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He wants to ignore any allegation against russia and its president Vladimir Putin the Washington Post has reported that several american soldiers are believed to have died because of the Russia Program the White House Press secretary has reiterated that trump was not briefed on the alleged russian bounties there is no consensus within the Intelligence Community on these allegations and. In effect there are dissenting opinions from some in the Intelligence Community with regards to the veracity of whats being reported on the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated glen karl is a former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for transnational sorites with the cia he says the information would have been conveyed to the president. He spent my career doing this and i know how things are funneled up the chain of command or what kind of things are in something of this importance would absolutely be briefed to the white house now did a cia officer sit down and speak directly to the president say x. Y. And z. Possibly not most likely yes but would the information have been conveyed to the top of the chain of command which is the president certainly the people that mcinerney the press woman for the president cites are all or trump appoint these and i dont take at face value what. The u. S. Supreme court has struck down a louisiana law that places restrictions on doctors who perform abortions the surprise the session to the fan the procedure and abortion rights follows fierce opposition from conservative justices the vote for 5 to 4 with chief Justice John Roberts voting with the courts 4 member liberal wing its the 1st big Abortion Case since trying to appoint the 2 new justices shifting the court to the right. The World Health Organization has warned the coronavirus pandemic is far from under control and the worst is yet to come and sending a team to china next week to investigate the origins of the disease we all know one this to be over we all want to get on with our lives but the heart of reality is this is not even close to being over although many countries have made some progress globally its the pundit week is actually speeding up. Americas top Infectious Disease expert says the recent surge in u. S. Coronavirus cases is largely down to people ignoring Health Guidelines to wear masks and socially distance many southern and western states which push to reopen their economies are now seeing a spike in infections dr anthony found she has called the Community Spread a recipe for disaster california texas and florida have already imposed some restrictions including ordering bars to close. China is accused of forcing sterilization abortions and Birth Control on hundreds of thousands of rieger women the slash birthrates an investigation by the Associated Press found evidence of a 4 Year Campaign in North Western provinces experts say its a form of demographic genocide chinas government denies the allegations and at least 9 people were killed when gunmen armed with grenades stormed pakistans a Stock Exchange in the city of karachi the 4 attackers who were among the dead raided the building in an attempt to take hostages those of the top stories a stay with us the coming war on china is next thanks for watching ill have more news in half an hour. These american bases form a giant news in circling china with missiles bombers warships. If you were in beijing looking out he stood on the tallest building in beijing and looked out of the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships youd see guam is about to sink because theres so many missiles pointed at china you look up the korean see american armaments pointing at china the chinese 2000 years ago built the great wall to keep the barbarians out of nothing theyd be a muchness film is to break a silence the United States and china may well be on a path toward a nuclear war is no longer unthinkable. In. Shanghai today is a prosperous International City still wrong by the communists at least in name. Yes there are issues with human rights especially the right to speak against the state and challenge its power i had a range to see professor zion way way a close aide to the late things out paying the man who changed china your old boss funk presided over the bloodshed in tim square what would you say to the survivors. Of Tiananmen Square because so many of those did fight for what they saw as Democratic Change in china. In 1809 there were 2 Political Force one was those represented by the Chinese Students their hero was me how you gorbachev who happen to be in their slogan was the. Unions today charles to more than so the idea was a political reform 1st as a reform 2nd otherwise china will be hopeless and messy which opposite he saw. It he sought you know china must have economic reform 1st as a reform 2nd this priority must be set clear. Unfortunately at that particular moment in 99 to 2 Political Forces cannot reach a compromise so definitely a tragedy occur. It was more than a tragedy it was a matter. Of which the memory remains a raw presence in modern china. Why does the Chinese State still fear the few. The few who speak out and im thinking of. That place i mean the man won the nobel peace prize. And hes in prison hes a violent the child is a low. Margin so. Pretty free of expression similar views by many people but he really going to dijkstra. Challenge the government to implement democratic reforms and spent a total of 13 years in prison. Why cant a confident china accept the criticism like this so more their peace committing makes huge mistake over the chinese an explanation if you cross a line course youre violent constitution uveitis so many laws you should be punished. Were and yet in china today the spirit of protest and dissent lives on in different forms. In 2015 strikes and Community Protests and activism reach record levels this resistance is seldom reported in the west. So there are lot of protests in china. Typically for example land being crap by officials to for commercial development and the farmers are not being compensated to properly and the farmers now are no more where the rights of their protest on john walker is from the factory they demand a better wage by its better working conditions but many of the protests there are economic driven not political driven they are not National Light so this kind of things on unlikely to vatican 2 a Real Movement or socalled you call that revolution. So the mouse revolution was the last revolution. And what never say never. Again lets take you back to the u. N. Security council of Virtual Meeting which is this cussing ethiopias controversial 4000000000. 