A branded dangerous. Part of the largest refugee camps in greece is destroyed by fire falling on rest over coronavirus Safety Measures. Faced with the threat of armed groups in the coronavirus pandemic mali ins vote in the 2nd round of parliament elections. Music with a serious message how global stars are helping Health Care Workers. Lose we need to strengthen Health Care Systems in the world. And to this sport the official tennis season is still shut down but the coach of Serena Williams Patrick Moore has launched an alternative live stream tournament to give fans something to watch details later this hour. Britains handling of the coronavirus break has come under scrutiny an investigation by the conservative leaning the sunday Times Newspaper alleges that Boris Johnsons government wasted precious time in the fight against the outbreak quoting unnamed Government Advisors the article says that instead of replenishing National Stockpiles of protective equipment over a quarter of a 1000000 items were sent to china in february it goes on to describe how an offer made by protective gear supplies in february was only accepted in april and it claims Prime Minister baraks johnson missed 5 initial emergency meetings on the unfolding crisis something a senior minister has described as grotesque paul brennan is joining us live from westminster paul this is a very serious allegation thats being made in this newspaper report is the government responding. There are responses 1st of all from critics of the government the Scottish National party in black for westminster leader here hes described the allegations in the sunday times as jaw dropping and says that when Parliament Resumes after the easter break next week that he will be trying to hold the government to account on this that we havent had directly from Boris Johnson but one of his senior ministers michael gove has been doing the rounds of the morning political t. V. Programs and he described the criticism of his boss the Prime Minister as grotesque and also said that the article itself was kind of off beam im not exactly sure what his terminology is that off beam havent heard that one before but what he also said was that the Prime Minister doesnt always have to attend those emergency copra meetings it is not unusual for the meetings to be chaired by the relevant minister in which case it was Michael Matt Hancock the Health Secretary chaired those 1st 5 meetings because then brings together expertise and specialist knowledge who then reports to the Prime Minister so there is a kind of procedural defense also being put forward and down the street itself has issued a statement this morning and i paraphrase saying the government is working day and night to battle a virus weve implemented specific measures at the time they will be most effective and the Prime Minister has been at the helm of the response providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation a ball on a different note were hearing more data coming out about the impact of coronavirus on care homes in the u. K. What can you tell us about that. Well this is we spoke about this yesterday didnt we rob its a snowballing impact of snowballing data comes forward the reality is that we dont have accurate up to date official data because the office for National Statistics data only goes up to april the 3rd its always 2 weeks out to date and at that point only 237 people said the ins had died in care homes now what we had earlier this week was an estimate from england which said that some 7 and a half 1000 additional unexpected deaths that happened in care homes now we have the National Care forum which is a body that looks at the nonprofits care homes in england and wales and they estimate that some 4000 people who died in care homes and Residential Care homes have died as a result of coronavirus but those deaths have not been recorded officially on the coronavirus statistics the point of this is that if you dont know where coronavirus is you havent got confirmed testing to know exactly where pockets of the disease are it becomes much more difficult say the scientists to actually get a handle on tackling it paul thanks very much indeed for bring in that Sonia Parnell shes a journalist and bestselling author whos written a biography of the british Prime Minister baraks johnson shes joining us now from london when Boris Johnson got the job as Prime Minister his critics at the time were saying he did not have the qualities of leadership to be able to fulfill the role are we seeing evidence of that. Yes indeed i was one of those critics i used to be his deputy many years ago and we were both journalists and he went in brussels for the Daily Telegraph was nothing to i got to know him very well i still then i written about him over the many many years now that he simply doesnt have the qualities to be. Is take any and its time like this is a Global Pandemic and the sunday times report today which seems extremely well researched well written and and accurate portrays that with devastating and hugely alarming impacts the fact is i think it is possible that person some will now go down as one of the worst 5 minutes is that weve ever had and weve had him in charge or allegedly in charge during this and amec the sunday times describes it as a spiders web of failure even that i think maybe in an underestimate people are losing their lives have lost their lives lost their livelihoods people are grieving because thousands of extra people are grieving because of the failings of this government run by Boris Johnson it is a grotesque having to use that word its of protest failing at the heart of government is it right to to hold the promises soley to blame or should those advising him and surrounding him also be held to account over this. Well obviously never just one person but this is become a sort of cult of personality in the u. K. This government its all about Boris Johnson it is almost as if hes a president than a Prime Minister so whatever he says goes he won that big majority of 80 seats at the last election his his you know his word was supreme and lights will not words on fulton and it was we shouldnt take this pandemic seriously we should go around shaking everyones hands we should shut turned down offers of help of protective equipment of testing of ventilate says and tell it was too late and britain is now heading for the worst think is probably in the world apart from possibly the