Military base last year had links with al qaeda. May be as you would recognize government cease control of a key air base from forces loyal to war to be fast on. France and germany a jointly proposing a relief fund worth over 540000000000. 00 to help europe recover from the pandemic their leaders held a Video Conference to discuss going to shift on monday the proposal suggests the bloc bar or the funds together they have think difference is in europe over how to push forward with an Economic Relief plan. Our correspondent is live for us and paris on a talk just tell us more about this planet and how its likely to be received. The german chancellor Angela Merkel and the french president a matter of fact had a meeting of Video Conference and what they have said at the end of that is that they are calling on the European Union to try and norge this 500000000000. 00 euro about 545000000000. 00 Recovery Fund now the idea they say is that the European Union would bore this money off the Financial Markets and it would be repaid in some way by either Member States or the European Union the details still have to be confirmed and that money would come out of their their budgets now merkel and micro said that it was really important that the European Union at this time show solidarity supports Member States that have been worse hit by the pandemic and the idea is that this money would go toward helping these countries regions that have been worse heads also certain sectors of the economy that are really struggling would help them to try and recover financially and not basically collapse because you have some regions of europe and some countries you think you are places like italy and spain that have been particularly badly hit by this pandemic there are of course other Member States that have been less badly hit but also it is very important that all 27 show unity on this because this is of course been an unprecedented crisis and that the e. U. Should act together and fashion has there been any response so far to this plan. Well its certainly been well received on the markets because stocks have surged all the announcements this bad but has also got to do with the fact that we have seen the numbers for example in europe of Coronavirus Infection cases and deaths go down each day and week by week we have also heard from the European Commission vanderlei last she welcomed this plan she said it was very much in keeping with the European Unions line of thinking this is really what they have been looking at so hopefully we might hear a little bit more from the e. U. In the coming days as well as when they actually manage to put together their plan and put together the structure of it and actually make that public thank you that update then a part of the live from paris the country at the heart of the crowd of ours are broke thats infected nearly 5000000 people around the world is defending its handling of the pandemic chinas now pledged billions of dollars to fight the virus president she made the announcement during an annual Health Conference run by the World Health Organization. China will provide 2000000000. 00 over 2 years to help with the global covered 1000. 00 response and to help with economic and social development in developing countries china will also work with the un to set up a global humanitarian response to pro and hub in china. President xi also told the Virtual Meeting he supports an inquiry into the Global Response to covert 19 but only once its been brought under control chinas face growing criticism from countries including the u. S. And australia for its initial response to the outbreak president he insists beijing has been open transparent and responsible the United States is accusing the World Health Organization of failing in its response to the corner virus Health Secretary alex as are says it has cost people their lives in an apparent attempt to conceal this outbreak at least one member state made a mockery of their transparency obligations with tremendous cost for the entire world. We saw that w. 2 filled at its core mission of information sharing and transparency when Member States do not act in good faith this cannot ever happen again the status quo is intolerable w. H. O. Must change and it must become far more transparent and far more accountable we want to go live now to a said baker who is in one for us i said to the u. S. Theyre very critical of the w. H. O. The w. H. O. For its part wanted to show a sign of unity did it did it succeed in that well it was going well for them today with many World Leaders coming out and calling for unity and solidarity right up until the United States cope with that scathing attack that youve just heard that has thrown spider into the works the show because the United States is a big country is a massive contributor although it suspended its funding for the World Health Organization currently its also going to upset china because United States talk to china in that statement they said that at least one member state was trying attempting to conceal what was taking place that they didnt mention china by name but its very evident that they are talking about china and the director general of the World Health Organization dr ted ross said that he would initiate an investigation into how the organization dealt with the pandemic. Opportunity but also the oversight body that looks over the World Health Organization has praised. Saying that they have shown good leadership but they said that they were worried about an increasing politicize ation of the response to the pandemic so the w. H. O. Saying yes we will order an independent investigation to into our handling of the pandemic but then separately there