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Demonstrators demand justice for past victims of police brutality. And in spain where the coronavirus pandemic has forced an extra 1000000 people out of work the government unveils its plan for a minimum income. Below thanks for joining us the u. S. President donald trump has accused the Chinese Government of breaking its word on hong kongs autonomy as beijing imposes new National Security legislation on the territory describing it as a tragedy for the world in response to the crackdown on prodemocracy protesters trump has directed his administration to end preferential u. S. Treatment for the city in trade and travel trump also announced the suspension of entry of foreign nationals from china identified by the u. S. As bhutan chill security risks is also terminating the u. S. Relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus saying it had essentially become a puppet of china. We will take action to revoke khan kangs preferential treatment as a separate customs and travel territory from the rest of china the United States will also take this is serious steps to sanction p. R. C. And hong kong officials directly or indirectly involved in a road in hong kongs entente to me and so and just if you take a look smothering absolutely smothering hong kongs freedom our actions will be strong our actions will be meaningful welcome to the white house at the white house as its an increasingly adversarial relationship with china. Why is the United States ending a special relationship the benefits hong kong while still saying that youre with the prodemocracy protesters what this means is that the position of the United States is that well the special relationship was designed for hong kong as the secretary of state said earlier this week hong kong is no longer being controlled by hong kong its being controlled by china so the special relationship status that it was enjoying is really benefiting with the United States seizes its adversary and that is china so it is being revote what this means is that some of the special privileges that hong kong was enjoying whether its commercial trade whether its extradition treaties that is no longer going to be a separate category now hong kong all being seen as one and in addition in this announcement the rose garden the u. S. President also saying that some visas for chinese nationals coming to study here in the United States potentially universities are working with militaries a very small percentage of those also being revoked because its long been an accusation of u. S. Intelligence and this administration those are being abused and that what really is happening is that chinese intelligence agencies are using and manipulating those students in order to get secrets from the United States in terms of research and other scientific advancement so some very hard hitting actions coming from the trumpet miss for stray ssion with respect to china today the Minneapolis Police officer who kneeled on the neck of an unarmed black man has been charged with his murder derrick chosen handed himself into Police Officer 3 days of violent protests over the death of george floyd the entrance to a Police Station in minneapolis was set on fire by demonstrators angry over the death or some looting and vandalism has been seen across the city from 100 reports from chicago. It is what protesters across the u. S. Have been demanding the officer who held his knee on George Floyds neck has been arrested for many apps for a softer dirt chop and has been charged by the head of a county Attorneys Office with murder and with manslaughter as minneapolis st still smoldering following a 3rd night of riots the student governor is hoping the news will calm the violence in the streets minneapolis and st paul are on fire the fire still smoldering our streets the ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of a pain of anguish unheard. Much like we failed to hear george floyd as he pleaded for his life as the world watched it is my expectation that justice for the officers involved in this will be swift that it will come in a timely manner that it will be fair that is what weve asked for governor tim wants also called the arrest of a black c. N. N. Journalist and his crew early friday by state Police Officers unacceptable i take full responsibility there is absolutely no reason Something Like this should happen calls were made immediately this is a very public apology to that team it should not happen i failed you last night and that in minneapolis riot police stand ready to confront a community that feels its been betrayed National Guard soldiers have also arrived in the city requested by a mayor who is under pressure to bring the violence under control. This was a Police Station in flames on thursday night and anger directed at those who swear to serve and protect escalated not far away more burning shops looting and violence. Protests have spread across the u. S. In denver demonstrators echoed the demand for justice already heard in new york and los angeles anger over the treatment of africanamericans by the police is not new but right now it is very wrong. In louisville in kentucky the death of george floyd has reopened old wounds with protesters demanding justice for an africanamerican woman who was shot dead by police 2 months ago at the bridge it is this video of the last moment of George Floyds life a Police Officer nearly on his neck that is driving the outrage President Trump has weighed in calling the protesters thugs and suggesting National Guard troops shoot