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At 1st iraqs Prime Minister has now officially handed in his resignation to parliament but starts the little to come protesters across the country as a lab they held an emergency meeting with his cabinet and asked the war hosts to debates his resignation he said he had no choice but to resign. This to a spot my resignation was essential to disarm the crisis and calm the situation in the country i hope the parliament choose a quick alternative for the country because the situation in the country cant handle a caretaker government for a long while well all eyes are now on the protest movements but there are more chaotic rallies on saturday with many protestors voting not to give up until there is real change more than 400 people have been killed since october in their fight for jobs and an end to corruption the un has repeatedly called for an investigation into the violence while to syria similar fulton has more from baghdad on what might happen in parliaments on sunday. He has officially now sent his Resignation Letter Resignation Letter to the parliament we are still unclear whether that is in fact how he should be resigning the constitution does not really mandate to step in fact the bylaws of the Parliament Say that he should be submitting his Resignation Letter to the president who wouldnt merely accept it and that there is in fact no need for the parliament to be voting on that now that the matter he has previously said that he would step down but he was basically pressured by the political establishment to stay on and it seems that following the call of grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani on friday to resign he was basically no longer able able to to sustain his government and to keep going and he also said that his government would be staying on as a caretaker government for 30 days or until another government was chosen but he also warned that he hoped that a new government would be chosen quickly because the Current Situation in the country could not really bear care to get the caretaker government for a very long time that basically the parliament and the president would need to act fast to reach a solution now what might happen tomorrow on sunday there is a Parliament Session and its still unclear whether the parliament will actually vote on the part of the Prime Ministers resignation it appears that what might happen is a vote of no confidence of course that is very strange because the Prime Ministers already submitted his resignation so there is actually no need for parliament to be launching a vote of no confidence but that is the only constitutional mechanism by which they could be voting on his resignation and that requires an absolute majority. Joe words for is from the London School of economics he thinks parliament will act quickly on what is resignation. When the speech of the majority of no just came on friday which advised or told the parliament to correct the mistakes they have made in the past which means that they have chosen the wrong person and parliament was ready to vote to take a vote of no confidence as it seemed by the Prime Minister to preempt such a decision he said i send my theres a resignation to the parliament when one of the shortcomings of the constitution iraqi constitution which wasnt in by the United States mainly that it has no clothes that says the power the Prime Minister should or could resign from his his office he could submit an apology or Something Like it is a commission to the or to leave him from his duty to the president of the republic or he could be sacked through. Questioning in the parliament and then vote of no confidence now he done that i dont think that the parliament will delay such a thing i think they will take this is you know about it because they dont want to anger the people or. Marjorie of niger so i think they will take a decision the army in democratic republic of congos says its killed a senior rebel leader as part of a major offensive the commander all of the of my Democratic Forces Mohammed Islam was reportedly killed benny his group has been a key piece of a series of mass killings since the government launched its offensive earlier this month where correspondent catherine so has been meeting survivors and family members of the victims she sent us this report from the regional capital goma. The morgue in the hospital is still small to hold the bodies of 28 People Killed by allied Democratic Forces or a. D. F. Fighters in an attack this week so some caucus have to stay outside the family and residents of stealing chalk are also frustrated accusing both Congolese Security forces and United Nations peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect them from rebel attacks. What is happening here is unacceptable we need to be united to solve the security problem i have seen those bodies most competition and we cannot accept a fix for what some in this crowd have lost many relatives. By we dont want to see Soldiers Police or day un they must all be leaves my parents and 3 other relatives have been killed i dont have a family now. Many say that angered by the insecurity at least 100. 