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Use and no place for such weapons in canada the World Health Organization says it doesnt believe the coronavirus was manmade the agencys emergencies chief michael ryan said scientists are assured the disease occurred naturally he was responding to a question about u. S. President trumps claims he had seen evidence it came from a lab. We listened again and again and numerous scientists who looked at the sequences looked at this white house and we were assured this was is natural in origin and what is important is that we establish what that natural host for this virus is. And that and the primary purpose of doing that is to ensure that we understand the virus more we understand the animal human. Interface and we understand how the end of the human species barrier was breached and the purpose of understanding that is that we can put in place the necessary prevention and Public Health measures to prevent that happening again anywhere south korea and india have stopped using chinese made rapid coronavirus test kits after they were found to be faulty scientists in south korea say hundreds of people who had recovered were found to be positive for the disease when retested they blamed shortcomings in the test itself and said the patients were not reinfected india about half a 1000000 kids from china before also discovering in accuracies china has defended the Products India is extending whats been the Worlds Largest lock down by 2 more weeks but restrictions in some low risk areas will be eased from monday lets move purana has latest from new delhi. In the last nearly 6 weeks of the lockdown in india the government has divided the country into green orange and red zones depending on the number of cases in the stage of transmission and its announced that while the National Lockdown will continue for another 2 weeks that they will be a considerable easing of restrictions mostly in green and. Well as of may the 4th all goods are allowed to be transported they will be buses in green zones but with 50 percent seizing capacity taxis are allowed to green and orange zones but with only one passenger things like all construction and industrial activity is allowed even in red zones in rural areas now over the last 10 days we have seen easing of restrictions in a number of sectors most notably agriculture indias biggest employer and all the businesses which supported and all standalone shops even though selling non essential items have been open for about the last week so one of the restrictions that remain in place while there is still no air rail travel or hospitality Restaurants Hotels remain shot into state movements no movement between states and things like cinema halls you know sports complexes for main shot and they will be no political social or cultural gatherings u. S. President ial hopeful joe biden has denied an accusation of Sexual Assault the Presumptive Democratic nominee said the claim of an assault dating from 1903 was not true tara reid who worked for biden when he was a senator said he and you are against the wall and touched her inappropriately the former Vice President to such Affairs Donald trump and novembers election has asked the senate to release personnel files relating to the period of today to the headlines on coronavirus lessons from asia is. A check of your headlines at the bottom of the hour so you get. One day when the covered 19 pandemic is history much time will be spent on retracing its origins and evolution and measuring its long time the facts but for now the corona virus is still a matter of life and death with many already mourning the loss of loved ones others fear they might be next billions of people around the world are in lockdown their lives on hold their jobs on the line economies are imploding Health Services are buckling under the strain and governments are struggling to find solutions to the biggest Global Challenge in decades. So one question is uppermost whats the best route out of this crisis and answer could lie in east asia where covert 1001st appeared and west states with varying degrees of success have tried different ways of defeating it. As witnessed by correspondents and for nations those distinct approaches might have something to teach us all. Its late march 2020 in beijing china. Of took over 1001st appeared in the bay province in december 29000 the countrys communist regime imposed unprecedented controls on its people putting major cities such as the capital and complete lockdown. Sebastian labelle seat the 1st of all 4 journalists has lived in beijing for over a decade for the last 2 months he has been in isolation with his wife and son now with no new cases reported here for almost a week those restrictions easing but not yet by much. Just. Come so if you dont want. To go on. A trip out its still Exceptional People are going to love. Restricted to once or twice a week. About their body. So dramatically more with. The moment that we dont get. The surgery. Im only get lonely if i dont see you all my years on is almost. Every stuff hour i compliment hey only to develop with. It appear. Im on my own i said diana ross. Was just a pussy mostly of on. The could he thought the soup is going on because how do you know you see i dont know the us uk you know about looking. At your. 2 cats year. I drove through so they all see oh yeah they come out so you dont have to ski thank you for but someone to help us about this you really are who i say youre the only go pull a security device because you know see the g. I. Act like the nazis who want to police. A permit is required to leave the