Saudi state oil Company Readies for its stock market debut despite questions about how much its really worth. We begin in mauritania where at least 58. 00 migrants have drowned after their boat capsized off the coast the International Organization for migration says survivors are now being treated in the Northern City of new what he believes and says the vessel was carrying at least 150 people from gambia and was low on fuel while our correspondent joins me now from new york truck thats mauritanias capital mohammed what more do we know at this stage i see some people did manage to swim to safety but there are still some people missing. Thats right we understand that about 83 people have been found outside the city of n y d one thats 5 hours drive from here north of the cops on what im talking and that was late yesterday they were fired by found by the military police and thats when it was understood that they had been they had been on that boat and that it capsized off the Atlantic Ocean off the more 18 shore it came from the gambia and apparently they spent 10 days on the ocean we dont know how many days they spent since they stopped they were stranded because the boat ran out of fuel several people were missing as we knew from the news from the i. O. M. And also from the military police in the story as told to them by those migrants some of the bodies that were found had already begun to decompose its a very horrible story and one of the deadliest incidents in this regard regarding migrants trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean or the mediterranean ocean military in the sea towards europe this year and where do we have a sense here say for sure the survivors are i understand there were women and children on that buyers. Yeah its been confirmed that women and children are on that where on that boat and that some of them have lost their lives its not known how many are still not found as i speak many bodies a said several bodies actually dozens of bodies have already been found and we dont know their whereabouts there is not much transparency we try to reach the military police in the other sources as well to know how where those bodies and also people who are being rescued are kept the story is just beginning to unfold and more details will be of course known during the next few hours and what it is about 6 hours that i was 5 hours drive from where i am here. Talking and. See they are cooperating fully with with with all agencies trying to get to the to the end of this story and to help the migrants those at least who are still alive 100 on the ground for us and mauritania will be following that story very closely thank you for that update around well we can now speak to Leonard Doyle who is the director of the media and Communication Division at the International Organization for migration he joins us now on skype from geneva and and i know that your i o. N. Stuff are on the ground dealing with this capsize and weve been hearing from there about potentially a fuel shortage do we know what caused this capsize and what will happen now to the survivors well i think we can fairly assume that this is a result nancy where the vessel overcrowded as were learning or a little 50. 3 to the callousness of the smugglers the smuggling operation well of course it may get your money you know already in this into the wilderness and i think thats basically the problem here is an. Improvement in life and. It is undergoing. And then i know your stuff dealing with the survivors there so we have a sense of whats going to happen to them now will they stay on in mauritania whats the next step here well one can imagine that theyre deeply traumatized and are stuck for as you rightly say are there. Any authorities where people will be will leave for medical care and then really to establish like where whats their origin that we understand that theyre from the gambia and try to help them return in a in a dignified way as possible and i mean that actually it will all of this is that there is no happy solution for people who take these routes once that especially when things like this happen they are eventually end up back where they started and the only winner is his mother well leonard let me ask you then about these rates i know that this is one of the deadliest capsizes this year but overall we are seeing the number of attempted migrant crossings to europe decrease only at the same time the growth of new migrant treats. Wont receive it is people understand the great dangers of libya for example and increasing policing and lack of rescue i suppose is part of it and the winter doesnt you know it also decreases the numbers but that actually is is is a is not the whole picture people believe that they can get to a better place they can get a better life and theyre told lies that is read about a month social media etc the Economic Opportunities for them are often quite restrictive even though the economy is going through currently going through some economic boom nonetheless as economies grow this is often the time of people feel they should move so theres a lot of awareness raising new to happen and people need to be educated about the dangers and sadly this is the kind of thing that well theres probably going to crease as people make these desperate europeans and then i had this bias as you say came from the can be and i Say Something like 35000 gambians arrived in europe between 20142018 that seem to puget sound from whats a relatively small country so whats driving people to leave can be especially if as you say its going through an economic boom and it is a hugely long journey from there well some countries theres a long tradition of migrating thats