00 hydroelectric dam on the blue nile river take you live now to the un with the egyptian minister for Foreign Affairs sam a shokri is speaking lets listen in the Security Council for the month you want this thing worst representatives of the Member States of the United Nations security d Council Colleagues and dear brothers the representatives of sudan and if youre. At the outset you would like to congratulate the president of the Security Council or is able leadership of the Security Council during a time of unprecedented challenges and daunting crisis i would also like to thank undersecretary general rosemarie de carlo for her remarks indeed these are truly Tumultuous Times humanity is being tested by an invisible fault that has robbed us of countless so wrought on told you know cannot make suffering and brought life to a standstill across the world. But as we face the scourge of this Global Pandemic and as our frailty is laid bare before we are reminded of our common humanity we are reminded that beyond the multitude of cultures and creeds and the diversity of nations and peoples we are ultimately a single human family the wealth of which demands that we look beyond narrow selfinterest and promote the bonds of solidarity within our Global Community the president the matter of which i am addressing you today is of the greatest consequence to the egyptian people and requires like our efforts to combat this Global Pandemic a commitment to uphold the spirit of cooperation and to recognise that no nation is an island unto itself entire of itself but part of a Community Bound by common destiny a threat of potentially existential proportions has emerged that could encourage on the Single Source of livelihood of over 100000000 egyptians the grandest european renaissance dam a colossal project that ethiopia has constructed across the blue nile couldnt do ensure the security and very survival of an entire nation by imperiling its wellsprings of sustenance while we recognize the importance of this project to the developmental objectives of the d of the open people a girl that we certainly share and support it is a transfer to realize that this mega dam which is africas largest hydropower facility potentially threaten the welfare of the rubble and the existence of millions of egyptians and so the need for this and therefore they are a lateral feeling an operation of this done. Without an agreement that includes the necessary precautions to protect the downstream communities and to prevent the infliction d of significant harm on their i carry rights with the heightened tensions and could provoke crises and conflicts that further destabilize an already troubled region accordingly it is important that the Security Council consider this matter as the baddy entrusted by the International Community with a unique responsibility to maintain International Peace and security the council is expected to exercise watchful bijela nce to have her be a skull ation of tensions to prevent the outbreak of conflict and to contain crises that threaten to prejudice the peace in a fragile region we trust that in discharging these duties and fulfilling its responsibilities the Security Council will act with general jones and bigger to resist instances of unilateralism that could undercut the foundational tenants of our International System but arent trying them based organizations hallow charter as a responsible stakeholder egypt elected to bring this matter to the attention of the Security Council to forestall further escalation and to ensure that you have a lot of actions do not undermine the efforts to reach an agreement on the good or prejudiced that i parea rights and interests of downstream states or more alarmingly to endanger the lives of almost 150000000 egyptians answer then he said the sense there by generating greater tension in an unstable region we are therefore encouraged that the Security Council is holding todays session. This reflects the commitment of its members to ensure that this is essential organ of the United Nations for the suspect abilities as enshrined in the charter of the present we populate the most arid of the nile basin riparian state and one of the most rapid impoverished nations on earth this harsh reality compels us to inhabit no more than 7 percent of our territory along a philanderer strip of green and a fertile delta to remain with millions of souls those whose annual share of water is no more than 560 cubic meters which places egypt well below the International Threshold of water scarcity on the other hand our brethren and european have been downed by Divine Providence with plentiful Water Resources which include an average annual rainfall of almost 936000000000 cubic meters of water a reach a mere 5 per cent flow into the blue nile and 11 other river basin some of which are shared good neighboring states and all of which provide endless opportunities for Regional Economic cooperation and integration this means that with global scale than operated unilaterally in the absence of a mutually beneficial agreement that protects the lives and livelihoods of downstream communities it concludes further stress are not already severely strained ideological reality and endanger millions of people in both egypt and so that concurrently however we are and will bring little method to support our fellow african nations especially in the nile basin and including g. O. P. In their efforts to realize greater prosperity. This is evident in the fact that egypt has cooperated