looters the republican president also to game against the citys democratic mayor mayor jacob fry fired back donald trump knows nothing about the strength of minneapolis we are strong as hell is this a difficult time period yes but you better be damn sure that were going to get through this as the protests and George Floyds name continue to grow the leaders of major cities across the u. S. Are hoping that promises of swift justice will be enough to calm tensions john hendren al jazeera chicago and a tweet from President Trump in which he suggested looters should be shot was earlier flagged by twitter as breaking into violence guidelines but hes repeated his opposition to press hastert at the white house in the past hour. The looters should not be allowed to drown out the voices of so many Peaceful Protesters they hurt so badly what is happening and its so bad for the state and for that great city so we are working very closely with the Justice Department were working with local Law Enforcement were working in wood everybody and where speaking with the family. And hopefully everything can be fairly. Taken care of Allison Herrera as a journalist from minneapolis whos joining us now live from there alison set the scene for us and tell us where you are what youre seeing around you. Well right now i am about im probably about about a block away from the Police Station that was burned last night your correspondent talked about burning shops and buildings well directly right behind me is some of those shops and buildings one of which was an indigenous led Youth Organization right now there is. A family saying a prayer and singing a song in dakota and the leader of that organization the head of that organization is speaking to crowds theres probably about a couple 100 people here right now behind me theres also a National Guard presence theres also Minnesota State troopers are out i spoke to a couple of people who said to me that you couldnt one of whom said to me hes not really sure that the arrest and the charging of a person gets used meet their degree murder and manslaughter of Derek Sheldon is going to quell any of these protests and riots which was going to be my next question to you but let me ask you about were hearing any developments with the other 3 Police Officers whove been involved with this incident with george floyd i have not heard of them being arrested or charged at this point just to show that and in terms of reports off a curfew being put in place in minneapolis for friday and saturday are these reports verified and confirmed yes we have a curfew tonight from 8 pm to 6 am tomorrow and. People react i mean how are people reacting to that news. Well i asked some of the gentleman over here and they said that they dont think that people are going to respect that so but given the National Guard presence im not sure i just i just dont know whats going to happen so well see describe the mood of the people alison youve been there covering the story for us i mean give us a sense of the anger and why people are so angry. Well a young man i spoke with taylor he said that he actually i asked him if he felt unsafe in the crowd and you know hed been out demonstrating and protesting and he said he actually feels safer with a crowd of in those crowds and he does confronting police so i think the anger is so palpable in this community its its palpable when you might walk up to this crowd i mean theyre still smoke. You know people i think you know this group behind me theyre asking for peace and theyre saying that you know we want this city to heal because its not just they feel that its not just to violence thats directed towards africanamericans but its also my own structure that Indigenous People and other people of color in this city and so what youre seeing right now is you know decades i think of that of that feeling and decades of anger coming out onto the streets all right Alison Herrera let you know for now thank you for that update from minneapolis thank you so much now Police Across the u. S. Have condemned the actions of the 4 officers in minneapolis over the death of george floyd but its just the latest in a series of deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of u. S. Police gave those report starts with pictures of the incident which led to fords death. The scenes of george fully handcuffed being choked to death by a Police Officer has led to outrage within the insular tight ranks of the Law Enforcement community there was unusually quick condemnation on social media a new York Police Detective said the officer involved brought dishonor to the profession we take over to serve and protect and would like to see that that was the theme on both things other Police Officers had equally pointed words its time that we take these bad also as a speak out against and Start Holding them accountable and hold them to the same laws that we expect systems to abide by and i hope justice prevails and i hope those people are found to be guilty of murder because thats what i was. Second i want to say. And weve got to change this weve got to break these barriers in these walls and weve got to do what we can as Police Officers the Bigger Picture is how the killing of freud is going to complicate police work throughout america already many black communities are distrustful of Law Enforcement this is only going to make it worse when you see. What should be a routine apprehension become a de facto execution it is it is experience to watch. And former new York Police Detective keep taylor says there are systematic issues of race