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Shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the to lose to defeat to defeat called it 19 u. S. President donald trump has tried to backtrack on comments in which he raised the possibility of injecting disinfectant into patients to fight coronavirus trump says he was being sarcastic when he made the remarks which alarmed medical professionals on friday he signed off a half trillion dollar relief package as the death toll in the u. S. Suppost 50000. Brazils government has been plunged into disarray after the Justice Minister quit accusing president diables an hour of meddling in Law Enforcement said youre more a step down after balls than are fired the federal police chief he says the president wanted to choose a replacement hed be willing to give him inside information valsin arias says the claims are baseless. Inmates at a prison in argentina have climbed onto the roof demanding more protection from the spread of credit 19 a guard at the jail has tested positive for the virus to resemble reports from outside that prison and. They developed a prison in the city of one of the site is taken over inmates. Hundreds of them on the rooftop of the only prison in the city. We need help we dont want to die here they said were not animals. One guard tested positive in the past week and prisoners say they fear for their lives water and electricity has been cut off the prisoners say there are many who have chronic diseases and need to be put under house arrest prisons in argentina already have a history of overcrowding and lack of sanitation as in this one weve been seeing the prisoners throwing rocks and the Police Responding use or rubber bullets were also heard several explosions inside and rest has been on the rise in prisons in this country as inmates are fearful of the spread of covert 19. The inmates relatives came to show their support they want their loved ones released they tried to cross the cordoned area the police did not allow them to stay up and never never go visit my husband has a choice he and he should be at home right now theyre going to kill him and that. Was. A federal court in argentina recommended granting house arrest to prisoners convicted for nonviolent crimes or sentenced to less than 3 years behind bars due to the risks of coronavirus pandemic. The measure was questioned by relatives of crime victims this is not the only prison affected there are at least 8 others who are inmates are on hunger strike. Coronavirus is a major test for government in latin america prisons are just one of the many challenges ahead. I will i just would have. At least 12 ranges and 5 civilians have been killed in an attack on varun going to asheville park in the democratic republic of congo several more people were also injured in the ambush the worst in the parks history the wrong guy is home to huff of the Us Population of mountain gorillas in the last 20 years at least 180. 00 rangers have been killed off protecting out. A man whos gone on trial in germany accused of being part of i saw it attempt to exterminate the minority in iraq the 27 year old iraq he is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as the matter of the as a child all those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after exiled to stay with us. The in. Bulldog i can do you want to. Kill the land reform. But im. Going to live while i was. Called to my. Dog. My name out. There how that was how mother that. Was i was in august 2017 and the Burmese Military launched a large scale security clearance operation and that drove out to close to 800000 Children Women elderly people and babies across the border from myanmar to neighboring bangladesh and this was happening in my own country. This is the largest camp of genocide survivors and todays world this is the embodiment of the burmese genocide and its impact its felt across the border in bangladesh in the form of the Worlds Largest camp. Or thought that i will the writing on it. That i love the thought of it in my bed when i didnt. Go what i did. The how how i dont want to get out of it they didnt either the heart of my love and their status had a power than i had a boy they could live in the moment of her that are related to. That and there are still money i have been buried in the set is that i have a. But im going to magically. Question the world that i am by the thought of my. Military in what im beginning millionaire town among them and i think. There are. 29 or nearly beat or he will go to quit a job. To get a. Name out of my country its a patchwork of different ethnic communities living across different regions of the countries about twice the size of england and about 50000000 people. We became a nation state as a result of the empire itself towards the end of the 2nd world war in 194748. 