United States this isnt a Holding State of affairs where it dates have a bit of warning of this and did nothing with that time as it will still suffer give me for interrupting you but how significant is it do you think that this report is coming in a newspaper which is widely regarded as being supportive of the conservative party Boris Johnsons own party. Well i think one shouldnt total too much tension to that the sunday times has always been very good the insight team im sick has always been very good at exposing wrongdoing and failings by politicians that said the prominence and thats hign this suggests that there is exhaust to ration at the highest levels of perhaps you know the sunday times on c its a route that i mean thats a nice sort of speculation it is interesting that the sunday times was the paper who ran this but i have to ask you know myself and ask other journalists why they were also not doing this kind of investigation the failings have been clear the problem with our Prime Minister is that his kind of mindset is why should i do this why shouldnt i just do what i want and of course a look down all those measures you have to take to deal with a pandemic totally against that kind of outlook they also go against threats that i mean. Triumphal it about you know breakfasting from the e. U. At the same time as this Global Pandemic was on its way to hit us it was as if they were celebrating this at a time and they really shouldnt have been doing sentient being concentrating on on this instead and the sunday times has been ambivalent about brechts it clearly now we go ahead with with it then there will be yet another came and we simply cannot cope with the pandemic as it is Sonia Cornell we appreciate your time thanks very much indeed. Well the question of when to ease coronavirus lockdown restrictions is dividing the epicenter of the pandemic us President Donald Trump keeps pushing a positive message he says there are signs covered 900 has passed its peak bought experts warn that moving too fast could be disastrous on the gallacher is in florida with that story. After weeks of stay at home odors hundreds flocked to the reopened beaches in Jacksonville Florida the medical of this controversial move as essential activity even as the state hit more than 27000 coronavirus cases its what authorities call a pathway back to normal life. But in other parts of the u. S. The scenes a very different across the country a small but growing protest movement is calling for restrictions to be eased from utah to wisconsin in both republican and democratic led states people are taking to the streets urging a return to normal life we are still a free country at least for now and people have to make a decision and thats their personal decision if they dont want to be 6 feet apart or 7 peter peter parker i cant i cant dictate to that to them despite declaring that individual governors are in charge President Donald Trump seemed to encourage the protests in a series of tweets on friday all 3 states have democratic governor as his tacit support is seen as deeply political in a time of crisis and you know it is there are a lot of protests out there and i just think that some of the governors have gotten carried away you know we have a lot of people that dont have to be told to do what theyre doing theyve been really. Doing everything we best and in new york the epicenter of the pandemic measures to ease restrictions still far off the states governor says this is no time to play politics how does the situation get worse. It get worse quickly if you politicize all that emotion we can not go there thats where i work so hard when anyone raises any political agenda to me i work so hard to distance myself from it. Some states are beginning to ease restrictions many are still battling the coronavirus and testing is in short supply the desire to get back to some kind of normal is clear the careful approach to doing so vital thank you very much a nation divided it was perhaps inevitable the politics would play a part no matter what challenges lay ahead throughout this crisis the mantra has been were in it together but any sense of unity now seems to be falling apart conservatives believe the cure is worse than the disease others and has to be a more science based approach the fact remains many states a yet to peek in their coronavirus cases the decisions governors make now will be crucial but that hasnt stopped some trying to score political points at the gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida or dollar terms also accused of stalking islamophobia after raising questions about social distancing in mosques during the holy month of ramadan White House Correspondent Kimberly Khalid has more. There are increasing questions about a retreat by u. S. President trump on saturday accusations he may be stoking islamophobia in the United States the reach we read lets see if authorities enforce the social distancing orders for mosques during ramadan like they did churches during easter i asked the president about this retreat heres what he had to say didnt put him back on the list that the moms been following so i think i just had a call with him as i just had a call with ministers rabbis we had a tremendous call with the faith leaders no i dont think that at all i am somebody that believes in faith. And it matters not what your faith is but our politicians seem to treat different faiths very differently and they seem to think and i dont know what happened with their country but. The Christian Faith is treated much differently than it was and i think its treated very unfairly now when it comes to enforcing social distancing the department of justice did take on the case of at least one church in mississippi where worshipers attended in their automobiles with the car windows rolled up the department of justice said that these worshippers were simply exercising their right under the 1st amendment of the u. S. Constitution now many in the United States watching very carefully to see if this same effort will be applied when it comes to those who may want to celebrate during ramadan which begins in the u. S. On thursday but more ahead on the news hour including the wall of cliff a half dollars under pressure in libya as forces loyal to the tripoli government to make advances. And in sports find out how south africas Rugby World Cup winning captain is helping the fight against covert 19. Turkey has overtaken iran