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Response to the quote of our celebrating. Political breakthrough in afghanistans president and his rival result their cellmate over disputed election. After more than a year and a half of failed elections diplomatic dealmaking and political paralysis a new government has been sworn in in israel an agreement has been forged between longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political rival benny katz it will take the countrys leadership for a year and a half or a force that has more from western. Culture even after 3 inconclusive elections and being charged in 3 Corruption Cases Benjamin Netanyahu has shown once again that hes going nowhere we dont have a clue to the dark hours of great responsibility begins and i decided to form a unity government and avoid a. How high how afterwards the division and distrust remain evident in this unity deal now his former rival benny gantz have written into it all kinds of guards against betrayal sworn in simle taney asli as Prime Minister and alternate netanyahu to go 1st then after 18 months an unprecedented 36. 00 ministries shared equally. We decided to take National Responsibility especially at this time israel needs a National Government that represents broad sections of the country after more than 10 years the era of government by one half of the nation is over we are here to represent those who felt they had no voice in leading this country. But gans also predicted bitter arguments to come one big difference their position on an exceeding 30 percent of the occupied west bank under the terms of the trump peace plan dances calling for a delay in consultation netanyahu is doubling down. On it it is time to apply israeli law and rise a glorious chapter in the history of zionism this state doesnt delay peace it brings it closer because peace must be based on the truth and the truth is that there are hundreds of thousands of settlers in judo and sumeria under the Coalition Deal netanyahu can bring an extension for a vote anytime after july the 1st veto power of the terms of the deal say that annexation has to be carried out in coordination with the us and must not threaten any Regional Peace treaties and now the u. S. Seems to be signaling that it wants to see a delay and jordans king says annexation would cause massive conflict with Israel Netanyahu and dan say the new government answers the call of the israeli people at a time of pandemic and economic crisis dances for more opposition ally says it serves the interests of politicians not voters accord look at how this government was established 0 trust between the partners everything through lawyers and Court Debates overriding the basic laws people who dont believe a word the other says. It is at least for now a functioning government the 1st israel has had a nearly 18 months but its structure is unprecedented and faces severe tests of the impact of the coronavirus and accession and having a Prime Minister whose corruption trial is due to start next sunday are a force it west to saddam. Ali abunimah is the cofounder of electronic intifada an independent online news publication focusing on palestine he doesnt expect any change in policy toward palestinians from the new government. Its not as if any Israeli Government would have presented the palestinians with somehow a peaceful way out of. Israeli occupation apartheid every Israeli Government has been implacably hostile to palestinian rights including this one which is headed by the 2 authors of among many other things that 2014 assault on gaza during which israel killed one in every 1000 residents of the occupied gaza strip netanyahu was of course Prime Minister then and gantz was the army chief so these are 2 people who despite what have a personal animosity they have iron ideological lockstep in terms of. Completing the colonize ation of the west bank and if they have any disagreements its a very in mind that tactical disagreements about how not to upset the socalled International Community too much but. They really dont have anything to worry about because weve seen that the United States the European Union many arab regimes including especially the gulf regimes a very much on board with this is ready government so as real doesnt think it has too much to worry about. In brazil protesters are heading back out defying lockdown orders to demand an easing of coronavirus restrictions officials there have recorded more than 15000 deaths more than the rest of the region combined 230000 people are known to be infected limits on testing a likely hiding the truth about slots of figure president diable sonando is still downplaying the risks and pushing hard to reopen the economy while in chile one of the americas of a major pandemic hotspots surging infection numbers a few unfair and racism particularly against haitians the largest Migrant Community that in america ever had lucy and human reports from santiago. But mother they call them see dead is Large Properties subdivided into small quarters where one or more families live cramped together often sharing a bathroom with up to a dozen other families theyre the only option for many haitian migrants in chile like the johnson affair you can see the kitchen doesnt work the bathroom too but its difficult for us to run to and hi to my children each have their own room i would never bring them here she says. Chile has to largest haitian Migrant Community outside of the United States and its Public Knowledge that they are exploited by unscrupulous landlords and now with the coronavirus pandemic theyre being discriminated further. Oh. Oh. Oh a few weeks ago this it did with 88. 