Cities with no work and barely any food indias Migrant Workers are finally able to get trains home. And venezuelas president james donald trump for what hes called a failed plot to oust him a state Television Broadcast videos of an alleged american mess mary. Coloe germany is accelerating its exit from the coronavirus lock down officials have now cleared the way for Restaurants Hotels and all shops to reopen in coming weeks and german football fans have been told buddhist League Matches will resume next week behind closed doors the chancellor Angela Merkel so the 1st phase of the outbreak had passed and she called for courage but also caution. Meanwhile students at 121 schools in will hand have resumed their studies 5 months after the 1st coated 19 cases emerged in the chinese city the message from the white house is that the u. S. Is and entering the reopening phase 2 despite the numbers of deaths and infections still rising steadily almost 72000 people have now died there but latin america has been warned its yet even to reach the peak of infection as cases a climbing across the continent with brazil alone passing 8000 deaths begin our coverage with this report from dominic kane invalid soon all shops and restaurants across europes Biggest Country will be able to reopen with social distancing in place for many weeks the governments been trying to chart a course through the coronavirus pandemic one which would cause the fewest deaths and protect the economy compared to the u. K. Italy spain and france germany has undoubtedly had a better result now ministers believe the virus is under control and so can ease the many restrictions. Still need to conduct on it and. We will not ring store contacts the way they were before if everyone observes the distancing then hygiene rules then there is a good chance that it will remain this way otherwise we would have made these decisions i said we are following a bold path and we believe that with the present framework conditions we have a chance however i want to repeat we are even more reliant on people cooperated. Underlying this decision is the clear fear among the political elite about the damage coronavirus has already caused this economy and what it might go on to do which explains why theyre so keen to relax restrictions wherever possible. But as they are relaxed so the responsibility for monitoring the progression of corona virus will devolve to the 16 states of germany anywhere with more than 50 people infected for every 100000 residents must reinstate lockdowns one part of german life that will resume shortly is the Football League ponders League Officials have been told they can allow games to be played but with no fans in the stadiums and following stringent rules and testing regimes one sector where uncertainty remains is aviation the National Flag carrier liftons has been badly hit by the grounding of so many flights and says it needs urgent government help to stay airborne search for your. List with difficult times ahead of us that we will do everything q map power to reach the goals we have set ourselves those goals for the survival of tensor and restarting the company some cultural activities have already restarted as here at the Barberini Museum in potsdam a welcoming visitors who felt culturally stifled these past months reopening one museum is one thing restarting an entire economy quite another because all the while hundreds of new infections are still occurring every day dominic cane aljazeera berlin. Spains parliament has extended the countrys state of emergency for a 4th time from mr Petro Sanchez managed to secure enough backing to extend it until the 24th of may just as the government to control peoples movements as it gradually relaxes its lockdown spain is one of the worlds worst hit countries with more than 25000. 00 deaths. A number of deaths in the u. K. Is now past 30000 it comes a day after britain registered the highest death toll in europe. Meanwhile one of the most Senior Scientific advisors to the u. K. Government has resigned professor Neil Ferguson breached the trend of ours knock down rules he helped create by receiving secret visits to his home by a woman. Just was one of the leading voices on the Scientific Advisory group and had the virus himself honans Coalition Government just postponing the sundays president ial election ruling no one Justice Party wanted to hold a vote by post about it because of the pandemic but some m. P. s refused to back that proposal and the opposition accuse the government of putting its political interests 1st a new day date is yet to be announced. As the number of deaths in the us passes 72. 00 and a half 1000 President Trump appears to have backtracked on closing down the white house virus taskforce instead he says it will shift towards efforts to reopen and revive the countrys economy the president has been criticized for turning his attention to the economy while the number of deaths and infections continues to grow in all sectors of state might pompei was again blamed china for the spread of the virus to zing it or covering up the initial outbreak china saw then that it had an emerging Public Health crisis on its hands they knew. China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide china could have spread the world descent into Global Economic malaise their choice. But instead instead china covered up the outbreak and harm its National Health commission ordered virus samples destroyed on january 3rd china disappeared brave chinese citizens who raised alarms that deployed its propaganda organs to denounce those who politely called for simple transparency that brings us to today 120 days on china is still refusing to share the information we need to keep people safe. Mike hanna joins us live now from bear pressing on there with