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A show thats putting their auction places in rallies but the mere scrutiny. Down 3 years since the blockade of cattle by its neighbors how the dispute is being played out online. Welcome to the program finds is linked to libyas u. N. Recognized government as celebrating the sudden collapse of warlord Khalifa Haftar as a 14 month battle to take over the capital theyve retaken the city or to whom are a strategically important base for have to forces in western libya its about 65 kilometers from the capital tripoli also jabari begins our coverage. Celebrating another important game. Forces for the un backed government of National Accord in control of tohu now the city was the last major stronghold of world war Khalifa Haftar in western libya. The most after we were all keen to achieve the victory without hesitation there is a big difference between a solid fighter who fights for his cause and another one who does have weapons without a cause will be defeated if you dont have a cause to fight for we have a cause for the error of the values here the turkeys military support has helped the internationally recognized government of National Accord to a series of territorial gains in recent weeks. As well as ending have 2 hours 14 month attempt to capture tripoli that led to battles in the capital southern. Suburbs and rocket attacks on the city center. After our self declared Libyan National army which is backed by russia the u. A. E. And egypt said its troops were being withdrawn from tripoli in order to give the ceasefire talks a chance to who now was the main launch pad for the offensive against the capital that have to use force has finally abandoned this week g. N. A. T. Commander said forces had reached the center of town huna after entering from 4 sides. But the l. N. H. Continues to control in Eastern Libya where there is a parallel administration into broke as well as large parts of the south where the main oil fields are located the United Nations has warned the recent flood of weapons and fighters to both sides in libya risks in a major new escalation has those offensive on tripoli had 2 key strongholds into it was launched from 2 key strongholds the 1st was a what the or the airbase that was taken not too long ago and the 2nd was. After the fall of the what the other half those forces knew that they could not hold on to. Tripoli offensive so they began to withdraw some of the troops and dont want to hold a news from total of comes after the d. N. A. Went to moscow and after the meeting between and again and several hours the president of the g n a where its believed that turkey and russia are now negotiating a framework of cooperation so the tohono today its unclear whether it fell because of the military attack by the d. N. A. Forces or whether this is part of a negotiated exchange between the russians and between the turks with regards to libya but in terms of its significance it means the end complete end of half that as a tripoli offensive the new diplomatic effort is underway to try restart talks on a lasting cease fire. And ending 9 years of civil war since the overthrow and killing of longtime ruler muammar gadhafi. Dorsetshire pari al jazeera. Of course from the moment of the 100 days in time he said this report. This is the main square in the city of 30 whom. That used to be the major stronghold for half the us forces in the west of libya now forces loyal to the internationally recognized government are in full control of the city after heavy fighting after they managed to drive i would have thought his forces from the city now the swiftly converter of the city after who now by the Government Forces is mainly attributed to Turkish Military support for the Government Forces and also there was the role of the Russian Military is. Alongside have terrorist forces. The pearl of the city of the horn and the Government Forces hands means the pearl of have got a zip code and the west of libya the firm of his military campaign that his forces launched it in april last year to seize the capital to put. This if you have got who. Used to be very strategic and very significant for have those people from cairo now many of the supplies went to have to. Have a committee and in fact they had a Central Command here in the city ive got a home now that was running the battle and Southern Company commander here of those forces was run by russian egyptian and the military but according to the thats according to the Government Military sources that the capital tripoli by the government does not mean the end of the fighting as the Government Forces say that they are determined to. Help them. Further south to the city of anybody. Now theres been an unexpected drop in the latest u. S. Unemployment because 2 and a half 1000000 new jobs were created in me as the Unemployment Rate fell to 13. 