As reports come in from norway and sweden. That youre a 2020 has been and were awaiting confirmation from you way. So there are restrictions being imposed in many countries around the world and they are getting a whole lot more extreme this tuesday as the world tries to curb the spread of coronavirus malaysia 1st of all rolling out some of the most drastic rules at midnight tuesday malaysians will not be allowed to leave for 2 weeks the borders being sealed and of course it is led to this sort of panic buying and not just in malaysia as well in singapore next door in iran will have closed off access to keep religious shrines and also releasing temporarily least about 85000. 00 prisoners much of europe is going into lockdown in the past few hours from sealed its borders. Now reporting around 2000 new cases which bring its total number of infections to more than 11000. 00 so developments across the board weve got Natasha Butler in france to catch up with developments there but were starting with Florence Louis in kuala lumpur to take us through 1st of all florence the level of restrictions that are going into place exactly what is happening. Well this is a what the government is calling a Movement Restriction order and it comes into effect on wednesday now what this essentially means is Government Services businesses that provide essential services will be allowed to open but Everything Else will have to be shut and the few categories that fall into essential services transport Health Care Financial Services food so shops supermarket supermarkets and markets will be allowed to remain open but that didnt stop people from. Stockpiling food and it sensual items in supermarkets perhaps for fear that this restriction of Movement Order could go on for longer than 2 weeks now but the most stringent measure has to do with malaysians borders even for people who want to travel interstate theyre going to need permission from the police before they can move before they can travel and its International Borders are going to be shut malaysians will no longer be allowed to leave the country for the next 2 weeks and foreigners will not be allowed in and this is affecting not just malaysia but also singapore malaysia is an important trade partner for Singapore Singapore imports a lot of food Fresh Produce from malaysia and despite government assurances that food items and other goods will still be able to move freely across the borders that didnt stop people in singapore from panic buying but whats most going to whats going to be affected the most is workers now at least 300000 people make the daily commute from malaysia into singapore and they work in many different sectors restaurant retail factories so this is potentially going to disrupt the singapore economy and the government has said that its going to try and help people who want to remain in singapore for the next 2 weeks to find temporarily accommodation alone not to pin all the blame in one area but there is one specific event is that it is being singled out as an issue for this. Change in restrictions. Thats right and in fact the malaysian government has actually been under pressure for the last few days to impose these sorts of measures because there has been a sudden spike in the number of confirmed cases and malaysia today reported 120. 00 new cases bringing its tally to more than 670. 00 and out of this number more than 60 percent are linked to this one event which was a a gathering of muslim missionaries that took place at a mosque just outside of kuala lumpur between 28th of february and the 1st of march now and 16000 people attended this event 14500 on the lazy the government says its been able to trace more than 8000 of them which means there are still thousands left theyve not been able to trace who are not being tested and who could potentially have coronavirus and then top of that 1500 foreigners who attended this event and have for this since returned to their countries in fact this new cluster was discovered because a man had returned to britain i and tested positive now cambodia on tuesday reported 12 new cases doubling its tally to 24. 00 and all of those 12 new cases 11 were linked to this one event. Ok with that update from kuala lumpur thank you for that so malaysias potentially got some problems here doesnt it with these borders closing remember it is the 3rd largest economy in Southeast Asia and is a major exporter petroleum and natural gas also interesting one of the worlds one of the worlds biggest suppliers of tin agriculture is key as well youve got Rubber Palm Oil and cocoa being the top 3 exports so the Border Closure is expected to have a huge impact on malaysia and its neighbors especially singapore which as youve heard there relies heavily on malaysia for food and supplies and workers but both the government say the flow of goods wont be affected a different story though in florence alluded to this for the 32400000 commuters who cross the border every day analysts say the travel ban will cut off at least attempts of singapores labors force the sun is a senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs who we spoke to earlier he says both singapore and malaysia governments will launch a Stimulus Program to support the economy throughout the pandemic. A lot of students especially in a state dont youll hardly choose a neighboring city they stay in the state of the commute the signal to work every single day and maybe coming back and doing one by heart he remembers facts of their day so they form an essential off the ventilation singaporean the economies because in seeing a whole lot of that taking some of those jobs writes on. The peninsula and me i mean like you do so they are not able to travel into segev. That number one on my family would be affected and number 2 certain essential services in singapore would also be affected thats why both governments and it will be punks and by and in the face solve the problem not my response i think that both countries understand each of those extreme measures i think both the malaysian swiss a singaporean government to d. Inject some solve. Some sort of money some and solve all perhaps some tough finding into the economy and thats because. Both countries and certain restrictions on issues and those we see command use of an impact on the economy and then impact on each other this economy so i think thats bound to happen lets move on to europe where spain has just revealed nearly 2000 new cases of corona virus says infections their top 