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And the ukrainian plane crashes near irans capital killing the more than 170 people on board. Just one and i am in baghdad 930 in tehran and it is 1 in the morning in washington d. C. Following developments right around the region this wednesday as iran hits back at the United States it is launched more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles at 2 iraqi air bases which host American Forces this is in retaliation to the assassination of the iranian general cost some sort of money it was killed in a u. S. Drone strike on friday irans foreign minister says they dont want all defend themselves against any aggression as a result the u. S. Federal Aviation Authority has banned u. S. Airlines from flying over the region that means iraq iran and right through the gulf. And the gulf of oman as well washington is also warning american ships in the middle east that iran could attack its a mess its maritime interests and this is all happening as general sort of man himself is finally laid to rest in his hometown of kurd amman after 3 days of mourning across the country well lets show you exactly where these iranian strikes took place as we said they are 2 iraqi bases one of them in erbil thats not quite the right map well try and find the right one for you but its a no bail in the north the semi autonomous kurdish region and then west in Anbar Province the. Base ok so heres the team at this hour Simona Fulton is in baghdad. In washington but were starting with begg in the iranian capital take us through developments as weve seen them over the last well 7 hours i think its been now. Yes well iran launched a retaliatory act as they say against u. S. Bases u. S. Targets in iraq the 1st one came around 1 32 am local time where tens of missiles were fired and the 2nd wave came around the hour and a half after that now the. Revolutionary guard has issued statements that their response had begun they warned regional countries that houses u. S. Bases not to allow the United States to go inch any attacks from their countries against iran and if they did then those countries would become a target and they also sent a warning to israel saying that they saw no difference between israel and the United States. And their essential message coming out of iran is that this is a retaliation this is a reaction to the assassination of qassam so the money that iran doesnt want to escalation doesnt want to war but if the United States reacts then it will escalate and iran does have proxies it does have minutes just in the region it has militias in iraq it has the yemeni it has his by law in lebanon also has ministers in syria so iran says it doesnt want an escalation but if the United States reacts to this latest. Development then we could see an escalation what do you make of the reaction on twitter from the Iranian Foreign minister mohammad. Very specific about always even in the tense of the word that he is very specific about retaliation. Yes hes a diplomat and what he said was that iran took and concluded proportionate measures a selfdefense under article 51. 00 of the un charter targeting. Targets in the u. S. And its past tense as you said so far as iraq is concerned this is done its over with unless the United States react and he said we do not seek escalation or war but would defend ourselves against any aggression thats the line thats been coming out of iran since these missile attacks but lets not forget that the political establishment here was under tremendous pressure from the public after the money was assassinated people were out on the streets or for over those 4 days of mourning they were asking for revenge the senior political figures said that they would venture him even the supreme need to last how many had said that there would be revenge so it was a matter of when not if iran would react and retaliate but as far as iran is concerned this is they have drawn a line under this but theyre waiting to see what the United States will do next and although the United States has overwhelming Power Military power iran does possess the ability to change the face of the middle east with their proxies with militias and with their allies in the region thank you. For all of that and while were talking about reaction by tweet we have course have to see what the u. S. President has been saying. In washington d. C. In the early hours about what was it 3 hours ago. That we heard from the president. Yeah there were some rumors that the president might be addressing the nation late on tuesday which raise the specter of perhaps this escalating even further that all is coming about as trump summoned his war cabinet to censure the secretary of defense secretary of state and the joint chiefs of staff all huddling in the situation room in the white house during those very tense moments as the missile attack was happening in iraq however trump decided not to speak to the nation and instead the only official reaction weve heard from the white house is a tweet from the president and ill read it to you it says all is well missiles launched from iran at 2 military bases located in iraq assessment of casualties and damage is taking place now so far so good we have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world by far i will be making a statement tomorrow morning tomorrow morning meaning wednesday morning here in washington as well past 1 am local time here we do not expect to hear anything else from the white house of or the pentagon officially but i think what youre getting from that statement from trump which came out at about 10 pm local time here about 3 hours ago is youre getting a sense that after trump met with his the pentagon and the state Department Officials they briefed him on the initial assessment of what happened to keyword initial