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Trumps controversial comments about china. More than 200000 people have been infected by the corona virus globally but there is cause for hope in china it is reporting no new local cases for the 1st time since operate began in december rwanda who by a province which has seen 3130 deaths has 0 new local infections all of the new cases 34 of them involve people arriving in the country. It was yellow eventually we are delighted to see this double 0 increase this means today weve seen the dawn after so many days of hard efforts it also means a control measures and medical treatment methods have been booking but he well but things have this. Harry races in europe the current epicenter of the pandemic it leave recorded 475 deaths on wednesday thats the highest number of fatalities on a single day for any nation since the outbreak began in china in the u. S. President donald trump has taken another drastic measure to tackle covered 19 by invoking the defense production act the wartime step allows him to draft in the military to produce mosques ventilations and respirators and also expand Hospital Capacity hares the overall picture an interactive map by the Johns Hopkins medical university it gives us a live i idea of whats happening around the world you can see here on the left and read the total number of confirmed cases worldwide more than 218000. 00 there also has a lift to this of countries the most cases of the top china followed by initially if we look in the white over here thats the total number of deaths 8810. 00 china as a province has the highest number of deaths but its followed very closely now by islay which has 2978. 00 deaths in total and over in the green there another very important number the total number of people who have recovered from grown a virus that stands at 884114 well we got to begin our coverage this hour in asia where sarah clarke is monitoring developments from hong kong going to a 1st treaty you who is in beijing for us katrina so as weve been saying no new local transmissions in china that must be a huge accomplishment. Thats right kim this is a milestone not only is this the 1st country affected by the outbreak who seem to have been able to break the chain of transmission of coded 95 this is also the place where the outbreak 1st started in 200 cities in a province to have 0 cases in. It is really remarkable. Especially considering that at one point in february we had hundreds of cases every day 16 makeshift hospitals were built to handle these overwhelmed hospitals more than 80000 cases in china with the majority in cuba a province majority who hunts city now those makeshift hospitals has been have been closed down because there are no more patients many of the doctors and nurses that were flown in from all over the country to help deal with this case or theyve been allowed to go home so it is it is very good news and in fact that the lock down by province up began at the end of january well thats also starting to ease and people have been allowed to start to leave their apartment so tremendous relief for the people who pay problems and definitely it is somewhat a day to celebrate here in china and not only in china but around the world i think its something that gives many people who are very much so but but even with this our demise and i guess there must be a dose of course in given that it manes the country as a white 14 days to declare an outbreak officially over. Thats right so were not out of the woods yet by any means a day to celebrate but the lockdown is still very much in place and people here are afraid of the a 2nd wave of infection so we still had 34 new cases around the country today 21 of those cases are in the Capital Beijing so cases of people being infected overseas coming into the country thats very much the main focus of the government now in beijing they seem to be tightening measures if anything for example if you fly into the city must be put into a hotel at your own expense no exceptions many compounds are still very much under lockdown if youve come from overseas you said simply wont be allowed inside those places and in kuwait province itself we still have 7000 people who are sick 2000 of them in Critical Condition and even though people are starting to leave their apartments movement is still very much restricted people have been given color codes and in some areas you can only go out limited times or in batches so still very much under control and life is far from returning to normal around the country in everywhere you go are people still Wearing Masks there are still temperature checks everywhere you go work place out was a still very much staggered and more schools are still closed so as you mentioned its still a ways to go before declaring this this outbreak or over here in china and in who hunts city theyve said they want to consecutive weeks with 0 new cases before they can actually really lower some of those very draconian very strict travel restrictions that have been put in place to prevent this virus from spreading further thank you for the train to you there live from beijing lets bring in sara clark carr who is live for us in Hong Kong Sara just tell us how are the asian markets reacting on thursday. Well nearly every stock market across asia is down on thursday stocks fell in hong kong by and then china japan australia and south korea and that was despite some initial gains when the markets opened on thursday that clearly the concerns about a carone of it. Led recession are overshadowing any of the economic stimulus packages being announced around the world japans benchmark of the nikkei it was down point 74 percent where markets where they markets ended their morning session the shanghai composite index was down 2. 