care it should come as no surprise that investors are trying to crack the industry with new tech related products the Global Digital Health Care Market is expected to hit 504000000000 dollars by 2025 according to Global Market insights and the health tech wearable market which includes your smart watch trackers could be worth 60000000000. 00 by 2023 Juniper Research estimates. All right so lets talk health check with george davis whos the director of hambro parks george good to have you with us on counting the cost why is the Health Care Industry the least receptive of industries to Technological Developments well i wouldnt say is the least receptive i just think that it does face some challenges Global Health care is a huge part of global g. D. P. But of course a great deal of it is provided by governments and legacy systems so change and innovation does take time that being said i think were seeing a huge proliferation of start up businesses and innovative Business Models in the space and i definitely think that over the long term well see absolute transformation particularly as you see Large Businesses like google and apple entering the space as well as new startups and more established players who are now spending more and more time thinking about changes to the system so id say over the long term were going to see dramatic shifts at this point perhaps healthcares lags somewhat but i dont think that will be the case over the long term ive used a Company Called thrive 2 for Blood Analysis its a i did i did the test at home sent it off fantastic google results but i suppose the biggest challenge for Companies Like them it is data how do you store it what do you do with it and the potential for misuse yeah im familiar with rover its a really interesting business a Great British innovative startup actually. Data storage is obviously one of the challenges that Health Tech Startups face because both because of regulator issues but also because of the expectations of consumers who are increasingly i think aware of the challenges around the data that they give away both consciously and unconsciously to to big businesses i do think this is a challenge for earlier stage Health Care Businesses because theres a lot of cost involved and theres a lot of trust involved in the in the minds of consumers i think that often comes from more established players from the role of government that being said i do think those. Challenges are definitely possible to overcome for startups as long as they obey the rules and use the services that are available to them i think they can absolutely resolve it and what i would say on the other side of the equation is that the power of big data in health care to really change the way we diagnose and treat illnesses and also long term conditions is one that a lot of businesses are definitely looking to harness thriver being a good example and so i think we need to be conscious as consumers that there is a trade off but we need providers of services to be very clear with us what theyre going to do with our data what data theyre storing and how and build that trust over time to catch that opportunity. One of your products is smart t. M. s a Mental Health treatment for depression helping patients with severe Mental Health illnesses now that from medical point of view is is an area that requires a lot of skill in terms of managing patients out how does it work so trans smart to mess is a as a non invasive treatment for Mental Illnesses and challenges that people face and thats obviously a massively growing sector importantly it does not it is not a chemical solution to the challenges that people face so and we wouldnt say that there is as an investor we wouldnt say that there is one solution to those challenges at all its absolutely a challenge that at the consumer level people will have Different Things that work for them this this effectively uses magnetic stimulation to change patterns in in brain behavior and can address a number of challenges depression anxiety and erect sirrah whole bunch of issues that people face and i think as we move into a phase where people are more accepting and open about the Mental Health challenges that people face and that is absolutely a good thing i believe and something that will increase overall social well being in societies i think you need a suite of these opportunities this business that weve invested in is growing very rapidly in the u. K. And it is a really powerful innovation but it wont be the only one and you need to take a case by case basis as to to what the right one for for specific uses is now with a shortage of 7000000 doctors worldwide ada health hopes that it can fill the gaps that would reach parts of the world where health care is something of a lottery right now headquartered in berlin its developing and trialing its app aljazeera is economics editor of it early spoke with ada c. Daniel nath rough and asked how ada was different to people googling their symptoms youre completely right 8 out of 10. People google themselves for an example and germany where im from the thing with google is its a great tool for generalized information search but the results are not personalized to the user and theyre not actionable because google doesnt know enough at that point in time about the user aid of works in contrast to that very much like a Whatsapp Chat with a trusted Family Doctor that you have access to a 247 except that in this case the Family Doctor is not human but its an Artificial Intelligence that supports you in finding out whats wrong with you and what you should be doing next and where have you deployed this off the software and are you working with Health Professionals or services. So ada has been launched basic mean all countries in the world where there is an app store or a Google Play Store which meets over 150 countries and it has become the number one ep in the medical category in the app store in 140 countries and we do have partners that we work with for instance with a Large Health System in the u. S. Called Sutter Health in the way on the west coast we also work with some of the Largest Health insurers in germany and there are medical professionals and some of the leading medical institutions in europe who are using our doctor facing software and what is the reaction of those Health Professionals actually the reaction of Health Professionals to ada is very positive. I was expecting at least some of them to be a little bit skeptical and i was wondering whether some of them would say you know is this kind of a threat to my job but thats not the case at all the real Health Professionals once they realize that ada is actually very accurate they really appreciate the support it gives them in getting to the right diagnosis foster whats the backbone of the technology i mean how do you get the ai to read through medical textbooks saw what d. D. Has been around since 2011 and the 1st 56 years