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A 500000000000 dollar rescue plan to help countries hit hard by the pandemic. Oil producers agree on the biggest cut in production ever but not everyone is yet ready to turn off the tap. And resurrecting a special good friday mass a year after the iconic cathedral was devastated by fire. Of the u. S. Says he tells aljazeera about the difficulties it faces twisting your fleets and cell phones plus known for its inglese plans to put on the u. F. C. To 49. 00 in california are stopped amid the coronavirus pandemic. Now the death toll from the corona virus across the United States has now passed 16 and a half 1000 in new york theyre all signs of improvement with a drop in hospital admissions but its still the west affected state and had a Record Number of deaths for a 3rd straight day now pictures have been matched of mass burials as morgues run out of space christensen reports. Hart island is new york citys potters field where those with no family or means to arrange a funeral are laid to rest they used to bury 25 people a week here in the age of the coronavirus its about that number every day counting the dead is now part of the daily routine for the gov 911 was supposed to be the darkest day in new york for a generation we lose 2753 lives on 911 weve lost over 7000 lives through this crisis. That is so shocking and painful and breathtaking i cant i dont even have the words for. As the daily death toll continues to reach new heights and the state builds more temporary hospitals like this 350 bed the syllabi there are signs that the spread of the disease is slowing thanks to mandatory social distancing measures that have all but shut down the city of nearly 9000000 those measures will remain in effect for the forseeable future as the number of new hospital admissions has gone down for the past 3 days if were not careful if were not strong if were not disciplined of fact this is a disease that can really us surge resurge you should be very worried about resurgence we all are. The last thing we can afford is to let down our guard and let this disease back in the door even more and then see the numbers spike up pressured to lift restrictions and let people return to work has been growing along with the Unemployment Rate the number of new yorkers who have filed for unemployment claims in the last 3 weeks has more than double but theres one industry where they cant get enough help funeral homes. The governor says new york state will be bringing in additional Funeral Directors to help people like a sous pujols whos been working long hours 7 days a week and still cant keep up right now money is not worth it its not worth it its not worth it i would give up my job any day for like a normal normal job and every much rather be quarantined in my house right now and the bodies are expected to continue to stack up a grim reminder of a silent killer kristen salumi al jazeera new york. And while some positive signs are being seen in parts of the United States its top Infectious Disease expert anthony felt she says fewer people are now requiring hospital treatment at the same time as were seeing the increase in deaths were seeing rather dramatic decrease in the need for hospitalizations like i think yesterday was Something Like 200 new hospitalizations and its been as high as 1400 at any given time so that is going in the right direction i say that and i always remind myself when i say that that means that what we are doing is working and therefore we need to continue to do it. Well scientists in the United States have now begun testing the anti malarial drug as a potential treatment for corona virus patients President Trump has touted the benefits of hydroxy kora queen now thats despite warnings from Health Experts about its very long list of side effects its efficacy in curing kovac 19 remains as yet unproven. Reports from new jersey. Its being touted as the miracle drug to cure people infected with grown a virus doctors who have tried it on copd patients are saying hydroxy clora keane has shown it potentially as a preventative drug blocking coronavirus and where its already infected a patient it could suppress it doctors who supported use are also relying on some studies that show similar there are some small clinical studies that have come out the one in french france in particular very small not the kind of study that would ever be viewed as a nothing evidence to cause the drug to be labeled for kovan 1000. 00 therapy but it did suggest there appear to benefit hydroxy clear okene has been around for over 70 years and is approved by the food and Drug Administration for f. D. A. To treat malaria lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis through an emergency authorization the f. D. A. Approved the use of hydroxy clerking on whats called an off label basis meaning that doctors can prescribe it to covert patients with the understanding that the f. D. A. Will not even guarantee if itll work and also cant say if there will be negative side effects most doctors say its far too early to know what the true results are many doctors are skeptical we still need a lot more study studies to be dogs actually see the us is actually so right now its too early to tell that yes we have something that is working as you know you know actually eating very well do you support the use of doctors trying this on copd patients or do you think from your standpoint it should all wait until theres its been fully vetted i dont want people to have their hopes up that this is the Gold Standard you know resound that the syllable if you will thats not that hes its also unclear how the drug might react. People with other conditions in a perfect storm im fried jewel my potassium is low main magnesium is low i happen to be on another medicine thats cutie agitating and now i add hydroxy coracle into the mix that could be an explosive combination but into a proven grown up i respect seniors found doctors will search for what ever might work hebrews until. We harken new jersey. Has some good news now and for the 1st time in weeks no new cases have been reported in the south korean city of daegu at the heart of that countrys corona Virus Outbreak and the number of new infections across the country continues to decline just 27 cases were confirmed in