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Yet to come. And then the church is on Easter Sunday strike a somber tone in the holy land day of celebration for christians. The United States has surpassed italy to have the worlds highest coronavirus death toll more than 20000 people are known to have died since the outbreak began Public Health experts are warning that figure could reach 200000 within months if stay at home orders are lifted too soon in europes hardest hit countries some steps are being taken to loosen restrictions in factions and deaths have been slowing in italy in spain and Easter Sunday services in the holy land and around the world being held in largely empty churches and cathedrals covert 19 is keeping people away. Will be in the us in new york state governor he says while the death toll is a grim milestone in a drop in hospital intensive care admissions you can see that the numbers somewhat. Stabilizing but it is stabilizing at and horrific rate. 783 people 777799. These are just incredible numbers depicting incredible loss and pain reports are emerging in china that African Students the next thats a being evicted from their homes because of fears they could spread coronavirus a number of african countries a voice concern over their nationals being mistreated and harassed in the city of congo lets go live now to sarah clarke she joins us from hong kong so why africans being targeted in particular sara. Well weve seen a number of reports on social media in particular way bo with chat and twitter and even some videos released by the Nigerian Government and the shine complaints of mistreatment of members of the African Community in the city of gone joe weve had complaints of somehow civic sions africans being denied entry into hotels and restaurants and some students are now saying theyre living on the streets and being denied food as a result this is the escalated scrutiny of the foreign nationals particularly targeting africans and africanamericans and this comes about as of last thursday in the city of god joe we had 116 cases 114 cases reported in 16 were african so there are some accusations that members of the ethical or Ethical Community have not applied to adhere to those crimes in destructions the strict rules which make you go into quarantine yourself isolation for 14 days on arrival in china as you mentioned weve had a number of countries complain weve had the u. S. State Department Warning africanamericans not to go to the city are gone john and this is a city in the south of china with about 13000000 people weve also had several african countries complain of mistreatment including ghana zimbabwe nigeria and kenya and god as foreign minister has summoned chinas ambassador in that country bicycling me of a public claims of mistreatment and Inhumane Treatment against its citizens living in china and that Chinas Foreign Ministry last week acknowledged it has been some misunderstanding within the african African Community but its yet to take the next sit and show its actually acting on that now one joe a bit of background and 2014 we had about 100000 africans living in that city but its now reduced to about 10000 simply because of heavy travel restrictions on those foreign nationals and expats arriving in the city and students is an at large Student Group of africans in that particular city and theyre the ones theyre the ones making those key complaints weve also seen a cartoon showing an expat in front of a trash can and this is obviously depicting foreigners as basically breaking the rules and experts being labeled as trash that needs to be sorted to sydney so be an issue thats no doubt developing in one jar or right sarah clarke reporting from hong kong. The u. K. Government is responding to further criticism that it hasnt done enough to provide protective equipment to medical workers unions are warning doctors nurses are putting their lives at risk about 19 Health Care Workers have died after contracting the virus while treating people the death toll is nearly 10000 people im sorry if people feel that theyre happy failings ill be very very clear about that but at the same time we are in an unknown in an unprecedented Global Health pandemic right now it is inevitable that the demand and the pressures on p. P. And the demand for p. P. Are going to be exponential theyre going to be incredibly high and of course we are trying to address that as a government and i think that is right that is our priority prisoners have rioted at a jail in southern bolivia to complain that conditions are ripe for the spread of coronavirus inmates protested on the roof demanding masks and proper Protection Police responded with tear gas the government has announced some inmates on mine the charges will be released to reduce the threat of outbreaks in overcrowded prisons 30000000. 00 people in brazil have applied to the government for emergency Financial Aid to help them get through the crisis nonpermanent workers are entitled to claim almost 120. 