11000 and france is closing its borders here is natasha in anger in southwest france exactly what do you mean it when we say borders are closed is this an absolute shutdown. Well what it means is that no no french citizens will not be allowed to enter into from the last 48 hours we see lots of breaks it sends trying to get home because they knew that tighter regulations were coming in and in fact in the past few hours us a lesson to devote a lot of hours people have been trying to move out of cities because they knew restrictions were coming in than they did monday night the french president emanuel announcing a virtual lockdown of the country we have become that knocked out so for those of us living in france it means at least the next 15 days thats according to the french president we will have to stay in our homes all a contact with other people must be extremely limited in order to go out you have to take with yourself a piece of paper. And that justifies the reason that youre even leaving your home that could be its going to get groceries it could be for child care reasons because your Health Worker you have a job that is important to the state fight against the coronavirus right now because you simply cannot work from home to other reasons you cant just hang out in the streets in fact the interior minister said if people who are found to be breaking these rules they could be fined or at 40. 00 but that fine could go walk because the message from the government is it is absolutely imperative that people abate these rules in order to stop the spread of the karuna virus the cases are going up all the time were seeing them a triple double every 24 hours its an extremely urgent situation the french president says france isnt want against something you may not be able to see against an enemy that may be invisible but its very much that and how are people reacting to that stance from mr mccrone he said that in the news so much we are at war and its even if it is so serious about it obviously its a very serious situation but you really felt the gravity of it when he said that. Yes not think many people are feeling increase. Concerned you know its the last few days things have just gone so fast that its hard for some people to really realize that were here already you know its in front sweeping books and those pictures of people in italy confined to their homes people not being able to go out to the streets and meet everything being shot and alone many people in france realize that that may be coming here that situation baby coming to from suit it still feels quite shocking in a way when suddenly you are told thats it youre really looking down so i think people are adapting they understand that the measures that the government is taking most people opinion polls suggest do agree of them because they are starting to really sense the gravity of the situation is those numbers really go into that thousands well over 6000 cases here its the 2nd time and the french president saying that unless the spread of the coronavirus stops soon the hospitals that are coping for the time being will simply be overwhelmed. Lets talk about their updating us on the situation across france this hour thank you natasha i mentioned spain before which has recorded nearly 2000 new cases of corona virus infections there topping 11000 police at the border have turned back vehicles trying to enter the country as part of strict new measures to control the virus that comes as thousands of new cases were reported right across the European Union which has closed its external borders on scott now from madrid to take us through well i guess how life is changing there now and these huge increase of numbers must be very worrying for people there. Yes how milers you said this is the this russian spaniard today you know after all these destruction 71 was contrived at home really aware of the actual situation and really worried of course and schools were closed people people were sent home from their works and many people are starting to work or study it remotely people are dealing as they can be and i believe in going to the streets unless its very very necessary we people the average is doing like oh a big shop a weekly shop but avoiding to got to the streets the sense that the only moment of the day that we can see someone else as us in the group where i eat those completely isolated and most of the people here really been flat or apartments you can only the only thing we can see is from outside the windows are about 26 and the only moment of the day its at 8 oclock pm that we all gather outside of balconies or through the windows and we cheer all the doctors and the nurses thanking them from the job theyre doing and this is quite emotional because you feel that at least directly to buy that together when you see your neighbors outside the window thinking that were all together in the same fire dont we need to know to avoid the corona virus spreading in together because otherwise we want to stop it you know thats a lovely story to hear actually one of the thing i wanted to ask you about is what it is like when youve got an entire country under lockdown and everyones glued to their phones with a computer and they getting all this information from social media all the time is the Spanish Government managing to maybe not control that but get ahead of it and make sure that official lines are out there in amongst Everything Else. Yes as he said we are all glued to the media people are 2 demanding a lot of information because theres a lot of news and misinformation all the state news is spreading and and people can a king i mean at the beginning of the beginning people people really went through a hard time to cause they started believing for to use and fake news but i think the government is doing a good official campaigning informing and reporting daily about all the figures of our current iras people infected all debt all or or even cases of people that have recovered so every day at me day we have this spokesperson from the Health Ministry coming out giving a press conference i think the government has been reporting every ministry theyre doing a very good job but also the media the media is also encouraging people to stick to the official sources because its the only way to get good information and on stage. To do it properly martha had at dating us with the situation in spain thank you and from spain we look to the situation in italy which was really the epicenter of things in europe as