The Syrian Government is blocking medical supplies to the countrys northeast. Welcome to the program the u. S. Economy is falling deep into one of its most severe recessions in recent times its seen a decade of growth wiped out in just 3 months shrinking by almost 5 percent and this concerns of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is any going to worsen she has returned has the story. The 4. 8 percent decline for g. D. P. Between january and march represents the largest decline since the 2008 recession Consumer Spending which accounts for 70 percent of g. D. P. Dropped by an annualized rate of 7. 6 percent the largest drop since 1080. 00 moreover this is just a preliminary estimate Analysts Expect the eventual number to be far higher than these numbers are for a quarter in which the economic locked down only accounted for a few weeks she. 2nd quarter g. D. P. Figures for april to june a projected to register a decline of around 30 to 40 percent with some Financial Institutions predicting much much worse the white house is still clinging on to the hope of a v. Shaped recovery helped by a rapid reopening of the u. S. Economy i think theres a tremendous feeling of optimism in this country i think the 3rd quarters transitional that it would were transitioning into but its a very transitional period i think its going to do good but i think the 4th quarter is going to be fantastic but reopening the economy too soon and then facing an even deeper recession is a risk i think fundamentally its going to an on whether the u. S. Is capable of actually putting in plants sophisticated widespread testing in crime scene which allows people to essentially go out and where they can be in this community these might be drawn out recovery. At the Federal Reserve drain poll pledge to do all that could be done were doing all we can to help American Families and businesses whether this difficult period we will continue to use our tools to assure that the recovery when it comes will be as robust as possible Interest Rate cuts and trillions of dollars in spending by the fed have injected liquidity into the Financial System along with the stimulus passed by congress markets have been reassured in fact this treaty rues after the g. D. P. Figures were announced but there is more and more evidence of that the money being spent is not reaching those most in need with unemployment now projected to reach 20 percent in june there are increasing calls for far bold action to help those who now find themselves without the money for rent mortgages health care and food she see aljazeera. With a health the worlds workers are in danger of losing their livelihoods because of the pandemic the u. S. International Labor Organization is forecasting that up to 1600000000. People working in the informal economy could be out of a job most of them have no welfare protection no access to health care and in just the 1st month of the outbreak these workers lost 60 percent of their income manufacturing Food Services and retail are monks the worst hit sectors motley find in report in this monitor is a key that of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 at suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social protection german g. D. P. Is forecast to shrink by more than 6 percent this year the government expects the most painful recession in generations to bottom out in the next 3 months that Economic Activity it says could pick up after that as long as a 2nd wave of infections can be avoided well britain has europe 2nd highest credit virus death toll after italy the numbers jump to more than 26000. 00 after the government started to include fatalities in places like care homes for the elderly the Upper Division has prompted new criticism of the governments handling of the outbreak and dozens of bodies have been found in trucks outside a funeral home in new york city the discovery was made after neighbors reported a smell coming from vehicles is unclear how many of the people have died from crow virus related illnesses new york state is the epicenter of the u. S. Outbreak. South korea has reported no new domestic infections for the 1st time in 2 months members of the but as community there gathered in seoul to pray for those infected its also their 2 month but his birthday a nationwide holiday in south korea but large scale celebrations have been put off for a month in the hopes of the virus will be further contained restrictions on religious gatherings were relaxed on sunday lets go live to a correspondent for south korea brian who joins us from seoul and rob it does seem that sort of south korea may not be celebrating quite yet is certainly smiling there with the possibility of a more positive outlook on several fronts. Absolutely especially this milestone of 0 cases of local transmission we had been expecting this for some time the past week and a half or so weve seen daily cases of new infections hovering around the around 1010 mark sometimes in Single Digits and most of those as we know are imported cases the latest figures show 4 new cases but all imported which means that there are 0 cases of local transmission for the 1st time still the author it is here as they tend to do urging caution especially at the moment because we are actually in quite a busy period coincidentally we have several Public Holidays here all falling very close to each other combined with beautiful spring weather also the fact that many people here have been cooped up for so long people are choosing this moment to maybe