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Courts. And in the spirit of christmas volunteers in lebanon feed those struggling in the economic crisis sparked by political chaos. Hello its being called a mockery and anything but justice the end result of a saudi trial into the killing of a journalist. As both criticism from the u. N. Special investigator and condemnation from Rights Groups where 5 people have been sentenced to death but their identities havent been revealed after the closed door trial in riyadh it cleared former royal aide Southall Khatami widely suspected of being a ringleader and that mohammed. Was a saudi consul general in istanbul where the Washington Post columnist was murdered former deputy intelligence chief. Was released for insufficient evidence 3 other people received jail terms totaling 24 years when the kingdom has denied any links to the hit squad killing but some of the team work for the Saudi Crown Prince has more. 14 months after Jamal Khashoggi was last seen walking into the saudi consulate in istanbul where his fiance ha t. J. Genghis waited for hours before calling for help a saudi court has issued a verdict us not to limit your manages a video of the criminal court in riyadh has issued a preliminary sentence against 11 of the accused individuals and it is as follows the Death Penalty for 5 and they are those who directed but dissipated in his killing may he rest in peace. But senior saudis with close connections to the royal court have been cleared the court ruled there was no proven involvement of saudi tani in the murder he was advisor to crown Prince Mohammed bin some on before his sacking soon after killing the turkish chief Prosecutors Office in istanbul filed a warrant for khatamis arrest a year ago in june the un special investigator agnes callum ard said intelligence agents had identified qahtani as a hit squad ringleader i have and sees to it that the killing of mr ease a state killing it is not a killing by rober of his shoulders as the country of the government continued to do to pretend at least under International Human rights slow and she urged the world to sanction the crown prince and his assets until he could prove his innocence that hasnt happened. Exoneration to her former consul general mohammed all otay be who showed journalists around the consulate in istanbul also cleared off middle of siri the kingdoms former deputy intelligence chief started throwing a plan a vote under the journalism watchdog Reporters Without Borders says justice has been trampled why their mama been saw them on he was in contact with a lot of cop pani just before and after the murder of her my live show she this is what the cia based in part its this edition that that molly been film on was very high probability responsible for ordering the killing so yeah lots and lots of questions this verdict will do nothing to quell those questions and it raises many many more questions there is no such thing as fair and open justice in saudi arabia despite intelligence agencies including the cia saying crown Prince Mohammed bin so man was probably involved the white house shielded the future king from absolute responsibility maybe maybe. And following intense criticism and skepticism that little happens in the kingdom without his knowledge the crown prince eventually had his say was. Absolutely not that this was a heinous crime like this but i take full responsibility as a leader in saudi arabia the identities of those convicted were concealed during the closed door trial in the capital riyadh and it remains unclear what roles they played in crucial g. s death raising suspicions that they are the fall guys for much more powerful saudis and Chapelle Al Jazeera well the u. N. Special investigator agnes kalama says the whole trial was a travesty of justice what we. Now whitewash than. Just you. And. Jane. Anderson. Ive not been. Mean subjects. That made a lot of people want gemma. Here as much of the disease on my end as a saudi human rights activist living in exile on an island he says under its absolute monarchy justice can never be achieved in saudi arabia i dont think we are even close to justice. The public perhaps prosecutor in saudi arabia if he had gone a little bit higher so lets say if he said im a sad man is connected it wasnt to be a court order to bring we have a disadvantage to it because. We are an absolute monarchy where. Justice is very hard to achieve when as a special or touch from the u. S. Government was all this coming now just. To make things clear i was out of saudi arabia for a whole year before he was killed so this is not 6 an incident that is out of context this is really im at the end youre up there so do government where i can said the killing this event is legal im against the Death Penalty even part of this fight people because this battle to shouldnt be issued from the saudi government and his circumstances because we dont tout. He said court system and for sure and i absolutely want to keep people in the top cat has done a do not pay the price is not a Prime Minister who will be changed for his family or is there to stay forever if i dont eat ice. The chief executive of u. S. Plane make a boeing has been fired thats less than a week out of the companys suspended production of its wants best selling jetliner boeing says the leadership change is necessary to restore confidence after a turbulent year is set off by the twin crashes of the 737 max a craft rolls in jordan has more now from washington d. C. Its the biggest crisis and boeings 103 year history on monday after 2 fatal crashes involving its 737. 00 max jetliner boeing fired its c. E. O. Dennis mullen burge for breaching the Publics Trust the board of directors decided that a change in leadership was necessary to restore confidence in the Company Moving forward as it works to repair relationships with regulators customers and all other stakeholders. 189 people died when a lion air 737 max crashed in indonesia in october 2018 less than 6 months later another 157 people were killed when an Ethiopian Airlines jet also a 737. 