3 percent thats being credited to the easing of coronavirus restrictions but it was a different story in april in march when more than 21000000 people lost their jobs experts say it could take months for the 13000000 Americans Still collecting Unemployment Benefits to find work well president told trump says the u. S. Economy is dancing back from the pandemic when we had a problem we were able to cut it off stop it just like this stop and keep everyone. Keep them away keep them together away uninfected and we saved millions of lives and now were opening and were opening with a bang and weve been talking about the wii this is better than a v. This is a rocket ship a White House Correspondent who believe. It was exactly like covering a Campaign Rally the president using not a teleprompter but instead riffing as we call it essentially speaking off the cuff on whatever subject that seemed to come to mind he spoke about his opponent in the upcoming election he spoke about the jobs numbers he spoke about china trade deals he spoke about the numbers when it comes to black unemployment in the United States he also spoke about reforming Community Policing but the headline was in fact the job numbers the u. S. President in a very good mood and looking to talk about it to the American People you have to remember that it was expected today that he was going to be trying to put a positive spin on what he expected to be a 20 percent Unemployment Rate in the United States instead what weve seen is the creation of jobs not the loss of jobs and so the u. S. President clearly good mood standing in front of the Television Cameras talking about how he predicts that there will be even greater improvement in the economy is bigger states begin to reopen like california like new york that this will in fact turn the economy back on even more and by fall even after the election he predicts by next year he expects that the economy will be where it was in other words a v. Shaped not the l. Shape that many had predicted but he also predicted doom and gloom if his opponent joe biden is elected he says if the wrong people win the white house things will not get better. As a Senior International economist at the Economic Policy institute he says the long term picture for the u. S. Economy is to leak and so. Its a small blip in what is another wise belleek jobless picture i think its important to remember that we had the highest level of unemployment the us census the 2nd world war last month pictured in some groups likely since then weve added about 2 and a half 1000000 jobs but it is important remember that there are still 19600000 workers who are and remain an important religious situation in february before the corona crisis hit the crisis is still a part of us were still losing roughly a 1000 people a day in the United States infection rates have not claimed adequately. New cases appear to be growing in many areas of the country this is threatening to drive us into another surge of cases in the 4 center and thats going to cause another lockdown in the economy so i think this is most likely to be a temporary blip it may last a few months but weve got big problems ahead now the World Health Organization has revised its advice on the use of face masks during the pandemic it says new information supports the belief that people like a 16 year old underlying medical conditions should wear a mask in situations where physical distancing isnt possible is also recommending Health Workers in areas of widespread transmission where medical masks even when theyre not working with coronavirus patients as explained the consensus coming out is that when people are in the public with these mask they can actually use and they provide some source of of actually control so what they do is they prevent a person who may be may actually have the disease from. Transmitting it to somebody else. The Central African in mali where protests that have gathered in the capital bamako demonstrators are calling for the president. To resign and the withdrawal of Foreign Forces because his following the protest developments from dhaka in neighboring senegal people are asking is for the government to do their job and to protect the population thats one of the issues there but their numbers of groups involved in these protests and were talking more than 20000 people so gathered in the capital of burma we havent seen protests like this since the return of democracy in 1991 last year the organizers of this person. Had organized demonstrations where people were chanting out with foreign troops this year today theyre asking for the resignation of the brain but are kates up and the reason behind all of this is that not only is the security situation getting bad but for ordinary mali for instance some of the protesters are there are teachers that havent been paid for 7 months you have nurses who are dealing with the current outbreak of the coronavirus who are struggling to have access to Running Water and you also have members of the opposition with their leaders to my less say whos been in the hand in the custody of armed groups for now 3 months with the government seemingly doing little to try to bring him back or to try to secure his release so all of this combined means that theres a lot of people that are growing impatient with their government and want to see more action from the. Well still ahead here on aljazeera. Was on the protests in mexico over Police Brutality after a man dies while in custody. And a corruption investigation is launched against the head of the African Development bank the stories after the break ins i dont think. Hello Something Like a week ago sol i was flooded by this yeah and it looks like nothing thats the remains of thunderstorms producing now flooding once again in santa in yemen now is probably not going to continue i think more or less disappeared now so its a generally dry picture across the River Valleys with increasing wind its a dry dusty and hot wind running out of iraq thats where the gulf across qatar and into the n. T. Quarter so we will be sandstorms or at least dust in the atmosphere and it wont temper the temperature much weve seen 48. 