Politicians and activists are arrested in Hong Kong Well have a live report and wildfires rage near the site of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident causing pollution levels to soar in ukraine. I am. The air. Thank you very much for joining us in many ways theyve been the forgotten victims of the corona virus pandemic but now the impact of the outbreak on elderly People Living in care homes is becoming painfully apparent and its fear many deaths are still going unreported a survey in new york state has found 90 Nursing Homes reported 20 or more deaths in recent weeks but the report only included a fraction of facilities in the states where the figure is believed to be in the thousands and much higher nationally in canada a nursing home in montreal is under investigation after 31. 00 desk. Uncovered the thought is found other residents dirty and unfed in their beds after some staff fled the facility in the u. K. Many deaths in care homes arent included in official figures its estimated they could be as high as 7500 Health Workers have pleaded for more protective equipment to keep themselves and residents safe and in italy the military blocked off a nursing home near rome after 118 patients sesa positive 5 had already died while an investigation is underway at a milan nursing home where at least 190. 00 people have died since the beginning of march now Mary Louise Mclaws is a professor of epidemiology and health care infection at the university of New South Wales and she explained some of the reasons why the virus has had such an impact on calebs. Well look i think where facing a situation that only just coming to light where we know that we have very vulnerable residents there the elderly they were going into a flu epidemic or flu season and they are incredibly vulnerable because they were in a situation that we would cold a super spreading environment being kept inside an aged care facility often sharing rooms having a common dining room and of course they would have locked it down so that theres no visitors in and out according to the plan for a code 19 but the staff still come and go so the staff can be bringing in code with them as well so we really need to look after our most vulnerable in the community regardless of which country were talking about there is no except to pull explanation for this because after an epidemic or a notch pandemic each country will revise their numbers because then i will look at the deaths that they put aside as old age maybe a disease or employment and then decide on the likelihood of in fact it was probably close at 19 because many of these deaths will not have a forensic examination to it to identify actually how they did die so they numbers will never be perfect for how many of them died from co that 19 sadly for the crisis has shed light on some of the underlying issues of the u. S. System with many nesting homes their king as a priority profit or the well being of residence she have a tendency has a story. Officially the 1st deaths from covert 19 in the u. S. Were to residents of this Washington State Residential Care facility in late february the age of their patients and the poor response of authorities in information and equipment reasons why managers that claim they didnt alert authorities about the responded to illness that had been sweeping through the site for weeks but regulators disagree and have imposed a fine of over 600000. 00 for negligence both have a point but weeks later the coronavirus is still spreading to one Residential Care facility after another across the country 17 bodies found inside a makeshift morgue at this facility in new jersey this week after an anonymous tip off a quarter of the residents have died at this facility in virginia questions are being raised as to whether its the system of for profit Residential Care thats the problem not that we know the full extent of deaths in Nursing Homes 6000 estimated but the federal government doesnt keep track and even anonymous statistics about deaths and testings a big held back due to what authorities and facilities say upriver see concerns i was wondering if i could speak to one of the nurses and that johnson had been trying to keep tabs on her mother despite well be able to visit her at her nursing home a collar a day and i kept getting the same thing shes fine shes doing great but when she was able to travel to the home it soon became clear that wasnt true i see her lying in bed with the oxygen around the facilities and it wasnt all billy gave it to tell him that about her mothers positive kovac 900 test because she was in her prime rigotti and Bernie Stafford turners brother fred is a resident of the Canterbury Rehab Center in virginia hes tested positive for the virus doesnt have a roommate in the room and has also tests. And theres no barrier between the 2 of them which means that they are not truly calling i asked. Twice at least. 1000 patients developed. Escalated Health Conditions and he calls the emergency room what is the plan and he said we dont have a brain. So what does that tell us mainly 70 percent of Nursing Homes in the u. S. Are run for profit its an industry thats projected to be worth 240000000000. 