that need to be addressed makes it more difficult for officers interests simply trying to do their job. The fact that these. Negative incidents that occur do get up to size really brings to the forefront how important it is to address the inequities that occur in our criminal Justice System an incident that has left many Police Officers just as outraged as the people they are sworn to serve and protect many wanting answers and justice gabriels on Doe Al Jazeera new york meanwhile large crowds of protesters are gathering in new york for the death of george lloyd youre looking at live pictures right demonstrators are alice theyve come together in foley square and well as well as union square dozens have been arrested for blocking traffic as well as this orderly conduct according to police this is the latest in a string of protests across the country following floyds death his death has sparked nationwide outrage from protesters accusing police of brutality against black people. Still ahead on aljazeera. Fewer benefits longer hours no rights the price indias workers are paying to get the country back on its feet. The french carmaker run out is to slash around 15000. 00 jobs after a fall in demand during coronavirus pandemic details coming out. Of the. Its pretty cold by night now in the southeast of australia near frost conditions in camber for example not slashes the skies are pretty much clear by night and by day that the rain thats going through Western Australia is going to disappear for saturdays on in the by leaving behind breezy weather maybe cloudy weather but no rain the rain itself is heading towards adelaide or just catch adelaides and northern part of that frontal system all the activities unfortunately certain size so if you want the rain right much on its way increasing cloud and breeze will mean the lights are quite as cold and more rain coming in over the ndaa sunday but what was revolving off the coast from sydney is now over northern new zealand and the focus of oakland is a pretty wet one for sunday and fairly windy that last into monday early chooses you see some sort of an improvement expect a little bit of flooding and pretty cold weather now i was just i was enjoying the fire the moment you see clouds spreading quite happily through chinas a lot of heavy rain and i would it stretches through shanghai and then back further south hong kongs on the humid side so be at least misty in the morning and almost certainly is going to be sundry morning thunderstorms in the forecast for sunday and monday if not for tuesday. Fun of counting the costs of credit freelander and hidden debts what is the world owed china what was fighting again when countries come pay back loans plus the man behind a 1. 00 trillion dollar stock market crash was he a convenient scapegoat the biggest shocks counting the cost on aljazeera. Be the hero the world needs right. Washing. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera fired u. S. A Police Officer accused of causing the death of an unarmed black man has been arrested and charged with murder george for exact has triggered days of violent protests in the city of minneapolis. Take a look at the live picture from new york the case hasnt sparked protests around the u. S. Including right there in new york where dozens of people have been arrested for walking traffic as well as Disorderly Conduct according to officials. The u. S. President has described the crackdown in hong kong as a tragedy for the world donald trump added that beijing broke its word to ensure that hong kong remains autonomous and that hes terminating the u. S. Relationship with the w. H. O. Workers across india are accusing the government to fix forcing the coronavirus pandemic to suspend labor laws off already say the changes will help restart the economy after one of the worlds strictest lock downs but as others have a problem reports from the delhi workers are already paying the price for environmental you have to get an idea of. The seas the production of clothes for his design a label in his workshop and. Sales fell by 70 percent in the past 2 months to a lock down and heyman says hell have to lay off around 75. 00 of his 300. 00 employees. The suspension of most of the states labor laws means he no longer needs the governments permission to fire stuff in this difficult finding the street is going to be suffering a lot of the losses by its going to be. This is what was very important support that we got from the government. Which is home to 230000000. 00 people is one of many states to change its labor laws including getting rid of the minimum wage extended working hours and the juicing and. Benefit. The state say the changes will help businesses and get the worlds 5th largest economy back on track but workers are already paying the price. As soon as the changes were announced it was fired from the womens wear factory hes worked in for 4 years the. Work is continuing at the company and 800000 people are working new workers have been hired on daily wages and none of those who used to work at the company have been brought back. Trade unions said the revised laws will drive down wages in a country with a minimum is just over 2. 