The sentence he was out on automatic Early Release and i have long said that this system simply isnt working. In a case thats caused by bridge in india Police Arrested 4 men accused of the rape and murder of a 27 year old woman plus. In markets like loney state and parts of zimbabwe im how to. Tell you why many families are still struggling. In sport boxing legend Manny Pacquiao opens the 30th Southeast Asian games in manila. Philippines Capital Shares a spectacular Opening Ceremony watched parts thousands of athletes and fans various details coming up later in the program. But the rocks Prime Minister may have offered to resign but that stung little to come protesters across the country who are demanding a complete overhaul of the political system. He says hes done everything in his power. Words to meet their demands but his pledge to quit says only creates it more Political Uncertainty and hes held a meeting with his cabinet sand parliament to debate his resignation possibly as early as sunday but there were more chaotic rallies on saturday with many protesters vowing not to give up until there is real change now more than 400 people have been killed since october and their fight for jobs and an end to corruption the violent crackdown by Supreme Security forces appears to be fueling further anger and on rest well lets get more now from our correspondent simona 14 she joins us live from baghdad simona what walky tell us about the Prime Ministers resignation whats the latest there. Well were hearing that the Prime Minister has now indeed submitted his resignation Resignation Letter to parliament what we still dont know is whether that is in fact the right way for him to resign the constitution is very ambiguous on this in fact it does not really outline the procedure by which the Prime Minister should be resigning its only the bylaws of the parliament that mentioned that the Prime Minister should in fact sentence resignation to the president who would then simply accept that thereby there would then be no need for parliament to even vote on the rez resignation but thats not what is happening right now the Prime Minister has sent his resignation to the letter to the parliament and in the meantime parliament is discussing whether they should be voting on it at all in tomorrows session now the question is how this would actually be handled it would probably be handled as a no confidence vote which would require an absolute majority for it to pass but all of this remains extremely ambiguous and the Higher Judicial Council which is the Supreme Judicial Authority in the country has not really voiced its legal opinion to really say what the right consider constitutional procedures are so it remains to be seen what will happen tomorrow in parliament whether or not it will actually vote on the resignation and whether that vote would pass but of course Many Parliament members are extremely aware that should they oppose the resignation of the Prime Minister it was 30 even more anger as among the demonstrators and its something that they simply cannot afford afford to do and simona meanwhile were hearing reports about renewed clashes in the sphere have you got an update on that. Well overall the situation has calmed down a little bit compared to the previous 2 days where we saw a lot of violence at least 40 People Killed on thursday and friday according to the Human Rights Commission some estimates are even higher and higher than that what we are hearing from a demonstrator on the ground is that some protesters are trying to enter the building of the Police Headquarters to attack it now what that demonstrator is saying that those protesters are just a very small group of people there infiltrators who are trying to sabotage a peaceful protest that in fact the other demonstrators are trying to prevent them from doing that in the meantime we also spoke to a doctor in one of the nearby hospitals who confirmed that she is receiving injured from live bullets from this afternoon for the clashes seem to have resumed were not hearing reports yet about any updated sapelo the figures thats something that usually takes time to confirm but it seems that clashes once again resumed and the iraqi Human Rights Commission is calling is warning that this could easily escalate and calling on the tribes in the south to step in and mediate a sign that there is really no confidence in either the local authorities not a federal government to resolve the situation in the city or in case mona fulton for no thank you very much indeed for bringing us the latest from baghdad lets stay with this story and turn and see subjoined was hes a member of the research mysie at the middle east center of London School of economics and joins us now live from london good to have you with us on the program sir lets start with food the political element to this the ball is now in the parliaments courts they have this letter of resignation what do you think theyll do with that what happens next. The thing is that until thursday neither the Prime Minister know the parliament. Were ready to to to change things neither the Prime Minister was not ready to resign and the parliament was not ready to change him or to sack him but when the speech of the mary j. Of no geoff came on friday which advised or told the parliament to correct the mistakes they have made in the past which means that they have chosen the wrong person and the parliament was ready to vote to take a vote of no confidence as cheap but the Prime Minister to preempt such such at the scene he said i send my theres a resignation to the parliament when one of the shortcomings of the constitution iraqi constitution which was written by the United States it may mainly that it has no clothes that says the power the Prime Minister should or could resign from his office he could submit an apology or Something Like his ignition to that of or to leave him from his duty to the president of the or by click or he could be sacked through. Questioning in the parliament and then board of no confidence now he done that i dont think that the parliament will delay such a thing i think they will take this is you know about it because they dont want to anger the