one part of the war on. Some parts of countries that migrate and so also you know for many years going to be a was not such a happy place its not its you know its things are changed now its things are Getting Better but nonetheless of those that even my own economies grow this is often the time and people decide they have the opportunity to move that a small amount of money they can put into the homes of his mother but the bottom line is if there is not proper governance if theres not hope for it if that be if the Economic Growth that we see the rest of the world through globalization is unshared we can expect to see more of this and not just from one country like you are from many countries around the world is certainly not its this graphic that is a phenomenon worldwide in some doubt a legal limbo the massive inequality that were seeing as the benefit as a global shared and a challenge thats not going away anytime soon let it boil there from the International Organization for migration thank you for joining us on out there and get ready now 3 legal experts called by us democrats have testified that President Donald Trump competed committed impeachable offenses now 4th scholar he was invited by republicans says the evidence is insufficient trump is accused of abusing his power to push ukraine and to investigating his political rival joe biden how does a cast of reports from washington d. C. You swear or affirm under penalty of perjury some of us constitutional scholars have weighed in if President Trumps ukraine scandal is an impeachable then nothing is and professor gary hart did President Trump commit the impeachable high crime and misdemeanor of abuse of power we 3 are unanimous yes the 3 law professors call by democrats rain unison alarm bells that the countrys democracy is under threat by the president s actions what has happened in the case today is something that i do not think we have ever seen before a president who has doubled down on violating his oath to faithfully execute the laws and to protect and defend the constitution this president has attacked each of the constitutions safeguards against establishing a monarchy in this country in the simplest possible terms the president put his personal game ahead of the National Security interest its better to be on t. V. Than by for. The 4th scholar said if trump had tried to force ukraine to investigate a political rival in exchange for military aid it would be impeachable but the scholar wednesdays sole republican witness testified the case against trump has not been proven this would be the 1st impeachment in history where there would be considerable debate in my view not compelling evidence of the commission of a crime more than a dozen white house and state department professionals have testified that trump used the power of his office to pressure ukraine to open an investigation into joe biden a potential political rival in the upcoming us president ial election the House Intelligence Committee drafted a report saying there was overwhelming evidence for this including trumps own words in a phone call with the president of ukraine thats not politics as usual at least not in the United States or not in any mature democracy trump. The law professors called by democrats represents the liberal left but he declined to testify himself in refused to send white House Attorneys to represent his case for innocence what theyre doing is a very bad thing for our country its of no merit. The Republican Party is never been more unified ever trump is counting on republicans who control the senate to acquit him of wrongdoing in an eventual impeachment trial. Castro aljazeera washington now lebanese politicians will meet on monday to begin formal consultations to nominate the next Prime Minister businessmen so they are hot to look set to take over from outgoing Prime Minister saad hariri but protesters of condemned to her decision to back him to have the next cabinet they say he wont be able to fix the corruption and government mismanagement that have led to weeks of protests well our correspondent joins me now live from beirut where protesters are gathering again so clearly demonstrators on the happy about this nomination talk us through why. Well they didnt get what they wanted what they wanted was an independent government independent from Political Parties in order to save the country the country is in dire economic straits they want their government to pave the way for early elections what political leaders have agreed on is nominating really theyre set to nominate some your heart yes he doesnt have political experience but he has close ties with the ruling elite so that is why they took to the streets late yesterday they tried to block roads but the Security Forces quickly intervened there seems to be a deal among lebanons political factions that they will no longer allow this protest movement to disrupt political life yes they can gather in protest sites like the one behind me but apart from that its going to be business as usual that is the message from the political elite yes theyve made some concessions some divisive figures will not be in in government theyre also going to give some portfolios to independents or people who were involved in this protest movement but overall the same Political Parties are going to govern this country but the biggest question is why wait till monday to hold those formal consultations. Does it mean that this deal could break down in the last minute this specially since the Prime Minister the caretaker Prime Minister saddle heidi whose support is needed because you need a sunday cover for the Prime Ministers post is still not clear. Live for us on the streets of beirut