00 a day Union Leaders defied lockdown guidelines to protest in new delhi which could use quickly dispersed more than when. I go forward to going to work. I dont. Have the complete the net. And i dont think i am going to let em all never know. The biggest changes have been in states ruled by Prime Minister met in the morning as part of the jump the Party Critics say the governments using the economic slump to push through laws thats planned since 1st being elected 6 years ago and at a time when people arent allowed to protest the International Labor organization has warned 400000000 indians could slip into poverty as a result of indias lockdown and is urging Prime Minister modi to send a clear message to states to labels and protect workers from exploitation elizabeth aljazeera new delhi a french carmaker rhino has lost 15000. 00 jobs worldwide in a bid to save billions of dollars the company has been facing a slump in demand made worse by the corona virus pandemic and reports. Renault has 14 plans in france well because of this one say theyre angry that this has been chosen by the french comic or to close the factory employs more than 260 people to recondition car parts in the paris suburb of. This work has been employed for more than 30 years america i feel sick that this bus is going to wake up one morning and decide to close us just like that. Were going to fight till the end. And were going to make sure that all the workers that gave their life to this factory dont lose in this operation the workers in this factory losing their job at any time would be very upsetting but its particularly difficult at a time when the economy in france is so uncertain because of the coronavirus lockdown bosses say the calls are necessary there to save the majority of jobs globally and save the company. Were know that struggled with plummeting car sales because the coronavirus lockdowns the transition to more electric car production and the fallout from the rest in 2018 of its former boss called disco the french car maker says it will cut 15000. 00 jobs worldwide including 4600. 00 jobs in france part of a cost cutting plan we have ported to plan is not only defensive its also an offensive project since we are looking to reduce our fixed cost by 2000000000. 00 euros within 3 years and its to establish a positive competitiveness for the group the french government has a 15 percent stake in grow and is considering a 5500000000. 00 loan to help it on condition the carmaker focuses more on electric vehicles and keeps as much production in france as possible Financial Aid that may rescue one of frances iconic brands but that wont help those whove lost their jobs natasha aljazeera. Somalias governments has a very young aide workers have been kidnapped and killed by an armed group that happened outside the capital mogadishu the minister of humanitarian affairs has condemned what she described as the brutal execution and says the attacks against humanitarian workers threaten access to badly needed aid the armed group was not identified russias president is seeking more military facilities in syria they Interfax News Agency says hes asked his defense and foreign ministries to hold talks of president Bashar Assads government Russian Forces including jet aircraft have supported us as forces during the countrys war. Im russia has again recorded its largest one day increase in deaths from the coronavirus with 232 people dying in the last 24 hours it comes as the city of moscow revised this covert 1000 death toll for last month up after criticism of its initial figures the number now stands at over one and off thousands more than double the original tally russia has been 3rd highest number of infections worldwide with nearly 3 180000. 00 cases spains government will give people worst hit by the Economic Impact of the pandemic a guaranteed minimum income its hoped it will get people on low wages or who have lost their jobs back on their feet more than a 1000000 extra people are now out of work increasing demand on charities and soup kitchens as Martha Herrera reports from madrid a simple sound which some fruit a new watch very easy enough to get thousands of spaniards through today in spain food banks soup kitchens and charities have been overwhelmed and some even forced to close during that corona Virus Outbreak but demand in displaces has increased certain percent since the emergency lockdown in mid march thousands of spaniards has joined those socalled queues of hunger for the 1st time. So son i wont tell it is a hospital cleaner in april she found herself out of work she spent all her savings and at the age of 44. 00 she had to appeal to charity for the 1st time in her life. I feel really back on depending on others i always depended on myself at the beginning in one day before what you say no but then i realized that if i have forward and can share it then we can all eat. Says a corner of r. s 00 break over 1000000 people have lost their jobs in spain the loss of employment has been compounded by a School Closures and increasing bills after more than 2 months of a Strict Lockdown the Spanish Government plans to spend 3000000000. 00 euros a year to provide the poorest households with a minimum income over 850000. 00 families will benefit from it single parent families will get the quiver end of 500. 00 and families with 2 of those 650. 