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Mexico and canada finalize a new trade pact to replace nafta. Now u. S. President donald trump has mocked impeachment charges against him labeling them weak Democratic Party leaders announced 2 articles of impeachment on tuesday charging him with the abuse of power and the obstruction of congress and makes trump only the 4th president to face a formal process to remove him from office castro reports from washington d. C. Standing before a portrait of one of the nations Founding Fathers George Washington House Democratic leaders made a historic announcement today in service to our duty to the constitution and to our country. The House Committee on the judiciary is introducing 2 articles of impeachment charging the president of the United States donald j. Drum with committing high crimes and misdemeanors the 1st article is abuse of power for withholding security aid and a white house visit with ukraines leader in exchange for political investigations that would benefit trumps reelection the 2nd obstruction of congress for refusing to cooperate with impeachment investigators the evidence is every bit as strong that President Trump has obstructed congress fully without precedent and without basis in law if allowed to stand it would decimate congresss ability to conduct oversight of this president or any other in the future trump is only the 4th u. S. President to have impeachment proceed this far he denies all wrongdoing tweeting during the democrats announcement witch hunt democrats say the evidence against trump is damning it includes testimony from more than a dozen witnesses and a white house call summary showing trump asked ukraine to launch investigations into his political rivals republicans though say thats not enough to remove a president theyre not impeaching the president because they they can the list and Impeachable Offense theyre impeaching him because theyre afraid he will get reelected thats not why you have the power of impeachment thats the abuse of power democrats are keeping the impeachment articles narrowly focused on trumps recent conduct with ukraine they decided not to charge the president for trying to stop the previous moller investigation that examine whether his campaign had colluded with russia in the last president ial election in less than a years time a deeply divided america will return to the polls that will be after trumps impeachment trial in the senate where hell likely be acquitted by his fellow republicans democrats say despite the slim chance of removal doing nothing or waiting what amounts to complicity with trumps misconduct the argument why dont you just wait amounts to this. Why dont you just let him cheat in one more election why not let him cheat just one more time democrats say trump remains a threat to the Upcoming Elections and to his own country heidi joe castro aljazeera washington while donald trump reacted to the charges at a Campaign Rally in pennsylvania you saw their socalled articles of impeachment today people are saying theyre not even a crime what happened all of these horrible things remember bribery and this is where are they they send these 2 things are not even a crime this is the light is weak is impeachment you know our country said actually many appreciate your call judges and lots of a many of pages but it was on today everybody said this is impeachment lite. All Saudi Arabian military students in the United States have had their Operational Training suspended and follows an attack as an airbase in florida last week in which 3 people were killed cable as and i reports the decision taken by the pentagon its being called a security and safety stand down all saudi military students at all u. S. Military bases barred from training indefinitely in the United States the decision comes as the f. B. I. Continues to investigate a shooting on a u. S. Military base on friday when a Saudi Royal Air force officer killed 3 u. S. Service members and wounded several others the gunman mohammed saeed. He 21 year old lieutenant was killed by police the decision to shut down saudi training is believed to affect more than 850 saudi military personnel in the u. S. Analysts say the move to halt saudi training is significant though sending a signal to a country that you have a close relationship with to sell a lot of military equipment that we dont trust the people that are part of your your your government theyre trying to send a signal that its important that you make sure that the people you send us are not prone to do some of these terrible things the shut down is part of a 10 day security review ordered by defense secretary marc esper any tended to examine betting procedures of Foreign Military students in the u. S. Its an escalation by the pentagon it 1st said the hope to training would only affect about 300. 00 saudis at 3 bases in florida but then late tuesday expanded that to all saudi military students in the u. S. Person after the shooting the governor of florida said it was terrorism and urged the pentagon to do a better job of screening for new metairie students theyre doing a big review about how all this stuff is done in terms of the vetting but my sense is that more needs to be done over the weekend the defense secretary signaled a review was considered anybody that comes to United States to train is or should be vetted by the Department State Department Homeland security and then ultimately us there are more than 5000. 