will be following the story with a very closely thank you santa well lets dig into this a little more with sami not him who is the director of the 11th institute for Strategic Affairs and he joins us now also live from beirut as well lets start with this reaction from the protesters they rejected the last nominee former finance minister south india now hin so im curious even though hes never Held Public Office he is viewed as part of the establishment. You know it is viewed as part of the establishment because it is a business that is partner a partner with key people and symbol of the political establishment the protestors or totally refusing because they are naming them responsible of the Economic Situation in lebanon is going through now and there are the other face of a corruption so that is if user of this candidacy of this nomination because it symbolizes the political establishment secondly and this is an important point their way this nomination has been done sitcom granting constitution and. I mean this nomination was decided not according to the constitution book the way it was done it was decided among the club as we call it here that means among the 4 people that the chief of parties they have decided that theyll be nation and that when theyre. When this is this started when their type of government has been decided when even their ministers and their ministers you have how we assign a ministry. Has been done very one to the constitution and they want to call for. A consultation process and if the constitution is just to make all of their own Decision Making process so this is important. And im sure. I do see that. Sorry to interrupt that but i do want to ask you because i do see that he has the support of hezbollah and i believe that store to is married to the son of a hezbollah ally and so you are saying that despite its the proper procedure does this mean that it is actually a done deal so we go through the process on monday but basically we are looking at the next Prime Minister. Its not its not sure that big god the decision of hezbollah has been insisting on having had e. D. And in National Unity government was have the. Head of this government so now they are supporting mr hyde as long as he got the full support of heavy d. And the full support of the sunni going community they need this as a cover for an organization that is on the gulf the scrutiny on the economic sanctions and at odds with the whole International Community listed as it odious organization they badly need this National Unity government and the sunni government in particular this is why they will not accept the on the left he got fully support and written support i believe of how do you see the future movement and this sunni. Legitimacy in general sami noted that the director of 11th institute for Strategic Affairs thanks for analysis. Still ahead on aljazeera some marvellous out and nationwide Vaccination Program trying to stem the needles outbreak thats already claimed more than 60 lives. Why the u. S. President is being viewed as the disrupter in chief by a number of nato leaders. Are going. To. Head there were some pretty good conditions across central areas of europe if you make the most of them because things all set to change in the next couple days there is plenty of cloud around you. Know wall cloud across much of the north and say we have had some snow this is the picture in the southeast of poland look at this weve got plenty of snow around a causing some fairly wide just wide just by destruction to the roadways as we go through thursday it is a killer picture the cad really is banged up towards the north this area of High Pressure but weve also got some very heavy rain into the eastern side of spain the eriks pushing into the western med that is on thursday becoming increasingly unsubtle across much of the northwest that really sweet through on friday very heavy amounts of rain and strong winds. Across the u. K. Into these Northern Areas of phones and on into the low countries Central Europe is fairly good as a say but its becoming to be squeezed from the north and we have more showers working their way across the Central Mediterranean well to about generals much of Northern Africa those rains in the central med not really make it that full south what we will see the like you and thursday is them raised as pushing to fall south of the west or on their way further north as we head to friday feeling cooler with the high the 70. It. Hello again im starting to remind of our top stories this hour at least 58 migrants have drowned when their boat capsized off the coast of martain the survivors are being treated in the Northern City of new what he will the vessel was reportedly carrying at least 150. 00 people from gambia and was low on fuel. 3 legal experts told by the u. S. Congress have testified to the president on a truck committed impeachable offenses the Top Republican on the Judiciary Panel called the impeachment process a sham. Lebanese politicians will meet on monday to begin formal consultations to nominate the next Prime Minister businessmen something to be look set to take over from outgoing Prime Minister saad hariri protesters have condemned that decision. Now a nationwide transport strike has started in france to protest against president amano microns plan to overhaul the Pension System most train and bus services have been cancelled flights are affected as well 55 percent of teachers are expected to join the strike with hospitals also affected mccrum plans to merge 42. 