00. Today is an historic day for democracy and for me its an onerous deputy Prime Minister of this government to announce a new social right is born in spain a minimum bottle income i think we can qualify it as the greatest advance in social rights in spain since the approval of the dependency law in 2006. The governments intention is to reach the maximum number of people in need but over 2000000 spaniards who work in this economy pay no tax or working without a contract will be left out of this initiative if theres a Silver Lining to cover it 19 clout is that many spaniards one have to depend on the charity of strangers. Madrid. Authorities in towns are already left behind by Economic Growth in the u. K. Are worried they wont cope with the end of the pandemic brings more cuts unemployment lower Life Expectancy and a lack of opportunity already plague much of North Eastern england thats why the economic response could make or break some cities as lawrence lee reports from middlesborough. What will things be like when its all over for rich places maybe not so bad but poor communities have a right to be worried the post industrial landscape of teesside in northeastern england tells a story of joblessness poor life chances and the virus the high mortality rates if the British Government tries to pay off its huge debt through austerity and they cant begin to imagine how much worse things will get its almost too difficult to comprehend how we would go about doing that because were i think were as low as we can get in terms of the the cooks that weve made our track on even start to think about how we would make more coats firsthand experiences of all this show a town already on the age we need to live is vital supplies to 17 people with Underlying Health conditions and therefore most at risk in this tiny house of for Asylum Seekers including an elderly woman from sierra leone who has diabetes given the things binny is seen any more cuts to services would be catastrophic but there was a case right here in memphis right centile middles for someone who did not eat for 17 days 17 for 17 days so she has been going over food banks she saw the food banks were closed and even though she was fully entitled as a citizen but she was look at you know all that it looked and she was almost going to die disease thrives in poverty the economic response to the Health Care Crisis will make or break places like this. Just before all this started the new British Government swept to power on a promise of what it called levelling up plowing money into the forgotten english northern towns but not only has covered 19 put all of that on ice its also led to a new enormous National Debt a debt which towns like middlesborough are in no position whatsoever to help a back. Story here could be that of any port town in any country which has taken on massive debt nationally or globally that that will happen we will lose generations we will lose businesses people will lose hope hope the health and social implications will be colossal that it isnt an option borrowing at these new affordable rates prudently and spending intelligently is the only solution to this. So many of the problems here pretaped said the virus but maybe the Health Care Crisis could have a Silver Lining all through all better jobs stronger communities surely mean healthier people largely aljazeera middlesborough. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera the u. S. President says china has broken its word on the autonomy given to hong kong in a statement outside the white house he criticized chinas imposition of a new security law in hong kong he said the crackdown means territory will no longer receive special financial and travel treatment from the u. S. President says he will also be taking steps to sanction hong kong officials involved in approving the new law. And they broke their word to the world on ensuring the autonomy of hong kong. The United States wants an open and constructive relationship with china but it civi that relationship requires us to vigorously defend our National Interests the Chinese Government has continually violated its promises to us and so many other nations these plain facts could not be overlooked or swept aside and us Police Officer fell kneeling on the neck of a black man who later died in custody has been charged with his murder terry has also been charged with manslaughter after 3 days of violent protests in minneapolis over the incident george floyd was seen on video saying he could not breathe as the officer put his weight on his neck the governor of the state of minnesota has admitted failure in the response to the protests that saw Police Station 12 just. Spanish government approved a plan to give 2 and a half 1000000 people a basic income its intended to help those hardest hit by the economic downturn after months of coronavirus locked on the countrys poorest people receive just over 1200. 00 a month households with children will be prioritized more than a 1000000 people have lost their jobs after months of dramatically reduced economic activity. Russia has again recorded its largest one day increase in corona virus deaths 232 people died in the last 24 hours the capital moscow has also revised the number of people who have died in the city more than doubling their original total the deaths of all the people who are the virus are not counted including those whose deaths were originally attributed to other causes you have to say to the headlines on aljazeera will have more news at the top of the hour for now its counting the cost thanks for watching by. What impact will call that 19 on the drop in the oil prices have on the race to the point. From these Historic Center banks until the job only takes to beat. Special coverage ill just. Say that this is counting the cost on aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week predatory lender and hidden china loans more money to the world than the richest 32. 00 nations what does the world china and what does beijing get when you dont pay our. Was this man really responsible for a one trillion dollar loss on wall street or was he a convenient

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