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A landmark journey for private enterprise. Protesters have been defying curfews in the us to demonstrate against Police Brutality and racism it is a 6 day reaction after george floyd died while being restrained by a Police Officer more than 4000 people have been arrested since the protests began on thursday so this is the scene in washington d. C. A bit earlier protesters set fires near the white house there is a curfew in effect right now where its death has led to a wave of outrage across the country mike hanna has the details from washington d. C. There was some moments of tension but generally the demonstrators kept the distance from the police the white house itself was barricaded behind a series of drawings of defense secret service on the. In a perimeter then u. S. Park Police Metropolitan d. C. Police keeping the demonstrators a distance of about 200 meters away from the white house but about an hour ago there were some bangs throat that sounded near the white house it appeared that police were throwing flash bangs at the demonstrators near the park attempting to get them to disperse then the situation appeared to escalate all of a sudden there were fires breaking out in various areas of what police now describe as acts of vandalism the fire engine has been on the scene but for a while the situation was really tense with police and some elements of the demonstrators in an ongoing standoff some tear gas was fired as i said the flames continuing to lick within view of the white house so certainly day that had been largely peaceful rather mobbed by the events of the last few hours and atlanta 2 Police Officers have been fired for using Excessive Force on protesters riot police surrounded a car and arrested the couple inside this Footage Shows Police slashing their tires breaking their window and tasing them and they did not appear to be resisting in any way and they were pulled from the car put on the ground and handcuffed ses police chief said members of our force cannot be allowed to act with impunity. I think is Law Enforcement if we are ever going to get out of this space that we are in today we have to recognize that our behaviors cannot consistently be pardoned because we are Law Enforcement. These these are good guys i know them as individuals ive worked with one for over 20 years but they made that level of mistake that cannot be rolled back. Place in minnesota have been making arrests as night falls they are and minneapolis the citys curfew came into effect just a few hours ago the nationwide and arrest started there and george floyd was killed and john hendren has more from minneapolis on how the police are containing protests. For the 1st 4 days the the protesters really ruled the night took over this city there was burning and looting of numerous buildings and then you got a 1000 extra National Guard troops to come in last night on saturday overnight and what happened then is the police really shut the protest down at a certain point and enforced the curfew once again that curfew was largely holding you can see there are cars here and there a few people on the road and we saw hundreds of protesters violating the curfew early in the evening but let me just show you something richelle at the end of that road is a line of police as we drove up toward that line they raised their rifles at us and waved for us to turn and weve had that experience all through the night you can see over here again empty streets on this side but look at the end there. Thats a bridge in on that bridge is another line of officers and all those lights are a warning if you drive up toward them the 1st thing they do is they shoot rubber bullets and then there are tear gas grenades so weve seen really aggressive action by the police and i must say its been pretty effective weve gone from thousands of protesters and some burning and looting at the end of the night early on to far fewer but those protesters day they will stay here in the day until those all 4 of the officers who were involved in the arrest of mr floyd are charged with murder and who knows how long that could be or whether that could happen a video has emerged have placed officer driving and 2 protesters in los angeles into his vehicle make contact with the protesters and then it reverses at speed and drives away our analysts is live for us in los angeles so rob what do we what else do we know about this was anybody hurt and then give us a broader picture of how things have played out throughout the day. Reportedly the people who were not down by that Police Vehicle were not seriously hurt richelle. So thats a good thing at the moment there are groups of people in the Downtown Los Angeles area and throughout the metropolitan area defying the curfew thats been in effect for hours now these are protesters who refused to obey the curfew we have seen a very i think a pattern emerge here thats become depressingly familiar during the day groups of Peaceful Protesters of diverse origins arrived in given locations and make their feelings known about the death of george floyd about Police Brutality and about the systematic racism in American Society but then at a certain point other people either arrive or break off from the main Peaceful Demonstrations and cause a lot of damage in their air at the moment. 