are calls for another investigation into the origins of the outbreak what can you tell us on that front. Yes thats a resolution that was initially proposed by a stranger which caused a diplomatic spat between china and australia china. That was talked to them because the straw you are saying they want to look at the origins now this resolution backed by around 220 states has been put forward by the European Union now it calls for an impartial independent and comprehensive investigation into the response to the Pandemic International response to the pandemic but also includes the text which says that evaluated this should be an evaluation to the zoonotic origins of the virus and thats looking at how it spread from animals to humans no china doesnt support it but is a opposed to it any more either so expecting this to pass when it does go to the assembly but this is what the oversight body is talking about is the over politicize ation with countries using the w hey show us a political football to take to play the blame game to point fingers at each other and thats what china has come out very defensive thats why dr ted drugs came out very defensive again of the w. H. O. And their actions in dealing with the pandemic think of that as a break their cost developments from london. The head of the u. S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Says the president may have fired a government watchdog because he was investigating an arm sell to saudi arabia and at angles says he asked the state Department Inspector general steve linnik to investigate Donald Trumps decision to declare an emergency to clear the way for the 8000000000. 00 sale trump announced his plans to remove linnik on friday lets cross over now to washington d. C. Where mike hanna is standing by for us at the white house mike tell us more. Well the Inspector General of state department was removed from his post late on friday night as has become something of a pattern he was the 4th Inspector General to be fired by President Trump within the last 5 weeks now initially there was speculation that it was connected to events within the state department and particularly the secretary of state however the chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee has now released a statement saying that the firing could be connected to what he calls President Trumps fake emergency to bypass congress tional oversight concerning an 8000000000. 00 arms sale to saudi arabia now back in may last year President Trump the numbers that emergency then the secretary of state mike pompei as sent a letter to congress outlining good reasons for that emergency based at that time on the a threat as President Trumpeted being posed by iran at that time the House Committee on Foreign Affairs asked for further information they then spot 2 of this investigation by the. Inspector general of the state department now what we understand now from a statement to the chair of the Foreign Relations committee is that the Inspector General had in fact being about to produce the result of his investigation into this arm still and into President Trumps attempts to circumvent congress the house has now asked the administration to provide all information you could relating to the firing off the Inspector General this is an issue thats not going to go away and certainly eliot engel statement now is creating a great disturbance within congress remembering to bed at the time this was a bipartisan issue there were many republicans within congress who will also appalled at President Trumps decision to bypass congressional oversight in the Saudi Arabian arms do you think that that is my candidate live from the white house. The f. B. I. Says it has found evidence that a saudi cadet wasnt contact with the group al qaeda before he shot and killed 3 people on a u. S. Military base last year federal investigators found cell phone evidence which they say reveals Mohammed Saeed ronni communicated with an al qaeda operative who encouraged the shooting u. S. Attorney general william buses technicians managed to unlock the phone and retrieve evidence to apple declined to help the phones contained information previously unknown to us that definitively establishes al shown ronnies significant ties to al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula not only before the attack but before he even arrived in the United States we now have a clear understanding of these associations and activities in the years months and days leading up to his attack he wrote a final will purporting to explain himself and saved it in his phone the exact same will that a q a p released 2 months later when they initially claimed responsibility he wasnt just coordinating with them about planning and tactics he was helping the organization make the most it could out of his murders and he continued to confer with his h. Q. A. P. Associates right up until the end the very night before he started shooting attica highness following developments from washington d. C. They really were trying to turn this into a press conference about the Technology Industry they got a search warrant to search these 2 phones apple simply said no were not going to comply with that so this is been an ongoing fight between the Justice Department and big tech in the United States but i think some of the bigger things that they announced perhaps were in the finer details things like they launched an attack against an associate in yemen thats the 1st time weve heard of that wasnt successful exactly what kind of attack in later questioning they wouldnt say but they also went on to detail a very long relationship between al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and mohamed