37 percent hong kongs hang saying it filled 3. 95 percent and a straight as reserve bank is now just an Interest Rate cut to a quarter of a sense now its never been that low in australia and south koreas main benchmark the cost index it fell to its lowest in a decade so certainly look at the south korean situation and the government there is announced a range of Financial Measures to try and prop up its its economy this is on top of another package its already and so certainly the crisis funds at the moment the package its announced today are they the equivalent of 59000000000 dollars and this is what south koreas president moon had to say earlier about this package or should join this is a special emergency financial measure with 39000000000. 00 its a Public Welfare environment stability Package Program this is an unprecedented comprehensive measure in both scale and subject matter and so our work there tell us about a strike here and new zealand have made announcements about their border. Well both countries of clearly coordinated their efforts on thursday and announced a travel ban on all foreigners as of friday night at 9 pm so its only allowing residents or citizens a strain citizens back into the country and says the same thing thats happened in new zealand the Prime Minister of australia Scott Morrison said it was essential to take this action simply to stop the spread he said nearly 3 quarters of more than 3 quarters of the cases in a strata are situations where the people are travelling to australia and then bringing the crown of ours with them is also those people then affecting direct contact with their family members so i think the set of the cases are from overseas now more than 1000000 people strains are currently living overseas or travelling so clearly theres going to be some major problems trying to get them home by the deadline of friday at 9 pm as for new zealand its already announced itself isolation for any all arrivals i should say into new zealand but this particular deadline of thursday night at midnight all new zealand must get back in by that time if theyre to get back into new zealand thanks for that sarah clarke there with the latest from hong kong. Well the crisis shows few signs of ending across europe and the World Health Organization warns not enough is being done more about amana picks up the story from there. As the number of recorded coronavirus cases past 200000 the World Health Organization announced the 1st plan of that seems underway the start of a long battle this virus is presenting with president target but its also an unprecedented opportunity to come together as one against a common enemy an enemy against humanity as. Some countries own still enough testing to stem the virus italy has reported the highest one day death toll in any nation so far 475 who killed by the bars they have 1st of all opt for the army to join in in the area a bit early where the outbreak has been. At its worse so the army has set up a hospital camps and that was not seen before there is a great worry among china officials because of 8. 3 percent of how care practitioners have been tested positive to the virus in the german city of frankfurt has been queuing to get a free test that covered 19 and the losing patients here in frankfurt is a socialist organ is it so badly organized as the man behind me who waited for 6 hours yesterday when he actually belongs in bed in a televised address to the nation and clinical appeared to the public not to underestimate the crisis is else this is serious take it seriously we have not seen a challenge like this in our country since reunification i know since the 2nd world war which depend so much on us acting together and in solidarity with each other. In some parts of europe the Health Services just cant cope because of a surge in cases nice in france 6 threw in a virus cases had to be flown by military plane from mulhouse to the south of the country for treatment in france is a big incentive not to be out in public if you dont have a certificate allowing me to leave the home the police can fine you up to 150 dollars thank you in spain theyve already arrested dozens of people the going out since in lockdown started at the weekend but its not stop these housebound madrid residents from protesting the demanding that former King Juan Carlos donates millions of dollars he reportedly received from saudi arabia to the Spanish Health system. In london its quite unusual but nobodys been told to go home but in parliament Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced demands to take a more proactive stance oh in waiting so lonesome mass testing im wrong i also showed distancing measures maybe just suggestions on wednesday Boris Johnson did make one long expected announcement of the schools shut their gates from friday afternoon they will remain closed for most pupils for the vast majority of peoples until further notice so different stages in the outbreak and different responses but the challenge for the medical world emphasises in general is immeasurable about a man the aljazeera to the us now where President Donald Trump has signed into law a relief package that promises free testing for anyone who needs it also face a 7 hour port of corona virus cases trump is also questioned about labeling the illness as a chinese virus comments many call racist mike hanna has more. The actual vote took longer than usual senators entering the chamber a few at a time to ensure social distance was maintained within hours of the bill being passed it was signed into law by President Trump a total of about 100000000000. 