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A pass is that of spain as the president continues his war of words with World Health Organization. Millions of indians ordered to wear masks in public including those in the 2 biggest cities do you tell me in mumbai. And on time and i have all the sporting goods. And then how cross fit actually are staying active in isolation like competing online. We begin in yemen where a unilateral ceasefire is just started the saudi u. A. E. Coalition fighting Houthi Rebels says the truce will last for 2 weeks its the 1st time theres been a nationwide cease fire during the 5 years of war the saudis state news agency reported the Coalition Wants to. Venton our break of coronavirus in yemen the un has welcomed the ceasefire it says it hopes it will be extended to pave the way for direct talks of a push to end the fighting in yemen began in late 2018 when the 2 sides met for talks in sweden a truce was reached around the port city of her day there are both sides agreed to pull their forces out of the area with a cease fire held until may of last year fighting resume and when the withdrawal from 4 day that never materialized the Saudi Air Campaign continued and hooty forces began a series of drone strikes on targets in saudi arabia the biggest attack happened in september targeting Oil Processing plants in the east causing massive disruption to the kingdoms Oil Production more than 100000. 00 people have been killed in the m. And since the conflict began its also led to a humanitarian crisis thats pushed millions to the brink of famine. Now on to developments in iraq where intelligence chief or stuff carver me is the latest to be asked to form a government earlier Prime Minister designate ive known as sort of feet with drew is candidacy you have until april 15th to form a cabinet there was mounting opposition from some parties to his candidacy. Go straight now to simone afford to live for us in baghdad so did it just appeared to be too much of a Mission Impossible for us. Well indeed he faced mounting opposition from the spectrum of different Political Parties as he tried to form his cabinet now and none of the withdrawing his candidacy earlier today he was the 2nd Prime Minister designate to do so in just 6 weeks which just which just highlights how difficult it is at the moment in iraq to really find a candidate who can really foster agreement among all the different Political Parties and who can put an end to this political crisis that has been going on since december now which is when a caretaker Prime Minister either love them back the 1st resign since then weve had several proposals for the Prime Minister designate many constitutional deadlines have been missed and weve now had 3 people who were officially nominated to try to form the government and the latest of them is. The teligent steve who was appointed to do that today now for now it appears like he has the backing of the major Political Parties we saw that a lot of the leaders of these parties were in fact present when the president nominated him so it appears that the consensus has at least for now converged on most the for me but that still doesnt mean that hell actually get a vote in parliament because as weve observed throughout the past weeks and months in iraq things can change very quickly and what we will see in the coming days and weeks are negotiations between car the me the Prime Minister designate and Political Parties and how to form the government and whether or not he will actually pass in parliament it will depend on whether he can reach an agreement of those parties and give them what did they want in the new government how does all of this impact the protest movement. Well the protest movement has been gradually subsiding over the past months to 2 various reasons but most recently there has been a curfew in place for about 3 weeks now in iraq to stem the spread of the koran a virus and that has of course impact the protests of all these seen a few dozen protesters present into your square here in baghdad which has been the epicenter of the protest Movement Since his 1st began in october but it looks increasingly likely as though the demands of the protesters which centered around achieving comprehensive political change and really an overhaul of the political system that those demands may not be mad because all of the candidates that have been put forward as Prime Minister they are part of the political establishment and theyre not exactly the new faces that protesters have asked for to try to push forward far reaching reforms and to bring about systemic change in the country roy simona faulty in there thanks so much. United states has recorded nearly 2000 new deaths from the krona virus for a 2nd day officials are warning the outbreak is yet to peak though the total number of fatalities is now almost 15000 surpassing spain to become the 2nd highest in the world after italy even as the toll mounts the u. S. President yet again is criticizing the World Health Organization mike hanna reports from washington d. C. A long line of ambulances queued outside a New York Hospital and Officials Say the peak of the pandemic has still not been reached its not expected to hit the city for several more days. Against the backdrop of the most deadly days since a virus hit the u. S. President continued his feud with the World Health Organization accusing it of initially minimizing the threat of the virus and responding sharply to that agencys director general who said that politicizing the virus could lead to more body bags please go on to politicize this virus it exploits the differences you have at the National Level if you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags then you do it. If you dont want many more body bags then you the frame from politicizing