the past 24 hours south korea has reported more than 10000 cases so far more than half of them in daegu while south korea is also the 1st major country to hold a general election cheering the covert 1000 crisis president when j. In cost his ballot while suitably protected as you can see has been praised for getting one of the wild west out frakes under control that helped his Democratic Party of korea regain support following an economic slowdown corruption scandals and tensions with north korea well lets not speak to our correspondent robert pride who is in seoul for us rob it seems that things are going rather well for south korea and presumably the ruling party very keen to take credit. Yeah absolutely we have to see what the outcome will be election but the states continue to. A very good narrative if you like of gradually this outbreak being brought further and further under control this has been a week of milestones for the 1st time earlier this week we had the daily number of new infections falling below 50 and saying for the staying there now the latest numbers show below 30 for the 1st time since the peak of this outbreak of the 27 new cases again many of those cases where people are arriving into korea or koreans returning back to the country but the figure that will strike a chord for most people here is this is 0 new infections in daegu itself this was you we called the epicenter of the outbreak where suddenly there was at the end of february this mysterious cluster may be based around this church and they hundreds of cases quickly spread to very vulnerable populations seeing homes and hospitals around their daegu and the surrounding area in the southeast of the country and very quickly cases were being detected all across south korean for a while there was a real concern that you we were going to have this thing completely out of control youre going to see see daegu sized outbreaks all over south korea now we are look we have not seen that and still of all the cases that weve had in south korea the majority around 65 percent have been contained in the southeast of the country which seems to be a testimony to the way this country has responded to its particular outbreak well as if they are on particularly good news for residents i imagine must be very relieved whats actually been driving these numbers down. Well it is its all of the things that the government has been putting in place that weve heard so much about 1st of all in just reels scale screening literally thousands of tests being carried out just to give you the authorities here a real good picture of exactly where the infections are aware it must direct its resources that has been. It is also been very good at introducing her missing new technology for example people arriving at ports of entry here into south korea have had to download apps or led devices which keep tabs on their location within south korea and also they have to interact with that application to say that they are healthy and if you dont interact then you are followed up by officials it is all very labor intensive work but it is all very necessary and seems to have produced results and we are likely to see that in the elections that are now going to be taking place in the next week or so it has to be said with under extreme precautions that Peoples Health is not impacted people have to wear disposable gloves when they go in to handle ballot papers keep their distance when lining up and so on but we have to wait and see if this is going to be transferred into support for the parties and politicians in the National Assembly who support moving jay in the countrys president because his popularity has stansted and they climbed during the weeks of this crisis and his Approval Rating now stands at a very high 57 percent. Private for us in the cell thank you very much from. Him the more this government has announced tighter social distancing measures after a sudden sajan cases than public transport has now been reduced to half capacity and gatherings have been banned the new rules are in place for 14 days the capitol to casa accounts for nearly half of the more than 3000 infections jesco washington says the government has been criticized for its slow response. For a number of weeks now schools and many businesses have been closed these restrictions hasnt have now been extended there are Numerous Police checkpoints at various border entry points into the not restricting travel into the city but they are checking just how many people are traveling in vehicles theres also restrictions on the number of people who can gather at any point in time maximum of 5 people at any gathering any people found to be in breach of these new regulations could face a fine of around 7000. 00 u. S. Dollars now these regulations are only in place for the jakarta area its not a nationwide social distancing regulation what is lacking here in indonesia is some sort of National Strategy it was only in launch that indonesia confirmed its 1st cases off the coronavirus here by that point the virus had spread well beyond china the government has been criticized for failing to use that time to get the hospitals ready and now that we know that the virus has spread across multiple provinces here in indonesia there is concern that although the virus is largely concentrated here in jakarta and most of the deaths thats around 280. 00 confirmed deaths here in the capital theres concern that if travel continues from the capital to other provinces that Health Care Systems around the country many of which are incredibly poorly equipped even more so they simply will not be able to cope and that the virus will continue to spread undetected across the archipelago. While nonessential businesses and took your have been asked to close to help stop the spread of coronavirus there the citys government has sorry the citys governor has been at loggerheads with the Central Government on introducing new measures but finally got consent to close cafes sports clubs and sentiments reports. Rush hour in some. Tokyo theres little sign of social distancing with most Japanese Companies working normally. That may change in the coming days as the country tries to reduce person to person contact by 80 percent but the strategy of achieving that without a complete lockdown has left many experts skeptical in the face of escalating infections this is the tip of the iceberg the decision not to impose causing shock. And said that some sort of transport isnt. Was a mega just asking people to stay at home is very very weak state of Emergency Powers now allow tokyo and other large prefectures to asked people to stay at home and tell businesses to close a city of 14000000. 