00 in there howard out of 45. 00 by sunday will you notice the difference probably not weve seen 15 iraq but baghdad is showing at 44 in the hot sunshine in fact those were the hottest areas in the world the last couple of days even the zahar isnt that hot this cloud coming across in algeria has been to rain in mauritania as well but generally speaking its a dry picture with the winds tempering easing in libya big showers for the sas typically north the tropical africa big showers in nigeria every now and again and this one happening now go trust dollar towards the r. V. Coast and sierra leone tend to produce temporary flooding in the landslide risk that lost the course for several weeks. But. As bombs continue to rain down on afghanistan civilians are paying the ultimate price they are completely forgotten and no one is listening to these people while those responsible operate with impunity this is about owning our mistakes is about saying science is about accountability in a nicely unaccountable war as anyone from the us military been in touch with you since then no no not for kleins investigates afghanistan civilian loss in the us air war on al jazeera. To. The. Well to back you watching aljazeera with me so rob the reminder of our top stories fighters that link to libyas government of National Quarter celebrating in the city of toppling or after taking over the last stronghold of the warlord Khalifa Haftar in western libya. Theres also been an unexpected drop in the latest u. S. Unemployment figures 2 and a half 1000000 new jobs were created in may as the Unemployment Rate fell to 13. 3 percent and Irans Health Ministry has recorded almost 3600 new covert 1000 infections in the past 24 hours its the highest one day total since the outbreak began as it has a real hard he was warned of reimposing strict social distancing actions. No memorials for george floyd and andy please demonstrations are continuing across the country in washington d. C. That muriel requested the words black lives matter be painted as a giant mural along the street that leads to Lafayette Square and the white house is intended to send a message that the city stands with the protest movement. Well new yorks governor says Police Officers filmed pushing over an elderly man should be fired theres growing scrutiny of the tactics used by police at and t. Racism demonstrations across the country as Alexie Obrien reports. At a time when Police Misconduct is in the spotlight. This video has gone viral a 75 year old man left on the ground after officers appeared to shove him police in buffalo initially said he tripped and fallen then changed their statement adding that 2 officers had been suspended the youth vote. For cheers yasser pepper spray. And some cases of live ammunition and violation of International Standards for the use of more but this will continue and never go away. Over the past 40 years government funding for the police has tripled to more than 100000000000. 00 Police Departments have also been reinforced with excess equipment from the u. S. Military all as crime rates have dropped. The days of george floyd sparked outrage and condemnation across the u. S. And in many other countries protesters say theyve had enough of decades of racism and repression and dont tell us that you by those who are supposed to protect and serve were sorry we grieve and this is an injustice that should never happen again. But despite the mostly peaceful protests. Critics say theres plenty of evidence the injustice is continuing with several confrontations since floyds death now under investigation. Was. Peaceful protesters have been tear gassed in iowa and Los Angeles National guard who look like theyre dressed for the battlefield have patrolled a stretch of hollywood boulevard normally frequented by tourists and celebrities and police wayne besen said people who witnesses say was simply standing with their hands up. Protesters were arrested in new york city on wednesday as police tried to enforce a curfew. The next day the citys mayor bill de blasio was booed at a Memorial Service to george floyd after he tried to defend the police action. President donald trump who accused of weaponize in his response to the protests by threatening to send in the military if demonstrations on brought under control the streets outside the white house before cleared before trumps photo op on monday several protesters and the American Civil Liberties union a sewing the police over what happened well the vast majority of Police Officers do their job bravely and righteously it is undeniable that many africanamericans a lacked confidence in our american criminal Justice System this must change not just. Hope that change will come perhaps in this little girls life time brian aljazeera. Kevin powell is a filmmaker and civil rights activist he says Police Officers in the u. S. Are not trained well enough. Ive been both a writer and civil human rights activist in america for 30 years and so ive literally documented many cases of Police Brutality and racial profiling that never had any were never videotaped never filmed where Police Kill People with people have been paralyzed with the police etc even when i was 15 years