people or anger them a jury of niger so i think they will take a decision although its very and because as your correspondent said but i think they will take a decision and relieve him from his office the problem is whom they will choose next if they are going to choose somebody from the same Political Parties from the same part Political Parties but the spitting and the but article process and then the problem will continue for 4 days and months. Quite and that was to be my next question you mentioned there are they not speeches they were in the parliament so theyve chosen the wrong person who is the right person because the protesters want a whole scale change and they want reform to deal with the ambiguity is there perhaps that were seeing with the situation so so his the right person to lead the country both from the point of view of the protestors or from the point of view the parliaments the parliaments not that it is choose anybody from outside the parliament or from outside the Political Parties that that that that i mean. I dont have the majority and side the parliament but in my opinion and i heard some rumors from some of my friends that in baghdad of course the president of the republic is trying to nominate and independent person to be the next Prime Minister and that he should be given the authority of the rise to choose his own cabinet even if they are not from the same Political Parties this is a very difficult decision of course the parliament if they want to do to save themselves from a destiny like the one that the Prime Minister suffered they should accept this but if they want to have demonstrations against them and attacks against them and then they were removed it would be a remote got from that office by the protesters they would i think they may refuse such i think ok great to get your thoughts. Joining us that live from london and people wait with bated breath to see how developments in iraq unfold thank you very much indeed. Now political campaigning has resumed in the u. K. This comes after it was suspended for in fridays knife attack in Central London the people were killed by the suspects before he was shot dead by police now the suspect has been named by police as was man khan and was convicted of terrorism related offenses in 2012 months released early from prison lets get more now from rory chalons he joins us live from london a really much of the focus is no turning to this suspect what more can you tell us about him. You know well technically those men can still have several years left of of a 16 year sentence yet he wasnt in prison he was out on the streets he was even invited to speak as a former prisoner at the events fishmongers all across the bridge yesterday that was where he pulled out his knife and started attacking people now let me explain how this could be he was convicted in 2012 along with. A wider group 8 men in total of various terrorism offenses they were plotting to attack among other targets the London Stock Exchange he was given an indeterminate sentence for the Public Protection but on appeal the following year 2013 that indeterminate sentence was changed into a fixed term sentence 16 years but under the english Justice System most prisoners on fixed term sentences can get out of the hof their sentence has been served its being called released on a license that means theyre electronic the tags theyre monitored as they have to conform to certain restrictions on their behavior but effectively. Theyre let out of prison so thats what happens with those men ican about why he was to all intents and purposes a free man yes they are free to go and kill people on the streets of london and madge and that will be a topic of discussion back in the u. K. The Prime Minister over of course turned that bridge earlier today what did he have to say about all of this. Oh. Yes he came down here just before midday g. M. C he was shown around the scene of the crime he was with the how you secretary pretty patel and also the chief commissioner of the metropolitan police press of the day. He was given an explanation about what it happens hes been very critical all the while he explains that hes been very critical of this system of letting out prisoners hoff way through their sentences he thinks this is a broken system we can hear exactly what he said after that sort of London Bridge earlier on today. But hes cleared to meet the. This guy was out. Of hof of his sentence he was out on automatic Early Release and i have long said that this system simply isnt working it does not make sense for us as a society to put it in putting terrorist people who are convicted of terrorist offenses a serious bond offenses out on Early Release. Now you do get the sense that downing street in slight damage limitation mode here because this is the final stages of an Election Campaign the conservative party Boris Johnsons party has been in power for the best part of a decade now so much of this whole episode with the postman come on and hof way release of prisoners has been going on under previous conservative governments yet Boris Johnson is trying to distance himself from that and say hes always been opposed it doesnt matter what previous conservative governments have done hes a man who stood up against that system he wants to change but of course hes looking towards the polls december the 12th thats when hes hoping that voters will put him back in downing street. Every challenge their life. And i thank you very much indeed. Theres lots more still to come on the aljazeera news are including the president sentenced for murder syrian arms leader is handed a 20 year term but theres no guarantee hell see a prison cell. I march a war in a forest in my paper the home to thousands of Indigenous People they say they are living in a constant fear of addiction but that they are determined to fight for what they claim is their habitat. And the hockey coach at the center of a racism investigation has quit his job well have more with that story later in the program. Thousands of yemenis of rallies in ties to protest against the worsening Economic Situation demonstrators blame the government sounds the saudi u. A. E. Coalition for mismanaging the