00 people tokyo accounts were 20 percent of japans total Economic Activity causing businesses here that will hurt the whole country and Prime Minister shinzo are basic termonde to limit the damage abby has been locked in a dispute with the citys governor. About how many businesses must close beliefs more drastic action is needed and more quickly. Im going to ask businesses to close down and appeal for their cooperation parts of tokyo are already clearly quieter the media cover family has been running this restaurant for 100 years. They continue to operate despite falling customer numbers if we got compensation we could close our shop for now but because we dont know whats going to happen we have to earn what we can not know what you can and cant do is the biggest problem the Abbott Government has been criticised for doing too little too late in tackling the virus and their fears japan could be facing a much bigger hidden outbreak were going to talk about economic policies physical financial all day long but unless we basically flatten the curve its almost like trying to fix a Drainage Pipe while you still have your faucet open for many tokio theres a double uncertainty of how big a health risk theyre facing and what that will do to the health of their businesses i ask out of sierra tokyo. Well theres plenty more ahead for you this news hour including phone is on the breadline in the philippines how they cant get their produce to market because of the virus lock down. Plus developments on the health of britains Prime Minister off to 3 days and intensive care. And theres a war of words between the British Government and the Football Players union will explain all about it in school. Now European Union finance ministers have agreed a 590000000000. 00 rescue package aimed at propping up economies devastated by the Coronavirus Crisis a 109000000000. 00 short Term Employment scheme aims to prevent millions of workers from losing their jobs and up to 262000000000 dollars is being made available in loans to Member States which need help with health care virus joy and prevention costs bought the ministers couldnt agree on shared borrowing and postponed talks on how to Fund Long Term economic recovery well lets now speak dominic cain who joins me live via skype from balun dominic finally some agreement amongst the e. U. But not on everything including striking you also not on the socalled corona bombs. No and in one sense it was unlikely that there was going to be agreement about korean advance because there are several countries who really dont want to see iran of arms take any kind of shape in this debate and they dont want to come to fruition germans that dutch the austrians the syrians all are opposed to the principle of coronal on the German Government has being blown the trumpet as it were for its solution in germany which is called carts are much time short work you know words where companies are able to draw down funds to pay to pay their workforce and so they dont have to pay 100 percent of the work force the salary themselves and thats one of the things thats part of this package the 109000000000. 00 euros and then the other elements of this are from already existing institutions thats the key point here the germans are always certain look there is scope inside the e. U. Institution where he sets up to deal with the short term emergency that we all have right now problem of course is that the italians the spanish and to a certain extent portuguese said this is not a short term emergency for us its going to be long term were going to need serious creative financial and physical thinking and the question will be what they make of this in the long term and dominic after all the initial discord that we saw isnt more cohesive approach to combating the pandemic itself imagine on the continent. Well on the one hand you could argue that whats been agreed demonstrates their ability to agree in extremis as it were on the Financial Way forward although of course this is the were going to be a little of the devil will be in the details here is you were saying in your introduction that they have agreed on the theres this future per se and remember also that earlier this week the lead scientist of the e. U. Resigned saying that he felt that the e. U. Was not able to come up with top down decisions and so you do have a sense that there is a contingent of people who really are frustrated to put it out its very least at the way the e. U. Is acting but the problem its faces of course is that when 27. 00 members on Something Like this on its financial package like this it was always going to be this way and with the germans obviously as the motor economy as it were all europe and what the germans want tends to be whats the actually will happen and its also worth making the point that there are groups in German Society certainly in so far as industry and business is concerned really want to help they say yes we want to show solidarity with our southern european colleagues but not if the price of that is killing our own economy. Dominant came there for us in balance thank you very much dominic now yemen has announced its fast recorded case of Coronavirus Infection as in the port city of al assad in the Eastern Region of had amounts now the port there is closed for a week or so and markets and mosques as well as a cafe you imposed in some areas. Well protecting Global Oil Markets will be the main focus of a virtual missing of g. 20 Energy Ministers later on friday now that meeting comes a day after opec and its allies agreed to cut production the deal will see oil predict Oil Producing nations cut output by 10000000. 