it is were losing more body bags i think we would have done. And he would have been much better serving the people that hes supposed to serve if they gave a correct analysis and everything was i said china centric everything was going to be fine no human to human keep the borders open he wanted me to keep the borders open i close the borders despite him and that was a hard decision to make it the time were all together made a decision against the World Health Organisation i cant believe hes talking about politics when you look at the relationship they have to china so china spends 42000000 we spend 450000000 and everything seems to be chinas way thats not right its not fair to us and honestly its not fair to the world President Trump continued to endorse the use of the anti malaria drug hydroxy korak when ignoring the warning by many specialists that unsourced medical advice could prove dangerous zinc they say is ink the shit is zinc so has to be recommended by doctors physicians but they say zinc i want to throw that out there because thats where they seem to be having the best. Result and while the president was volunteering anecdotal medical advice new york city continued its preparations for what is to come fall and setting up a peeled hospital in a Downtown Church hoping against paul predictions that it will not be needed mike hanna aljazeera washington. Lets take you back to our top story been following the announcement by the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen over 2 weeks ceasefire lets bring in our guest mundell highty hes a hoot hes spokesman joins us live from santa we can speak to him now through a translator thanks for joining us so the Saudi Led Coalition the said theyll observe a cease fire will whole thing forces observe the scenes fire to. Thank you. Very quickly and if. We demand it of war. Calling to be lit. By coalition so the. Longer the war. On the. Coalition is. All around. You in the lead now and not. Genuine. Ok let me interrupt here and we understand from the who will not observe a cease fire for the next 2 weeks even if the Saudi Led Coalition does. So and its clear. Course not ours sorry could you repeat that so just to clarify you will not observe a cease fire. I learned this in the lab and now intervent is. Declination by them. To get their breathing space for their. Water d. M. Or theyre using force again and so with all due respect they are saying though they will observe a cease fire if they dont attack your forces for 2 weeks will the host sees also practice restraint or not. Know what. They happen and. A the longer this is. B a longer. Time of course. Imposing we will not observe a cease fire ok so its clear from your answer there you dont consider there to be a ceasefire what has to happen from your perspective for there to be a ceasefire. Longer not as i said. Directly. B to the. Posting on the other there now its made them. Warm im not a total cease fire. Without the lifting of the siege you dont consider there to be a ceasefire what would you say to the Health Officials who are saying there must be some kind of cost to the fighting for the sake of stopping the corona pandemic from claiming to more many more lives in yemen so yes. We. Have all got ride our middle child. 6 our maritime and you know down the road. We will continue to sort of target the military. 3 and so i. Think but i cant you know its not all. Listen the man is the leading. Man. Sees some holes then at the end of the otherwise the war will continue all right. Thanks so much for talking to us corona virus not just to threaten yemen new figures released in spain show more than 680 people have died in the past 24 hours thats fewer than the previous day with the rise in new infections also slowing a total of more than 15000 people have died since the outbreak began more than 150000 been infected spain is extending its state of emergency until april 26th parliament is set to approve the move in the coming hours. Go now to monitor in madrid so all observe it all indications are this lockdown will be extended how are people taking that. Well today in the past 24 hours just to have minister just released the fear is saying that the number of fatalities from cop at 19 went down to 693 i mean were talking about very high figures spain still remains the 2nd country with the largest number of people infected from one of our or so though we are celebrating a little bit of this slowdown still very very worrying figures because the death toll still overpasses the 15000 very worrying figures also the infected people in spain has reach one 152000 people infected from call it 19 in the past 24 hours so these 2 figures are really worrying and people are not celebrating as ive mentioned before we have to be very cautious this is a very slow down trend were seeing despite the 2 perhaps this figure is increased but still waiting to the extent to spawn them and is voting this 2nd extension 15 days 2nd extension of the state of emergency with the support of the most of the Political Parties except the stream far right. Independents and cattle and party so we know what is it will be n. Top of the list and his state of emergency Prime Minister but those 100 already aware that this will be extended it has to be done 15 days and 15 days approved by the spanish cabinet and then passed on to the Congress Like today so well see this extension but we will see these measures these lockdown will be will be east is will be other terms and conditions. Nonessential workers will go out to work on monday night so who would see a different time of lockdown and measures and taking place so we taught how to better standard also propose to do wrestle with the party a party deal for next week this didnt take place in spain since 977 during the transition of francos dictatorship