2 big fires underway one in santa monica one in long beach there are hundreds of people under arrest in Santa Monica Police are using buses to transport them to their place of processing in detention and theres been very very heavy damage in santa monica on a major commercial street and as well in long beach with the scenes showing just. Story after story after story of business after business with its windows shattered so i think those are going to be some of the headlines that are going to emerge tomorrow no rod but this is what started all this with the flame that well that sparked all this was what happened to george floyd the u. S. Has been here before if you go all the way bad. To the 1960 s. In the aftermath of the assassination of dr Martin Luther king and there was an eruption of anger and grief about what the experiences of black americans had been and there was a commission that looked into it remind our viewers what that Commission Said and compare it to where we still are now well you know the old saying is the more things change the more they remain the same the Kerner Commission named after illinois governor auto kerner was formed by president Lyndon Baines johnson after civil unrest in the mid 1960 s. And it reported back in 1968 that. Our nation it said is moving toward 2 societies one black one white separate and unequal the commission identified some specific things that had led to the boiling over of civil unrest in 19671968 including discrimination in policing and the Justice System unemployment and the exclusion of communities of color from full participation in the democratic process now a lot of things have changed in 52 years weve had a black president for example elected twice by the people of the United States a lot of things havent and i think if we look back at the findings of the Kerner Commission so long ago so many decades ago we can see that many of them still hold true today and nothing is changed all right thank you for that very important History Lesson and put all this in perspective rob and also live in los angeles thank you. Theres also been criticism of the Police Response after a car was seen ramming into demonstrators in new york city on saturday the Police Officer drove into protesters behind to barricade the citys mayor bill de blasio says an investigation will take place. That is not the way things are supposed to be there will be a full investigation into discipline as necessary there will be but do not present only one side of the picture i looked at those videos i saw people converging on the Police Vehicle i saw people throwing things at the Police Vehicle that is not peaceful protests so lets not kid ourselves if you or anyone else was inside that Police Vehicle surrounded by people you would have had a really tough decision to make you cant stay there you cant get out of the vehicle you have to get yourself and the vehicle out of the situation safely for all and there were more protests in new york city on sunday care elizondo has been among them. And one of the most famous spots in all of america time square and protesters are out in force thousands of them out here making their voices heard you can see them its young people its old rich white brown you getting a whole crosssection of new york city here they are angry and they are calling for justice and they are taking their message out to all parts of new york city including here right by times square on saturday you saw protests in all the 5 major boroughs the new york city were seeing protests on sunday as well it is mostly very very peaceful here but the crowds as you can see are absolutely huge some of the largest crowds we have seen in years for protests over in new york city. Over mark tyler as a pastor at another Bethel African Methodist Episcopal church he was at the latest protest taking place in philadelphia. Well we were actually out there last night and we were out this evening as well and in both cases which you witnessed really are 2 crowds one group is there intent on raising the message that we want justice for george floyd Briana Taylor in kentucky and im odd are barry in georgia then there are others who were just there really kind of just in the moment themselves maybe not necessarily part of the protest there was considerable looting but ive got ideas about that as well and so heavy Police Presence on 52nd street in West Philadelphia today. Even saw a tank driving down and its strange that we can afford to take control adelphia when we cant get wives for our School Children so dr king famously said that people have been quoting it a lot the riots are its the voice of the unheard but he also had a very powerful piece on the looting that many people dont realize is out there i just saw this morning for the 1st time and for me it really made sense he talks about the catharsis of the act of looting for young people in poor people who have been deprived of all of the things that they see around them philadelphia is the poorest big city in america i cannot speak for any other place i can only speak for this place 26 percent poverty rate ive been in the area almost 20 years and ive watched incredible growth in the center city where all the wealth is concentrated we have added multiple new skyscrapers and yet in our outlying neighborhoods people are still being paid 725 an hour as they were when i arrived here in the early to thousands you cannot extract all of the wealth and resources from the community suck it up into the middle and not somehow expect that at some point that will come back to bite you and haunt you we have not invested. The way that we should in schools in jobs for our young people and to say to people that you can make it for 3 or 4 months when youre unemployed with a 11200. 