combine with a couple of days of annual leave and go on trips it is a very busy time on a domestic routes of course there is very Little International travel but people are taking flights domestically to many resorts in south korea hotels we know are being full so it is very busy the authorities are urging still caution the 1st of those holidays though is this thursday today borders birthday is being celebrated it temples across the country but there is a difference this normally you would here in seoul d have a very large lantern festival which has thousands of participants and spectators that very intelligently has been delayed for a month or so and in the meantime the Buddhist Community here they are celebrating each day with prayers calling for praying for the end of this pandemic or the outbreak here in south korea and you would judge from the latest figures that possibly those prayers may be answered the other thing that gives people hope here is that 2 weeks ago they held National Elections for the National Assembly now this was something of a risky move potentially in the middle of a pandemic millions of people came out to vote highest turnout for several decades. Despite all sorts of elaborate precautions being taken such as disposable gloves to hold your ballot paper there were all sorts of warnings that this could see a resurgence in cases well it is now 2 weeks on 2 weeks as we know is the incubation period for the virus to manifest itself and as we know the latest cases show 0 cases of local transmission more good news robert dr insall thank you. Well more current virus news later but lets move on to the days other news and in libya ward cleaver have to has announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan hes been trying to take over the comfort of tripoli for a year will suffer aljazeera has learned that senior officials from the United Arab Emirates for saddam to discuss military support for have to as the details. This is the aftermath of a grad missile hitting a house complex near tripoli on wednesday morning one person died and at least 5 were injured libyas un recognized government lay blame with warlord general. Youd always later after a spokesman announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan when held belief that what we hear by announced the suspension of all military operations on our part in any breach of this is a sion a military operations by terrorists militias who face an immediate in very severe response will be labeled a terrorist militia is actually the un recognized government this week it accused tuft of a coup after he declared himself a leader by popular mandate and ended peace talks with them the un reacted sternly we stand against any unilateral measures that would pretty jeopardize. Half the controls east in libya a year ago he launched an offensive for the weakest and with it libyas capital tripoli but his forces have been pushed back in recent weeks the worry is just general haftar is not going to. Or. Where we need to. Rise up and get. Into. Place. Its an intractable conflict with both hafta and the tripoli government receiving support from multiple nations fuel that feeds the conflict one of half his closest allies is the United Arab Emirates sources told aljazeera that a senior. Abu dhabi delegation including the crown princes brother flew into khartoum on choose day to discuss how sudan and the u. A. E. Could further support general haftar sudanese officials deny the report there learn and then leave you if you had a part of the u. A. E. Is playing a role bigger than its size by its constant interference in the affairs of a number of arab countries we need to consider that we in libya are in a state of war against the u. A. E. The United Arab Emirates was also outed on wednesday in Human Rights Watch report for a drone strike on a biscuit factory near tripoli in november 8 civilians were killed in nearly 30 wounded this is not the 1st time that it appears the us is firing from drones in libya at targets with disregard for civilians last year general have to include ramadan the month of jihad this year its the month of peace with their own not his cease ation of a still if hes lost his ambitions to control libya fully remain shalah ballasts. Amnesty international has released evidence of multiple violations of u. N. Arms embargo in south sudan the organization sent investigators to 12 military camps in february and found new weapons concealment of arms and continued use of child soldiers all violations of a peace deal that requires disarmament president salva kiir and rebel leader right which are formed a unity government in february after a 7 year war in which hundreds of thousands of people died. Been protests in several lebanese cities for a 3rd straight night has crowds voiced surface trace and over the worsening Economic Situation demonstrators in the Southern City of sidon threw a molotov cocktail as a branch of the Lebanese Central Bank its chief has been defending the banks role during the collapse of lebanons currency. Well still ahead here on aljazeera the surprising reason the covert 19 vaccine being developed in britain might be delaying it. And as a grapples with rising covert 19 exactions qatar starts producing its own ventilators. How low the weather is lossy dry unsettled across much of the Arabian Peninsula we have got some basin pieces of clapped sickly further north as a malaria cloud there just into that asians out of saudi arabia here across a little bit of a cloudy weather why squeeze out the