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Come. And empty churches on Easter Sunday strike some by the tone in the holy land on the day of celebration for christians. The United States has surpassed italy to have the worlds highest coronavirus death toll more than 20000 people are known to have died since the outbreak began Public Health experts are warning that figure could reach 200000 within months if stay at home orders are lifted too soon. Russias announced more than 2000 new cases its biggest daily increase yet and these the sunday services in the holy land and around the world are being held in largely empty churches and cathedrals covered 19 is keeping people away. Lets begin in the u. S. New york states governor says while the death toll is a grim milestone the number of people admitted into intensive care in hospitals is dropping you can see that the numbers somewhat. Stabilizing but it is stabilizing and horrific rate. 783 people 777799. These are just incredible numbers depicting incredible loss and pain in china its reported African Students an expat being evicted from their homes over fears they could spread the virus some african countries have voiced concern their nationals are being mistreated and harassed in the city of gone joe lets go live now to sarah clarke she joins us from hong kong so so looking up the stats on this and it looks like africa is a continent is behind the global curve when it comes to deaths and infections why africans being targeted in particular them. Well certainly that seems to be the key concern out of china that the African Community living in china in particular the city of quando could be behind a 2nd wave of infections of the crowd a virus in that city now ive seen a number of reports from social media from members of the African Community in one joe making complaints of mistreatment arrests home addictions and being denied access to restaurants and hotels and some students are even claiming to be living on the streets and being denied food weve also seen a cartoon that shows an expat in front of a trash can thats depicting foreigners as breaking rules and expects being labeled as trash that needs to be sorted so is escalating scrutiny of foreign nationals but theyre targeting the african and the Africanamerican Community and this is simply since last thursday we saw 114 cases reported in one jo of the crowd of us in fiction and 16 were africans in this thing claim. Or we piers have lost contact there with sarah clarke she was reporting for us from hong kong the u. K. Government has responded to further criticism it hasnt done enough to provide protective equipment to medical workers unions of warm doctors and nurses are putting their lives at risk about 19 Health Care Workers have died after contracting the virus while treating people home secretary pretty patel was asked if she had apologized to Health Workers and their families im sorry if people feel that they have the failings all be very very clear about that but at the same time we are in an in an unprecedented Global Health pandemic right now it is inevitable that the dumond and the pressures on p. P. And the demand for p. P. Are going to be exponential theyre going to be incredibly high and of course we are trying to address that as a government and i think that is right that is our priority is go live now to know the barber hes in london and it doesnt seem like that apology has made the situation any better does it. Sorry i dont think it has there are commentators across the board you know from from broadcasters even to government supporting newspapers whove been very harsh in their analysis of that Daily Briefing on saturday with the home secretary who hadnt been seen in public for some time actually so lots of attention particularly on that event and the feeling is the message was im saying sorry that people are feeling that way twice she was pushed to actually apologize to the families of the Health Workers whove died after contracting corona virus now on saturday the Health Secretary matt hancock sorry on friday the Health Secretary hancock did say that he would start an inquiry into the deaths of the many n. H. S. Nurses and doctors and Health Workers who died it could be as many as 28 according to some counts but that was to see if they had contract of the virus at work rather than failures and whether it was the lack of protective equipment which contributed to their deaths as many families are saved so in that context and also in the context of mr hancock saying that Health Workers should use equipment sparingly which also went down very badly with people in the n. H. S. If you look at social media that was the context in which pretty patels no apology if you like has been received and it all does add up to a growing surge of demand from within the system and outside for really getting a grip on the problem now of course on friday the u. K. Says it took it received a shipment of 250000 individual items of protective equipment from turkey they though have to get distributed around the country and to the right places so pretty patel did say the government was doing all it can perhaps they are now in terms of moving the equipment around but in terms of actually messaging i think theyre not going down very well and the demon in russia weve had a sharp rise in the number of cases is that the result of more testing and better detection or of a real sudden surge in the virus. No sadly i think its i think its more the latter i think that already the kremlin has admitted that there is increasing pressure on hospitals both in moscow and instant petersburg as the number of cases rises now the death toll in russia is still relatively low its risen in 24 hours by 129. 00 to a total sorry ill give you that again that was that was incorrect the the number of deaths have risen by 24. 00 up to 130. 00 but its this rise in cases in 24 hours almost rising by a 3rd to take it to 2186 cases confirmed 90 cases in russia the real figure as in other countries could be larger with people actually dying in the community rather than in a hospital but the kremlin is admitting that there is an increasing problem so far president putin has delegated responsibility to other people he hasnt been giving these Daily Briefings for example but there is an admission theres a problem its in sharp contrast to places like germany where in fact today have there have been many more cases but a comparatively low death toll the death toll in germany just rising in 24 hours by 129. 