old as a kid as a youth in this country i i got i was assaulted by. A young boy had an. Altercation boys fight but was nothing bad was no nothing dangerous at all for the Police Office nationally in the face no repercussions whatsoever and so we need to understand unfortunately in our country Police Officers are not looked at the as they say they are which is to protect and serve but instead of kind of like an occupying and Hostile Force to our communities and were seeing that even as people are protesting peacefully in many places everything is not rioting and looting as being put out there by some people its actually many protest many acts of civil disobedience and the spirit of dr king and the spirit of gandhi in the spirit of Nelson Mandela and still Police Officers are coming insulting people and that says that we have a very serious problem with how Police Officers are trained in this country. While protesters in the United States mourn george floyd 1st Police Brutality is also a concern south of the border in mexico but testers are accusing arresting officers of beating a construction worker to death police deny that Laura Baron Manley as well. I. Was showing a few ory in guadalajara again Police Brutality the but we arrest and death of construction work a job on in a passive month that has caused controversy and conflicting accounts in mexicos 2nd largest city. The book police say the 30 year old was detained for disturbing the peace but this video shared widely on social media provoked protests not far from the city. Bystanders identified the man being shot into a vehicle as the main character they say police were using Excessive Force and that he was arrested for not wearing a mosque then mandatory to prevent the kind of are spread police say he was taken out of the cell phone medical treatment and died hours later. The police didnt know why brutality but protesters are demanding accountability. More some use buttons to smash Police Vehicles some Police Officers pick up whatever they can to fend off protesters one policeman had petal put over her and. The. Governor up to lets go state says video of lopezs arrest doesnt show the reality the media or maybe also the misleading way in which they made everyone and telescope believe that giovanni was arrested for not wearing a mask thats already been exposed by the Public Prosecutor and what happened today was the cherry on the cake it was the way in which they allowed a legitimate protest a protest for a cause to be infiltrated and turned violent. The government minister the human rights accuses the police abusing excessive who was saying its a clear violation of human rights and hes condemning the appliance which police use force the preventative measure is one of the. Protests have swelled across mexico in solidarity with George Floyds death in the United States but many mexicans are also dealing with their own issues with the police where they live human Rights Groups have collected years of evidence of Police Brutality torture and extrajudicial killings and protests isnt. What happened to giovanni is the latest example of that and theyre demanding justice. Nor about the manly aljazeera the African Development bank has loads and in independent inquiry into allegations of corruption against its president whos hoping to be reelected in august the investigation follows calls for a probe by the u. S. And its expected to reach a conclusion in less than a month over the dress has more from nigeria is capital a preacher. The bents board of governors say its engaging and internationally Reputable Firm to review its findings and decisions regarding the investigations carried out on mr ibish you know based on the allegations leveled against him and they say theyve conducted their own investigations and found nothing incriminating against mr edition of the whistleblower the United States and some shareholders are courting insisted that mr i dish in our favor to his compatriots in appointments and looking away when other ethical issues came up in the management of this bank now this is a lot of people believe that this is just a warm up towards the luck of the president of the bank which mr additional has indicated interest in contesting for i remember hes the 1st nigerian to contest for this position and the elections i do in a few months and i do that by the way is the biggest shareholder the United States is following up closely and a lot of people believe that the United States in particular wanted somebody else apart from addition to occupy a particular state mr edition was in nigeria a few days ago where he met nigerias president mohamed of the heart of what should be about the country will stand solidly behind him and lobby hard for his reelection in a few months time people this is the 1st time by the way mr can we have this is a fast nigerian by the way to occupy that office a lot of nigerians are watching closely to see how the investigations will end and it looks like maybe solidly behind they all compare trip in that post at the African Development bank. Its been 3 years since a land and sea blockade was imposed on cattle by egypt and its other neighbors the United Arab Emirates and saudi arabia but despite recent efforts to deescalate tensions theres no end in sight to the worst political crisis the gulf region has seen so. Many the 20th 2017 donald trump. Arrives in sunday arabia his 1st trip abroad as