spots of spot or 2 of rain but nothing much to speak of the wetter weather will be on the other side of the gulf so pushing into iran you could see some light showers as we go on through thursday they extend all the way up towards the caspian sea southern parts of the caspian and theyre going to trundle their way further east with as we go through friday so pushing into turkmenistan maybe into his back is down as well still a few showers there into iran across regulation should be last you try and find temperatures here in doha getting up to around 30 celsius now in the other side of the red sea we have got some lively showers in place across much of the ethiopian highlands some wetter weather there too just around the horn of africa so this little clutch of storms here want to draw your attention to there on the shore breeze fading in some very heavy downpours into the coastal fringes of kenya and this will push up into a good part of somalia as you go on through the next couple of days with the risk of some flooding elsewhere the showers extend all the way to the gulf of gay. But. Desperate for a better life millions of people have sought refuge in europe sometimes their dreams of sanctuary are realized but sometimes disenchantment and hostility drive them home. In the 2nd of 2 films on these contrasting experiences people and power meets the returning migrants now determined to discourage others from following the same power. Gambia back home from aljazeera. Talk about you watch the office there with me still robin reminder of our top news stories new Financial Data shows the impact big provirus pandemic is having on the world economies the United States and germany are months countries experiencing their worst recessions in years libby and ward cleaver have to has an oldster ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan earlier on wednesday he was accused of altering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli. Aljazeera has learned that a plane carrying prominent officials from the United Arab Emirates through to the sudanese capital khartoum on choose day sources say the amorality delegation was meeting sudanese officials to discuss military support for khalifa haftar. The growing Economic Impact of kovac 19 childhood reports all of the huge losses reported by the wools 2 biggest across produces. Buffeted by a Global Pandemic and a crisis of its own making boeing is plunging deep into negative territory the company has been scrambling for more than a year to get its most lucrative plane this 737 max back in the air after it was grounded following 2 crashes that killed 346 people then the coronavirus emptied planes in airports with passenger travel down an unprecedented 95 percent boeing reported a loss of 6 141000000. 00 and now plans about 16000. 00 layoffs 110th of its Global Workforce light all shut not just europe and United States pretty much everywhere in the world the ramifications are. For the most part the industry is not interested in taking delivery of airplanes at the moment and or. Against contracts that we have in here and so as a result there is this moment in time or try to contend with the dramatic reductions southwest and other airlines are cutting their orders for the 737 max and with fewer long haul travelers boeing is cutting back on production of its massive 777 and 787 dreamliner jets boeing is the United States largest exporting manufacturer and it said that when boeing sneezes americas economy catches cold now foundations of highly skilled highly paid boeing workers will be joining the waiters Service Workers and others who are among the 1st wave of coronavirus layoffs and that will reverberate down the boeing supply chain and throughout the u. S. Economy boeing rival airbus also posted a 521000000. 00 loss in what its c. E. O. Calls the greatest. Prices the Aerospace Industry has ever known analysts say boeing and airbus will have to restructure for a new marketplace and compete with their own cheaper used planes languishing on tarmacs around the globe youre all roughed up theyve got nowhere to go even being there isnt any crap and certainly across the Pacific Coast bad news europe not many people are planning a trip to the lake generally right now so its going to be own long time theyre going to readjust and be a Smaller Company although the Global Pandemic took just months to ground much of the Aviation Industry analysts say it will take years to arrive at a new normal john hendren chicago other appears to be positive news for the treatment up front top u. S. Infectious disease advisor dr anthony found she says seeing progress in trials with the antiviral drug render severe she says the average Recovery Time was cut from 15 to 11 days while the u. S. National institutes of health reported that they will toilet seat rate dropped from 11 in the hospice sent to 8 percent although with 31 percent improvement doesnt seem like a knock out 100 percent it is a very important proof of concept because what it is proven is that a drug can block this virus or a vaccine be developed in oxford in the u. K. It could be available by september but its turned a whole report says a sense of social distancing may cause the vaccine to be delayed. This is the new normal the to me to safe distance we must keep that defines life for many people now. And danger for those who cant. But for how long when will it end. The answer in part lies in the global race for a vaccine against coded 19 edward oneil is a medical research or taking part in what is currently