00 Barrels Per Day until but thats conditional on mexicos approval after had failed to agree so as on thursday the cuts are to counter the stump and demand caused by coronavirus a summons of a it has this report a price for which started in march did not last as long as previous disagreements but its impact has been widespread u. S. Shale Oil Producers filed for bankruptcy as major Energy Projects have been delayed or suspended in the oil industry faced significant job losses the oversupply coincided with a massive reduction in demand for oil because of the global slowdown caused by coronavirus in some markets oil was selling for less than 10. 00 a barrel which spell trouble for oil reliant economies when they agreed the market went up when they had their own differences the market went down and what is worse than not agreeing is course is competing for the c. M. Limited area of demand in the world as it stands right now the crisis began after a deal to limit production fell apart and saudi arabia increased its supply to a record 12300000 barrels a day along with russias 11300000. 00 barrels the markets were flooded to an extent that storage even started to run out theres agreement is to slash Oil Production at least until next year the decision will be reviewed in december iran venezuela and libya are exempt from the production cuts a few hours after the opec agreement the g 20 group of nations meet and decide in cuts from the u. S. Canada norway and others some say the crisis created a perfect opportunity for big investors to buy stakes and european oil firms theres a cute saudis and russians of Economic Warfare against the us. U. S. Media reports 2 senators were working on legislation to remove u. S. Troops and Defense Systems from saudi soil if there were no output cuts the United States says its output fell because of the price for and decreasing demand but it hasnt committed to any cuts for many years i used to think opec was very unfair i hated opec you will know the truth i hated it because it was a fix but somewhere along the line that broke down and it went the opposite way and we have a tremendously powerful Energy Industry in this country now number one in the world and i dont want those jobs being lost but experts believe even after the record cuts but opec and other produces the gloom for Oil Economies may not be over just because he says to mount a scratch and so far has been 20000000 barrels a day i think its probably more towards a 3035000000 barrels a day if you look at india alone the 3rd Largest Consumer of oil has been decreased this consumption by 70 percent i would say it is more so 10000000 barrels a day is what so far been priced into the market and you saw the lackluster response so we probably need more to do the trick what began as an attempt to grab a bigger share of the market is ending after 31 days with no real wins for anyone involved some of. Their own we can now speak to minissha tuck in hes an International Oil and Energy Consultant and also a former opec official and he joins us now from london manisha im curious you were with opec yourself how difficult would it have been to actually get agreement around this. What it is always difficult because on the face of it you are losing revenue or the media driven you even within opec itself the Oil Ministers getting together and they get angry they used to agree that the it is good for all of them because theyre all in the same boat to reduce production and the price would go on david oldman and he but for the time being that is what a short time of a few months that though i mean if that had difficulty to sell this idea through the other members of his own cabinet in his country with the press criticizing so it is it is a decision riches and not a very clear and the Public Opinion maybe against an opportunistic people might use it as criticism against the government and so on that this indeed got right dont say in russia when they decided to refuse to enter a production and stop right there in 2017 they have been doing it for 3 years that with all the criticism within russia so that the story is not very simple they can all equity and so on there is always a fine point just to be convinced but really this case is different from the previous Oil Price Collapses here as you had from your other commentators the man for oil has fallen in what 20 or even 30 8000000. 00 Barrels Per Day out of the 100. 00 and so that the price quote maps is very strange very unusual very different and it has impacted the basic industries because not all the oil feeds can produce like soda epia at 20. 00 about every right price many of them have lost seats that bankruptcy chapter 11. 00 in the United States and others as well and the Major Companies who are apparently healthy a Balance Sheet they have reviews that investments by 1020000000000. 00 show share on and so on and so there would be a reduction of investment and therefore in the coming years if this continues there will be little Oil Exploration production list or coming on stream so people fear that although there is one issue or in the really this goes on maybe if you use some of the shorter so there is everyone knows that they have to i guess and address this but who should do it. Well because theyre not going to dish and they have secretary they have mechanism of the minister actually take each other on and so theyre getting more quickly but that really the issue their main point that main pin that he had of people in his United States because the United States became the largest almost Largest Oil Producer and it did become the 1st on net exporter in november last year and it has to come out and there is of course a contradiction between as you heard from the statement of where is the clinton of President Trump the United States wants the price to be down sort of the president is popular but wants to save the oil industry and this issue is what is being discussed now so if the nations are and i want to jump in there because i do want to ask you specifically about these oil thoughts and very briefly an even with all of these cuts taking place there is still going to be a huge global glut of oil so how much will these these cuts actually make like how much of a difference will they make to the price. Well it will have an impact at the beginning but because the expectations were yesterday for 20000000 that they caught and then it the announcement was 10 or who at the price went up to 36 and then came down to 131. 