00 civilians have been killed by a. D. F. Rebels since a government offensive against them started in october. Protesters have been out on the streets of the tamil and goma in north kivu Province Police have been trying to clear this road all morning by fear failing at it because people keep bringing back the stone processing goma several days ago and protests there the thing that want to get to a u. N. Base to express that on top of that saying that no one the u. N. Here before the u. N. And the government for that im not doing enough to protect the people in beni. Some Human Rights Campaign as also accuse Security Forces of failing to do their job. Congolese people bad the brunt of the battle to control vast Mineral Resources here its never mcconville is a me that is going to solve it its no more no score that is a felony here but its to cut off the supply chain of blue mineral rights. Thats number one second there has to be talks whether we call this people 80 year bull bastes whatever we need to engage him and that is to be done honestly regionally by your the neighboring countries back in 0 each are believed to not only mourn their loved ones they also hope that they were able to tan cathy zoi aljazeera. Yemen city rebels have released footage they say as of the shooting down of a saudi Apache Helicopter who claims theyre behind the dining of the aircraft which happened on friday in that same side the pilots were killed is still being you know confirmation from riyadh on the incident. A funeral has been held for a teenager shot dead by the Israeli Military 16 year old father last hour was killed near the gaza Israel Border on friday at least 348 palestinians have been killed by Israeli Foreign gaza since the weekly protests began last year. People in yemen have marched through ties to protest against Living Conditions demonstrators blame the government and the City Coalition for mismanaging economy you see rebels are also surrounding the city and have cut off supplies. Hundreds of protesters in sudan have marched in the capital to mother nonsense from the governments they want justice for those killed by the previous regime more than 200 people died during the demonstrations that forced Omar Al Bashir out of office last april. The u. K. s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has visited the site of a knife attack in london where 2 people were killed on friday Police Identified the attacker as was man can he was convicted of terror related offenses in 2012 and released early from prison catherine stansell reports. British Prime Minister porus johnson. Visiting the scene of the attack the pay tribute to those who died and the bravery of those who overpowered the man suspected of stopping several people in Central London to pay tribute to the incredible response that they were on the scene in 4 minutes the the terrorist the silent was was tackled. Within 5 minutes quite incredible response by the police oh also i want to pay tribute again as i think the whole countrys to the sheer bravery of those members of the public who went to deal with him spontaneously putting their own lives at risk dramatic new video shows bystanders as they take down the attacker they use a whale tusk and a fire extinguisher to stun him and then tackle him before armed police move in 28 year old esmond khan was attending a conference on prisoner rehabilitation when he threatens to blow up the venue he then went on a stabbing rampage before running out to nearby london bridge. In 2012 he was convicted in connection to a plot to blow up the London Stock Exchange he was released from prison in december last year serving less than half his sentence that would clearly need to be a repeat those who need to be questions are all said we do know that is in the public today in a working sort of bridging properties but this man was convicted of a very serious offense of terrorism what a serious offense you could be convicted of and its roger properties questions are also going to make sure that we did all that we can to keep the house city safe the perl board said it had no involvement in his release in a statement it said given the seriousness of this attack it is understandable that there is speculation about the attackers released from prison the parole board can confirm it had no involvement with the release of the individual identified as the attacker who appears to have been released automatically on license without ever being referred to the board police or. Searching khans home in staffordshire 3 hours north of london they believe he was acting alone and theres no further threat to the public the circumstances surrounding khans release are now in the spotlight the former head of the National Counterterrorism Security Office has issued a scathing criticism of the criminal Justice System saying that its playing russian roulette with the public by allowing convicted criminals to be released from prison too early and this will be a key election issue here as well with police on prisons being subject to budget cuts of recent years catherine stansell al jazeera london. Still to come here on aljazeera farms of the future will be in wales to see how all techniques could help to save the planet. In much like loney devastated parts of zimbabwe im how to. Tell you why many families are still struggling. However when to change i think you could argue it is that is sweeping across turkey the temperatures dropped a bit more the cloud is clearly streaming through its rain for the most part but obviously it doesnt take very much to give us the eastern side of turkey towards georgia as a bar john is like to be snow at least on the upper slopes the cloud spills sas we get some rain into syria probably just a little bit that ridge runs roughly speaking west to east as development to fill the silence in iraq and that