00 max crashed in the north of that country the u. S. Government forced boeing to ground the jet until problems with both the operating software and with Pilot Training could be fixed weve made mistakes weve learned and we are still learning but despite repeated promises from mulund berg to get the planes back in the air by the end of this year the problems continue regulators in the u. S. And europe have refused to clear the 737 max is returned to the skies and lawsuits are pending a lawsuit alleges that the why america crash was in part a result of a recently dangerous conditions of boeing 737 max aero aircraft boeing has lost more than 8000000000. 00 and another 8000. 00 companies are also suffering from lost Business Airlines are scrambling to revise their Business Plans and juggle flight schedules since they dont want to use or buy jets with a dodgy Safety Record and on friday boeing had a setback in its Space Business its starglider transport shuttle suffered technical problems forcing nasa to ditch a planned docking with the International Space station the new c. E. O. David calhoun takes charge in january its now up to him to reassure everyone that boeing is taking their faith in flying seriously rosalind jordan aljazeera washington the top curtis is a form a safety engine if a boeing he says the Company Still has some way to go before it can regain customer trust. Theres both a cultural and an organizational as well as a regulatory issue that is happening here one of the major changes with the 737 max and its not just with boeing its throughout the industry the relationship between the f. A. A. Which is the certifying authority and the manufacturers have changed it gave more power and influence to manufacturing managers as opposed to f. A. A. Managers and although the investigations are still ongoing for the 277. 00 x. Crashes that major change could be a part of whats underlying the situation thats happening now the space situation that having that this week is one of the things i pointed out theres a Software Issue with the starliner spacecraft that made it misses or bit with the i assess there was a Software Issue with the m. Cast which was involved in the 2 crashes one question i had is is there any sort of relationship between the organizations that made the software for those 2 vehicles even if its an indirect relationship its something that boeing should be forthright about and come clean about as soon as possible moberg was a representation of boeing to the public and although we had some role in whats going on most of it is going to have a result by the existing organizations within boeing a part of it will be technological getting to the bottom of the crashes of the 737 max and getting to the bottom of why the spacecraft went into the wrong orbit and others will be more of a if i could say it a Public Relations effort to show the public by words and deeds that they have not only changed how they do business but the way they do business is going to be more reliable safer and with less risk in the general public. Lots more to come on the news hour including. The. Calls grow louder against indias new citizenship law thats divided its people. And malaysian researches go against the grain in their search for Sustainable Food production. And support one of rugbys best known players condemns china over the persecution of weekend muslims. Indias Main Opposition Congress party is accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of silencing the voice of the people their anger is growing against a controversial new citizenship law or a grant citizenship to religious minorities from 3 neighboring countries but excludes muslims at least 25 people have been killed in protests and is about purana reports from the delhi. And now the crackdown in the heart of the capitol. Hill police detaining protesters outside the federal headquarters of clutter pradesh state. People condemned the killing of 18 demonstrators there in the past few days the delhi protesters said they wanted to give a voice to people in the call to put their issue with the internet remains cash off in many parts and large gatherings of back. Elsewhere in the capital a similar outcry. And a defiant mood on display at Jamia Millia Islamia university the university is a Muslim Institution the demonstrations are attracting people from all walks of life including 1st time protest is that actually that people have come out on the streets to express their anger and theyre saying that the why this government has brought this bill is undemocratic. Joined thousands who chanted against the government and the citizenship law passed by m. P. On december the 11th the citizenship Amendment Act makes it easier for migrants from of ghana star bangladesh and pakistan to gain citizenship but muslims are excluded students and Civil Society groups have been a driving force for the protests so far the Main Opposition Congress party joined in with a certain that raj got a memorial to my heart my donkey the aim to invoke the spirit of god these Inspirational Campaign the civil rights. To do this constitution was drafted by people of all feeds the voices of hindus muslims sikhs and christians is indeed part of the constitution and you cannot attack it and if you do the nation will stop you. I elsewhere in india more large protests thousands marched in the southern cities of chennai bengal and hyderabad. Despite the largest protests against his government since he was 1st elected 5 years ago Prime Minister Narendra Modi isnt backing down from the new law and system it isnt divisive. But he is backtracking on plans to hold a National Register of citizens which would require all indians to prove their citizenship. Thats not enough for his critics. It was said of the trust the man was testing. For perhaps. It was 65. 0000 to. Thailands Main Opposition Party says it will range mass protests in the new year even as it comes under increasing pressure from the courts more than 6000000. 