00 state Pension Systems but strikers say theyll end up working longer hours and have nest money for retirement. Now the nato summit has ended with the leaders uniting behind common commitments despite the meeting highlighting bitter divisions leaders agreed on issues like russia and china and settled a major stumbling block when turkey dropped its objection to nato as baltic defense plan but behind the display of unity cracks were showing as during the whole experience from what thats north of london so good morning i think there it is start if you can find those seats this gathering of nato leaders had one objective a show of unity to mark 70 years of the worlds most successful military alliance one for all and all for one instead it was a public display of differences that began the day before on tuesday u. S. President donald trump was on the combative form number one point to the front is not only well macron of nato strategy budget payments and trumps unilateral withdrawal of u. S. Troops from Northern Syria this is where the word was issued that was one of the greatest partiers over the. Summer. But trumps views are no longer those of a president seen as preeminent leader of the alliance now some allies here including the british french and canadian leaders see donald trump as disruptor in chief apparently sharing a joke at his expense during tuesday nights reception at buckingham palace. The 1st. Word was trumps response on being asked about the canadian Prime Ministers comments on these 2 1st. And soon afterwards he tweeted that there was no need for a final press conference. Emanuel macron meanwhile continued to press his case for change you know to me who is our enemy how can we act together against International Terrorism in particular these are all subjects that were not sufficiently settled i debate should be about something other then budgetary and Financial Issues or was for to kill a lot of thought if the voices of reassurance were left sounding a bit thin. Always been able to overcome these differences and then unite around the record toss to protect the Founding Fathers and thats exactly what to do today the question it all raises is central to what nato is and what it exists for what happens to an alliance built on collective defense when that collective commitment that spirit of unity isnt just solid as some would like it to be nato member turkeys president richard tired earlier one had earlier demanded that the kurds abandoned by trump in Northern Syria be recognized as what he called terrorists or hed veto Alliance Efforts to bolster eastern defenses against russia this was a threat that represented a fracturing of natos central accord is what trump and macron do seem to agree on but many others dont that russia is no longer the enemy it was and while nato is focus has widened to include china Cyber Security hybrid warfare the alliance cant hide from the difficult truth that multiple challenges mean multiple conflicting interests undermining the unity theyve come here to celebrate. Aljazeera at watford north london. Russias president is accusing the United States of viewing space as a potential theater of war radom appears and says that rather development of americas Space Command has prompted moscow to ramp up its are in sector kryten insists he is against militarizing space donald trump says he wants the u. S. To dominate space and Mass Vaccination Campaign is underway in samara as doctors attempt to contain a Measles Outbreak which has already claimed the lives of at least 62 people most are children under 4 jessica washington reports from the someone capital appiah where medical teams are now going door to door to immunize islanders thousands of red flags hanging all over summer each one represents an unvaccinated household as the measles crisis in summer escalates authorities have opted for a change in strategy. No longer asking people to go to clinics the message is to wait at home and help will come to you the only family is among those immunized in the early hours of the vaccine dr. And i know that its very important very important to be vaccinated. For the safety of all. For family my family my child and also for all the songs the city center has been brought to a standstill with businesses closed and cars banned while the Campaign Continues this is the Crisis Center where efforts are being coordinated theres a sense of urgency to contain the outbreak more than 100 medical teams are roving the streets of some staffed by local and International Medics and stocked with thousands of vaccinations authorities here hope they can get vaccination rates to at least 90 percent by the end of the week the government is determined to ensure such an outbreak does not happen again. That we are more conscious now people are more functions now than before that by coming and have your children actually its the only way those on the front line say the campaign is working families are actually looking forward to turning in and being vaccinated theyre open to having conversations to begin with so thats a real bonus for us because it means that were providing education whilst at the same time delivering a vaccine to protect them a note of hope in summer was Unprecedented Health emergency jessica washington 0. A Syrian Civil Defense agency says at least 6 people have been killed by russian and government as strikes in northwest the white helmet saved children were trapped under the rubble after homes were hit in the attack syria and russia have increased bombing of the area since april with more than a 1000 civilians caught. Its one of the most eagerly awaited stock quotations in history and saudi arabia is publishing the initial share price of its National Oil Company ironically this week the announcement coincides with the missing of oil conglomerate opec which has the saudis as one of its key members a summons