as the country with the highest recorded number of covert 1000 cases in the middle east the latest figures push it up to the 8th highest in the world just off to china coronavirus and turkey has also killed nearly 1900 people more than 82000 infections have been confirmed and nearly 3800 of those cases were diagnosed in the past 24 hours a lockdown has been extended for 15 days perhaps in travel between 30 of turkeys biggest cities and the chick is the managing editor of daily sabah a progovernment english language newspaper in turkey he says residents are complying with lockdown measures and theyre happy with the governments handling of the crisis. Majority of the people regardless of what car what party they come from even if they do have some sort of criticism they support the way that the way the government has handled this issue in fact the trust for it for the for the Health Minister for example has been like skyrocketing like no other ministers before how he has handled the information sharing the transparency with regards to that has been largely supported by the public and in fact the reason why. You know of course the numbers are rising in turkey but and this has a lot to do of course with our population with the numbers of testing and you know it has passed in iran our neighbor but if you look at the testing numbers we have done turkey has done double the tests in iran so far and to the measures prior to the 1st case in turkey are significant post 1st case and treat when it comes to treatment for example d the situation of the Health Care System in turkey is not comparable to its neighbors. You know in the neighboring region so yes there is of course there is there will be some criticism regardless of how the government is acting and there may be some room for opportunity but i think overall if you look at the big picture turkey has handled this coronavirus in a successful way the number of confirmed cases in japan has doubled in just 10 days 568 new cases were reported on sunday raising the total to more than 11000 father vices are expected as more testing is done the city of emergency in tokyo and 6 other urban areas has been expanded nationwide. Its a different story in south korea where the daily tally of new infections has fallen to Single Digits for the 1st time in 2 months just 8 new cases were confirmed in the governments being praised for its widespread Testing Program that is opponent is in hong kong and has more on the situation in asia its been a remarkable turnaround for south korea which at the beginning of this year became the epicenter of the coronavirus after china with increase new infections increasing up at about a 1000 a day south koreas managed to get that in control by still of voiding the extreme lock downs weve seen in other parts of the region what theyve done instead is aggressive testing and theyve managed to track and trace high risk people or people who are in quarantine from corner virus japan is exactly the opposite story of south korea at the height of the outbreak earlier this year they had managed to avoid any kind of major infection rates but now depends infection rates are just surging and soaring and part of the reason for this except to be the fact that they havent been extensively testing people also japans hospitals are said to be on the brink of collapse theres not enough i see units not at all fed and thats more worryingly theres just not enough ventilators now thats what you need in the later stages of coronavirus also Health Workers are complaining that they dont have enough protective gear and the japanese government has said they will start providing all of this that extended the state of emergency across the country but the problem is because of japans constitution they cannot and forth those measures so people arent social distancing enough despite government warnings particularly due to the culture where people are still going to work and are not working from home. Fire has severely damaged one of the largest migrant camps in greece many of the facilities and silent were destroyed hours after a protest unrest began after a 47 year old iraqi Asylum Seekers died in the camp John Psaropoulos is joining us live from athens john do we know more about why this fire happened. Well we know that this woman was tested for corona virus a week ago at the hospital in houston and that she tested negative that was the 1st thing well close hes did when she came down with a fever because obviously in those 5 a g. And Reception Centers on the islands which are now desperately overcrowded city 5000 people in a space that was built for 6000 on all those 5 islands put together. They do not want any cases getting out of control in the early stages and they tried mediately to jump on any signs of the corona virus and also to trace the contacts that any current of virus positive patient has had but this woman did not die of corona virus perhaps the hospital should have done a more thorough medical examination of her because she was sent back to the camp and she died there as are the causes which are still being investigated it appears that this fear that what she did may have been coronavirus is what triggered the rampage the the riots that happened overnight it was brought under control in the early hours ive been to that camp many times the heart of it is a full the aluminum molding factory so its basically a concrete floor steel good is there isnt much thats combustible thankfully it was that area which contains all of the Administrative Offices that was burnt and not the ice so you know its the containers where people are living so the capacity of the camp we understand is unimpaired having said that because of the congestion the government is implementing a plan to beat it to Easter Sunday today to bring 2380 people off the islands and into Apartments Hotels that have been booked out for the purpose and also some spaces in camps on the mainland its a 1st step towards decongest in those eyes. Reception center is making sure the conditions do not remain so crowded that any instance of corona virus will spread quickly John Psaropoulos bringing us up to date from things john thinks a lot of polls have opened for the 2nd round of legislative elections in mali the government went ahead with the vote despite the kidnapping of an Opposition Leader and threats from fighters linked to al qaida reports. Wanting to bring change to mali is what brought 1st time parliamentary candidate how much to politics fear is what is preventing him from campaigning in his constituency in mali Central Region where al qaeda affiliates are telling people not to vote because brother is in the moment was abducted days before the 1st round a warning to those taking part in these elections. I am scared i had to hide to visit my own constituents and i am scared because there is nobody to keep us safe i am scared because if they have abducted our Opposition Leader for more than 21 days now they could even abducted president they can take anyone they want. The governments mediator was kidnapped while negotiating for the release of Opposition Leaders to my list you see who was abducted while campaigning in the countrys north its unclear which group is behind the kidnapping but theyre demanding around some of 80000000. 