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Hello there we begin in baghdad where thousands of people are attending the funeral procession for those killed at the u. S. Airstrikes targeting Major General qassam somani on friday the formal funeral for the top iranian commander as well as of a wadi alma hondas the Deputy Commander of the iran backed Popular Mobilization forces is on the way on this will later be buried not in iraq manis body will be flown to iraq lets go live to some more fulton whos in baghdad similar so this is a chance for people to pay their respects. Thats correct and thats what theyve been doing since the Early Morning hours the processions began here in baghdad in the car the area where holy shrine of them is located and the procession is now under way and part of it has reached the area a part opposite of the fortified green zone where the u. S. Embassy is located now earlier today we saw actually just about an hour or half an hour ago we saw the crowds actually reaching up to one of the gates of the green zone now the procession that included the bodies of the 8 people who were killed in the strike including so him and his and mohandas they were allowed to go through but then when the broader crowd allows the Security Forces basically locked the gates and did not allow these crowds to go through which is a significant departure from what happened on tuesday when Security Forces basically stood down and allowed morning crowds of supporters and members of the Popular Mobilization forces to enter the green zone the crowds for a few minutes banned on the gates they demanded to be let through but then the entire convoy basically diverted to take another bridge to the other side of the river where. This funeral procession is supposed to gather were seeing perhaps a broader participation in this funeral procession today compared to tuesday and wednesday when basically it was almost exclusively crowds of Popular Mobilization forces were seeing how senior officials both from the government and the Security Forces including Prime Minister either of them out of the march among the crowds and the question remains whether these crowds will remain peaceful for now it looks like the crowd is pretty mellow theyre gathering in this area that is called and it remains to be seen whether Security Forces will continue to prevent their entry into the green zone to prevent them from marching on the u. S. Embassy and similar Parliament Expected to meet tomorrow right. That is correct in the wake of the strike that killed for the money and mohandas that there have been mounting calls for the removal of foreign troops from iraq whether its through political or military means and Prime Minister i love the law to himself called for an emergency session in parliament to basically discuss this matter now it appears that there is broad support in parliament both from the pro it rainy and alliance which is basically consisting of the political wind of the Popular Mobilisation forces as well as another block that is led by she had quite a look to the father both of them appear to be so supporting legislation that will basically see the departure of foreign troops including u. S. Troops from iraq but its still unclear for the moment how exactly the procedure would unfold usually it would have to have a bill coming from the executive office to initiate such a step but some legal experts are also telling us that it is possible that the parliament will simply vote to basically a null the agreement that currently exists between iraq and america but there is also a question of whether if the parliament in these votes whether this is something that can actually be implemented given that the government is currently a caretaker government or whether it would have to wait for the nomination of the new Prime Minister so there are a lot of question marks but one thing remains certain that there is overwhelming support in parliament to actually see the departure of foreign troops from iraq in on a fault in their lives with the very latest from baghdad simona thank you. A spokesman for the Iranian Armed forces just issued a statement saying iran has the right to respond to the assassination of the and our response will be strong if there is a war in the region the cause is the United States of america iran will avoid any hasty response but it will retaliate for the assassination of silly money and a us move after the awaiting response will face a more robust action or qatar as foreign minister is heading to the iranian capital for talks as the gulf state urges all parties to exercise restraint lets also dosage of ari who joins us live now from tehran there door sir so a day on from these killings happening what is the mood whats the feeling in tehran. While things are quite tense at the moment there is a cluster of diplomatic activity and i think a lot of regional countries are quite worried about what iran might do in response and rightfully so they could target foreign minister as you mentioned is on his way to tehran he will be meeting his or rainy and counterpart Mohammad Javad zarif we have heard from sources within the Foreign Ministry who have been speaking to our various other Media Outlets that they say that there is a message that is being possibly carried by the Qatari Foreign minister from the United States for iran this is a very very critical time i think theres a lot of worry that