A show strength by female supporters of the rocky cleric looked at all saddam others to fire his calls to stop testing alongside. China is stepping up its war on the coronavirus is the number of deaths rises to the only 1400 the Chinese Government says the people returning to beijing bus quarantine themselves for 14 days or face punishment. President xi jinping is vying to boost virus prevention measures and fix problems exposed by the crisis luke woodham is in the National Health commission is very concerned about this with issue technical guidelines for the prevention and control of corona virus infections within medical institutions and weve given a special notice on virus control for key areas and the fever departments of the hospitals through these documents we have imposed special requirements on heart sing the personal protection of medical workers hundreds more military medics of started work at hospitals in will hand the epicenter of the epidemic but theres growing concern about the availability of medical supplies as the number of infections rises almost all of the 65000 cases worldwide in who bay province in china fewer than 500 infections have been confirmed in 24 other countries the World Health Organization says it is seeking a closer look at cases of Health Care Workers who contract at the illness. Understanding is that the cases are most Health Workers pete and the 3rd and 4th week of january and theres been a rapid falloff in the number of cases that were occurred in and Health Workers in the last 2 weeks this may reflect increased levels of training increased levels of protection and also increased levels of awareness remember this outbreak has come expanded very quickly in an unsuspecting Health System so we also need to look at how many of those Health Workers were exposed or knowingly within a clinical environment millions of people have been ordered to stay at home in her bay province the epicenter of the outbreak as the government tries to stop the spread of the virus journalists are restricted from traveling there but al jazeera obtained exclusive pictures from one resident whos trapped there are serious training you report from beijing. Empty streets and an increasingly empty fridge there are plenty of vegetables but not much meat for the one familys next meal during the coronavirus lockdown speaking via video call from one should tell us his family was doing its best not to panic. When we go home with this infection lucre all over our bodies well we go out we wear masks we dont know if we go out we come back with a virus stuck our clothes so we do see in fact every day he lives in judgment a city neighborhood the epicenter of the Virus Outbreak for 3 weeks the familys been ordered to stay indoors movement is increasingly restricted once every 3 days one Family Members are allowed to leave the house to pick up groceries supplies and a limited shot his dad in mines one metre apart waiting to enter. Its been almost a month since wanks saw his daughters who are staying with relatives in southeast china is it true that there are few relieved that my wife and daughters are not there who by now we chat our law every day theyre doing ok just worry about me the vast majority of confirmed coronavirus cases more than 50000 are in a province patients have been sharing videos and social media of life inside makeshift hospitals and quarantine sentence at least 1700 medical staff are among the infected. Elsewhere in china people taking any chances. Wanks in hopes leaders will learn their lesson from the outbreak. Oh gosh. At the beginning nobody paid enough attention everyone saw it was under control and till it was too late. And looks forward to life under lockdown coming to an end. Al jazeera beating. A Syrian Government helicopter has been shot down in the northwest of the country state news says that all crew members have been killed its not a clear who is responsible but rebels say they shot down the. 4 Government Forces are trying to retake the remaining rebel held areas. 2 is in turkey syria border and says the shooting comes at a time when turkish and Syrian Forces are risking further direct confrontation. The helicopter was taking part in a major government offensive to take over areas along the western our skirts of. The government managed to retake some villages from the rebels and crucial military bases when the helicopter was shot down the rebels say that they were the ones who opened fire on the helicopter however government sources say that the Syrian Government sources people affiliated with them their supporters all insist that this is the work of Turkish Military outpost operating in terms of these Turkish Military is sending more reinforcement into living different parts of the province to try to hold the advance of the Syrian Government which says its just a matter of time before it takes over the whole territory including in libya which is the rebels last stronghold in syria about 140000 syrians fled their homes over the last 4 days and they are now on the border with turkey joining the almost 1000000 people stranded on the border area were talking about a huge number of people and the International Aid agencies are grappling with how to deal with this situation. Were talking about areas with. Military operations where the government is on the move to take over rebel territories as a very delicate situation weve been talking to activists and basically they say its already a tragic humanitarian situation so the and cost of a signed a deal to restore railway and high while highway links after more than 2 decades the agreement brokered by the u. S. Was signed at the Munich Security Conference on friday it comes off the 2 agreed in january to launch direct commercial flights so there doesnt recognize kosovos independence and still considers it part of its territory talks to normalize relations between the rivals ended in november 28th he. Probably can say on behalf of the republic of serbia the whole of force. Will feel. A Model Builder in the future a real be able to stabilize the region and secure the peace for the next decades which is often not more significance for all the inhabitants who are simple homes what we are signing today gives another positive message that there will be more peace more stability more development into board jobs exactly what costs a vote serbia and the whole region need. To mean excuse the conference this year features more than 35. 