00 rooms became nationwide news Health Authorities moved the haitian residents to a special quarantine area with better facilities but 1st the results of their parole of virus test were published on the municipalitys web page violating a patients right to confidentiality the news spread like wildfire even before the cameras arrived the neighbors began throwing rocks and hurling insults at the haitians because a few of them had been confirmed to be carried. Coronavirus now they tell us that they feel even more discriminated and vulnerable than ever. The fear of the virus has only increased the stigmatize ation of haitians since ralph gianbattista who works as a Community Translator they dont. Have the communitys very angry and upset if theyd been from europe from germany this would not have happened ralph is always dressed impeccably because he says it helps to counter the constant disrespect of blacks by chileans their reason for the very people say get out and blocky there is cruel discrimination here that we cant ignore. Its league worse because many haitian migrants dont speak spanish and dont know their rights and. With very precarious Living Conditions its even more difficult for them to survive in a pandemic they charged rents which many cant afford the virus doesnt discriminate but we do. The governor of santiagos metropolitan region agrees that many migrants are living in inhumane conditions. But when we asked why authorities havent stopped landlords from renting unsanitary and overcrowded living quarters he blamed the matters on which. The truth is that authorities have constantly turned a blind eye to a sanitary and human rights dilemma that is punishing those who came here for a better life as never before you see in human aljazeera sentimental. As i mentioned brazils president has repeatedly downplayed the risks of covert 19 and is pushing to reopen the economy many people including Health Workers feel theyre being left on their own to battle the pandemic preg up to has more on. A virus that makes prevail difficult for those who are infected and also its little perspired put those claim to treat them this Specialized Hospital agree with our state is on the frontline brazils fight against the corner virus the country is the worst affected in latin america and the state has the 2nd highest number of deaths most hospitals are running out of blood and the intensive care units are good while what is todays big problem its the law of supply and demand the number of doctors is very low were looking for more doctors to hire to run this hospital 100 percent this disease isnt kidding around whoever thinks its a joke is going to lose their life people have to take precautions. This neighborhood is one of the poorest in sao paulo and the virus has taken many peoples Friends Family members and neighbors the district of. Some of the highest numbers of deaths in the city. Clergy were trickiest lost his mother to the virus and his father is recovering in a Field Hospital hes spending his time distributing free meals to put those who cant afford to eat let me say. I have a mission to fulfill and im sure my mother is supporting me at this moment im sure shes looking at me wherever she is and saying go and play your part unleashing that seems critical in a place where social distancing im going in water seem like a luxury he did we have all these advice about social isolation wash your hands stay at home but at a price of milk last. The richest ones. Brazil has some of the highest number of reported deaths and infections in the world but experts say a lack of testing means there could be many more. Brazils Health Minister has stepped down after just weeks in the job the 2nd minister to go to the pandemic began preston job also now has a postwar towns and wants to reopen a quota soon even though the disease that hes called a little slow is taking many lives and causing much hardship. Aljazeera. Is a Latin American Affairs analyst and journalist he says Public Opinion is gradually shifting against president also not 0. He still has around 30 percent support a more on the brazilian electorate however an opinion poll published today by the paper or globe which is part of the biggest media conglomerate in brazil suggests that 38 percent of people in brazil believe hes doing a very bad job again 30 percent who believe hes doing a moderate good job and 28 percent who believe that hes doing a very good job so this is a big chunk of people have started to move towards a critical position to was mr also noddles or what they believe is a couple youre opposed to the crisis he has dismissed the seriousness of the situation and the us wearing many many people there some take their late if he is the latest Health Minister to resign from his cabinet the problem he has at the moment is that he has to fight in 2 from one is the 19 a pandemic which as you said is the highest in latin america combined but also the front of corruption which is which means that hes being investigated and his son i mean investigated for allegedly cases of corruption and 30 motions of impeachment has been already filed in the Brazilian Congress so he has to fight in 2 fronts and he sed trying to last he said reopen the economy has criticised many state governments brazil is a federal republic and state governments have a great deal of power he has criticized them for maintaining the shutdown of the economy and society and the social distancing. Still ahead on aljazeera mass testing of millions with a coronaVirus Outbreak originated in the new cluster is a cause and concern in chinas northeast. And they look to businesses struggling under sanctions and iran now also dealing with the financial strain put on by grown a. Hell of a plenty of hot and dry weather throughout much of the middle east on the Arabian Peninsula we have seen some trout in the last hours across western as a society we have also seen wanted to show that really the bulk of the region is hot and dry and look at this because people are now flocking back to the beaches this is tell of