iran might react quite quickly and harshly to what the United States has done and rightfully so with the assassination of their money is not an ordinary assassination and the iranian president Hassan Rouhani this morning has been meeting the family members of the assassinated general in the capital tehran lets hear some of what he had to say. d that the americans do not realize what a big mistake theyve made they will see the consequences of the mistake not only today but in the years to come this great man. Not to be killed by an ordinary person or terrorist but to be martyred by the historys biggest terrorist in this general is martyred the whole u. S. Army is put on alert in the entire region and or says tell us more about the funeral arrangements that are going to be taking place in iran over the coming days. While we are officially into 3 days of National Mourning in the country and we understand that the body of this assassinated general will be coming to iran at some point on sunday they will be going to the holy city of mashad where people can pay their respects to him and then he will travel to the capital tehran where the Supreme Leader himself will be performing a Prayer Service over the body at Teheran University and then finally on tuesday person saw him on his body will go back to his hometown of care mon in central iran where he will be laid to rest that was his own wishes to be buried there we are expecting millions to gather in the coming days to spay their respects to this man who is not only just the military commander as we heard from the president himself he was much more than that and youre a news are still in shock but they are expecting their country to respond quite strongly to what the United States has done in the near future dorsetshire theyre joining us live from tehran dorset thank you. Will so the money is assassination has inflamed already tense relations between the United States and iran the pentagon says its deployed more than 3000. 00 troops to kuwait the u. S. Reaction to his killing has been split along party lines publicans appraising Donald Trumps actions while rival democrats are questioning why the president didnt consult congress before approving the strike i did joe castro reports now from washington d. C. President donald trump tried to justify his decision to order the killing of Iranian Revolutionary guard commander qassam sulaimani by claiming the sulaimani had been planning eminent and sinister attacks on americans in the region we took action last night just stop. A war the us president said sulaimani was responsible for the deaths of thousands of American Service people over 2 decades solemn 80 has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago trumps republican allies in congress agreed or to all this evil man operated without them strike and countless and often have suffered for now his terrorist leadership has been and democrats say trump ordered the drone strike that also killed the leader of tehran back Iraqi Militia groups without Consulting Congress and warned of serious consequences this is the equivalent of the iranians assassinating the u. S. Secretary of defense i do not believe the administration has gamed out. How very badly this could go for the us and our interests this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into. Iran has promised retaliation the u. S. State department issued a security alert urging all american citizens to leave iraq immediately despite the secretary of states claims on u. S. Media that americans in the region are now safer after sulaimani his demise while no one is accusing president shrub of ordering fridays drone strike for political purposes and does overshadow all political headlines in the u. S. Including trumps impending impeachment trial the u. S. Senate was to begin this new year by taking on that as their 1st order of business and instead senators are preparing for briefings on the u. S. Military strike and whatever response it may bring heidi joe castro aljazeera washington diplomatic editor james bases in new york where some have been asking if the strike itself was legal the u. N. Security council has been meeting to discuss the situation in syria but im told in the margins of the meeting there were various discussions between ambassadors about the killing of general sort of money and diplomatic circles are questions being asked about the legality of the move and whether its a violation of the u. N. Charter. We will just go for further deescalation this is what we need know we need deescalation we need stability in the region and we would really encourage everybody. To work for father this case is such a violation in chinas view of china. Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson has made our. Position we are and paying close attention to the situation and me i can stay in the use of. Force International Relations and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of iraq should be fully respected meanwhile the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terraces issued a statement hes called for leaders to exercise maximum restraint he says the world does not mean another war in the gulf well lets take you straight back to those live pictures from baghdad where those who know possessions are underway for those killed in that u. S. Air strike on friday to you know of course the radio one a custom sort of money and. The Deputy Commander of the iran backed Popular Mobilization force as well this procession of want to have been making its way through the streets and right now they are around the secure green so we were told by our correspondent a correspondent that the procession was allowed to make its way through the green zone but the mourners were asked to stay outside and find a different route around her big question of course was whether those crowds will remain peaceful well keep you up today. Still ahead on aljazeera. Why mining for coal bolts in democratic republic of congo comes at a high cost for many all that more when we come back. However we got the usual scattering of crusts Southeast Asia still pretty heavy there but just around indonesia thats where the largest thunderheads remain hopeful that over the next couple of days the rain wont quite be as intense as it has been recently but its still there nevertheless the north while its driving their way into the philippines will sunshine as and shouts in the shallows extend their way a little further west was into malaysia northern parts of kuala lumpur Northern Areas will see some showers along the specified tolerance generate dry pushed out across border back down into more lively showers but the west weather is nothing a little a further east which is joining up with showers that we have just around the far north west australia just up towards broome a developing system here in mableton it to topple saddam certainly keeping an eye on this one and it shows up with that west of weather the welcome by that we are now seeing pushing its way into South Australia a little bit of a wet weather just pushing his way into victorias well little not a little further north as a look at the temperatures have really come down melbourne at around 18 celsius on sunday were getting up to around 20 as we go on for a monday again that rain pushing in nothing a little further north was not as much as we need but east in there over the last. On counting the cost 2020 weve picked through what could be the whole geopolitical a geo economic topics of the year for the most important election in the free world and we are asking if the world can come together to talk with Global Warming inequality a globalized. Counting the cost on aljazeera we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound so no matter when you call well bring you news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Youre the one. Youre watching to see welcome back our mind of our top stories this hour a former federal for the Senior Iranian cmon their custom solomonic and abu mahdi alba hondas of the iran backed Popular Mobilization forces is underway in baghdad both men were assassinated in a u. S. Airstrike near the Baghdad Airport on friday. On to other news now a libyan warlord who says his fight is now against a foreign occupier have to Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya after us forces have been attacking the capital tripoli since april libyas u. N. Recognized government asked turkish president rage of earth to win for support the e. U. Us an arab league have expressed concern about turkeys decision well shortly after have to made those comments civilian districts of tripoli were targeted with new airstrikes more than 20 work its hit the capital and at least one person was killed lets speak to mahmoud of the wod for the latest in tripoli what are 7 the latest developments and how is it taking a toll on civilians. Well there is a state of panic. Among civilians especially in the vicinity of a made. That was targeted by rockets launched by house to his forces thats according to the government of National Accord and the transportation minister of the government of National Accord says that. 20 rockets landed in the vicinity and inside the airport of. Killing one civilian and injuring get a number of other civilians the outcome of the recent attack is the asian hold to 80 good airport and also schools have have been suspended in. A neighborhood that is the area in the vicinity of. Airports this is not the 1st time this area has been hit by have to as forces it has been specially made to get airport has been hit dozens of times by have his forces since the launch of the military campaign to capture tripoli back in april and mark would have been half does latest speech be read in terms of reacting to the turkish promised military support to the g m a. Will have to the recent speech could be in terms of an attempt to boost his forces more hours as you know he has been using a lake it enthusiasm. Hes been speaking about jihad does him on a jihad encouraging his forces to do jihad against what he calls a month occupation refeeding to the latest. Libyan military corp in regard to the military agreement signed by libyas jenae and turkey has been also feeling to provoking. The socalled the arab nationalism in contrast to what he calls the autumn an occupation of the. Countries this also could be read as a sign of greenlight by have an invitation to other foreign troops to join the but to support his forces namely egypt but in all cases this recent speech by have that has been under is to meted by the west to the new camp namely the Government Forces especially they say that he has been giving speeches like this civil speeches over the past 8 months especially also declaring theres a lot of civil times to encourage his forces to. To launch the latest or the last incursion into tripoli and