compound. Which has come to resemble a fortress. Entry and exit through a single checkpoint. And what i see say. Lets look guys do we have to do security. Me to talk to you i dont. Know is if i say dont go over i dont like them i was going to but i was right for them feel good because thats. When they see you on the road of humility control or maybe you could get on the ship a presence on that. At that moment to get on that i guess it before a city controlled by the Neighborhood Committee he said. Local communist party cells have organized 24 hour surveillance for only Housing Units like this. It might seem heavy handed but officials has stayed explains why they had been you know new cases in beijing since march 25th. Had a blown up us about i own a dog alex tell you otherwise you dont this is no hostilely is it. Also World Leaders with us but theres a me up you can sort of bumped into us valuable man on the law about why it is on the day a book or even the hoodie. Used to do they believe they need to scribble but my guess also found they dont use last chance that a sucker. And i just dont fuss on no 10 we plus 12 even next are your account then my lama not with the person cal you a little jason plus a systematical count then young or not of the Java Community if the tool is altered it then comes back your delicate sister in there with. All of those men. China believes its tough restrictions have been crucial in bringing infection rates under control but other asian states have seen it differently. Taiwan lies just 150 kilometers of the coast of china yet its taken a radically different approach to the coronavirus and with some measure of success this island state of around 24000000 inhabitants has maintained its independence from the communist mainland of the 7 decades china in turn has long sought to a certain sovereignty and relations between the 2 strange even so around a 1000000 taiwanese move many work in china and so its strange that to date taiwan has only 400 or more to over 1000 cases and just half a dozen dance. Reporter lucy. Moved to the capital taipei just a few months ago but has been getting tips from her taiwanese flatmate about the states response to the virus apparently claire on the social media there is a dog that gives you advice can you tell me more about it yes or the shiva dog is a very lovely character thats been put up by the best of health and welfare to let the public know what we should do so this is on social media and it tells us for example how we must wash our hands as often as possible. The government has been using digital mascots try the dog to continually reinforce its public messaging on health and hygiene. But crucially these instructions began last december well before other countries around the world woke up to the corona virus threat. By the end of that month taiwan was already quarantining at passengers from han capital of chinas hu bay province and the epicenter of the epidemic on the mainland. A few weeks later it closed its borders completely to all chinese citizens. At the same time the country launched a massive production of face mosques. There how you know. That and you dont pay for your food you know. The feed you know you can buy a. Ticket but. You know thats a bomb on the table. But i. Think. That something about young folks because you think about everything you think i. Do i think i think i dont i think i think i. Would refer you go on people if youre. Only looking. At your job. To ensure that mosques for the entire population would always be available to. Government mobilized whole sections of the islands manufacturing industry. To get some sense of how effective that effort has been lucy again direct access to one of the countrys major mosque produces ringback. Yeah. It was it was a lot of talk when you thought this is the right way. To get to the Production Center lucy has to part through several alex the factories and is being checked for bacteria several times a day production lines have been running at full speed and since december. Well we have a close share plenty of all of them are and every day we have a 700. 00 holden. Mass it will be. Solid argument. To prevent any delays in this process the taiwanese government has been supplying room materials directly to manufacture as soldiers have even been trained as backups to factory weapons it means taiwan can now produce an incredible 10000000 mosques a day. As lucy leaves she gets an insight into how the authorities are keeping the pressure up hourly production check ups by the police. So that the bodies that were checked. Out no one seems that voted by the supervision. Of. Their century or so journalists into the police to help to the government help to. Testify terri can get on but do it in a mask very comfortable. As such early attention to detail may be key to understanding taiwan success so far in keeping the coronavirus under control its government anticipated the crisis before others were aware of it and now taiwan is even able to export mosques once again. A couple of hours away by plane lies another asian nation to have Won International respect for its approach the coronavirus south korea. Its choose day morning and going on a northern suburb of the capital seoul. 