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Saying the final battle was a rise. And a passing plea for me and miles leader for the worlds top court to throw out a case of genocide on range of minorities. First the british Prime Minister baraks johnsons decision to call a snap election looks to have paid off official results from thursdays vita coming in but the exit polls are indicating that his conservative party is well on calls to win its biggest majority in decades now if its confirmed johnson will gain crucial control of parliament to push through bracks it will brennan begins our coverage. The 1st results came in traditional labor strongholds in northeast england to dramatically reduce labor majorities seems to confirm the accuracy of the exit poll results stress then became the 1st labor seat to form a 10 percent swing the conservatives win here. The 1st time since 1950 s. 17 times was the lucky the exit poll had predicted 368. 00 conservative m. P. s with just 191. 00 for labor Boris Johnsons parliamentary majority would be 86 within an hour of polls closing the Prime Minister was on social media thanking supporters and activists we live in the greatest democracy in the world he wrote labor figures appeared stunned so extreme that if it is anywhere near this just anywhere anywhere near youre right theres a witness will be extremely disappointed for the for the Party Overall from movement yes well they just didnt have a clear position on prexy which in the end this was the election and having us all fudgie policy about that was never going to work this was the 1st december general election since 1023 but the weather factor with driving rain and winter chill temperatures did not put off the voters in some areas long queues formed with people determined to exercise their democratic choice Prime Minister Boris Johnson fortis as a breakfast election the slogan get bracks it done repeated over and over the simplicity of the message clearly worked but translating slogan to reality will be a challenge in iraq 11 months the u. K. Will be leaving without any deal and terms if it cant secure a trade deal with the European Union thats an extremely tight deadline so while the politics are very good for Boris Johnson the governance and the implications for what he can have to do and deliver on that promise are going to be really difficult when this is been described with some justification as the most important general election in the u. K. In a generation the outcome will decide the government for the next 5 years but it will also profoundly shaped the u. K. For the next 20 years or more paul brennan aljazeera london. All right lets go live now to jenna holly hes in our london news center and deb bring us right up to date then jonah with the very latest results martin 3 in the morning it is here and more and more as the results are counted they do seem to bear out the exit poll more and more safe labor seat seats in which people have voted labor for generations falling to the conservatives it does look as though this majority predicted for the conservative part of a Boris Johnson will be born out 86. 00 a majority of 86. 00 it is according to the exit poll even if its slightly wrong that would still be a landslide its a blank check really for Boris Johnson to do what he likes with briggs it what he likes with the future direction of this country and this countrys economy let me bring in my guests ill introduce you anyway to Chris Hopkins a pollster with 7 to the Polling Group and john maternal mishear a former political strategist with the labor party worked closely with former promise and tony blair as well 1st were going to go to emma haywood reporter in the constituency of oxbridge and south rise to that of course is Boris Johnsons own constituency because while it looks as though hes won big on the National Stage it isnt certain that hell win his own seat. Well joe you know were getting a sense that Boris Johnson well arrive in the next hour or so it will be interesting to say whether he looks like a man whos worried about his own seat or whether he looks like a man who is enjoying winning so many seats so looks like of course but a big victory tonight it is an interesting thing not just because its Boris Johnsons but also because there has been a Concerted Campaign by the other candidates to try to outsports john said a local Campaign Trip for it to oust a Prime Minister which would be the 1st time that would happen in person however i have spoken to a couple of his supporters who have been knocking on the door saying they are not right tonight they are happy they believe that Boris Johnson will be elected to the time in response to say. What hes up against a strong challenge from a young labor candidate you have been speaking im sure to be back to this centuri activists in the count and i wonder the extent to which people are surprised by the size of the conservative women also the size of the labor defeat. Well i think people are surprised that the look of the labor defeat so far especially in places like working to wrexham washington has been a labor stronghold since 1918 unimaginable i think even just a year ago to think that those seats would go but they have and it is about this election when i was talking to the conservative councilors they said people trust that Boris Johnson will get back sit down that has been his mantra and that seems to have resonated with the electorate and it will be interesting to see what that will mean here what it will mean and the rest of the country but