if it is royal see the seas a fairly warm as well but the temperature has been reaching 38 celsius and it will stay at that sort of level over the next few days so a very nice rail to go and cool off in the water say through monday 38 injuries them as well as yes across in damascus and of course across the repaints a very similar temperatures that will move out across into q 8 and 42 in a very hot day in baghdad at 43 and also actually on tuesday well that cloud just bubbling up late in the actual central cities and strong winds as well we could have some blowing sand and dust and of course we could also have an afternoon shower or thunderstorm plenty of those showers and thunderstorms across central areas of africa throughout monday little system to sitting off the east coast of tanzania it begins to push towards the coast certainly late in the day by cheese day it doesnt mean you got more very heavy rain back in the fall calls all day long these coastal areas pushing up again into areas of kenya and of course more heavy rain out tools the restaurant the gulf of guinea but fine and dry to soften a nice warm day in cape town with a high of 22. I usually test treats and trace frank assessments why its really struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action we get them behind the curve informed opinion its going to be much more challenging in a place like ease with theres one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the days global headlines india doesnt up to the spread of coronavirus in the inside story on aljazeera. Youre watching are just there are a minder of our top stories this hour israels new Coalition Government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival benny gantz has been sworn in the deal to govern together came after 3 general elections failed to determine one clear winner. The number of deaths from the coronavirus of brazil has a past 15000 thats more than the rest of latin america combined meanwhile protesters in sao paulo are defying down what is to demand an easing of restrictions. Former u. S. President barack obama has criticised trumps handling of the pandemic speaking at a virtual ceremony for thousands of High School Graduates he said they have to seize the initiative where leaders have fumbled more than anything this pandemic is fully finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what theyre doing a lot of them arent even pretending to be in charge the worlds going to get better its going to be up to you. John hendren joins us now live from chicago so john what else did the former president have to say about the current president and his handling of the pandemic and has donald trump responded at all. With the word trump may have never left the rock obamas lips but theres no doubt about who he was talking about but president obama talked to these students and they should do the right thing he said doing whats easy doing whats convenient thats what you kids do he went on to say even some socalled adults with fancy titles are doing that right now and thats why things are so in his words screwed up right now so the brit was clearly criticizing donald trump and it comes not very long after i think was or a week or so after obama spoke to a private group and the context of that was it was leaked and he went out and he told that group of people that trumps response to the pain demick had been and leaking hed been disorganized and that it was just badly carried out so he has begun to speak more he went about 3 years without really plea criticizing trump of those trump has made something of a career of criticizing obama and Mitch Mcconnell the Senate Majority responded to obama making it clear he knew what obama was talking about saying that it shouldve kept his mouth shut well here in the u. S. That received from criticism people who said in america when a white man does a black man he is male shut that comes with a lot of historical baggage thank you for that john hendren there live from chicago the u. K. Government has announced it will provide 100000000 more dollars in funding to research is trying to find a vaccine the business secretary says britain would have to get 1st access to it. I can also confirm that with Government Support Oxford University has finalized a Global Licensing agreement with astra zeneca for the commercialization and many fracturing of the oxford vaccine this means that if the vaccine are successful astra zeneca will work to make 30000000. 00 doses available by september for the u. K. As part of an agreement to deliver 100000000. 00 doses in total the u. K. Will be 1st to get access and we can also ensure that in addition to supporting people here in the u. K. Were able to make the vaccine available to developing countries at the lowest possible cost roy talent is following this for us in london he says the British Government is optimistic about of axing but also warning that 1 may never be produced. Its been fast tracked 12 months to be finished next about so some 2021 middle of the year now its a big part of think of the governments ambitions approach the u. K. Right at the forefront of the global drive to create research and develop a vaccine for corona virus the main problem at the moment is that as we can know there isnt a vaccine so. Its something that. These places like the specs and sent around and other places around the world are going to be working hard but Boris Johnson is has pledged to get to get this sort of thing done but hes also acknowledged in an article he writes in the mail on sunday. Newspaper today that such a thing may not actually happen we may never actually get to a vaccine so a bit of tempering of expectations or. New classes of infections have emerged in chinas Northeastern Province of ji that 500 medical staff have been sent there off to the epidemic risk level was raised from medium to high