50 year old can be young sue is at the wheel of his car on the way to a rather unusual appointment with her mad men there. And that. Then a war is over with on. Top of the on in him in a Municipal Parking lot you can be tested to see if youre infected by kovac 1000 anyone can have it done without even getting out of the car. Will get up off of. The last one that comes on the right order or. When youre going to talk for him and you to ground. And whens your target siren naturally go you know turn your hearing come from one. End and. Turn catacomb one on one you no longer hear tones from the phone could turn you know. Young sue has been feeling a little feverish and thats why hes decided to be tested. Hes checked at the 2nd stop. On. The warm old malt. Home form before. Before going in. The booze in the limo more reasonable comes to you. A full board it wont make more than a 100. Im going to come down at. The phone stop its a doctors examination. Protection of the staff. On and. On for the. Wrong. Number 4 song polls are taken and. Put on the woman. For. Her to pick it up iow. I have. Only been looking over your cleverness of a. Way all along it to get. Them to move on to the 2001 uses you know theres a. Good hold on to become some die off. Youre. All. Going to get the rust. On through. Its 24 hours later and can be on sue is waiting face test results. Everybody knows all was over to stuttgart or moves over this meter for you know with the rules for use and there. Is a come yet maybe she does exist and. Can be young soon who wants to take us to his local town hall and show us how the authorities have been eyes to mass screening. But before going into the building he encounters something new. That. Once inside there is more to come from our cameras monitoring your temperature. Anyone over 37. 5 heres what happens. When the cause a little one for you to hop on to. The. Up off the television. Gongs town hall is disinfected several times a day which allows Public Services to carry on almost normally. The mayor has set up one of the countrys 1st Testing Centers for the towns inhabitants. Or tinder has some of the one will have all but on the bottom one the japan. Are you to the point where were talking. To us in the know in the with a. Toilet in there or so good tell us and get them when and how long or to talk tonight. On top of testing the authorities continually disinfect streets public transport and all Public Places some studies have shown that the virus can live up to 2 weeks in the environment. At Pedestrian Crossing points theres usually a supplier Hand Sanitizer available. By the end of march 2020 after being hit with large numbers of early infections south koreas emphasis on testing tracing and containment had apparently brought the outbreak back under control that same month a 1000 miles to the east of tokyo it was a very different story and japan was the 1st country off to china to be affected by the virus in january when the cruise ship diamond princess docked in yokohama many feared covert 19 with then get quickly out of control. But by the time this film was being produced in march those fears had subsided for the moment. With less than 2000 cases and only 40 deaths it seemed that japan had escaped the worst. Constantine simone and his family came to live here 2 years ago. And you know theres the media lets go. Up with them is all or. Give us a call it is all for and then theres a load of pm what is it good for for me. Closing schools was the only early restricted measure taken by japanese authorities. Well that. Makes it here. But it would. Leave. Since january the japanese government has insisted it has matters under control yet theres growing skepticism. That was a. Failure. By the words of the said anything up for days. Before. The game that was up was a good sources given as give a damn it all be demeaned. By you see. It with other law and. The. Point is either it is your we war says its because you could even leave me. But i know you that it is you would your boss to. Know what. I missed out of. If the lack of widespread rigorous testing hasnt yet caused alarm other matters have. Only ever. Associate kissing deaths 80 or at least 20 because what the public. Was appalled. By did. We were all the perfect pool there dont care about color. Half. The point is where it was important when their. Major defense of. d japan has lived through many natural catastrophes as well as crises like the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear disaster which might explain this fatalism. Certainly global im citee about the coronavirus panic has yet to have much effect on the crowded streets of tokyo. But i want. To go for a good look youll see here was my national geographic. Constantine heads next to rubys a neighborhood bar that never sleeps. As on every weekend the place is crowded. With. People tightly packed as the party goes on its an unimaginable seen elsewhere in the world. To an outside it seems reckless and irresponsible but these young people dont have a death wish they believe their duty is to go on living. I must not say that its god. I mean i do not. Like the top talent to look at it. Because. I think you should cut it and that it. Should be. On the terrace outside even the balls not just seems unaffected by coronavirus concerns. So that this is for cool how not a big wow its no change because of Global Cooling i mean this. Is good for us and yeah. Yeah i. Say doesnt care about. It and care about it yeah but. I doubt that that constantine has a penchant on the face mosque for protection but hes selfconscious about wearing it was your study. Really measure how well. I dont. Know where they were when that was ok yes i thought that was a little bit so much as. One night in a rowdy tokyo combi taken as representing the attitudes of all of japan. But it is still hard to understand why the coronavirus hasnt caused more anxiety can. Impart to chinas restrictions in south koreas testing and taiwanese discipline all seem to be paying off but will