00 and this in the run is for the g. 20 there are expectations that if they all join me in brazil and others in the United States then there will be a reduction i think the Market Players are clever day know they are intelligent but if there is so who is an agreement of 1520000000 barrels better theoretically then the price will gradually go are you see there is a presence so much oil in this story it is this extra production has gone into all the storage spaces even under tankers so it would take time to synthesize abuse that even if they observe they have a good reduction and the q. B. To good discipline it will take some time until all the shelves are already in their storage is israel so it is not a very simple thing it takes time it will take time indeed minissha talk and then an International Oil and Energy Consultant thank you for joining us on out of there live now a good friday savviest has been held in paris as not to don cathedral nearly a year now after it was devastated by fire only 7 people attended the ceremony as paris remains under lockdown amid the corona Virus Outbreak but the event was broadcast nationwide and christians around the wilds commemorating easter and many parts of the medieval cathedral were destroyers in a fire last summer including its roof and iconic felt talents well natasha about the joins us live from now from via skype with all the latest the not drama so iconic this is such a big day for france but much more muted ceremony given todays deference tonsils. Meated but simple they can nevertheless the archbishop of paris let this very small ceremony only 7 people in not to the jewel that just nearly a year ago was ravaged by flames if you remember its roof inspired collapse people around the world were shocked so for catholics around this is really it gave them something to hope all because here is a cathedral that is safe but a lot right there in a way being revived the fact this ceremony took place its is it is very important it is a symbol of life and hope inside this great famous cherished the jewel but of course there is a white a context we are in and looked out in france the restrictions are very strict that is why some people were allowed to go into this ceremony and the archbishop of paris spoke about that he said that we had to sort of think about the many people who died for our musical suffering during this Coronavirus Crisis and also think about the help work of those who are helping each other so i think who happily and those who are not kept really this is part of the thing ceremony an opportunity before once again french people to come together remember unit cv like we saw about when dr dharmas and blames a sense of sort of National Soul the darts of unit c. Im saying that again during this group of artists crisis many people having to help each other look after each other or stay indoors but i did ultimately symbol of trying to help each other so and looking for hope natasha its also the easter weekend a holiday that lovely weather and i know that authorities were very concerned that people might take this opportunity as a move around have any additional restrictions been put into place. Thats right easter holidays coinciding of course with the school break here in france and as you said much warmer weather so french authorities were very concerned that people might try to break the confinement this knock down and perhaps travel to holiday homes to see a family that they havent seen for weeks yet what we understand from french authorities most people have stayed indoors they are being that will not doubt the schools that are government says they must continue to do so because we have seen more than 12000 deaths here in. The tasha but for that for us and on the lam in france thank you natasha. Well it is now time for the weather and rob is going to tell us about the South Pacific rivaling yes this rather vicious storm howard has just been investigating more i think of been in some trouble if you look at the satellite picture behind me this storm which went through vanuatu zikr of cash 34 sometimes category 5 hurricane which is you know quite a big scale they went through fiji anymore recently went to talk with these pictures just come out of tar and will go so far as destructive site really this is concrete is being taken to sources but the damage has been court bad on tara now that was hit 2 years ago by Tropical Storm rita and that was devastating and this was about the same strikes or we might get more from this that this happened that she had 2 days ago since then the storm has gone further south into the water sometimes these storms kill back in and cause a lot of trouble news even this one i dont think well so using is all right and i just want to briefly focus on australia though a picture of rather wet and windy stuff for the science risk or the southeast corrosion say but this heat further west in perth for example and thats quite surprisingly hard if perth hits 37. 7 tomorrow it will be to reckless held since 9010. 00 is just about possible whereas melbourne in complete contrast is going to be windy and wet around about 50 degrees but you can study thanks very much. Now britains Prime Minister is out of intensive care 2 weeks after testing positive for the current virus Boris Johnson has now been moved back to the hospitals general ward following 3 days of treatments in the i. C. U. And downing street says his condition is stable and he is an extremely good spirits. Intensive care units and other hospitals and breast and often overwhelmed with 1000 patients and what would be normally routine operations on Cancer Patients are having to be postponed and even baba has more from london. Susie smiths been fruit press council she had a mistake to me radiotherapy and chemotherapy because of coronaviruses have further cosmetic surgery later this year put on hold and she cant get checkups at the moment shes busy homeschooling her 3 children right now but shes worried you know i think that her mum by menu that would have been born in our. Mouths broke or you know that the pope would not cover. That home. And one day im a grandma now wait. As the number of cases shot up many hospital suspended all nonurgent operations to free up beds and equipment like ventilators for coronavirus patients and increasingly their counseling routine cancer Operations Guidelines say chemotherapy and emergency cancer surgeries should be prioritised but many Cancer