say ronnie saying that it went back to his far back as 2015 before he even tried to enter the saudi military this brings up a broader question about exactly what kind of vetting the u. S. Was doing after all thousands of people from across the country come to train with the u. S. Military to pretty big program they said that there was vetting going on well now theyre saying that even while he was in the country for years from texas to florida that he was communicating by phone by Electronic Device with people in gammon and nobody in the vast surveillance state seemed to have caught on to that. Still come here on aljazeera. And its just an instinct to mean more tension in hong kong prodemocracy politicians scuffle with those back in beijing inside comment chunks. So far from hong will have more on how indias extended lockdown is creation problems for millions of neighborhoods. And their very whole picture across much of the middle east and the Arabian Peninsula we have seen some towns streaming to the whole country working its way into northern sections all. Tuckey this gave rise to this amazing picture coming out of istanbul on sunday that very low lying clouds meanwhile you had farther to the south into amman in jordan and its about the temperatures and the heat how much is a reach around 39 degrees that was slightly the high that it reached on sunday and the jordanian metal for the same 10 degrees above the average for this time of year it has going to stay very holds throughout much of the eastern med and again of course across much of the Arabian Peninsula quite a bit bubbling up through choose to our wednesday 3 will central Western Areas of saudi this could certainly kick us in sand and thus the winds are fairly strong and at the same time we could just see a stray shower or thunderstorm but becoming fairly extensive into iran as the day progresses meanwhile down into Southern Africa most u. K. Skies across the south and that has given rise to a beautiful sunset certainly in cape town time which is actually on the rise here of the next few days its just a dry ice that you dont choose a 22 years behind capes and wanted to shine through eastern areas of madagascar and those heavy rains back in the 4 call st tanzania up into kenya staying that way on wednesday and then case guys in the south in effect warming up in cape town with a high of 25. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a global power developing to the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and the firemen to shelve Energy Solutions for future generation the brush fire nearing future energy. To move. The. Ball on the old. Watching aljazeera a model of our top stories this hour france and germany enjoy the proposing a relief fund worth over 540000000000. 00 to help your recover from the damage the apostle suggests the block for the funds together there have been differences in europe over how to push forward with an Economic Relief plan. Chinese president xi jinping has pledged 2000000000. 00 in aid to to contain the coronavirus pandemic during an address the World Health Organizations annual assembly she said beijing supports an inquiry into the pandemic but only once its been brought under control. The head of the u. S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Says the us president may have fired a government watchdog because it was investigating an arms sale to saudi arabia stephen it was asked to investigate Donald Trumps decision to declare an emergency to clear the way 48000000000. 00 sale. A Major Development in the b. And now its un recognized government says it has retaken control of the r. Watts here it was being used as well as headquarters in western libya more about a man he has more. Howard but it. Was a moment of victory for Libyan Government forces and another setback if i have to spite his officials in tripoli say that forces have taken back i want to add based nittany as he has border it has been under have to control since 2014 the base is within 50 kilometers of 3 towns the intense awana and its location has made it difficult the Government Forces to find a secure area where they launched ground in s. Trikes to retake the base in early may the fighting resulted in heavy losses on both sides the military says the turning point came when it destroyed at least 2 at halftime russian made adequate systems to game changer in terms of the last year of teleprompters offensive. From now on tripoli and i think in that sense we have to understand how its changed the military calculus now have to have importance to Russian Defense systems that in recent days in order to safeguard are not frozen of value of the assets of any properly paid for bitterly over this asset since 2015 in fact its the 1st civil war that was sparked by philip after in 2014 now its a Major Development because it really alters the way in which water can continue his offensive on tripoli. To control of our base in 2014. Thats when he called on libyans to rise up against the u. N. Recognized government in tripoli since then he said for his headquarters for his forces in western libya. Have tours been launching strikes there since april 2019 to support his offensive to seize control of the capital. An offensive that killed more than a 1000 people have to continues to launch strikes in tripoli and its mity get a port only 8 kilometers east of the city but he no longer has any air bases in the west while he still controls launch swathes of land and oil fields across eastern and southern libya. But analysts say the recapture. May tip the balance of power. Since it no longer has to defend the west and focus on the capital about a manly. Accord and israel has convicted a jewish