00 World Leaders along with hundreds of politicians and diplomats the 3 day summit is one of the worlds top gatherings focused on security and Foreign Policy issues but we can take you there live now aljazeera is jonah how is in munich forest jonah. Adrian thanks for the International Security outlook fairly precarious this year the sort of postwar security consensus infrastructure if you like largely western led under strain donald trump moving the United States increasingly into isolation mode china on the rise nationalism and populism flourishing in countries around the world my guest is Nicholas Burns former u. S. Ambassador to nato thanks for joining us and best pleasure thanks so much. Its a pretty significant moment of crisis for nato as well at the moment isnt it those tensions within the west reflected in the Alliance Turkey for instance operating somewhat outside the interests of nato question marks over collective security that idea of an attack on one is an attack on all well it is made nato is very strong militarily on the ground in Eastern Europe containing the russian threat to the Baltic States and poland but there are all sorts of ideas coming up in nato that are conflicting president mccrone saying nato is brain dead chancellor merkel very strongly defending nato President Trump some days positive many days negative we need consistent Political Leadership if i may say this we need better Stronger Leadership from the United States president and were not getting it and i hope very much that the United States you know under a new president perhaps if we can elect a democrat in november well come back to a full throated embrace of the alliance so theres every chance that wont happen of course nato will have to deal with the next few years. It much in the same vein what do you make of Donald Trumps suggestion insistence lets put it another way that nato move into the middle east essentially to fill us boots in countries like iraq thats not what the alliance was designed for was it well nato went into iraq just after the 2003 invasion to do one thing train the Iraqi Military not to fight in combat and i think that you know nato is an alliance of equals of democracy. If the president wants nato to do more in iraq or an elsewhere the United States will have to be with nato nato is not a mercenary force it cant just be deployed by the american president we operate by consensus which means that every single country has to agree to go to the initiative and so its very important the u. S. Show that leadership and be with the nato allies if the president wants nato to do something i mean its all very well i think listening to you speak it in a sense i know youre not really but in a sense youre brushing off the stretch that comes from the trumpet ministration and its policies to the fabric of nato in the way that nato operates but it must be a pretty insidious influence it must cause tensions within the alliance well it does mean i think there are many challenges the alliance we need stronger american president ial leadership weve always every american president going back to harry truman both parties has been full throated in support of the alliance and were not getting that from donald trump and so thats one of the reasons for instance im supporting Vice President joe biden in the democratic primaries because i think we need that kind of experience for us to lead nato back to what it was let me ask you about russia another big point of anxiety at this conference but also for nato is russia a viable security ally for european nations the e. U. Looking to stand on their own 2 feet distance from donald trump or i mean as president mccollum is likely to say at this very conference or is russia simply an unreliable partner not to be trusted under any circumstance i think russias shown is entirely unreliable its a country that of course has invaded and annexed part of ukraine invaded georgia threaten some of the nato states we cant do business as usual with russia and of course russia has been assaulting our elections in the United States in france in 2017 in germany in madelines in 2 1017. 