To storm the roms consulate in the city of qom but. Also ahead well look at how rising inflation and corruption in zimbabwe mean health care is now a luxury only few can afford. In sports i dont know why im surprised to fail the world words of a new formula one a World Champion Lewis Hamilton for the reaction to world title number 6 coming up later in the program. Ok lets get going its being called new delhis pocalypse the air is so toxic in the indian capital a city of 18000000 people that now a Public Health emergency has been declared schools are shut all construction work has been ordered to stop and flights have been diverted or delayed on sunday the air quality index hit its worst level for the year at 494 thats nearly 10 times the same. Level 50 and the level is well above 400. 00 as of today how do they keep the child out of the lead why there is smoke everywhere and people including youngsters kids the elderly theyre all finding it difficult to breathe the eyes are burning the pollution is that bad private cars with number plates ending in an old number have been temporarily banned from the roads thats taken away a big chunk of the more than 10000000 registered vehicles on the roads of new delhi a government study says the transport sector is the biggest contributor to the citys pollution also being blamed farmers from neighboring states who burn the stubble after october to clear the fields for the winter crop and has more now from new delhi thats the iconic Rashtrapati Bhavan or president s house in new delhi its a tall massive building and a spot but today one can barely see it it is engulfed in small as is the rest of the city ive been standing up for barely 20 minutes my eyes are burning on the back of my throat is itching and it isnt just me doctors in the city have many more patients i was sitting there with a ehrmans that can be attributed to air pollution. No theres a lot im off ive been using this mosque for a couple of days its a bit inconvenient for sure but when im traveling on the road then with this pollution my eyes start to water the Delhi Government has taken the step to reduce the number of us down we close the border. And hence we do you speak to that but you said the border to you doesnt mean deployed on this its black tell us that the people actually are following you the government has also given these mosques but the people are reading it it is from a community and is known as promising neighboring states do not stop burning the stubble police said in the last the capital is expected to continue to remain very sylvia. Ok to understand just how damaging the air in new delhi actually is lets remind you how it rates on the quality index now that measures the Health Risks Associated with pollution under 50 is considered good 40 to 100 is moderates above that there are Serious Health risks with everyone everything above 400 considered hazardous for comparison berlin a city of around 3 and a half 1000000 people sits around 21 on the index you know delhi on the other hand is sitting between 40700 in some parts of the city that far exceeds the limit that anyone should be breathing lets talk to karthik hes a Research Fellow at the council on Energy Environment and water he joins us from new delhi karthik nation welcome to the new horse of the biggest issues that the government needs to address here. The problem of air pollution in delhi is a multipronged one its not just one item what were hearing today is of course that farmers in punjab are burning crop residue and as a result equality in delhi has deteriorated but for much of the more than 300 days out of the 365 dailies actually breathing really bad quality air it never really gets the news the way it does in the winter months so clearly the problem is much beyond just the issue of another crop burning that happens you know for about 4 weeks or so in the winters theres a host of problems that need to be addressed really if you have to get this straight any time soon ok how do they turn that around then because if you incentivize farmers to behave in a particular way in rural areas the debate occurs to me is delhi centric understandably but there are other problems in other areas. Absolutely i mean i think blaming the farmer is sort of like not exactly the best thing that one can be do at this point in time but the fact is that they have been incentivise by the cheap availability of basically feel like to city and the water the did able to pump with it and then grow a crop thats technically not sustainable in the part of the country where it has been grown which is race and as a result whats really happened is that you know its lead to its led to depletion of the water table and probably they will be able to cultivate rice to the extent that they are in another decade or so because the water table would have gone to really look and its because of the fact that theres this rice wheat crop cycle that theyre doing that were seeing the problem currently and the solution really lies in sort of going back to i think. Multi cropping and diversifying what you actually produce through the year and not to lange just in one crop and again thats not easy because the government basically has incentive ways farmers to cultivate rice and wheat which have a dedicated price which is called the minimum support praise that the government pays to buy that off the farm and at the end of it the farmer feels comfort in knowing that the government will procure it now from maize as well has a minimum support price but the problem is that the mondays are the place where they actually actually buy the maize is not functional through punjab so effectively farmers feel that in order let me just cultivate the one crop that i know the government will take off me and as a result everybody goes towards race for some form of use to do cotton but then cotton came up with some challenges in 2015 as a result farmers and did a massive exodus to rice in 2016 which resulted in the worst fires of its kind in the last 4 or 5 years ok what you seem to be saying is that the government needs to bring in some sort of root and Branch Reform of the modeling of this point number one is sustainable in point number 2 the European Countries some of them were at this stage a generation ago so what did they do to get to a situation where the air was better. Ok i think i mean im but it crops but its a new burning is not something that is unique to india