to democracy you know whether to produce a national so if you cannot make a Recovery Program so maybe we see that taking place next week we still have to wait or i think someones about that other. The u. K. Prime minister baraks johnson remains in intensive care for a 4th day but his condition is said to be improving government ministers say hes now able to sit up and talk to doctors coronavirus death toll in the u. K. Continues to surge nearly a 1000 deaths reported on wednesday. The calendar joins us live from london so hes sitting out any word on when he might be going home. No not yet. 3 nights he spent in intensive care for nights in hospital i think its. Significant that the doctors. Politicians were saying late yesterday that he is now able to sit up and talk to his Clinical Team because by implication that suggests that for the previous few days he wasnt able to do this which i think gives you an idea as if being in intensive care wasnt enough how significant how. Bin laden. He is still there will still be there i think for a while to come unless things change significantly for the better. In his absence of course it is dominic robb the foreign secretary who is taking on most of the park Prime Ministers duties but the big question that people want answered at the moment is about whether or not the u. K. Persists in its lock down strictures the review period for that 3 weeks or so comes up next week and the government has indicated that perhaps things are going to continue with all these social distancing measures in place but its not able to make that commitment yet so i think most people assume that its its going to be that way the scientists who are of revising the government are saying that they need more data they need to see that flattening more before they can recommend that its time to lift the lockdown measures but there are fears that with nice weather predicted for this Easter Holiday weekends there will be more people out in the parts more people out on the Streets Police leaders around the country are actually asking for perhaps more measures weve put in place to try and persuade people that they should stay indoors or out roaring chans their sides and Thomas Hospital thanks for that. Italy has suffered a higher toll than any other country with more than 17000 deaths speaking to aljazeera Prime Minister decepticons they said it was not prepared for the extent of the outbreak. Were talking about a National Health system among the best in the world we provide treatment to all citizens and Foreign Residents and immigrants however the Health System is not qualified for this type of emergency we did not have enough beds to respond to this pandemic and wed a few weeks to adapt the situation nor was it possible to purchase ventilators at the required speed limit. Well i found cesco again but tony is in the land for us and so francesco the last few days weve heard some positive sounds about the numbers is the other number still declining at this point whats the overall picture looking like of new infections at least. Well just. From yesterday i had are in line with the past days there are fewer new ridges its 542 yesterday compared to the 604 of tuesday and the number of patients in intensive care units continues to degrees for the 5th day in iraq they went down by 9 percent in the last week so the emergency is not over yet but the pressure on hospitals is not as big as before there was a huge effort from the government. Or was saying however there was d a slight growth in total confirmed cases yesterday which are or was 140000 now the curve is almost flat in few days the authorities expect to see it going down the government is warning people to keep staying home these days even on sunday is there are on monday 2 very important family moment not just for the catalyst the catholics but for all the italians but while authorities huge to hold on and to respect the measures they are planning face to its the time for the nation to live with the virus and try to save the economy as possible this is one of the things that Prime Minister called those working on these days according to unofficial news it might be that the 2nd phase could be implemented in 2 steps some factories could go back to work from next week and the rest of the citizens depending on which region they belong could be allowed to leave their houses in shifts from the beginning of may using masks keeping the distance and also probably excepting some phone based counter tracing the committee of government scientific advisor suggests not to reopen schools students made. Go back to their classes only in september 1 month ago one month has gone since the beginning of of the lock down and lifted to march and sue lee is considered the highest risk at the moment all right thanks so much francesco. In france the School Outbreak or school right rather has begun in parts of the country the Easter Holidays coincide with warmer weather the french government is concerned people will attempt to go on holiday its warning citizens not to break the lock down and risk spreading the virus with ash about things violence. At a Railway Station in Paris French Police step up trolls under frances Strict Lockdown rules only essential travel is permitted the french authorities are concerned that the start of the school break and warmer weather could tempt some people to leave home to go on holiday but we put in place new measures and a point more officers to prevent all hold a trouble because its not permitted france is in its 4th week of confinement for people in the city staying indoors isnt easy and some of begun to linger outside in the sunshine a little longer than allowed but. You cant stop people from going out they can cover their faces and minimize risks but personally i think the government like governments