00 and theres every reason to believe the russians will try to interfere in our 2020 election so its not time for business as usual obviously we have to have a a channel to the russians diplomatic relations we have to talk to the russians frankly but the idea that we would somehow think of russias Security Partner its preposterous actually. Another issue that i know you have an interest in the rise of china i can the consequence of this shifting security fabric globally with donald trump of the United States receding on the International Stage china very much on the rise what sort of a threat is that to nato how big of an issue is that in the International Security infrastructure i think here in europe china is more a threat economically the chinese very active throughout wrote initiative in the balkans very active in the Eastern Mediterranean competing with the u. S. And germany and britain and others china is also a threat through 55 g. Away im certainly i support actually the trump administrations very hard line that britain should not have allowed our way into their Network Sherman he has to make a very big decision in the next few weeks it looks like they might make a decision like the one that britain made Prime Minister Boris Johnson and frankly i think a lot of us certainly australia the United States are together saying if you let huawei into your Telecommunications System in 5 g. Its like letting a cancerous agent loose in the bloodstream and it will compromise for many many decades to come confidentiality in europe that has to be assumed in governments of us and with Nicholas Burns well have to leave a day many thanks for your time much and adrian from the security conference back to you gentlemen he thinks they dont exist on the whole that in munich president obama rue says that hes facing increasing pressure from moscow to join russia in a unified state the 2 months russia has cut oil supplies to better routes which relies on its neighbor 80 percent of its Energy President Alexander Lukashenko says that its possible russias push to muds the countrys bush and co faces reelection this year and has ruled as governs the 2 decades says that he will find alternative markets for oil. Well get a weather update next here on aljazeera then making the job impossible a rare rebuke of Donald Trumps tweets by the u. S. Attorney general. In record setting temperatures and ill talk to come as the military rises to more than 20 degrees celsius. Hello yet more rain is gathering in china to eventually run out surge upin this will be what 4th wolf a series of waving cloud bands that bring the significant rain this one is going up into the southern parts of maylands of japan but mostly in the really cute chain thats on saturday for obviously whats happening in Southern China is of some significance given the color table if its orange its heavy rain if its dark blue its not quite so heavy but still more than it should be for this time the overnight to cause it to creep sat through eastern china heads towards japan which is where it will be on sunday leaving dry weather behind for a time 18 in hong kong plus one in beijing but with some moving in with the breeze here which is still cold enough i look at mons 12 to bring snow to this publicly from the north korea and significant snow that the showers in indonesia are pretty well so widespread now the movie up through malays here into the southern part of thailand as well not a huge number but some and you know this is the best problem for in singapore and now in that fairly regularly repeated shower regime its not wet yet but its still occasionally showery in india its a dry picture in sri lanka however we do get a few passing showers not many but want to. Around the World Council entities are working to manipulate and influence us trolls has bought the 6 taking used algorithms that athena developed and designed to push content that says click me every click we may decide you just sold off the one and in the throes of a 5 part series i did raise in mexico examining how propaganda and proper shape content all through the algorithm on a just 0. Hello again this is observed lets take a moment to remind you of the main news this hour chinas government is offering all people returning to the Capital Beijing cantin themselves for 14 days to prevent the spread of the coronavirus officials have warned of those who refuse will be punished. The Syrian Government helicopter has been shot down in the countrys northwest state television says that all crew members killed Government Forces trying to retake his last rebel military the president of belarus says that hes facing increasing pressure from moscow to join russia in a unified state 2 months russia has cut oil supplies to better or worse which relies on its neighbor of 80 percent of its energy. 20 people have been killed in an overnight attack in central mali it happened in the village of over psagot in the region of more than 100 people were killed in the same village last march an ethnic dog a militia is accused of carrying out both attacks in a rare abuse of donald trump u. S. Attorney general william bos criticize the president s use of twitter a series of tweets by trump called for a reduced prison sentence for his close ally watch a stone stone is trumps former Campaign Advisor whos been convicted of lying to congress witness tampering and obstruction of justice all 4 federal prosecutors quit on tuesday after the Justice Department said that it would reduce the recommended sentence of up to 9 years. To have public statements and tweets made about the department about. People in the department our men and women hear about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have cases make it impossible for me to do my job to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the in the department that were doing our work with integrity. Trains at a standstill in canada because of a blockade by protesters against a gas pipeline through indigenous land the governments urging a rapid solution is the cost of the nationwide demonstrations wiseness mykola gauge reports. It may look like a small protest but groups like this in ontario and all across canada have brought north americas 3rd largest rial network to a standstill protest is angry at the building of a gas pipeline have blocked trial lines for 6 successive days forcing c. N. N. Rial to shut its network in the countrys east hundreds of passenger and freight trains have been cancelled its too crowded the sas to be the last group to do it but this isnt we have to take the approved pop line owned by t. C. Energy corps is planned to carry natural gas from dawson creek in British Columbia southwest were a fine or a unique key to matt for shipment to asian markets the pop line is central to a 40000000000. 