countrys economy but hooty rebels are surrounding the city and have cut off supply lines for years of war has destroyed much needed facilities theres a shortage of basic goods and many yemenis are on the verge of famine. The rebels have released research they say is of the shooting down of a society Apache Helicopter the group says is behind the dining of the aircraft on friday. Saturday pilots were killed the so we know confirmation from riyadh only incidents but the helicopter was apparently hit by a surface to air missile and crashed on the side of the side of the border. The army and democratic republic of congo says its killed a senior rebel leader as parts of a major offensive the commander of the allied Democratic Forces was reportedly killed near benny in the east it happened just hours after the bodies of 13 people were discovered nearby theres been a number of attacks planed on rebels since the government launched its offensive earlier this month catherine soy has been meeting survivors and family members of the victims she sent us this reports from the regional capital goma the morgue in the hospital is still small to hold the bodies of 28 People Killed by allied Democratic Forces or a. D. F. Fighters in an attack this week so some caskets have to stay outside the. Family and residents of are still in shock theyre also frustrated accusing both congolese Security Forces and United Nations peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect them from rebel attacks. What is happening here is unacceptable we need to be united to solve the security problem i have seen those bodies most coveted it others by and we cannot accept this what some in this crowd have lost many relatives. By we dont want to see Soldiers Police or day un they must all leave my parents and 3 other relatives are being killed i dont have a family now. Many say that angered by the insecurity at least 100. 00 civilians have been killed by a. D. F. Rebels since a government offensive against them started in october. Protesters have been out on the streets of temple and goma in north kivu Province Police have been trying to clear this road all morning by filling out it because people keep bringing back the stone processing go mark i said several days ago and protests there theyre saying theyre want to get to a u. N. Base to express that anger that they may not want the u. N. Here before the u. N. And the government for the not doing enough to protect the people in beni. Some Human Rights Campaign as also accuse Security Forces of failing to do their job. People that the brunt of the battle to control vast Mineral Resources here its never become really isnt me that is going to solve it its no more no school that is a felony here. But its to cut off. The supply channel of blue allowed mineral rights thats number one second then is to be talks whether we cold this people 80 year full base to whatever we need to engage in and that has to be done honestly regionally by you all the neighboring countries back in the believed to not only allowed funds they also hope for the rebels to time kathy soliah al jazeera omar. Lets take a closer look at the Democratic Forces group was formed in 1905 by ugandan rebel leader as a combined regional rebel force that was a originally based in western uganda but later expanded into neighboring democratic republic of congo according to the un the group had an estimated 1221500 fighters and 2013 and operated mainly in the eastern congo the city of beni the allies Democratic Forces has been accused of committing widespread atrocities in the region including rape and the use of child soldiers. To other news now and the president of syria numb has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder the c. Ters say was convicted of killing 15 political opponents in 1982 in the courts ruled that oversaw an operation to have them a productive and killed snow hes currently out of the country on an official trip to china the military court that found him guilty on friday has not ordered his arrests ants the president can appeal the sentence. The protests have led searing on through the 1980 s. As heads over military government the court ruled that during this time he was in charge of an operation which lawyers in which lawyers journalists and University Professors were seized from their homes and killed but one individual survived the attack and testified before the trial which began some 12 years ago but heresy and his supporters have repeatedly tried to stop the proceedings they even passed a law to grant him immunity a law which was later invalidated now in 1900 darts courts convicted the president in absentia on Drug Trafficking charges charges that the turner say has tonights lets get more on this story rosemary inhofe there is the profit is a professor of history of syrian army at the university of amsterdam and joins us now on skype from amsterdam itself gets have you with us on the program this is a rather unusual case is it losses the sort of thing that would bring down any other leaders so given this you think this is the ends for paternity. Thank you for having me im not sure if this is going to be the end of the bow to set at least not yet. He has been very cunning in staying in power he has been the most powerful man and sort in our you believe since 980 behind and before scenes and i think hes coming back tomorrow you will be landing cording to Plan Authority on the morning and his party house call to. Receive him and bring him in triumph to the capital. And so i guess well be waiting to see what happens when he comes back for china but its unusual is it not that the military havent issued a warrant for his arrest even though he has been found guilty of or of these crimes why would you explain that i think the judge to send this case all female by the way. Where are afraid of a civil unrest or maybe even a civil war type situation so dont want to go too far and you have to remember that boat us despite all these allegations has never been a day in jail or has been arrested before nor has he testified in court. And will if that the the military were perhaps of afraid of civil unrest arising from this does this suggest that the president