00 about the time india was partition we retain our independence and before we were just a cluster of feudal kingdoms. Number 10 downing street making burma an independent state outside the british commonwealth. Maybe not any godly that shing laws and not by ukrainian day the. Day that created without it at all who. Muslim rangers. Would just be started independent or separatist movement men are to go on mars that is that its out of my does that. For you going to her that variable is your mother part of another part of her there are hundreds out there moreover the when there are hindu started fighting the government there were no walls for several years and then at the time when they reach an agreement and they stopped fighting. Promised that no as citizens they would be recognized as native most rebel. But of money other than that would you not cannot own did. Not fall under go to their god that the bottom are after on his organ doing as little that are wrong with him with all the other thought on of theirs that dont know they are saying they are that i dont mother want to fall under dont ask dont never did any one monaco would get it when i did the judge by your cause i dont want out i do you or are mom would you mind were you one of that demands was bogus for the little which is undeniable the bible does things of this. You know i had to 2nd the program. And i feel like it would be a lot. Oh mother. Mother. How you only. Want. A minute where it would be better. Youve got a. Learning going on. Im learning english on monday so my new day. In 1962 the army to follow. In a coup did it and gen me when he would see if he did a. Pretty 6 years politically and economically he was a failure there when i had an idea that that man would be good this they would look like him he wanted people not to look like indians and he didnt like muslims he done like christians. So he 1st started by expelling for another meaning all the west and and during the british time and egg ne win turned to the issue of the who has this distinct Muslim Population that where so far officially recognized as an Ethnic Community they were in step pretty general can you vote for a new winds into military intelligence in his book discovered as early as 1966 the Burmese Military started to see that will hinge or as a problem British Government kick galatia grew up. The overland yeah. On a discounted recall i mean you know my the media beating the now who are going to go by and by golly theyre back on to were not it. Part of them coming. That claim was that there were many Illegal Immigrants from bangladesh because there was a war of Independence Square on the start of the military campaign which resulted in over 250000. 00. Escaping to bangladesh that was the very 1st wave of aid of the hinges that have been the 1978. Is a quite young i still remember us and in the us a shooting by the by mr. Henderson family and then later everybody left this is for 9 am operation. Drug operations we left i was very young and i was in a bus. d and my another sibling was put on the other bus my father carried i was crying my hands and legs were very like fingers. Sought in the 978 way. Was the direct result of centrally organized. Expulsion organized by the Central Government in rain who. I still remember this being on the people every days. Tens of anderson children. 9 without. Man or creation the hydration. After my literally agreement with us and. When we returned there. I see the only. House is calm but in general. I think there when have no choice because the International Community has proof that these people came from he proceeded to essentially call the cat what the nazis did to the jews in 1938 his Legal Advisers come up with the citizenship law they intention was to make sure that. Were no longer entitled to either a basic rights or Citizenship Rights anyone who had not resided in burma as natives by 824 they could not be entitled automatic burmese citizenship. Then and then a man and their money. And money now and. Congo is driven to be their money and. I know what it is. Now that is impossible because. In the pennants came and i mean for the a who had to have been living in the country before. Many of the people in myanmar not only their rowing during the british period that not have any paper so they were need to but they were forced li framed as bengali migrants. Who are on among a lot of the the law are early as are most. That the good guys are there going on there and others are not. Mostly young. On their grandfather you know on the go which are ruled to about. Got away the most in you know on earth of the day by day it had that i didnt i do i see on the so than to go the answer i had on 500 maybe. On rubber were going to go down the move toward the. Ocelot a move that doesnt receive in with the one on the. Law was brought in as a weapon of prosecution the law wasnt pursued as a as an initiative to establish his unship the law was coded to primarily prosecute the rangers and to destroy and franchise them as the Ethnic Community. Now mom when as independent it was one of the richest countries and sounds of ija and by the time they were in. That office it was one of the poorest nations in the whole one of the biggest mistakes and they went dead it was that the 987 may when had made all the big bank notes. 100 all those big no its illegal you just declare that all the money was what this so everybody suffered family become bankrupt and that all the money is around 1000000. 00 not at all it will get a lot of emma any muscly similar general what they did when i needed it. At the time of 988 i was raising i was. Originally a straight comedy general secretary. Whole country there were some democratic president s. So it was talent from. All this course including prime minister. Miss military government and students who tried in the very moment protesting or hesitate for democracy when the whole night in whole day shouting democracy democracy democracy all the racist all the religious we had together and. All this list we had to get us there was no any conflict in between any other us in 1900. 