coronavirus has gone on and weve got madalena but it totally with us who is a resident in milan also head of communications for a Fashion Company on skype from milan i suspect madeleine it its very similar in italy to what we heard in spain there your lock down you are looking for any bits of official information in amongst all the noise whats whats it been like for you. Yes i. Very likely the same even need for of course he. Started earlier we are getting in sadly you must do this as a lation and we try not to not so many of you know some i say we are lucky of course there are a lot of big news regarding. To keep these virus away. But we cannot get the use of these. These we are leaving which is. Insane insane we cannot go out we are going to be fine and we leave and we see the words that mother said to our window isnt anything very hard to get necessarily be. Granted but as you can imagine. And end the lines outside and to keep these security its not the easiest specially when you have to keep that home and. Its complicated then but is there an acceptance from people that this is what is necessary at the moment that the government whilst it is taking very harsh steps is doing it for the right reasons and that it does have to happen yes its not easy as you can imagine and for part of the population to let them understand the real gravity of the situation he took time it took that and then to be honest with you what concerns are the monsters are all people we people in the. People from before because there are more expose this so it was hard it was a difficult process to let them understand that its not only a but but but but that people can be beaten by allies so it wasnt it wasnt it these esteemed and i cannot say that everybody got the message yet. My labor totally updating us from milan thank you very much for your time do appreciate it thank you thank you to the u. K. Where the Prime Ministers ask citizens to avoid all unnecessary contact and travel after the number of coronavirus deaths increase from 35. 00 to 55. 00 the governments changed its initial approach based on the idea that the majority of the population would become infected to develop socalled herd immunity that is up to scientific modeling found the death toll could be as high as 250000 its lawrence lee with us now in london to well what do you take me through that 1st of all because they headline numbers a bit scary. Yes its not the sciences change clearly the science is the science its the interpretation of the science that appears to be dawning on ministers now only last week they were talking about quite excitedly really about how important a herd immunity is let it run through the population build up some immunity itll protect people more in the long run. And seemingly after that it without any dawned on them that if you get one percent mortality if 80 percent of the population gets it thats half a 1000000 dead people so then moved to this interim think of mitigation but thats the extrapolation of that is a quarter of a 1000000 tests as you say and so gradually theyre moving towards suppression which is exactly where you just heard or all of people in france and spain and italy say thats exactly what they mean doing italy the governor of long but he were started with italian t. V. This morning saying that the rise in cases is no longer exponential so keeping people locked down does appear to be working here unfortunately theyre not doing that yet and its still a bit loose sports johnson was saying yesterday people all not to go to the pub the travel advice now is nonessential travel. Should should should be stopped but its an advisory its not an actual ban. And if you want to know just just how 6 and 7 as they are kemal Boris Johnson said yes they people ought to go to the pub today his father stanley who is a bit of a media celeb himself was on daytime t. V. And they said to him but will you go to the pub style he said well yes of course ill go to the pub the pubs are in financial trouble is supporting it its just these sorts of vagueness and looseness of the language and the lack of definition and clear instructions to the public theres wind in the Scientific Community up so much i would say though in the u. K. I think people are sort of. Not is not ignoring the government advice but taking their decisions anyway increasingly staying at home more people taking the kids out of school even though the schools and eventually shut yet so this is happening in a sense despite rather than because of the Government Vice can i just ask you more widely about political moves in europe you pointed out weve heard from people in france italy and spain theyve been telling us the separate situations collectively as a European Union what is being done at the moment what are the next steps. Well the one thing thats happening today is that the the European Commission proposal to close all the borders thats got to be rubber stamped individually by all the Member States and so that will happen and then the borders will be properly shots as well as that embark in all of the wides Procurement Program of the ventilates is because no country has enough insight to support the potential numbers ireland it turns out produces half the worlds supply of ventilators so your opinion in that sense is in quite a good position suited procurers many years it wants there is inevitably a little so this commotion that i have to say because its not clear whether the u. K. Which is in transition house of the European Union moments can actually apply full ventilates as theres only one ventilators vote producing factor in the whole of the u. K. So you know the u. K. Still it has a say on the whole its true it gradually moving in the direction but its nor anything like this have mounted force until the continent 50 percent of the ventilators in the world from ireland that is a great fact from lawrence lay there in amongst all these other reporting across europe thank you. Now china where it all started and this is amazing it is reported just 21 new cases of coronavirus in the past day as it eases its quarantine restrictions beijing says it expects state support will help its economy return to normal in the 2nd quarter the latest government figures show Factory Production fell by a record 13 and a half percent in february and it to be fair economists are still warning any recovery in china may be slowed by Global Economic fallout from the coronavirus meanwhile the Chinese Foreign ministries accuse the u. S. President of smearing china after donald trump referred to corona virus as quote a chinese virus in one of his tweets it says the u. S. Should just focus on containing its own outbreak. Only if you dont pull we huge the us side to correct their mistakes and stop the groundless accusations of china immediately prison the coronavirus epidemic has broken out and spread in many places around the world most urgent task is to carry out International Cooperation to actively fight against the epidemic bua should 1st take care of its own matters and also play a constructive role in cooperation and betting against coronavirus to maintain the Global Health security so that the middle east now iran has closed 3 of its holiest sites to visit is despite strong opposition from protesters shrines in the city as much of mush and shot already were shut down to contain the spread of coronavirus the governments just said 135. 