in many countries misinformed us and did not anticipate well enough in the southwestern city of Bordeaux Police are tracking potential holidaymakers from the air theyre using helicopters to increase surveillance of roads and the regions motorways. We saw in stop some people near the verse act toll road they were trying to go on holiday they were questioned by a colleague on the ground who are backing us up in the sector one hour from bordeaux the picturesque village of tone would usually be busy with tourists at this time of year officials in southwest france say that most people seem to be abating the lock down but the extra checks and the veins by police will continue throughout the holiday period. The french government says the lockdown is working that is preventing the countrys Health System from being overwhelmed its warned that if people start breaking the confinement rules now the collective efforts made by so many over the past weeks will be for nothing. Aljazeera up to suit on fronts broken a fast has one of the fastest infection rates in africa with millions at risk the Un Refugee Agency is warning the pandemic is now further aggravating what is already a complex crisis in the country has more. A little call may be the least of the worries of these villagers and yet its the biggest concern of aid workers it could be a sign of the coronavirus a threat these villagers fleeing attacks from armed groups have not heard of until they arrived at this Food Distribution center where extra precautions are being taken. Our habits have changed because of this disease now we wash our hands more regularly we so before eating or drinking we strictly follow the sanitary rules that they taught us to avoid the spread of the virus. Next to this Relief Center is an International Gold Mining Operation where there are number of infected workers but production hasnt stopped the value of gold is rising with so much uncertainty in the Global Market traders are investing in gold and bric oenophile so is one of the worlds the biggest exporter but it has little to show for all the wealth created bricking fs so as just 11 ventilators for 20000000 people and is ill equipped to deal with the outbreak hospitals and clinics are closing down after threats of attack by an al qaeda affiliate in the slum of state in the greater sahara 2 groups which have stepped up their operations despite the pandemic the few 100 doctors left are abandoning their posts leaving the people of brick enough us alone to deal with a virus thats rapidly spreading. Working a fossil is a ticking time bomb this crisis is revealing how fragile of orrible and weak some countries in west africa are during a pin they make more specifically help countries faced with the challenge of armed groups. The United Nations is calling for a global ceasefire so countries like bricky and its people crushed by the violence of Armed Conflict hunger and poverty can better fight a virus that is quietly gaining ground nicholas hark aljazeera. The world bank is warning Subsaharan Africa to fall into recession for the 1st time in 25 years because of the pandemic the continents 3 biggest economies are expected to bear the brunt angolas all reliant economy has already been hard hit by the Falling Oil Prices its struggling to recover from a 2014 recession south africa has had to shut down its economy in response to the outbreak in Central Banks says the direct impact of the 21. 00 day long down has been a 2. 6 percent economic decline and the i. M. F. Is revised nigerias g. D. P. Growth rate for this year down to 2 percent after initially saying it would grow by 2. 5 percent. Is live for us in a booth just how is the virus impacting the economy where you are. Well basically the summary here in nigeria and the rest of west africa the economies of these countries are being hit hard especially for mana economies like nigeria nigeria gets much of its Foreign Exchange from oil which it sells right now the country cannot sell much of its or simply because that is your demand and of course there is a lockdown everywhere and then the price of oil has dropped nigerias economy for example the Nigerian Government for example has cut down its forecast for this year and it has also been forced because of Lower Oil Prices to revise these 2020 budget taking of more than 14 percent of the budget off simply because it doesnt have enough resources to Fund Government activities for this year and its the same thing in many west african countries the problem now is such that the recession will eat nigeria and many of african countries especially in west africa very hot simply because these are countries that have borders so much in the past and there will be little to borrow from a lot of countries will be struggling after this pandemic to build their own economies and they would be willing as they used to to loan these countries a lot of funds or resources to help them with their economies now if you look at a country like nigeria for example where the growth rate has been reversed revised unemployment is mounting by the way and its expected that some Companies Either government or private will suck their workers in the coming months or in the coming year so the situation is so bad yes but the government struggling to deal with the problem government has already borrowed so much from from external borrowers and its looking to borrow more from International Bodies like the world bank and the International Monetary fund so a lot of people expect things to get worse in the next few months or one year. All right thanks so much ahead of the race there or its time to catch up on all the weather has wrought in the sciences if it for a change but were following Tropical Storm how severe Tropical Storm which took 2 days to go from vanuatu through fiji to turn out to sea