the trump administrations criticism of china mike. Well indeed yes and hes continuing to pose a highly controversial and possibly incorrect theory that the virus somehow originated in a chinese lab in will harm this has been discredited by many scientists including the foremost for ologist in the United States antony and yet by continues to press this point he continues to back to china now a bit of background has always been a hawk on trying or even before he entered government he was very much a controversial commentator on chinese events in particular very much and in many occasions a conspiracy theorist but many experts still questioning why my compo is pressing a particular theory that has no support from the u. S. Traditional allies and certainly active opposition from countries like russia and some point out that might propose actually speaking to an audience of one and that is indeed the president in the white house donald trump who from his own comments on china in recent days indicate that he is very much making it a central tenet of his Election Campaign china bashing he has concluded is a very good way to go during this election season so certainly might pompei or controversial as his comments may be appears to be backing up the president in terms of this anti china writter rick that the president it would appear believes will help his election chances and meanwhile back home President Trump it appears as as had a change of heart on his plans for the White House Task force. Yes well that was all a bit disconcerting President Trump was pretty adamant 24 hours ago that the task force was going to be closed down that it would be replaced with a Different Force with concentrating on the idea of economic opening however President Trump has now reversed this saying that the task force will stay in position that it is maybe some added components to it he said specific group with 3 guard to economic reopening but he said he wasnt aware of exactly how popular this task force was this is what he had to say i thought we could why did. But. I had no idea how popular the force is until actually yesterday when i showed it at about warning and get calls from very respected people saying it will be better to keep it going its good its a respect in tears course there was indeed much concern as well about the possibility of closing the task force maybe because some of its members such as Antony Funnell tree or Deborah Burkes do have a high profile in the public and they are highly respected in the public and most importantly they are highly trusted by many in the public unlike one might say some of the political people who have been on that task force so certainly there was concern that by in shutting down the taskforce President Trump was turning away from the advice of scientists who have been the one voice of coherence in what has been a chaotic Us Administration response to this pandemic mike hanna thank you very much indeed. Thousands of senior students of return to school in the chinese city of new one where the new coronavirus was 1st detected 120 schools have resumed after 3 months of lockdown massed students were scanned for temperature and the desks were placed further apart many of them are preparing for their University Entrance exams according to official figures more than 4 half 1000 people died from covert 19 in china with a number of cases exceeding 80000. Still ahead this half hour on israels defense minister prayers the building of several 1000 more any go settlement homes in the occupied west bank. And a black man is shot dead after being chased by 2 white men nobodys been arrested and isnt is inflaming racial tensions in the u. S. However damaging wind is blowing through perth it was this thing here a line of thunderstorms on its way to adelaide has a cold front so the air that came through was crowded with the strength of the wind it was the particular thing in the not quite as strong but theyll make a difference i think youll fill them in adelaide eventually in melbourne but a whole lot of diving down towards tasmania so most of the strainer is still fine few showers maybe on the queensland coast the rain is largely gone from perth but still there in the south the next system is on its way in not as windy by far no most of that when the weather is staying out of the water but the next front coming in for friday so youve got to in a row here now are running slowly north was different season of course but rain is still something of a story less so the strong winds you see of fast amount of cloud over china north and south as its developing its growing into an area of rain which is pretty widespread but it will concentrate its not like its ahead towards japan the next couple of days youve got a fine couple of days only 20 degrees in tokyo should be and could be better and he started to warm up on friday 23. 00 degrees but this rain has got itself as ring outs for this part of eastern charter was the yellow sea and eventually Korean Peninsula but in the meantime its china thats where it. As italy went into Lockdown People in power are asked to filmmakers to document the effects on ordinary people from the immense suffering and loss the forgotten abandoned or exploited to sing a longs every day heroes and heartwarming acts of kindness the stories they capture reveal how the virus is forcing society to take a look in the mirror and exposing its inequalities coronavirus lockdown italy people in power on aljazeera. One of the top stories here around his era german chancellor Angela Merkel has announced far reaching measures to loosen the countrys lockdown top flight football matches will return behind closed doors next week and hotels and restaurants in some areas will reopen. Spains parliament has extended the countrys state of emergency until the 24th of may 2000 government to control peoples movements as it gradually relaxes its not down. And you suggest it might compare has blamed china for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide thats as the number of deaths in the us approaches 73000. 