it hasnt happened so far my point out there live from tripoli mama thank you. It courts in turkey has arrested 5 people accused of helping the former innocency Carlos School flee to lebanon as private aircraft operators says its planes were used illegally in his escape from japan and filed a criminal complaint the company says one of its employees falsified documents to fly in and out of turkey fled tokyo tokyo for very route through turkey despite living under strict bail conditions whilst awaiting trial for financial crimes one of the largest evacuations in history as history is underway as strong winds and hot weather worsen bushfires 2 people were killed when their car caught far on can go inside of the stroller of the 21 are missing in the state of victoria tens of thousands of people are fleeing at risk times in New South Wales and victoria Defense Force reservists are being called well jessica washington is in batemans bay in New South Wales and has the very latest. Georgies had warned of extreme heat today on saturday in a stroller and strong winds thats a dangerous combination for crews on the ground and we can as you can see the wind really has just started to pick up an emergency warnings are in place across the south the south coast of New South Wales were standing in the middle of what has become a makeshift Evacuation Center a resort here in batemans bay which is a holy day area has now become an Evacuation Center of course residents are very fearful of what is to come the winds only pick you up now were hearing that winds in some parts of New South Wales are as fast as around 80 kilometers an hour theyre expected to pick up speed so we are hearing that it will be a very long day for fire crews ahead the area we spoke to one man who fled to be in space with his family. Were not too sure about the conditions today but weve actually lost not because conditions were worsening and it was meant to be a very bleak day today so we made sure that we were in a safe zone and thats where we came in i wanted to make sure our family my family and my kids were safe and if this seems to be the safest area at the moment peace in chile used Water Cannons and tear gas to disperse them to government protesters in the capital some to go on friday demonstrations have been going on since october on monday chiles president says and im sure that a referendum on constitutional reform will be held on april the 26 its one of the main demands of the protest movement that began over a rail fare increase. Rescue workers in cambodia are digging through rubble looking for survivors after a 7 Story Building collapse in the coastal province of kip Authorities Say workers were pouring cement of the top floor when the Building Collapsed at least 7 people have died a Building Collapse last year which killed at least 30 people led to calls for safer of conditions for cambodias construction workers. And i wake of pneumonia is causing alarm in china 44 people have been diagnosed in cases linked to a food market in the central chinese city of war are all are being treated in isolation and a further 121 people are under observation the outbreak is certain memories of the sars epidemic in 2002. In democratic republic of congo many children working in mines there say they are physically and sexually abused therefore someone called walter metal used to make telephones and computers now in a landmark lawsuit and Nonprofit Organization is accusing 5 of the Worlds Largest Tech Companies of exploiting child labor and being complicit in the deaths of some parent asa has more. In the mining town of cool ways the dispersed and poor looking for cobalt its a vital component in batteries used in goods ranging from electric cars to phones and laptops more than half of the worlds cobalt is produced in the democratic republic of congo tens of thousands of children are estimated to be used to dig for the toxic metal without protective clothing. Theyre here with their parents who say the whole family has to work to survive there for the by their family we are here because we are suffering we have nothing to eat therefore in Mining Companies wont give us jobs they are getting rich from our main roads but poor. Illegal complaint the Nonprofit Organization International Rights advocates accuses some of the Worlds Largest to companies of being involved in a system of forced child labor in d. R. Congo the group says some children have died mining coal belt and others have been seriously injured. Many are physically and sexually abused. Valvano solve this issue there. Young. Its hard to give exact number but. You can tell they have been abused by the change in their behavior. Some arent even 14 years old. Doctors say the number of people getting sick is disturbing. Many young boys and girls coming in to us sometimes its injuries from when the mines collapse sometimes its sexually transmitted diseases people dont we have protective clothing and so in women we see birth defects and miscarriages from exposure to the middle. Human rights with the say a lack of political will is partly to blame. There is a lack of leadership Foreign Companies get away with a lot of things sometimes they treat local communities unfairly they get away with it because of corruption in this country if this changed then our people will gain from the resources. The government says is putting in place monitoring and tracking mechanisms to tackle the exploitation