quite clearly breaks it has been the main story of this selection certainly when i have been in the north of england talking to people who are lifelong labor. Like long sorry labor supporters they have voted for x. It may have felt very challenged by this they have known what to do but some of them have said we will vote conservative because we believe that Boris Johnson will get it done and for some of them that is an uncomfortable choice but one they seem to have made. Emma thanks very much will come back to you in a bit when we see signs of Boris Johnson and the decoration happening in that constituency emma setting the scene there for us ill come 1st to you Chris Hopkins i mean weve read out these names of all astute again live in the northeast of england li in Greater Manchester neighbors since 1922 wrexham in north wales labours 935 all falling to the conservatives it seems to its an extraordinary set of results but it does seem to bear out the extent of this exit poll when will we be confident do you think that this is the accurate picture yeah i think we already are confident i think we could be confident of a few hours ago to be completely frank i think assume the 1st few results came in and we saw the extent to which labor were the labor vote was falling away bligh of being you know one of the which they lost but even the extent to which the labor vote share was falling away in Houghton Sunderland the 2nd seat to be to be announced which was the miners to hold but the collapse of the vote was it was just so stark in a safe state and it was all went to the back of the party and the only implies quite heavily that you know labor voters traditional labor voters are disenfranchised with the party disenfranchised with bracks that message still you know in that seat in particular i find unpalatable to vote for the conservative party but there are there was another alternative and unfortunately in a few states. The labor party have lost i think about the Party Standing in labor health its has helped them in a few cases how it will be won and bonbon the central bit being another but particular take on the central example done jarvis is held on 5 so narrowly and he has very large majority so you know he needs to be very great and be very grateful in a sense to break the party of actually you know how do you have a slim majority it could have all gone horribly wrong for even him tonight or john the turn. An electoral landscape very clearly as chris describes realigned all tribal loyalties undone in the labor case some would say a failure of strategy a failure of leadership will the party now do you think turn on jeremy called minutes later if the party has any sense it will do if jeremy has any sense hell resign immediately and take it on the chin say with his leadership his policies as positions and the labor needs a new leader and some rethinking your ideas. I think that will there will be a vicious battle in the labor party over the next 48 hours to define was this a bracks election in which case to say its not about corporatism the ideas were popular its just the election or it was corbin and the ideas and breaks as well as everything i think yes still the landscape is being reshaped but i dont think this is 1803 in the sense they took labor 14 years to come back from i think weve seen the electoral landscape shift backwards and forwards across england in scotland. 2015 was surprise surprise majority 2017 a surprise Hung Parliament i think more is in play if labor listened to what the voters said they said what youve offered on breaks it and what youve offered on the country are the wrong things and we dont like your leader if you can if you break this off the table because were going to leave so its down to domestic policies and the leader get rid of our leader then the battle can be on with Jeremy Corbin because jerry jerry with Boris Johnson because Boris Johnson doesnt have a clear domestic agenda thats what everythings to play for in that space but a very in the future of course from the conservative side of things this will be seen as a matter of indication of so their strategy of their leader as a strategist yourself what do you think this was a case of luck or good judgment. It was a great piece of strategy from Dominic Cummings when he came in with Boris Johnson this is this is a this election for the stress justs. Chris trailing campaigners came in who won a surprise election in australias support for us but forrest had framed this up as he ran a tight political strategy they had it and they stuck to it every day every hour every week they stuck to the same thing one core message and it resonated with the public clearly that the country wants to get brakes it done the fact that the country doesnt know what comes after is a great opportunity for for for Boris Johnson to put a seal on things equal is an opportunity for an opposition that refreshes often changes twins has got to go in the liberal Democrats Court has got to go and the labor party could be a very different looking very vibrant opposition quite quickly but the battle of ideas because there arent sets tory ideas to oppose theres a vacuum to fill briefly it is a blank check for bush johnson isnt it what do you do with it they can do what he wants and i think what youll do is try and spend Money Capital infrastructure to consolidate seats in the north that stephanie will advise him to do if i was to stress just ok trauma turn of the sockets thanks for now and as the count goes on back here in doha all right thank you very much