Patients including those undergoing chemotherapy have a compromised immune system due to their treatment and theyre now having to choose between risking catching covered 19 in hospital or risking their cancer coming back the very treatments that can treat the cancer is also the very thing that can further increase a subset so i think particularly for Cancer Patients they are having a very difficult time at the moment because really for many patients theyre always having to choose between. Have it now or cancer in the future this center in southwest england provides Free Services to support counsel patients mental and emotional well being its know how to close its doors offering things like counseling online and over the phone things are very disrupted in the mainstream system with cancellation. Postponements and adjustments to the Mainstream Service and as also state consequence a locked out and out service on a face to face basis at the moment with us having to shut it be to a National Center so its bound to be up in a profound impact on consequence General Health and wellbeing and on their psychology and Mental Health as well for thousands of people like suzy the uncertainty about their future health is compounded by not knowing when the pandemic will be under control nadine barber al jazeera london. Well in mexico there is concern that there could be hidden victims of this pandemic womens rights advocates say the country has a bad track record with gender based violence and the outbreak is only making things worse John Heilemann has more. Mexico already had a big problem for me so its at least 10 women are killed each day according to authorities. Last month tens of thousands of women took to the streets and also held a National Strike to protest things were supposed to change but then coronavirus struck and after the optimism of just a month ago some believe that now things could instead be getting worse east rice is the us Everybody Knows well has. Increasingly why. The Citizens Council from mexico city a joint government and Civil Society Initiative Says calls to the helpline about Domestic Abuse have gone up by 25 percent theyve been hiring for the last 2 months to deal with the uptick. In these call center we give free help every day and we have a team of 80 psychologists and lawyers also to support the victim if she wants to press charges the National Network of womens shelters has also had a 60 percent increase in calls for help they say this is exacerbating an already chronic problem that. Theres a pandemic here apart from covert 1000 demick that weve had for years and that hasnt been attended to yet the states neglected it and the women who have been murdered are mothers daughters friends mexican citizens that the state has failed. The show to say that just when they needed it the money they get from the government has been held up if you know the head of that government doesnt himself believe that covered 19 has affected Domestic Abuse in the way in. No one should say without evidence that now that people are in their houses there is more violence thats not happening. Those calling for help say differently instead of a refuge in their homes theyre finding themselves facing threats inside and out dont homan now does it or mexico city. Now jordan has started a force is how a nationwide locked down its the governments latest efforts in countering the spread of the virus then a limited number of workers including medical staff are exempt from the policy all farmers in the philippines are finding it tough to get their projects to market because of the virus up down more than 200. 00 filipinos have now died of illnesses linked to the virus and theres also around 4000 and factions to melinda going to has more. Our visit to this farming cooperative is welcomed but there are clear protocols the province of never see how it is considered one of the philippines biggest important food ground reads roma will have years as the price of grain has more than doubled after last years drop in prices thats being welcomed. But he says the market is bala tiles and farmers are worried about the future. We are scared for what might happen next because of this law and allow for the promised machine from the government that they were supposed to get from that if they earned in the increase it last year. The Philippine Government has imposed strict measures to clamp down on the spread of the covert 1000. 00 pandemic putting the entire region of lives on under what it calls an enhanced community quarantine. It is home to more than 60000000 filipinos and the closure of businesses has led to a sudden loss of work that is devastating families here. Girland overly n. T. Owns 82. 00 hacked or pepper and tomato farm and is one of those affected. By your bias dont really count on a. B. C. Or. We dont want to go to them when we do they even dictate the price at least 2. 00 warehouses they say have closed down here now farmers have to queue for space at trading posts like this one before the lock down this was just an empty parking lot now this has become a temporary drop off point for farmers who are desperate to sell their vegetables those who are able to sell say they are grateful to get anything and others say they end up taking their produce back to their farms or its left to rot some farm owners say they dont want to harvest any more Filipino Farmers are among the poorest people in the philippines most are in debt and they say theyre no longer able to pay their creditors and the extension of the lockdown is upsetting many here who believe it will devastate them they say they need help and they need it now. Doug and al jazeera live a see how province northern philippines. Now a 2nd plague of locusts sierras feared by farmers in east africa if they dont act fast huge areas of farmland were already destroyed a few months ago and as catherine so reports from kenya at the next warns could be up to 20 times a larger. This farmers in eastern kenya skittery county are running out of time the wind weighted by millions of Desert Locusts that used their farms to breed now the hope is are about to mature and leave the farmers dont kill them all before they develop we then this 2nd generation of luckiest that over 80 devoid tens of thousands hacked years of vegetation across east africa