00 by 2025 mainly in taxpayer spending study after study has shown that the owners of private facilities often make billions of dollars in profits while claiming budget shortfalls for cap and in recent years the private Equity Industry whose main concern is short term profit has moved resolutely into the sector buying up facilities like the one where bernie says brother start. A new study has found as a result the push for profits over care has intensified patient volume and revenue have increased but star fink salaries have decreased as a federal ratings based on kaffir patients sitting. In front of our reserves is that. If theres an emergency situation then very good you might want to. Be less. Games because it is just if you were nurses the private Residential Care industry however says its not to blame for the thousands dead at its facilities and is now using its money influence on the pandemic to low b. For a long held goal immunity from prosecution for negligence she had written see aljazeera the democratic governor of the us state of washington has accused President Donald Trump for mentoring domestic rebellion and spreading lies after the president signaled support like and 7 is protesting against goals his supporters to liberate 3 states a day after he said its up to governess to decide when and how to ease restrictions hundreds have joined rallies across the u. S. Demanding an end to the shutdown and began again has more from miami. This is the president really playing politics because guess what all 3 of those states have democratic governors there are protests in other states like utah and also here in florida in orlando the president is clearly playing politics here when he was asked about it at his latest press conference he said look those people are being treated rough thats clearly not the case people in all of the states across the entire country are following the c. D. C. Guidelines are supposed to social distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus what youve got here is an ideological split between conservatives who want to see businesses reopen who think that the cure may be worse than the disease itself and then youve got the democratic governors who are trying to very slowly reopen carefully doing this by watching the medical advice by looking at the numbers vitally so the president is very aware of who is talking to the people on the streets in those 3 states michigan minnesota and virginia and were all wearing my guy hat some of them carrying guns they are trumps base so that so hes speaking to he was never going to walk those comments back despite the fact hes been criticized by members of his own party you know the conservatives say look you simply cannot do this jay inslee the governor of washington saying look this could incite violence we are at a very critical juncture in this country right now there is a plan to slowly reopen things its going to be science based thats what the president himself said and here he is backing up far right people armed people on the streets of these 3 states saying that theyre being treated roughly in a so its clear what the president here is doing but its also clearly pretty irresponsible at this moment in time theres a great deal of pressure for people to get back to work those 22000000 people have now filed for unemployment there is a desire to do that but to do that carefully so youve got President Trump on one hand saying hey governors you get to call the shots and then on the other hand tweeting out these these messages of support to people who are taking to the streets with guns and in one case yelling to the governor there lock her up lock her up so hes playing politics without question. For the 1st time in nearly 2 months south korea has reported fewer than 20 new cases of coronavirus 18 infections were confirmed over the past day bringing the countrys total to more than 10600 but despite the don ward Trained Health officials are calling on the public to remain vigilant on 2 other world news now and several prodemocracy politicians and activists in hong kong have been arrested theyre accused of organizing to illegal protests in august and october last year widespread antigovernment demonstrations began last june when the government tried to push through a bill that would allow criminals to be tried in mainland chinese chords that bail was laid to withdrawn but it failed to stop the protests against speeching spring india gopalan in hong kong for a studio tell us more about these arrests and whos been arrested. Thats right were now hearing over a dozen of these activist legislators and former legislators have all been arrested some of them are believed to have been involved or taken part in those protests as you mentioned both in august and october the 1 in august particularly had was an extremely large one with 1. 7 people marching on the streets of hong kong according to one of the legislators who has been active on social media he said that. That the charges arent clear yet let yet but they believe its related to those protests now among those arrested is martin lee hes 81 years old and he is known as the father of the Democracy Movement in hong kong he was part of the machinery that put together hong kongs constitution he pretty much has taken a step back from politics but in recent months and in the past year he has been quite vocal for his support for hong kong Democracy Movement also jimmy law is police are looking to arrest him a life among those arrested they havent arrested him yet because he wasnt in his home but he is believed to be believed to have been searched in the process he is media tycoon a media mogul here one of the richest men here in hong kong and hes a prominent prodemocracy supporter a he also was arrested in february for you know for saying calling illegal as assembly right now as many many of these prodemocracy activist and the prodemocracy camp here are saying that this is likely because the government is trying to take advantage of the current virus situation or the fact that people cant assemble cant protest to try and climb down on the proDemocracy Movement here in hong kong and theres new this new concern hong kongs autonomy and chinas in disappearance in the territory. Thats right it is this is quite a complicated issue here it started off from a very minor issue with members of the prodemocracy camp of the cap in the Legislative Council tussling over who should control the agenda for the Legislative Council which is just a