88 who you keep people. Around you. Need money to move. To when you are limiting value where do g. Salmoni. Do achieve the money. You have in my opinion to send your money now to nima. At that time and sun city had some popularity people began to know about her and she formed National League for democracy only there she gave us another nominators rather. Than relying on the we dont say it the new york city it will be unique i mean as a general time you must be acquainted. With the v. Mostly nick leeson when the army took over in 88 september 80 we allowed us to form id and they promised that. They were. Very unfair and the ball i do the job but he was so i believe the problem is that there was my money men dont mistake you for. The role hinges were already mocked population for prosecution when they decided to participate in democracy uprising when they decided to support Aung San Suu Kyi and National League for democracy in the eyes of the burmese army they became heavily guilty before they were veal team for simply existing now they were expressing their political supposed to for sun sujit and all the polity and all the and all sides hoochie where the seen as the greatest threat to the military they began to institute measures to essentially make life for real hinge or in their own areas. Impossible. And. In. Comments from. Nuts like us about what. Was essentially the burmese equivalent of s. S. Sakae was the execution of that out of money. Well got everybody did. And i got you my god you got by listening and he knows that divan mom i win 20 who evidently im going to drink anyway live it every week about every limb you might need in human within so you know. You already are the kind you are in now maybe yeah. Theres a i miss you go whistle in the radio all kinds of like a restrictive measures were put in place severe restrictions on physical movement got started to extort money any little body who knew how i would do nguyen want to do i do you know we know youre not going to need as we. Would have behind the event i dont know how to let you know how. Well what the laws are that im going to live hasnt yet even if i will sort out peter you know what it is that my sheet it goes into a little body and only when i want to manipulate other thought as i went out of my milo slowdown was marked by low number 10 they are. On a lot of them go home one. Day a customer the knowing the population were extracted forced labor to build the mill that the military who would come and oppressed seeing their kindness and in their. Pocket id machine and no matter how long that obama flat out all had out and bought i was taught how to handle whom i know my local kin unit was the guy in charge of institutionalized killings and destructions of the brought him to the point that your community would be wiped out in europe should be prosecuted for not simply qualms against humanity for genocide. Who and who had been. I was taken to military are post. And i was severely beaten up. Far not on a plane in force today were saved. And following days i decided to leave to make 20. In 1992 the Burmese Military operations in northern reclined state trigger another exodus and this time according to the military intelligence to just takes about 2 170000 rangers fled the country. Well in 2007 canonic situation was so bad that the monks decided to come out and to protest and everybody was very happy because they felt. There was somebody that would take care of the people i dont mean. By not a. I dont you know kind of ending your mother was in the. Year that the monks throughout the history had been seen as a force for good rising up against the british cruel rule against the japanese fascist occupation or the burmese army used repression against the majority buddhist population monks were always on the right side of history they were always supporting the people. Are either already been or are you. I picked him out was going to adopt me out it i dont know i didnt join your tongue and i was a machine. And that i was when the military realized that the monks they had to be control to. The army sent truck loads sold military commandos 200 so buddhist monasteries. Hundreds the monks fled the country and thousands of monks when she. Everybody to worship it did not think that the need to share what back in the months and thats where the crisis of confidence. So the military decided that they needed to change about how we deal with the we. Will be viewed at the bottom i was all i see and see we were dick and hed. Missed our legal i knew us being gone it genuinely be camero up mystique of a man verity governments at all. Gotten out of gandhi. Civil government similarly in government and low by. Opposition body was hidden by the. Baby. When one. In the far reaches of the New Siberian Islands gold rush fever is in the air. Hunters searching for priceless woolly mammoth tusks of on earth the holy grail. An incredible journey into the realms of Science Fiction where cloning and Synthetic Biology have scientists playing god. Witness genesis 2. 0 the hunt for the woolly mammoths on aljazeera. As corona virus continues to devastate the United States the race to the white house goes all joe biden has all but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he beat still trump joined us for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election 2020 on aljazeera. On counting the cost billions now the save trillions lost and on the output the back thing hunt is on the set of all produce a covert 1000. 