will cause even more devastation. If the matter drop before were done killing them they will overwhelm us came here and. We cannot kill them because they were flying so we are trying to finish the hope before they can fly swarms 1st landed in north in kenya at the beginning of the year and spread to other parts of the country eating all the vegetation along the way most of last seasons crop in this area was destroyed by the law casts a long rains are starting in farmers are afraid if they dont clear the breeding grounds all the insects quickly then their family and is going to be destroyed again. Mary karimi lost most of her have assists surely got one sack of grain down from the 5 sacks you usually have a. Total have children and i had to serve a sack of green grams was coffees now im buying food and its very expensive. The east African Regional body guard is tracking the movement of the lockers using a supercomputer the relays climate conditions and wind patterns to predict where the lock has a heading the swarms in kenya will be moving north in the region countries such as if e. O. P. Or somalia south sudan and djibouti will be he tarred as a lock us head to head the Arabian Peninsula. Some farmers are concerned that with the onset of coronavirus many governments will die of ark resources meant to deal with the law costs honestly yes there is a concern because this means Restricted Movement and Restricted Movement means in areas where specialists were supposed to come or also in assist in the control efforts from other countries theres no restriction on who can come into or travel to certain countries because of the coffees lockdowns and the like back in the village the families are doing what they can to ensure that this new swarms will not make it out alive to destroy crops anywhere else catherine sorry aljazeera to east and kenya well lets speak to our town he is the director of it gods Climate Prediction Application Center and he got is obviously a trade organization of east african countries and hes joining us now on skype from nairobi thank you for joining us and it does seem with the rain that we saw in march this is likely not only to get worse but also to spread up to south sudan and uganda how much devastation could these swarms wreck that especially in areas with limited access when it comes to controlling them. Thank you governments. All of you are great most of the corpse of last season all reject plants are now stored cut in 3. The march this is the group in season formerly countries mr murphy got. Our school and took we are uganda on our money arsenal and somebody in there you know holding the hours of 25000000 people who are in an acute community in the old who is not. This is the petition to the mission of meeting people to which he will huge numbers and so no surprise then that the un f. A. O. Is saying that theyre still going ahead with all the efforts to contain this despite the coronavirus pandemic but obviously in our Global Supply chains have also been impacted so are enough pesticides and equipment getting to where they need to be. Didnt now yes well unfortunately with the Research Dollars your own woman are we are afraid specially for the want of the ocean in a course courtier this to the fair a secular city. Or are we will call on on our Member States to diversify up to the point where the ins this is just. What was the political will or more than doubling. More than doubling will mean as our correspondent Catherine Sawyer was just reporting there have been warnings that the swarms could go to up to 20 times what weve already seen talk us through whats driving all of this. Whats the i mean most of it is Climate Change in the ocean is warming up actually is that is the is the. Are. What a daughter our daughter are are the warming out although what i was led to talk inside grahams last year were absolute rock consequence over the indian western indian ocean. There are a number and there were usually one of 2 months in italy 2 years the carabao would do 2 cycles it in the Arabian Peninsula in 20182080 thats created a little if you are a policemans for now. The last year are the last one of the year was one of the what this year is on record. This continuous condition of the climatic conditions of the will or wont be for the old with the to keep blowing till next year and it sounds like we should certainly be bracing for that koolaid our town the director of it gods Climate Prediction Application Center thank you for joining us out of there a sad. One. Well still ahead on aljazeera piece i will be here with sports including. Front line workers across the globe compete for us. To cheer for them. Roger federers Emotional Message to wimbledon with tennis fans. Now ugandas president has released a home workout video to encourage the dozens to stay inside during the pandemic. Only knock. Now in the 70s shared the video on twitter to demonstrate how to exercise at home the 75 year old says too many ugandans are putting themselves at risk by exercising outdoors now uganda has imposed some of the harshest measures on the continent to contain the virus well now its time for more sports his piece or her head thank you stars or the crisis at Barcelona Football Club has deepened of the 6 Board Members resigned late on thursday in disagreement with the clubs president theyre angry with the bottom is handling over social media suspects between star clearly now messi and the Club Sporting director eric abi dealt as well as voicing their concerns about how the club plans to bounce back after the corona virus pandemic nearly 2 weeks ago barcelonas players announced they will take a 70 percent pay cut while Board Members had also agreed to reduce their salaries. The head of the Players Union in england has criticised the British Government for singling out premier League Players during the corona virus crisis Gordon Taylor says it is unfair that Hedge Fund Managers and bankers were not asked to take pay cuts and yet the British Health minister for to call on premier League Players to take a pay cut the players have already set up a fund to raise money for the National Health service tele maintains the players were attacked unless a seriously by the government. Next weeks u. F. C. 249 has been cancelled both e. S. P. N. And Parent Company do they stopped the