enjoys quite widespread Popular Support because these are quite staggering charges orchestrating a campaign of runs it up 15 of your political opponents not in the murder at that is there is there is the country split on this case or or does the president s enjoyed quite a loss of supporters i think its safe to say that the country is split on this case he has supported you know its a very well organized party. He is the president he is elected democratically and you shouldnt forget certain out 1st of all as a small country less than 600000 people live there and secondly many of these inhabitants are you are they were not there they were not born yet when the the summer killings and 1982 happened so de dont have an active memory so their interest is split about people being for or against focus a bit also younger people who just have no memory of this. And just finally what does this case say about democracy and the rule of law in syria. Well it is a triumph i think for the rule of law and that justice can be done this has taken very long you mention its started in 2007 it was even a pretrial before that so this has been more than 12 years in the making so this is a triumph for the state of law. And of the my favorite have to leave it there but great to get your thoughts and analysis on this case and often joining us live from sudan thank you. Now millions of indias Indigenous People are living in fear of being of victims from their lands thats because state governments have been slow to enforce a law that protects their rights politicians say the forests need to be conserved but critics say they are on the promoting business centra acts of war of his state the state of missouri pradesh for the native community is fighting back. Theyve sing and share the by are farmers and forages. Living off the forests in the state of multiplication in central india. The family of 5 eat what they grow and drink from the stream. But their claim to land in the forest was rejected by the local government and Indias Supreme Court ordered dead eviction. Thing is aware of the governments plans to create a violent sanctuary in the forest. They are we as a diverse these are the original inhabitants on the forest belongs to us for us the truth is we cant live without our jungle and we just cant live in a city. More than a 1000000 indians across different states in india like multiple chat disco and child country may lose their homes and their way of life if the court order is carried out. By behavior is one of the many farmers whove already been evicted. The allege that they were beaten up by government forest workers and forced from the forest years ago and. Forest officials burned down our homes and meters homeless we were forced to even look for jobs is doing laborers per minute blunt activists say the 2006 Forest Rights act guaranteed the right of these people to their land but see the government is seeking to weaken this law with Indigenous People out of the way its easy for the governments to simply sell of lands to corporates to industries and Mining Operations with his has been happening for the past 5 years in on allies not scale the act recognize the right of 150000000 people to inhabit and live off 14000000 hectares of forest land in india so they could preserve their customs and culture and protect the forests the people here insist the forests provide them with everything they need it would be nice to have a few street lamps and a few paved streets but they refuse to give up the forest and move to a city they say if theres anything they fear more than forest officials it is the continuous erosion of their culture and identity for the Forest Department staff now its all about following procedure. Those whose claims have been rejected to being checked by village committees this is on the process now. While they wait for the supreme courts order theyve seen and she headed by live off the natural riches of the forest. The sea along with their compatriots all over india they will fight the powers that be to protect their traditional way of life to live with that is aljazeera want to put the india. So to come here on aljazeera farms all of the future will be in wales to see how only techniques could help to save the planets. And severe flooding blocks roads and bridges in kenya making it difficult for rescue teams to find survivors as possible have the sports and the l. A. Lakers continue their winning run all reaction from the n. B. A. Coming up later in the program later. How the winter change i think you could argue it is that is sweeping across to the temperatures dropped a bit more the cloud is clearly streaming through its rain for the most part but obviously it doesnt take very much height to give us the eastern side of turkey up towards georgia as a by john is like to be snow at least on the office slopes the cloud spills sas we get some rain into syria probably just a little bit it really runs roughly speaking west to east as development to fill the silence in iraq enough could be worse while significant rain seems likely there was snow as a kite as the iranian high ground to rounds of 15 and baghdad is a mere 18 but on the line levantine side the the training coast is still quite was a sun returns 20 in beirut only 15 no injuries to tell us more or less the sun the extent of the significant weather there is cloud to the south of that inside in the breeze be picked up ahead of it so we dusty for a time in riyadh otherwise its quiet and quite warm and is more is where it should be this time the year simulate the seasonal rains are working their way science or i go to touching namibia as well they have reached north and zimbabwe but in the immediate future this is looking fine and quiet but its quite warm for the south and some parts of south africa. I think stories generate foundations of headlines these protests are saying down with the system down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we came to prison doesnt mean the right stopped at the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories without taking down the misinformation from the journalism its about telling the stories of those human beings on the ground with the listening