assessment i think there was a little bit of relief that you saw there that according to all officials no americans were killed in this missile strike a missile strikes i should say both of these bases and so i think theres there by trump is what youre essentially saying is a pause in the situation until wednesday when he decides to address this this issue further on what the next step for the u. S. Will be ok so at this stage we would say perhaps uncharacteristic restraint from the u. S. President but what about some of the other players the likes of defense secretary. Graham as well. Mark kasper the secretary of defense weve not heard officially from him we havent heard from the secretary of state mike pompei o either both of those men did say earlier on tuesday that they wanted to seek a diplomatic solution and they were trying to deescalate tensions however they say that on one side but on the other side when it comes to diplomacy irans foreign minister was planning to come to the United States to new york to be at the u. N. Security Council Meeting on thursday however the u. S. Has denied his visa saying they didnt have enough time to process it clearly the u. S. State department could probably process that for foreign minister if they wanted to but clearly the u. S. Is basically saying now and as one official said now is not the right time for irans foreign minister to be visiting the u. S. So that certainly is not a good diplomatic avenue there we did hear from after the missile attacks we did hear from a republican senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina hoch who is very anti iran he said that these attacks on the military bases in iran are essentially a declaration of war and he says that trump has all of the authority to strike back should he decide to ok thank you for that deborah was on the following reaction in washington d. C. And now lets not forget the place where the attack actually happens in iraq and some on the food scene is our correspondent in baghdad that. I mean everything youve heard so far and just this news bulletin its been about the conflict between the u. S. And iran but this is all playing out on iraqi soil. Of course and these are exactly the concerns that were shared by many iraqi people that they could be dragged into a conflict between the u. S. And iran a conflict that they did not choose and a conflict that certainly people here on the ground do not want it appears that these missile attacks targeted specifically u. S. Personnel in iraq the military bases that housed them and so far we understand that there were no casualties the joint Operations Command which is basically overseeing all of the Iraqi Military groups here in iraq just tweeted that 22. 00 missiles in total were fired 17 of them fell on the analysts airbase in the western unbar province and 5 of them near to city of erbil the tweet goes on to say that these rockets were targeted specifically at the coalition headquarters. And that there are no casualties among iraqi forces it does not say whether there were any casualties among iraqi civilians it also does not say whether they were in any casualties among americans and we understand that the Coalition Forces are still assessing the impact of those attacks both in terms of material damage but also casualties and just for claritys sake simona of these are iraqi bases i know that the iranians and so theyre targeting u. S. Forces but its not even that theyre you know joint bases as such these are iraqi facilities which just house u. S. Troops. Exactly and thats why weve actually seen the hezbollah brigades which is one of the groups under the iranian backed popular vocalization forces called earlier this week on iraqi forces to distance themselves from these bases in anticipation of forthcoming rocket attacks on these bases where u. S. Personnel are stationed now we understand that this has not happened we have iraqi personnel that is colocated with american personnel and that is of course one of the fears that we could have the personnel being hit by these rocket attacks now what is unusual this time around is that its actually iran claiming responsibility for these attacks weve seen over a dozen of these attacks over the past 2 months or so targeting bases where u. S. Personnel are stationed but most of them were believed to be conducted by iranian allies here on the ground this is the 1st time that weve actually heard iran claiming responsibility for that and what remains to be seen is how the Iraqi Government will react because of course weve seen a very strong condemnation of the u. S. Airstrike that assassinated soleimani as well as the hundreds and Prime Minister added up to the condemned in the strongest terms saying that it was a violation of iraqi sovereignty and now for the 1st time we have iran officially admitting to targeting iraqi basis so it remains to be seen whether these acts will draw similar condemnation from inside the government. Some of the 14 in baghdad. Lets analyze all of this now with the he is a professor of world studies at the university of tehran joining us from the iranian capital today thank you for your time sir the iranians are very keen and i think we saw this in naama jevons aris tweet to say that this is a specific retaliation for the killing of qassam sort of money do you think that nuance will be picked up on by the United States by by anyone else involved in this. I think a lot of people are expecting what happened a few hours ago. People under sure predicted including me that iran will respond severely we have iranian Media Outlets quoting g. C. Intelligence saying that at least 80 soldiers american soldiers were killed and about 200. 