00 more people have died in iran taking the total to 988. 00 and iran has temporarily freed about 85000. 00 prisoners in response to the pandemic last week the un asked to iran to release them to help stem the spread of the virus and has more on that from tehran. Certainly as far as the Security Apparatus is concerned they would not have released these prisoners if they once going to be able to bring them back into custody by april 3rd that is the date for the end of this furlough this was agreed to by the judiciary by the Justice System or a latent in february and theyve been slowly releasing tens of thousands at a time 1st it was 35000 that around 50000 and then last week it was around 70000 and now were seeing this latest number of 85000 announced earlier today now these prisoners are generally nonviolent offenders nonviolent offenders with short prison sentences the number that has been announced today includes some Political Prisoners as well but they all should expect to go back into prison in april on the face of it this certainly seems like a magnanimous decision by a government that is strict that is religious at a time of a National Health crisis but we have to look beyond that and put it in context of the prison system itself that the jails generally here are considered overcrowded preventable illnesses are a constant problem and we have heard reports from prisoners inside that there is chaos in terms of trying to prevent infections of the coronavirus in the prison system and some prisoners have even said that theyve had to provide their own so certainly overcrowding remains a problem and this is certainly not something that theyre doing just out of the kindness of their hearts this is a practical measure because the prison system cant perhaps provide the required medical services that the prisoners might need were going to look at the want a situation in iran now with the by his a political analyst cofounder as well of the center for a Pride Research in partnership with the orient hes on skype from dusseldorf thank you for your time what do you make of the moves that the iranians are taking at the moment things like shutting down holy shrines which is a decision it wouldnt take lightly and also this temporarily release of thousands of prisoners. Its a situation in which 2 the state has now finally started to adopt the right measures it all started extremely with a very slow pace some of the decisions needed some time to be probably wrong. I have the impression right now that the necessary measures are undertaken similar to what we had heard about the situation in the u. K. There is no actual curfew there is no more. Lockdown but people are asked to stay at home not to travel etc and the other measures go along with the go along this line why do you think the response i mean it seems to me youre indicating a slow response there why is that been the case given that iran has been one of the coronavirus hot spots pretty much since the start yes it turned into one because the reaction was too slow we have similar situations in the in the past with with earthquakes with floods with other sorts of situations in which an early response would have been necessary there is a lack of a. Working link between Scientific Research and policy decision making. There is infrastructural intrigue abilities there is a very slow pace in the early was on some once the actual work is in place things are happening the situation is already to some extent out of control before and then slowly improves and i would expect this to happen in the upcoming one or 2 weeks and how much has iran been hampered by the fact that it has been under International Sanctions a lot made of this the fact that they havent had access to the drugs that are needed to the equipment that are needed. In your opinion is that the case. It certainly is the case and it i mean the whole major problems of mismanagement corruption and cetera these are beyond question these exist but they are all exacerbated when. The supply of necessary medical equipment is stopped and it has been stopped in the past years when money cannot be transferred we now have the case that iran asks that i am have for a loan take the galaxies are quite clear and i am after ground here on that long but how is that money transferred when the central bank of iran is designated as a terrorist entity by the Us Government and these are problems that come with the sanctions then certainly exacerbate the problems that internally exist i plant about that by talking at coronavirus in iran with us we appreciate your time thank you my pleasure this outbreak means there are a lot of words being used here in the news online in your communities the types of things you probably havent heard before so weve got alexia bryan to explain some of them to us. The corona Virus Outbreak is moving fast theres always a new update new advice and it can all same a bit confusing and overwhelming so lets start with corona virus itself its an umbrella term for 7 viruses that interfere with the way we breathe from a common colds to Something Real serious this latest virus causes a disease thats been hauled 9 tain the 9 comes from corona virus disease 2019 and the symptoms often start with a cough a favor and shortness of breath most people will recover without needing special treatment but some will become seriously ill usually older people and those with existing Health Problems and any of us can spread the virus through tiny droplets from coughing or breathing this map from Johns Hopkins University Shows how far it spread in just 12 weeks or so with more than 180000 