now as far as i can tell when it went through vanuatu went through the Northern Islands it was the strongest storm on record the records go back about 100 years as a surprise and he caused an awful lot of damage this is vanuatu where the winds were the strongest so a lot of wind damage since that it became weve we kept it flooding has been a thing i mean they havent got the pictures talk about fiji clearly source of flooding the storm itself is now i have the picture and theres nothing else coming in to please tonight so well veer away from south to go to the biggest constant nearby australia this rain still going through New South Wales on shore to welcome is briefly dry in melbourne now melbourne has had i think the wettest start of the autumn on record and a predisposing summer to be honest unusual for most of the constant so temperatures here in the twentys as you might expect in fact overlay the color backgrounders there is hotter weather to the west in fact in person particularly the reds shiny purse is a case in point of where records are easily broken if we get. To 37. 00 it will be a new record again thats a 110 year old record. All right thanks so much rob. Still ahead on al jazeera. Seeing a big slump in oil prices im faced with a global collapse in demand can all producing nations negotiate a truce over market share. And is floridas slow pace of life putting the elderly at greater risk of contracting corona virus. And its board some of germanys football styles play their parts of the fight against the bios. Playing. Survival for haitis poorest depends on illegal charcoal production. But for park rangers sworn to protect the dominican forests it can have deadly consequences. Witness discovers the head in world where the stakes for the environment and those who make their living from it couldnt be higher. Death by a 1000 cuts on aljazeera. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get to places that others cannot i was just thrown tear gas by the police on purpose as is iraq has the time and its programming to go live to go live to where another story that may not be mainstream is happening and fires instead on morning im pretty. Good at being hurt by a minor and the way that you kaldis story is what can make a difference. Like. Youre watching aljazeera time to recap. Headlines the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has begun 2 week unilateral ceasefire in yemen to prevent a coronavirus outbreak but i hope the spokesman tells out of syria they wont stop fighting the coalition lifts its siege on the country. Drugs Prime Minister designate has quit intelligence chief will suffer a card for me is the latest to be asked to form a government. Had until april 15th to form a new government there was known to opposition from some parts of his rather to his candidacy. The world bank is warning africas 3 biggest economies will feel the impact of the Global Pandemic its expected some regions could suffer losses of up to 79000000000. 00 in this warned of a potential Food Security crisis. Global oil prices are edging upwards ahead of a Virtual Meeting between Major Oil Producers and their allies they want to negotiate a truce between saudi arabia and russia in their fight for market share the battles lead to a slump in prices and a major oversupply of oil and thats on top of a collapse in Global Demand because of the coronavirus and demick is now a glass of about 35000000. 00 barrels a day the same amount produced by the us russia and saudi arabia combined. Well president dan trump has asked opec and its partners including russia to cut up to 15000000. 00 barrels a day but there would still be too much oil some want the u. S. And canada to cut back to analysts warn prices could fall to 10. 00 a barrel the instability continues giovanna than annie is an economist and former deputy Prime Minister and foreign minister of jordan he joins us on skype now from amman good to have you with us sir so do you think opec plus as theyre called will be able to pull off an agreement today well it seems that insisting quarters of the world there is such an optimism or but still even with cautious optimism i should say because people think that the amount of cut that is required is at least 10000000. 00 barrels a day if it goes up to 50000000. 00 barrels a day if that would be actually the current demand for a floor or floor or pick which is on this 7000000 barrels a day so in a way there is a lot in the market a lot of supply and demand is day by day decreasing so in a way i think they have a tough decision to make but it is delayed advantage to do so to the producers that do so because they have tried when they agreed the market went up when they had bid on difference is the market went down and what is worse than not agreeing is course is competing for the same limited area of demand in the world as it stands right now even if this cautious optimism leads to an agreement how soon could we expect any cut and production to kick in because it seems Different Countries have different timetables right. Yes said the have different timetables also many countries in the world have already stacked the sails to the to the brim. Using the opportunity of declining prices and more important is that we have also glossed over all derivatives because the demand for instance for for car fuel. Which is which constitutes about 45 to 50 percent of the total demand you know is already at standstill and so therefore the wrong have over over refined compressed given what you said then if theres any way in any case a lot an oversupply in the market would any cut in production have an impact on prices. Yes it will it will simply because you know were dealing with with expectations so the fact that you know you have expectations of the market. Then you have to do the cut and the prices do not respond to the level in the short term but they eventually will but im afraid that because of the decrease in demand probably they have to come back and sit down and probably agree on another cut an amount of time so it is not going to be. Completely paved and straight forward the road leading to haven but i think that they will have to struggle through and it is an uphill battle to be honest with you all right thank you so much for your 4 time the mouses on that job i had a nanny thank you sam. Irans Supreme Leader ayatollah ali have an eye as accuse western countries of mishandling the pandemic accusing them of being arrogant in their dealings with iran in a televised address he said the situation has proven to be a big test for both people and governments more than 4000. 