00 soldiers in that base were injured so iran is claiming success you know and is basically answering an attack on the general and they are basically saying we told you so that you shouldnt be attacking iraq a question a lot of people are asking is how come none of the intercepted by. Missile technology that is present in iraq that belongs to the United States the u. S. Forces will be in full alert they could not intercept any of the missiles that were coming from iran and they should have expected these missiles coming so there is this mood of celebration in iran and we had the general iranian general that announced that the attack was understood at 1 20 am exact time that the general sort of money was assassinated you know the inescapable fact. Is that this was an attack on iraqi soil. Yes the iranians say they are retaliating and they going after u. S. Forces but you know iraq has a right to feel aggrieved here that it keeps getting attacked in this conflict between the u. S. And iran. Not according to President Trump president to a couple of days ago that based belong to the United States and that the Iraqi Government would have to pay for the base if they kicked americans out and i think in a very iran is resolving that issue if they destroy the base then the Iraqi Government doesnt have to pay for it destroyed base. It is true that the base is located in iraq but as we have seen the vote from the Iraqi Parliament they dont really want americans in that base and iran is basically helping the iraqi people and you like the politicians to expedite the u. S. Exit from iraq because if they continue with this type of this collision i think you will see more attacks i mean its a its a pretty drastic way of expediting that isnt it i mean youve made the point that from the American Perspective of what theyre saying about iraqi bases but i mean the Iraqi Government themselves which is already weak at the moment can look at this and say we are being attacked here. I dont i havent seen that reaction from the Iraqi Government in the last number of hours i saw a statement from the iraqi Prime Minister saying that general salim money was on an official visit he was supposed to meet with him at 8 am and he was carrying a message from iran with regard to the mediation that iraq was conducting between iran and saudi arabia so the Iraqi Government the Iraqi Parliament really doesnt want the americans out and the sooner they leave this part of the world the better it is no president likes or repeats that sentence a lot but americans have a lot of love and their own. Energy this country they should the say within their country and live. For you know for iraqi people for it is that he joining us from tech from today thank you for your time said the other breaking news out of iran at the same time weve got the crash of a boeing 737 plane which belonged to Ukraine International airlines that went down shortly after takeoff from the many airport in teheran more than 170 people on board and all are believed to be dead we will go back to. Beg in teheran for more on this one i mean a busy morning for you my goodness and we have this on top of that just any more information you can give us because obviously people are looking at the timing and thinking well thats its curious at least. From what authorities are saying here it seems to have been a technical issue the plane took off from him on how many airport hare into iran and got into trouble shortly before 6 am now the red crescent here have said that there were over 170 people on board there are no survivors weve seen some images from the crash it crashed into rock. Its a shame weve lost our link with our bag there as he was explaining at least what weve heard officially so far about this plane crash. Heres me in tehran. And weve got a setback or no lets move on weve actually got Geoffrey Thomas with us though who is the editor in chief of Airline Ratings dot com on skype from perth in australia thank you for your time. A lot of speculation at the moment but based on what information there is out there and from looking at fight right out of things whats your assessment at this stage. Look the very early days as you allude the assessment at this stage the theres theres a very good side could have been the wrong word to use a very sickening place a vision of the plane. Appears to be on fire theres a glow from this aircraft as its to sending then theres a small explosion before the impact when theres a much much larger explosion this appears to be. Possibly an engine problem it may well again an explosion on board the aircraft. Its a little bit hard to tell at this stage but certainly it appears to be some major technical problem has impacted this a craft i know its coincidental with this missile attack but i dont think the 2 are related no no indication of that as it were actually just watching those pictures you were effectively commentating them for us as we watched it coming down off. Theres also no escaping the fact that this was a boeing 737 i know its not the max jet which is obviously already had 2 crashes and is now grounded but its just not good news for boeing either. Look its not this is the 737 next generation arrange a there are over 7000 of those flying around the world today its one of the most widely used aircraft in the skies it has an excellent Safety Record and in fact consider this that those 7000. 