that as you said European Countries were there in fact in much of in many parts of usa and in europe as well farmers do continue to do it but i think if you have a mature market for anything thats produced and has a value at the end of the day to it you will find that alternative uses end up actually coming up so even in the case of india there are of course ordinate of ways and i think the most important were going to views is incorporating what youve actually cut which is the crop residue and the stubble that stands back into the soil because ultimately that nutrients of the soil can actually use it came from the soil it ends up going back to it but the problem is that it entails a slightly sort of different way of producing the next crop as opposed to what the farmer has been doing for the last lets say a decade or 2 and as it is farmers are in engaged in what is that what i would term is the riskiest profession on the planet given Climate Change so asking them to sort of take on more risks which could impact the unit for the next season because his revenue and salary if you will at the end of the 6 months of growing wheat is effectively coming from what hes getting from the field if you ask him to change the pattern of cropping of the year drops how does he repays debtors and how does he end up and show that he actually is able to feed his family the end of the day so if you have safety nets that ensure that the some sort of insurance against the crop failure and that what youre actually promoting is a tried and tested method its going to be very difficult to convince the farmer to get off it theyve been hooked to it because of feel extra city and the basically the free water that comes along with it and i think now its time for everybody to sort of go out there and support them in making the transition to a more sustainable cultivation practice and i think this is basically what maybe your god late but at the end of the day i think india needs to go one step further because the end of the day you know heavily into heavily chemical intensive mechanized farming is something that we nor is also Carbon Dioxide intensive. And india has already sort of sort of started going into the 0 budget natural Farming Practice you know many states across the country of sort of taken it up organic farming is coming up in a big way but then there are questions around the yields that surround these technologies and these interventions so we need to do a lot of ground studies that actually prove that these alternative approaches work ok mr goh thank you so much. At least one person has been killed and 10 injured in a grenade attack an indian as minister of kashmir no one has so far claimed responsibility for the assault in the city of st anger. Protests are being held for a 19th day across lebanon as demonstrate to step up pressure on the government protesters had been blocking roads but most have been reopened by a Security Forces since monday morning the protesters continue to call for the removal of the ruling elite and complete overhaul of the political system theres also anger president Michelle Obamas delay in and seeing a date for parliamentary consultations required for naming the next Prime Minister live to beirut and our correspondents is this an escalation now were talking about. It is an escalation in the sense that the protesters try to close more of the roads today this is now one of the last ones lets just take a walk this is the ring road this is really a focal point that has been. Going on for the last 3 weeks its one of the main highways through beirut not many people as you can see now peter but its symbolic certainly that they are here again the last couple of days had you seen this road open and seen all the roads open across the country really but as you mentioned they basically want to see progress when it comes to the Political Developments the Prime Minister did resign but again as you said there everyone waiting for the president to announce what they call binding called siltation what does that mean that means a Prime Minister needs to be appointed and then he needs to decide on a cabinet and the question will be whether the people accept that. So what are they doing or what have they been doing not the demonstrators but what weve been calling the political elites in the intervening what 6 or 7 days since that was the last Major Development in this when when the Prime Minister said ok im going to go. We have all they basically been talking amongst themselves because all the Political Parties need to give and name of the Prime Minister to the president once thats agreed upon the Prime Minister then needs to appoint a cabinet is now what the people want is that they want that cabinets be made up of non political actors what were hearing at the moment is that potentially it could be a mix of technocrats and of politicians but again we need to hear when this is going to happen some news report saying that we could expect the president to announce those consultations with the next 24 hours it could be made up of a cabinet of 24 people which would be a mix of politicians and technocrats whether thats going to appease the st peter were going to have to wait and see but certainly the message is the same of the people who are still protesting they say that they dont want any political affiliations they want technocrats they want the system to change and they want a new elections but these are going to be difficult times stephanie many thanks. A lot more still to come for you here on the news hour including opposition leaders in pakistan weigh up their next move for a deadline for the Prime Minister imran khan to step aside comes and goes. Protests to see chiles economic problems the decades in the making well look at whats behind the weeks of demonstrations there and the lakers are looking like the team to beat the n. B. A. The season basketball action coming up with in the sports news in about 35 minutes. Asian leaders meeting in bangkok are discussing what could become the worlds biggest trade deal thailand says the next steps in the proposal backed by china will be made in the coming hours there were last minute doubts about the deal after india raise concerns over chinese involvement the us President Donald Trump didnt attend the meeting but hes invited surf east asian leaders to a special summit early next year lets speak to scott whos at that summit for us in bangkok