00 earmarked for bolstering Unemployment Benefits guaranteeing free testing and providing some American Workers with paid sick leave furley a President Trump told reporters he was invoking the rarely used defense for duction act which really enter into an issue in this country resigning its prepared to go the law allows the administration to expand production and access reserves of protective gear like masks and ventilators the 1st 1000000. 00 masks will be available immediately the military will also deployed 2 floating hospital ships to increase Hospital Capacity as the corona virus spreads to all 50 of us states. The white house is urging congress to pass more legislative packages in the days ahead seeking a total of about one trillion dollars to flood the u. S. Economy with cash the stated intention to ease the burden of big businesses as well as provide Financial Relief to each citizen. Some democrats continue to insist the overall response is still too slow were behind the 8 ball on tests and were soon going to be behind the 8 ball and i see you there beds in ventilators as more and more people get sick. The administration didnt Pay Attention to tests and now were paying the price chinese virus in the midst of all this President Trump is insisting on calling the coronavirus chinese virus even as reporters asked whether he was being racist generation letter comes from china thats why its a posture trump insists is appropriate given he sees himself as in a sense a wartime president a president who believes hes leading the fight against what he calls americas increasingly virulent invisible enemy mike hanna aljazeera washington. And brazil thousands of people protested against president triable set auto for his handling of the corona virus outbreak. On wednesday for banks pots and pans across major cities and towns calling for his resignation also not has called concern about the virus quote a certain hysteria and blame to china for the outbreak he was also saying shaking hands with supporters of the weekend there are more than 400 cases of the coronavirus in brazil and that includes some senior members of the government. I dont expect anything from the government because hes neglecting the people he didnt understand the severity of the problem of how can you make jokes drugs have just you a situation poppy someone covered like this. Look theyre dealing with something new as a matter of fact this president is so unprepared that hes been downplaying the issue and now hes on t. V. Wearing a mask but he said absurdities over and over. All scenarios says protesters are simply exercising their democratic rights. About the protests it seems like a Spontaneous Movement by the population any movement by the population or face as an expression of democracy still ahead here on aljazeera closed for business how the crown of virus and their methods affecting millions of workers in thailand. And given a country already struggling with a 5 year war now comes the battle against coronavirus. How they would stop snowing in Northern Spain still plenty of plans coming from the mediterranean coast thats but brought some rain with it but terms on the way out so were up to 19 in madrid for example this is for Northern Europe its a bit of a cold spell when londons back city 8 degrees and that cold will edge into. Other places are still woman they should be for example berlin going to 11 degrees on friday but vienna still a warm 20 this is the warmest of europe the southeast corner warm on court foggy in for example northern italy that the self will cold ones that warms until the end of friday on saturday sunday and monday we back down to single things that is really cold probably even see some snow by the time we get to late sunday or monday and that cold air is still evident in turkey the storm is running through leventon the cold winter were run into egypt in the next couple of days taken the edge of the heat feel a little bit chilly but the cold stuff is probably has to be felt in morocco up in the uk is mountains are expecting some snow this current levant to through part of the mediterranean sir cross gibraltar that will keep going the next 2 days then rain turkey into not just morocco but the portuguese coast further south africa is mostly dry of course. So me al jazeera london brokaw 2 special guests in conversation people think that racism is having tercel vitriol towards black people and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with opposition if youre not upsetting people if one meets any oh. There is not a family in britain i believe has not been touched by empire studio b. Im squidgy on aljazeera. Youre watching all just there are a reminder of our top stories this hour theres been no new local Coronavirus Infections across china the 1st time since our break began in december all new cases are being reported to be of people returning from abroad china has begun easing its lockdown of millions of citizens. Italy has recorded the highest single day number of deaths from the virus since the outbreak began 475 people died there on wednesday at least has been a block down for almost 2 weeks. Stock market prices in asia have again for them because of increasing fears of the prolonging global recession japans nikkei closed one percent down but losses were much heavier and hong kong and south korea following another big sell off on wall street. Thailands infamous night life is also feeling the effects of the coronavirus the