00 airplanes they do about 4 or 5 flights a day so theres an acoa a colossal love reliance on this aircraft of by the Worlds Airlines and it has an excellent Safety Record and notwithstanding the tragedy that were just seeing unfolding but i do believe it will be a mechanical or possibly it might possibly be a terrorist act its too hard to tell at this stage of course Ukraine International airlines not one which many of us will be familiar with you know anything more about their Safety Record. Look at Safety Records very good theyve been operating since 9092 theyve got 30 idea craft a national 8 mostly boeings on that flight away i guess to nations across europe into the middle east and then also to new york control. It and they pass all the safety orders and theyve had no accidents whatsoever so there but really do tickle the boxes is a very very good ale and so this is a very unusual situation thats of goals a very unusual tragedy its evolved in the last few hours good to get all that information from you Geoffrey Thomas is the editor in chief of Airline Ratings dot com thank you. If you just joined us a quick recap now what has happened in the last few hours in the gulf iran has fired more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles to iraqi air bases that host American Forces it said it was in retaliation for the assassination of iranian general called since all the money was killed in the u. S. Drone strike on friday the u. S. President responded to the strikes on twitter saying all is well missiles launched from iran that military bases located in iraq says mounting casualties. Damages sorry assessment of casualties and damage is taking place now so far so good. And the u. S. Federal Aviation Authority has now banned u. S. Airlines from flying over a space in iraq and iran the gulf of mom and the gulf itself the war between iran and saudi arabia it says there is potential for miscalculation or miss identification. So we saw Donald Trumps reaction there there was also and this was before he tweeted irans foreign minister zarif who said teheran doesnt want war he says this is his iran took and concluded proportionate measures in selfdefense under article 51. 00 of the un charter targeting the base from which cowardly attack against our citizens and senior officials were launched we do not seek escalation all all but will defend ourselves against any aggression. So much of this is about the u. S. Military presence in iraq which i guess was saying a little bit early in fact the u. S. Has had a military presence across the middle east for decades it has about 60000 soldiers deployed across 20 countries bases and facilities are in places like bahrain the u. A. E. Jordan and syria kuwait with more than 13000 u. S. Military personnel its got an Army Headquarters 2 air and one naval. And the largest u. S. Military base in the middle east is here in qatar it also houses another 13000. 00 soldiers and in iraq which is very specific to today there is an estimated 6000. 00 u. S. Personnel including those in the green zone where the u. S. Embassy in iraq was recently attacked early we heard from mark kimmitt is a former assistant secretary for Political Military Affairs under george w. Bush and he told us how he thinks the u. S. Government will respond to these attacks. I think theyre sitting in the situation room right now the laws so have the cia director in there theyll have a couple of other key policy making people inside there and theyre deciding what to do right now in terms of the response they have course will 1st want to hear from the commanders on the ground theyll have those people on a. V t c inside of there and theyre going to ask for everybodys opinion and then the president will make the decision i would suspect their options could well be a air strike against those facilities that fired the missiles. I think that would be the most probable they may do some other additional targets such as im speculating now some of the speedboats in the persian gulf some of the other military facilities where they may have been training some of the proxies inside of iraq but you can be sure that the target packages that need to be developed for these kind of operations have have already been completed and have been sitting on the shelf for quite some time now but what i find interesting. Is that there doesnt seem to be any hue and cry from the Iraqi Government right now talking about the violation of sovereignty we have pictures of the ayatollah looking at the screen is these missiles that are being fired from iraq from iran into iraq so without a doubt that was happening so i think its research. On reaction to all of this Global Oil Prices have started to stabilize after surging more than 3. 00 a barrel immediately after the missile attack the price of crude spiked at more than 71. 00 a barrel its down around 69. 00 now but it was a Market Reaction to tokyos benchmark stock market fell nearly 2 percent in hong kong was down nearly one percent. Now in studio our economics editor here at aljazeera 71. 00 a barrel spy i mean how how bad or good is that in the current climate i think in the current climate i think thats quite respectable you know we couldnt we could have expected a lot worse but so you know. Just just think. If there was a full blown war going on between iran and the United States we could see a price of 80. 00 a barrel if there was a blockage in the straits of hormuz then you know we could see prices going to 150. 00 a barrel and that would be catastrophic for the Global Economy so thats the kind of price that we could have seen so seeing 71. 00 these kind of reasonable i think is you know come down in the markets of come fall in the tweets from president just saying you know all is well and it doesnt appear to be that theres been any casualties on the ground all that assessments are still on the right does it Say Something about the wider role market as youve pointed out the reaction to the tweets and stuff but the fact that it didnt completely go out of control as it may have done. You know a decade ago yeah so you know that theres plenty of supplies of oil in the markets you know and we know that opec and opec plus have got together to reduce the amount of oil that theyre producing so that they can raise the prices and get more revenue for themselves but at the same time youve got oil fields in brazil or. Some african nations which are coming online which are going to another decision or 2000000 barrels a day to shoot to the oil count and so you can see weve got plenty of oil and we got plenty of oil in reserves its about 1400000000. 