00 test kit for 1. 00 plus u. S. Oil jobs are maligned as proof sinks into negative territory. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Hello again im the stars here today and with the headlines on aljazeera loud leaders have joined the World Health Organization to launch an initiative to speed up work on drugs tests and vaccines against private 19 the United States says it will not get involved but the head of the w. H. O. Says a joint effort is the only way to beat the virus this is a learn more collaboration to accelerate the Development Production and. Distribution of rocks sticks and explore called it. Shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the to defeat to defeat could beat 9. Us president on all trump has walked out of his daily Coronavirus Briefing without taking questions from reporters a day after he raised the possibility of injecting disinfectant into patients to fight the disease in the Oval Office Trump said he was being sarcastic when he made the remarks which alarmed medical professionals the death toll from covert 1000 has now surpassed 50000 in the u. S. Brazils government has been plunged into disarray after the Justice Minister quits accusing president i also narrow of meddling and Law Enforcement such are more a step down after boston are fired at the federal police chief he says the president wanted to choose a replacement to be willing to give him inside information both sonora says the claims are baseless inmates of prison in argentina have climbed onto the roof demanding more protection from the spread of covert 19 thats after a guard tested positive for the virus prisoners at the jail and one azeris are demanding to be transferred. At least 12 rangers and 5 civilians have been killed in an attack on. The democratic republic of congo several more people were injured in the ambush the west in the past history goes home to hof of the wilds population of mountain gorillas and the last 20 years at least 180 rangers have been killed off protecting animals a man has gone on trial in germany accused of being part of iowa cells attempt to exterminate the minority in iraq the 27 year old it is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity well those are the headlines now its back to exiled. The constitution of 2008 drafted by the military to legalize them perpetuate its stay in power stupid leads back to the military is above the law the minister who for his music of defense. Has. To have governed by the generals the military allocated 25 percent of the parliamentary seats to itself and if you want to change the constitution to remove them in the tree then you have need more than 75 percent you cannot get more than 75 percent of the votes because the most if you have 25. 00 seats and their influence is. Still formidable. In 2010 the military. Actions nobody believed that the military was really going to change so they went ahead and held the elections and you know surely they won the lens right and they were in power and then 10 days later on sound suchi worst release. They were allowed her to run in the byelection stood out in the world with him from the prison and shes now one of the medical units and. We hope that this is the beginning of the year you know where there will be more emphasis on the role of. The every country the military were so completely shocked that the end of the party remain extremely popular. As the country started to change within the military there were some who cant it was going too fast so they menu fracture the ranger crisis. It started with the story of a buddhist woman being raped and killed by a group with the pictures of the murder victim spread by Information Ministry when 5 what has not been proven is that this woman was raped. After the woman had raped and killed and. So will this stop and. Was as interns killed them and retired. Before. The while didnt know about it it was silent a process to destroy people. You had knocking the rights us. Oppressed arresting killing also raping just but nobody in the homes. Running a started. The rakhine villages were organized by whom is a more difficult question letters were received by village administrators prior to the violence they were told that all kind villages needed to supply power to the Operation Forces came to pick them up on the morning of the 8th and 9th and we think thousands of people probably we talked to some of the people who were forced down they said they were given free food when they arrived and they were told where to go some were told to go and burn down the ruins of villages others were told to block escape routes. And if. The. Moment. They were on the other hand. That it wanted to buy. So i was a devout developer. The live there was. A lot of. The good if i did the most of the day and. The day i had them i wouldnt want a. Night out and other mamas boutin only by and by said we get in the. House but young by john. The mind the mom but my mother being more out there that is the model i didnt want to know got the new idea that mother would have it they had it my all washed up are still also just not sure i was i really dont live in what i thought of it that i am rooted him wont do it again divided evenly. And i am there for more than would be a big. One of my the typical you dont want to move them on an amount of along with on my own i dont. Know. What i need there i got a call the mughal i am i was on my when i look good in the very last 2 of it. But. What am i going to let him go i wonder