00 for several weeks Al Qaeda Affiliated to the slum one was lean mean and these comics in the greater sorrow have been fighting each other for control of land and resources in malis north and Central Region. Is a full on the herder whos escape the violence joining hundreds of thousands of others displaced in the capital bamako they have turned this Cattle Market in slaughterhouse into makeshift camps. I am not afraid i will vote this sunday for my country and i am elected m. P. s to find a solution and end this conflict so we can go. Dicko fears the vote will be rigged in the 1st round he says no one dared to vote in his constituency but local Officials Say there was an 80 percent turnout with the ruling Party Winning the majority of the votes in the 2nd round of this election millions will have to brave the threat of armed groups and the corona Virus Outbreak while the stakes for the country are high taking part in the vote has not just become risky and dangerous it can also be fetal Nicholas Hawk al jazeera. To get a 107 as a professor in International Relations specializing in the saddle region whos joining us now on skype from oslo thank you very much for being with us how significant is it that these elections are going ahead despite the fact the leader of the opposition has been kidnapped and the ongoing threat from al qaeda. It is significant and in one sense the implementers of this election to face that they need to get through reforms to continue they are out here is a process and this is a step in that direction but its as you said its an election that to have taken place and is taking place on the very end separate conditions there in participation so we can look at the wrong number one that you had like 35. 58 percent Participation Rate which is a rather low Participation Rate so in some areas where there are wars like in the central more the region its bearly one out of 3 who have participated in these elections but there have been some successes according to the public figures or at least that at least in the north for example in cuba where its 86 percent they if i create the 6 percent who participate that and this is indeed important is important but if you enjoy some legitimacy in those areas. Its taking place under quite serious circumstances and its challenging for the people that wants to watch in the 1st round of voting back in march there were ballot boxes that were being destroyed i hope confident can people and money be that these elections are going to be as free and fair as they can be. This is a country tradition in the past when they had the elections for for a lot of cheating so we cannot be fully confident and indeed you might ask yourself what is that if he must see off the new parliament when you have a Participation Rate of 35. 00 if to 8 percent in total of the 1st rung we can hope that this is improving today i dont it but we can hope that this is improving to that. But it is a question but at least they get a formalized parliament and according to their regulations deeds the ballot parliament but the Participation Rate is so low and what serious is that some of the areas that has a lot of problems like central mali like democracy region is amongst the lowest when it comes to participation if they do manage to get a parliament as that looks as though they will our money is going to see any significant changes after the parliament guns into place. Hopefully you will see a pacing up of the implementation of some of the points that was agreed upon in the algiers i agree a couple of years back and there has also be in parallel developments you know the integrated army army units between the different parties that where some of the units from the north has been integrated not through berlin but several of the units are being sent to the north starting in january of this year so that use humans some developments but you also seen all the developments negative developments almost all of the things that ive been splitting up in the border with the night air over the last year and you also see that there is no control over the more you are nuts and it in deep maybe thats why would be a Participation Rate is so low from this region which is kind of very much of course the security situation creates about participation in the region and then there that participation end but it contributes to a lack of liberty mussy off the parliament in that region so its really about circle that its hard to break we appreciate you taking the time to put this into context for us to get our hands the thank you so much for your time thank you. It is time for the weather heres jenny and were seeing some terrifying scenes of flooding in kenya yet this this rain came down. And as you say some really terrifying scenes that we show you 1st on the satellite the region were talking about is actually here is western regions of kenya and let me show you the video because indeed just look at this so some torrential downpours began and it just became a raging torrent of mud and water now this has end goals to a busy market area in west polka county a busy market area with of course schools as well and homes and so the rescue is now under way at least 7 people are missing 25 have been rescued so far theyve all difficult by the fact that last year in some drenching rains the main bridge the chester bridge was actually washed away now this is a snowy 3 monday there is more rain in the full cost and in fact of course it is that time of year so we typically see very heavy amounts of rain across much of the central and Eastern Africa this time of year and in fact the