00 so 1. 00 barrels barrels of oil in reserves around the world and while were looking at. An escalating conflict between specifically the United States and iran the United States doesnt have to worry about oil as much as it used to i know you talked specifically about other places brazil and africa but the United States itself yes its producing quite a lot of his own oil but its still getting 34000000 barrels of oil from iraq from kuwait and from the saudis which goes through the straits of humor and thats the point which everybodys kind of concerned about but you know. Has targeted military bases and has said he would do so and it wouldnt be attacking any Oil Facilities if it did go for a run co thats where the trouble will most likely start because thats economic war on Oil Facilities and we will see share price plummet and that would have a knock on effect because of all those small shareholders you who bought into the whole i. P. O. In the 1st ok i would always our economics editor thank you for all of that. So that is the omagh could see what aviation to think about now as well because u. S. Airlines have banned have been banned from flying over a space in iraq iran the gulf in 5 months and the gulf between iran and saudi arabia aviation analysts to combat any fines why and what impact it will have. Basically means that the f. D. A. Is being proactive in protecting the airspace and ensuring that u. S. Based aircraft and aircraft flying over the region are safe because there are obviously there have been missiles launched listing missiles and theyre being very proactive here in ensuring safe operation of aircraft in the region in fact we have to keep in mind also that there are countermeasures so if if a Ballistic Missile is launched you know the opponents actually have defensive measures on the ground to try to intercept those missiles that are being launched and quite often those are seeking missiles so also if those are if an airliner is giving off a signature from its engines it could possibly interfere with the countermeasures whats intercepting the missile and in fact a commercial aircraft flying overhead in return that would primarily affect i would think you know long range International Flights where you might have some kind of fuel constraints for a long haul flights but you know i think for for sure sure hope flights i think it pretty much will be business as usual for the most part but yet obviously there will be some lost time for. Some quite minor diversions as a result of this air airspace thing was my gut feeling is you know theres a lot of uncertainty now on if there is or if there is not going to be a reaction until the f. A. A. Is confident that everything is settled down as far as the possibility of any projectiles or or or any kind of arms going into. The air through the airspace when that risk is 100 percent eliminated i feel that the f. A. A. Will you know possibly well will lift the restriction on commercial aircraft as far as restrict actions go im not aware of any typically no fly zones in the area where for example if security is lax in a particular area based on you know a civil unrest or a conflict the state department will put out directives to u. S. Passengers were warning them. 1 of the particular activity that that that is happening such as civil busy unrest. Or or or any kind of oh you know war activity and that would be issued by usually the u. S. Department of state just before we leave you a quick recap of the last few hours iran firing more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles at 2 iraqi air bases that host American Forces citizen retaliations for the assassination of iranian general cuts and slow money who was killed in a u. S. Drone strike on friday the u. S. President responded to the strikes on twitter saying quote all is well missiles launched from iran to military bases located in iraq assessment of casualties and damage is taking place now so thought so good and as weve just heard the u. S. Federal aviation authorities banned American Airlines from flying of space in the gulf saying there is potential for miscalculation or mis identification thanks for staying with us through this developing News Coverage daryn joining with more news for you inhofe and. Hello and welcome to rewind today were casting our eyes back to 2008 when filmmaker tom evans was following a group of pupils attending school in the west bank teenagers trying to get an education against a background of violence and intimidation on the streets outside lights up well be catching up with one of those students but 1st heres the film learning to die from al jazeera special series 2 schools in nablus. Nablus city lies in the heart of the west bank in palestine it is a city under siege. Almost every night the israeli army enters not conducting raids last nights widespread attacks were carried out in refugee camp near the center of nablus. This time the israeli army were in search of militants and weapons. Usually the army has left by the morning but last nights raids have proved unsuccessful and they have decided to stay put i believe for the war for the land of the free overnight. Over a 4 week period we have been following the lives of the teachers and students of how jewish the girls school and can tell our boys school. At the foot of it for the teachers on their way to work they can only assume its business as usual but feel that with the israeli army out on the streets the clashes could flare up as any moment that. Is going to be a very tense day for the schools of nablus. You can call this a bus america is the head teacher of how to reach the girls school. Shes worried because her school is next to a lie enough e. G. Camp. I. Believe that the israeli army have encircled the camp and the soldiers are near the school does not sit in. The madness of that measure to mark the one. Who should have the bomb to. The methodist church. If that is. The case you think. It was i wish it was that these families know that there is anything that is. That despite the presence of the israeli army most of the 900. 