the worlds most well advanced vaccine trial at Oxford University there is a very good well qualified tame trying to do everything they can as carefully and as quick as they can so that we have great confidence in the results i myself am one of many volunteers who wanted to be part of it i think we all want to have the walk down to end but more importantly to help save lives scientists at oxfords Jenner Institute began a trial involving 1100 people last week which theyre expanding to 6000 participants in may if successful and with a fast track to approval from the regulator the 1st few 1000000 doses of a vaccine could be available by september and theyve just received good news from labs in the United States where half a dozen rhesus macaque monkeys the closest animal species to humans were given the oxford back scene and then exposed to large quantities of the virus 28 days later all 6 were reported healthy thats no guarantee of success of course and nor of the oxford scientists alone as a Chinese Company thats also had positive results with a rhesus macaque monkeys there are at least 2 u. S. Companies and a german one that have launched small scale Clinical Trials and theyre among dozens into which millions of dollars are being poured in the search for a vaccine the Scientific Community is only cautiously optimistic with many vaccines you only get a proportion of the population that because of me in and so the virus can keep circulating but a much lower rate so we should hope that any dioxin will absolutely limit. In a matter of months or even years but it should be very helpful in helping control works and as a lot will. And the challenges mount daily successful trials depend on participants injected with the vaccine being exposed naturally to the virus. As infection rates decline in some parts of the world that becomes harder to achieve the success of social distancing measures therefore the new normal may paradoxically make the wait for a vaccine even longer join a whole al jazeera oxford. The International Monetary fund has approved emergency funding of 3400000000 dollars for nigeria now the countrys economy relies heavily on oil revenue thats been hard hit by the unprecedented drop in demand and support from. Hours before the International Monetary fund and now the 3400000000. 00 loan grant to nigeria the National Parliament approved 2100000000. 00 for going to a German Government following a request by the president for such an amount to be bought up from domestic market to finance the 2020 by the it may interest you to know that already the country is reviewing its budget by nearly 40 percent down one and this is a country that has seen a lot of borrowing in recent times in march early march 2020 the government at the parliament approved more than 22000000000. 00 as for for the Nigerian Government to borrow externally so this is also coming at a time when the external results of this country has seen a significant drop from more than 40000000000. 00 just a few years ago to only 33000000000. 00 the grant from the i. M. F. Is seen by economists and government officials here as a Welcome Development it could help stimulate growth and also cushion the effect of the covered 19 impact on the economy but a lot of economists also fear that this country may need much more than what it has already gotten from the i. M. F. External the external and internal voice of the at the moment arrives has broken out of the prison in sierra leone after in may contract a covert 19 fellow prisoners that buildings on fire in protest before things were brought back under control the inmate has been taken away for treatment the u. N. Secretary general is again appealing for an immediate cease fire in syria only what he described as a horrific market bombing and the humanitarian chief visit kucing syrias government of weaponized in covert 19 heres our diplomatic incident james bays. Hours before the u. N. Security council held a virtual session on syria a fuel tanker rigged with explosives was detonated in the Northern City of a bringing the death toll stands at well over 40 even though the worlds attention is on the pandemic and the overall level of violence in syria has reduced in recent months this a grim reminder that the countrys war is now in its 10th year the u. N. Special envoy repeated his call for an immediate cease fire it cannot afford hostilities which went so early surely lead grenada search in displays rylander build communities something that no bitterness in our are only 2 months ago we cannot afford this scenario before the pandemic the prize could only be higher now the un humanitarian coordinator mark says its been impossible to get all of the much needed medical supplies to northeast syria across the front lines from damascus mr president gaps in medical supplies in the area are widening as its high where we should be urgently scaling up a half of over 90 days gaps in narrow. In an interview one leading human rights campaigner told me it looks as though the Assad Government is putting deliberate obstacles in the way of the delivery of medical supplies are concerned is that the reason why the mask is blocking a northeast syria is the same reason why theyve been waging a war and the last few years which is to put treasure on their population to capitulate and to submit to be off or to of damascus and so we are concerned that the regime is weapon mazing that pandemic to bring the people of northeast syria to its knees so the accusation is clear the Syrian Government which with its