00 people voted for the future Forward Party in march but the Election Commission wants the party dissolved and its leaders banned from politics when a report from bangkok. Thailand politics is again being played out in the courts and on the streets in its 1st election in march the future Forward Party won 81 seats in parliament and was almost able to form a government since then its been hit with a series of legal challenges which it says a part of a deliberate coordinated attack designed to destroy its 90 percent of them came off the election result was announced so it was obvious that before the election those in power might be a little bit nervous but they didnt care too much about lies but after they have proved ourselves in the election they start to be really afraid as its come under increasing pressure the future forward led by charismatic young businessmen tama torn june room room kid has urged people to come onto the streets he says this protest just over a week ago which was the largest since a military coup in 2014 was just the beginning and more will be held early next year tama tone was the opposition blocs candidate to become Prime Minister but last month he was banned from taking his seat in parliament for violating election laws related to his ownership. Of shares in a Media Company and now the Election Commission is recommending that future ford be dissolved and its leaders banned for up to 10 years because of alleged financial wrongdoing the future Forward Party and some of its leaders have delved into some sensitive areas that others have and did too like discussing reform of laws designed to protect the monarchy from criticism campaigning on ending military conscription and changing old laws that benefit corporate monopolies by doing so the perception is that become a threat to some of the most powerful people in thailands thailand is led by Prime Minister. The army general who led the coup 5 and a half years ago and many in his government are also former military personnel and m. P. From his party late delayed his complaint with police about the leaders all future forward alleging that guilty of sedition for organizing the recent protest in bangkok. Says the cases are not politically motivated as. In reality no conflicts between forward and the government are the charges and allegations that are being laid against the party are caused by their own actions ties are used to large scale protests that are often ended violently by Security Forces another cycle of turmoil may be about to begin this time led by a new Younger Generation who say they want real democracy and not a military government in disguise wayne hay aljazeera bangkok. The leaders of china japan and south korea are meeting in the chinese city of chengdu in the effort to improve ties increasing militarization and territorial disputes of soured relations in recent years seoul and tokyo are allies of the u. S. Whose naval presence in the region has been repeatedly condemned by beijing north korea and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula remains a major concern both japan and south korea unhistorical animosities remain including south korean demands that japan apologize and compensate sex workers from the 2nd world war well katrina you joins us live now from beijing catrina these countries as you saw there havent always seen eye to eye whats significant about this meeting well i think one thing thats significant is that its happening at all now these 3 countries have had about 20 years of this these kind of gathering of these kind of meetings happening but over the last 11 years they only got together the 7 times because they have quite a complicated relationship its been as you mentioned before its gone from good to bad to in some cases what can only be described as plain hatred so they have an extremely complex relationship that really stems from you know very complicated issues to do with and military occupation and the treatment of prisoners of war and as you mention the treatment of the socalled comfort women so the fact that theyre meeting this year is significant for 4 years this meeting was actually canceled because the relationship between china and japan was so untenable and even this year they are managing to meet but tensions still that particularly between japan and south korea and even china and south korean on the best of terms because of south koreas thought Missile System so whats it significant is that they are coming to the table now going to try to do that best put the disagreements aside to see if they can really achieve some outcomes working together today so katrina one of the has been to achieve then during the summit. Well the main banner agenda is is trade these 3 countries in 2090 did more than 720000000000. 00 worth of trade and they think they can do even better open was considered and so from the things that theyre talking about the talking about the regional a comprehensive Economic Partnership talking about a trilateral fee trade agreement that they have gone through about 16. 00 rounds of negotiations now so they really hoping that they can do more to strengthen the economic ties in particular for china really china sees this as an opportunity to emphasize its role as a regional leader as a as a country that can really mediate and bring bring other countries together and this is particular particularly seen when we come to this other issue that has been to discuss which is north korea now were fast approaching the deadline for the north korean of reman with the with the u. S. We dont know if theres going to be an outcome with that i think china very much sees itself as a person who can as a country rather that can fill a diplomatic void left by the u. S. And its hoping by this summit it can really increase its own influence and from these countries u. S. South korea and japan both u. S. Allies and in turn decrease the sway that the u. S. Has in this region so for china it is an extremely important geopolitical events in itself or its a katrina you that in beijing katrina thank you at least 8 civilians have been killed in a car bombing in Northern Syria it happened just 10 kilometers south of turkeys border in the turkish held town of smoke a woman and child are among the dead 7 others have