scott hey there so on again off again do you think it will actually happened. Bina right now indications are that things are moving forward the negotiations for its called are step is moving forward are moving forward and we heard a little bit of mixed messages today and monday this is the last day of the aussie on the summit there are 10 aussie on members there working with 6 other nations in what could be the Worlds Largest Free Trade Agreement now what we heard earlier in the day was from the. Commerce minister he said that there will be some conclusive announcements out of a meeting they have a meeting again today actually going to be in the next hour on the negotiations for this Free Trade Agreement he said that we conclusive and that a conclusive announcement that obviously led a lot of people to speculate hey that the deal could be done but its not sounding like thats whats going to be the case the australian trade minister came out later and said negotiations are moving forward things are going ahead as planned but theres probably not going to be an announcement this is a big difference what we heard over the weekend where we heard that probably early next year possibly february is when theyre going to be the signatures on the page so right now peter the best analysis we can give on this is that the negotiations are moving forward and seems like things are moving in the correct direction but theres still a lot of work to be done no donald trump no Vice President mr pence to bet raise eyebrows the. Absolutely have raised eyebrows now from the very beginning of this summit this is a 3 day summit now part of the reason that for that obviously is that you have these Leaders National leaders from these 10 nations here in aussie on but also from regional neighbors in South East Asia you have the japanese Prime Minister you had the could chang the premier from china you had the heads of state from other nations who are participating in the negotiation for that trade deal but also who do a lot of trade and have are engaged in political actions with the members of our donald trump didnt come mike pence didnt come the Vice President he came last year so there were a lot of noses bent out of shape if you will it was very interesting there was a bit of a reaction to that part of these meetings these series of meetings dossier on members have one on one meetings with certain with different nations and they had the u. S. One today and what was interesting of those 10 nation members of aa only 3 sent heads of state the others sent lower level officials obviously a bit of a snub to the United States but when you look at it diplomatically most of the time when there are meetings diplomatic meetings you have like the like meeting same levels so thats what probably 7 of these nations did they downgraded it because again the highest member the highest Ranking Member of the american delegation here is the commerce secretary ok scott many thanks protest leaders in pakistan are considering the next move up to the Prime Minister declared he will not resign tens of thousands of demonstrators of moscona some about giving imran khan until midnight on sunday to step down they say the government is illegitimate and propped up by the military the protests are led by the Prime Ministers longtime rival conservative cleric. Come hide his life in islamabad come all the deadlines paul whats the latest. Well as you mentioned that deadline was for midnight tonight however the leader of the protests modified the ramon made a statement yesterday addressing it said that they will not be entering enter that race jones that result so the red line as you can see behind made a red dawn of god has been scored over and all however today we dont see that security personnel that weve seen for the last few days and although the government is not taking any chances are they watching and waiting to see what happened as the all parties conference right now we are told that conference that conference ended under way and that decision is likely but did but not be announced because it appeared that the opposition it all started there was a date the focus on Muslim League now was in the papers Party Leadership but our border and chop are sure to evolve not at that all the parties gone for and so it will be important to see what them all are not stated there but definitely some easing of tensions the Prime Minister told so far a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee to see what kind of concessions can be offered by the church be said to hear that this had been by far the most peaceful demonstration and its not bad today what happened in the next few days will be important because we dont know how the opposition are going to react are they going to bring that consensus or it is going to be a show by them all on our backs on the other hand them all and i can say that he had a big a show and its not my pots and that my dad said it gave him a way out so interesting developments for the very fluid situation tomorrow thanks very much. Fighting in syria has forced many people from ethnic and religious minorities from their homes most have been displaced for years as cities have changed hands between different groups in the border town of tal of yard the recent victory over kurdish fighters by opposition groups backed by turkey has renewed hopes of returning home but that does carry risks as hashem alba reports now from the turkey syria border. And we will go back to the report just as soon as we can in fact by the magic of television we have. This is what we mains of the syrian army and church in tel aviv. Derelict and abandoned for years passive it was set on fire in 2014 when i still took over. The syrian army in years were forced out of their villages and never went back even when the city was taken over by the largely Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces last year in 2050. For them. There was an important step allowing them to link up the other areas they control along the Turkish Border from maliki here near iraq in the east to capernaum the west. Last month the Turkish Backed Syrian National army or s. N. A. Swept through. People here say the fighters said houses on fire during their retreat. At about the im going to be a fly problem get normally and the house was burning for 4 days i have lost all of my furniture i didnt care if father maurice me and we have been driven out of our harms