government ordered the closure of all bars and Entertainment Venues in the capital with few tourists huge numbers of workers who have informal jobs. Lost their income when he reports from bangkok. Outside one of bangkoks famous tie boxing stadiums a makeshift coronavirus testing clinic has been set up its for fighters spectators and anyone else who was here in recent days as the number of cases surged in thailand including a cluster at another boxing stadium across town the Prime Minister has ordered Entertainment Venues and bars to close for 2 weeks. The government will keep evaluating the outbreak situation both in the country and internationally as well as its Economic Impact closely and carefully the virus at an icon of thai culture may remove any lingering complacency about a crisis that could deliver an economic knock out thailands economy was already struggling after a coup and 5 years of military rule last years election did little if anything to brighten the outlook and this situation will almost certainly send it into recession. Coronavirus and the measures to contain it have altered the economic and social landscape of bangkok particularly its notorious night life one of the most vibrant in the world the government ordered to close bars came when business was already dramatically declining partly because tourist arrivals are down almost 77 percent this year bar owners are worried the enforced closures could be extended in a worsening their roles we need to close the base theres. No sharks but only if we try to survive we have to we have our employees that if they need to pay for the rent for the living. Far take care of their family so we try our best to take care of them. There is new management taking care of the more vulnerable the 21000000 thais who have informal jobs such as street food vendors many of whom are already struggling to survive because my business is getting worse and worse i dont know if there was such bangkok done or not but if they do. Because we want to have money for food if we stay at home. Thailands economy has been resilient in the past and traditionally bounces back quickly from major setbacks this evolving shock to an already vulnerable system will test that resilience like never before wayne hay al jazeera bangkok a large religious event in indonesia has been canceled thousands of muslims have already traveled there the 4 day gathering and go was over by a muslim missionary movement and we. Are calling for calm and say about this Court Participants to air and sea ports so they can link the similar event by the movement to malaysia last month is linked to hundreds of infections there and in 25 other Countries Worldwide as countries around the world and for strict measures to tackle the pandemic the Health Crisis is posing an even greater challenge for countries at war such as yemen schools are closed and added other restrictions are being enforced to mamma reports from the capital some are. This is International Airports once a busy hop serving much of yemen it has been largely closed for the past 4 years because of the conflict only recently where u. N. And other humanitarian flights of loud but now with the spread of virus those 2 have been suspended and i believe the countrys Supreme Committee assigned for eradicating the worlds growing prime demick issued a set of resolutions to stem the spread of the disease from outside yemen now all u. N. Humanitarian passenger flights will be suspended until further notice. A month ago the World Health Organization airlifted critically ill patients to do it at the airports general manager told all the humanitarian kalgo is now allowed in the. Sun our International Airport has applied the same precautionary measures that are being carried out all over the world now we are assigned to only allow flights of humanitarian aid and lifesaving medicines these shipments will be kept untouched at our ports warehouses for 24 hours before any further action has taken hold these later have also ordered the closure of schools thats despite confirmation from the w. Its that yemen doesnt have a single case of coral now by us. The closure of the school is a precautionary measure in case the situation gets worse similar decision has been taken during the beginning of saudi led war over the spike of with airstrikes some of the students we spoke to outside our University Im not happy about having to abandon their education before an important exam they are already struggling because of the 5 years saudi in the lead war and there is no opportunity for Distance Learning ive done my own you know my studies has been suspended until further notice as we are just days away from completing our 2nd semester despite the absence of any coronavirus cases here in sanaa or elsewhere in yemen prices for. Masks have soared and their ability has started to dwindle we used to buy this back at the foot of the bank they met by 0. 6 but now after the bendy make. The brackets. 6. The short supply of protective gear is not the only challenge for the authorities here testing kits for corona virus are also scarce within the Chemical Industry we only have 400. 