what i have got are going to. Bother to my horror i dont move. One thing about this very little while oil. Come again. Over and you once their villages were burnt down were funneled into what is now the calm complex where 122140000. Are basically imprisoned. There are concentration camps detention so. Its not into communal violence this is the berm he stays organizing and watching over the destruction of ruins of villages on the rounding up of hundreds of thousands or injured into camps it was instigated by the government controlled press where they had front page news about the danger of muslims and the rape and murder of posts by muslims and this was to create a kind of juicy upon the rakhine buddhists to protect themselves against the press oppressed which is invented and propagated by the burmese state. Riemannian all because owning any i gave him a fair they he did topple fair they even have a yeah. Well i mean and i mean much on of them and now here in uganda you got 240. 5 year bang and you got a beatle abo you dont think. He will the not. Them on an hour. Where no one will but you know. Who wont be. Not do you mono you got him only who would hit him only on the body and the mind of mobile yeah. Well when. You tell me that theyve got a. Lot of the in the other people. Who want to. Remove. The money the rally leave it in water they dont want it. In 2015 november the Burmese Military held another round of general election and the own son suchi National League for democracy one in a landslide. You know the whole country was euphoric and barely 50 he won nearly 80 percent so they could both support do as well as anybody sustain. But he must tolerate so far the army working together with them. Willingly or unwillingly. The general election it would be you call them and then the any most candidates. Same only a lot you can say to my one the. Only all open mic let me put up on the scene im good now i mean pivotal to pm but a new bin is for the most senior were met and then d. N. A. You name is me so now you got a new and i assume you know the money or pull india. And hand out them with you and my unique kind is suited to. C. S. C. Its only recently that the government started using bengali to identify their own india people you mean the people who are known to the world as oh yes. Bill wants in themself to be call right yeah thats why we have to call them rings. But actually its not. So wrong. Its actually wrong to use the word bengali they are not from bangladesh theyre from the toilet it come on now not then theyre bogus. To citizenship a strategy what specific timeline has been developed to move forward the National Verification process i dont have to get economics about it was it did. Sort of how i thought it was and i did that in my stead it. Would have been done i would eat it by said i was on my yes and some list in communities that their leaders have decided that they are not to join in the verification process. Of the day law though they had been notified that they are going to dont want to go to. Put out we would appreciate it if all friends could persuade them to join in the process because you have nothing to lose by the National Bird for creation card is a car which allows you to say that you have now become part of the National Verification process what is the process there is no such process but this is a process which needs corporation from all communities the muscle bearer for cation card is. Pressuring you to legally identify themselves as foreigners so that they legally wont be under the jurisdiction of the burmese government. Quite like this idea but as i got a bit of you know us eka had got us out i could tell it isnt about it being done and how do you shut his big gash out of how do you ever going to have 2000. And 11 call of money out of nothing. Bet on a lot. And their refusal to sign us led the military to the side you got to get our were going to kill you if you dont sign what on their own yeah right now you know go to a play of town and i will do not to. Run but in the end and nowhere did. I know i dont. Give you the. Money in the National Mother or any of your doing so much on my. Body your thought on not a good america. But all of the usual burmas military ok even the sounds true that paktika theres never a pact that they would attack the population and thats what happened with her and. Then going to the world there with d. D. Mm on the ship but i would rather like. Being in the. Club but im in the thought on the. Not on. These in the now im on the hook in the inaugural. Address i know and didnt know. What then. Got about in what i do the hostility ive been to. In the king of mother. Has i knew why name one of the royal josh didnt like disease. And then jewel there with the mama shed been given what i will not like. It i didnt know you about her would you. Got a new job or was. A cool. But then to my home i need that any media you know john that any friend told you that she did. That any. To get that guy lemme know when it no guess who we married in there so we dont got is she to. Me that anything. 2700. 