00 export project it also runs through traditional Indigenous Lands of signed agreements where they dont have the authority and so on the greens they play the game that the province in canada played for years in nova scotia in canadas far east demonstrators block telephonic city hall Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has recognised the right to protest but hes pushing for a swift resolution Industry Groups are worried about the cost to canadas economy and are urging the restarting of Train Services im not here to advocate for a project im here to advocate for a process that make sure that we dont fail to allow to needs to be heard effectively through the examination fair and full of these types of applications. If the pipeline outcry continues c. N. N. Rial says temporary layoffs are possible nicola gage aljazeera. Turkeys president has concluded his tour of Pakistan Imran Khan hosted the one in islam about the 2 leaders signed an agreement to boost bilateral trade currently stands at 800000000. 00 earlier one also expressed support for pakistan and its stance on indian administered kashmir a court in istanbul has acquitted a renowned turkish novelist on charges of membership of an armed group asli other one was arrested in 2016 as part of an investigation into alleged links to outlawed kurdish fighters she was among 2 dozen employees who work for the pro could ish or as good newspaper. Iraqi women are defying a call by a leading cleric to stop protesting alongside men. Calling for the segregation of men and women rob matheson reports from baghdad. Iraqi women standing together but not standing alongside men this is how the leading shia cleric knocked out of solder says iraqis should protest against government corruption high unemployment and u. S. Troops based he looked at the flooded market or cider is not against women protesting but he is against some illegitimate acts that happen in the protest camps. Asada says protests should be segregated he tweeted the demonstrations have become mired in nudity promiscuity drunkenness and drug use some of all saddams female supporters on this march in baghdad sutter city a Green National shattuck now feel weve been protesting since october with our songs on brothers but according to the ways accepted by islam we protest and create our revolution but within limits on values which are accepted by our religion. Also and are led armed groups against us forces during the 2003 iraq war now he leads a shia political bloc in iraqs parliament. First backed antigovernment rallies when they reignited in a top but when demonstrators refused to accept Muhammad Ali Assad as favorite to succeed the current Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah mockbee also to stop supporting the antigovernment protests as part of military forces are accused of turning on the protesters they were originally protecting. Assad as demand for gender segregation in protest was largely ignored in rallies in baghdad on thursday by men and women who marched together to do it after his last tweet we thought it was positive because no one responded to it all the people see segregation between genders as an old idea. Which leads to more problems and submissions. Several weeks ago my daughter called for a 1000000 mom march but the numbers which turned up to that when anything like what and hoped for the numbers and protests generally have been 20 since they began back in october but people are going to be watching very carefully about the numbers who turn up at this protest in case it might give some sort of integration about whether or not the shia clerics influence in iraq is changing. Men and women who protest in iraq say they share a common purpose in opposing the government and demanding change but they seem divided about how they should make their voices heard rob matheson aljazeera baghdad the u. S. Has blacklisted sri lankas army chief should enter a silver for alleged human rights abuses the attendant general is accused of extradition extrajudicial killings in 2009 during soaring because civil war Rights Groups say some 40000 ethnic tamils for massacres as Government Forces seized the predominantly tumbled north sanctions boss over his Family Members from entering the United States. Government leaders in mexico are being accused of giving only wholehearted support to families of People Killed in the Drug Cartel War as manuel rap although reports now from a cruise heartbroken families say theyre forced to rely on volunteers to search for the remains of their relatives who were buried in secret graves. A search party has assembled on the grounds of a Catholic Church in vera cruz who said the volunteers of the Family Members of missing persons nationwide more than 60000 people have disappeared since the start of the war on drugs in 2006 most are believed to be the big domes of criminal gangs or corrupt authorities theres no doubt in recent years its become commonplace for the families of the disappeared to participate in organized searches for possible clandestine gravesites. The recent discovery of a human bone fragment in this field means other human remains could be hidden nearby. Might yet that is how i know this traveled nearly 2000 kilometers from her home in sonora to join the search. Sometimes for a Family Member being given just a small piece of bone can make them feel better because theyll know that thats the family that fragment could mean some months parents