cases worldwide and thats why were all being told to engage in social distancing a term now training on twitter keeping at least an ace or a pass in some countries restaurants schools parks and places of worship are being closed to stop people gathering together because youre just putting it the beauty of this fish if you need to stretch your legs do it on your own or with those you live with keep your distance from others and under no circumstances see people who are not from your home. The british Prime Minister says that without drastic action cases can double every 5 to 6 days now is the time for everyone to stop nonessential contact with others and to stop unnecessary travel. We need people to start working from home where they possibly can and you should avoid pubs clubs theaters and other such social venues this is all to flash on the curb slowing the spread of the virus so that our Health Care Systems dont become overwhelmed the curve represents the number of cases over time so flattening that means preventing a huge surge of new cases in a very short period of time delaying transmission keeps more people safe and thats what theyre managing to do in south korea which at one point had the highest number of cases outside china compare that to italy where the outbreak quickly spiraled out of control reporting thousands of new cases every day and how long is all this for Scientists Say thats the big question because right now were in uncharted territory we certainly are but lets not forget more than 80000 patients worldwide with corona virus have recovered once again according to the Johns Hopkins university which is monitoring this pandemic from the start it means existing treatments have been effective for more than 43 percent of those infected so far we have got dr peter j. Hotez with us now dean for the National School of tropical medicine and the Battle College of medicine on scott from Houston Texas thank you for your time sir i know its early there and weve had a lot of correspondence and gets to speak to so i thank you for your time its an important thing to remember isnt it the fact that people are recovering from coronavirus and that well we hope it will continue the vast majority will. Yes thats absolutely right the problem is though a number of those are recovering who are severely ill and require intensive Care Management so many of those are nice use so its you know in part due to the heroism of the intensive care unit staffs in places like china and italy and spain but this is coming at a great societal cost and financial costs as well so this is a very serious illness and highlights the importance of social distancing more than ever and now of course were hearing reports coming out of europe and in italy for instance that a higher than expected number of young younger people are becoming seriously ill and we dont really understand why thats happening and so this is one of those were looking at in the United States now to see if our epidemic is going to look more like china or more like italy ok and what are your expectations for the United States i think it can get a bit noisy with the political side of things with donald trump with tweets and all these sorts of things and really more interested in the medical side of things and. The changing there and if particularly the testing is improving. Yeah so this is been a huge problem weve had significant delays in our abilities caleb testing so we dont have or arms around the full extent of this epidemic in the United States and the Scientific Community is fairly confident that there are multiple pockets of transmission in the us that were missing so this is not good news when were looking at the potential of a big surge in in several weeks time of the number of patients that will be in our hospitals in our intensive care units and so theres a lot of effort now to try to model this and assess the number of ventilators that were going to need in and to get a sense of of what were going to be facing a in the next few weeks and this is causing some significant concern among the states in our Public Health community while this thing health kids its an ongoing issue in the United States isnt it even without a pandemic a lot of people worry about health care not being able to get the treatment or not being able to pay for the treatment that made that sort of hang over this whole situation is well it certainly is in the democratic debate between Bernie Sanders and joe biden and senator sanders emphasized that quite a bit that you know this is happening on top of the fact that u. S. Has among the most inequitable Health Systems among developed countries sand so what does that mean for the poor not only in terms of access to health care but they can theyre the ones that least can afford the lost wages due to social distancing in the closure of businesses so theres a lot of internal reflection going on here in the United States are hoping to talk to. His again thank you for your time we really do appreciate his. Thanks so much there is news going on elsewhere in the world im going to start with the International Weather with a year ago we did been talking about mozambique in the double top of cyclings this season its been quite certain we do still have a tropical cycle and its just come across the top of madagascar mozambique has escaped completely this year and im sure the very place and funnily enough this sort of thing of madagascar is welcome they like a lot of rain they get a lot of rain a lot of it comes from tropical cycles so in the north east here weve got a 312 going to be strong this one is called harold so that is a months worth of rain but bear in mind that still surprise they often do get the most for the right because the rain comes out of cyclons and thats your average don the site itself is going to way from madagascar its good. In the occupant of the its cool it has just hit. Its not given very much rain is just about over the top now with strong winds but its forecast takes it away from the small islands and disappears into the cold water now waltz where in the indian ocean are so we might just zip north so i did notice early roman was the key of these things a mass of thunderstorms thats co way from sumatra up towards this is only relevant because its maybe the 1st sign of the start of the monsoon wind change now were on the other side is of course rising temperatures weve got fortys appearing in a. Sea as the showers there not making much progress just us back to you can all right thank you so much for that youre with our jazeera the news hour and these are the top stories malaysias decision to lock down its borders after a spike in corona virus infections has led to panic buying in supermarkets authorities there have now reported 673 cases spains tightening its borders after recording nearly 2000 new cases of corona virus itself in 24 hours police at the border of turned away vehicles trying to enter the country as part of strict new measures on iran is close 3 of its holiest sites to be. It is because of the pandemic its also temporarily freed about 85000. 