00 and then the 2000 reinforcing all the troops and there were combat troops there were not under a garrison tree. Whether we shall be brought in conscious helicopters from which they would fiery weapons and the artillery rocket launchers we have reports from but they were told officially by the military but they needed to leave in the few days before the 25th the borders this was in preparation for the genocide of attacks that have later on in august last year several months. Seemingly quiet and peace on the 25th of august 3rd you Police Outpost as well as the regimental headquarters in downtown is not the age when i jacked by armed groups the Security Forces have been instructed to take phone measures to avoid Collateral Damage and the farming of innocent 7 civilians we have never been soft on human rights in this country. But i do know how difficult it is static over the other one thought i would but. Rather that the military block and it would leave you i would not mind under the. And you got a jet i think what im going to send out of. It out of the my to hell are my own they did bring at the beginning. But i wasnt going to say they dont want to tell a false 1000000 no no no dont. Do you could of went but ive heard of them all of the hell am part of the fatima verily. I guess it doesnt hurt another to get along when i see that article again. For you know. They had the money to tired of it. And i dont see her handling by one as they have the money by your. Turn and im one that does not know my astronaut who went too far and took a little over one of the. 2 i dont know how to bear the will out of the will never make of anyone. Well not about it. Was a day when im going to get a dozen or so hours on house on saddam has been going to get in my mind of course im going to know when it doesnt ive got a. Hold of some Heart Disease im up to how to limit the color some of the more tolerable i want to get from one of my not i that i dont dont dont as it is to lock us. You know i want to lean on him out of nothing in the line as it was in the law does not out of the law we might only like. What i think our civility. Love mother love mother dont like that again look at the. Fundamental single but. Its all there. God love that i give. In to what we want to forgive i wouldnt think it was all that. Or not. Miss i mean youre. Not you are not generalising i would. Mother manikin memoir flying memoir from my memoir had a boy or a black friend how i like. Madison. And the someone in their family in charlotte at quite a bungalow and anyone. Like that. Theyre doing ok honey one thing led to growing money and then i knew if. I write out. What i will normally have thought of then you get older you know where. I dont go by as a writer more whether there are 500 girls in vogue when i dont i dont have i wanted to there was another one that boys. Who are. d more you know like or folks who were a mother your mom of 4 and thought a lot of the file and it had it. Been winning again very very well. French fry 5 the russians are were killed by the military during that time. As ming on the head of the military he called it unfinished business. The business be destruction of the ranger. Group a new orleans job. In hollywood one of. How he would love looking out what. Now. A follow. Up coverage and i well. I dont have the young in iran and the one modeled on a boeing i did my mom want together growing god and i think reagan im. Alone with it. But ive been i both know money better but democrat on a. Me by even addict. Nation. How the. Wind does. And why. That i has that im. Lying as the. Addict on me. I am a show. That has. Then led the line does. And why and. Does the. Were seeing the last of our volunteer weather into the southeast of the u. S. Now thats going to slip away across florida pushing across central parts of florida now and that will ease through as we go on through the remainder of sas day much of the eastern seaboard looks fine and dry for the time being but little further north through the Central Plains easing into the ohio valley we are going to see another rough the showers and some longer spells of rain possibly with some thunder as we go on through sassed i thought the west today is generate dry some showers up towards the Pacific Northwest into western parts of canada and of course they will turn wintry once again over the high ground but come further south the hate remains on here we do have a heat wave in play across southern parts of california pushing across the 4 corners states tools that that western side of texas still getting up to around 34 degrees celsius and it stays hot here as we go on into sunday by sunday that weather weather pushes across the midwest easing through pennsylvania pushing back into new england and will eventually push into that eastern side of canada before drifting out into the open water still a few showers there across the fos out to florida at this stage on it some of those showers long spells of rain they will gradually push their way across the bahamas for much of the caribbean is fine and dry. Unprompted and uninterrupted discussions. From our london broadcast center. On aljazeera. A history of guerrilla warfare a place on the global stage. The peace plan gaining strength there revolutionary zia knowing no bounds but did a series of violent acts by their splinter groups damage the palestinian cause or ensure its survival chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. Desperately seeking a vaccine and treatment leaders united the World Health Organization and a plan to fight corona virus. And again im the star and this is al jazeera live from also coming up calling it quits brazils popular Justice Minister steps down accusing the president of criminal meddling. Denies. Protests inside a prison then argentinas capital inmates demand better

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