japan pay a high price for its laid back approach. In country same mind people have been killed too because we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function for this was a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis other arabs when they came to britain for be all to help of the past bombs deal so you will rumsfeld this meeting saddam isnt that interesting there are a shadow on aljazeera. Rewind returned a cant bring your people back to life im sorry updates on the best of aljazeera documentary in libya i was the both of us and now i like and the other student rewind continues with mono and me going into a war zone he said the 1st thing i look for is the exit its not how to get it its how to get out that nobody sees your pictures theres no point going to these places rewind on aljazeera throughout history human kind has come together to prevail in our darkest moments this is a moment for pretty much the opposite for hiding laying low saving humankind by really really not getting near every generation has its moment where individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who come after this one is ours. This is al jazeera im getting obligato with a check on your world headlines assault style rifles are being immediately banned in canada the announcement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comes after the countrys worst ever mass shooting just under 2 weeks ago then one man shot 13 people dead and killed another 9 in an attack in nova scotia war than 1500 models of gun will be outlawed with owners given 2 years to hand them in or have them deactivated these weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time there is no use and no place for such weapons in canada the World Health Organization says it doesnt believe the coronavirus was man made the agencys emergencies chief michael ryan said scientists are sure the disease occurred naturally he was responding to a question about u. S. President trumps claim hed seen evidence it came from a Lab Scientists in south korea say it appears having to rotavirus stops or getting it again they now say the tests showing people had caught the virus twice were faulty the chinese made rapid test kits have also been withdrawn in india after an accuracies were spotted nearly 300. 00 South Koreans were thought to have been infected again after taking the tests. U. S. President ial hopeful joe biden has denied an accusation of Sexual Assaults the Presumptive Democratic nominee said the claim for the soul dating from 1903 was not true tara reid who worked for biden when he was a senator said he pinned her against the wall and touched her inappropriately the former Vice President who is set to face donald trump in novembers election has asked the senator release personnel files relating to the period. From the very beginning you know ive said believe me women means taking the womans claims seriously when she steps forward and is and then vetted and look into it this is this that is true in this case as well women have a right to be heard and to bend the pressured rigorously investigate claims they make and always a poll that principle but in the end in every case the truth is what matters in this case the truth is the claims are false you have today 2 of the headlines on aljazeera its back to corona virus lessons from asia thats next then its the news hour at the top of the hour ill see that thanks for watching but i. Back in china. Its late march in beijing. There are hopeful signs the covert 1000 coronavirus has been brought under control but the lockdown measures imposed by the communist party us in and place every side street has checkpoints manned by facials. I thought i got out of school more sauce was sent to mean a. Modicum of that just yet begun. Start up a in the sun for. On talent i put on. Could all be just goodness to my mind im. Always skeptical street just yes. Its real subtle to rely on the thought i speak clearly. No matter i said final morning Neighborhood Committees a communist party cells created to monitor and from the to control the population. During the crisis the entire apparatus has been temporarily retired on to her introduction so. If you want a resident you want supposed to go through. A custom asked John Labelle Zeke needs permission to go to a shop and the street he has to give his name his address and his phone number if an infected person is found on this list everyone else whos passed through is identified tested will put in corn gene. No program ok. Ill make him. Look sit there super cheap. I see us all to book with good to just pay the dollar. To get some thought hey want to sell for you. But thats not all getting into the right street is one thing getting into the right shop is another. In this head dresses for example you you have. Connect your phone with the code to the other media with the funny. How many good. People might see this evening the next c. D. s it takes on the east lucas county because you probably as you see down here soon and if you dont the kentucky home please reach easily the sun is this is this is the teach ones own system is it going to get us a little on up the power to the magazine began in this way the hairdresser cannot only see if you are sick but also if youve crossed paths with someone else who is. He can then refuse to do your hat to her so if you are called for a Liaison Office about or if its your most is off almost she was with up to newcome only most of it but the military phone is a toy dish it was as if that is. C. G. Low dont gather that you can put it to them easy if you dont of the cellular field for sure but