00 compared to that figure in britain which was almost a 1000 and the reason that people think thats so low is because of testing which has happened in the weeks leading up to now testing and Contact Tracing now the government in britain is saying that they will get better at doing that they have well there are at their scientific advisors have admitted that they could have learned lessons from germany earlier on they say theyre Getting Better at it but so far the testing target of britain is 100000. 00 per day at the end of this month were less than 20000. 00 a day at the moment so a lot of catching up to do and the lets thank them bob of that from london. Zimbabwes easing some restrictions 2 weeks after imposing a nationwide lockdown the government says it has to support the economy but acknowledges the relaxation isnt without risk has more from harare. Police service in a country facing its worst economic crisis in a decade soaring inflation storage is a foreign currency food electricity Global Travel restrictions have left places empty more than 2000000. 00 visitors came to zimbabwe last year most traveled from other parts of Africa Europe and the u. S. The money they brought in supported thousands of locals working in the Tourism Industry now many families are struggling. Some businesses are trying to get by fresh in a box deliver supplies to peoples houses customers order online so they can stay at home and try to keep safe a lot of more stuff afield to come into work obviously because of the distances. That there are the object is that a lot of people are now using our service you know people are socially distancing and in the isolating the homes and so the Delivery Service business is really sort of become a lifeline for a lot of people who depend on us to bring their fresh very fresh fruit in shopping. The government has removed other lockdown restrictions farmers can now sell produce at markets but social distancing and other precautions against a coronavirus are difficult to maintain like many african countries zimbabwe is battling with how to stop the spread of kopechne 1000. 00 without damaging an already crumbling economy. Aljazeera. Checking some other stories now the taliban says its releasing a 1st group of 20 Afghan Government prisoners on sunday as art of an agreement with the us the announcement coincides with the release of a 3rd group of 100 taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government last month chauvin e signed a decree to release 1500 taliban prisoners to help launch direct talks with the armed group and the 18 year war. A court in yemen run by who the rebels has sentenced for journalists to death they were part of a group of are of 10 journalists accused of spying for the saudi u. A. E. Coalition Amnesty International says the men are being held on false charges calling for their immediate release. Coming up. Business as usual why some Latin Americans say they have no choice but to defy long sounds plus. Its the 50th anniversary of the apollo 13 mission one that became a story of survival against all odds. Hello there still some very heavy rain across areas of indonesia particularly borneo out tools to marcia and i guess the last few days youve seen a fair amount of rain pushing across much of thailand cambodia and also these coastal areas of it am a similar story on monday some very heavy amounts of rain really throughout the gulf of thailand and you can see these dock abuse across much of sumatra and again across into borneo similar stories we go through tuesday again these rains across the areas of thailand not quite as heavy as we have seen monday and the rain a little bit like to choose as well across much of the west and then australia and new zealand will release new zealand bearing the brunt of the weather over the next few days a lot of clouds and storm systems working away across the tasman sea that of various warnings in place particularly 1st of all a monday across into the south island warnings the very high rough seas and highways also cool some very strong winds some very heavy amounts of rain that will accumulate have the next few days could see as much as 120 millimeters of rain its dry but little bit cooler across the southeast of australia it does warm up a little bit late on tuesday its ahead of the next system coming in but all the while its a little bit cooler out across Western Australia 24 in perth want to choose showers not making as far as perth along the coast and still a very unsettled by thousands of new zealand and very windy. Rewind returns with a new series of care bringing people back to life im sorry im brand new updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries they has been a number of reforms put in christ since the program was filmed rewind begins with mohammed at the time when i was in the liberal i was the top of the class and know. Like any other student i was very fortunate to be awarded another scholarship rewind on aljazeera. To news. Oh. Oh. Ill come back its time to take a look at some of our top stories now more than 20000 americans have died from corona virus meaning the u. S. Now has the highest death toll in the world most fatalities have been in new york state says the signs the number could be stabilized. Russia has reported more than 2000 new cases of corona virus thats its largest daily increase and start the outbreak also making news the taliban says its releasing a 1st group of 20 Afghan Government soldiers as part of an agreement with the u. S. That coincides with the release of a 3rd group of 100. 