rains extend even further on tuesday up and ethiopia somalia and in fact also pushing of of course into those Western Areas of yemen which is another area where we have seen flooding of late the last couple of weeks weve just had some very very heavy downpours the last year as you can see again a few more showers and thunderstorms and still the racines like this in sana in yemen because all that flood water so still some of the streets are under water and as we go through monday here more rain developing across into yemen again into these western central areas a saudi believe it or not choose day looks to be the same again some of these down pulls into saudi also into yemen rob they could be very heavy and again they could lead to some isolated flash floods were given are not jenny thanks very much indeed still ahead on aljazeera risking it all we take a look at why journalists in pakistan are demanding better protection during the pandemic. And in sports the professional cyclists in italy is putting his writing skills to good use touring lot done. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise. Of the information around the. Information separating propaganda from fact its reality and you have. Exposing the ticks triad manipulate the rhetoric and blame but they cannot manipulate the listening post your insight guide to the media on aljazeera. When the news breaks. The river by the government has wrecked our lives when people need to be high and the story needs to be told to many coming to this place in the only chance they have to eat at least once a day with exclusive interviews and indepth reports of obvious reasons as the world battles potential new pandemic will bring you the latest developments from around the globe aljazeera has ground to bring new moon 20 documentaries and. Watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour a British Government minister has described reports that Prime Minister Barak Johnson skipped critical coronavirus meetings early in the outbreak as grotesque the sunday Times Newspaper alleges that the British Government was too slow to respond to the threat from the pandemic. Pressure is mounting on u. S. Governors to ease coronavirus lockdown builds protests encouraged by donald trump have been held in several states for the 3rd day in a row the president says some states will begin using restrictions as early as monday. Fire has severely damaged one of the largest migrant camps in greece the plays on here asylum started hours after unrest over coronavirus safety concerns. Libyas un recognized Government Forces are battling to recapture a stronghold of warlord Khalifa Haftar the western city of tal horner is where many of his men come from Government Forces say they killed tens of halftones fighters and captured dozens in retaliation hostiles forces intensified shelling on residential areas in tripoli well lets go live to our correspondent had in tripoli just give us a brief update as to why this city is so important. Its very important because as you know its the major stronghold for house for us forces in the worst of the country in fact it has a Central Command the operation room running the battle in southern tripoli and according to government to military sources they say that their Central Command. Based in the city of the horn about 80 kilometers to the southern east of the capital tripoli they have their military experts Foreign Military experts including egyptian immorality and Russian Military experts to experts they are running their battles in southern trip either helping the world a lot clearer have to take control of the capital tripoli also Government Military sources say that the majority of have to his forces fighting in southern tripoli they come out of generally from this city of the horn or so they are the push to seize horner or to recapture the horn or is an attempt by the government of National Accord forces to eliminate any stronghold for have to force in existence for have to end the worst of the country after they lost several cities and the coastal in the coastal west of libya last week as you know but in the action in the retaliation to their defeat have to those forces have been shelling it is it in areas in the capital tripoli. Rockets launched by forces loyal to warlord have to hit injured civilians in several districts of libyas capital. The barrage of rockets was in retaliation for the offensive by those backing in the kidneys the government in tripoli to recapture dunn who now. This city around 90 kilometers southeast of tripoli is her 3rd major stronghold in the west of the country and the Operations Headquarters of the Year Long Campaign to capture the capital. And weve launched this attack to cut the supply line coming to their positions in southern tripoli we advance to 27 kilometers inside the administrative borders of todd who are in the now in control of the area what the minister was doing the Government Forces say they killed some pro have to the fighters and captured dozens of prisoners in saturdays advance on top of whom are. We advance from several axes we captured a number of the forces weapons and military vehicles the move was ordered by our operation room we will win the battle. Damage unity of have to his forces fighting in the suburban of southern tripoli come from tata who now many of them abandoned their battle to seize tripoli to return home to defend their city. So. The Government Forces are now positioned in city main axes inside the minister of borders of the city after all now they have not crossed into the city center yet but they say that this move at least has for said several fighters many fighters belonging to have started from. Southern axes of southern tripoli to pull out to defend the city after all now thats why the government also advances and 7th frontlines in southern tripoli our correspondent. Giving us the latest from libya from tripoli thanks very much. 44 prisoners found dead in a cell in chad appeared to have been poisoned all were suspected members of the armed Group Boko Haram they were arrested following the killing of 98 soldiers in the chaldean armys largest one day lost last month autopsies on 4 bodies found traces of a lethal substance also in charge 5 civilians died when a warplane on the ground accidentally fired a missile the rocket shot through a fuel truck narrowly missed another fighter jet and hit a house next to the airbase children are among the dead