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The hands of indonesian authorities. Its a month since the death of george floyd in custody of policing in the United States could be on the brink of a major change the house of representatives is debating democratic legislation that reduces Legal Protections for offices and would make it easier to prosecute police it will also band chokeholds and change the criteria for using lethal force. Exactly one month ago george floyd spoke his final words i cant breathe and change the course of history since that horrific day americans from every walk of life and corner of the country have been marching protesting and demanding that this moment of National Agony become one of National Action today with the georgia floyd just just in policing act the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed by Police Brutality and pledging never again on wednesday a republican bill on Police Reform was rejected democrats said the proposal didnt go far enough floyds death in may spark nationwide protests with demonstrators calling for changes to policing in the u. S. Lets go live now to capitol hill to sirus she had pretends he is there for us so whats in this bill and what are the chances of it passing. You summarize some of some of the some of the things inside inside this bill that is the criminalization of the use of chokeholds as we saw employed on george floyd the ending of the bombing of no knock warrants in drug cases the case of brother taylor in louisville has received a great deal of Attention Police burst into a house shooting multiple tile times and killing her and her bad history as she slept there is also going to be a registry of disciplinary problems or for Police Officers right now is very little transparency about which Police Officers are. Doing things that they shouldnt be doing basically so this would be a National Registry National Database would also help in keeping track of Police Officers who at the moment are free to break the rules do terrible things in one Police Jurisdiction and then simply move to another Police Jurisdiction when theyre disciplined so thats about keeping track of bad Police Officers and its also going to make it easier to sue individual Police Officers. Its interesting that this is going to pass without any problem in the house in the coming few hours but after that its likely to go nowhere the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says hes not going to bring this up for debate or a vote in the senate they prefer their own bill which as you mentioned failed even to get a debate on the senate floor on wednesday thats less about mandating change more about encouraging change amongst Police Officers and civil Rights Groups and the democrats say thats simply not a nonstarter so it looks like we had a just too a stalemate in Congress Unless Public Opinion public pressure starts multiplying on members of congress to act it does seem that the more likely venue are already saying that now for Police Change is at the local level the municipal level the state level where cho codes are being banned where policies are read or rather diverting funds from Police Police departments to other measures in society in order to. Try to take another look at the world or in general it has to be said that the democrats in Congress Even though nancy pelosi is citing the protests that have occurred after George George floyd thats simply not listening to what the protest structure is saying its not lets reform the police lets lets address the few bad apples in the police force who are killing black people its defun the police that is the police is no longer the police force is no longer fit for purpose racial violence is so ingrained in Americas Police forces that now its about now what should be happening is money should be being diverted away from Police Forces into other strategies in order to ensure safety and law and order not simply by using enormous amounts of militarized force in the guise of Police Forces but using using other methods social workers investing in communities to ensure that there arent normal problems in the 1st place and to have the emphasis on deescalation Congress Still hasnt quite got that message but message is getting through at the local level in municipalities it seems. How does the life there on capitol hill many thanks dave. The shooting death of 26 year old a black woman is another case that sparking outrage in the u. S. Brianna taylor was shot and killed by police when officers broke into a house looking for drugs one of those officers has been fired but taylors mother says that thats not enough of a serious john hendren reports now from louisville kentucky. For brianna taylors mother the firing of one of the officers who took her daughters life is a beginning in that song its a start. Its not justice. Just as to mika palmer says requires criminal charges against all 3 officers who gunned briana down in her home as they searched for someone else in dismissing Brett Hankinson from the Louisville Police force on tuesday the citys police chief said i find your conduct a shock to the conscience i am alarmed in stunned you use deadly force in this fashion. I just think that. I think. Brown i was soo of be so proud to see these people adis different people all around the wire are just different everybody coming together it is standing for something the protests following on his death have led to changes louisville has outlawed no knock warrants required body cameras anytime a