with every nile baseness state in constructing dam and rain harvesting projects in digging water out of the removal of waterways that constrict the flow of the river this reflects our unshakeable belief in our common destiny of africa and confirms our conviction that the nile river is not the exclusive property of egypt matter of any right hereon state but the common heritage and the sacred trust of all our people therefore foreign minister back to egypt has initiated an endangered and plain speaking of the situations on the gird our objective rodneys are your stock has to reach a fair and just agreement that ensures that if your be achieve its legitimate developmental objectives while minimizing the harmful effects of the on downstream community we endeavored tirelessly to reach an agreement that highnesses the developmental process potential of this dam for of europe while limiting its many perils for egypt and so that mr president because the 2 letters addressed by the government of egypt to the Security Council are made the 1st and you have the 19th 2020 have detailed the successes purges of the negotiations on the girl i will only recount the main milestones of these stocks for out which we conducted ourselves with good faith and demonstrated a genuine political will to reach a fair and balanced agreement that preserves the rights and equity of all 3 right there in states that share the blue nile. Since if you have monroe laterally commands the construction of the. Our negotiations have included numerous trilateral and biafra summit meetings between the leaders of our 3 countries more than ever and a testament to our enduring commitment and abiding faith in the values of our african continent we are telling me in several regional bilateral and multilateral summit and meetings with our other african brother and i beg to facilitate the reaching of an agreement that i share with you appear as it will generate hydro power efficiently and sustainably while limiting and minimizing the adverse effect and preventing the significant harm of the dive on downstream states we also help countless trilateral meetings between the ministers of Water Affairs and their Technical Team and many listings of the ministers of Foreign Affairs to provide Political Support to these talks and we will start mr an independent committee of hydrologist to provide impartial scientific analysis of the scenarios of the failing and operation of the guard unfortunately however all of these efforts have come through not to overcome the hurdle facing our negotiations and invariably these talks are 3 countries concluded on march the 23rd 2015 the agreement on the creation of principles on the ground the european renaissance. This treaty the content and terms of which are an unambiguous and unequivocal was intended to provide greater political impetus and guidance to our discussions it reconfirms the legal obligations the incumbent upon it the ok to conduct studies on the trans boundary hydrological and socioeconomic effects of the dirt and to undertake an assessment of the environmental impact. It also reaffirmed that the o. P. s political commitment and its legal obligation not to fill the dam without an agreement was reached to down the right area on the rules governing both the feeling and operation which were guaranteed hydropower benefits of the product while minimizing the many harms on downstream. Regrettably however despite the fact that we contracted an International Consultancy firm to contract the studies on the effects and impact of the dam the process 70 taking the studies was obstructed as a result they were never completed nor do you have one a 3rd about guaranteed regarding the safety and structural soundness of the girt this means that in the absence of sufficient Scientific Data communities downstream or biz break structure people can manage to live in the dark shadow of a great unknown if god forbid the great experience of structural failures or false it would develop the sudanese people on their unimaginable pearl and with experience in egypt unthinkable hazards and there are concerns in this regard are not on warranted and 2010 they had braced panel of the give me to the constructed across the or ever collapse within days of the completion of this construction to the also deeply the farting that robbed the winding path of these negotiations on the gird egypt had been subjected to an unjustifiable campaign of unfounded claims that we sought to grind other parties to agreements from the dark era of a long year. The reality however is that every treaty relating to the nile that was concluded by your peers was signed by its government through of any compulsion for conversion and as an independent and sovereign state this would include a treaty freely fined by the employer of a center and once you know true that prevented the construction of any water works across the blue nile that affect the natural flow of the river and the general framework for cooperation also freely signed by your peers the late Prime Minister ballots in our will and egypt present to 993 in addition to the 2015 agreement on the ration of principles which is to say all of these treaties remain binding and in force the president has construction of the world near completion and as every other path towards an agreement proved unsuccessful it just called upon our partners in the United States of america and the world bank to join our talks in an attempt to bridge the gap between our 3 countries this lead after intensive negotiations in which the 3 countries for me participated and for the 1st time after almost a decade of talk to an agreement that was prepared under the auspices of the United States and with the technical input from the world bank this agreement with egypt accepted and eventually on february the 28th 2020 but with which you have to reject it at the 11th hour provided a fair and balanced win win solution that promotes the interest of our 3 countries and preserve the right area rights and equity. Which agreement which is an extra letter addressed to the Security Council dated june 19th 120. 