of aid has more from opec headquarters and the ana. Young saudi aramco c. E. O. Called it a historic day when last month the Worlds Largest Oil Producing firm announced its listing on riyadhs to the exchange on thursday shares will be priced below the much hyped 2 trillion dollar price the saudis wanted but some Asset Managers say even at the lower price the companys overvalued analysts say theres been tension between the saudi governments valuation ambitions and what western investors are willing to pay initial estimates that were given by the saudi leadership hasnt been proven yet and so thats what i mean by taking the feedback going back and seeing if they can make those numbers work or not saudi arabia derives most of its money from oil exports and says it will use the income from its public listing to diversify its economy but a recent drone attack on 2 of its facilities the rebels in yemen said they carried out took out more than half of the kingdoms Oil Production and caused major concern among International Investors so far the stock listing is only available for saudis and nationals in the arab states of the g. C. C. And that too will be kept by the Double Exchange saudi aramco as International Listing was the crown jewel of Prince Mohammed bin cell mans vision 2030 an ambitious project to take saudi arabia into the future without an over reliance on oil but since he announced it in 2017 the i. P. O. Or the initial Public Offering was delayed several times and transparency concerns a murky anticorruption drive against wealthy businesses the killing of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and other factors have not been helpful to achieving that vision. So far saudi aramco has refrained from listing on an International Stock exchange the company also canceled the route you intended to track rest in an asian investors but theyre still set to be interest from russian and chinese investors at the meeting of the Oil Producers bloc opec its likely that output cuts will remain in place to Keep Oil Prices steady nowadays as the economy isnt all in a new discoveries have been set up on the map across the world we have a new alliance and we can call it of all back and all but. That includes some of the countries that everyone knows like russia for example. And of course. The market change if its all back or opec plus controlling their own production so limiting their volumes and allowing some other nations to grow production of course that in some way limits their market share for a successful the saudis will need a steady and Higher Oil Price although there is interest from local g. C. C. Investors the i. P. O. Will fall well short of 100000000000. 00 it was intended to raise and the saudis wont be able to get the 2 trillion dollars valuation that they desired some of. The headlines at least 58. 00 migrants have drowned when their boat capsized off the coast of mar tanian survivors are being treated in the Northern City of. The vessel was reportedly carrying at least 150 people from gambia and. Has more for us thats mauritanias capital. It came from the gambia and apparently they spent 10 days on the ocean we dont know how many days they spent since they stopped they were stranded because the boat ran out of fuel and several people were missing as we knew from the news from the i. O. M. And also from the military police in what they called it the stories told to them by those migrants some of the bodies that were found had already begun to decompose its a very horrible story and one of the deadliest incidents in this regard regarding migrants trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean or d the mediterranean ocean military in the sea towards europe this year now 3 out of 4 legal experts called by the u. S. Congress have testified the President Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses the Top Republican on the Judiciary Panel called the impeachment process a sham. Everybody is saying in no way review what theyre doing is a very bad thing for our country its of no merit. The Republican Party has never been more unified ever apologies for that incorrect there lebanese politicians are due to meet on monday to begin a formal consultations to nominate the next Prime Minister but theres been some aircar to be looks set to take over from outgoing Prime Minister saad hariri protesters have condemned to that decision a nationwide transport strike has started in france to protest against president among americans plan to overhaul the Pension System most train and bus service as a cancelled flights are also badly affected mccomb plans to merge 42. 00 state Pension Systems but strikers say theyll end up working longer hours and have less money for retirement. Medical teams in carrying out a mass Vaccination Program aimed at stemming the fast growing measles crisis 62 people mostly Young Children have died from the disease with more than 150 new cases they reported daily well those are the headlines join me for more news here off the inside story. A story of love family and freedom go into my living years on you at school we heard the sound of large explosion. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i raise my saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female. And the uprising coming soon on aljazeera. Protecting goes in china the u. S. House of representatives passes a proposed law demanding the closure of socalled reeds a case in cans for around a 1000000 muslims basine was congress and trump not to endorse what it calls a Smear Campaign when u. S. Legislation changed everything for chinas imprisoned Muslim Minority this is inside story

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