warrant is used and created is civilian review board its going to take more to really deter officers from engaging in this type of behavior so the conversation is to continue it needs to go much deeper and it needs to get to the root of why. Certain officers can get away with with behavior exhibited and you know they cost brianna her her life the u. S. She says needs to admit that american style policing is not working and look to other countries for leadership it was after midnight when police came here and knock the door down with a battering ram briana taylors boyfriend who had a gun license and says he thought the place was being invaded fired a shot police fired back 20 times into 3 apartments they say they came here because a drug suspect had used this address but by that time theyd already located him inside they found no drugs just pray on his body. Now across the street from city hall where louisvilles leaders can always see them is a permanent protest in briannas name to. Just an hour a new sea would do something great in any. Other this isnt the way i would have wanted it to be. Its the way it landed. Him in definitely still be helping people so definitely sustained in a war change can come at an unimaginable cost a cost briana taylors mother says no one else should ever have to pay john hendren aljazeera louisville kentucky a statue honoring Christopher Columbus in the u. S. State of connecticut has been removed rival groups traded insults as construction crews work to dislodge the monument in the city of new haven city officials decided to take it down after it was vandalized last week columbus is known as the 1st european to make contact with the americas disassociated with the colonization of the regions indigenous people. The u. K. Government has warned that violence against police will not be tolerated thats answer at least 20 officers were injured in south london overnight trying to break up a posse 4 people have been arrested but investigation is on the way Prime Minister Boris Johnson spokesman described the incident as appalling there are new developments in the global Aviation Industrys effort to survive the coronavirus pandemic more than 40 Major Airlines have been forced to ground their entire fleets many have suspended over 90 percent of the flights straightly is Largest Airline quantas has announced that 6000. 00 jobs are to be cut in a bid to lower costs as it fights to stay in operation across in the us air travel is still down by more than 92 percent compared to this time last year even though some flights have resumed since april of germanys love the 2nd largest in europe has signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package aljazeera thought it came reports from berlin. Remember this deal needs still to be approved by the shareholders of loved ones and the devils in the detail that because in order for the shareholders to approve this deal they have in effect to accept the dilution of the power of the shares that they own and that has proved to be a Sticking Point for some quarters amongst the shall hold is from the German Government perspective yet theyll be acquiring 20 percent of the stock of tons of the shares that is and the economy minister a key ally of Angela Merkel to the page from the Christian Democratic Union said this is the best deal because it will safeguard 100000 jobs clearly has been very badly affected during the pandemic but as i say this is got to get the approval of the shareholders theyve been in a digital a Virtual Meeting there for several hours were expecting the federal finance minister of the social democrats to make some sort of statement after we know the outcome of the result of the shareholders vote the other hurdle of this deal has happened to get over today has been approval by the European Commission by the e. U. Institutions because in the government acquiring such a large stake of. The state aid rules which apply across the European Union have to be here to the European Commission has said well this deal does that here but of course as i say the big caffie at here is will the shareholders indorse this deal. As we reported strain is Largest Airline quantas is laying off thousands of its stuff as it tries to supply to survive the pandemic the airline says it doesnt expect the nations borders to open at least for tourists for the for the coming year the click gauge reports. Right now qantas is meant to be celebrating its 100th anniversary instead its dealing with the biggest crosses in its history the is truly a National Airline has fired 6000 staff and another 15000 who stay on leave from moments this crisis are still here it was very very hard and the impact will be felt for a long time particularly im sorry to say the impact on our people. With borders closed and flights grounded quantas says the ongoing collapsing global air travel left had no choice but to cut 20 percent of its workforce its a huge setback for the Aviation Industry 100. 00 planes will be grounded for at least a year with a stroller as International Borders predicted to remain closed for tourists potentially into next year to be not english this next Financial Year july next year we may start seeing some International Services and on against a 50 Percent Union groups have strongly criticized the cuts quantas officials hope to save 10000000000. 