for 4 years we have suffered a lot at the hands of the east a year. From now a local council has been set up to run the city but the situation remains delicate. A car explosion on saturday killed at least 13 people and left Dozens Injured to turkey and the s. And they accuse the s. D. F. Of the bombing in. Tel aviv is part of the socalled safe zone that turkey has established on syrian territory near its border to ensure the s. D. F. Is done or because they stand in the area tel aviv has changed hands many times during the 8 years of war in syria and religious minorities have a perception that at all forced out of their villages now the city is in the hands of the opposition and no one knows if those people will return when there is no sign of an end to the conflict possible but ill just hear a child offer or took his border with syria iraqs Prime Minister is calling for an end to the bloodshed on both sides as more antigovernment protests are being held speaking for the 1st time since announcing his resignation. Demonstrators have achieved their goals but then damaging the economy make no further mention of stepping down its a matter whos also met the delegation of the u. S. Congress who say theyre backing the iraqi governments efforts. Iraqs Human Rights Commission says at least 3 demonstrators have been killed in karbala near the iranian consulate sunday hundreds of protesters tried to storm the building and brought down an iranian flag opens on fire. Meanwhile protesters have started fires and blocked main roads for a 2nd consecutive day in baghdad set fires and put up cement blocks causing traffic jams in the capital. Staying in baghdad demonstrates has been carrying on with what theyve been doing for the past few days natasha got him how small. Protesters set fires erected barricades and even lay down in the road at intersections in central and eastern baghdad as the work week began the roadblocks created traffic jams across the capital preventing people from getting to work some government offices and businesses were forced to close the normal club by we have one demand which is employees joints it is just like us they can participate by staying at home but we want all the government ministries to stop operating we can all unite we all want people here in Tahrir Square which has become the epicenter of the protests there were signs that people are settling in for the long haul this burned out skyscraper has been occupied since the 2nd wave of antigovernment protests began more than a week ago from the upper floors protesters can see the square in the bridge below leading to the green zone where Security Forces are positioned this was built during the Saddam Hussein here up there was one thing for this restaurant on top of one of its nickname it has been abandoned since 2003 when it was bombed there in the u. S. Led invasion now its become an iconic landmark of the un forces and it protests volunteers are trying to prevent this building from becoming a garbage dump we are here to clean this place and say heres where we know many people were killed here and you simply believe knowing this a place should be a claim its kind of all the plays. The stuff on the sally is a University Student and volunteer he says he knows being here is dangerous but this is a revolution what im going to do after what you asians theres no jobs so this is this golden age is killing like like this dust and there. We are we are just like dead people zombies no one no one knew no one know that there is people here have dreams want to do with things in their lives moussaoui and other protesters say they feel proud for their role in what they regard as a historic moment theyre not following or answering to anyone in their eyes theyre all leaders at tashi going to name aljazeera baghdad. Ok in just a few moments well have the weather for you with jenny but also still ahead here on the aljazeera news out of my phone call was perfect. President trump again says the identity of the whistleblower who sparked the impeachment inquiry should be made public. And in the sports news the italian football amadeo fellow telly shows his frustration after being targeted by alleged racist chumps. Hello there it is a very unsettled picture across much of europe and particularly to the east this is where were seeing some very heavy amounts of rain but its been windy some really tremendous wind speeds actually gusting to hurricane strength and i did look at the size of these ways this is actually the northern coast of spain quite near to bilbao the winds there were actually over 120 kilometers an hour and then across into Northern Areas of strong winds but look at this some very heavy rain in a very very short space of times this is that some flooding of homes and businesses now as i say this is all been coming from the system which is now across eastern areas it moves so swiftly through because the strength of those winds and then as we go through monday some very heavy rain this time across into these areas of greece in particular but literally one system goes through and another just takes its place a very unsettled cross much of western europe to the north in the mix as well that is are going through monday and tuesday you can save this cold air in place so weve got some of this rain turning to snow having settled lab to the east of all this very unsettled weather weve got some very warm air so have a look at this in book arrest for the next few days temperatures in the mid twentys the average is 10 celsius this time of year a suggestion on to just how warm it is its dry as well no saleswoman walsall but even so here the average is 6 and sunny 3 monday cloudy skies but a high 50. 1 sponsored by town. On the im going to start. We should do to give a break to on the friday october i think this country the greatest place older person to come to is doing the bahamas follow the drama the brick sit on aljazeera. Oldest muslim undertaker is working here is a 7 days a week thats grown with the community my father purchased a black man started to do the funerals in london and their family we sort of stopped being part of indonesia and we can is this part of this story as we told our team here told by the people who the gift is theres a level. East and undertakers this is europe and how to 0. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news our my names peter dhabi these are your headlines the quality of the indian capital has reached critical levels officials touring a Public Health emergency the number of private vehicles allowed on the roads in new delhi has been passed in an attempt to clear the toxic small choking the city. Protester being held for a 19th day across lebanon as demonstrators step up pressure on the government protesters have blocked main roads but these have mostly been cleared. And leaders medium bangkok are discussing what has the potential of becoming the worlds biggest trade deal but they were last minute doubts about the deal after india raised concerns of a cheaper chinese products. European Union Leaders are to press china to deliver on its trade promises as an exhibition in shanghai this Week Advisors to the french president emmanuel macro say theyll be there for a push for china to grant more access to Foreign Companies china is the e. U. s biggest importer its also the e. U. 2nd biggest export market after the United States china cerns mostly machinery clothing and shoes to the e. U. While the e. U. Is main exports to. China our industrial goods cars and aircraft to now on average trade between china and the European Union is worth more than 1100000000. 00 every day exactly along is a senior Research Fellow of the Global Policy institute he joins us on skype from some alone in france Jacques Renault welcome to the news hour what does emanuel macro get out of this the openness to get out a trade agreement in order to make it more even more live in a live or Playing Field between hopes to get an agreement on investment and a movement to. European investment in china where protected and access to public procurement markets is not respected European Companies cant beat for Public Markets why Chinese Companies are bidding for that big markets in europe so is going to hope to push this negotiation on a on a train on these lines which is meant to be completed next year at opa to make some advances on that faded as well as at the same time is going to try to promote the interests of French Companies but the most important thing for mccall is to show that france is already a european country and thats why hes bringing with him. Hogan who is European Commission it was European Commission of a good show and wed be doing European Commission of folks range to show that European Countries most divas china as part of the European Union and not a single countries if they want to get the fed does this mean that france slash the e. U. Is trying to move into a vacuum in the relationship because the relationship between washington and beijing is so bad at the moment. Yes indeed and the u. S. China trade war has given an aborted you wouldnt send them is worrying the french and the european. China has sided with europe you know that to defend reject juries. And hope to earth to reform World Trade Organization in the future and there they are to come online their water group or trade to carry on unhindered and at the same damn them worried that if there is an agreement between china and the us that europe could be delusional in that once or theyre pushing dangerous forward and while sign which has been a really went on by europe is the apartment on the 1st of a number of a suspicious or shall g. Of affairs of European Affairs visit will who saw it shows that now china is taking europe a bit more seriously ok so realizing that they want to do as presenting a united front understood so the mood music is good do they need or are they expecting talking about france here is mr macro expecting some sort of concessions. God out of many concision what hes expecting is a huge contracts as he has done there is for a visit to china or a overthrowing visit just hoping to come out of his own the juicy contracts in france is doing the same theyre hoping to sign maybe around 40 contracts in defeat is that they have quite. Advanced on iraq that ekes. The tourism food and drinks thats one of defense do is hoping to gain an agreement which would satisfy these farmers because you know that the. European beef and french was banned from from china for owing about cow disease the ban was lifted last year we dont even if it used to run 20 producers and this time is hoping to get an agreement our big 4 which would be beneficial to french big farmers because of the swine fever in china and it would help to diffuse in france the social situation which is a b. Difficult and especially the agriculture do farmers in france would be satisfied if something came out of that. In some alone thank you very much. Now the whistleblower who prompted the impeachment inquiry into the u. S. President donald trump says he will answer written questions from House Republicans mr trump has repeatedly called for the unnamed official to be identified the inquiry is due to begin public hearings this month after several weeks of closed door testimony mr trump is accused of threatening to withhold military aid to ukraine unless its investigated his democratic rival for the presidency joe biden mr trump claims members of the media know who the whistleblower is and must reveal the identity of the whistleblower gave a very inaccurate report about my phone call my phone call was perfect it was totally appropriate but he gave a report here and he but according to the newspapers that he they think they know they know who it is you know it is just dont want to report it the whistleblower. Should be revealed because the whistleblower gave more story that people would go abroad i wont go that far but. When i read it closely i probably would and just to be clear we should say mr trump statement does contradict the white houses own notes of the phone call with the ukrainian president which largely corroborates the whistleblowers account john hendren wraps up more from washington. In the impeachment inquiry into donald trump what is interesting is not necessarily who might testify in the coming week but who will not testify there are 3 officials from the White House Office of management and budget who have been asked by that inquiry to testify and reports are that they will not appear in this coming week that is apparently part of a coordinated campaign by the white house to prevent people from speaking to the pietschmann require e. And in that case its significant because the allegation in the inspiring is that President Donald Trump withheld 400000000. 