00 prisoners at least 988. 00 people have died in iran with around 16000. 00 confirmed cases the markets have just opened in the United States wall street hoping to rebound after the big slump on monday and at present up 1. 6 percent in early trade kristen salumi is that the New York Stock Exchange for us kristen the gains i mean theyre good but theyre not as dramatic as the falls whore. Yeah were seeing just a little bit of a bounce this morning with the major indices up a couple points after yesterdays job dropping falls monday was the worst day on record for the nasdaq all 3 of the major indices were down more than 12 percent and one of the worst days in history one of the top 3 for for the major indices the markets have now fallen some 30 percent from their highs just back in february so theres still a lot of volatility a lot of uncertainty. As you said a little bit of a recovery this morning but only minor compared to that precipitous fall and lots of information for investors to process Going Forward in particular weve got a dire warning from the s. And p. Global Ratings Agency saying now that they expect that a global recession will follow as a result of the sudden economic stop caused by coronavirus and also that some 10 percent of u. S. Corporations could default on loans as a result of this economic slowdown so lots of worrisome news there youve got washington d. C. President trying to reassure the Business Community that the government will have their back promised in the tweet powerfully support businesses that are being affected like the airlines theres reports that the airlines are asking for a 50000000000. 00 aid package lots of things happening lots for investors to process but one thing i will point to is the volatility index which gives us an indication of how investors are thinking it closed at its all time highest level ever yesterday and so i think thats an indication that Going Forward there could be a lot more ups and downs because theres one thing that the market doesnt like and thats uncertainty its almost worse than bad news uncertain news and right now we just dont know what the full impact of these. Social distancing measures and shutdowns are going to be on businesses how long its going to take and what the relief plans will be so as far as long as thats the case we can expect some more rocky rocky days ahead christine you you made the point there about for example the airlines looking for 50000000000 dollars in it i mean 50000000000 was the number that reserve field the other day when donald trump declared an emergency and that was just a general 50000000000 what strikes me is that this is a crisis where Everyone Needs help its not something thats just affecting since it does of the economy. Absolutely and youre seeing debate in d. C. Over how best to address that issue do you go right to the workers and help them in some way with tax breaks or relief or the corporations and theres any number of combinations that could come out of this and thats really whats being debated in d. C. And given d. C. s inability to agree when youve got democrats and republicans in Congress Battling historically theres a lot of concern about how its going to work out but lots of lobbying going on lots of discussion and lots of promises to make sure that not only are investors covered but workers are covered and the average americans are covered from what is sure to be wide ranging and long term fallout christine slimmy at the New York Stock Exchange of course thank you for that update christine. As i said earlier there is other world news to tell you about and a car bomb explosion in Southern Thailand has injured at least 20 people the blast in yella province happened as local government leaders met to discuss the Coronavirus Crisis no claim of responsibility but this province is one of 3 which has been the focus of a campaign by armed muslim separatists why in hades following this one from bangkok. This was attack took place at around 10 day morning and it was designed to cause maximum potential tactics employed by the attack visit to the mill you want to come in thailand it was one explosion that took place outside that meant building clearly designed to come outside to see what was going on and then a lot of trouble with minutes later i. Province is one at least 3 southern most provinces in thailand neighboring malaysia and iran and muslim groups operating in no its problems his mouth or independence or greater autonomy from thailand which is mainly buddhist troop the mylan really intensified around 16 years ago and since then weve seen around 7000 People Killed we never get any claims of responsibility out at least types of attacks as to say to assume groups operating but in recent years decision and increasingly all in the Largest Group in Southern Thailand as areason reduce the national or international rouge front being behind most of the violence so again suspicion will be out ran out of being responsible for what this bomb attack iraqs president has named a new Prime Minister designate in an attempt to break months of political deadlock some on a full team is seen baghdad with more on this one exactly who will be the new Prime Minister. If you will actually be the new Prime Minister. Has been nominated the prime as the Prime Minister designate but he must still form a cabinet within the next 30 days and that cabinet including himself at the helm of it must be approved by a parliament nuns lets see is of course not new to the political scene here in iraq he was a governor in 2004 under paul bremmer administration in the wake of the 2003 American Invasion and hes also currently a member of parliament as part of the nasser alliance which is the party led by former Prime Minister body so he is very much part of the political establishment and this is why many protesters as well reject him they have been asking for an independent candidate as part of the