00 people have now died in iran from covert 19 have all g. E. In if the apex of our National Pride is for our Health Sector out there putting their health on the line and they have been suffering while being away from their families even during the holidays they were not able to be with their families and had to deal with this turn numerous errors and lack of sleep that statewide orders to stay at home throughout the u. S. Are seen as pivotal in curbing the spread of the virus but florida which now has more than 15000 cases has been criticized for not implementing those measures sooner and the gallacher reports on the crucial decision governess face. Bracing for impact on a peaking coronavirus cases expected next month florida is preparing for what could be a brutal onslaught almost a quarter of the states population is over the age of 60 placing millions of its residents in the high risk category many of floridas iconic destinations and now deserted but the statewide order to stay at home came long after other states already enacted similar measures during the almost 2 week debate on whether to issue the order the number of coronavirus cases here rocketed on april the 1st one month after the states 1st confirmed case the order finally came given the unique situation in florida and im going to be doing an executive order d today directing all floridians to limit movements and personal interactions outside the home critics of dissenters who was initially worried about the impact on the economy say its too little too late supporters of the republican governor say was a measured step by step approach on march the 23rd governor dissenters rejected the idea of a lockdown by the time he gave the order at the beginning of april the number of cases here that increased 5 fold that delicate balancing act between saving jobs and saving lives is one many governors and now facing whether the delay here led to the loss of life is a debate for the future and a highly politicized one its also a stark example of the life and death decisions leaders and now having to make dissenters has been criticized for excluding religious gatherings from his order tampa Mega Church Pastor Rodney Howard brown was arrested over defying Public Health orders the arrest warrant being signed by dissenters critic Andrew Warren well social distancing is the only arrow we have quiver is the one thing we can do right now to actually fly current and we know that it works we want to do it in a responsible but aggressive in a way and so the next several signals were getting out of tallahassee on your minds. Process Health Experts say hospitals in florida will be strained by the summer as the death toll rises but politics should be put aside for now we will come out the best but we need to come as in nation. Patient and be ready for the 2nd wave and be ready for it but the recovery and fast florida faces some unique issues a screw ships with sick passengers dock crops rot in the field and unemployment lines grow but the focus now is on saving lives and gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida new zealand is set to toughen its border restrictions the next few hours ordering all citizens arriving from abroad into quarantine for 14 days Prime Minister just in there and says the long down measures are working announcing the lowest number of new cases in 3 weeks foreigners were banned from entering on march the 20th the countrys been shut down for 2 weeks. The coronavirus poses a major threat to vulnerable populations around the world but humanitarian agencies say restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of the disease or also making it increasingly difficult to deliver aid to those who need it most. Im attempt june reports. In syria the closure of schools because of the coronavirus pandemic is affecting far more than how children learn. Its also making it much harder for them to. We estimate that around 368000000 children around the world are at this moment theyre not receiving school meals because their schools are. The Un World Food Program and other humanitarian groups are doing what they can to continue distributing food for the syrian children and their families in many cases these are the poorest families that really depend on the fact that their children are going to school but getting much needed supplies to vulnerable populations is posing a challenge travel restrictions and border closures are making it much harder to deliver aid while workers on the ground in refugee camps like cooma in northern kenya are introducing new physical distancing measures to protect people against the spread of covert 19 and. In coxs bazaar bangladesh where around 1000000 Rohingya Refugees live physical distancing is nearly impossible humanitarian agencies however say they are trying their best in the delivery of the humanitarian assistance itself we have to be very very careful and ensuring that we dont become part of the problem but at the same time that we are responding to peoples needs and hopefully