of children in mining but International Business is using cobalt in the goods and a pressure to guarantee theyre not using child labor how to make. An investigation has found a lack of medical infrastructure at a Public Hospital in indias rajas son state was partly to blame for the deaths of nearly a 1000 infants last year the inquiry was carried out after 100 babies died there in the past month alone it also revealed hygiene conditions so poor the pigs were living in the same calm. Reports now from quarter. Reka has just heard her yet unnamed 15 day old daughter has died. Her mother in law an hour by is holding back her tears to console the young mother the child was finding it hard to breathe when they brought her to the hospital. The doctors didnt say anything and they took her blood and everything but only the doctors know what happened. Since december more than 100 babies have died here at this Public Hospital. In indias Northern State of rogers town. A government watchdog says at least half of the life supporting machines like ventilators were not working. And pigs were roaming around the grounds. It says conditions were on hygenic. Many of the infants died because of septicemia a blood poisoning thats often caused by bacteria and of pneumonia and infection made worse by the cold weather. And yet the protective glass beams on several windows in the wards were missing. Also if you dont like the last of 5 month old son tejas to pneumonia she says he was sleeping in front of an open window and succumbed to high school. Where there were going to be need their kid again or get us out there was no hito all the windows were broken and the window in front of the bed with my child 2 doors were also open. To create up there. And suddenly over a dozen women had descended on the hospital with brooms some windows were being fixed to. Over the last few days as news of the deaths emerge the State Government ordered a quick cleaning of the hospital earlier on friday we witnessed a truck full of garbage leaving the premises and painters refurbishing the walls and still many parts of the hospital are not clean and parents complain of dysfunctional Life Sustaining equipment. Perhaps the measures were all to please the States Health minister he was visiting the hospital for an inspection. His government says the number of infant deaths at the hospital has come down over the last few years. That need is enormous you know im not saying that the laws are not working well be working in couple of days we have ensured it but this is not the 1st time or the 1st hospital or the 1st state where babies have died in large numbers. The Indian Government spends a little more than one percent of its g. D. P. On health care but experts here see it needs to spend a lot more to ensure its youngest citizens get a chance at life. Aljazeera just india lets take you straight back now to baghdad where those funeral processions are currently underway for those killed in the u. S. Air strike on friday including of course the top arraigning commander. And. This the Deputy Commander of the iran backed Mobilization Forces lets talk to our correspondent smaller fulton whos standing by for us in baghdad so want to just bring us up to date on where these more interests are in processing to and what sort of people have turned up to pay their respects. The crowds have now arrived in an area called which is an area that is across the river tigris on the other side of the fortified green zone where the u. S. Embassy is located were seeing thousands of people who have turned out for now its largely a peaceful procession some of these people are wearing uniforms presumably members of the Popular Mobilisation forces and some people are wearing civilian clothing were also seeing a lot of flags mostly flags of the Popular Mobilization forces including for example the hezbollah brigades which is the group that was targeted in an airstrike earlier this week but were also seeing some people carrying iraqi flags weve seen people carrying images of those killed including person from the money as well as the hundreds who was the 2nd in charge of the Popular Mobilization forces from what we can see so far is that the Security Forces are basically protecting the green zone they have locked the gate and they are not allowing these crowds to enter inside this heavily fortified area earlier today. There was a procession bearing the bodies a convoy of around 20 vehicles that was allowed to pass through to get to the other side but then Security Forces closed the gates so the actual crowds were forced to go around and to find their way to the gathering through a different way some of the fault joining us there with those extra pictures from a mixed crowd says they are mourners coming out to pay their respects a day on from those targeted killings we will be keeping you up today with all the news live from baghdad and of course tehran over the coming hours. Hello im Adrian Figaro this is counting the cost of aljazeera a weekly look at the world of business of economics this week 2020 we pick through what could be the hot geo political and geo economic topics of the year from the most important election of the free world will President Trump win another term and what does that mean for trade wars and dispute could the world come together to tackle Global Warming and globalization well weve seen

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