00 military personnel from more than 150 Different Countries currently in the u. S. And various bases throughout the country doing training its a military exchange thats been going on for many years now but since the shooter was from saudi arabia its now saudi military personnel that are being closely scrutinized gabriel zonda aljazeera washington. And the saudi diplomat who headed the istanbul consulate where journalist to mark a shock she was matted has been barred from entering the United States mohamed al or tybee is accused of Human Rights Violations over the killing in october last year the cia believes crown prince mom had been ordered casualties matter but saudi Officials Say he had no role. As leader Aung San Suu Kyi she is set to lead her countrys defense against allegations of genocide one day after sitting through graphic accounts of mass murder and rape the crimes are said to have been committed by the military and are at the center of a case at the International Court of justice in the hague when he reports once a human rights and democracy campaigner. Arrived at the International Court of justice accused of being complicit in genocide the case against government was brought by the gambia on behalf of the organization of islamic cooperation on the opening day it was alleged widespread abuses were carried out by me and my Security Forces against communities which they say amount to genocide every day of interruption means that more people have been killed more woman ive been observing and more children have been burnt alive for what crime a little because they were born different born of a different ways into a different religion from dogs who kill and weep them and for this honorable judges they have been made to pay the ultimate price genocide. As lawyer after lawyer laid out the game b. Is case suchi watched and listened in the court room one could only imagine what was going through her mind as repeated allegations were made of rape torture and murder by soldiers it was very important for thir have to 30 inches away from people who are describing and really excruciating and painful detail of the horrible crimes of the Burmese Military that happened on her watch me and maher says the raids on villages in Rakhine State were legitimate Counterterrorism Operations the gambian say me and maher was and still is trying to wipe out an entire ethnic group in the short term the court is being asked to order me and mar to take steps to protect the rich from further genocidal acts the opening of this trial was ironically held on International Human rights day day 2 will see me and begin its defense led by Aung San Suu Kyi herself it will be a remarkable side and Nobel Peace Prize winner detained for years by the military now defending them and herself against charges of genocide the case before the i. C. J. Is not a criminal trial meaning charges wont be brought against individuals but given what she wants to do for Aung San Suu Kyi is effectively on trial along with the military and government as she left she was jeered by protesters who came to see the rigging finally have their day in the worlds highest course when hey aljazeera the hague. Now correspondent Stephanie Deca isnt coxs bazar with more than 700000. 00 to handle refugees she says theyre trying to follow the case closely Nobel Peace Prize winner defending her country against charges of genocide well that evidence is here our its the biggest refugee camp in the world i can tell you that people are aware of the trial theyve been trying to get news on but the internet has been caught in this camp for the last couple of months is a large protest took place here marking the 2 Year Anniversary while today for some reason 3 g. Is back on so people are being able to access the news and of course today were expecting on some sushi to speak youve also had people meeting last night with Community Leaders who would listen to the radio and would pulse on the information the news to them so theres people very happy that there is this trial going on but theyre also aware that theyre going to be huge challenges ahead as people want to go home but at the moment there is no signs that thats going to happen anytime soon this count is taking a more lets say permanent form and some of the some of its areas or many camps that make up the wider area and theres no guarantees for me anymore that if they do go home theyll be safe so at the moment nothing here is resolved. Now a controversial 5th unshipped bell has been tabled in the indian parliaments upper house and was passed by the lower house of parliament on monday now that bill would grant citizenship to those fleeing religious persecution by us as excludes muslims critics say the bill violates indias secular constitution by discriminating against muslims. The Pacific Island of but it can vote has voted overwhelmingly to become independent from papa new guinea 97. 7 percent back the move but the result is nonbinding and the final say rests with papa new guineas parliament the very it was promised as part of a peace deal to end a decade long civil war. Still ahead on aljazeera increased a volcanic activity on new zealands white island hampers efforts to find people still missing after mondays eruption. And bosnia cares a migrant camp deemed unsuitable for living ill tell you why some people want to stay. Alone again and welcome back to your International Weather forecast we have 2 areas that we are watching here across europe 1st of all i want to take you down here across the mediterranean there is a storm system a fairly windy system thats bringing a lot of rain across much of the area were talking about southern italy the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula as well as into turkey were going to be watching that very carefully for the potential of flooding over the next few days thats going to continue to make its way more towards the east as well as this other system out towards the west so the system coming in from the atlantic it is going to bring some very very diligent and gusty winds across much of western europe over the next few days so were going to be watching this area as well so anywhere from wednesday to thursday even into friday were going to be seeing