indeed jan and now lets have a look at the rest of the days news including. The. Day of mass protests in algeria against an election that 5 candidates have links to the al jazeera. And chiles president survives a bid to force him from office after weeks of violent protests. Hello there is no doubt about it winter is very much in place across much of canada and northern sections of the United States a lot of weather coming in as well with this cold air weve got rain and snow in the mix as well snow into minneapolis on friday notice how as cold as it has been minus 6 the averages monastery this time of year and also not as cold up into any peg even though its minus 12 the average is minus 10 a blanket of have through much of the east and Eastern Canada and role of the heavy rain on friday pushing into the southeast of the United States a wet day in atlanta the rain and snow coming on shore out across the west and as you go through saturday it does tend to make its way further eastward so really the snow is just through the southern sections of the rockies that plenty of snow elsewhere that rain pushes off shore and then it really begins to build and push up into the northeast so very unpleasant day on saturday some pretty strong winds around as wild bunch of shots through much of the caribbean fairly widespread but eastern areas pushing across into the Dominican Republic also we could see a few shots to the west im behind me while not to you about though into Central America it will some mostly dry weather in place so you can see most of the high of 23 but cloudy and havana with a high of 28. The shocking treatment of disabled people in rumanian state run care in this case you cannot have access to a toilet or water institutions funded by the European Union he has his hands and his state tied to the bed 5 years after highlighting these abuses people in power returns to romania in a 2 part series and discovers the scandal runs further afield europes recurring shame on aljazeera. High time for us to take a look at the main stories here at aljazeera exit polls in the u. K. Predicting an emphatic victory for Prime Minister Boris Johnsons conservative party set to win 368 seats thats a majority of 86. And the main Opposition Labor Party is its right to end up with fewer than 200. 00 seats losing many and its traditional heartland leader Jeremy Corbyn is facing calls to quit after the partys worst result since 995. And algerians are waiting to hear official results from an election on thursday that many say was a sham antigovernment protesters denounced all 5 candidates for being too close to the regime of the former president. But the smith reports at this polling station in algiers there werent many voters but plenty of ballot papers should turn out pick up later in the day here in the Early Morning just a few ballots have been cast in algerias president ial election. Algerian state t. V. Found a busy place to show its of us this is all around what the ocean any at the hague the presenters voiceover encourages people to get out and vote tells them there can be no reform without stability and says the people casting their ballots here were people who had recently been protesting the. But in the port city of the jail protesters took all the ballot papers and rip them up they wanted to make it clear they think the election is a farce oh susan if you think that all 5 candidates running for president this is one of them as a dean he like the others has been approved by the state all of them the senior officials in the current regime that is if you win that you will get the algerian so they are aware that they need the massive popular legitimacy and thats why were noticing since this morning thousands of all germans going to polling stations and this is a real answer did those who are doubting that this day want realize what people hopefully know how did you know protest began in algeria in february when Abdelaziz Bouteflika said hed stand for a 5th term as president he eventually backed down and resigned i feel but its not stopped tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in the last 10 months on election day there wasnt much tolerance from the police for protesters calling for a boycott but it was a good many algerians say this election wont get rid of. The group of businessmen politicians and military leaders who wield the real power behind the scenes this was i mean this guy is a from the similar scene there with or with with a fee for who was what shall i wont vote if i vote or betray my country no lections with the gangs thats at my brother so i will. Low turnout whoever wins will face questions of legitimacy before he even begins to tackle the challenges of a stagnant Oil Dependent economy high youth unemployment and rampant corruption. Bernard smith aljazeera. Live now to the constituency of islam to north in london thats a constituency of the leader of the Main Opposition Party the labor party Jeremy Corbyn and we understand that he has just won it lets listen to the rest of the count. Writing will mock by which of those he could be identified to being on mocked or wholly void for uncertainty 188. 00 the turnout 71. 