or children can finally have peace. False alarms are not uncommon. But a few volunteers like that have gotten quite good at spotting clues. He says he cant remember exactly how many bodies has helped uncover in that time i mean yes. The families of the missing that have learned and are now teaching the government how to conduct a search these families dont have forensics training but were the ones finding the bodies this should be an embarrassment to the Mexican Government. There are fishel observers and police keeping watch over the search brigade but its the volunteers digging holes and sifting through the soil that seem to be doing most of the work. One of the most common things that weve heard from members of the search brigade is that its the Mexican Government that should be out here in the heat and the sun searching for human remains and if it is again i guess this is the 5th time a National Brigade has gathered for this kind of search and its the largest one to date. By the end of the day authorities arrived to examine the scene and determine whether or not this site will be counted among the more than 600. 00 clandestine graves discovered in bitter coups in recent years. That accuse. A new record high temperatures. For the 2nd time in a week or was 21 degrees celsius was touched for the 1st time ever which is hotter of the dread in spain is right now or dallas and texas law about but mainly reports the polar does it have on top is the coldest place on earth but its northern peninsula is among the fastest warming regions in the world brazilian scientists on say more island off the coast of the peninsula say theyve never seen a temperature as high in the top. 20. 75 degrees celsius exceeds 20 degrees for the 1st time. The islands temperatures they usually follow a range of between minus 21. 00 and 1. 00 degree celsius but scientists warn theres not enough data to predict whether its just an unusual summer weather event the record appears to be likely associated with what we call a Regional Fire an event a rapid warming of air coming down a slope a mountain Scientists Say warming temperatures have course 9 out of 10 places in the region to shrink but we know that the ice sheet is beginning to lose mass thats me means its noting and that no order is contributing to say the rise and its doing that with an external rising right and we expect that to continue to the southwest the same or island is the pine island place here their European Space Agency Satellite images show an iceberg breaking off this week it measures more than 300 square kilometers thats almost the size of multi before it shatters into pieces climate scientists mock drinkwater says the daily dot history reveals the dramatic pace at which climate is re defining the face of antarctica. Hes among many scientists who warn Global Warming could melt ice sheets across the south pole the powers climate accord signed by 196 nations in 2015 aim to limit Global Warming to one and a half degrees right by the end of century but many fear the damage already done maybe irreversible. Out as there are. It is good to have you with us hello adrian fenty get here. With a frog in his throat the headlines chinas government estimate of all people returning to the Capital Beijing a quarantined for 14 days to prevent the spread of a corona virus officials have warned that those who refuse will be punished it comes as the number of deaths rose to nearly 1400. 00 at infections in china to around 64000. 00 the World Health Organization says its taking a closer look at cases of Health Care Workers whove contracted the illness. Understanding is the cases among Health Workers pete in the 3rd and 4th week of january and theres been a rapid falloff in the number of cases that were occurred in and Health Workers in the last 2 weeks this may reflect increased levels of training increased levels of protection and also increased levels of awareness and remember this outbreak has come expanded very quickly and unsuspecting Health System so we also need to look at how many of those Health Workers were exposed on knowingly within a clinical environment. A Syrian Government helicopter has been shot down in the northwest of the country state media reports that all crew members have been killed its not yet clear who is responsible but rebels say that they shot down the helicopter. Serbia and kosovo have signed a deal to restore railway and high while highway links up to more than 2 decades the agreement brokered by the us was signed at the Munich Security Conference on friday it comes off the 2 agreed in january sue launched direct commercial flights serbia doesnt recognize kosovos independence the president of bennett says that hes facing increasing pressure from moscow to join russia in a unified state the 2 months russia has cut oil supplies to better routes which relies on its neighbor 80 percent of its Energy President Alexander Lukashenko says that its possible russias push to muds the countrys 20 people have been killed in an overnight attack in central mali it happened in the village of over psagot on the region of more than a 100 People Killed in the same village last watch. As the Headline News continues here on aljazeera off the head all hail the algorithm next. Around the world powerful entities are working to manipulate and influence us youve heard about it trolls thoughts fake news their algorithms at work behind each of these algorithms that have been developed and designed to push specific types of content to us content that says click me. Mexico is probably not the 1st place that comes to mind when you think of online manipulation sure its happening everywhere

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