00 check from the United States government it is be. You know inconceivable so i dont know why were so shocked in this moment we have created the situation and now its before us. Still ahead on aljazeera all that glitters may not be legal how sudan is losing billions of dollars as oil and coal slips across its borders plus. Im going hey in oakland new zealand we will tell you why coronavirus may change the way our cities are designed. But. I know that most of the middle east on the Arabian Peninsula is wholesome and dry the winds have been fairly light as well lately but what we have been watching of course is this this is this the tropical disturbance which has actually come on shore and this has been severely impacting areas of him on several days as the widespread flooding as we go through monday this is some will continue producible rains in and around but it is actually for cause to move away but its moving on into yemen and that means we could see some widespread flooding hinna to the north of there is a say how much is a fairly high the knows as hot as it has been in baghdad with a high of 41 degrees celsius pretty good as well through the eastern end of the med getting some ice a breeze coming in off the mediterranean but it does will happen choose a 33. 00 in jerusalem and also at that point the winds do pick up so a temperature is tending to increase 49. 00 is a full cost high in q 8. 00 and up to 43. 00 in riyadh and 44. 00 degrees and meanwhile those rains continue to work their way very slowly across so central areas of yemen so again just causing possibly a flooding across the region punch of rain showers and thunderstorms through central areas of Southern Africa particularly around the gulf of guinea up towards the nigeria and then really further to the south its pretty calm and quiet but weve seen systems clear nicely across much of south africa so warming at last into Port Elizabeth with a high of 26. You know men killed a mother in some way to an appointment sadly the insurgents dont wear uniforms blood also is seen with the was the American Occupation of iraq matthew has an old american prince to account trump tower 2016 how come you didnt mention the meeting to congress and i did i dont know if i got the transcript wrong. I dont think youre that sharp but you can tell the difference between a polish guy a french guy or you your charming head to head on a jersey to. Take a look at the top stories right now on aljazeera and washington d. C. Protesters set fires near the white house there is a curfew now in effect George Floyds death while handcuffed in Police Custody has led to a wave of outrage across the u. S. And atlanta 2 Police Officers had been fired for using Excessive Force on Protesters Police surrounded a car slashed the tires and tase the 2 people inside then brought them to the ground and handcuffed them all while they were not resisting videos of arch of a Police Car Driving into protesters in los angeles you can see the vehicle makes contact with the protesters the officer inside them but they were 1st and drove away. Employees in some u. S. Cities are reported to be taking a different tactic with protesters by joining up. In cities in California Police have dealt during rallies opposed made famous by the n. F. L. Football player calling tapper nick in response to Police Brutality against black people and other states please help banners with statements against violence and racism to share from michigan told president of protesters who are with you before he and other officers join them. So you got a voice that said. He represents. Them all over the county and around the station really walk there to help people do that nonsense and there were you. Were snowman right there were were. Struck and yet we want to be with you for real so i took the lead at the time and. I want to make this occur thank god 6. So lets just talk. So you tell us what your. 2 first guy. Was. And they present a democratic president ial nominee joe biden has been tweeting about the protests this is what he wrote we are nation and paying right now but we must not allow this pain to destroy us as president i will help lead this conversation and more importantly i will listen just as i did today visiting the site of last nights protest and wilmington and that is a picture of such a discussion. So the justice for george Floyd Campaign has gone global with people in london also showing their support thousands of protesters gathered outside the u. S. Embassy Holding Signs reading the u. K. Is not innocent rally was organized by a local chapter of black lives matter reports from outside the u. S. Embassy in london. Before sundays protest here in london the citys mayor said he can put out a tweet reminding people that coronavirus was still around or that they should stay home if possible that wasnt a direct reference to the demonstration but what happened was people werent deterred by any perceived risk they turned out in the many many hundreds in Trafalgar Square in the center of london. Chanting things like no justice no peace like lives matter say my name george floyd all things which weve heard in the us some of them kneeling down they were eventually moved on by police and made their way through westminster past downing street the official residence of Prime Minister Boris Johnson a small group there chanted against him accusing him of being racist for his perceived use of racist language in the past they then made their way here to the us embassy for a while at least and theres a lot of anger but by and large the protest was peaceful ive