100000 Migrant Workers in india who were left on employed by the corona Virus Outbreak a returning home on special trains the government organized the transport after coming under immense pressure to help the workers many of whom were left stranded without food or money as the nation went to knock down theres a bathroom for an arm reports from gresham noida a note of protest state. They build homes which they could never afford to live and work has restarted at this construction site and author pradesh but many of the migrant laborers have decided to leave because they havent been paid in months. They waiting for special trains organized by the government to transport workers to their home states. The district magistrate came and took all of our names and dollars we get a message on our forms about the queens weve been waiting but we havent got anything and we have no means to leave. There are around 700 laborers from all over india whove been living in 10 checks next to the construction sites. The only food many of them get is from a wealthy benefactor whos spending around 200. 00 of his own money every day to feed 3100. 00 laborers in the area. 5 of my friends and i check every day how much food people need and we feed them we arent sponsored by any Political Party or n. G. O. S its my own resolve that im carrying out. Some workers have decided to walk all of instead of depending on the kindness of strangers for food or the government to transport them start. The work has restarted but who will look after the children at home we have to think of our children too and not just work whos feeding them here we worry about our children we wont be scared at home. Plans to walk 600 kilometers with her friend and children to their home state of Madhya Pradesh since the lockdown began on the 25th of march an estimated 10000000 have been stranded in cities all states which theyre not from with no work or income and a long way from holland. With all public transport canceled over half a 1000000 often hundreds of kilometers. After protests by Migrant Workers the government agreed to organize Train Services hard last week but government leaders are under pressure from industries as they reopen with Company Managers fearing they wont have enough workers. The state of karnataka cancelled the trains just a few days after they began saying Migrant Workers needed to stay to do their part and reviving the economy the cancellation follows a meeting between the states leader and the Real Estate Developers association of india i think its an extraordinary act in gratitude because we essentially believe that the Migrant Workers that have been abandoned in this case of the very individuals who will build own future prosperity may his sharma says that the Economic Impact of indias knocked on will be felt for a long time because of its humanitarian failure with my quince less willing to return to the cities and is a big problem al jazeera great annoyed a lot of party. More votes carrying ring of refugees have arrived in bangladesh from in ma some have been transferred to a small island described by human rights activists as a Health Hazard now meantime jim has the story. Just weeks after hundreds of broken government eugenes whod been stranded at sea were rescued off the coast of southern bangladesh another boat this one carrying around 50 people was allowed ashore on saturday. Seen in this video shown by a local news outlet are believed to have been on one of 2 fishing trawlers that have been adrift at sea for months this was after their families had to pay ransom money to traffickers on a bigger boat and that bigger boat is still potentially off the coast of cockers are and these traffickers are Still Holding potentially hundreds of people on this boat until they can pay ransom money to allow them to go to shore and i was a spokesman for bangladeshis coastguard denies there are currently any boats full of working or refugees in areas they patrol. According to government officials 29 of the new arrivals were taken to bus on char a Remote Island in the bay of bengal where it had previously been planned to house up to 100000 broking a refugee. Human rights watch calls it a dangerously flood prone island without Adequate Health care the government of bangladesh is claiming that theyve been sent there for quarantine because they dont want to socalled contaminate the refugee camps in coxs bizarre but the reality is that the un aches yar and other agencies already have quarantine facility set up before it and they have already processed more than 400 people from a previous boat so this is an excuse by the Bangladesh Government to operationalize the island of basilan char which they want to do for quite sometime in mid april bangladesh rescued 396. 00 Rohingya Refugees from a vessel adrift for almost 2 months after failing to reach malaysia dozens on that boat died survivors spoke with the Reuters News Agency about the abuses and deprivations they endured did the family get a reduction in the traffic is right women and some of them got pregnant on the but 3 of the woman survivors are in this camp the knowledge of the day were 510. 00 in total on the boat including kids we ran out of food within 5 days after we sailed off. Rights groups are now urging the Bangladeshi Government to allow around 500. 