and testing has been ramped up and who hung in the past 24 hours more than 200000 residents were checked for coronavirus the aim is to test all of the citys 11000000 residents in just 2 weeks the rest of china is slowly reopening production is up and downs have eased with more schools and businesses reopening as well as more flights resuming on sunday its Vaccine Development is also moving forward with some drugs already in the 2nd phase of Clinical Trials chinese officials hope they could move on to wider testing by july circuit is monitoring developments from hong kong. Some of the latest data weve got from the National Health commission out of china weve got 5 new cases reported on sunday 2 of those cases are imported and 3 are from this province known as the Jilin Province this is an area where province the border is russia and north korea its in the north east of china and the government there has reported that the total tally so far of about 144. 00 cases and the mayor and city its his now does describe this as a serious outbreak and as a result the government in the city and across the province have put in place a number of control measures and restrictions and some of that includes the city being put in partial lockdown schools have been closed across the province of also got some of the residential compounds have been locked down as well gatherings both indoor and outdoor have been banned and the transport systems were talking about the trains theres a long and short distance routes theyve been partially stopped for now the government also it pushing for increased the screening of those residents in this particular area medical teams as you mentioned before about 500 medical staff have arrived in julian city to try and test and ramp up the procedures look at the people who not only get infected but the residents in that province to try and stem and curb the spread of the crime a Virus Outbreak and residents have also been advised not to leave the city but as we identify this particular class or the outbreak in the northeast of china we have got a lot of a huge part of china back to business as usual in the city of shanghai weve got some more classes in schools resuming this week weve had the higher grades a regime class but now the lower grades are returning to class as well and weve got some Tourist Attractions theyve also been reopened were talking about the forbidden city in beijing as well as the Disneyland Resort in shanghai and as you mentioned earlier some of the flights returned to 60 percent of the pre outbreak level thats the mainland Domestic Travel routes so despite the outbreak you have got a large part of china returning to business as normal and when you look at the figures if you believe the official data being released by china we have got low numbers when you compare them to the likes of the United States and parts of europe the pandemic is having a Significant Impact on world economies around was a bad shape even before the outbreak mainly due to years of u. S. Sanctions some businesses are now doing everything they can to keep the doors open has more from tehran. More than 83000000 people live in one of the most sanctioned countries in the world domestic brands dominate this big Consumer Market and how well the Tehran Stock Exchange has been doing in recent years challenges conventional thinking about irans economy out of the quality of overrule the government intends to support the growth of the stock market this is our approach and we will help this market continue to flourish i say again the government is determined to increase the sales of its share this is produced positive expectations and will continue to do so. Sanctions have forced domestic investment which has been good for many local businesses but the covert 1000 pandemic has meant lost revenues in april 1 of irans biggest government run Holding Companies decided to sell 10 percent of its shares its portfolio is enormous assets include mobile operators shipping companies Pharmaceuticals Construction Petro Chemicals the list goes on a Public Offering is unprecedented and generating excitement about investing in stocks iranians who normally put their savings in real estate gold foreign currency even cars are investing heavily in the Stock Exchange and the government is making it easier to do so. In the past people mostly deposited the savings in banks banks invested it now its become very simple theres a website the comprehensive Financial Information people register online and receive a trading code and they can buy she is 3 different brokers. But some iranians worry this is a cash grab during a downturn that this might be a bubble and new investors in a speculation driven market could lose their money. Meanwhile Small Business is a major part of irans commercial landscape have been circling the drain since the beginning of the outbreak. This engine public bath in downtown had dozens of customers every day before the pandemic oh. We havent had any business for a long time we cant enough to even pay the water bill if it continues like this we will have to hand back this place to its owner while there is growing confidence around the stock market working class iranians remain the most financially vulnerable many People Living in this city have more immediate concerns like keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table in fact there are to iran families that would indeed find it difficult to get by if it wasnt for the daily food rations they receive from local charities privatizing state owned assets means irans post coronavirus economy could see more control in public hands something that could lead to long term growth but for now the economy is doing what it has been doing for years shrinking and working class communities feel the squeeze the most is in basra to herat afghanistan Political Uncertainty has come to an end with president musharraf got a standing a power sharing agreement with his rival. And his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah have been locked in a stalemate over last years disputed election a bill of the will now leave the council for peace talks and members of his table formed part of the cabinet heres how we reached this point in february the Election Commission declared ashraf ghani winner of last years election but his rival Abdullah Abdullah disputed it saying he had one that fought in the following month announced the formation of a parallel government complicating u. S. Efforts to reach a deal with the taleban later in march u. S. Secretary of state mike compared traveled to kabul to mediate as washington announced plans to cut 1000000000. 