seen a few arrests throughout the day but generally people were commenting on how the protest was good natured this is all against the backdrop of what people say is a misunderstanding here that theres only Police Brutality against black people in the us where as people here point out that there have been incidents of deaths of black men in power in Police Custody over the last few decades with very little numbers of them convictions or prosecutions against Police Officers so that was behind the passion that you saw on the streets of london and other cities in the u. K. On sunday. Lets get news from around the world that were also following for you a record 33000 daily crowd a virus infections have been confirmed and brazil has not registered half a 1000000 cases to paint almost 29000 people have died the 4th highest death toll in the world. Has resisted Strict Lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus. Golden fuel smuggling costs Research Resource rich sudan hundreds of millions of dollars a year and a report by financial watch group has revealed the extent of mismanagement and the sector has any impact on the economy and morgan of course in khartoum. Sitting under the sun for hours is how these miners in seoul in south dar for spend most of their days there looking for gold their main source of income but not all that is that the buy mine is here is sold legally and goes into government coffers. The pot of gold gets smuggled because of the instability in its process and lack of control of the border difference between process given by the central bank and what trade has offered to buy from manas helps in the smuggling of gold. So dam is one of africas top gold producing countries exporting over 90 tons of the precious metal in 2018 it accounts for nearly 30 percent of the countrys exports and up until the beginning of this year the only entity allowed to legally buy gold from miners was the countrys central bank but a soaring inflation in a currency that has continued to lose value against the dollar turned many miners away from the official route and to more lucrative paths now private companies are allowed to deal in the sector with the condition that they sell 30 percent of their gold to the central bank as well as deposit the hard currency they arent to help sudans weakening economy revenues from gold mining have provided a much needed source of hard currency to sudans economy for years but the incomes estimated to be only about us have what it should be because of smuggling with the inflation rate at about 100 percent so thats government is looking to reform the gold sector to boost its economy since taking over in september last year so thats Transitional Government has pledged a series of Economic Reforms to combat inflation and improve Living Standards more than half of the 40000000 population live below the poverty line the government has increased the wages of civil workers and raised spending on public sectors it says it hopes to partially cover the costs of those reforms through the gold. But with millions being lost annually due to smuggling some analysts say the real reform that the government needs to do should come from within the problem really smuggling which is what. Any. Anybody else but it has by certain circles within the government itself. Actually to protect. The smuggling routes makes it very difficult when youre going to verify that were struggling because its going by those who are supposed to actually stop smuggling whatever steps the government takes for miners in the only thing that matters is that they get paid fairly for their efforts to dig up the gold regardless of who buys it people morgan aljazeera. The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed how many people live and its forcing a rethink about how cities and towns are built when he takes a look at how health by already as have gotten governments thinking critically about urban design. As more people emerge from the coronavirus hibernation finding their communities a changing in many cities and towns around the world footpads of being widened to allow for more space between pedestrians or as its known now social distancing more cycle lanes are being created so theres less reliance on public transport in new zealand so called technical open ism the process of making quick interim low cost changes that over time become permanent was being trial before the pandemic now the government is investing in modifying city streets momentum has been built and certainly a lot of people we work with the local council around the country already thinking about operating on work and so i think the current crop of ours kind of artists in. Some of the kind of effect of tolls labor has to offer next price you know its happening all over the world including in the spanish capital madrid with some roads being closed to vehicles to allow for cycling and pedestrians modes of on the one of him im still colliding with others but i think its a great idea and they should keep it up. And corona virus may change a lot more about the way we live and work if we are to adapt and learn from coronavirus in terms of the way we design our cities and lifestyles then it wont necessarily be a new thing over the centuries pandemics and outbreaks have led to significant changes in infrastructure design and policy that ultimately created healthier safer environments now architects in urban planners are looking at what this pandemics legacy might be like cities with more open shared spaces making facilities like sports venues able to be quickly changed for another use. Xining healthy a buildings that rely less on a conditioning and more on natural ventilation and lights and posing the question do many of us really need to physically go to work at all therefore making urban cinches lists can just. And. Or. Erson the concern is however that as the world recovers from the pandemic the appetite for significant change in the design and docketed will fade governments are investing now but may not be so keen as the economic fallout from covert 1000. 