settler for a 25 day an acid attack that killed a palestinian toddler and his parents the man fired bob the home belonging to the family in the west bank village of doma are false it has more from lot in israel. Head bowed leo was led into court charged with carrying out the most infamous individual act of anti palestinian violence in recent years he was on monday convicted of the murder a real harm and so are the watcher and their 18 month old son ali by setting their house on fire as they slept their 4 year old son ahmed was badly burned but survived. The trial will not bring my family back it will not bring back real sad and the trial will not bring back our mates family i dont want there to be more children to go through the trauma that we went through the prosecution said ben early along with another youth conspired to attack palestinians in the occupied west bank after a jewish man was shot and killed it said the miners stayed away but the 21 year old ben ileo went himself into the village of duma and set fire to the do options house in their verdict the judges acknowledged the unresolved elements of the case in particular witness testimony and crime scene evidence suggesting more than one attacker was involved but ruled that the detailed content of been confessions made it clear that he was guilty this case attained such a high profile and there was such pressure for conviction that Israeli Security services use tactics on the suspects will normally preserved the palestinian detainees such as detention without charge and unharnessed interrogation sometimes called torture. Lawyer says that will form the basis of his appeal his admission and his confession was made after. Including the daughter and the whole. Core of their judgment. Is really Security Service called the verdict a milestone in the battle against jewish terror but no leo was acquitted of belonging to any terror group the other suspect who cant be named because of his age at the time was however convicted on that charge as part of an earlier plea deal. And i think at the end of the homes this man was convicted but we think with certainty that hes not alone there are others out there who are part of it and theyre free and they can still practice terror on our people it is possible that we can be subject to the retail atory attacks. In india was due to be sentenced next month 5 years on the family say theyre still far from finding a sense of resolution. Or a lot israel. 15 and he government protesters have appeared in hong kong courts chazz so the last is mass rallies the group was arrested in april accused of helping to organize protests which were banned in the cities or thirties adrian brown reports. Social distancing rules were ignored as the 15 activists arrived at court penned in by media supporters and opponents one defendant striking a defiant time he was. Told to stay been saying. The jamison coldest day. To see into. The World Economy does his son. Those appearing in court include to think ahead of hong kongs Democracy Movement like the lawyer and former politician mattingly now 81. 00 and frequently vilified in chinas state controlled media as is margaret own another lawyer and campaigner the newspaper owner and businessman jimmy lai believes the arrests were ordered by chinas government and are intended as a deterrent against future Mass Gatherings well i think hes obviously that they just want to intimidate you know the people here that they will they will come up with demonstrators hong kongs police deny the charges are politically motivated and insist theyre just doing their job. Nearly 8000. 00 people have been arrested since the start of the protest last june but the round up of some of the territories most respected campaigners a month ago shocked many under a colonial era law they were charged with taking part in an Illegal Assembly if ound guilty they face up to 5 years in jail the hearing was adjourned until the middle of next month these Court Appearances come ahead of some very sensitive anniversaries of hong kong and just days before controversial legislation is due to be presented. The hong kongs fractious legislature of. Legislature was a combative place on monday with m. P. s physically fighting for control of an important committee. From the prodemocracy parties were expelled from the chamber they now face the prospect of criminal charges which could dispose of them from standing in elections later this year Adrian Broome aljazeera hong kong. Italy has lifted more of its coronavirus lockdown restrictions and what the Prime Minister is calling a calculated risk for the 1st time since march people can go to cafes restaurants and bars more shops are open and so are libraries museums and beauty salons Free Movement is now allowed within regions and churches can hold mass Prime Minister just to pick on to has warned cases will increase he says italy cant afford to stay locked down until a vaccine is developed mexico has begun a gradual easing of its lockdown in 3 stages beginning on monday coronavirus free me disability will be allowed to reopen with no restrictions the 2nd stage will see the mining and Car Industries up and running and social distancing measures will also be gradually be affected by june 1st across the country today mexico has recorded more than 5000 covered 19 related deaths the mayor of brazils largest city says its Health Care System is on the brink of collapse after reaching 90 percent capacity because of the pandemic bruno called asss warning that all Public Hospitals in sao paolo will run out of space in 2 weeks so polo has become one of brazils worst hit areas where around 3000 deaths president jaya both scenario has been criticised