00 over 3 years they are to guard my dramatic restructuring in china culture because it says a lot of job enough to see the opportunities that it will bring that will survive and flourish into the future the losses come after his trial his 2nd Largest Airline virgin was placed into whats called voluntary administration in april after it failed to repay billions in d. H. And is happening while unemployment levels are rising because of the pandemic quantas says decision is a signal that the pain from this Global Health crisis wont be over anytime soon gauge aljazeera camera pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded a 3rd of its pilots 150. 00 of them after an investigation found that they cheated to get their licenses the inquiry found that out of a total of 6860. 00 pilots in the country 262 had someone else set for their exams and a further 82 with it were either under qualified or forced certificates the people the fraud came to light after an investigation into a plane crash in may which killed 97 people preliminary findings say the crash was caused by human error. A weather update next here on aljazeera then back on the streets of lebanon protesters are fed up and demanding that the government tackles the economic crisis. We have flood warnings in force the part says central southern and eastern china at the moment the my by from the say still rains continuing to bring some heavy downpours across many parts of china to go on through the next couple of days out west the weather will slide across into japan raining outside for the mountains dry brights the skies there for tokyo humid 30 degrees celsius on friday from about cloud right back into Central China and yeah im afraid you will still see some pulses of heavy rain from time to time that peps up a little more as we go through saturday not just a little further north which pushes right back into southern parts of q shoe pushing across a good part of the through saturday chances for showers there into honshu and certainly some showers there looking likely into whole qaida plenty of showers meanwhile across Southeast Asia wetter than it should be into indonesia over towards poppin new guinea because some live downpours coming in here over the next couple days you see those yellow shadings on at shiloh thats where you can see the heaviest the liveliest of those a thunderous showers smain while Thunder Showers continue across a good part of india with the monsoon rains wettest weather up towards the fall northeast actually and we could see as much as 200 millimeters of right by saturday. But. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons a. Conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Play an Important Role protecting it would. Ringback face. And our get this is al jazeera lets talk about it remind you of the main news that the u. S. House of representatives has to pay to a sweeping Police Reform bill democrats want Legal Protections for offices and to make it easier to prosecute farmers nationwide protests calling for change after the death of george floyd. Straightest Largest Airline qantas is cutting 6000. 00 staff to reduce costs during the pandemic it comes as germanys lufthansa the 2nd largest carrier in europe signed a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package. Pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded more than a 3rd of its pilots 150. 00 of them after an investigation which found they cheated to get their licenses the people who cheated were discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may which killed 97 people preliminary investigations suggest that the crash was caused by human error. Lebanons president has warned that theres an atmosphere of civil war in the country was addressing a National Dialogue a long winding economic crisis but the Opposition Boycotted the meeting at the same time people have been protesting once again saying that theyre fed up with widespread poverty and sectarian cena harder reports. This meeting was supposed to be about National Unity but an Opposition Boycott showed the deep divisions in a country on the verge of financial collapse lebanons president was hoping to resolve a political impasse that has led to violent protests that turned. Out though i was hoping this gathering will be the beginning of a board national. Political factions the legitimate protesters and. A waste of time prowest opposition described the gathering they believe their onetime partners who belong to the iranian syrian camp want cover as they seek Financial Assistance from the International Community. Its just a photo opportunity and nothing more they want to show a united face we are not obliged to take part. Those who lost faith in politicians across the divide were in the streets theyve been calling for new leadership to deal with an unprecedented economic crisis the local currency has lost 75 percent of its value on the black market since october. Reply to the. Government. Situation now is much worse the government came to power in february after the previous one resigned after months of protests little has changed since. The government they call itself in the pan the end but it has pressure from Political Parties that appointed it it doesnt have support from the arab world. The United States and the west. Says much needed reforms to state corruption and waste are needed before it decides to work with. Civil Society Groups have been trying to push out the Political Class they blame for corruption and running the economy into the ground are now reaching out to the International Community the challenges. We have lost almost our relationships we need to take. Out the transparent elections. It hasnt been an easy fight those in