could be worse while significant rain seems likely there was snow as a character is the rainy and high ground to rounds of 15 and baghdad is a mere 18 but on the learn lessons are inside the the training coast is still quite was a son returns 20 in beirut and 15 no injuries to her thats more or less the sudden extent of the significant weather there is clouds the south of that inside. Out in the breeze be picked up ahead of it so we dusty for a time in riyadh otherwise its quiet and quite warm and is more is where it should be this time yeah similarly the seasonal rains are working their way science or i go to touching namibia as well they have reached north in zimbabwe but in the immediate future this is looking fine and quiet but it is quite warm for the south and some parts of south africa. Out planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say that if still time to act climate s. O. F. Sets out the facts and the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. Im brings you what people across the globe doing to time the crisis around plan attacks o. F. On aljazeera. This is al jazeera a reminder of the headlines this hour iraqs Prime Minister has submitted his resignation to parliament and asked members to debate it possibly on sunday as a lapdog marty announced his intention to quit so on friday following 2 months of protests. U. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has visited the site of a knife attack in london where 2 people were killed on friday police say the attacker had been convicted of terror related offenses in 2012 but that he was released early from prison. And the army in the democratic republic of congo says its killed a rebel leader as part of a major offensive against a. D. F. Fighters the group has been blamed for a series of attacks around benny. Now the president of syria has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder their super tersely was convicted of killing 15 political opponents in 1982 well he is currently out of the country on an official trip to china the military court that found him guilty on friday has not ordered his arrest and the president can appeal the sentence well rosemary hope to is professor of history of syrian army at the university of amsterdam she says judges wont push for the president s arrest fearing civil unrest. Im not sure this is going to be the end for about a set at least not yet. He has been very cunning in staying in power and he has been the most powerful man and sore in our relief since 1980 behind and before scenes and i think he is coming back tomorrow you will be landing according to Plan Authority when the morning and his party house call to. Receive him and bring him in triumph to the capital i think the judges and this case are afraid of a civil unrest or maybe even a civil war type situation so they dont want to go too far and you have to remember that about us despite all these allegations has never been a day in jail or has been arrested before nor has he testified in court the rape and murder of a 27 year old woman in indias Southern City of hyderabad as causing Outrage Police and detained 4 men after finding her burned body under a bridge Priyanka Reddy was gang raped in a secluded area and murdered before her bosy was doused in fuel that was found on thursday morning she had called her family earlier to say that her motorbike had a flat tire. Well the Indian Government has toughened some of its laws to reduce crimes against women for whom the rape of a woman on a bus in 2012 in 2030 in the prison term for rapists was double to 20 years voyeurism stalking and trafficking of women were also classified as criminal offenses and parliament voted to lower the age of suspects who could be trials for rape and sexual offenses from 18 to 16 years old but the latest figures show nearly 39. 00 sons and women were raped an indian 2016 including more than 2 sons and girls under the age of 12 because its a christian is secretary of the all India Progressive Womens Association she says politicians divert from the issues that hands when responding to cases of violence against women the specific thing that is going to you know the kulit india right now is that you have. A government which is fanning up. Tensions between hindus and muslims and its doing politics in that name and so what happens is that such an incident happens and a large part of the response that is made by the ruling party and its supporters and so on on media social media is to try and see all of the 4 men and if it bothers one of them is muslim and the muslims out the problem rather than think back to the ark is the problem this is that book consent of the problem the fact that our government and not doing enough to make our streets well lit and people and more then gleeful women to be out in large numbers that is the problem the fact that your police encourages victim blaming is that is the problem you know that theres an attempt to divert the the from all of that. Millions of indias Indigenous People are living in fear of being a victim from their land thats because state governments have been slow to enforce a law that protects their rights politicians say forests need to be conserved but critics claim theyre only promoting business interests and so for a visit the state of missouri pradesh for the native community is finds in bank. Theyve sing and shared by our farmers and forages. Living off the forest in the state of market in central india. The family of 5 eat what they grow and drink