00 taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government. More now from the u. S. And kristen salumi reports on new yorks worsening economic situation. Its been called the crossroads of the world but these days no one is going anywhere just ask taxi driver nicolay hent hear people talking. About it he says his few customers are mostly hospital workers now that all but essential workers are expected to stay home new york the center of American Culture and commerce now has more coronavirus cases than any single country even the famously busy Grand Central station is eerily quiet during normal times 3 quarters of a 1000000 people would pass through here each day now as empty as public spaces are hospitals are full and overflowing. Public hospitals in particular have been overwhelmed statistics show that while the elderly or those with preexisting conditions make up most faith tallies minority communities have been hit disproportionately hard. And doctors and nurses are under tremendous pressure a shortage of protective gear like masks and downs is only adding to the strain for nurses like sara dowd who came out to demonstrate being kind of thrust into the situation without everything we need without the resources we need to do the best job possible and. That has a psychological affect the feeling of being helpless scenes of refrigerated trucks as makeshift morgues and Funeral Homes struggle to contain the enormous loss of life have been traumatic even for notoriously tough new yorkers the city and state officials have lashed out at the federal government for not doing more to coordinate the response on bidding on a machine that illinois is bidding on in california is bidding on and florida is big and were bidding up each other while social distancing appears to be slowing the spread of coated 19 nearly a month of school and business closures are taking a toll leaving thousands of Small Business owners struggling to survive like jeff george who owns a martial arts studio the biggest thing is continuing to be able to pay the rent and pay the chilis and pay the employees right we want to we want to be able to sustain them as much as we and. Thats important to me. Still new yorkers like eric kerry and his wife are finding ways to bring people together from their rooftop with music even if for now they cant get close inspired by scenes in italy and spain theyve been holding a nightly socially distanced party cannot wait to have a big party after this invite the whole lot over to our lovely roof deck and be able to have everyone there and enjoy a song to join together but Officials Say that time is still weeks if not months away kristen salumi aljazeera new york but its ciccone is the chair of anesthesia and intensive care at milans humanity hospital he spoke to us about how italy was caught off guard and what the world can still learn from their mistakes. The 1st thing that we learn and we try to tell everyone raves from the very famous days of our experience here is really that this is not a normal flu at all we were seen to date up from china even before it hit it to need but when we found ourselves in the middle of the epicenter you know longer they became very clear there was a bonus at the edges of cases that require a spirit to resupport and up to 1020 percent in our cases actually was requiring invasive mechanical ventilation so did the number of patients the volume of patients to seek coming to her in to secure unit was very high unfortunately so far we dont have a specific therapies against this virus would we do have it is a good Supportive Care so what we try to do in intensive care is exactly to do this to use what we learn from managing a new morning has been to add to pneumonia as for many years now hes basically to try to keep our a patient in their car intensive care so that they can arrest that while we do the work of breathing for them so we call up some of the strategies protective lung strategies because the ventilators that we use they dont cure the lung to just give very brief time and to the lungs to heal so our jobs really is the job to buy time for our patients so that their immune system can fight the virus. 30000000. 00 people in brazil have applied to the government for emergency Financial Aid to help them through the crisis nonpermanent workers are entitled to claim almost 120. 00 a month the government says its streamlining the payment process of the thousands q did offices because of holdups Health Authorities are appealing to people to stay home after a large gatherings were halted in several cities. Our latin america and itll assume human reports on the impact across the region. Bodies composing on the streets or inside houses in ecuador is tropical city of. Cemeteries and funeral parlors cant cope with the demand and the government can only offer a cardboard cloth for the latest victims. Its already a catastrophe long before infections from cold 19 reach their peak. There and even within the camp where the feeling that they wait for them to die before helping them and when their dad they hand them over to the family this is terrible. Since march 1st the pandemic has been spreading rapidly throughout latin america and brazil the country with the most deaths so far drug lords are imposing quarantines in slums thats because the president is still refusing to take strong measures at the expense of the economy in mexico the government and the people appear dangerously nonchalant about social distancing and testing even as coronavirus cases continue rising by contrast in argentina chile peru colombia paraguayan and most of Central America borders are closed and the army is on the streets to enforce partial or total quarantines to try to slow the curve of contagion improve for example men are allowed to leave the house to shop on alternate days and women on the other days to keep more people off the streets for the fight but where the notable about i think its a good idea to be able to control the masses a little bit because of the type of contagion that were facing but its not enough we dont. Think this race is as they develop. Number one in terms of the Health Systems and they and the access to medical systems. I mean i would say only 34 percent of the forest or access to ship protection there is dont have anything. Latin america faces another tremendous handicap a very high population density in its major cities coupled with widespread poverty that fans the spread of disease. But the region faces an even bigger problem maintaining a problem quarantine for much longer and many of these cities will likely be impossible to enforce and for a very simple reason 58 percent of Latin Americans like means work in the Informal Sector and faced with the choice of staying at home to starve or defying a fortys they would rather come out here and take their. Trances with the bible. In many countries hospitals are already running out of surgical masks and ventilators at least 14000000 people are already out of work and with the peak of the pandemic still some 3 weeks away that an american may well be facing unprecedented death and devastation. You see in human aljazeera santiago. Prisoners have rioted as a jail in southern bolivia saying their conditions could help spread coronavirus inmates protested on the roof demanding masks and proper protection riot Police Responded with