00 a month the government says its streamlining the payment process to thousands cupid offices because of your graphic hold ups. Health authorities are appealing to everyone to stay at home after a large gatherings were reported in several big cities. Our latin america at the most in human reports on the impact across the region. Bodies to composing on the streets or inside houses in ecuador is tropical city of. Cemeteries and funeral parlors cant cope with the demand and the government can only offer cardboard coffins to the latest victims. Its already a catastrophe long before infections from cold 19 reach their peak their hit and hit him with in the gulf where they wait for them to die before helping them and when their dad they hand them over to the family this is terrible since march 1st the pandemic has been spreading rapidly throughout latin america and brazil the country with the most deaths so far drug lords are imposing quarantines in slums thats because the president is still refusing to take strong measures at the expense of the economy in mexico the government and the people appear dangerously nonchalant about social distancing and testing even as coronavirus cases continue rising. By contrast in argentina chile peru colombia paraguayan and most of Central America borders are closed and the army is on the streets to enforce partial or total quarantines to try to slow the curve of contagion improve for example men are allowed to leave the house to shop on alternate days and women on the other days to keep more people off the streets for the fight but where the notable about i think its a good idea to be able to control the masses a little bit because of the type of contagion that were facing possible but its not enough we dont. Think these places as they develop. Number one in terms of the Health Systems and then and the system in systems. I mean i would say only 84 percent of the forest or access to ship protection there restore anything. Latin america faces another tremendous handicap a very high population density in its major cities coupled with widespread poverty that fans the spread of disease. But the region faces an even bigger problem maintaining a problem quarantine for much longer and many of these cities will likely be impossible to enforce and for a very simple reason 58 percent of Latin Americans like means work in the Informal Sector and faced with the choice of staying at home to starve or defying a fortys they would rather come out here and take their chances with the buyers. In many countries hospitals are already running out of surgical masks and ventilators at least 14000000 people are already out of work and with the peak of the band dimia still some 3 weeks away latin america may well be facing unprecedented death and devastation. To see a new man aljazeera santiago. Russia has reported more than 2000 new coronavirus cases thats its the largest daily increase yet more than 15700 infections have been reported across the country the government says 130 people have died. Zimbabwes easing some restrictions 2 weeks after imposing a nationwide lockdown the government says it has to support the economy but acknowledges the relaxation isnt without risk with us or as more from. Some relief was the barbarians who rely on relatives living abroad to send them money for days some people havent had to pass to buy food and other essentials its forced the government to ease a 3 week coronavirus lucked out that means Money Transfer agencies can now open but only 3 times a week theyre opening it will be a little far for creation model for families was most of these guys are relying on not just what im in the changes which is a big big contribution of me mr comes to you just one of them coming in to get into the country it is in the nationwide lockdown has affected many sectors of the economy brian unger makes his mainly for the foreign markets he cant do that now as you can see a shop always quote. Coming because we saw it on the the visitors who are coming to view all of this is by offices in the service of god in a country facing its worst economic crisis in a decade soaring inflation shortages a foreign currency food and electricity Global Travel restrictions have left places empty more than 2000000. 00 visitors came to zimbabwe last year most traveled from other parts of Africa Europe and the u. S. The money they brought in support of thousands of locals working in the Tourism Industry now many families are struggling. Some businesses are trying to get by fresh in a box deliver supplies to peoples houses customers order online so they can stay at home and try to keep safe a lot of more stuff afield to come into work obviously because of the distancing. That they are the. Journeys that a lot of people are now using are so you know people are socially distancing in the isolating the homes and so the Delivery Service business is really sort of become a lifeline for a lot of people who depend on us to bring their fish very fresh meat in shopping rather the government has removed other lockdown restrictions farmers can now sell produce at markets but social distancing and other precautions against a coronavirus i difficult to maintain like many african countries zimbabwe is battling with how to stop the spread of conflict 19 without damaging an already crumbling economy. Aljazeera had. Checking some other news now the Afghan Taliban says its releasing the 1st group of 20 Afghan Government prisoners on sunday as part of an agreement between the armed group and the u. S. The announcement coincides with the release of a 3rd group of taliban prisoners by afghanistan in total more than 300. 00 detainees have been let go asked month afghan president signed a decree to release 1500. 