00 corona tests at the Central Medical lab so were urging International Organizations to step in and provide the necessary aids that will help us eradicate the threat of the virus in its early stages this internally displaced family which is forced to live in this 3 square meters shop has prioritized giving the children masks. Born of corona virus cases sad to hear the death toll could be the hardest on the wall even as already struggle to contain the outbreaks of cholera diphtheria and each one in one flu virus have resulted in adults of thousands of civilians they say yemenis simply cannot afford a global pandemic. In the u. S. Conflicting guidance from the Trump Administration over the coronavirus outbreak is forcing more state governors and local officials to act on their own in the fight against the pandemic reports from los angeles. Lines of fear people in los angeles queue up at a Discount Grocery store stocking up on supplies to ride out the koran of virus pandemic its a sight that has grown common across the u. S. California has been hard hit by the virus with hundreds of confirmed cases in more than a dozen deaths governor Gavin Newsome was among the 1st state executives to order drastic steps we are calling for the home isolation of all seniors in the state of california we are directing that all bars nightclubs wineries brewpubs and the like be closed in the state of california state officials have ordered residents of at least 10 california counties to shelter in place remaining at home except for essential errands thats more than 8000000. 00 people including the cities of San Francisco and sacramento in neighboring nevada governor steve says a lack ordered a month long haul to gambling shutting down the littering casinos of the los vegas strip its a heavy blow to the states tourism centered economy but system lack justified the closure saying people are dying this is not the time for casinos to remain open this is not the time for Community Recreation centers clubhouses movie theaters and most to remain open if your business bridge groups of people together it should not be open Public Health Officials Say social distancing is essential to saving lives but some governors havent got the message. Oklahoma gov kevin stitt tweeted a picture of himself with his children in a crowded restaurant writing its packed tonight with a hashtag support local after intense criticism stitt removed the post and declared a state of emergency in oklahoma california governor newsome acknowledges the people of his state must endure tough times we need to meet this moment head on and lean in not isolate ourselves to this moment but lean in and own this moment with the worlds 5th largest economy california faces staggering economic losses due to the pandemic but stringent measures taken now they prevent the virus from doing its worst robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles and you can find much more on our web site just want to go there the address for that is that up to aljazeera dont. Result 0 these are the top stories there have been no new local Coronavirus Infections across china for the 1st time since the outbreak began in december on new cases are reported to be of people returning from across china has begun easing its lockdown of millions of citizens. We are delighted to see this double 0 increase this means today weve seen the dawn of to so many days of hard efforts you know also means a control measures and medical treatment methods have been booking for you well italy though has recorded the highest single day number of deaths for any country from the virus since the outbreak began 475 people died there on wednesday italy has been locked down for almost 2 weeks. Asian stocks have fallen as fears of a prolonged global recession take hold japans nikkei closed one percent down but losses were much heavier and hong kong and south korea that follows another big selloff on wall street in brazil thousands of people protested against president jaya balsa nardo for his handling of the corona virus outbreak. On wednesday for people banging pots and pans across major cities and towns calling for his resignation of the novel has called concern about the virus quote a certain hysteria and is blamed china for the outbreak there are more than 400 cases of the coronavirus in brazil. I dont expect anything from the government because hes neglecting the people he didnt understand the severity of the problem how can you make jokes during such a serious situation copy someone covered like this. Look theyre dealing with something new as a matter of fact this president is so unprepared that hes been downplaying the issue and now hes on t. V. Wearing a mask but he said absurdities over and over. A larger than just event in indonesia has been cancelled but thousands of muslims have already traveled there the 4 day gathering and goal was organized by a muslim missionary movement police and say are calling for calm and say well its all participants to air and sea ports so they can leave those are the headlines to stay with us though the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story pated darby will be back with you at the top of the hour. Requirements on the bottom line for your weekly take on u. S. Politics and the by the time change but the institutions frequently dont the system itself is set up to benefit those who understand the people who actually believe things that are not true that is a crisis for democracy is a crisis of concentration the bottom line. How should Drug Companies handle the coronavirus pandemic pharmaceutical firms rushing to find a vaccine could potentially make billions of dollars. What was be done to ensure they dont put profits before saving lives this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im Maryanne Demasi scientists around the world on our racing to find a vaccine and a cure for the coronavirus governments are pledging millions of dollars of taxpayers money for research in both public and private firms the Global Vaccine Market is estimates is a

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