00 from the government of ukraine that is in military aid until he received a promise from the president of ukraine little mirrors alinsky that he would investigate joe biden the president s rival and that he would announce that he was doing so publicly so there is that end the fact that john bolton the president s former National Security adviser has said he will not testify without a subpoena so bolton is significant because he is said that that deal the Pressure Campaign against ukraine was a socalled drug deal and members of Congress Want to know what he meant by that and whether he thought that meant that anything improper was being done by the president of the United States and there are new reports that that partisan warfare is driving up interest in the 2020 election is a wall street journal n. B. C. Poll that finds that 72 percent of americans say they are highly interested in the upcoming election those are the kind of numbers we usually dont see until about a month before election day and that suggests there could be very high turnout in 2020 whatever happens with the impeachment inquiry the head of irans Atomic Energy agency has been talking about to irans new Nuclear Plants joins us live now from the capital tehran to also what else do we know. Well peter according to the countrys Atomic Energy organization that they have for sale he iran has now advanced its Nuclear Program the 7 to 8 years in the past 2 months he was speaking at the Natanz Nuclear facility nearest fon where he announced that in the past 2 months iran has moved its production of enriched uranium from 450 grams per day to 5000 grams per day thats an increase of 10 folds just in the past 2 months this all comes as iran is preparing to announce the 4th phase of the country scaling back its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal because the United States withdrew from the agreement last year and the iranians feel that they remain in signatories are not upholding their in the deal this announcement is certainly going to cause more concern with the International Community randi the head of the countrys tomic Energy Organization also said that iran has been producing. New centrifuges and all the models that theyve produced have been made inside the country that they will continue to advance the countrys Nuclear Program and this step was taken as a result of the current political crisis that is unfolding between iran and the western powers he said that iran was not. Happy about doing this they didnt want to do this but they were forced to take these measures because the nuclear deal is not being upheld by the european signatories thank you very much. Back to washington mr trump again threatening to withhold federal aid from california after its democratic governor criticized the u. S. President s Environmental Policies wildfires in the state to be raging for 2 weeks now firefighters are containing blazes and if to. Hold as thousands of residents are returning to their homes 17500 is to be destroyed another 35 to be damaged. Relatives of women and girls murdered in mexico demanding justice for their loved ones demonstrators marched through the capitol carrying purple crosses inscribed with the names of the victims they want to highlight the high rates of violence against women in mexico the u. N. Says on average 9 women or girls are murdered every day libyan opposition politicians are calling for a new election to resolve going on rest protests began in october when the president evo morales won a 4th term opponents say the vote was fraudulent accusing the electoral board of favoring mr mehlis the president has rejected calls to resign protesters to wait for the result of an International Election audit crema. We believe that the best solution to this crisis is a new election administered by a new impartial International Electoral body under rigorous observation by the International Community as such we demand the resignation of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and the department electoral courses and we announce that we will take legal steps when it comes. Protests in chile showed no sign of slowing the interest week the spike the governments offering a raft of Economic Reforms protests as a calling for the president to resign some blame economic policies that began when the country return to democracy in 1990. Reports from the capital santiago. For decades has been seen as a sort of oasis of prosperity in latin america. In 1900 the country ushered in a new democracy and 17 years of brutal afterwards hereon rule. The years that followed were marked by fast pace Economic Growth and a massive reduction in poverty. When the military dictatorship in chile ended no less than 45 percent of the population lived in poverty from the moment democracy was recovered Economic Growth was very high but they came a moment around 2000 when that growth stops because despite the boom of a stable middle class in the 21st century has also witnessed a growing discontent over economic inequality. On october 18th the announcement of an increase in public transport fares sparked massive social upheaval since then the unrest on the streets of the chilean capital and elsewhere in the country has been unrelenting behind the facade of unshakable modern development theres a sense that she is broken the concerns are over stagnant wages low pensions unequal access to health care and education and a widespread perception that the standard of living is getting worse. Many chileans believe the ongoing crisis is rooted in the countrys economic model founded on neoliberal principles that are seen as a remnant of the days of the hardline pinochet era. Peoples incomes do not match the cost of living in prices here like they are in europe but wages of the same as the rest of latin america in terms of Long Term Solutions we need to think about how to restructure the Political Institutions that we inherited from the pinochet dictatorship. Well many argue neo liberalism is to blame for the state of inequality and others say its been negligence by the side of the countrys Political Class thats exacerbated the problem and. Liberalism is a pejorative term for a free market economy i dont think people who participate in these massive march is a protesting against a free market theyre protesting against a lack of opportunities. Theres no shortage of opinions over what the solution to chill is political crisis should be but the problem is clear the prosperity achieved over the last 30 years has been pooled by the wealthiest in society and the people have had enough when read up in. Santiago chile. The rebels in yemen say the saudi u. A. E. Coalition is forcing Sudanese Forces to fight and die on the front lines theyve released footage they say show heavy defeats for the sudanese. Ok were going to call the forces these prisoners of war are from sudan and so were there did callies. The sudanese Regime Forces soldiers to fight as mercenaries in return for money within the ranks of the aggressor Coalition Forces other states limited their role to joint the air strikes or naval forces the sudanese regime through its forces into the ground warfare where many of the Coalition States refrained. Im able to verify the authenticity and countdowns of the photos observers say the hoa fees are using it to send the masses to sudan as a new leaders to pull Sudanese Forces out of yemen. The losses of the sudanese mercenaries amount to 285. 