preventing as much impact as possible in places like the camps in bangladesh where they are the most Vulnerable People in the world. Its not just the threat from covert 19 causing concerns humanitarian operations that are already happening before the covert 1000 outbreak need to continue there are people who desperately need that assistance and those operations are there for a very good reason because people depend on it. At a time of growing uncertainty for aid workers one thing is clear the obstacles they face in delivering help are already great they will likely become greater damage in june of 0. Hundreds of millions of people in india have been told they must wear face masks when going outside the order applies to people in its 2 biggest cities new delhi and mumbai as well as the most populous state of all to prevent mosques in short supply worldwide the Health Ministry has given instructions on how people can make their own india has nearly 6000 cases of infection that least 178 deaths elizabeth random is in new delhi and explains how the new measures will be enforced. The biggest cities of mumbai and delhi in fact the whole territory of delhi well to predict the state of which is home to more than 200000000 people and Madhya Pradesh have all made wearing face masks compulsory theres also a shortage of face masks in india so authorities have said that people can wear homemade masks or even a piece of cloth but it has to be doubled up that a piece of cloth will do weve had increasing concerns in india that with the number of coronavirus cases rising that there is a lot of spread happening from asymptomatic people supposed to without symptoms passing on the virus without knowing and authorities think that wearing face masks will help mom buy has said that anyone not wearing the face mask will be punished with a minimum of 6 months and prison meant that might be because mumbai and the state that its the capital of maharashtra have the highest number of cases in the country now i can tell you that any time ive gone out for the last 2 weeks to say buy groceries ive been stopped by every Police Officer who have come across and ive been told to put on a face mask a Grocery Stores wont let you and unless youre wearing a face mask and some even gloves so this was already something that was happening in a lot of places but now authorities have made it compulsory and punishable to. Japan has reported record all jump in daily infections for the 1st time more than 500 cases were confirmed in the past 24 hours this brings the total number of people with the virus to more than 4700 the climb in figures comes 2 days after Prime Minister shinzo r. V. Declared a state of emergency in tokyo and 6 perfect shows. Taiwan is demanding an apology from the World Health Organization over what it calls unnecessary and slanderous remarks against the island taiwan is accusing w. H. O. Chief terrorists than on r. B. S. Us of using coronavirus to gain political points after he alleged taiwan orchestrated a racist campaign against him taiwan has been predicable of the un bodies handling of the pandemic and its exclusion from the group due to pressure from china. Hong kong court has ruled in favor of the government and declared the band to wear a mask during an authorized protest constitutional the law was introduced last year in a bid to quell months of Anti Government rallies the latest ruling up held an earlier decision which says the powers granted Police Services to remove mass as unconstitutional racial coverings will also be allowed in legal public gatherings. The Afghan Government is due to release around 100 more members of the taliban from prison following an initial release on wednesday it says its trying to curb the spread of coronavirus in jails but this is also the 1st step in a deal signed between the taliban and the united states. That ending nearly 20 years of war in afghanistan sort of reports. I mean this is what freedom looks like after more than 5 years in afghanistans new tourist background prison man is one of the 1st tali band members to be released sometime lives in the woods for her 200 taliban were freed by the National Directorate of security an Attorney Generals Office based on age Health Condition and duration of imprisonment the taleban in qatar and the released prisoners have pledged not to return to the battlefield. The release nearly didnt happen 48 hours earlier the taliban in the Afghan Government couldnt agree on the final details the taliban accused the government of intentionally causing delays and walked out on the talks an agreement signed in qatar between the taliban and the us in february paves the way for the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan ending 2 decades of war while the Afghan Government wasnt included in those negotiations it did call for the swap of thousands of prisoners as a precondition to his own talks with the taliban the personal release exercise is very significant its a major confidence building step. But its one step in many steps to be taken in order to bring for confidence. The prisoner release is will also pave the way for the draft talks. After weeks of pressure from american diplomats president agreed to a phased release of 5000 taliban prisoners but despite that the swap has faced several hurdles along the way. On a one day visit to afghanistan 2 weeks ago u. S. Secretary of state might compare delivered a clear message from President Donald Trump to afghan leaders resolve your differences or risk losing more Financial Aid worth billions so i dont. Know. Well still ahead of al jazeera in spalt find out why basketball legend Michael Jordan is benefiting from u. S. China trade agreements. The all. Oh its time to catch up with all the smalls news his son think the. New wild economy pandemic has brought a grinding