00 is now available to the International Community as a testament to egypts goodwill and evidence beyond any doubt that an equitable and fair agreement was available for the parties to sign furthermore because egypt is dedicated to explore every possible avenue to reach an agreement on the girl part on the notice round of negotiations that were held on the initiative of the republic up so that our police talks were also unsuccessful it will be just believe that an agreement on the good must be a legally binding instrument under International Law that must also include clear definitions that establish the threshold of significant harm that must be prevented in addition to a binding dispute resolution mechanism to ensure the effective implementation of any agreement on the other hand it was the new breastmilk right lines of uncertain and ambiguous legal value that could be unilaterally adjusted should suffice for the loss to suggest that any such document would not include the firm obligation to prevent the infliction of significant harm on downstream right areas moreover and keeping with our principle position that the good must be further operated in our presence with a mutually beneficial agreement that promotes the common and rest of our 3 countries if you just accept the invitation of his activist the president and Sarah Ramaphosa of south africa to have an Extraordinary African Union bureau of the assembly of the heads of state and government meeting on june 26th 2020 to deliberate on this matter. The obviously purpose of this meeting was to ensure that an agreement on the gird is reached expeditiously as such it was agreed that enters governmental technical negotiations will be held with a view to achieving this goal within 2 weeks moreover you are in this meeting if you have not committed not to take any unilateral measures by commencing the filling of the jered before an agreement is reached this commitment can only be interpreted as an unequivocal undertaking to ensure that the killing of the girl is executed in accordance with the rules agreed upon between the 3 right variance. And the other understanding or interpretation of this commitment which reflects the lack of political will to reach an agreement on the gird and reveal an underlying intention to impose an unacceptable set accompli on downstream states and enforce the unilateral will of an upstream state on its core appearance and turn any talks and to an exercise in futility mr president is accompanied on the Security Council to take note of and welcome outcomes of the meeting of the d African Union bureau and to call upon the 3 countries to comply with their commitments and pledges arrangements and organizations have an Important Role to play as a responsible members of the Global Community it is unquestionable that in matters relating to International Peace and security the Security Council remains the preeminent body in the International System it was on the basis of this reality and in light of the councils primary responsibility to maintain International Peace and security that egypt brought this matter to the Security Council. While we remain involved in a process of negotiations under our african mechanism it is imperative that this august body remains actively engaged in this matter willingly jerde unilaterally without an agreement with egypt and so than would jeopardize the interests of downstream communities whose d existence and survival depend on the nile river furthermore they are a lateral operation of this mega them but have disaster Socio Economic effects that will diminish every dimension of the Human Security of egyptians including Food Security water security Environmental Security and human health which would also expose millions to greater economic vulnerability leading to increasing rates of crime and illegal immigration it would reduce Water Quality disrupt the right for there i parry an eco system that image biodiversity and radiate the dangers of Climate Change the potential ality represents a serious threat to International Peace and security it could also have serious if not fries mac but all political ramifications downstream states would find themselves in an intolerable situation and create an atmosphere of animosity between our country and serve the seeds of discord between our people it is therefore necessary for the Security Council and the International Community to exert every effort and support every initiative that is intended to lift this looming threat and remove this ominous peril on the horizon while our position remains that the only viable solution to the question of the gerd is to reach a fair and balanced agreement egypt will uphold and protect the vital interests of its people survival is not a question of choice but of the imperative of nature. Accordingly we call upon the Security Council to encourage the parties to negotiate in good faith to reach an agreement on the guard and to refrain from any wrath or measures until such an agreement is reached until our efforts are successful and agreement has concluded that the Security Council should as it discharges its duties remain actively seized of the matter in this context egypt has presented the exact resolution for deliberation by the Security Council that is consistent with the outcomes of the African Union Bureau Meeting it encourages its response to reach an agreement within 2 weeks and not to take any of the lateral measures in relations to the good and emphasizes the Important Role of the un secretary general in this regard this left there was a russian is not intended to preempt or after stock any negotiations but to express at the highest level the keen interest of the International Community in reaching an agreement on the gird and its appreciation of the dangers of acts of unilateral ism in this matter while we continue to expand and im fading hand of friendship to our brethren we expect our commitment with whom we share the nile river to reciprocate our good well and act with responsibility much as we wholeheartedly support if europeans right to Development Including