00 killed and dozens wounded on various fronts of the border. Healthy off the shelves say these are weapons and equipment taken from a pig aid of so the knees soldiers and this hold the fighters says teachers are among the sudanese fighting in support of and u. E. A. Led forces the hope these accused the. Qualification of pushing Sudanese Forces onto their front lines im not prioritizing them in prisoner swaps the cheerful the Sudanese Community in yemen told that sudans new leaders should reconsider the decision made by the ousted president to dispatch Sudanese Forces to yemen. This is the work of the former regime of the sheer who was toppled by the sudanese people and it is known that bashir and his regime was part of militias filthy partly down to undermine the whole region even their participation was not appreciated by this aggression which was launched under the false title of arab coalition. But the 30 or so that hes Army Commander has dismissed the video psychological warfare he said how these are backed by regional powers with their own agendas and said sudan has to take part in the conflict called peace say more than 6000 or so danis soldiers are part of the saudi the wall street fighting they are merely 6th grade remains along the coast lines dredging to haydens base. Are. People in zimbabwe unable to get medical treatment which has become increasingly expensive most dont have any Health Insurance rising inflation and corruption have been blamed for the collapse of the Public Health care service is how the. Market allana worries finding drugs for chronic illnesses is going to get a lot harder for poor and struggling zimbabweans some Public Health centers have no drugs for hiv patients the cost of one months supply at a private pharmacy is roughly 60 u. S. Dollars a Civil Servant owns about 70. 00 a month if youre into needs. Which you need to place because you really need it for you to maintain your lane. If you baby here at least that means you dont get to look after the children because all the people that. Those who can afford it go abroad for the treatment others used a while start expensive private facilities a luxury millions of others dont have the way has more than 20 registered Health Insurance and we have about 800000 members the government has its own Health Insurance for Civil Servants which caters roughly to 340000 workers that means most people here dont have medical coverage while children under the age of 5 we see basic feature Public Hospitals everyone else without Health Insurance pays cash for such Pain Management the patient must have 3 killer i mean try to access to medication. The medication is becoming extremely expensive. Traditionally and historically that medication has been funded largely by donors but were finding that donors themselves not through lack of world but because of pressures on on their mostly local donors they are unable to support that doctors have been striking for nearly 2 months of a poor pay and work conditions its another sign the Public Health sector is in trouble after numerous negotiations broke down the government issued this ultimatum doctors coming to work will be disciplined. So the 1st thing were very small coming to work there will be paid some here blame the collapse of the Public Health care system on corruption and the states failure to prioritize government Officials Say waste and impose sanctions are the reason for the crisis not them but its patients who end up suffering and as a barbers economy worsens there is no sign this issue ation will improve soon. Aljazeera. As experienced is heaviest rain in the is along its eastern coast the local weather weather bureau. Received nearly 100 millimeters of rain over the weekend. The state was reported to be suffering drought that was so severe that people resorted to drinking. Water. Still to come here in the. Finals. Temptress was going to israel peter thank you very much Lewis Hamilton has been celebrating a 6 formula one drivers title his 2nd place at the United States group in austin good enough to claim the crown the 34 year old britain is now the 2nd most successful driver of all time behind it michael shear america how well it reports. Man throughout his career Lewis Hamilton is that beating Michael Schumacher record of 7 f one world titles was never a goal for him but as he celebrated title number 6 the question is not whether he can beat the germans mark but how many more he can win before he retires. Form hamilton as shown in his miss a d s means winning 10 world titles may not be out of the question how much and just need to finish 8th or better to confirm the drivers crown but from the outset it was clear he wanted to win the race starting from 5th on the grid he soon worked his way up the field how milton employing a risky one stop strategy to give him the best chance of beating his one remaining World Championship rival teammate valtteri bottas. It allowed him to take the lead but not being able to change his tires allowed to catch up and then passed hamilton with 4 laps to go. So what has to claim the win of the day belonged to the british driver who now has to be considered as one of the all time greats. It doesnt really has not sunk in yet. I feel fresh i feel like im ready for another race its. It was a tough race that was and i still feel like im ready to keep going. So hamilton says he wants to keep going which is bad news for his rivals as they try to hold his. Current f one dominance so hell malik. Because im looking at the team to beat in the n. B. A. This season they won their 5th game in a row on sunday and they topped the western conference the broad himself and Anthony Davis where instead of form against the San Antonio Spurs the 3 time n. B. A. Champion bagging 13 assists a low with his 21 points while davis got a game high 25 points higher than ours however going to college with this buzzer beater winning it one i 396. Even impress a hip hop star snoop dogg. They could put in an impressive performance to help the Dallas Mavericks beat the Cleveland Cavaliers getting his 2nd triple double in a row with 29 points 14 rebounds and 15. 