power are refusing to cede control but their invitation to dialogue is seen as an indication that they cant govern alone. A course in jerusalem is denied a request by a Greek Orthodox church to block the ownership transfer of its property the court ruled that israeli tourists settle a group after its. Name had a valid contract to buy the property it brings to an end a 16 year long legal battle to challenge the sale of properties in the old city area of occupied east jerusalem. Amnesty international is condemning trip advisor for featuring listings in illegal israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian Land the rights group calls the practice shameful and says promoting attractions occupied land means profiting from war crimes its urging trip advisor to remove the listings israel says that it will push forward with plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank as early as next week. How mass says that any steps by israel to annex parts of the occupied west bank would be considered a declaration of war the comments came from the spokesman of the organizations military wing after hundreds of protesters in gaza call for hamas to reject israels plans for an exception in the one that theyre that that little have the israeli plan is the biggest they have to Palestinian Land indicates the project of the resistance is to remove the occupation from the lands of historic palestine we wont talk much and we want to make more statements we same words that are limited and clear which the occupation in those who stand behind it and need to understand very well the resistance considers this decision a declaration of war on our Palestinian People the resistance in this war will be the loyal and trustworthy god in defending our people and their land and holy shrines to make israel regret bitterly its criminal decision to apply its sovereignty to parts of the will spike. Russians heading to the polls in a week long vote thats expected to pave the way for president Vladimir Putin to remain in charge until 2036 the referendum will be the nations biggest constitutional overhaul since the end of the soviet union and there are reports that employees of the state are being pressured to vote in favor Charlie Angela reports. During the day in a dish to work for a russian state funded institution to have free time is now spent protesting against the states latest attempt to preserve putins power for another 2 terms with opposition demonstrations banned stickers the only way to voice her anger at being told by her employers exactly where and when to vote. I think it wasnt our managements initiative they received the orders from above and it must have been done to make sure people dont participate in exit polls and there are no election observers to make sure no one could observe the voting and to make it more difficult on cover regularities she is up against a vost machine the kremlin launched a widespread Advertising Campaign appealing to pensioners parents and patriots the 200. 00 amendments to the constitution include promises on Pensions Health care and the minimum wage as well as allowing the current president to seek reelection after his final term ends in 2024 and guaranteeing immunity to former president s but a yes or no vote on the entire package is the only option available. It was part of the working Group Brought together by president putin to draft the proposed reforms. That meet that the current president has already been elected to the highest state post several times there is no reset the rest just a special provision in the text of the constitution that allows the current president to run for the next president ial election this provision largely guarantees that the states policy will not be radically changed after 2024 but the vote is largely symbolic the changes have already been passed by russias Parliament Still critics say putin wants the people to give his plan the veneer. Put in wants to be supported by people as a dictator this is typical situation for any kind of different dictatorships such a direct reply and direct connection between the autocrat and the people simply personal source social logical paul. There are fears the nationwide vote could increase the spread of coronavirus in a country that is still recording over 7000. 00 new infections a day a ban on Public Events led to the arrest of hundreds of protesters even one person with a placard is considered a contravention but the ban does not apply to any event organized by the kremlin that the need for urgency on this vote is unclear. There an advisor to the European Unions top court says that hungary is breaking e. U. Law by sending back Illegal Migrants and denying them asylum procedures the European Commission that sued hungry last year accusing it of unlawful detention of Migrants Congress Prime Minister viktor orban spent all this with most leaders over his anti refugee and immigrant policy. The 2nd largest outbreak on record is over off of nearly 2 years and while the 2000 deaths this outbreak began in the eastern democratic republic of congo in 28 teams Health Workers initially struggled to gain access to the hotspots in the region but the announcement doesnt mean that its been stamped out completely a separate outbreak has flared up on the other side of the country. At least 94 hanger refugees have been rescued by the local community in the indonesian province of akshay after a week said see around 30 of them are children and many appear to be alone it was initially unclear if the group would