for his handling of the escalating crisis there have been at least 15000 deaths more than all other latin american nations combined. Indias Financial Hub is also facing an acute shortage of hospital beds mumbai is now building a makeshift hospital to cope with a soaring number of covered 19 infections doctors say patients have been forced to share beds they also report to for use left lying and wards because the morgues so folks from by reported more than 1500 new infections on sunday taking its total number of cases to merely 20000. Saying india had it has extended the worlds biggest lock down by another 2 weeks but eased some restrictions markets are allowed to open for the 1st time in 8 weeks and travel between states is permitted in personal vehicles and buses as despite a number of cases continuing to rise with nearly 100000 infections and more than 3000 deaths Elizabeth Ronna reports from new delhi. Is preparing to open his toy store and car market for the 1st time in 2 months its in one of the most expensive parts of the indian capital with the highest rent our sales are and the government is saying we have to break the repayments we have to make the u. Of m. Those are so high income markets we cannot survive. The Indian Government announced on sunday night that all markets are allowed to open but its for states to decide the rules car market is one of new delhis well known and usually busiest while shops selling essential items have remained open most of it 150. 00 stores bars and restaurants have been closed for the past 8 weeks at an estimated cost of nearly 40000000. 00. From tuesday shops in delhis markets must take turns opening on alternate days to keep the number of market goes down the president of the car Market Traders Association says while all shop owners want their businesses to function 7 days a week the pandemic isnt far from everyones mind because of the economy. Coming back. But as far as over those concerned we are a little concerned about it because we need to make people understand what actually we market. The Indian Government has allowed the easing of restrictions in certain areas despite the number of cases reaching nearly 100000. Delhis chief minister says the government has used the past 8 weeks to prepare the Health Care System for any rise in the number of cases as more activities are allowed to start up and what we have to learn to live with could all novel be there in our lives to keep going we cant have a permanent lockdown. Elsewhere in the country barbershops and salons have also opened and the government announced that people will be allowed to travel in private vehicles and buses between states that agree to the move the latest easing of restrictions has led to traffic on the roads for the 1st time in months but while many people are now able to move around outside the situation remains the same for indias millions of Migrant Workers whove been stranded and a still waiting at transport hubs trying to get home elizabeth pratham al jazeera new delhi. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories france and germany are jointly proposing a relief fund worth over 540000000000. 00 to help europe recover from the pen demick a proposal suggests the block or the funds together have been differences in europe over how to push forward with an Economic Relief plan. Chinese president xi jinping has pledged to 1000000000. 00 in aid to contain the corona virus pandemic during an address to the World Health Organization annual assembly g said beijing supports an inquiry into the pandemic but only once its brought under control. China will provide 2000000000. 00 over 2 years to help with the global covered 1000. 00 response and to help with economic and social development in developing countries china will also work with the un to set up a global humanitarian response to a post and hub in china. The head of the u. S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Says the president may have fired a government watchdog because he was investigating an arm sell to saudi arabia eliot engel says he asked the state Department Inspector general steve linnik to investigate Donald Trumps decision to declare an emergency to clear the way for the 8000000000. 00 sale truck but alex has plans to remove linux on friday the f. B. I. Says a saudi kiddish who killed 3 people on a military base in florida last year had contacts with al qaeda it also says it was able to access his phone despite a lack of support from apple. Libyas u. N. Recognized government says it has retaken control of the our water here air base it was being used as world war does headquarters in western libya. A jewish settler has been found guilty of murder and a high profile arson attack that killed a palestinian toddler and his parents in 2015 the men fire bombed the home of belonging to the family in the village of doom or they were sleeping at the time 15 antigovernment protesters have appeared in a hong kong course charged over last years mass rallies the group were arrested last month accused of helping to organize protests which were banned by all foresees. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story go away. Could the pandemic threaten the survival of africas wildlife game reserves that rely on tourism are running out of money and the purchase. Will decades of conservation efforts be lost this is inside story. Out of there welcome to the program im nick clegg africas wildlife is one of the continents biggest attractions game reserves and National Parks they welcome millions of visitors every year who want to experience wild animals close up they rely on that revenue to pay for

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