been wounded theres been no claim of responsibility. The u. N. Said in general has called for an immediate end to the violence in Northern Syria Syrian Government forces and their russian allies are pushing deeper into a last rebel stronghold and lead to try and retake the area dozens of civilians have been killed and tens of thousands displaced by the bombardment mamadou is monitoring the crisis from antakya in turkey close to the border with syria the signs of war everywhere in the properties where russian brokered cease fire is in touches the blitz in northwest syria is driving tens of thousands from their homes to escape the aerial onslaught from syrian and russian warplanes they are calling it well done this to ation is very bad we fled from the bombardment and barrel bombs we came here just to save our children and women there is nothing else we can do is give a shelter to close to 4000000 city and with fijis and with the warning another 120000. 00 heading for the border the techie she does say is his country cant cope with any Syrian Opposition fighters and russian Government Forces agreed to a ceasefire in focused but asked strikes and artillery bombardments almost daily or cardins primary there is no hope returning to our homes because of into his daily bombardment every day the regime is taking all word village after village syrias president does that up his promise to tick up to every inch of syrian territory controlled but opposition fighters it lip is the only province remaining out of Bashar Al Assads control here his forces celebrate the seizure of more than 20 villages in. The villages of either been killed or displaced at the border comes run by techie charities of forcing many of the newly displaced into makeshift camps where a delivery is out of the area as the winter bites the turkish government wants Syrian Refugees to return to a socalled safe zone in the north. Syria seized from kurdish led forces in october president i do on his support for the plan saying he would otherwise be forced to open the gates for syrians to head west into europe whole villages have been emptied in the latest all slaughter with civilians corralled in a corner of d. With nowhere else to go until the bombardments top the exit us will continue. On the turkey syria border iran says were going to series of new operations the heavy water plant the move could take the country closer towards weapons grade plutonium but it does not breach the 2050 nuclear deal with world powers washington withdrew from the landmark accord last year we imposing sanctions on tehran that prompted iran to scale back its commitments under the deal. Moscows envoy says the leaders of russia and ukraine have agreed to a prisoner swap before the end of the year it follows a cease fire agreement between both countries in paris earlier this month it was the 1st face to face meeting between the leaders of a lot amirs and in ski and Vladimir Putin aimed at tackling the conflict has killed 13000 people since 2014. And arrest warrant has been issued in the ivory coast for a candidate in next years election former rebel leaders accused of misusing public funds and trying to destabilize the country sorow is due to return home to start his campaign but his flight was diverted to ghana and hes fired tear gas of supporters who had gathered to meet him chiles president has approved a referendum to change the countrys constitution one of the main demands of antigovernment protesters in recent months president Sebastian Pinera says a referendum would help unify the country on april 26th chileans will be asked to questions whether they want a new constitution and who should draft it the current one was enacted in 180 under the former military dictatorship for finishing it please see in the middle of this referendum the 1st in 30 years should serve us in leaving behind the violence and divisions that weve painfully and sadly seen resurging these last few days. Time for a short break here not just iraq when we come back a strain on state officials along the effects of catastrophic bush fox will be felt for 17 years to come. And well have the 2nd part of our exclusive reports about how illegal guns in the u. S. Are fueling gun violence in mexico and in school this legendary tally and coach has a little fun at the expense of his new clubs fan son i will have those details in sports after the break more of that state. How we got some unsettled weather coming into central parts of china right over the next couple of days not to be out of the moment but to kelly into the south this is the cloud that you day night is here that will thicken up further to go through the next day or so choose day i want to see just into the far east shanghai must see a little bit of wet weather as we go on into well where to stay i think is up the rain will become a little more intense with some snow on the northern flank of that the further south we lost the fine and dry hong kong at around 23 degrees not so fun in trying into the philippines that weve been talking about structural storm fan from making its way towards the philippines you can see the system here it will come through as we go on through choose day for Christmas Day that wet weather driving across the country grassy pushing over towards southern parts of vietnam some parts could see as much as 200. 00 millimeters of rain in the process is looking rather wet to into where sri lanka are over the next day or so southern parts of india a lot of clouds showing up in the northeast monsoon driving moist air across the by up and go down towards the southern but its of india and also into sri lanka than elsewhere as you can see its generally can dry and more cloud coming into central parts of the smoke and cool weather to the north. The weather. Sponsored by catalona is. The last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system when you walk through each and every lug will board layer further and further into the jail or if you join us once a week and surely has to start from day one whether again you and attention or you incarcerate this is a dialogue everyone has a voice so far there are studies that support our coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the global conversation on out is iraq. This is a boon for point people right now and technology there is so much going to help people its phenomenal thanks for calling i read this is there and what are you looking for today we get to assist the blind with their day to day tasks and give them more independence and freedom this was our goal to little is the tomato exploration process was sort of a the new in a way we have outside knowledge available to us no. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here on the aljazeera u. N. Special investigator has slammed the sentencing of 5 people to death for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi as a mockery of justice saudi arabias Public Prosecutor underdone prison sentences to 3 others but 3 of the most you know suspects were cleared. The chief executive of the u. S. Plane make a boeing has been fired denniston and departure is seen as an effort to restore confidence up the 2 fatal crashes last week production of the 737 was suspended and indias Main Opposition Congress party is that a massive rallies with the capital new delhi against a controversial citizenship law it says the legislation is anti muslim and undermines indias secular constitution. 3 days of National Mourning have been declared in algeria after the death of the head of the countrys ali 80 year old general ahmed guide sala led the states response to mass protests which forced out president but a freak this year more about a month before. For years he was the chief of staff of the Algerian National army but a man to guide salah would mostly be remembered for being behind the resignation of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika after 2 decades in office. On march 26th the c. M. Not normal after hundreds of thousands about jerry and marched in the streets demanding an end to the regime. It was guides televised speech urging beautifully could quit the made that a reality the armed but the rest of many opposed to fake his allies a month later supported the newly appointed interim leader after. I would. Be had so that i would like to confirm in truth that the transitional period to prepare for the president ial elections to take place with the oversight of the National Peoples army which will keep watch over the course of this transition in lot of the mutual trust between the people and their army. Just last week attending the inauguration of the new president at the top board. But many protests of the boycotted the election that brought him to power saying those little choice of candidates the only established elite. Guide seller has spent his adult life in the armed forces a former officer of the National Liberation army and then the algerian Peoples National armed forces he spent years working his way to the top of the army. He forged out areas war of independence between 19 1542962 against the french and was considered a hero in his country. In 1903 he was promoted to the role of Lieutenant General as a close ally to then president put of flicka in 2004 he became chief of staff of the r. Jerry in peoples National Army on september 15th 2013 vice minister of defense but he had rivals they included the powerful head of algeria secret services Mohammad Mehdi n known as general taufiq but he was removed in september 2015 making gazzara the head of the armed forces was dead in february this year in a sudden wave of protests algerians demanded the entire regime step down. In a major u. Turn guide salah ended his loyalty to beautifully and joined the calls from protesters for the president to resign the however many are gerry and turned. And called for his resignation on and to the military state. Volunteers in lebanon are providing meals for those in need this christmas as the country goes for its worst economic crisis in decades lebanons dire economy is one of the main reasons for ongoing protests against the Political Class which has ruled the country for 30 years. With. A show of solidarity with those in need at a time of crisis volunteers from across lebanon have been helping prepare christmas dinner for the poor people are hungry they need to eat. And get food. Theyre hosting them in Martyrs Square which has become the epicenter of a multiethnic tarion protest movement against the Political Class that has ruled lebanon for decades. And. There may be unity here but this is a deeply divided country that has been without a government for weeks politicians are bargaining over power instead of heating demands from the street to make way for a new leadership the situation. Of. We have to do. It is difficult times the state is on the verge of bankruptcy one and a half 1000000 lebanese are officially. Poverty thats a 3rd of the population the world bank has warned the total could rise to house the population and that dire prediction was made before the economy started to collapse a few months ago and the crisis has worsened the further. Thousands. Many workers receiving their salaries lebanon is in need of International Financial assistance. But no country seems to be willing to come to the rescue until the make up and shape of the new government capable of reforms is agreed for now people only have each other to rely on. Today these people are more government because when i used to ask. They never help. Protesters against the ruling elite want a new leadership is proving hard to achieve but gatherings like this are achieving Something Else theyre bringing people together as lebanon faces tough challenges ahead senator al jazeera beirut. Fireworks and flares have been set off inside one of pariss main railway stations during protests against Pension Reforms strikers confronted riot police in the garden the only smoke filling some of the main concourse the 2 week long nationwide walkout has crippled Railway Services and for schools to close workers are angry at president mark rolls planned reforms to Public Pensions which would force people to work until the age of 64 well a strike sounding a big impact on businesses hoping