those winds spread across much of the region now theres going to be a little bit of a break across the region but as we go towards thursday night. It is going to be increasing anywhere from the u. K. All the way down across parts of france and for paris you could be seeing those winds as well by the time we get towards thursday night the winds are going to be increasing and by the time we get to friday those winds are going to be quite significant across much of that area here across the mediterranean it is going to be quite rainy across much of libya tripoli is going to be a rainy day few as well as winds for parts of benghazi. The a. Little bit. Again i missed our mind of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump has his out of impeachment charges against him labeling them weak Democratic Party leaders announced through articles of impeachment on tuesday charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of congress. All Saudi Arabian military students in the u. S. Have had the Operational Training suspended and follows an attack by a saudi officer as an airbase in florida last week in which 3 people were killed. And we have laws leader Aung Sun Suu Kyi is said to lead her countrys defense against allegations of genocide on tuesday she sat through graphic accounts of mass murder and rape and her country had the International Court of justice now volcanic activity has significantly increased on new zealands weiss island delaying efforts to recover the bodies of 9 people missing believed dead as erupted on monday killing at least 6 others 30 people are in hospital many more with bands to more than half their bodies theres mounting pressure from relatives to find those still unaccounted for but imagine say its just not safe enough this is an absolutely krycek situation we all agree that retrieving bodies of the deceased from the overland isnt salut imperius of. Every day that passes with those bodies on recovered is a day of anguish for the loved ones who have been affected we recognize this and were doing everything we can. There is always a delicate balancing act when it comes to recovery operations of where risk to human life exists and right now the science tells us that this is just too high well our correspondent jessica washington is on the coast near highland the mood here in fact attorney is noticeably grim this community has been deeply affected by the tragedy that happened just 50 kilometers from here on white island we were there to see if we could reverse assistance and when we flew to the door we could see a lot of people really distress lawing and. Some something was horrific looking and. Then we saw the 2. At that stage to help people and that was what we did this is. A horrendous and while large number of the people who have been negatively affected overseas visitors coming onto boats and things like that. We do have local people some. Boats which would normally be packed with tourists are instead docked here as we await information from authorities on whether or not its safe for them to commence their recovery operations on white islands. Now around 600. 00 refugees and migrants in bosnia are being moved from a makeshift camp to another shelter near the capital sarajevo theyve been living without Running Water or electricity at a former landfill and freezing conditions not far from the northern border with croatia reports. The conditions are appalling in the biting cold this was no way for already desperate people to be living on the doorstep of europe. The buses brought no comfort the only way they wanted to leave camp was over bosnia is northwest border into croatia and the European Union instead roughly 600 migrants from places like syria afghanistan and pakistan are being rehire nosed in a former military barracks near the capital sarajevo better conditions perhaps but in the wrong direction. Police want to tell us theyre just over the hump on the other chase because the evil forces us to. Be transparent but there are people who dont want to go to slaver because he wants a good to other countries they want to cause god but after russia it took months of criticism by International Organizations on the ground to invent the bosnian or thirtys to do something about the camp in freezing temperatures human rights officials warn people would start dying here without Running Water or proper heating. But returning to the countries they fled is no option and nor is remaining in bosnia so many will be undeterred by this move trickling back in time and despite allegations of violence by Croatian Border Police wait for the chance to try again to enter the e. U. Jonah how aljazeera. Now gulf leaders have made a show of unity at a summit in the saudi capital despite lingering divisions the Gulf Cooperation Council called for close and military and financial ties but the ongoing blockade of cattle noon to over the meeting saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt cut diplomatic and economic ties with cats up back in 2017 they queues of supporting terrorism which diehard allies the g. C. C. Secretary general says their way to end the crisis north. As you may have noticed seems the cry. Has begun weve been moving in 2 axis and the 1st is the crisis itself and the core of the problem his Royal Highness the emir of kuwait has been mediating between all concerned parties and this was at the highest levels as you have seen all of this state leaders have been hailing the air force exerted by his Royal Highness the emir of qatar and this mediation is still ongoing at the other axes involved the concerns raised by duplicating the country and to separate the day to day cooperation between the respective Member States that this should be set aside and i mean defense cultural and Economic Cooperation which should be separated from the crisis itself. And investigation by the