00 more rohingya currently stuck on the 2 trawlers in the bay of bengal to also come ashore. Those boats have been adrift since malaysia rejected their arrival because of coronavirus restrictions the bangladeshi foreign minister said last week that those refugees are malaysias responsibility to look after my homage in june of 0. Venezuelas state Television News broadcast video of what it says is one of 2 american mercenaries captured during a failed armed incursion on monday the man says he was instructed to seize control of caracas airport and bring in a plane to take president Nicolas Maduro to the u. S. Has accused u. S. President donald trump of trying to oust him from power but the American Government has denied any involvement i do is appeal to venezuelans to look out for any suspicious activities you know when your mom or call on all venezuelan 1000 is to look for strange things that come to your to your neighborhood in the street. The noise are serious to risible has more well it was a press conference and whether International Media in qatar guys and the 1st thing about nicole as well who did this was show the interrogation a video of look denman hes one of the 2 americans that was detained in the country when he was trying to reach the venezuelan coast of the Caribbean Sea in a speedboat very he said that he believed that he was working towards the freedom of the venezuelan people and he also explain a bit of what the plans that they had he said that our main priority was to take over the airport in caracas in order to be able to detain and extract motherhood off safely because im a little later on spoke he once again blamed donald trump but also even though of a precedent of columbian for participating in this event he said that donald trump has some trucks up contracted a u. S. Company a u. S. Security company a silver corp in order to carry out this event because my daughter said that he proved that he had proof that there was a. That was signed by your band rudolph who is the president of filbert corp and one why the Opposition Leader one why though in order for these people to create a new arrest in venezuela mother would have said that he was going to request a full investigation and denounce the United States and colombia in the hague certainly the Authorities Say at least 30 people have been killed in tribal clashes between arabs and non arabs it took place in south darfur province where the local governor has now imposed around the clock curfew deploying more troops to stabilize the situation tensions between the 2 sides date back to the darfur conflict in 2003 a nice nations report says around a 1000 messer is from the wagner group russias wagon a Group Operating in libya to support the warlord holly for have to it also says have to us forces have recruited up to 2000 fighters from syria to help their battle against the un recognized government in tripoli on diplomatic editor james bays has moved from the un. Spoke to a number of Security Council members whove confirmed whats in the report weve known for a long time there are russian mercenaries operating in libya we didnt perhaps know the scale of the operations of the Russian Company the wagon the group it has about a 1000 operatives its believed in the country including about 40 snipers who were on the front lines trying to tilt the battles in favor of general haftar the 57 page report gives pictures of some of those operatives and pictures of some of their weapons it also reveals for the 1st time that general have to is getting support from fighters that have come in from syria weve known for a long time that turkey has been sending syrian fighters to support the government government of National Accord but it seems that syrian fighters have been coming in on the other side to support general have to we believe as many as 2000 fighters who are on contracts of 800. 00 a month for 3 months we believe to try and help general haftar in his fight to Iraqs Parliament has approved the government of Prime Minister doesnt it was definitely after months of political turmoil a samina faultiness a live press in baghdad said tell us about the decision behind all this. Well the voting has just concluded in parliament and passed 15 out of the 22. 00 ministers that mystified cademy proposed as part of his cabinet and dad is more than enough to pass the cabinet and thereby approve the new government now this ends months of Political Uncertainty even if a colony was the 3rd person within 6 months to be nominated to the post of Prime Minister and who the 2 people who came before him they failed to secure the necessary support among the Political Parties that what we saw leading up to the vote in parliament was some last minute negotiations we saw names of ministers being exchanged in an effort to accommodate all the different Political Parties today and finally move to a vote now. The me will have to complete is coming out in the cabinet coming days and then he faces many challenges iraq is not only baffling the coronavirus been that make its also going through an economic crisis it is facing and i slid resurgence and all of these challenges will be something that was the fuck out of me will have to tackle very quickly and in fact he has put those as part of the priorities for his new government and he has also vowed to hold fresh elections that a question is what this means for the protest movement which is what brought about the resignation of his predecessor in the 1st place what the protesters had demanded was a complete overhaul of the political system and whats be sol with todays vote in parliament is that despite us quo very much remains in place of the same political elites that have been in charge since 2003 are still in power similar fulton thank you very much. Israels supremum court has ruled that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is indictment on corruption charges does not disqualify him from forming a Coalition Government with benny gantz the court made the announcement shortly after netanyahu and his former rival gunns said the new government would be sworn in on may the 13th they remain to set to put an end to israels longest political crisis which saw 3 inconclusive elections in a year. Israels defense minister has approved the construction of thousands more settlement homes in the occupied west bank around 7000. 