for a festive boost many people have stopped travelling into major cities and retailers and hoteliers are feeling the pinch as been a smith now reports from the french capital. Frances Business Owners are not feeling the spirit of christmas just before the holiday it looks busy in paris but the almost total shutdown of the metro is having a Significant Impact on the numbers of people coming out to shop and. Takings at this cafe have fallen 30 percent manager isabel sol says its worse than last years yellow vest protest. We have had an enormous loss of turnover weve had no terrorists in the style find it very difficult to come to work some cannot even make it and but its not the fault of those looking for work will find it harder next month frances main Employers Association says 3 quarters of paris area businesses are planning to freeze hirings because of the loss of Economic Activity 80 percent of frances small and medium sized businesses have suffered losses because of the strike thats according to their confederation and in the major cities of paris marsay in strasbourg sales of something by as much as 60 percent turnover at this hotel is down 50 percent for the seller add to that the taxi bill the owner is facing to get his staff into work and back home every day i hope that this strike wont. Continue for 3 months because it could be really difficult to be honest a case like this. Yes we have consolations just 2 days before 48 hours b. Before and it follows we cannot recover it perishes Botanical Gardens is hoping for 400000. 00 visitors this year to its winter exhibition but says midweek numbers are down we dont know. What we are doing the 15 days. And the 5th day for vacation are very important because we expect the. Poor day spending on Pensions Health care and other social services swallows 32 percent of frances g. D. P. The highest in the developed world benefits the french are reluctant to sacrifice the unions are promising another round of nationwide demonstrations in january france faces another gloomy winter Bernard Smith aljazeera paris. Now with temperatures finally cooling firefighters in australia hoping to make gains against some 200 bush fires still burning across New South Wales and South Australia months of fires have killed 9 people and destroyed at least a 1000 properties and the Deputy Commissioner of New South Wales is warning it could take years for the environment to recover we shouldnt underestimate just how much of the Natural Environment is being burnt and you know thats got seriously you know ecological impacts as well as the far impact as well and i think that will be felt for years to come well as some of the smoke clears many residents are returning to see what remains of their homes one particularly hard hit communities balmoral south of sydney just got washington is there. For dozens of families here in balmoral this is all they have left most of the town was engulfed in a blaze sophias it created a firestorm this family stayed to try and protect their home while the inferno swept through their property we had no chance we got smashed. The heat was intense for want of a better word. Estimating that it probably hit 1002004 degrees back here. Without a house just days before christmas members of this family are being helped by their neighbors but there arent sure of what lies ahead the generosity of the community as these small communities. That just been amazingly generous people. Have offered us homes in everything. This time. Really we dont have any plans at this stage this community is a small one home to just 400 but its been devastated by this bushfire crisis dozens of homes were lost this weekend alone and more than a 1000 houses have been destroyed since the start of the bush. This couples property is scorched but they still have their house we were lucky to keep the house very lucky and it was thanks to this man that we create. We know if he wasnt here we would have lost our house emergency warnings are still in place and a heat wave is expected to return in just a few days but fire crews are making the most of the cooler weather and thats allowed some of those who evacuated to return and assess the damage they said were very lucky and extremely grateful. But we all can help together thats what were here for a very close knit community. And well get through this. Her house has escaped the fires along with her christmas lights. Just to washington aljazeera australia. Heavy pollution has forced irans government to extend School Closures in the capital terrence covered in the thick blanket of toxic smog and their pollution has surged more than 6 times past World Health Organization recommended levels schools are 1st closed on saturday and are now remain shut for a week children elderly and those with whisper treeless as have been urged to stay. Well food scientists in malaysia are working to reduce the worlds dependence on 4 major crops wheat corn rice and soybeans provide 2 thirds of the global food supply but there are fears population growth and Climate Change could cause shortages long story reports now from some many in Western Malaysia on a remote farm in northern malaysia stand row upon row of baumberger groundnuts native to africa the lagoon is considered and often crop grown by traditional farm most but increasingly neglected in favor of cash crops. Is one of a handful of farmers working with a Research Center to put the crop back in the market i would apply more if i find this very dear is suitable then about market we want then we might use a great pharmacy or traditionally grow just enough bamber of groundnuts for their families theyre sold at markets only when theres a surplus crops for the future an International Organization dedicated to promoting underutilized crops is hoping to change that researchers are concerned the Climate Crisis and the world over dependence on 4 major crops wheat rice soy and corn could cause Food Shortages in the future. When we have 10000000000 people its 3 degrees hotter weve got 4 crops thats incredibly risky of course theyre good crops and also in a moment but will they be