in the capital and john the ok lets return to our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and Health Care Centers in latin americas worst affected countries are being pushed to the limit hospitals in the continents largest country brazil are under increasing strain and the Health Care System is collapsing in ecuadors biggest city there is a book reports. Coffins laid one next to the other in what the capital of y. Yes province called weed 19 has left thousands of people dead here in the past few weeks that just father was one of them but when he went to the overwhelm or to recover him he opened a body back to find the person inside wasnt his father. I told them type the name of that man thats not my dad where is my father i asked they told me its impossible to find him so come inside the morgan see if its him we open the body bags and some of them are women but my dad wasnt there. Coronavirus has cost the Health Care System in was like hell to collapse the government revealed this week that almost 6700 people died the 1st 2 weeks of april when there is normally 1000 the problem is that most of those who died were not tested experts say that figures in latin america may not be realistic because there is not enough testing accessing testing kits its a major challenge for most governments in the region more data is what will allow countries in latin america to what is happening on the ground an investigation carried out by a consortium of universities and researchers revealed that brazil is likely to have 12 times more cases of the new corona virus that is being officially reported by the government this video from my mouse in the state of our mass on a shows bodies lying next to patients being treated folk over 1000 hospitals in brazils major cities are struggling to cope. I came to the hospital with my brother and after that i did not receive any other information the clothes he was wearing were the clothes he kept a lack of hospital beds intensive care units and medical gear has been a major cause for concern not only in brazil but also in the region thats why experts say testing needs to increase to prevent the spread of the virus. I think testing needs to be more aggressive than in europe or Southeast Asia because we have a population that has preexisting conditions like diabetes high Blood Pressure and its not only affecting their lowly testing is what allows you to plan accordingly if not its like driving in the dark. Most governments in the region say testing is a major challenge because of lack of logistics and resources and with cases on the rice its a struggle that for most countries has just begun. Spain is the 3rd country after italy in the us to register 20000 coronavirus debts 565 are reported on saturday but the rate of new infections is slowing spains Prime Minister says hes asking parliament to extend the state of emergency until may the 9th. Doona we are contemplating a slow march towards the new normality it will be slow we want to be progressive with maximum precautions with marcus and with criteria that can be evaluated in all territories to know exactly what the degree of the pandemic is to know the evolution of the pandemic if its controlled or not and consequently what steps we can take. A growing number of private clinics and laboratories in france are offering coronavirus tests but Public Hospitals are a long way from offering widespread screening that could delay government plans to loosen the lockdown in the middle of next month after reports in the northern french city of beauvais this private part 3 tests for corona virus using blood samples the equivalent of 30. 00 people without a prescription can find out within a week if they are or have been infected the test measures antibodies that a created to help the immune system fight infection. It detects of the body is in a phase of active infection which means the virus is present and antibodies are developing if the test is negative the person is either not infected all there in the incubation period so its too early to see the antibodies the test can also show if you came into contact with the virus a few weeks ago because the body has developed specific antibodies some Health Experts say the blood tests can help track cases but a less reliable than the nose and throat swab tests favored by the government and while private testing is growing in france its not enough to fill the shortfall in the Public Health system the french Health Minister says france tests 150000 people a week half the number in neighboring germany since the beginning of the Health Care Crisis in france there havent been enough testing kids in the country so it means that only people in hospitals like this one or in care homes for the elderly are being tested for coronavirus presence Emanuel Mcgraw admitted france wasnt prepared for the crisis but said the country will be in a position to test widely in a month when the government plans to loosen its lockdown. Me. Our capacity did this by may 11th we will be able to test everyone who shows symptoms were not going to test everyone in france that would make no sense but everyone with the symptoms needs to be able to be tested that way people with the virus can be quarantined looked after and monitored by a doctor one of us this doctor says the testing is key but so is more research into understanding the coronavirus. What were missing is research on infected people how people infected the virus in different regions and how widely the virus is circulating in the population the studies havent been done. The french government has ordered millions of tests from companies in europe and asia and boosted Domestic Production but unless it has the capacity to carry out widespread testing in may to track and isolate coronavirus patients easing the lockdown could put people at risk of a 2nd wave of infections thats actually partner aljazeera france. Pakistan is one of several countries where journalists are risking their lives to report on the pandemic crisis with little or no protective equipment so its. Another day in a news room in islamabad but subtract t. V. Is testament to the pandemic the world is going through right now while these journalists sanitize and wear masks many others in pakistan complain they dont have protective equipment when they go out to report at least 12 journalists have tested positive for corona virus. But. Many media workers have been infected with the coronavirus