from the stream. But their claim to land in the forest was rejected by the local government and Indias Supreme Court ordered dereliction. Singh is aware of the governments plans to create a violent sanctuary in the forest are not about there are we as a diverse these are the original inhabitants on the forest belongs to us for us the truth is we cant live without our jungle and we just cant live in a city. More than a 1000000 indians across different states in india like multiple chad and child country may lose their homes and their way of life if the court order is carried out. By behavior is one of the many farmers whove already been evicted. The allege that they were beaten up by government forced workers and forced from the forest years ago and warning forest officials burn down our homes and meters homeless we are forced to even look for jobs is doing laborers per minute blunt activists say the 2006 Forest Rights act guaranteed the right of these people to their land but see the government is seeking to weaken this law with Indigenous People out of the way its easy for the governments to simply sell of lands to corporate store industries and Mining Operations with his has been happening for the past 5 years in on allies not scale the act recognize the right of 150000000 people to inhabit and live off 40000000 hectares of forest land in india so they could preserve their customs and culture and protect the forests the people here insist the forests provide them with everything they need it would be nice to have a few street lamps and a few paved streets but they refuse to give up the forest and move to a city they say if theres anything they fear more than forest officials it is the continuous erosion of their culture and identity for the Forest Department staff now its all about following procedure. Those whose claims have been rejected to being checked by village committees this is on the process now. While they wait for the supreme courts order theyve seen and she headed by live off the natural riches of the forest. The sea along with their compatriots all over india they will fight the powers that be to protect their traditional way of life to live with that is aljazeera want to put the india. A maze also epidemic sweeping through some more snow killed 42 people 103000 cases have been registered since october when the outbreak began Health Authorities say most of the victims are children under the or for some or has some of the lowest in nearest ration rates in the world thousands of people who survived or effect upon thousands of people who survived a cycle in some way 8 months ago are still living in tents hundreds were killed and thousands displaced one cycle and its eyes start parts of Southern Africa there are fears the rainy season bomoh make the lives of survivors even worse. Has more from she money money in eastern zimbabwe. Home for mabel check out our used to be a house with a small garden now she lives in a tent with her husband and children. They survived tropical cycle that struck parts of eastern zimbabwe in march but she says adjusting to this new way of living is hard her family never has enough food and whenever it rains its terrifying. Just enough to do much and we dug up the money it brings back bad memories i keep thinking what if that terrible storm happens again last time god spared my life what if this time is different in a day and always kid living it. Many people in this camp say they want to place to call their own again but they dont know when or if theyll be moved some used to live in this Rural Community before you die struck it was a worst storm to hit zimbabwe since cycling ilene nearly 20 years ago people say they heard this rumbling noise the 1st they were unsure what it was and then they saw these rocks and boulders tumbling down from the mountains over there being pushed by the water and raging when all the holes in his part were destroyed and this is all thats left. Others were lucky the violent flood and debris narrowly missed a few buildings and schools in other places entire communities were devastated. To. Hear 300 households are working together to repair damage to a dam its part of an initiative to help people rebuild you want to make sure you understand why your house failed or why that specific breach why that school. Roof. And if needs be if youre need to put your specific. Systems in place so it doesnt happen again then thats thats where you want to put the effort and money in. Roads and bridges are also being prioritized but its a race against time the rainy season has just started people could again be at risk if the proper infrastructure isnt in place. Hundreds of people in eastern zimbabwe died during cycle need by many more are still missing presumed dead and those who survived are hoping this rainy season will be safe how do we toss aljazeera zimbabwe. The un says Global Warming is upsetting food systems reducing harvests and intensifying poverty and hunger farming is making the problem worse says that accounts for nearly 40 percent of Greenhouse Gas emissions and they were trouble to whales in the u. K. Where farmers are trying to do things differently. For farmers looking after the land whatever the weather is a lifetime commitment none more so than at the holden family farm in the welsh hills where they take a holistic approach to producing food no chemicals have been used on the palm purported 6 years and theyve sown herbs into the pasture land to build a copper back to the soil to help offset