formality but it seems that the beijing Liaison Office now thats the top body in hong kong their job is to keep an eye on what is going on in hong kong and report back to the Central Government in beijing it seems that they seem to have stepped in making comments particularly against the prodemocracy camp accusing them of abusing their power theyve faced criticism for that and theyre now saying that they are not subject to the law in hong kong constitution that says that offices from the Central Governments or any departments with the central get sorry the Central Government cannot interfere in Hong Kong Affairs so while it is a relatively minor issue though it opens the door now for this beijing body this these representatives to start supervising are overlooking what is happening in hong kong not just stepping back and reporting to whats happening to beijing whats happening in beijing but now actually maybe interfering and imposing their directives to hong kong locals Affairs Thank you for that d. V. Upon a night for us in hong kong. And still ahead on aljazeera as the Coronavirus Crisis deepens in north america canadians come together to help societys most vulnerable well tell you about its. Hello there weve had a very unsettled picture across much of the middle east really this past week and in particular we have had some very heavy rains across into yemen now the law as things have been drawn but the streets are still flooded in some areas some dog storm clouds looming over has there is some more rain in the forecast now through saturday you can see across into southern areas of iraq a q ways and again 3 will central east and as a society we could be seeing some heavy amounts of rain that could also work its way across fields again into council and also the showers back in the forecast into the far west of yemen but radio where it is a fairly quiet picture temperatures across not doing too badly a torn in fact really quite nice a warm sunday through the eastern end of the mediterranean but this is one will see quite discussion from turkey iraq there across areas of iran still has a say also more rain across into Western Areas of yemen but some very heavy amounts of rain through the d. L. C. As we go through saturday and again these coastal towns near have seen very heavy rains for the hoss several days and theyre quite extensive out there across tools and go or want to destroy the interior of south africa all suffered by sunday it is a much drier warmer today than 24 celsius in cape town and all the while very heavy amounts of rain through eastern areas of aska and still those rains up in zanzibar. But. Seen as a burden countless babies are aborted in india simply for being girls. But amidst this resistance even from her own patients the fearless midwife has adopted the course of challenging deeply ingrained traditions and terminating this modern day the decide the daughter to a witness on aljazeera. Hit. Welcome back the top stories on aljazeera investigations are under way in the u. S. Canada and italy into the deaths of elderly people from corona virus in cat homes its fear its thousands of such fatalities are going unreported around the world the governor of the u. S. State of washington has accused President Donald Trump off for mending domestic rebellion after the president signaled support for growing protests against longtime wolves hundreds have joined ronnies acosta u. S. Demanding an end to the shutdown and in other news more than a dozen prodemocracy politicians and activists have been arrested in hong kong for taking on in an authorized protest last year this comes after beijings top office in the city made an unprecedented declaration over its right to handle hong kong its. More now on the coronavirus pandemic and many countries us talking up on untie body tests to find out whether citizens have had the virus but the World Health Organization warns there is no evidence indicating that those who recover from cold at 19 have immunity from the virus julie fisher is an associate Research Professor of microbiology at Georgetown University Medical Center she says its not clear whether people can develop immunity against cold at night. The concern is that the antibodies that are produced after and back should which are a sign that a person had a request immune response to the virus and has recovered so that the antibodies if tested from the blood are a clear sign that someone has previously into it which would be useful in testing among populations to see who might have been infected particularly if they were not diagnosed with the other kinds of test your tests are in action but the concern is that those antibodies may not provide complete protection against reinfection something that still being studied and examined very care there are respiratory diseases that able to infect people again and again and again but that is not the norm the expectation is that if someone has good antibody levels after action that it alters protection against or infection thats the very principle of a bax a nation on which we depend so it is as i said an open question and the assumption it till proven otherwise is that those antibodies do protect against at least severe disease and reinfection but this is a new virus 100 percent of the people on the planet in the beginning of january were republican to this virus and sweep allotments do and the World Health Organization is also warning that africa could become the next epicenter of the pandemic so far they have been fewer than a 1000 deaths from covering 1000 across the continent a much lower rates than in the u. S. And europe the United Nations says its likely the pandemic will kill at least 3 100000 people on the continent and pushed nearly 30000000. 00 into poverty u. N. Secretary general antonio terrace has had africa needs more than 200000000000. 