while working in the field without any Safety Measures the Media Companies employing them are responsible for that by forcing the journalists to work in this way and if they refuse they have been fired from their jobs. Nearly 40000 journalists work for more than 80 news outlets in pakistan a job that already comes with high risks and they are now faced with a new threat we journalists are on the main line is when we are working from the ready for the day and we are providing the right information to the people at the time and we are one of the able as well but no help from the government side. For all pins islamabads union of journalists took matters into its own hands distributing community made masks and gowns the pakistani government is the sole provider of postal Safety Equipment and it says it will soon start providing it to journalists nationwide doctors write about that nurses. In fighting coronavirus i think Health Care Staff were more vulnerable than journalists so as a priority we provided medical staff with protective equipment but now in the next phase the Journalism Community will also be provided with these kits so they can continue their work safely. Im very careful of the journalists in pakistan had already been protesting against pay cuts and layoffs well before the pandemic started the situation has since gone from bad to worse Union Leaders say at least 70 percent of journalists havent received their salaries for up to 6 months yet last year the committee to protect journalists reported increased Media Censorship in pakistan of the 25 journalists killed in 2903. And with a Global Pandemic journalists need protection now more than ever. So the height of aljazeera. Still ahead and aljazeera tennis fans are going to get some action after all despite the coronavirus pandemic coming up with peter in the sport. I sorely test treats and trace frank assessments why is it so hes struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action really get them behind the bird informed opinion its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where theres one ventilator very really indepth analysis of the day its global headlines india doubling up to the spread of the one of ours in the inside story on aljazeera Award Winning programming from international till may cause everybody here we are going to wipe insect life if we carry on the sport just the arrest sets the stage things no longer here naivety is no longer an excuse giving voice to the voiceless so are we ready to roll the long ball expats and discussions that culture still exist and there will be batting that today open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on aljazeera. At this time for the sport here is peter thank you so much Serena Williams the tennis coach patrick mora told lee has launched a new live stream tournament to give fans something to watch during lockdown its called the ultimate tennis showdown and will fill the gap left by the mens and womens shoes which were suspended last month the 5 weeks women started in may and will host 50 matches of more togolese academy in the south of france there will be minimal staff strict social distancing and fans can only watch on line in a bid to attract a younger audience and sponsors viewers will be able to hear player conversations and interactions with their coaches they wont be any Code Violations away as many Code Violations of players will be encouraged to express themselves more freely millions of dollars in prize money will be on offer but distributed differently to help lower ranked players and a full list of competitors will be released soon but we do know rule number 10 they havent got fans will play in the 1st match lets bring in tennis journalist Craig Gabriel whos in sydney craig thank you for talking to us fans will be desperate to see live tennis but how do you think this new tournament idea will be received. You know peter i dont think its going to really make any difference whatsoever if theres Nothing Official about it is in essence an exhibition you know people might not get you in to watch it but lets not forget that pat Patrick Moore talking to is a very good sort of promoter and you know without any tennis happening hes not getting the attention by sitting courtside of Serena Williams is playing or any of the other players he works with his own cool. You know this is certainly getting his academy a bit of attention but it means diddly squat it hasnt been im sure some people will tune in to watch out of interest but it doesnt mean anything its also not a new idea from moderates auguries been looking to do Something Like this for a while as any. Well he came up recently and talked about players that are on the lower rankings and how much more they should be compensated and theres nothing wrong with that thats something that has been discussed for quite some time and hes brought that to the forefront again promoting himself in other words trying to make out that hes the one whos had this site here but its not the case and look i think the fact that Novak Djokovic Roger Federer 100. 00 part of the mens Council Player council have come together to talk about this and create what im used to turning a player fund to be able to contribute to some of these younger players and players lower ranks who are not earning any money to give them some sort of compensation i think is a very good thing but what i think needs to go beyond that is that they cease to be have better distribution of prize money at the events this is something that more troubling has suggested theres nothing wrong with that and i think the mens and the womens tours as well as the majors need to look at that very seriously and certainly now when theres no tennis happening this is a perfect opportunity for the sport to look at itself and reevaluate a lot of things and create how likely could this be the 1st of many old soon its of competitions announced during the coronavirus lockdown. Well im also hearing some exhibitions possibly happening in germany im just not sure why there is such a rush on this whole thing you know weve got to let this epidemic this Pandemic Take its course and then tennis will come back bigger and better but i think to rush things is is probably just going to cause more issues. I dont know i dont think in the biggest scheme of things for going to see many more of these these are all minor issues minor events that people want to be playing but you know