also more male dont expect rarely seen manero it has if you just do can call it a depressant. At the entrance to most buildings your temperature has taken. I really like your favorite on. Oprahs own just off. The floor. It can sometimes be more sophisticated. Everything is registered online and the authorities can temperatures with facial recognition and june ok to follow so if youre ill theres no way you can avoid quarantine every shop every public place plays a role in this tracing and. Its an extraordinary demonstration of state control but the Authorities Say that by using these techniques theyve been able to keep sick and factious people off the street as. A. Pressure here sort of new one who dreams that im fairly. Typical. Get it back to korea its that avenue. Exclaim oh surely you thought a police. Were going to be on produce. With us on that sort of news. And it tronic billboards relay endless Public Health messages a clown 160. 00 k. Off i took a muzzle the on the. Down mosque sort of any and all i was around it. And presence. Of the classroom. On the news editor of the r. C. C. Fine young talent then michelle and. Diane about. China where the virus 1st came to life now seems to be trying to obscure the pandemics origins by deflecting attention elsewhere with hornets in the line of fire. Through the fence that dont belong to one of your stormont. You know that i know of it is only in the mail. Call that some will say. The focus of price is only not at all well off the ground. Mover sees visitors are no longer allowed to travel to china the buddhas are close to all foreigners except for demands. Chinese citizens returning home are immediately placed under strict quarantine. People a brute under Police Escort to requisition to hotels where they are treated as though dangerously infectious. State sanctioned propaganda has even hinted that the virus could have come from american biological weapons. Chinas government may now prefer that others take the blame is deserved. Back in taiwan where to western eyes now accustomed to lockdown life seems distant. And so we journalists new see bartman journal meets with a caller on the taiwan student to her shes teaching french we have an affluent. Thing would look. Good. Or not appear that way but the authorities here have identified many obvious risks such as this water fountain looking back he said look if they did i pull back also to the fearsome bus kurdish show net or the fortune book. Ok with basics of says it or if its the sort of end up that i dont talk shit i will talk about. Public transport is still running. Yet here again taiwanese discipline is on display the public a so mindful of the songs at the damage the 1st corona Virus Outbreak that hit the country and 2003. That was on top of their own golf socks ok are you close i know you see the real squawk that without the ok i may show this a little bending goal so. I guess i must say im close to milk will never make the code good by the end of the 2003 sons crisis 73 taiwanese had died in the aftermath taiwan set up a National Center for Disease Control to better fight each of the democrats a preemptive program of 124. 00 Public Health measures was drawn up intended to go live the moment another threat materialized how the plan was activated last january. Thanks to that School Universities like this one have remained open in their children going down there with says them to me nope lets see that the guests are. Now theres a new measure everyone. This campus must register their presence and trying to clean and declare the temperature to the authorities about keeping with the buckets of actual medicine if you want to get on just a. Lot of their own money ask us to taiwanese say its the willing gauge when if everyone in these preventive measures its allowing the country to tackle the epidemic whilst maintaining some degree of normal life. Chinas determination to suppress news about the start of the epidemic arguably then allowed infection to spread but in taiwan the government was candid from the start here the philosophy seems to be that whatever the menace to the public nothing justifies authoritarian controls. As we saw earlier a desire to maintain normal life has also been a guiding principle in japan. But now some fear that here things may have been too late by. Constantine simone is a mechanic alan really enjoyed 2 hours south of tokyo to meet one of the 1st japanese doctors to have confronted the coronavirus. Hand surgeon at the beginning of february dr was called aboard the diamond ring says the cruise ship was quarantined in the port of yokohama with 3700 people aboard. Disney more than 700. 00 passengers were contaminated. After the. Ships something strange feeling because i feared a friend of interest. In the boat was a good idea if every people get down to japan they spread the cockpit like in everywhere but at the end of their confinement some passengers were allowed to travel to. Country without protesting. At fast. Staff same thing just check ups only the people who has a center nonetheless like many japanese doctor believes that social barriers alone are probably sufficient to contain the virus by late march when this interview was conducted japan had only 43 deaths and the doctors region had yet to see any cases a tool one week at the city did. Take you will test just straight people ok that this has fish just cheaper is called to the test but no one is forced so to me and there in japan not so many people post but why why there is so few people who have 19 weeks because we can not get this so dont want to come together in the hospital in just that japan has