00 to combat the virus and the w. H. O. Fears the death toll for the ready be much higher. In the past week there has been a 51 percent increase in the number of reported cases in my own continent africa. And a 60 per cent increase in the number of reported does with carbon. Dating testing kits its likely that the real numbers are high reported in nigeria the president s chief of staff has died from corona virus was a top aide to president mohamed he traveled to germany and egypt early last month before falling ill gary was in his seventys and had Underlying Health problems including diabetes to guatemala now where which says several migrants on a u. S. Deportation frights have tested positive for all that 19 present and 100. 00 john met he says u. S. Health officials tested at random selection and at least 12 came back with positive results the migrants were returned to guatemala on monday deportation fines have not been suspended its ecuadors worst hit city quiet kill is reeling from a huge surge in covert 19 deaths officially the virus has killed around 400 people in ecuador but doctors say many more have died in quiet here and the surrounding region the government has started using giant refrigerated containers to stall bodies the citys mayor has called in 1000 hit it like a bomb and overwhelmed hospitals. In peru around 150 people have been detained for breaking quarantine measures police picks them up on one of the highways that connects the capital lima to the region say say they want to go back to their villages because of lost sir johns and fear they could starve if they stay in the city. Now brazils president has defended his decision to fire his Health Minister after they clash over his approach to tackling the Coronavirus Crisis at the inauguration of his new Health Ministers i have also narrow double down on his plan to end restrictions and reopen brazils economy b. Has more. A swearing in ceremony for brazils new Health Minister nelson time the president jaya bosn already used the occasion to defend his controversial handling of the coronavirus pandemic not least his decision to fire his previous Health Minister louis debtor he refused to play down the risks of covert 19. History will judge us and i ask god that we are right the struggle to start opening up for business is a risk that i will try if it gets worse its on me what i believe and what lots of people are coming to realize is that the country has to open up. Mandela wanted to implement World Health Organization guidelines but both n. R. O. Opposes social distancing measures planned at a sacking has worried brazilians. Its a bad idea because the guy was doing a good job hes the guy who reassured the people asking them to stay at home but he went against also nars opinions and so bolton are all 5 a guy but others agree with the president that the economy and jobs must come 1st. My Company Closed a month ago but ill reopen it next monday i have no option i have 80 employees to go forward with respect to. More than 2000 brazilians have died so far from the coronavirus making brazil the worst hit country in latin america in its worst affected state san paolo the governor extended the lockdown for another 3 weeks and warned the Health Care System is struggling to cope i super easy for my idea of the intensive care units of public and private hospitals are receiving a larger number of patients each day and we already have some Public Hospitals at the edge of their capacity the president and his new Health Minister want an end to the lockdown but Brazils Supreme Court says thats a decision of the state governors and city men as victoria gates be aljazeera. Now many in canada a coming together to help societys most vulnerable nonprofit groups and volunteers have mobilized over the past few weeks to get the goods and services to those who need them the most david most every for some calgary in western canada. Its a sign of the times in cities across canada empty restaurants closed temporarily to prevent the spread of the corona virus but while thousands have lost their jobs staff at this calgary restaurant are determined to bring some good out of the bad things important to us that you know that were not throwing up through this can be used in especially in in this tough time that this food goes to people that need it. Thats where lotus one and her team come in her Charitable Group leftovers redirects food from businesses that have closed their doors today theyre picking up 55 kilograms of prime rib beef its just a fraction of the food theyve redirected in the past week we have about 10 to 15 calls a day we have an army of volunteers that are out there redirecting food in their own vehicles from restaurants to Grocery Stores and bakeries and were getting that food to people in need so that its consumed within 24 to 48 hours this delivery is going to a home for the families of children with serious illnesses or injuries and whose immune systems are weak staff say the donation comes at a particularly stressful and uncertain time for the 2 dozen families living here the home for Dinner Program is a real comfort for them you know theyre they spend long days at the hospital they get to come back to the hoses and there is dinner on the table its nutritious its well thought out its provided by a Smiling Faces that goes a long way as cases of coping 1000 continue to multiply across canada volunteer groups have sprung up here in calgary and across the nation on offer everything from free food and medicine drop off to Online Counseling Services and dog walking for people who cant leave. Their homes calgarians have also turned to social media to offer their help and share information sienna holden is one of the administrators of a group thats grown to more than 14000 members in just over a week thats what keeps you going through a time like this is being