we didnt even go to market we had a large team of 100 plus doctors and computer scientists working on building a very very extensive medical Knowledge Base and refining reasoning engine behind it and then we only launched the app for patients about 2 and a half years ago and what were doing now is that were using certain Machine Learning techniques also to learn from all the cases that come into the system were trying to create feedback loops to make the system better and better every day now we used talk about Silicon Valley trying to just disrupt assert. Industries why has it taken such a long time to disrupt the Health Care Industry i think its understandable that in health care things take longer if you look at some ecommerce businesses lets take the food Delivery Business for instance there you can create a simple shop solution a minimum viable product as they say and then you know you start generating revenue you react to users and you iterate and if something goes wrong its actually not that big a deal for instance if you know you deliver the wrong pizza its annoying for the customer and that moment but its not life threatening in health care you have to be a lot more careful this is why there is medical device regulation with a Software Like ours we have extremely high standards in terms of accuracy Data Protection data privacy because you know this is some of the most Sensitive Data that exists and if you use a product like ours you will be glad when you know you have a heart attack and it doesnt give you the right information it does not tell you or you just have a shoulder sprain dont worry about it is is something that needs regular 3 approval yes so it is certified as a medical device and there are obviously different regulatory authorities in the e. U. In the u. S. And asian and other countries and were working very closely with the authorities to make sure that we obtain all the right sort of cations in europe where classified as a medical device done you know through a thank you very much for its im really appreciates on today thank you thank you very much. Thats our show for this week if youd like to comment on anything that weve seen you can tweet me a finnigan on twitter please use the hash tag jaycees and see what you do or you can drop us a line at the cost of aljazeera dot that is our email address as always theres plenty more few online at aljazeera dot com slash c. T. C. That takes you straight to our page and there youll find individual reports links even entire episodes for you to catch up on but thats it for this edition of counting the cost im Adrian Finnegan from the whole team here in doha thanks for being with us the news on al jazeera is next. November on aljazeera. S. O. S. Returns with a new series to sit out the facts and the Science Behind the climate an ecological crisis affecting our planet. Spain will hold its 4th election in 4 years after 8 inconclusive vote join us for coverage of the new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time turkish president will meet with u. S. President donald trump at the White House Well bring you the latest and exiled explores the Historical Context of the regime the crisis and the increasing violence in mind mars and 8. November on. This is al jazeera. Hello im stan grant this is the news hour live from dogs coming up in the next 60 Minutes Holding a quarter of a 1000000 people in somalia a forced out of their hollowed by severe flooding. Another huge shoulder as he government and get in chile we hear from protesters who say theyve been beaten up by police. Syrias president vows to recapture all territory lost during the conflict even if it means going to war with turkey. And the u. S. President and his rivals over an impeachment inquiry ahead of a rally with supporters. The democrats are afraid of their lunatic. Would be good in somalia with severe flooding across a large swathe of the country has left more than a quarter of a 1000000 people searching for shelter and it could get even worse aida agencies say at least 10 people have died in the town of bullet why waste of the capital mogadishu and 270000. 00 is now being displaced with large parts of central and Southern Somalia under water but theres another Tropical Storm on the way and that could affect about a 1000000 people in the east africa region Priyanka Gupta has more. Have turned into rivers in central and Southern Somalia. People here are struggling with rising floodwaters after days. On expected heavy rainfall in towns and villages submerged families are displaced. Thousands of hectares of farmland are destroyed. Aid agencies say to try to diseases like cholera malaria are real. And hunger nums latch. On to the leader we desperately need help here from anyone who can help us things are bad and help means to come fast before its too late. The oktober down pose came off to one of somalias tris trini seasons in more than treat decades. Before the flood there was a serious drought here now many of these areas a cut off because of floods with people trapped inside their homes there are casualties but its not known just how many people have died. We are working on rescue operations we so far have managed to find the dead bodies of 5 people thanks to a law we did our best and will continue looking for more dead bodies more than 1000000 people are affected by floods across the east africa and people in somalia south sudan and kenya im now bracing for more rain that could last for up to 6 weeks and a Tropical Storm in the coming days Priyanka Gupta aljazeera. Anger against the government and showing no sign of dying down thousands more protesters are in the capital santiago demonstrating about it can only be the Quality Police using tear gas the ongoing unrest across the country as the Tourism Industry hog Hotel Reservations are down by hofmann media canceling trips off of the times he pulled out of posting just summits by respected to bring between 40. 