00 in aid and now with the power sharing deal in place the next issue will be to decide who will hold the top positions in the government. Hakimi is the lead afghanistan researcher at Chatham House he says outside pressures have forced political rivals to Work Together. We have now like anywhere in the world the covert 19 of honest on for example a know it has the potential to be unfortunately the epicenter in the region if its not contained for instance secondly President Trump and the trumpet ministration is an entirely different game of the us Foreign Policy compared to the Obama Administration and president jiang zemin very clear he does not want to be the policeman of the honest man as he puts it so i think the political elite of what is on have come to really realize ation that they have to Work Together in order to move forward to even have that means that theyre going to Work Together in circumstances they dont like to work with each other but it has to be done for their own survival but also for making sure that some kind of move forward happens and also the taleban process of of reconciliation with them which at the moment is stuck after the agreement was signed in doha and then the febrile between the u. S. And the taliban to which the Afghan Government was not a party so that has these are the 3 things and my view that are changed compared to the 1014 and the political elite. Livy is internationally recognized government says it has launched air strikes on an air base controlled by warlord one half ton on saturday shelling by forces loyal to hostile killed at least 7 people in the south of tripoli the attack targeted a University Dormitory used by internally displaced people and now foreigners district an ambulance was also hit by shrapnel as medics treated injured. As a growing rift in syria among the president s in a circle Bashar Al Assads cousin a business tycoon has refused to step down as head of the largest mobile operator in the country in a 16 minute video posted online says the collapse of syria tel would be a catastrophic setback for the economy he says hes under pressure to hand over profits from his telecommunications empire or face arrest this is the 3rd such video posted in recent weeks. Results as there are these are the top stories israels new Coalition Government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival benny gantz has been sworn in the deal to govern together came after 3 general elections failed to determine one clear winner high force that has more from west to them it is an extremely strange agreement that they have drawn up at least in terms of a little israeli political history it is a huge government in those terms 36. 00 ministries it will swell d to they will be evenly divided between the 2 some of the ministries being created to try to satisfy the demands for jobs on both sides includes such things as one person being given the ministry of Higher Education and Water Resources at the same time so it has been quite a lot of criticism about the expense of all of that the number of deaths from the coronavirus and brazil has the past 15000 thats more than the rest of latin america combined meanwhile protesters in sao paulo also to defy lockdown orders to demand an easing of restrictions former u. S. President barack obama has criticized trumps handling of the pandemic speaking at a virtual ceremony for thousands of High School Graduates he said they have to seize the initiative where leaders have fumbled. The British Government has announced an additional 100000000. 00 in funding to research is trying to find a Coronavirus Vaccine that comes as Oxford University has partnered up with a u. K. Based pharmaceutical company. Afghanistans Political Uncertainty has come to an end with president us for afghanis signing a power sharing agreement with his rival a shotgun and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah had been locked in a stalemate over last years disputed election. Will now lead the council for peace talks and members of his team will form part of the cabinet is theres a growing rift in syria among the president s inner circle cousin a business tycoon as refused to step down as head of the largest mobile operator in the country and a 16 minute video posted online said the collapse of syria tel would be a catastrophic setback for the economy he says hes under pressure to head profits from his telecommunications empire or face arrest those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera the inside story now ill be back at the top of the hour stay with us. And finally israel has governed months of elections and political deadlock of lead to an unprecedented power sharing cabinet and have been netanyahu and benny gantz will both lead it over the next 3 years but with different agendas can these 2 men actually work to get them this is inside story. Hello everyone im come all santamaria he is seen as an unparalleled political survivor and once again he got what he wanted Benjamin Netanyahu will lead to fill

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