allies in the past has bombed hospitals and has used starvation as a way to defeat rebel areas is now using coded 19 as a weapon of war clearly it would be possible for the Syrian Government to refute this easily all theyd have to do is allow the free flow of medical aid to all parts of the country james plays out jazeera at the United Nations or fortys in the southern yemeni port city of aden have announced a 3 day curfew 5 new current virus cases were confirmed yemen reported its 1st case nearly 3 weeks ago now that prompted fears that an outbreak could overwhelm the Health Care System already under strain after years of war. The hospitals around the world her found themselves short of ventilators that can save the lives of patients who suffer the worst symptoms of covert 19 qatar is among some countries making their own as it grapples with large increases in new cases reported on from doha. Meet save the event to later many factor here in doha this machine is equipped with sensors to alert medical staff in case the long functions of a coronavirus patient are deteriorating. Pneumonia is a stage where ventilation becomes the bridge between life and death. For qatari or fish oils this is a Pivotal Moment as a country battles kovi 90 the emir set a member have a death than he has instructed the government to take all necessary steps to contain the spread of the virus. A company affiliated with qatars ministry of defense teamed up with a u. S. Based laser and optics firm that partnership produced saver his highness to become of the tiny requested the ministry of defense to source and manufacture a ventilator and design holdings. To execute this project and as you can see in our in the law today we are in the very final stages and were starting manufacturing the ventilators we plan on manufacturing 10000. 00 units a month to support qatar a majority of the components are manufactured here and house so from raw material to manufacture of the components and some components are you know obviously. Are sourced from outside africa and Assembly Takes place here ventilators have become central in the global fight against co the 19 manufacturers are ramping up output to cope with the growing demands. The pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down and many governments are jasper to acquire ventilators to ease the pressure on hospitals but officials here say qatar wont face any shortages. And as the country steps are its war against coronavirus it has sent 2 field hospitals to italy and shipped medical supplies to china iran and algeria the hope now is to produce more ventilators to send all over the world as the pandemic continues to spread. Your charges are with me celeron the reminder of our top news stories new Financial Data shows the impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on world economies the United States and germany as well as nigeria the economic heart of africa are among the countries experiencing their worst recessions in years. The half of the worlds workers are in danger of losing their livelihoods because of the pandemic the uns international Labor Organization is forecasting that up to 1600000000 people working in the informal economy could be out of a job most of them have no welfare protection no access to health care what we find in report in this monitor is of the that of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 at suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social protection dozens of bodies are being found in trucks outside a funeral home in new york city now the discovery was made after neighbors reported a smell coming from the vehicles its unclear how many of the people had died from corona virus related illnesses new york state is the epicenter of the u. S. Outbreak britain has now europes 2nd highest crowed a virus death toll after italy the numbers jumped to more than 26000. 00 after the government started to include fatalities in places like care homes for the elderly the upward revision has prompted new criticism of the governments handling of the outbreak and south korea has reported no new domestic infections for the 1st time in 2 months thats as members of the Buddhist Community gathered in seoul to pray for those infected its also to mark but his birthday a nationwide holiday is happening across south korea. Libyan ward cleaver have to has announced a cease fire for the holy month of ramadan early on wednesday he was accused of ordering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli the numerous calls by the International Community for halted violence to focus in combating the crowd a virus pandemic those were the headlines about with more news in half an hour next on aljazeera its the strain. What impact will covered 19 and a drop in the oil prices have on the race to the white. Can donald trump survive these historic setbacks and does joe biden have what it takes to beat. The special coverage on aljazeera. And to be ok and you are. As we saw are the current eyes pandemic in Different Countries around the welsh there are certain similarities that weve gotten used to seeing the michael his actions have the equipment they need when i see house guests tonight how resilient how people handling looked at jamie going to look at those charges in the context of a russian so if you have experiences or stories or questions that you want to ask and im not sure you can do that im jumping in the each. Let me introduce you to our guests 1st of all. Welcome to

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