enough in the future and therefore we say if theyre not what other crops are we going in the armory that humanity has cultivated for thousands of years and theyre still around because we didnt do any research on them but theyre still growing that means there must be resilient they must be tough crops encouraging underused crops onto our plates is also a way to increase diversity and nutrition in our diets at the Centers Laboratory food technologist tons in experiments with ways in which barbara groundnuts high in protein and essential amino acids can be used. With not a good way of how we could introduce the new ingredient egypt people diet thats by incorporating the ingredients into that they are familiar with. These noodles were made by substituting 20 percent of the wheat flour with flour made from bamber are ground that biscuits Savory Snacks can also be made in a similar way these are all examples of how underutilized crops can be incorporated into our diet but so far none of the products here have been made commercially available food manufacturers have been reluctant largely because of the unreliable supply of bombard ground thats thats where farmers like him come in a successful harvest could be a step towards making the long overlooked barbara ground that a crop for the future florence aljazeera cement malaysia. Now violence in mexico has come under increasing scrutiny after a number of u. S. Citizens were murdered last month the country is dealing with its highest murder rate on record and the majority of firearms involved in being smuggled in from across the border are to 0 as john home and as part 2 now of our series an arms trafficking from the u. S. This burnt up car became a wakeup call for the United States this is for the record i need in 4 of my grandchildren her. Shot up 3 women and 6 children american citizens killed in neighboring mexico. President trump said in response the cartels would be considered terrorist organizations but it was america may bullets found at the scene and likely america make guns smuggled across the border that we used to kill not just this family but tens of thousands more in mexico quantised suffered more the most this year theres been an average of 6 murders a day residents say the city swimming with us far omes. Anyone can carry a gun now and ive known cases where the exchange a couple of words with someone in a taco stand in a petrol station and they killed them. Yvonnes husband himself was shot dead leaving her to bring up 4 year old michelle and 10 year old danny alone its affected us in every way economically as well im not with my daughters where distance because i have to work every day and leave them here alone he was the breadwinner in mexico its extremely hard to buy a gun legally but criminals have found an easier way about 70 percent of the firearms seized here in traced have come from the u. S. The states attorney responsible for 2 quanah told how does here in the mix can cartels which of long relied on straw buyers and now using different tactics to buy move weapon state saw fit in the spot in different parts of the United States illegally by parts of guns than across them into mexico and put the gun together here anyone can go to a gun store in the u. S. And buy a gun part theres no control of that in the registry then we find those arms at a crime scene in mexico and we have no way to trace them why because they have no serial number. Once the guns or parts of guns aborts its easy to get them across a poorest border where there are few checks on the passing cards what impact would it have on the homicide rate here in tijuana if suddenly it became a lot more difficult to get guns over the border from the u. S. To mexico they dont but i believe that it would. I have an important impact at the moment that the criminals dont have a way to get firearms will be hard to commit a murder so of course a restriction would have an impact on the body but believe it in the end though the blame lies not with the weapons but those wielding them says a man who would know the new group is a rip off and i think its ones own responsibility because if they gave you an order you have to obey if youre carrying or not if they tell me youre going to kill those people i have to do it and thats my own responsibility for the ones i kill depending on what they did wrong there are tens of thousands though who have done nothing but have had their families ripped apart now live volm wants is a safer future for almost all says la theres so much killing so many dead too many cases unsolved people disappeared if all of this really stopped the traffic barmes the drugs wed have a bit of peace. Stopping the flow of guns into mexico wouldnt rectify the alone but from politicians to experts to ordinary make skins if you doubt that it would help john homan. To quanah. Time to. Discover. New planets outside the system and. The good with the truth in karachi is coming up on the screen stay with us. Welcome back time for the sport hisself. Thank you very much the deadly attack on 3 lankas team bus and lahore in 2009 left pakistan a without test cricket on home soil for more than a decade but sri lanka have finally returned and on monday pakistan sealed their 1st test when a home in more than 13 years sam i like has more. Its a moment thats been over a decade in the making pakistan celebrate their 1st test victory on home soil since the return of crickets longest format to the country earlier this month. Countries had avoided playing test in pakistan since the 2009 attack on sri lankas team bus in lahore. And it was against sri lanka that pakistans landmark victory came the home side only needed 3 wickets and crunchy on the final day to feel victory. And they got the 1st one with the openings all of the morning the remaining batsman fell soon after pakistan taking just 15 minutes to get the job done. Nothing shar was the hero the 16 year old stepping up with 5 wickets in the final innings to not only seal a 263. 