50 extra visitors to the town 3 in the next 2 months. Joins us live now from santiago were looking at those pictures or people protesting behind you will give us a sense of just how this momentum is continuing on the ground and also the tension between protesters and security. Thats right stan this is now the 2nd week in a row that were seeing protests taking place every single day for 2 weeks this is the 2 week mark largely peaceful protests if you can see these images on the screen now there are thousands if not tens of thousands of people gathered in. Its this an iconic part of the city where political movements have traditionally taken shape it began there was a its actually been quite an eventful day there was a silent march that was sponsored by women earlier today commemorating the deaths of at least 20 demonstrators and more than a 1000 people that have injured that have been injured within the context of these of these protests you mentioned the tensions that still exist between the people and Security Forces is actually one of the biggest sources of anger that people still have in the chilly capital and in cities across chile even now amidst these mostly peaceful protests that are taking place there are Water Cannons water. Water cannons. What were hearing from people even now as i say dont forget to talk. About the military and the Security Forces theyre asking the International Media to take notice of the heavy handed crackdown against Peaceful Protesters using Water Cannons using tear gas and before that military curfew was lifted before the state of emergency was lifted on the weekend it was live ammunition used against against demonstrators here and now their demands of demonstrators have evolved over time what were hearing from people is a lot of anger against what they say is growing inequality low wages low tension on equal access to health care and education and what people are telling us now theyre calling for the resignation of the president but even deeper than that stand people are saying that they want systemic change theyre calling for a Constitutional Assembly to make a large structural change if not a rewrite to the countrys constitution and short of that there will be nothing that will stop people from going out in the streets the president has made concessions dissolving part of his cabinet but people say that what they want is his resignation and even more than that they want to new constitution stan. Hug you can still be its very loud where you are but well just on that question the Sebastian Pinera and hes future as you say he has made some concessions theyve been rejected but its 2021 until we see a full election there that is a long time for this type of protest to continue and the sense of an ongoing crisis to continue in the country. Absolutely and within the context of the callee cancellation of 2 Major International summits that were going to take place in november and in december the Asia Pacific Economic conference as well as the u. N. After it will see Climate Change conference the expectation this signals to us that the government even expects. The un rest will continue so as you mentioned its still a ways away from elections in the country but what were hearing from people. Here if youre hearing what i have a large chance theyre saying the people are out into the streets asking for freedom theyre calling for president resignation theyre not calling for new elections theyre calling for Structural Reforms because there are new constitution theres a lot of actor in the streets and a lot of that if not most of it stems from the continued crackdown of Security Forces against peaceful protests even though there are waves of tear gas that is not persuading people despite the tear gas and despite the Water Cannons people are still out on the streets theyre no longer moving when the tear gas is there is resilient and theyre and theyre saying that theyre committed to staying out on the streets for as long as it takes them but well thank you for that as manuel was saying people are chanting behind him particularly about the Security Forces there and the violence of the tension between protesters and security and those protests of course have led to these accusations of Police Brutality stuff from the u. N. High commission for human rights are inside iago and theyre investigating those allegations. You see in yemen has more on that. A secondary School Student leader is seen here being dragged out of his home by Security Forces without an arrest warrant. Another student leader is taken away illegally from her Apartment Building scenes reminiscent of chiles former military dictatorship. Community activist has been sleeping in a different place every night since he filed a complaint with chiles Human Rights Institute so for security reasons he asks to meet us in a park and i would be said to me i was beaten by the police and then they choked me for a long time that was in the twentys so could police station. When. Hes one of them he was eventually released but then nearly lost his right eye 10 days ago when he was hit with a lead pellet during another protest. They operated me here to take out the pellet that hit me here and fortunately got stuck in my eye socket im one of the lucky ones who didnt lose his eye i know people whove lost both eyes after being shot by pellets and tear gas canisters. A mission from the u. N. Commission for human rights is in chile investigating hundreds of charges of abuses by Security Forces from illegal detentions to excessive use of force to torture and rape the Amnesty International says theyve been scores of complaints of sexual abuses even against minors i give the money but you must take into account that many people are afraid to take legal action against those who may have abused them or family members even after the state of emergency was lifted on monday the Police Continue committing Human Rights Violations against Peaceful Protesters. A member of the Human Rights Institute was shot by police with pellets earlier this week while monitoring a peaceful protest. Here in the capital demonstrators commemorated all saints day with a silent march to protest against those allegedly killed by Security Forces in the last 2 weeks of social unrest the human rights charges are contributing to mounting calls for president s of us to get his resignation and in an unprecedented move in chile return to democracy and impeachment request has been presented in congress by members of the opposition. Authorities insist that with rare exceptions Security Forces are respecting international protocols. Open to new wing accusations of abuses seem to indicate otherwise. You see in yemen al jazeera santiago will. A number of soldiers have been killed in a Suicide Attack on a military base in northeastern mali in mali an army says 15 soldiers died in the attack on an outpost in delavan in the malacca region local sources however put the number at 54 the group has claimed responsibility the Israeli Military says 10 rockets have been fired from the gaza strip into its southern territories the army says the rockets were intercepted by the countrys i am done Missile Defense system local media have reported a ride sirens of being heard across southern israel and they have been no reports of injuries or deaths rosser in turkey have started joint patrols in northeastern syria ankara wants to establish what its calling a safe zone in the border region and it wants fighters from the larger the Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces to retreat asimo bar reports and stand near the turkish syrian border. The most crucial phase of the turkish russian agreement on a safe zone in North Eastern syria is underway the joint patrols will fill the void left by the withdrawal of the largely Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces

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