00 students have managed to make it into the school but a few of the teacher. Havent made to say we have an even a serious problem because no one school is said on devices that are innocent lives we cant to stop did you catch and process even we have such circumstances. That is once the bin of the day dictate it asked us if you dont feel sick you wouldnt want to come and frankly we dont feel secure but we come. Into loud voice school is further away from a lion refugee camp none of the teachers here have had problems getting into school. But just as the School Assembly gets underway theres a disturbance outside. It. Was. Plenty to do i need to check it out to get out. Get out your phone join our endeavors youre one of the single margaret i know that you can hear on this election day maybe some of the 1st growing years through the soldiers is funded by throwing some gas. Was this was a student but it was a. Little better because he was hoping to have a gun but the sinners are still in the streets over the vote. On days like this school is the last thing on boys minds for them their city is being invaded and they want to fight back all they can do is throw stones. The israeli army on the other hand fires gas bombs rubber bullets and some. Times uses live ammunition. But. Israeli soldiers have chased a group of boys away from the refugee camp but towards 100 wish to go still. Was was oh yes that was it the club was what was the confrontation is now directly outside the school gates was 800000. 0. 0000000000 extension 00. 000. 00 but it was this school has just bought it have brothers trying stones outside. She has warrant for their safety was right. On that was. The use of cannabis neither was that of little or even imo i met ahmed the whole of the duo had bedrooms with it the real love stood out a way of know what i meant no way out of my last job and i would overshadow some i love some of the ones that come under what the boom fellows ignace on all those i dont for they must know. Was was yes yeah was was she for the t. V. One of the teachers at how petes with the boys outside. Who was. Was that who was so sure of who was. Was a little i love that this was that was yes that was my was 7 as the confrontation draws closer panic starts to spread some of the speech was. I. Was was was was was my. Was. Was. Was was my was was i was i was was i was. My was. My i was leaving many of the girls have family members in a line camp. They all scared for good reason raids like this one can sometimes last for days even weeks it was going on and i wasnt. I think he has me as if. The book. Is now. Half the fighting is escalating in spilling into the streets around the camp. Boys throwing stones is the only excuse the israeli army needs to shoot back half. And half. That. Man was 7 yellow yellow put up with that on his body or some of it is met yes but this goaded with the plastic. It was yes. So it is though they gave us a sense of this so its going to hit somebody from a new suit is at the same time because yes they still say it was hit by the wind or like this because something. Was happening from the side. It was part of the force but that up so the. Thought that that was. Passed was. Was. 5 i think you should take him to the hospital get us yes it was it is backstage us ok now how do you feel no kid should enter into the shower and he was i was afraid but was. As word spreads of the conflicts outside had to rush to anxious parents arrive to take their child and have not had time to have a look at. Was was a half. To. Have you believe that it was us and that was. The living. My. Mother you have. Yet again michigan to have a guy who has. 2 been a close friend of been doing over the net in a most different medicine the last he had given little just a drug pusher been able to give me we had it be on it well there are still be a while there so you should done with them and so we were good cause of a lot of those of 11 out of the really good i saw you middle of how was i dont associate look at the noble cause a liberal to shun the book at them as those of us without him will see thats about it does you see was that. Was. My. Theres was peoples leaving randomly and members of staff becoming anxious finding it hard to maintain control was a was mind that was was that. Was was. Was was was was was was and was and is that can invent it that is such was the did was to sign me because i didnt know the law in them so we found that the morning of the last night at the time was. Going to be my last summer has made the decision to evacuate the school to school for the help of the red crescent to try and forge a safe exit. And all 900. 