Reuters News Agency has found former white house executives helped to build a controversial spying unit for the United Arab Emirates the cup the program is code named dread by the u. A. E. Invisible to follow suspects in the years after the september 11th attacks reuters says Richard Clarke a former counterterrorism chief for president s clinton and george w. Bush set up that program in 2008 with other americans and it was sanctioned by the u. S. The units focused went further targeting human rights activists and both the government of qatar and footballs governing body fifa over the 2022 world cup bid Joel Shechtman is the Investigative Reporter who broke the story for the Reuters News Agency he says the u. S. State department probably did not intend for the program to become what it has. You know i think that the legal lines of what they could do became very blurred and i think they became more blurred over the years you know as we previously reported you know this same project would end up targeting al jazeera itself would end up targeting media figures human rights activists b. B. C. Journalists womens rights activists all over the world and i dont think that thats you know what someone like Richard Clarke or or the state department have had ever necessarily intended the problem is when you when you create a Surveillance Program like this its very easy for it to spiral out of control and become like sort of a tool for for those in power to go after their enemies i think the u. S. Government its within their power to say that. You know former n. S. A. People cant go to work you know for the u. A. E. As hackers you know they cant stop the program from functioning but theres no reason that the u. S. Government has to authorize and allow people who gave these kind of hacking skills to go and work for a monarchy that is you know using those skills to you know to to stifle dissent at least 6 people have been killed including a Police Officer during a shootout in the u. S. State of new Jersey City Police battled with 2 gunmen for 2 hours for several hours im sorry in jazz he says he around a cemetery and depression marcus the 2 gunman was shot dead offices were made of what they believe is an explosive device from a rental car used by the suspects police say the investigation remains my tips. 2 officers were shot one recently gave his life and was pronounced at the Jersey Medical center and the 2nd officer was shot in the shoulder and he should recover and then 2 other officers are receiving medical treatment to 2 shrapnel we can confirm theres multiple deceased inside the building and. All the schools in the location are secure they will be secure for the foreseeable future until we feel comfortable to release all the children but all the children are accounted for canada mexico and the United States have signed a new Free Trade Agreement to replace the 25 year old enough to deal it was sealed off to the u. S. Congress announced it supports but no apollo reports from the mexican capital where the agreement was signed. The. Mexican president and that is when we met with representatives from the United States and canada on tuesday for the signing of the us and seeing. A trade deal that stalled for months pending a series of changes demanded by democrats in the u. S. House of representatives u. S. Trade officials touted the deal as a major accomplishment one that ends the age of the north american Free Trade Agreement where nafta and its nothing short of a miracle that we have all come together i think thats a testament to how good the agreement is but perhaps more importantly its a testament to how long it will last and how people will be coming to north america and how vibrant and economy this will be for all of us so it is such canadas deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland called the u. S. Embassy a win for all 3 countries all of us together have finally accomplished what we set out to do at the very outset a win win win agreement which will provide stability for workers in all stree of our countries for many years to come. That is no small thing especially in todays world. Economists like dr jose rizal a cruise however when the benefits from mexico could be mostly conditional. For mexico i believe an opportunity has been created but it will depend on mexico being able to move from a low value added manufacturing economy to one that can generate through higher productivity and competitiveness the intermediate inputs north america tracks from other regions of the world. Since the rise of ecommerce the u. S. Mexico and canada have been looking toward overhauling existing trade relations the u. S. M. C. Is the result of a renegotiation of the north america Free Trade Agreement on like nafta the us broadens International Regulations affecting everything from intellectual Property Rights to environmental law i the signing of the trilateral document the agreement now moves to the legislative branches of the us mexico and canada the ratification of. Mexico city. Now the 21 day period for israel to form a Coalition Government is coming to an end but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival benny gantz still havent managed to agree on a unity government and if an agreement isnt reached by midnight local time israel could see its 3rd election and less than a year before that reports from western. A wintry gloom over israel in recent days and even the prospect of a distant spring isnt bringing much comfort just about everyone expects the change in season to usher in another phase of slow motion political crisis with a 3rd election on the 2nd of march. 