8 percent since and i here by declare that the said Jeremy Bennett corbin is julie elected said this member of parliament listening to north constituency i would like to invite jeremy to speak. In the. Of the of. Thank you. Could i start by saying a huge thank you to the returning officer and all the staff and the police that have ensured a fair and democratic election has taken place today and also to congratulate and thank my fellow candidates for their participation in this election. And also the very heart tells hanks to the people of his into norse for electing me again for the 10th time to represent his into norse in Parliament Im very very proud to do so and ive learnt so much from the people of his into norse and its my pride in my pleasure to continue to be their representative in parliament. Of the i also want to thank ruth is our agent in this election and all of the wonderful friends comrades and supporters in his into north labor party for the huge effort they put in in this Election Campaign and they put in all the time to carry a message of hope and justice all over our constituency and through me i hope to a wider world. The pressure on those surrounding politicians is often very very high indeed the media intrusion on peoples lives is very high indeed and the attacks that take place against family and loved ones of politicians continue and that is graceful and frankly they are disgusting i want to take this opportunity to thank my family my Close Friends and those that have been close by and been very supportive during this and every other Election Campaign on assange my 3 sons for the huge support they give me and thank my wife Laura Alvarez for all that she puts up with because of the way in which the media behaved towards me towards her and indeed towards my party during this Election Campaign and. Her about her. This is a very disappointing night for the labor party with the result that weve got but i want to say this in the Election Campaign we put forward a manifesto of hope a manifesto of unity and a manifesto that would help to right the wrongs and the injustices and inequalities that exist in this country for those who need housing those who need an Effective Health service that will deliver for them and those children that need a school that is properly funded and theyre not being taught in oversized classes and a manifesto that gave hope in dealing with the Environmental Crisis the world faces by investing for the future through a green Industrial Revolution all of those policies were extremely popular during the Election Campaign and remain policies that have huge Popular Support all across this country however bracks ip has so polarized and divided devaluate as in this country it is overridden so much of a normal political debate and i recognise that has contributed to the results that the labor party has received to save all across this country the issues of social justice and the issues of needs of people will not go away just because bracks it is dealt with in the way in which Boris Johnson presumably plans to deal with it at the moment. All those issues will come back center stage in the debate and the fundamental labor message about justice and equality within our society is going to be one that is there for all time because its the very core of what my party believes in and what i will always advocate on behalf of my constituency and on behalf of my party or to also make it clear that i will not lead the party in any future general Election Campaign i will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take Going Forward and i will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place and we move on into the future of the eve cause im very proud of the trust that our half 1000000 members put in me to lead this party and im very proud of the way that we fought this Election Campaign we did not descend into the gutter we did not undertake personal abuse we undertook the task of getting a message of hope and justice to every part of this country and im very grateful to the labor party is into north and being very tolerant of the fact that i didnt spend as much time in this Election Campaign in this instance as obviously i would want to do because ive been traveling around the whole country to ensure that labor message is put but i want to say this. I will remain the m. P. For is into norse and im proud to represent the people of his into norse and im proud in parliament and outside the we will forever continue the cause for socialism for social justice and for a society based on the needs of all rather than the greed of a few that is what makes our party what it is and im very proud of the achievements of our party in the development of its manifesto and its ideas and i tell you what those ideas and those principles are eternal and there will be there for all time i thank the people of his into norse once again putting their faith and trust in me and i will work as i always have says to represent and defend the people of my constituency because theyre very special and i owe them so much and they have all taught me so much sank you very much. The leader of the labor party Jeremy Corbin there successfully. Keep his seat keep his seat is represented this seat isnt a no for about 36 years or so this is the 10th time hes been reelected but nonetheless there he did announce that he will not lead he will not lead the party to through another election hell stay in post through a transition period while a new leader is selected so Jeremy Corbyn there effectively resigning the leader of the labor party but not immediately jonah hall is our correspondent in london and so no surprise really that Jeremy Corbyn keeps his seat but nonetheless having to confront what is a devastating defeat or a complete routing of his party. Yes absolutely no surprise it is it is of the islam to north as you say the 10th time hes been. Voted into that seat hes