one of the highest number of intensive care beds for capital and the world probably sufficient to cope if the epidemic intensifies but surely some are still vulnerable constantine right next to fuji sour about 40 kilometers south of tokyo to meet some elderly japanese. Under the countrys of antivirus measures it is still possible to visit retirement homes. But what seems today were about. Under 4 japan has the oldest population in the wild made 028 percent of its people over 65 years old. Boy are. The residents seemed delighted by the visit when i had the night man. My feet up. There are some precautions in evidence here hands of disinfected and shoes are removed as they usually are in order. Means homes. With these and a few other basic steps a director thinks risks of sufficiently going to my instructor mirror. Each of them with the filter being limited to us but if theyre going to have strings or. More years of folio. Surprisingly children the so many cards to visit. Im not allowed. To see the. Clips in that scene. Like that all because ive never had a fan on there i thought im not usually offer to do that but im not just good living here for what they thought it was mostly you know how theyre going to conduct it and i think it was a good bit of honestly i might have. Already prepared but i think that. Is nearly 19 and has lived in this residence for 12 years shes never ill and shes become a favorite with the staff i mean in fargo n. D. And now. Theyre like you dont feel so good at the. Letter because they had a good idea that they killed those that are good and you think thats not so they dont like not. In taiwan you see wants to hear more about its culture of openness and heads for the center of Disease Control issues comprehensive daily bulletins about infection rates the age the sex and even the recent movements of the sicko made public this morning 19 new cases have been announced. Taiwan aims for transparency all Health Care Professionals share their data and real time its seen as an information war to keep the virus a day. The scientists doctors saying also emphasizes the importance of testing i was pretty is true. Network over the Laboratory Test now we can test. People every day so thats pretty large number for power one so we can find for the cases are here anyone infected is immediately isolated and their family contacted. Taiwan has also implemented and electronic tracking system that keeps tabs on suspected cases. This expectorate couple were recently placed under quarantine by the taiwanese the thirtys. Last week and neighbors diagnosis positive and was taken to hospital the couple then got strict orders to remain at home. No relaxation of these rules is allowed or the food must be delivered to their door. And ceiling center. Oh well. Even you see they have to do this thats. Still up there saying this is new to put that off for you to speak to you know that you shot a good. J c 84 for about 400 really not compel chosen to be good this. Is a job offer more research so. Its equivalent to an electronic tag if the couple break these rules they risk a massive 31000. 00 euro fine enforcement is rigorous. Then about this in stuff its best to get the maples who can see this going if there was. A way for the facts. Kiss you good day if so my safety. Since its taken together these measures have proved extremely effective by april 24th. Some 3 weeks after these images were filmed taiwan had had less than 500. 00 pieces in total with a death toll of only 6 people. Back in south korea kim myong sue is getting ready to go shopping. For a church of the time to show. Stewart. Is off to the supermarket. And that everything is ready and in some ways it is. But thats not all technology and i was shocked as to avoid any contact with infected individuals under german john or by the day. But i sure hope to and remember saying to the poor ill scratch such evidence for such other dog with just a few clicks on his smartphone can be young sued can access vital intimation about any me and my cases their recent movements their state of health and their address details for each of the 10000 infected or cases in the country are given to the public. To dorna proteins are all possible worse and the result corners of. This degree of transparency has created some controversy in south korea. But most people seem to find it reassuring so for now at least the government has decided to continue sharing the data. Center for the modern term. So mardi gras should bring an awesome drop on his own borders senators are going to mostly. Here. At home off to disinfect my shopping can be on soon his wife washed their hands its become a regular habit. Tonight its pasta has no problem with finding it in the stores. She then took my little. Couldnt. But like many people these days they still do much of their shopping online retailers here have adapted to the situation and offer an ultra efficient Delivery Service anything thats ordered before midnight is delivered to your door before 7 am the next day will. Computer knows how it was on a. Quote all the computer were going to learn by 2 cards are not old enough to send you home city could do good by new york addicted. Just as in taiwan effective Public Health measures Public Engagement and Smart Technology have allowed south korea to fight the coronavirus without the lock down as seen elsewhere. The countrys infection rate detroits rapidly fast but its been kept around 10 and a half 1000 with only a couple of 100 deaths so far none of those are health workers. Furiously japan has so far made little use of the technologies adopted by all the asian nations