3rd. Because all the parties. Give up. This is tragic for the country there is no government right now everything in the country is disabled and obviously people are the ones paying the price. There is still time to stop it the deadline for a member of the Israeli Parliament or knesset to gain the backing for a Coalition Government is midnight on wednesday but the main players a deadlocked on the whole Benjamin Netanyahu now indicted in 3 separate Corruption Cases has taken to social media again this week blaming his opponents for the stalemate insists on staying on as Prime Minister for several months in any deal between his likud party and blue and white was led by benny gantz who. Grants has refused to serve under an indicted Prime Minister and now says netanyahu must renounce any claim to parliamentary immunity from prosecution when other potential way out of a 3rd election has been closed off by netanyahu swarmer defense minister Avigdor Lieberman whos refusing to bring his party into a right Wing Coalition at the center of the political logjam though here at the knesset is netanyahu legal plight he called the 1st election early in april aiming for a new mandate to help fight off the corruption charges he engineered the 2nd election in september but again failed to win that mandate a 3rd election would at least allow him to stay in office for the next 3 months but what does that buy him given a prosecution that could drag on for years its not clear whether there is a very significant dividend from the former legal point of view but i think there is common wisdom is that hes a bargaining position and hes of the the prosecution is much stronger when hes in office to get to a 3rd election netanyahu would have to fight off a leadership challenge from within likud and any potential legal moves against the legitimacy of his position as for israels weary voters recent surveys suggest theyre resigned to going back to the polls and that a 3rd election in less than a year would yield a 3rd inconclusive result little there to lift the gloom. West jerusalem. Gunmen have shot dead at least 5 people in somalias capital mogadishu as a hotel near the president ial Palace Police killed 2 of the attackers and rescued dozens of people from the building now alshabaab has claimed responsibility. The french government is due to announce the details of a pension reform plan thats already inspired nationwide strikes on tuesday airport staff and teachers joined the week long demonstration president emanuel says hes trying to modernize the National Retirement system that unions say it will force people to work longer and retire with less money. Now greenlands ice sheet is melting at an alarming rate 7 times faster than in the 1990 s. New analysis of satellite data shows its new using about 250000000000. 00 tons of ice every year thats compared to a previous raise of around 30 tonnes a year and the loss is a continuing to accelerate since 1902 notes water from greenland has raised global sea levels by one centimeter. And you can find much more on our website including detailed coverage of those impeachment proceedings against President Trump at al jazeera dot com. And again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines u. S. President donald trump has nox impeachment charges against him labeling them weak Democratic Party leaders announced 2 articles of impeachment on tuesday charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of congress and makes trump only the 4th president to face a formal process to remove him from office you saw theyre still called articles of impeachment today people are saying then that even a crime what happened all of these horrible things remember bribery this is where are they they send these 2 things are not even address this is the light is weak is impeachment you know our country said actually many appreciate you cool judges and lots of a many you preach. But it was going to everybody says this is impeachment late all Saudi Arabian military students in the United States have had their Operational Training suspended it follows an attack by a saudi officer as an airbase in florida last week in which 3 people were killed. Myanmars leader Aung Sun Suu Kyi is set to lead her countrys defense against allegations of genocide on tuesday as she sat through graphic accounts of mass murder and rape in her country the crimes have been said are said to have been committed by the military and are at the center of a case of the International Court of justice in the hague a controversial citizenship bill has been tabled in the indian parliaments upper house it was passed by the lower house of parliament on monday now that bill would grant citizenship to those fleeing religious persecution boss it excludes muslims. Volcanic activity has significantly increased on new zealands white island delaying efforts to recover the bodies of 9 people missing believed dead erupted on monday killing at least 6 others 30 people are in hospital many with bands to more than half their bodies thousands of protesters are gathering in sydneys demand action on Climate Change after months of out of control bushfires across parts of australia watching the live pictures now from sydney where demonstrators are accusing the government of ignoring a Climate Emergency the fries have been spurred on by unseasonably hot conditions and rouse well those are the headlines next stop inside story. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. Will bring in the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. After 3 years of political deadlock and stalemate the u. K. Is just about to vote in the most important general election for a political generation book conservative and to quote Boris Johnson hell get bricks it done for Jeremy Colvin and the u. K. Will have a 2nd referendum vote for the liberal democrats and bricks it dies a death instantaneously but cant whoever becomes the next british Prime Minister actually deliver on what people voted for and what they voted against this is inside story

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