tear gas the government has some inmates on minor charges will be released to reduce the threat of outbreaks in overcrowded prisons the leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis and christians around the world are celebrating the most joyous day in their calendar Easter Sunday because of the pandemic st peters basilica and the square outside the much empty millions are watching on t. V. And online feeds and this is how the service looked in occupied East Jerusalem home of the church of the holy supple thats where many christians believe jesus was crucified and to fall resurrection harry forces in occupied East Jerusalem. That would be tens of thousands of people that would usually be here jews coming for passover and indeed tens of thousands of christian pilgrims coming to spend easter here that of course is just not happened and so the streets of the old city very much devoid of life if not entirely at least in comparison to how they would usually be shuts shops shut throughout the the alleyways of the old city and indeed the hotels that would usually be here open and full to the brim with christian pilgrims from around the world they just havent had that business there i mean there is one hotel near here but just as a few dozen quarantine guests who are here coming back from abroad and have had to spend their 14 days quarantine in total across the country and throughout the the period of this lockdown its estimated that that 1000000000. 00 more than a 1000000000 dollars is going to be lost in terms of tourism as a result of all of this its been 50 years since what nasa described a successful failure the apollo 13 Mission Never made it to the moon because of an explosion aboard my can explain. A barely audible outer ring was an iconic phrase that became part of popular culture. Hey we can come here saying again please can we have a problem. The lords was routine this was to be the 3rd moon landing and the Mission Commander james lovell was on his 4th trip into space. And it was just temperament 35 hours of this pleasure. Occur ok now its everybody keeps an explosion in an oxygen tank destroyed the out of town also the command module and shorted many of the intricate electronics keeping the craft in orbit the idea of a moon landing was abandoned the success of the mission was not to be measured by survival the astronauts used the lunar model as a lifeboat dozens of scientists back at Mission Control worked out how to repair the systems keep the astronauts alive and get them back to find a way to make this video into the home for. Using nothing but that. Is just. Building it is. The world was transfixed by the drama taking place in space. Your astronauts will come back 3. For a few days all division was forgotten as millions around the globe will be astronauts as safe return home. And 50 years later a new generation of astronauts inspired by Lessons Learned from the apollo 13 mission. Members of massas autumn is program which is designed to put a man and woman on the moon by 2024 followed by a mission to mars we learn more from our failures than we ever do from our successes. Up in space astronauts on the International Space station continue their work remembering the apollo 13 mission in a Video Conference and paying tribute to the scientists on earth striving to keep them safe in the face of a pandemic has changed the way that Mission Control operations worked theyre actually doing handover between shifts between 2 different rooms to minimize the contact but yet here they are persevering and through their ingenuity in their professionalism were going to return to stir earth safely just like their predecessors did 50 years ago i think apollo 13 was a very good example. Of always expecting. The unexpected. When i saw the persian streaming out is that loss of. Blood this time that the less we solved in the Pacific Ocean we would be successful. A 50 year old message that resonates in a world sheltering from pandemic mike hanna aljazeera washington. And weve got some headlines top dates you on here and ill just say there are now more than 20000 americans have died from corona virus that means the u. S. Now has the highest death toll in the world most for in new york state where the governor says theyre all signs could be stabilizing. In china African Students and expats are reportedly being evicted from their homes over fears they could spread coronavirus some african countries have voiced concern over their nationals being mistreated and harassed if you have one joe russia has reported more than 2000 new coronavirus cases thats its largest daily crew since the start of the outbreak concern over a lack of medical equipment in the u. K. Is prompting the government to respond home minister visit both ill apologize for any failings in the area of protective gear unions are warning a lack of equipment is putting doctors and nurses lives at risk im sorry if people feel that theyre happy failings ill be very very clear about that but at the same time we are in an an in an unprecedented Global Health pandemic right now it is inevitable that the demand and the pressures on p. P. And the demand for p. P. Are going to be exponential theyre going to be incredibly high and of course we are trying to address that as a government and i think that is right that is our priority the leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis and christians around the world are celebrating the most joyous day in their calendar Easter Sunday because of the pandemic st peters basilica and the square outside are pretty much empty millions are watching on t. V. And online feeds. This is how the service looked in occupied East Jerusalem home to the church of the holy. Thats where many christians believe jesus was crucified and. Also making news the taliban says its releasing the 1st group of 20 Afghan Government soldiers on sunday is out of an agreement with the u. S. The announcement coincides with the release of a 3rd group of 100 taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government news continues after rewinds. Counting the cost from the health of. The world for. Jobs at a faster pace in the great depression. Is falling through the cracks. And welcome to this weeks rain wind. If youve seen the show before you know that were taking another look at some of the very best documentaries weve made of the past decade here. This week rewinding back to 2011 when aljazeera swiss

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