131. 00 to 1. 00 of the. 4 boards are the marian arson a venue i have been suggested as possible new head coaches of bar in munich it follows the sacking. On sunday following time after the 51 thrashing by his former team are in track to frankfurt on saturday it was barring heaviest defeat in more than 10 years in leeds and force in the blunders later the 48 year old had been at the club since the beginning of last season when he won a league and cup double. Now doctors are attempting to save the career of evertons Portuguese International on very gomez on monday the midfielder is undergoing surgery following a horrific leg injury during his sides 11. 00 draw against tottenham in the English Premier League on sunday or gomes was injured following a tackle by hearing men song and subsequent collision with. Sun so red for his involvement and its a later concern suffered a fracture dislocation to his right ankle and no timetable for his return has been announced what i can tell you that it will have all the support he needs from ourselves no serious injuries which we left when it was insured and it will become stronger as a football player. As a man because hes a fantastic. Professional and all the support you will need from ourselves. As ferrari courage even in europe has denied his teams supporters a racially abused Mario Balotelli on sunday saying the fans were simply teasing the Italian International play was temporarily stopped as balotelli the brashear took on the running away in syria when the 54th minute the striker kicked the ball into the stands following alleged racist abuse from hard supporters. The 29 year old then threatened to walk off the pitch but was persuaded to stay on the bar his team mates stadium announcement then one found the match to be abandoned if the chance continued when the game did regime balotelli gave the best possible response by class scoring the goal of the guy. But i spoke to the 4th official and he confirmed there was no racism at all so there was a lot of teasing towards a great player there were whistles but no racism i dont want to accuse mario maybe in other places he was on the receiving end of these kind of things maybe even here previously but today really nothing happened. Theres a game unbeaten run came to an end again its calorie a to win for calorie moved to level on points with 4 atlanta this is the 1st on the season. To score in history and again. Well number one actually bharti is one of the biggest cash prize in the history of tennis the australian collected 4420000. 00 for a win at the finals in china he beat elena fit to lena in the season ending final in chens then she had lost all 5 of our previous matches against the ukrainian but the Current French open champion took this match. And become the 1st australian woman to finish the season at the top of the world right. Where bartys pig day is a huge milestone for the womens game which has long fought for gender parity when it comes to prize money the original version of the finals was the virginia slims championships the 1st when it was christened that back in 172. 00 and she took home 25000. 00 a year later following pressure from womens player is the u. S. Open became the 1st grand slam to have equal prize money womens champion Margaret Court also getting 25000. 00 as did mens winner John Newcombe in 92. 00 Martina Navratilova became the 1st woman to become the all time leading prize money earner in tennis are overtaking Jimmy Connors a mantle she held for 7 years and now we have 2019 when a check of just over 4400000. 00 the prize money on offer for the mens tour final and all 4. 00 of the slams kenyan athletes once again dominated the top positions at the new york marathon geoffrey camera won the mens race for the 2nd time in 3 years and its come patrick just named he was making her mouth and debbie but she still won that in a torrent that was 7 seconds off the course record. That is always what ill have all i think people will see them im sure many thanks kemal is here on the other side of the break ill see you back here from 12 gene. Bond counting the cost of health care special u. S. Insurers of failing patients of the worlds richest country at one of the poorest nations Zimbabwes Health services on the brink of collapse but can the un hit its goal of universal health care for all by 2030 counting the cost on aljazeera. November on aljazeera planet s. O. S. Returns with a new series to sit out the facts and the Science Behind the climate and ecological crisis affecting our planet. Spain will hold its 4th election in 4 years after 8 inconclusive vote join us for coverage. The new series brings people together to discuss some of the big issues of our time turkish president aragon will meet with u. S. President donald trump at the White House Well bring you the latest and exiled explores the Historical Context of the regime the crisis and the increasing violence in mind mars record straight. November on. Rewind returns with series and updates past about to see a documentary. Green line continues with rendition us inside libyas prison when the rebels and to tripoli. So she ended with gadhafi regime it was an office of spying chief and i found a stash of documents which reveal the collaboration between british and Libyan Intelligence Services on al jazeera. Schools shops and Flights Canceled as new delhi struggles with its worst air pollution in years. Santamaria with the world news from aljazeera dozens of new advanced centrifuges irans Atomic Energy head and also to iran is stepping further from the 2050 nuclear deal also lebanese authorities about 10 most roads blocked by protesters on monday morning as the government demonstrations into their 19th day im looking at how rising inflation and corrupt

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