post on aljazeera. And investigation of how Foreign Companies plunder africas Natural Resources but trust is show important in a big question revealing how no medias officials demand cash in exchange for favors. But. With confidential documents provided to aljazeera by wiki leaks visit us a big new committee for interest i will fight to the crunch and im not denying it aljazeera investigations the anatomy of a bribe. This is al jazeera our mind of the headlines this hour iraqs Prime Minister has officially submitted his resignation to parliament and asked members to debate it possibly as early as sunday at all of the announced his intention to quit on friday following weeks of antigovernment process that often turned violent u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has visited the site of a knife attack in london where 2 people were killed on friday police say the attacker had been convicted of terror related offenses in 2012 votes he was released early. And the army in the democratic republic of congo says its killed a rebel router as part of a major offensive against a. D. F. Fighters the group has been blamed for a series of massacres in the beni region the latest killed at least 13 people in who could tama. Thousands of people who survived the devastating cycle in zimbabwe 8 months ago are still living in tents hundreds were killed and thousands displaced one cycle in it i struck parts of Southern Africa the rainy season could now make the lives of survivors even worse. Has more from german money money in eastern zimbabwe. Home for mabel check out our used to be a house with a small garden now she lives in a taint with her husband and children. They survived. That struck parts of eastern zimbabwe in march but she says adjusting to this new way of living is hard her family never has enough food and whenever it rains its terrifying not just does it have to do much and we dug up the money it brings back bad memories i keep thinking what if that terrible storm happened again last time godspeed my life what if this time is different in a day and always kid living in. Many people in this camp say they want to place to call their own again but they dont know when or if theyll be moved some used to live in this Rural Community before you die struck it was a worst storm to hit somebody with an psycho ilene nearly 20 years ago people say they heard a rumbling noise at 1st no one saw what it was and then they saw these rocks and boulders tumbling down from the mountains or were they being pushed by the water and raging went all the holes in his party were destroyed and this is all thats left. Others were lucky the violent flood and debris narrowly missed a few buildings and schools in other places entire communities were devastated. Here 300 households are working together to repair damage to a dam its part of an initiative to help people rebuild you want to make sure you understand why your house failed or why that specific breach why that school. Roof. And if needs be if you dont need to put your specific. Systems in place so it doesnt happen again then thats thats where you want to put the effort and money in. Roads and bridges are also being prioritized but its a race against time the rainy season has just started people could again be at risk if the proper infrastructure isnt in place. Hundreds of people in eastern zimbabwe died during cycle need i many more are still missing presumed dead and those who survived are hoping this rainy season will be safe how do matters aljazeera zimbabwe. The rape and murder of a 27 year old woman in indias Southern City of hyderabad is causing Outrage Police have detained for man after finding the burned body of the veterinarian under a bridge Priyanka Reddy was taken to a secluded area and gang rapes before a body was doused in fuel it was found on thursday morning now shed earlier called her family to say a motorbike has a flats tire of about 100 thats what the girl had returned from her workplace and was on her way to see a doctor she parked to scrutiny of a toll plaza and when she was returning a stranger approached her to tell her its time i was punctured shed been called assistant and then her mobile phone was switched off we are investigating all these angles and now we have some evidence. Well the Indian Government has toughened some of its laws to reduce crimes against women following the rape of a woman on a boss in 2012 in 3030 in the presence of a rapist was doubled to 20 years actions including voyeurism stalking and trafficking of women were also classified as offenses and parliament voted to lower the age suspects could be tried for rape and other sexual offenses from 18. 00 to 16. 00 but the figures showed nearly 39000 women were raped in india and 26 including more than 2000 girls under the age of 12 Kavita Krishnan is the secretary of the all India Progressive Womens Association she says politicians divert from the issues that hands when responding to cases of violence against women. The specific thing that is going to you know acutely at india right now is that you have. A government which is fanning up. Tensions between hindus and muslims and its doing politics in that name and so what happens is that such an incident happens and a large part of the response that is made by the ruling party and its supporters info on on media social media is to try and see all of the 4 men at us to put one of them is muslim and the muslims out the problem rather than think back to the uk is the problem disrespectful consent to the problem the fact that our government and not doing enough to make our streets well lit and faithful and more friendly for women to be out in large numbers that is the problem the fact that your police encourages victim blaming is that is the problem you know theres an attempt to divert could be from all of that. I mean we think that through someone has now killed 42 people more than 3000 cases have been by just and since of torpor when the outbreak began Health Authorities say most of the victims are children under the age of 4 small has some of the lowest immunization rates in the world unfortunately in samoa part of what is happening there has to do with some social net