anything big is not going to happen to we start to see the a. T. P. And the deputy a tour go opening up things and playing their tour full school or full stop otherwise its not really doesnt mean anything it doesnt matter they shouldnt it should be on but you know if they want to play another try that you know with all the restrictions i dont think its hoping the situation craig averil in sydney thank you so much for your time thank you so africas Rugby World Cup winning captaincy a khaleesi has brought forward the launch of its foundation to help the fight against corona virus the country has more than 2500 cases of the disease and police sees foundation aims to help the hospitals with Hand Sanitizer mosques and goggles which are already on their way to facilities in cape town in Port Elizabeth weekly she grew up. Meanwhile khaleesi any Springbok Team mates could be out of action for some time after the chairman of rugby global governing body said it is possible that they will be no International Test matches for the remainder of 2020 world rugby have also announced the relief fund of 100000000. 00 to aid National Federations that money will come in handy to the National Federation of the United States to file for bankruptcy 3. 00 weeks ago however its not just the sports smaller nations who are under pressure Rugby Australia estimates it will lose 120000000. 00 if they are no more matches this year 3 the world champions new zealand worked out a deal with their Players Union a freeze on various fees for the players and teams has been agreed as they hope to keep the sport financially stable until the Coronavirus Crisis comes to an end. For any professional sport when you calculate it on the field the broadcasters are the odds on the. Welsh struggle so we are realistic thats why weve developed a model by snow or not flying this year and if we get all feel terribly fantastic we are still much greater than what weve claimed for a few lot but were very realistic to. Do start an impact on the guy and when i get around to speak to the last 20 odd years and working with the professional class weve done a lot of sure. Rugby players do not write rugby just happens to be what it looks like people move along and use your particular strategy and other countries around the world including the likes of england a lot of them and others around players understandably about what their nets are writing what about interest what other career. They are going to fall back on and the reason we do not because the odds are a lot seems pretty. At any moment of official rugby but given the injury that india created it a biographer culture of clarke saw the country that class so weve always been very very very calm and show class claim to the future staying 1st has been an issue for professional cyclists who have been told to prepare for a delayed 3rd of france in late august italian a star on a team righted the de mar finale is trying to do just that while helping hes a local Community Martin any is now delivering medicines to people under lockdown the home in northern italy he says the fewer people that go to the pharmacy the less risk of spreading the infection thats all even for the most poor things with me again a little bit later on rob peter thanks very much indeed. Music talent and hope united millions for an Online Charity concert in the fight against corona virus some of the biggest names in the Music Industry join forces to Honor Health Care workers around the world the event has raised 50000000. 00 so far for the uns covert 19 Response Fund victoria gave the words. Hes performed for huge crowds in stadiums but on saturday night Stevie Wonder sang from his living room the fans watching as superstars the music world were united in a common cause in a time of crisis. This time our leaders that we needed to strengthen the Health Care Systems all round the world so that crises like this never happens again. The one world concert organized by lady gaga and the Charity Global citizen is the biggest music events is the coronavirus shutdown concerts and spurred a flurry of live streamed performances by quarantine musicians who have been humbled by the bravery and selflessness of doctors nurses and other key workers. To those in the Food Industry the memory workers mail carriers and sanitation working so that we can be safe in our own we thank you yourself mr. Black america disproportionate belong to be the central parts of the workforce and do not have the luxury of working. This concert is being compared inevitably to live a the 1985 benefit organized by both geldof to raise money for starving ethiopians the question of how much concert such as these benefit the people they aim to help is always quickly debated but organizers say this concert is about entertainment and solidarity at a time when many people are living under lockdown what id like to do tonight if i can and just give him the permission to farm. Smile was bringing. Down a man now in. The concert has raised tens of millions of dollars say fall for the uns cave in 1000. 00 Response Fund its all say focused attention on Health Care Workers who in many peoples eyes other real stars victoria gay to be aljazeera. This does it is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories im robustus and thereby. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours. Man mine is on trial from rape to genocide the government stands accused of committing atrocities against the range of people one on one east investigates on aljazeera. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with the eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. Rewind returns a can bring your people back to life im sorry with brand new updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries there has been a number of reforms put in place since the program was filmed rewind continues with darkness we were following orders we sing young people to fight these wars put them in the most complex situations you can imagine and have them make life and death decisions rewind on aljazeera. Under fire the British Government denies allegations that it missed a series of opportunities to lessen the impact of the current Virus Outbreak. Also coming out fun on the beaches declared an essential activity in a u. S. State all moves to ease coronavirus confinement brand a dangerous. Molly inspires in the 2nd round of parliamentary

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