be allowed to disembark but locals took matters into their own hands and carried the survivors to shore jessica washington reports from jakarta. After enduring so much fear finally some kind facing an uncertain future about whether or not they would be allowed to enter into the local people in this community carried the ring of refugees from the boat and into safety. The group had spent weeks possibly months at sea old and young all crammed together and sharing the same trauma local fisherman found them earlier this week in a sinking boat in the waters around the province of. The fisherman had tried to transport the group but their engine failed so they sent others to tow them to shore. As they approached the shore on wednesday it was already dark some thora teams had even considered one of them back to see it as a bit of what planning to fix the boat and will then give them logistics didnt will push them away from intonation territory guarded by the navy the local community and human Rights Groups disagree. Under international. Risk people at risk of serious harm and refusing to risk. Traumatised. Dangerous waters are greedy violate International Law for years ridding of refugees have tried to reach indonesia and malaysia by boat fleeing atrocities in me among the into the government says its policy has always been to work with other countries in the region to stop what it calls unsafe journeys and facilitate the by. In tree repatriation offering to refugees the Indonesian Foreign minister says the government will take steps to stop both chinese like me. And you in the town we are in consideration if these imagines. And this time we were counting on you to work with countries in the region. Various make enemies and. Measures as well as to prevent both the. Journey. From a country of. Just walk that Emergency Assistance from the government entails is unclear but the community in a is already showing its compassion and willingness to help jessica washington aljazeera jakarta. Have been awarded the 2023 womens world cup it will be the 1st time that the tournament will have been played in that region colombia had been the sole remaining challenge against the joint bid for hosting rights brazil with drew after its government couldnt offer financial guarantees in the middle of a Global Pandemic. Pariss eiffel tower one of the worlds most famous landmarks is finally welcomed that welcoming visitors again after its longest closure since the 2nd world war. Its been shut since march when france imposed its coronavirus lockdown elevators that were off limits for now the tourists will instead have to use the stairs to the 2nd level. Of to be fit for that although this is Al Jazeera Adrian fenty going to here in doha with the headlines the u. S. House of representative system basing a sweeping Police Reform bill democrats wants Legal Protections for offices and make it easier to prosecute them but follows nationwide protests calling for change after the death of george floyd exactly one month ago george floyd spoke his final words i cant breathe and change the course of history since then here if it day americans from every walk of life and corner of the country have been marking protesting and demanding that this moment of National Agony become one of National Action today with the georgia boy just just in policing at the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed by Police Brutality and pledging never again a statue honoring Christopher Columbus in the u. S. State of connecticut has been removed rival groups traded insults as construction crews work to dislodge the body of into the city of new haven columbus is known as the 1st european to make contact with the americas a disassociated with the colonize ation of the regions indigenous people. The u. K. Government has warned that violence against police will not be tolerated thats all for at least 20 officers were injured in south london overnight trying to break up a party 4 people have been arrested that investigation is on the way straight is Largest Airline quantas is cutting 6000 staff to reduce costs touring the pandemic the company says that it will keep 15000 workers on leave for months it comes as germanys lufthansa the 2nd largest carrier in europe side a deal to secure a 10000000000. 00 government rescue package pakistan interNational Airlines has grounded more than a 3rd of its pilots 150. 00 of them after an investigation found that they cheated to get their licenses the fraud was discovered after an investigation into a plane crash in may preliminary findings discovered that human error was to blame you zealand and australia have been awarded the 2023 womens world cup it will be the 1st time that the tournament will have been played in that region and those are the headlines when you see here on aljazeera off the bottom line next. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question what would angela davis do lets get to the bottom line. My guest today is someone who is talking about fighting racism and defunding the police when it was considered way too radical she became a folk hero in the 1970 s. For standing up to the establishment in almost every way you can imagine she got fired from her teaching job at the university of california for being quote unquote too outspoken when she was one thrown in jail a movement of blacks and whites took to the street in protest until she was free musicians like the Rolling Stones and john lennon and yoko ono right

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