instead tradition is given priority every year when spring arrives everyone flock to the parks to admire the cherry trees. That look like the system but. Japanese always celebrate the blossom with elaborate picnic putz known as hell not. Even so the crowds this year was surprising but i hope with all the doctor. Said cause a lot but i. Think chris said it. But they. Also show us. Nor are they taking much notice of the signs that the authorities have posted on the trees. Let the picnic because a mostly young. Old people more cautious perhaps have decided to stay away many japanese believe that kindness is a key weapon to the fight against the virus. But for the issues that are. Probably not like this ever did you theres a lot of good to go and i believe that if the posable secure itself up to. It was very it was like ah well sort of at the sake of a book good job you could hold. It up but its ok as i get dizzy at the bash of the speech this is just say ill get a badge. For the soviet dishes boy enjoys it i mean theyve offered to a deal by the appeal going to. Extreme kindness greetings from a distance these are no more japanese habits but they also now resemble the hygiene measures and hopped around. But no one yet knows is whether theyll be enough to contain the epidemic. In china its always been about control back in february Sebastian Labelle seek went to the center of beijing to see what had been shut down the best sona for the mother son of joyce the comfort fish is good for your host today my guess i dont know this film but back to trivia. This week he came back to the same place. Began 1st. Of its world to produce you just a few nights you. Dont piss off. The good cook book so its almost like a levy. On the small. Life it is weakening to regain some kind of restaurants are not yet fully open but the kitchens here up and running with someone who didnt know what to call close for a few weeks this restaurant wants to profit from the passing train by offering takeaway dishes suzanne water for. Them to. Come out although. The castle cannot turn the has she got budgeted or the woman for dr who. I will look at all in good course i walked in the search other people saw them every day in the Shopping Centers have more and more customers they make yourself scarce and soon there. Where insanity to its a mixture of fancy stores and trendy restaurants and of course there are still controls that they wont own their own feeling. Safe. If you know me or the reality that you are for you better go out. Another thought better of all for which youve been bored with you if you were true the harder to help and most of your comments are there. You know are there for me you know that youd worry about what. We know. Now as you know where im. Going with that you want the economy of your current of of you to one. Dollar 20 to go. I think i think its the couch heard the phrases like one venue individualistic the other thing is like an act of war. But i think in critical times like this. Its necessary to put the money surety. At stake. And not to just make this an. Individuals 1st actor. In taiwan south korea and even china where governments have taken decisive measures for the most part to their populations have rallied behind them. Were infectious rates and now beginning to sag is perhaps more effective of western nations that have failed to act with the same decisiveness. But what these experiences do tell us is that there is a big there are routes out of this crisis that this stretch for pandemic can be defeated. But. Weve still got some sherry right and some bits and pieces of snow clearing away from the southeast of australia parts of victoria have seen their wettest start to the year since 1924 so some very wet weather some by blustery conditions still rattling through and im quite a brisk wind showing up a bit as we go on through the weekend it will slowly but surely improve so well see the winds falling a little lie to the west the weather easing into the tasman sea running over towards new zealand turning rather wet and windy here by the end of the weekend for most behind it can be fine and dry of a few showers just around the fall north of australia northern parts of queensland just around the top and i was also west will start to see a little bit more cloud apps and ryan just pushing its way into western parts of w. A. And we got some cloud and rain just sliding out to Central China at the moment that will make its way towards the Korean Peninsula to the north of that its still very much on the hot side beijing still it around 34. 00 celsius for the time being i west the weather will east room the china sea the yellow sea pushing over towards south korea through southern parts of honshu ahead of that turkey fondant dry 26 celsius still see some wet weather into central and southern parts of china all the way through to sunday. Im counting the cost famines of biblical proportions the coronavirus is at the end of the Global Economy so what does that mean for. Us in grants or loans as italy and spain are lockdowns can even. Out a trillion rescue. The cost on aljazeera. Context these are the 3 storytelling around the biggest issues but. You should do it again. Aljazeera. Youre watching the news hour live from london im coming up in the next 60 minutes in the u. S. The antiviral drug of a was approved for emergency use as a treatment for patients with covert 19. Thousands of military style weapons banned in canada following the countrys deadliest mass shooting. The Worlds Largest lockdown extended by 2 more weeks but into his government

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