u. S. President trumps aim was to have wealthy gulf nations join the u. S. Bid to defeat i still to help and the war in syria and contain what the u. S. Described as irans growing influence but that was a short lived hope 4 days later the website of qatars news agency was hacked and fabricated statements posted attributed to the emir of qatar critical of u. S. Policies in the region the Washington Post subsequently cited u. S. Intelligence officials saying the u. A. E. Orchestrated the hacking that was just the beginning on june the 5th sardi arabia the u. A. E. And egypt severed diplomatic ties with qatar and it posed a land sea and air blockade which continues and to now the qatari government strongly denies allegations of supporting extremism qatar also condemned a list of demands from the quartet as a breach of sovereignty. The 13 demands included big relations with iran closing a Turkish Military base and shutting down the Aljazeera Media Network there is no appetite at the moment in the International Community to to get involved in the gulf crisis the covert 19 condemning it has really consumed pretty much any policy making capacity in western capitals and other International Capitals everybodys looking at dealing with that pandemic any insecurities across the middle east and the gulf crisis just one of many crisis in the middle east have been put on the back burner this is the man widely seen by qatar as the architect of the blockade mohammed the crown prince of all the b. And effectively the ruler of the United Arab Emirates benz dade and saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin said man both strongly oppose calls for democratic reforms that have gained momentum in the region since the arab spring uprisings 9 years ago this is the law and were going to do that too small too little on the challenges are huge were talking just not about the. Challenges and what outs that we are talking about 19 additional well. You know you can are mix. In that mix social environment and all of these as well as of course the heart security all of these going only because that it all the region works together as well you know. Qatar has ruled out withdrawing from the g. C. C. And says it welcomes talks with its rivals but only when the blockade is lifted. According to the wall street journal trump has recently called on sandy and gravy and the u. A. E. To and their ban on Qatari Airlines using their space but this was turned down by the saudis and there it is who believe the risk reactions are their only leverage to extract concessions from qatar the roll cage has left lasting ones for qatar raise they hope their gulf libels will mend the diplomatic rest one day but the song delayed quartet remain divided over a wide range of issues that reconciliation may take a long time about aljazeera doha and you can find out much more on our website just log on at aljazeera dot com for the very latest. Your child is there with me still running a reminder of our top stories fighters linked to libyas u. N. Recognized government are celebrating the sudden collapse of warlord Khalifa Haftar a 14 month battle to take over the capital theyve retaken the city of to a strategically important base to have to forces in western libya mahmud of the wind is in. Their sweat suit or over this city afternoon or is mainly actually be to do with their 6 Turkish Military support for the Government Forces and also there was drool over that russian medicine raise from the bad little group been fighting alongside after forces now. This city the city after going to about 75 kilometers south of the capital tripoli is very strategic very significant from here. After his forces had a Central Command over the past year. Theres been an unexpected drop in the latest u. S. Unemployment figures 2 and a half 1000000 new jobs were created in may the Unemployment Rate fell to 13. 3 percent experts warn it could take months for tens of millions still collecting Unemployment Benefits to find work but President Trump says the u. S. Economy is bouncing back from the pandemic when we had a problem we were able to cut it off stop it just like this stop keep everyone inside keep them away keep them together away uninfected and we saved millions of lives and now were opening and were opening with a bang and weve been talking about the wii this is better than a v. This is a rocket ship the World Health Organization has revised its advice on the use of face masks during the pandemic it says new information supports the belief that people over 60 or those with underlying medical conditions should wear a mask in situations where physical distancing isnt possible. In washington d. C. Man youre a bouncer requested the words black lives matter be painted as a giant mural along the street that leads up to Lafayette Square and the white house is intended to send a message to the city stands with the protest movement. Those are the headlines from al jazeera back with the aljazeera news hour in just under half an hour next its inside story with bernard smith. Days numb but the libyan war loses his last stronghold in the west turkeys military intervention the time this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program and its. Missions in libya are unraveling quickly warlord launched an offensive 14 months ago to capture the capital tripoli from the u. N. Record

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