00 taliban prisoners it was a move to launch direct talks with the armed group and the 18 year war a court in yemen run by who 3 rebels has sentenced for journalists to death they were part of a group of 10 journalists accused of spying for the Saudi Coalition and Mr International says the men are being held on false charges calling for immediate release. Still ahead on aljazeera. After spending so numb trying to have a child for what has to not be able to be together was devastating pain of separation well look at how people are trying to bring their families back together. On the worlds biggest water fight is called off in Southeast Asia. Hello there another day of very nice warm sunshine across central and Western Areas of europe is so im afraid the cloud the rain and the wind continuing to impact these Northern Areas and also wroth an unsettled picture still across much of spain and portugal but have a look at this festival what a beautiful size it is this is in western switzerland this is actually the 50th chill it festival over 190000 chilliest for joy and over 380 varieties and doesnt look loris on the sunny skies and very nice sunny skies as well into the southeast of england this is cannes and of course not many people out on the beach with the last kiss guys even so sunday should be the last day really of some pretty good weather and good temperatures across much of the west 25 in paris 24 in london you can see this rain there sitting out tools the west the showers again through portugal and spain really elsewhere across central west you know quite a bit of cloud but mostly dry but very unsettled cross much of a scandinavia that rain and even some snow staying in the full cost on monday and youll see this rain beginning to really push in the thames is also coming down but still very warm in Eastern Europe that cold air is coming down from the north really fairly strong at times as well and these are the challenges in book arrest so as you can see a good average about 18 celsius this time of year so a very warm on monday still but even here by wednesday that cool air in the skies they push across. Talk to al jazeera we ask what you will force were when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying you have been to go build you know the stage of you know we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on which is 0 on the stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound center matter where you will be in news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Youre watching out 0 time to recap our headlines now more than 20000 americans have now died from corona virus meaning the u. S. Now has the highest death toll in the world most of the fatalities are in new york state where the governor says the raf further signs things could be stabilized. Russia has reported more than 2000 new coronavirus cases that its the largest daily increase since the start of the outbreak. Also making news the Afghan Taliban says its releasing the 1st group of 20 Afghan Government prisoners on sunday part of an agreement between the armed group and the u. S. The announcement coincides with the release of the 3rd group of taliban prisoners by afghanistan. More now on the u. S. Coronavirus figures which critics of President Trump a blame in what they say was a slow initial response to the crisis the white house says thats part of an attempt to quote weaponize the virus against trump reports. He has betrayed our National Security when the us recorded its 1st coronavirus case on january 20th the United States was in the midst of another crisis the senate will convene as a court of impeachment the impeachment trial against President Donald Trump something he said was a distraction for the country. But did the Political Drama also leave the president distracted from leading a response to the covert 19th outbreak hitting the United States trump says he took the virus seriously from the start i felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic all you had to do is look at other countries but his public statements suggest otherwise in january is the World Health Organization warned of a Global Crisis and coronavirus cases in china grew troubled bad chinese citizens from traveling to the u. S. But continue to downplay the threat we have a totally under control one person coming in from china he suggested it would go away by april as lawmakers expressed fears the u. S. Was unprepared im deeply concerned that we are way behind the fondness by late february as Rotavirus Group states Like Washington and california lawmakers on capitol hill publicly questioned ministration the specials regarding whether or not resources have been stockpiled to deal with the crisis we do have in the Strategic National stockpile ventilators we have masks we have enough support well of course not or we wouldnt be asking for a supplemental to seek more money to procure more of that but by march tom why did travel restrictions to include some European Countries also declared a National Emergency in the us still as great a virus cases expanded trump continued to downplay the problem its going to disappear one day its like a miracle it will disappear. He accused his democratic opponents weaponized in court. On a virus for political purposes and harming his reelection chances and this is the new home its only as hundreds of new coronavirus cases emerge to process the us to the white house and now its National Social distancing guidelines it prompted closures of most u. S. Businesses overnight causing millions of americans to