00 students will need to be guided home was that. They will not be able to return until the army has left this could easily be days or even weeks of students missing school. Issues than simply doing that and. Come once a week i can. See. That it was the idea that it would but that would lead to the dead of the tide on the other. As the fighting continues news of the casualties start to come in the earth is the bigger. Dyess is one of the 1st to hear. Sort of what it. Is that i want. So i. Think what i hear. On this economic benefit. Is secular and cyclical for the amount. Paid to head the at the end that can go and look at your me and mismatch and shed miss learning shed get that she did was it she had the gene shed front puts in for all my life so wrote about doesnt it was one of the bible you can learn and name and suffer many on your home mother the tell you. This session at the m. K. A man. However the cutting out of our pleasures initiatives illegal. And some own behavior that. Look at the mission would lead to sort of pull up the what comes 1st and you might call that love and that i dont have the actual form it goes in the world with the help i needed in business of. The Office Buildings engineer. Read the holiday age 17 a student at school was this morning shot dead by an israeli soldier. And im going to have. Said to me how much of the types of having compared with the 2nd set up. This guy that was. Just in the dinner suit that he was just in the dentist who dont work because you see that the students are shocked i do not believe this so when i get to the class and see his face and to know this is the image will come into my mind. Mohammed is the 1st casualty of the israeli raid but he is not the last. During the violent clashes. Between palestinian fighters and the israeli army another palestinian man is killed as well as an israeli soldier the israeli army has encircled the camp and is moving from house to house still in search of the militants and weapons that they have been unable to find none of the 5000 inhabitants are allowed to leave the camp not even for food drink or medical attention. The raid started in the early hours of Tuesday Morning but doesnt end until friday. The army has finally gone but this is the destruction theyve left behind. Over the course of the 4 day raid the soldiers moved through the camp tearing down walls houses and everything in their past. Just rubble off for the. Doctor and i would fit on. Some of what phil garland in the book are going to do theyre. Not on the thought of or physically of. A start him or her daughter without them not are much known for a job is a. Lot of arsonists are the thought of washington of warfare and didnt last there are enough to go on enjoy what would you. Want us out of an army. A father of 4 or so. From associates of. The. Late. Families now have the daunting task of rebuilding their lives with very little Financial Support from the palestinian authority. Its only 4 weeks into term and already dyess and the other teachers are saying goodbye to a student. I know. Many many who have a man who was. Really pretty much. Anywhere i mean you know. When. I think. I was. They know that they. Wanted. Feeling in my mind what i am in i cannot remember the name of the gun thing i know i didnt know. I was or was it was. Passed was. Was. Was. It. Now that. Its the end of a traumatic month. The memory of muhammad will echo through the schools history. But next week the corridors in classrooms will once again be filled. Teachers and students will return to the business of education and so the cycle goes on. In their homes that men. Have obamas to come out own blood i had to have. Been a. Minimum usually you have so many families who have no one to map the. World with daily in the end of its been a lot of love and in all of those from a quarter of them a little snow and stuff but im a quarter of them but most of them but not in harmony at the enemy and to me i mean im a pussy for how many what is it that will be 10 men doing that of you with that name because initially thats. Well of course much has happened in palestine since that 1st ad but nowadays things seem relatively calm in nablus at least the future and i was still uncertain to find out what happened after our cameras left rewind returned to the city to track down a former student of all girls school. Side was a teenager when we 1st met turn 2007 just one of the many faces in the classrooms through which our cameras passed back then she was struggling with her studies off to her brother marwan had been detained by Israeli Security forces and sent to prison this supply and ready. But it was. Enough to have. To deal. With caught up with her again shes still living in nablus. Hina bliss. Brother has long since been released and must sought is now a must to student and business administration. I didnt want to belittle the idea of the country. But her school days are still vivid in her mind. Must not before larry the loss of us our son and us. Economies in the gun with the law it all her years you. Decide the. How it enters the hall from the halls. Looking back on her youngest self 3 some difficult memories. Does that mean one am i going to was. To be vital homage dear. Love worn. On a man that is so on the as an it does kind of think that im a 2nd part of the. Although nablus is quieter these days some things havent changed in 2007 it had been her brother in prison now its her fiance whom the israelis have jailed. But if it had been such a would. Have us done for to have. She had a 100 at a club for the time her us. Budget for. All the metaphor and all. Like everyone here though knows that only an end to the occupation will really bring the peace that everyone craves. To be a child is to be innocent and carefree but it comes to an abrupt end with the burden of younger children. With a mother behind bars for siblings must spend for each other and decide whether to stick together. With the family in the hope of a chance across the Us Mexico Border the other side of the border a witness documentary on aljazeera. Heard a little. Iran fires more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles at chile iraqi air bases which host u. S. Forces. In jordan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up u. S. Airlines are banned from flying other parts of the gulf region and several countries woman citizens from traveling to iraq. The iranian general killed in a u. S. Drone strike in iraq is buried his death sparked this latest escalation. And a ukrainian plane

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