able to see to see goodness in the world to know that its not all dark and scary and if we are moving into the unknown knowing that weve got each other after work sienna picks up groceries for and immunocompromised woman whos reached out on facebook while koblick 19 has changed the way we live she and other volunteers prove that generosity and compassion are here to stay david mercer aljazeera calgary canada. Now the president of the philippines has vowed to crush the enemies of the government after 11 soldiers were killed by fighters the attack happened in the south of the country as the soldiers were carrying out Security Operations against abu sayyaf fighters in solo province to ukraine People Living in the capital being warned to stay indoors evolution has increased in kiev after weeks of forest fires near the chernobyl power plant site of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident reports. Strong winds made its hard to tell these new fires new ukraines 2 noble Nuclear Power plant they arent his knowledge is those that burned this month thats enough to push pollution levels i think you have media 100 kilometers away making it the most polluted capital in the world right now according to the swiss monitor. Another blaze that began on april for was finally patel to earlier this week pretty soon rested a 27 year old man false and these nasa images show the huge plumes of smoke from space when some plane smoked was killed in across the border into. The finals on near the sites of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident when a fire in a reactive forced tens of thousands to be evacuated from the area and so radioactive contamination. Spread across europe. Ukrainian government insists theres no cause for concern for the forest fires because radiation levels have not spite san jose. There is no threat to the Nuclear Power plant spent fuel storage and other critical facilities all citizens not to panic we remember the lessons of april 26th 1906 and no one who hide the truth from the truth is that the situation is controlled the radiation background in the capital and in the care of regions is within normal limits. Bonce environmental activists accuse the government of downplaying the risk of radiation and how big the fires were while forest fires a common the socalled exclusion zone near the site greenpeace russia says this months fires have been the worst since the 1986 Nuclear Accident on friday Emergency Services said all fires across the area and neighboring regions are out the Health Ministry has advised the nearly 3700000 people in kiev to keep their windows closed to stop the smoke from causing breathing difficulties and other health problems. That aljazeera. And nasa has set the date for its 1st manned mission to be launched from u. S. Soil in nearly a decade 2 astronauts will be sent to the International Space station on may 27th aboard the falcon 9 rocket owned by the Company Space x. The American Space agency has relied on russia to transport its astronauts into Space Shuttle was retired in 20. Well again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera investigations are underway in canada italy and the us into the deaths of elderly people from coronavirus in care homes its feared thousands of such fatalities are going under reported around the world the governor of the u. S. State of washington has accused president of 4 men 10 domestic rebellion after the president signal support for growing protests against lock down rules and rates have joined rallies across the country demanding an end to the shutdowns and to gallagher has more from miami what youve got here is an ideological split between conservatives who want to see businesses reopen who think that the cure may be worse than the disease itself and then youve got a democratic governors who are trying to very slowly reopen carefully doing this by watching the medical advice by looking at the numbers vitally so the president is very aware of who is talking to the people on the streets in those 3 states michigan minnesota and virginia i was all wearing my hat some of them carrying guns they are trumps base so thats who is speaking to it. The World Health Organization is warning africa could become the next epicenter of the corona virus pandemic so far they have been fewer than 1000 deaths across the continent a much lower rates than in the u. S. And europe but the United Nations says its lively the vis will kill at least 300000 people in africa ecuadors worst hit city guayaquil is reeling from a surge huge surge in gold in 1000 deaths officially the virus has killed around 400 people in ecuador but doctors say many more have died in the surrounding region the government estimate of using giant refrigerators contain is just all bodies and in other news over a dozen prodemocracy politicians and activists in hong kong have been arrested for taking part in unauthorized protests last year it comes after beijings top office in the city made an unprecedented death aeration over its rights to handle hong kongs a face when used as always on our website at aljazeera dot com and ill have more for you after the program piano history of a revolution as corona virus continues to devastate the United States the race to the white house goes on joe biden is in but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he still trump joining us for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election 2020 on aljazeera. 148 the state of israel was proclaimed. Palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization or the p. L. O. Was founded. Made up of different factions the p. L. O. Has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since. Setting up an independent Palestinian Organization was not easy. The 1st challenge the palestinians faced

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