some of the methane produced by the cows. Thats chicory and then here as well this Yarrow Burnette and other herbal plants which the cows loved also they have deep roots and they help real live in the soil and build the organic carbon by which we need to have to do to address Climate Change. Patrick is a pioneer of the movement to produce food more sustainably he wants governments to support and vironment friendly farming methods while taxing those that pollute and hes encouraging consumers to pay more attention to how the food on the table is produced a lot of farmers doubt whether the system could work and feed enough people but here is a which is demonstrating that this is the future the i. P. C. C. The uns body on Climate Change says Global Warming is already upset in food systems decreasing harvests an increasing Food Insecurity but it says poor land practices a contributing to 23 percent of global Greenhouse Gas emissions come from bombing agriculture and other land uses the trainings towards more Sustainable Farming is something we can afford not to undertake and we need to act immediately because we probably have only 10 years left in making these changes if we are to avoid irreversible Climate Change. Looking after the soil and seeing its potential for combating Climate Change is at the heart of what happens a few kilometers away a blind camel and contribute to this organic balm success. Created here is made of only natural materials like grass horse manure what. It is biologically active with millions of microorganisms working to emulate the life of the foil here they aim to be Carbon Neutral but planned to be carbon negative and everything thats grown goes into the local market. By managing the farmlands of the world you can bring carbon into a situation where its stable within the saw oil and that will help the future not only for Climate Change per se but also for Food Production bombing wherever in the world has always been talk but a changing. It makes it even more challenging but some farmers believe the anther lies in overhauling current industrial rites bombing techniques and embracing practices that both draw from and nurture the land emma he would aljazeera in the west of wales but planet s. O. S. And iranian authorities of course schools told residents to stay indoors as severe pollution continues to affect the capsule to her on what iran has suffered from Dangerous Levels of pollution and smorgon in the past few weeks the citys air is among some of the most polluted in the world well as much more on this story and the rest of the days news on our website just head to aljazeera dot com to stay up to date wherever you maybe. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines iraqs Prime Minister has submitted his resignation to parliament and asked members to debate it possibly on sunday as the announced his intention to quits on friday following weeks of antigovernment protests that often turn violent. And has to follow us perhaps my resignation was essential to diffuse and calm the situation in the country i hope that problem it chooses a quick alternative because the situation in the country can sustain a caretaker government for too long the army and the democratic republic of congo says its killed a rebel leader as part of a major offensive against a. D. F. Fighters the group has be blamed for a series of attacks around benny the latest killing at least 13 people yemens city rebels have released footage they say as of the downing of a saudi Apache Helicopter the group says they brought down the aircraft on friday and that saudi pilots were killed the still be low confirmation from riyadh only incident. A funeral has been held for a teenager shot dead by the Israeli Military 60 year old father last was killed near the gaza Israel Border Israeli Army Says its investigating the killing u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson has visited the site of a knife attack in london where 2 people were killed on friday police say the attacker had been convicted of terror related offenses in 2012 but research least from prison early. And the rape and murder of a 27 year old woman in indias Southern City of hyderabad is causing Outrage Police have to tame 4 men after finding the burned body of Priyanka Reddy under a bridge and the president of syrian army has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder theres a bitter scene was convicted of killing 15 political opponents in 1982 the military court that found him guilty on friday has not however ordered his arrest and he can appeal the sentence and a minute missiles epidemic sweeping through some more has now killed 42 people more than 3000 cases have been purchased said since october when the outbreak began Health Authorities say most of the victims are children under the age of 4 some or has some of the lowest immunization rates in the world but thats your state stay with us knowledge is there the news continues up to planet earth. Hello i am a man is a barrel and this is planet s. O. S. The land is one of our best weapons against Climate Change but why are we destroying it Scientists Say humanity is stripping the earth of its ability to sustain life and that extends to the way we produce films but were wasting a lot of it on not feeding all who are hungry we speak to people working to transform our relationship with the land embracing Sustainable Practices and well look at whats coming up at the crop the annual

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