00 run win but also the series one nothing is easy their home series was important to us its been a long time since a test series was played in pakistan this test series was special for each player to win obviously everyones overwhelmed pakistans test future still remains uncertain bangladesh a schedule to visit next but they won best series moved to a neutral venue for now however pakistan will celebrate this a storage moment so hell malik aljazeera. One of rugbys best known players that is the latest sportsman to criticize china for locking weaker muslims Sonny Bill Williams tweeted his appeal of for more people and countries to speak out saying the have a chosen money over humanity the new zealand star follows. In supporting the we get minorities a plight the Chinese Government reacted to the german and matildas criticism by pulling the plug on showing arsenal matches in time. For when i want driver shahs a clerk or has signed a new long Term Contract with harare is new deal commits him to the italian team until the end of the 2024 season and it follows an Impressive Campaign it went to old from monaco one back to back racism belgium and italy and scored 7 pole positions more than any other driver. Footballs governing body has banned Rain International for 10 matches for racist behavior during a qualifier for the 2022 world cup last month i made this last that i gesture towards fans during his countrys away match against hong kong incident it was captured by a fan and was posted on twitter. Well saying with racism in this professional Footballers Association has called on the u. K. Government to lodge an inquiry into racism in the premier league it follows yet another incident this time in the match between tottenham and chelsea on sunday a complaint about racist johnson was made by chelseas german descend then tanya a spokesman for the british Prime Ministers office said on monday it would monitor the premier leagues efforts to combat the problem a number of leading figures in the game have been reacting to what happened at tottenham including at man city boss that guardiola who believes a fighting racism is a daily battle but i dont like not to fight every day in the school especially in the families at home to do the best as i can do for you to the new generation. Its a pattern that day by day of course and all the initiatives. It happened for the players and for the mission of course we are going to work. You have a temple sir cullen chill out he has played down the rumors that hell science superstar forwards latin by him of it but only after teasing the possibility is that on currently a free agent is a friend eventuality have played under him at p. S. G. But i am amazed at the finishes the period in the United States and the really i dont know what is his idea. Really i dont know i have to call him and maybe i am going to call him just if you want to come to liverpool to enjoy. A good look to play or not to play. And thats all useful for me well have more later on. Thank you very much now 16 of planets outside the system have been discovered by astronomers in the u. K. These are an artists impression of their rest planetary systems into the socalled exit planets orbit stars which are around 162440 light years from earth the planets are extremely hot making it difficult to determine the type of rock on its surface Scientists Say with further research they could hold the key to unlocking the geology of planets in our solar system where john barnes an astronomer at the open university and part of the team that made the discovery explained how the planets were found i wanted to work out if theres an official working of preselecting stars that might harbor planets so these are stars that previously we didnt necessarily know have planets orbiting about them. And we used a particular signature in the light coming from the star. And we measured we looked at that signature for quite a few stars those days it is about 2 and a half to 3000 stars we have based this best pacific measurement that we were interested in and it turns out that about 40 of those of those have a very unique property which tells us something that tells us that these these stars may did harbor harbor planets but thats only really the 1st stage because we need to go back for we need to actually see if they really did he. Buys and thats thats the work that we that weve been carrying out and it turns out its the method weve used is it seems to be very efficient so far so all those stars which was observateur which we have sufficient number of measurements of the stars have in fact harbor warmer or more planets so this is a very efficient technique for identifying planets actively. All right thats it from me peter dog is up next with more news straight your gums about. The latest news as it breaks boeing is the largest manufacturing export in the u. S. With detail coverage critics say secular protections are great in the Indian Constitution and now on the front. And fearless journalism from around the world for cycling fans 1st like this one play a crucial role in argentinas Waste Management system. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but the default structure of the main things because on a project thats what we diffuse it was one of the saunders sulfa settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. And africas technological at the center of an awful us and brutal poverty to live side by side. In its 1st episode life ups challenges kenya up developers to help small scale farmers cultivate a new future but can mobile phones really be the seed of change its a starting point because its already bored people to go live outside Silicon Savannah on aljazeera. Al jazeera. And you will. Find men sentenced to death for the brutal murder of jamal but the u. N. Investigator calls the trial a mockery of justice. And on well come on peter told me youre watching all jazeera live from our headquarters here and also coming up. The battle for syrias last rebel held province reaches a critical point as the u. N. Raises the alarm about the scale of civilian suffering. The balsa boeing is forced out after a disastrous year a fatal crash and doubts about its 737 max

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