lose their jobs and a blitter a the once booming u. S. Economy looking for a scapegoat trump blame china center a sister of the letter comes from china and contradicting Public Health officials trump continued to project off to mr telling americans he wanted businesses reopened by easter but as cases of coronavirus rose truck reluctantly expanded Public Health restrictions we will be extending our guidelines to april 30th to slow the spread President Trump has justified the mixed messages from his chrono virus task force arguing hes the countrys cheerleader providing hope to americans in a difficult time but one analyst argues with the november president ial election on the horizon trumps response is driven by his desire to win a 2nd term as you know the saying goes never let a good crisis go to waste this is a president who has used every opportunity this crisis to to attempt to solidify himself so little fire his base and solidify his reelection we appreciate it very much trump continues to praise white house response efforts giving himself a 10 out of 10 even his critics accuse him of failing to respond swiftly to save thousands of lives kimberly helped get aljazeera washington. May in my hour ring in the new year next Week Celebrations will be muted and people have been told to stay home. To people or bring the virus to their home towns from major cities florence lower courts. Days before the myanmar new year starts and this bus terminal is packed people are leaving yangon for their hometowns despite government advice to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus here ali yes i am worried about the coronavirus thats why i have to take precautions like wearing a mask using hand sanitizers and washing hands everyones doing it myanmar has one of the lowest number of reported coronavirus cases in Southeast Asia about tough its cases i go on the biggest city and commercial capital while the government has banned public gatherings travel is allowed raising concerns about spreading the virus everywhere. They brought the tickets in advance these are the people that go home every year since the factories they work in a closed they dont have a place to stay in the are gone the owner says only half his normal number of passes are on the road fewer people are traveling this year mostly Migrant Workers and no tourists the myanmar new year known as tin john is usually celebrated with much fanfare and merrymaking its also known as the water festival but theyll be no water fights public concerts or street parades this year nonessential businesses have been ordered to shut only one person from each household is allowed to go out for Medicine Health care or food for many the restrictions are a financial burden for we need really wasnt you know its not good for business as we cant work if we cant work we have nothing to eat i get paid for each day of work others are slightly more optimistic. We have to follow the governments order during thing in festival the government made the order because the world is in serious trouble so they have to protect the country its for all of us. Like many countries around the wont myanmar is relying on everyone to stay home to break the chain of transmission largely aljazeera. In jerusalem worshipers are unable to gather for Easter Sunday services all cultural sites have been closed mass has taken place behind closed doors at the church of the holy sepak are on christianitys most sacred science harry forces is in occupied East Jerusalem where he says the city is absent of pilgrims there would be tens of thousands of people that would usually be here jews coming for passover and indeed tens of thousands of christian pilgrims coming to spend easter here that of course is just not happened and so the streets of the old city very much devoid of life if not entirely at least in comparison to how they would usually be shut shops shut throughout the the alleyways of the old city and indeed the hotels that would usually be here open and full to the brim with christian pilgrims from around the world they just havent had that business that i mean there is one hotel near here but just as a few dozen quarantine guests who is here coming back from abroad and have had to spend their 14 days quarantine in total across the country and throughout the the period of this lockdown its estimated that that 1000000000. 00 more than a 1000000000. 00 is going to be lost in terms of tourism as a result of all of this the number of new coronavirus cases in germany has fallen for the 2nd straight day the robert cock institute which tallies the numbers reported roughly 2100 new infections on sunday it brings the total number of cases there just over 120001 over 2700 people have died. A large portion of the worlds population is now living on long down due to the corona virus pandemic its the most significant disruptions seen outside of war for more than a century for many the worst part is being cut off from people way love so on the go go reports. Life under lockdown silence and isolation and for many in this pandemic there is the anguish of being forcibly separated from loved ones all over the world families have been wrenched apart some because of the devastating affects of the disease. Others simply because they were away from home at the wrong time. And i have just got a reply from kramer not even good he found herself stuck in ukraine with her newborn baby who was delivered by a surrogate