antigovernment protests we have seen here in iraq over the past 5 months and for them. It is very much part of the political establishment that they have rejected hes of course not the 1st person to be suggested as a replacement for i do love the matter who resigned back in the previously we had. He was nominated he was able to get the support from parliament so now we have the who is the 2nd person who was nominated by the president and what is no 2 or 3 is that the president chose him in the pendency from the Political Parties those Political Parties were not able to come up with a suggestion from their side so this is quite an Unusual Development here. Simona tell me a little bit more about the challenges that he faces Going Forward compounded by the photo in the timing coincidence but today the u. S. Also says were pulling back now were repositioning our troops out of iraq. Well its a very complicated situation in iraq we have a lot of things going on at the same time we have to who was nominated today as Prime Minister designate at the same time there is a curfew that is starting today for one week in baghdad in response to the coronavirus and we also have as you mentioned this latest crisis between the u. S. And iranian backed groups we just had the past week a series of tit for tat attacks between the 2 sides of course all of this is very much complicating this process of forming a new government and the factor of u. S. Troop presence will certainly be a very important component as zulfi must negotiate now with the other Political Parties to agree on the government and to agree on the program many of the shia parties that dominate the parliament are pushing for the expulsion of u. S. Troops from iraq and theyre likely to demand that from him if they are to lend him their support but at the same time what weve seen today is the u. S. Starting to withdraw some of its personnel from some of the remote bases around iraq consolidating them in fewer locations and this is the move that coalition Officials Say has been planned for months but of course it comes right at the back of these latest rocket attacks that we have seen against bases where u. S. Personnel is station so there is a feeling that this could perhaps be the 1st step in the future partial drawdown of u. S. Troops and its certain that the shia Political Parties in parliament who are opposed against u. S. Presence here are likely to use that to further push for the expulsion of foreign troops from iraq similar fulton with the latest word from iran thank you. To the race for the white house now in the days of Bernie Sanders winning over hispanic voters could end floridas democratic primary gets underway polling shows the former Vice President joe biden with a commanding lead among the States Latino voters as Andy Gallacher reports from miami. Bernie sanders has built a Strong Coalition with support its been the envy of rival campaigns in nevada california and texas he decisively won over hispanic voters keen to embrace his socalled revolution. In florida though things are different like you know voters here tend to be older more moderate and wary of a candidate who proclaims himself a socialist when you see venezuelans that have escaped oppressive pretty democratic strategist evil and perez vidia says talk of progressive politics may backfire on the Sanders Campaign but this is so has the same tent as well so nice that one company says just a light or 2 into. So we have to be careful with messaging we have to be careful with words according to some polls sanders messaging appears to be driving hispanic voters to former Vice President joe biden and in a state with 219 delegates that could mean a knockout blow Bernie Sanders recently praised Cubas Fidel Castro saying his Literacy Program was a good thing thats a hard pill to swallow for a 1000000 cuban americans here who escaped the castro regime and also resonates with nicaraguans and venezuelans who escaped socialist leaders in their homeland its a kind of deep seated fear of a self avowed socialist that could spell trouble for the Sanders Campaign they already threw myself on my has been for vote by mail Democratic Party activists say its important candidates realize how leftwing politics viewed by a vital voting bloc in a must win state they are a little bit hesitant when one of our candidates try to praising leftwing cup. Immense and not understanding how raw those emotions are in the community to syria to very webmin says fears about socialism to make it hard to convince like to nose to vote for the Democratic Party i am a very blunt person and i usually tell them. Would you like. The government to help you a little bit more you know would do you believe in everybody should have the same rights about healthcare and they answer yes. And i said then why are you voting republican hispanic voters here on a monolithic voting bloc they look for a leadership varies and while many are united over issues Like Health Care education and Climate Change fear of socialism runs deep potentially boosting joe bidens bid in a state thats seen as a road to the white house and it gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Coming up on the news hour as players show off their 40 skills while in lockdown and italy is here in a moment. Business ledgers this vote to buy no brass power. Business ledgers this vote to buy no brass power. Youre even the old. Joe is here to talk sport any word on the euro football tournament yeah in fact the year isnt one of our because the last few minutes 2 big football tournament happened called off because of krona virus the cup american argentina and colombia has been postponed and as expected so too have the european championships which have been pushed back to 2021 norway and sweden as football so say sions announced that bid a decision after a meeting with the continents football governing body you wait for those who havent made a formal announcement yet the tournament was just be played across several countries for the 1st time this year football across europe had already been suspended because of the fire wrists correspondent lee wellings joins us now live and lee no surprise really with that decision what impact will this have on football in europe. Yes if all of the news were expecting to come out of the wife is teleconference for the whole of the internal people in european thought including cups and presidency and she. Really didnt have much option of course to do this is the sense of the way forward to