halt to most fuel to around the world some athletes hell of a have managed to keep things alive certainly being the case and the world of cross fit since last weeks leading cross fit. Yes have been competing in an Online Initiative called united in Movement Event aims to promote fitness but also raise money for charity in cost of businesses hurt by the crisis many of the Sports Events that have already been postponed and there are doubts as to whether julys cross fit games will go ahead as planned well one of the biggest sports biggest names i know olsen the has been speaking to all there has been competing from his home in miami and believes taking Competition Online has been a really positive move. Its been great the united a movement created a basically 7 day 7 workout competition and as things started to unfold a lot of the competition that our sport and profit hosted and other sports as well were postponed or canceled so for us it could be a kind of a lack of motivation there when you dont know when your next competition is going to be so for them to initiate he united a Movement Competition gave us something to continue to train for and look forward to there is definitely a difference between competing at home and competing on the big stage but weve all had to try to pivot and adapt and adjust in the moment so being able to recognize that if youre on camera that had a little bit more of an incentive to go hard and try to do the best that you can because you know people all around the world are watching even if were just in our garages or in the backyard at home we are still waiting a lot of us with our fingers crossed that will be able to participate in the 2020 cross that games which was slated to happen at the end of july beginning of august if that were not to pan out it would definitely be difficult because that is the way that a lot of us athletes kind of make a living and we love to compete we train all year to compete on the big stage and try to earn the title i finished 2nd place in the world last year and this was the year that i was going to try to take it that one step further and win the cross that game so im really hoping were able to still compete and one thing thats keeping me motivated is the decision to stay ready versus having to get ready. After coming under pressure to take pay cuts in the premier League Football is have launched their own fund to help the u. K. s National Health Service Several plays from all clubs tweeted a statement on wednesday with the hash tag players together they will partner with more than 140. 00 n. H. S. Charities to quickly distribute money where its needed the most. Were criticised for rejecting a 30 percent pay cut but they are good at the reduced tax revenue home and the Health Service some of the legal stars in germany are also doing their bit to help in the fight against the current a virus plays were stacking shelves at supermarkets others were donating blood and shelters goalkeeper showed his talent in the kitchen by baking cakes for elderly supporters. While most european football is suspended sporting life and is carrying on as normal full competitions have managed to attract attention from fans around the world on wednesday action and enamelled breath to no win over defending champion dish in the 1st leg of their boeotian cup tie. One of the stands at that game had more than 3 dozen different fans from clubs around the world they turned out to be virtual fans mannequins and wearing t. Shirts of different clubs and attached the. Board faces ordinary fans still attend matches in the country. Australias rugby league the n. R. L. Has announced its aiming to restart action on may the 28th there are no details as to how to how this will work out but with current government restrictions plans that would not be allowed to attend games only 2 rounds of matches were played before the suspension and the teams are facing serious financial consequences because of last t. V. Revenues. Well legend Michael Jordan has benefited from the u. S. China trade deal signed back in january tahn a pledge to do more to protect intellectual Property Rights and the Supreme Court that has ruled in favor of the jordan a guest sports with quit on sports they can no longer use the chinese translation of jordans name but for now they can keep using their logo which is similar to his famous jumpman cigarette thats subject to separate trial. And thats all his fault and well have a mall for you later on but for now i hand you back to sammy find some. Say for this news hour web back with another full blows and thats coming up with nastasia so stay with us. We understand the difference is i mean similarity of cultures across the world. So no matter what you see aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. Join the global conversation off the bubble be able to expand their brains and maybe have a different view this is a dialogue with women in cambodia are in fact selling their here we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and your conversation could be a law right here in the state we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progress and not perfection on aljazeera. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that coal means a lot to the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in. Brooks it was a slogan that whatever the problem is of course jokes and counting the cost on aljazeera. Comes into effect in yemen say they wont stop fighting while the country is still under siege. However im just on the attack and this is al jazeera live from also coming up iraqs political crisis deepens a 2nd Prime Minister designate withdraws his candidacy and the intelligence chief has now been asked to form a government. The coronavirus death toll

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