that like her husband had already returned to the u. K. Both of them were arranging travel documents for their son when the lockdown struck it was really heartbreaking because yeah after spending so long trying to have a child for my husband to not be able to be together with was devastating. And it was very lonely because its a baby and i was not planned to isolate him so we were we were just in a little apartment together marooned for weeks in a state of uncertainty they eventually managed to get the documentation they needed and most importantly a flight back home stopping over in germany 1st probably never before the family was finally reunited if england realized conny was diagnosed with coded 19 last and hospital for a preplanned procedure she enjoyed the virus and have fears without her loved ones around able to comfort her im not allowed any visits. A car seat because i dont have anywhere so i dont really have a conversation with my family and i cant see them either so you know that was the hardest part was. Well shes isolated in this room and you know i didnt have anyone near me when it was one of those moments where you need someone the most the doctors and the nurses were excellent they communicated with me even if i could it could be a cape back with them they kept me at ease as much as they could and and its also you know you do see people going home as well you see out of it going oh miss wallace and you just in those moments like thats what you have to take you have to take the positives oh man oh they were abstinence maybe and she did rhea still needs to isolate from her husband for a bit longer. Really dinner is ready but now at last he can be there for. His support in a time of need sunny diagonal aljazeera london. Muhammad near is of are all just that Lancaster University in the u. K. Pigs planes what it will take for virus restrictions to be eased. Every country in the europe d and around the globe are d at different scale of that locking down so there are certain criteria based on which look d bill will be eased and it will be the destruction will be phased out the 1st thing is that event we start to seeing a sustained decrease in the number of cases for example for 14 days if we start to see the number of cases are increasing significantly that is the 1st clue that the exit strategy can be applied and the 2nd thing is really that the hospital is into cup abilities that they can tackle every person who need to hospitalization and the 3rd is really that we have a cup ability that is quiet and its of patient enough to test isolate and really screen the people in the community so that we can sort of their surprise limit the spread of this infection so all these 3 principle requires an International Effort really to apply so that any any exit strategy can be put in place we have to embrace the internationalization because there are resources over there in the whole universe that we can really combine them and put into the favor of this exit strategy for example putting into the purse back to the swab samples that are required to a typical acted from the patient those are being made quite heavily and the not part of italy from the Capital Company the test kits those are required to test people they are being made in germany 2 thirds of the ventilators are being made in the u. S. If each of the country richard they are doing now or going to emphasize only on to their National Interest the as a strategy it would take a longer d time and it would become very complicated. To get to. Lets take you through some of the headlines now more than 20000 americans have now died from corona virus that means the u. S. Now has the highest death toll in the world most of the fatalities are in new york state where the governor says to refer the signs things could be stabilizing. New york is the epicenter of the u. S. Outbreak with more than 8600 deaths the state governor says the situation seems to be stabilizing been fewer admissions to intensive care you can see that the number is somewhat. Stabilizing but it is stabilizing and horrific rate. 783 people 777799. These are just incredible numbers. Depicting incredible loss and pain reports are emerging in china that African Students in expats are being evicted from their homes because of fears they could spread coronavirus a number of african countries a voice concern over their nationals being mistreated and harassed in the city of one joe russia has reported more than 2000 new coronavirus cases that its the largest daily increase since the start of the outbreak concern over a lack of medical equipment in the u. K. Has prompted the government to respond home minister pretty patel apologize for perceived failings in the delivery of protective gear unions have warned of a lack of equipment which is putting doctors and nurses lives at risk and Easter Sunday service is taking place behind closed doors at the church of the holy sepak or in occupied East Jerusalem its one of christianitys most sacred sites. Also making news the Afghan Taliban says its releasing the 1st group of 20 Afghan Government prisoners on sunday is part of an agreement between the group in the us the announcement coincides with the release of a 3rd group of taliban prisoners by afghanistan last month afghan president signed a decree to release 1500. 00 taliban prisoners moved to launch director talks with the group

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