social messaging around an anti Vaccine Group and this is now being measured in the lives of children who are who have died in the course of this outbreak. So how do vaccination rates in samoa compared to other countries globally the vaccination rate for measles is around 85 percent in samoa it sits between 30 and 40 percent according to u. N. Estimates and thats much lower than its pacific neighbors like tome where immunization rates of over 90 percent. Are damaged roads and bridges have slowed attempts to reach a flood hit area in kenya 120 people have been killed in west book courts but there are fears that number could rise when rescue workers are able to get to areas that have been cut off by others or has more from the capital nairobi. A week of the traditional floods in most parts of North Western kenya many bridges that remain down fast flowing water is also washed away long sections of roads workers are repairing this bridge on the road between keitai and road while the governments appealing for help from anyone but a lack of city james we need of assistance we can get we have been to well wishers for the prototype for nice to take food and medicine to the affected people so they can cope you get stuck in the village of tom collins one of the last hit by floods and landslides which followed days of torrential rains and tire families were wiped out in a torrent of water rocks and in all 21 kenyan started here you might assume that when such disasters happen emergency help is quick to arrive but in tom luck its the village just left with the grim task of such and for the bodies of missing relatives government rescue workers are yet to arrive because of the damage to roads and bridges. Were really sad that weve not yet recovered the bodies about children its not just my sons body but also my neighbors 7 children who died we need urgent help west book called counties damaged traders and their families are working together to clear the debris away eager to reopen their businesses but the flood threat isnt over kenyans in affected villages again being judged to move to safer ground that could run you down there the government does not issue a necessary warning its the danger is real and perfect and by the floods and landslides must look it understand only when we had western tune for the many flooded the whole grain but clearly not a few days could take months and months to recover from and there will undoubtedly be questions in the coming days and weeks about whether a mole. Or should have been done. To protect lives and property homicide the world as it may well be. That december 1st marks a year since mexican president andress Manuel Lopez Obrador took office is Approval Ratings remain high but critics say hes done little to solve major problems mexico registered a Record Number of homicides in the 1st 6 months of this year and the violence shows no signs of slowing down and fisher reports from mexico city. Luis enrique hopes one day soon his daughter will stop being a statistic one of the thousands missing in mexico he stops strangers on the street asking for help follows up every possible lead but more than a month on im ronnie is still missing from my home in a cat to pick about an hours drive from mexico city is he doing when i couldnt get in touch with her by foreigner what set me says i didnt know she came to my house or when to my mothers but i wasnt worried because she did that sometimes i thought maybe her cell phone ran out of vetri the next day there was still no contact hed no choice but to go to the authorities to report her missing missing those put the heel i felt defenseless and i felt impotent because i had to do all the investigation i had to bring all the information to the authorities i even had to force them to search for her. Im irani is one of thousands of mexicans who disappeared each year some have been trafficked others have been murdered the greaves litter mexico or mexico elected a new president last year they did so largely on the promises made by andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that he would end the plague of violence in the country but in the 1st 6 months of this year the 1st 6 months of his presidency the moderate has hit an historic high. Were changing the strategy to combat insecurity and violence because it was a failed strategy that only consisted in the use of force and it didnt deliver any results it only made things worse. Despite his election. Promising a new Security Policy there have been clear challenges to the rule of law in mexico the most blatant when the authorities were forced to release the captured son of drug lord Joachim El Chapo Guzman when the send a lower cartel took control of the area he was being held and so what we have is a government that makes promises allows us publicly that he will make a change but then does not implemented the promises he made. In the meantime we have thousands of people searching individually for their loved ones without the necessary support luis and ricky thinks his daughter may still be alive. Weve been searching for her and in hospitals even in prisons i suspect that this is probably a case of trafficking. He says theyre still hoping for her return but hope may not be enough to see for alan fischer aljazeera mexico city. A brick sits at the heart of next months election in britain the liberal democrats are very to keep the u. K. In the European Union while labor is promising a chance to vote again join a whole went to brussels to find out what the e. U. Thinks of it. With the conservative party ahead in opinion polls Boris Johnsons campaign to get briggs it done could prove election winning and we can get on with that deal not just the promise of leaving by january the 31st but with a trade deal too by the end of 2020 so we get brits down more than 3 years after the u. K. s breaks it referendum it is a big guy ling time line but one that is viewed with rather less optimism by the e. U. Side so its for him its much easier to to sell people this story he knows the truth is hes clearly not telling people the full truth so he into failed is a member of the European Parliament shes fiercely and he breaks it but reconciled to want