actually perspective that. All the things you are 2020 would have doing. If you hadnt taken close and yet another question whether orleans wont nations in a years time. Seems a bit more sensible in the wind whatever the situation current virus than to actually play it in one country doesnt it always are actually the cause and that this was a grand plan from michigan same years ago the do glad up as it happens events are taking it and this is really all they can do and that they are in this situation will have to continue to be reassessed as the Bigger Picture with her alarmists. Keeps Going Forward and actually getting into a position where we doesnt same or home any importance now whats happening with the cops is that they have been coerced into selling well can our citizens even if european leagues in canada season the british we know they dont have a. Spine and the italian insisting that things can finish can i dont know what im talking sponsible to suggest going over to someone so they will be putting their ideas and. Thought might help to something but actually the domestically will have to say one book or at least what you are 2021 is great in the other regime then next next europeans are in the tournament that it compassionate including the couple cop car of car the winning a championship is due to take christ the full amends to. And then all the only taking place so its a we will. Need to see where we stand in a few weeks almost all rightly will stay with us because its not the only big thing thats being discussed theres also an emergency talks that are being happen that are happening at the International Olympic committee today the i. O. C. Is holding a Video Conference with several sports federations to discuss how they will deal with a number of qualifying events being cancelled for tokyo 2020 so might talk of canceling the games though organizers in the japanese government have repeatedly said it will go ahead as planned on tuesday Prime Minister shinzo said he had secured backing from other g 7 countries olympic. I have gained support from g 7 and the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be realized and fully held as a proof of mankinds victory against the new coronavirus all right well lets bring you back into this one and this meeting really seems like the 1st cracks are beginning to show on this plan to to hold the Tokyo Olympics. The indignity of. The threats of the guns and you would have to say its something less and less likely that it cant go ahead its less the bombs. Breathing space than other major Sports Events like youre 2020 but actually theres so much talent in tunis its not just a problem which is to call until its ready to be cancelled husin worst fear of those in britain whether its boxing whether its swimming athletics so many things are being banned so much that is being stopped this in the wider political nightmare sure yours is even if i were to go out in tokyo in july of course. The i. O. C. Are hugely concerned about this there used to be plenty of crisis in sport whether its in. Russia whether its be out of forms of of laras there are many things that have to do with this is on a completely different level its changed our martyrs. And this is talk that they might be able to think it is in mine before making a decision to falter not that i think theyre going to have much more quickly than not its just that we dont necessarily expect them to. Want to say more one Health Organization says and appreciating the time its one is when we are d all right lee and you know theyre not the only ones who are acting because whole sree saying is also being impacted by coronavirus the Kentucky Derby the 1st race in north americas triple crown series has been postponed from may to september is the 1st time its been delayed since world war 2 in the u. K. All horseracing has been suspended and aprils grand national has been cancelled the head of the Japanese Football Association has tested positive for the virus off to feeding favor if it comes just as faithful launched an Awareness Campaign on how. To avoid spreading it comes of course of correction because. She was a marine here there with a warning to stay away from him and others also say jill ellis and fee for president jenny are also part of that campaign meanwhile event to stars have been showing off their footy skills while on lockdown in italy midfielder Douglas Costa managed to keep the ball despite a strong attacking posture from his dog. And defendant is the leaked showed everyone how to clean their hands and then use their newly hoarded toilet roll to hone their skills. And finally a story that would have been a lead on any other day 6 time super bowl champion tom brady has announced he is leaving the new England Patriots the full back has spent his entire professional career in boston but now after 20 years hell become a free agents all right that is all useful for now back to come on joe thank you so much for that and that is the news hour plenty more news to come whats ahead around in just a few moments time the latest from the markets in new york and developments across europe with regards to coronavirus. Explaining terms of policy towards africa its the Challenging Mission set his secretary of state mike pompei on a 5 day visit to the continent the visit comes after the white house announced a travel ban on 4 african nations and a withdrawal of troops from west africa. I think it just demonstrate. To you once and for ministration. Despite trying to travel ban being extended at the end of february to take in the war african countries including the continents biggest economy insisted that the u. S. Is open for business. It could be the biggest line in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans monaca on a 0. Hidden away in the room a 1000000 japanese shun the outside world 101 east investigates why so many young men all feel lost in japan on al jazeera. And. Al jazeera. And. Spain reports more than 2000 new cases of coronaviruses border restrictions get even tighter across europe. As a whole romany watching all just their life my headquarters here in doha also coming up shelves emptied out in malaysia its preparing for Border Closures and a ban on all travel after a big rise in corona virus cases also 2 explosions rock a Government Office in Southern Thailand and a 2nd attempt to end months of Political Uncertainty in iraq a former Regional Governor is named as a Prime Minister designate

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