been an m. P. Since 1903 but surely this is a devastating defeat more so than he could have expected than the labor party could have expected he does have to confront that hes come out very quickly to acknowledge it and to lay out some sort of a future plan the questions have been asked throughout the night what happens to Jeremy Corbin what happens to germany corbin theres been some pretty scathing indictments not least from former former home secretaries former employees who said its all down to corbin its corbin its corbin everything going on here is corbin and he is really the central figure in this labor party what the labor party has become under his leadership he directs policy directs staffing its all about corbin no one has to wonder whether this particular plan that hes laying out saying that he will go eventually he wont lead the party into the next election but he wont go immediately will bide his time some sort of period of reflection whilst they consider their future direction and whether that will be enough for a party now bruised and battered and will almost certainly from the early hours of tomorrow morning or the later hours of this morning start looking for someone to blame let me bring in my guest mo hussein a former advisor. To David Cameron in downing street also the former secretary. No stranger of course to the ins and outs of politics. How does he hold off calls germy corben to go immediately hes led his party to what must be seen as a catastrophic defeat exactly and i think it is going to be very hard for him to hold off these calls the board see lots of backbench labor m. P. s calling for him to go right now and i just dont think this kind of the. Hof resignation in terms of all when you lead the party in the next election which is 5 years away is going to be enough. Clearly there does need to be a period reflection within the labor party by i dont think Jeremy Corbyn is the person who can lead that because by all accounts the anecdotal evidence shows people knocking on the door is that his name was coming up as he is actually a part of the problem and what weve seen on the conservative side and the labor side is a president ial campaign is really about the personalities of Boris Johnson one side and Jeremy Corbyn on the other side so i think with that with him being part of the issue you know its his campaign his policies and the people around him people in the labor party the moderates feel he has moved the party in too much of a hard a left direction then they want to slow the party they join so i dont see how he can see an effect to mark his own homework i dont think thats going to war when you hear figures like John Mcdonnell senior labor party. Of of mr cole been saying look hes a reluctant leader hes not going to overstay his welcome then you have labor strategist former labor strategist like john the turn that we spoke to a little earlier saying hes so stubborn he will probably cling on hes not even sure that he recognises the issues and you see in that state that stubbornness in his refusal to apologize for claims of the claims of antisemitism is apparent refusal even to acknowledge the extent of the problem within the party that has been so damning in this Election Campaign in particular it is conceivable that he could just soldier on regardless yes it is and i think you will see a narrative emerging from elements of the labor party particularly the parts that support him this is all about bricks so this is not about anything else and certainly not by him but its about breaks the partys confused messaging on however i still go back to the point i dont think. But that is going to wash i think he will try and certainly he and his allies do seem to have taken over the different structures within the labor party so the process to get rid of him may still be difficult and when you get into these positions im sure people do kind of get used to and like the taste of power you know he has tried to sell this twice down to the electorate and people are not buying his version of korban ism so i think he should see the writing on the war and for the sake of the party step down ok well leave it Jeremy Corben off the back of a disastrous not for the labor party isnt stepping down yet but says he wont lead his party into the next election back to you all right dana thanks very much for that yes as jonah was saying a very disappointing night for labor Jeremy Corbin saying that he will not need the the party in the next elections where we are at this particular moment 650 seats you remember for parliament at the moment there are 294 of those have already declared labor has lost 22 seats they were 104 at this particular moment the conservatives have gained 33 seats and theyre on 153 but an overall prediction of them having Something Like an 86 seat majority do stay with us here is there with lots more on the u. K. Election. What kind of does that provide and is anyone willing to pick up the cost we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in so is it possible for trump to actually me to eat the economy counting the cost on aljazeera. 2014 people revealed the shameful treatment of disabled people in romania states from. Our investigation also raised questions about why the e. U. Was funding some of those institutions now there are a fresh allegations about neglect and mistreatment this time not just in romania but in neighboring countries in the 2nd of 2 special reports Sara Spillane has been to poke area to find out

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