mainline head it will be very difficult i mean people often make the comparison with the negotiations we had with canada for a Free Trade Agreement i mean canada is probably the most european country on earth. Theyre very close to us and yet it took 7 years to negotiate a trade deal and it still hasnt been ratified if brakes it does become law by january 31st that would leave just 11 months to complete a trade deal before the end of the formal transition period if you thought negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement was tough say bricks of what is here in brussels you aint seen nothing yet theres talk of a brutal reckoning for u. K. Negotiators as they get to grips with the future relationship complete with uncomfortable compromises prolonged uncertainty and yet more nail biting deadlines to come. Boris johnson insists they will be no further extensions raising the prospect of no deal on future relations between britain and its biggest trade partner really had several cliff edges in this process and really weve got one coming up even before the end of next year because there would have to be a decision normally or whether to extend the transition period in the middle of the year so actually with the time the kind of response the we would get even if everything goes according to plan from the u. K. Government side and leaves on january 31st response would be very short a faster fire i wouldnt necessarily take his claims that extend at face value because he also said the u. K. Would leave the e. U. On the 31st of october come what may and here we are but i think concerning the trade relations its a bit like asking whether you can build a house in a week of course you can bit house in a week but the question is what kind of house you going to get and whether anyone is going to be very happy with the house its an irony not lost on many that the oldest part of the European Parliament building in strasburg is named after britains wartime leader Boris Johnson if he wins well need a strong dose of churchills fighting spirit if we stick it breaks it down as promised jonah how aljazeera brussels. The un says Global Warming is upsetting the food systems reducing harvests and intensifying poverty and hunger but the way we produce food is worsening the problem accounting for nearly 40 percent of Greenhouse Gas emissions and the hayward travelled c western wales in the u. K. Where farmers are trying to do things differently. For farmers looking after the land whatever the weather is a lifetime commitment none more so than at the holden family farm in the welsh hills where they take a holistic approach to producing food no chemicals have been used on the palm purported. Yes and theyve sown herbst into the pasture land to build a copper back to the soil to help offset some of the methane produced by the cows. Thats chicory in here as well this yarrow and burnette and other herbal plants which the cows loved also they have deep roots and they help rian live in the soil and build the organic carbon by which we need to have to do to address Climate Change. Patrick is a pioneer of the movement to produce food more sustainably he wants governments to support and vironment friendly farming methods while taxing those that pollute and hes encouraging consumers to pay more attention to how the food on the table is produced a lot of farmers doubt whether the system could work and feed enough people but here is a which is demonstrating that this is the future the i. P. C. C. The uns body on Climate Change says Global Warming is already upset in food systems decreasing harvests an increasing Food Insecurity but it says poor land practices a contributing to 23 percent of global Greenhouse Gas emissions come from bombing agriculture and other land uses the trend towards more Sustainable Farming is something we can afford not to undertake and we need to act immediately because we probably have only 10 years left in making these changes if we are to irreversible Climate Change. Looking after the soil and seeing its potential for combating Climate Change is at the heart of what happens a few kilometers away blind camel and contributes to this organic farm success. Being created. For materials like grass. And. It is biologically active with millions of microorganisms working to simulate the life of the foil here they aim to be Carbon Neutral but plan to be carbon negative and everything thats grown goes into the local markets. By managing the farmlands of the world you can bring carbon into a situation where it is stable within the saw oil and that will help the future not only for Climate Change per se but also for Food Production farming wherever in the world has always been tough but a changing climate makes it even more challenging some farmers believe the answer lies in overhauling current industrialised farming techniques and embracing practices that both draw from and nurture the land and he would aljazeera in the west of wales but planet s. O. S. So to come on aljazeera the Japanese Team moving in science of their 1st league title in 15 years thats coming up for you and support. From ancient embryos to communist leaders. Age old philosophies and the rule of order remains central to the worlds oldest living civilization. In the 1st of a 2 part series the big picture charts how a history spanning by 1000 years shaped chinas world in the industrialized world. The china complex part one on aljazeera when the news breaks. When people need to be heard. And the story needs to be told 145000 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. And indepth reports using the not a big project on aljazeera has teams on the ground and thats a story the seeing right here to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life news. Its time for the sport now heres how i thank you very much the 30th edition of the Southeast Asian games are officially underway the philippines is the host nation for the regions biggest multi sports events. Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao has played a starring role in the Opening Ceremony more than 5000 athletes are set to compete over the next 2 weeks and while this ceremony went off without a hitch organizers have faced a trouble build up to the events dealing with allegations of financial corruption unfinished stadiums and treatment of visiting athletes. Are getting their 1st held in 1959 a vast event was hosted by thailand and included just 6 countries 11 nations now take part brunei cambodia indonesia laos malaysia me and the philippines singapore thailand east timor and lets not forget vietnam this edition set to be the most ambitious yet featuring a record 56 sports a sports just one of the events making their games debbie one of the. More i came here to support our athletes and also our country the philippines will show that the unity of filipinos can help support our team i hope the Southeast Asian games will be successful we say we will as want because all of us are winners long live the philippines now the draw for the european football championships will be made in romania in the coming hours the countrys Capital Bucharest is one of 12 cities with englands Wembley Stadium staging the final there are set to be some tough groups the World Champions france and titleholders portugal not amongst the top seeds for the 24. 00 team events. And theres no particular protection clearly youve seen that they did the title holders sports are going on in party because they didnt win the group to the winner of the group is ukraine and ukraine thanks to the results of import one and portugal. Everybody accepts it because they are once again we have clear rules. Ok to the English Premier League champions Manchester City of once again drop points this time away at newcastle they drew 22 with former liverpool midfielder Jonjo Shelvey getting the light equaliser for the mark pars liverpool featuring in one of the 4 games in action right now the dart scored twice to put them to up against brighton a win would see them go 11 play at the top of the table are key to spains i league now and have gone to the top of the table there are 2 are winners that out of this captain said you know ramos and danny cava how they scored of madrid theyre now 3 points ahead of boss learned who are 2nd boss or Athletico Madrid on sunday are your home f. Marinos are closing in on their 1st japanese late starter for 15 years a full one win over defending champions color sucky from tally has moved them inside of the joey League Championship they need just a point in their final game against a c. Ter carrick to wrap up the title. Well lets see turkey has heartland visions are all but over after a 11. 00 draw with the orewa beds they did for the League Leaders in the farm around its going to require a full goal victory to secure an unlikely its hard to break. One of the surprise 1st out when is the arabian gulf cup in qatar currently struggling in their 2nd match coates upset tournament favorite saudi arabia 31. 00 in their opening game but the cowardly to kneel down against are no longer just off the half time their abilities a look bally scoring a berth goals from the penalties. Of the n. H. L. Courage at the center of a racism investigation has resigned from the Calgary Flames bill peters stepped down just days after being accused of abusing a player 10 years ago. Said he was targeted by peters when the pair were involved in Minor League Hockey paters had issued an apology for using a racial slur but didnt refer to allude by name in his statement. We as players all we can do today is is move forward we we. You know we know that in society theres theres no place for for that and the decision however they came to was made obviously you know a tree and hanging heavy was it was involved in the process and i think they did a good job and now we move on as players and thats all we can do. I came to their it this morning just knowing that i was going to run practice so for me really as its something that. Is going to take a little bit of time. But you know our focus right now is trying to parry apply the centers more. Yes i like his of clinch their 10th straight when he claimed the record for the best start to the season in their franchise history they crushed the visiting Washington Wizards of the brawn giants who else finishing a 23 points and 11 assists on the night but it was Anthony Davis who started once again for the lakers with 26 points and 13 rebounds unlike his when he won 25 to one our 3 its a 70 its winning 18 carries. Now finlands level niskanen has delighted hard science by winning the 15 kilometer Cross Country skiing classic and he finished in 35 minutes and 17 seconds to out sure no ways multiple olympic and World Champion your harness hearse left play by 13 seconds in the womens 10 k. No waist today as you know howard was the only competitor to 27 minutes as she won by more than 30 seconds thats it will it thanks very much to stay with us here and ill just back after this short break. Our planet is warming as napa before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. F. Sets out the facts and the Science Behind the issues affecting our panic. And brings you what people across the globe doing to touch on the crisis around plan attacks so ask on aljazeera. Just said ill just see it as this here comes to an end we look ahead to 2020 and the stories that may shape the people in power investigates the shocking treatment of disabled people in eastern europe. An exclusive look at the Worlds Largest conference on h. I. V. In rwanda will be efforts achieve an aids free africa a true part series child chinas rise of the 21st century superpower. Un leaders will gather in spain to discuss issues about Climate Change and examine the possible Global Solutions join us for live coverage to sound on aljazeera. A chinese casino empire is transforming cambodia bombed money Rapid Development and criminology so i want to investigate the winners and losers in cambodia to see. On aljazeera. Iraqs Prime Minister officially submit says resignation to paula months but protesters say they wont spike time. How long hes in and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson criticizes the criminal Justice System after it emerged as the suspects and fridays attack was convicted back in 2012. The leader of a rebel group behind a series

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