00 woodsons and money is diverted elsewhere but those pushing to change say the cost of not preparing for the next outbreak would be too high wayne hey al jazeera or clint so all the worlds attention has largely focused on their pandemic and the protests that are happening in the u. S. Theres still a lot happening in hong kong with whats going on right now as there are protesters out and about still out here and a social distancing but they are still protesting what has happened in the last week or so when china imposed basically were calling a National Security bill that the effectively ends that the semi autonomous nature of that hong kong is had from the larger country of china so these protests are still happening there have been countries that have spoken out against it but things have changed in hong kong and these protesters have not forgotten that. And the National Space station as of scene thats 1st arrivals aboard a commercial capsule. And with that the hatch is open to ass or asked from nasa astronauts in the space x. Dragon successfully docked after blasting off on saturday the start of a new era for commercial spaceflight 9 years up to nasa retired the Space Shuttle fleet the new arrivals are met by 2 russians and an american who have been in orbit sense april now Derrick Pitts is the chief astronomer for the Franklin Institute Science Museum in the u. S. He says the Mission Kicks off a new phase in Space Exploration. This truly is a historic a moment because this is another step toward opening access to low earth orbit in space i much lower cost and this also will be the 1st steps towards the next big adventure in Space Exploration astronauts returning to the moon in just a couple of years and then building up the skill and the infrastructure for a potential human visit to mars one of the differences between the between nasa as a National Space agency and space x. As an independent company is that space x. Doesnt have the same kind of red tape bureaucratic red tape that does nessa has to deal with there and it also has the freedom to take on new and innovative approaches to accessing space you know nasa has an entire infrastructure built up based on the space agency ideas of the 20th century where space x. Is built up almost entirely in the 21st century and so with those new innovations and those new fresh ideas space x. Can do it better cheaper and faster while maintaining the safety as well. To get the headlines right now for you on al jazeera and washington d. C. Some protesters set fires near the white house a curfew is now in effect it is the 6th day reaction after black americans are cloyed died while being restrained by a white Police Officer more than 4000 people have been arrested since thursday place in minneapolis had been making arrests for curfew violations the nationwide unrest a poor start of there and toward floyd died and restrained high and local officers there and atlanta 2 Police Officers had been fired for using Excessive Force on protesters riot police surrounded a car and arrest. To the couple and side is Footage Shows Police slashing their tires breaking the window and tasing them and they did not appear to be resisting in any way then they were pulled from their car put on the ground and handcuffed citys police chief said members of her force cannot be allowed to act with impunity i think is Law Enforcement if we are ever going to get out of this space that we are in today we have to recognize that our behaviors cannot consistently be pardoned because we are Law Enforcement. These these are good guys i know them as individuals ive worked with one for over 20 years but they made that level of mistake that cannot be rolled back video has emerged a Police Officer driving his cruiser in to protesters in los angeles the vehicle can be say making contact with the protesters then quickly the car reverses and he drives away what is believed to have been injured were also following the news of the pandemic a record 33000 new Coronavirus Infections in one day have been confirmed in brazil its now registered half a 1000000 cases and has not even pete earley 29000 have died there the 4th highest death toll in the world president charleson r. O. Has resisted Strict Lockdown measures implemented elsewhere to slow down the spread of the virus when i went east is next. Counting the cost of credit freelander debts what is the world owed china. When countries come pay back loans plus the man behind a 1. 00 trillion dollar stock market crash see a convenient scapegoat because sharks counting the cost on aljazeera. In india the coup with 19 knocked down was sudden sivia and absolute days odds. On live. Are good odds bob ideas here. Some cool days for me some foreigner loved only wanted out of. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi blanched 1300000000 people into confinement with only 4 hours notice across the country tens of millions of Migrant Workers suddenly found themselves without jobs and unable to return to their villages

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