sports president pushing ahead with the event amid the coronavirus pandemic you have seas chief dana white had vowed for weeks to maintain a regular shared unified despite most of the sporting world shutting down despite the cancellation white says he still plans to put on small fight shows on a private island in future. The head of the u. S. Antidoping agency has told aljazeera his organization faces some tough challenges in testing athletes amid the coronavirus pandemic Travis Tygart says usada is having to adapt their methods although they are concerns that other countries have halted testing altogether he also spoke about athletes who will now have served out they dont think bans in time for the delayed olympics next year. This is always an issue some athletes bans in before major competitions so the postponement you know in of itself doesnt affect in the rule has been clear and legally its a sound rule that once youve you know so to speak served your time youre eligible for all benefits that the rules allow for so i think its small as you compared to the overwhelming benefit of the postponement to ensure that this testing period now that sees reduced testing is made up for it allows for that russia case that is so critically important for clean athletes is finally decided at the castle level and in time to put in adequate testing one in the russian athletes that may be there and it also gives the i. O. C. Taskforce adequate time to ensure the recommendations that it is sent around the globe are actually being implemented and weve essentially bought you know another 12 months to do the job that antidoping should be doing all along but then you look at the necessary reduction in testing thats had to happen around the world and we know in some parts of the world theres no testing going on and thats been announced here in the us we you know indicated it were doing Mission Critical testing and weve tried to do that and of in a way with added enhanced processes masks gloves social distancing eccentric to ensure its done as safe as possibly can be done in this environment you know were were confident clean athletes are going to continue to compete clean you know no kid grows up saying i cant wait to be a superstar athlete at the olympic level and have to you know inject myself with dangerous drugs and they also know that winners never cheat and cheaters never win but look its naive i think to. See that some athletes arent going to trial or coaches or doctors you know the bad folks out there are going to try to use this time period to try to get away with something and its incumbent upon us during this time period but once were back fully operational from a testing standpoint to ensure that those that might try to get away with something are allowed to do so. 6 time super bowl winning Quarterback Tom Brady is one of Many American Football Players who currently do not know if the next season will start on time and if all seasons usually start in september but with the current coronavirus pandemic i think virtually shut down all sports globally theres no guarantee of when things will return to normal brady left the new England Patriots after 20 years in boston d and signed with the tampa bay buccaneers. You know were faced with a pretty tough circumstance now is as a world and i think rod is trying to focus on what our priorities are here and if we can do that then you know were going to come out of it stronger Roger Federer has joined with wimbledon organizers to ask for tennis fans to stay home and salute healthcare workers as the real champions of the Coronavirus Crisis the a time wimbledon winner means he is always to an emotional video released by the tournament 2nd. This summer sadly we must come together by staying apart. No tense will be pitched no records broken. No trophies engraved. But as we say thank you for your support. We remind ourselves of countless champion schools be found. Frontline workers across the globe compete for us. Cheer for them. For now we play suspended. We are united in the hope. That tomorrow will be better than today. 3 time grand slam champion andy murray will be back in action later this month but its not what you might be thinking murray will play in a virtual version of the madrid open the 4 day online tournament features 164000. 00 prize money going towards fighting the coronavirus. Daughters friends have had a real treat as 2 of the sports legends went head to head from the comfort of their own home 2. Both of the World Champion phil the power taylor took on 5 song World Champion raymond a fun bonneville virtual match for a charity that had a close of the epic 2007 world champ your final of the dutchman one and it was fun but on the phone again new talk taylor from his home in dayton hawg a match raising of 18000. 00 to support Health Care Workers in britain also relate to a full school. Ranking course on a day that thanks peter well thats it for me for this new years assamese iran will be here in a moment with more of the days news and ill be back after that stay with us. Ive struggled full of pleasure. Of being. Told when i started in earnest on that im that. Was just an intimate look at life in cuba from a clue if the media made our longtime it dont maybe was a little what the minister would not be in my queue for. On aljazeera. You know what is happening in our region we know how to get to places that others cannot the fires are still ongoing on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference from the aljazeera london Broadcast Center to special guests in conversation to see resistance and i see joy in the midst of pain your books do that and from uninterrupted wire all of our people of color and theyre just one color this way that is going to affect that shouldnt every people have no color but exactly Fatima Bhutto meets Marc Lamont Hill i very much thought i was going to get shot but look at a bad movie studio b. Unscripted on aljazeera. Mass burials in new york has morgues run out of space the city suffers a record high of almost 800 dead for the 1st successive day. Sam is a down this is al jazeera live from also coming up a sign of winning the battle against coronavirus South Koreans cast their ballots and vote head of next weeks general election. Here

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