00 to be built in the effort settlements south of bethlehem the homes are deemed illegal under International Law racial tensions are rising in the u. S. State of georgia after a young africanamerican man was shot dead by 2 white men while out jogging a graphic video has emerged which appears to show the 25 year old. Being gunned down in the street and they got a report this mobile phone footage captures the last moments of a modern arborist life as he was jogging through a georgia neighborhood in february as he approaches a truck the 25 year old is confronted by 2 armed men who reportedly believed he was a burglar as a moderate appears to try and avoid them a shot rings out in the struggle ensues between the unarmed man and a white male with a shot gun shots ring out as a modest shot point blank. It. Means to execute. It not be amazed the men have been identified as Gregory Mcmichael a former Police Detective and his son travis according to a Police Report the men armed themselves and chased a model bery who they suspected was responsible for a series of break ins the elder mcmichael alleges ahmad are buried then attacked his son who acted in self defense neither man has been arrested or charged. Since the video emerged protesters have taken to the streets where the young man was killed the lack of charges and handling of the case has enraged civil rights activists across the country we decided to do something positive here. For a minute because this is what he needs right now just as hes not here to be the voice that we are his voice georgias governor brian campus responded by saying he wants a thorough independent investigation the states attorney general expressed deep concern but the mens claims that they were acting under a state citizens arrest law is being questioned the death of a model our brain echoes the case of 17 year old Trayvon Martin who was shot and killed here in florida 8 years ago he was pursued by selfappointed Neighborhood Watch captain George Zimmerman who use this states stand your ground law as a defense he was eventually found innocent in a case that still haunts the africanamerican community. The Trayvon Martin shooting was one of many in recent years that sparked a nationwide protest movement marred arborist case will eventually go before a grand jury but that may not happen for weeks with current restrictions in place in a transcript of the emergency call made by one of the 2 men they were asked if ahmad was committing a crime hes a black man running down a road was the answer to gallacher aljazeera. Drivers in china are stopped from using a suspension bridge after it began buckling in high winds Surveillance Video caught the undulating movement of the road surface its been closed for repairs due to what state media called unusual wind flow the bridge was opened in 1970. From one of the top stories on our 0 germany is making moves to merge further from its pandemic lockdown chancellor Angela Merkel said the 1st phase of the coronavirus has passed a shoot outs to a new range of steps to ease restrictions they include allowing people from 2 different households to meet all shops will open and top League Football will restart next week behind closed doors. Stadium you can get all needed and. We will not rain store contacts the way they were before if everyone observes that this time thing then hygiene rules then there is a good chance that it will remain this way otherwise we would have made these decisions i said we are following a bold pov and we believe that with the present framework conditions we have a chance however are one through we are even more reliant on people corporator Spains Parliament has extended the countrys state of emergency for a 4th time from mr Pedro Sanchez managed to secure enough backing to extend it until may the 24th it allows the government to control peoples movements as it gradually relaxes its locked down on. The number of deaths in the u. K. Is now past 30000 comes a day after britain registered the highest death toll in europe when the messina scientific advisors to the u. K. Government has resigned professor Neil Ferguson breached the coronavirus lockdown rules he helped to create a receiving secret visits to his home by a woman. As a number of deaths in the us approaches 73000. 00 President Trump appears to have backtracked on winding down the white house virus taskforce instead he says it will shift towards efforts to reopen the economy and focus more on vaccines but the president still being criticized for turning his attention to the economy while deaths continue to rise which of an isr. State television has broadcast video of what it says is one of 2 american mercenaries captured during a failed armed incursion on monday the man says he was instructed to seize control of caracas airport and take president Nicolas Maduro to the u. S. And who has accused u. S. President donald trump trying to oust him from power. People in power is up next looking at life under lockdown in italy ivan after. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is just stay out. When the coronavirus pandemic began spreading across the world in early 2020 italy quickly became europes worst affected nation and soon after went into law. As its hospitals began to fold its population retreated into isolation and its economy ground to a halt we asked to throw makers from rome to document those unprecedented 1st few weeks

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