through the use of our shared Water Resources we believe that justice dictates that is european respects egypts right to life. And deal with his accident the president after the fact that he says he declared an s. P. But before a joint session of the European Parliament and i quote i heard just to lay the foundations for a Better Future for our children and grandchildren a future where all grass roots in a few years ago have electricity and where children in egypt drink water from the nile as their parents and grandparents a future where the economies of both our countries with expand to absorb their entire labor force with the purpose of guaranteeing at these didnt live to our people so as to restore their standing among the family of nations given their glorious history and immense potential i am called and concluded mr president i must reiterate that we stand ready to exert every effort to reach an agreement on the girl i call on my friends and colleagues in ethiopia sudan to summon the spirit of brotherhood and kinship between our countries and our people lot of them brings the young deniable truth of our commonality and camaraderie let us grasp the opportunity that is before us to shape our fate rewrite history and chart a new course of peace and prosperity for our people i thank you mr president. Were listening there to the egyptian foreign minister shaul kerry speaking very passionately about egypts stake in this issue lets just run the viewers tuning in now were watching a special u. N. Security Council Virtual Meeting to discuss the grand ethiopian run a sound. Which will impact the piano of course they want to fill the reservoir imminently but also sudan and egypt and as we heard there from the foreign minister he stated that the impact would have the greatest consequences here remind that the Security Council no nation is an island and that this time potentially is an existential threat to the survival of a 100000000 people in egypt ok lets listen now to the sudanese ambassador to the un oh man mohamed made. The council during the condemning. 19 of the difficulties we are living in now it is. Also mr president i want to thank. Rosemarie de carlo for the. Excellent. Report or sort of thank the entire membership of the Security Council for their statements. And i also want to thank is excellent see some issue create for you the statements and also welcome my friend and colleague of the title of the. Suppressant as the 2 letters from the republic of the sudan sent by my minister of Foreign Affairs. To the Security Council last letters explain the sudan european country with the like it is the immediate downstream country to the girth. So than a stance to be positively and negatively impacted by 8 less it is of great importance that the council gets 28. 00 with the position of the sudan regarding the girt regarding the respective negotiations and to any with the way forward suppressant. To the undercoat lies is that egypt has a right to develop its Water Resources for the benefit Office People without causing significant harm to the other victorian countries however if you can must ensure that any potential negative impact of the project is properly addressed and it quickly maybe katie mitigated includes consultation and cooperation with the downstream countries as it was reflected earlier in our 2 letters the sudanese through letters legate has positive as well as negative impacts on the structure as for the negative impacts will be realized and the us for the positives so the impacts will be realized and the negative impacts to be mitigated that amas be competitive agreement to guide the feeling and a creation of the down. Mr president since 2011 sudan has continuously participated in would trip in the negotiations on the gird fully abiding and heating to the United Nations convention on the law of the night and we could not im not negotiate no navigational uses of International Water courses Un Convention which reflects what defies the basic principles of customary International Water or including the 4 principles mainly number one equip the border and reasonable utilization number 2 the obligation not to cause significant harm number 3 not if occasion an exchange of data and information and try to live dont want for peaceful settlement of disputes suppressants cognizant of the necessity and importance of the agreement my continued continued and will creating for a mutual comprehensive and inclusive agreement of all the theater parian countries again is this matter of mr chairman mr president so the angry friend from signing the outcome of negotiations in washington in the absence of if you are to die also refused to endorse the lead of i desisted decision on the gird and recently sudan rejected the proposal by the opera for a partial agreement on the premises stage filling the gap so president so that i strongly believe that reaching an agreement on the guidelines and principles before the commencement of the feeling of the girl is extremely mr serry for the 3 countries to avoid putting millions of lives. And communities and direct risk and a decision on the timing and the feeling of look there has to be agreed upon mr president let me wish issues among the 3 countries mainly eternally egypt with your parents who died and commenced in 2011 in march 2015 the free countries were able to successfully conclude an agreement on the declaration of principles which was signed by the heads of state and government of the 3 countries in khartoum throughout the period from november 29th in the february 2028 and up and up on the request by egypt to include the United States and the world bank of the berbers the ministers of Foreign Affairs and ministers of Water Resources in the 3 countries within gage in 6 rounds of negotiations in washington you dont know so i was 5 technical meetings were consequently held in a bit about how to know and kyra during the washington process namely in november and february 12th and 15 student you 20 lets reconsider is had achieved in major breakthrough when they reached an agreement on the most of the issues under negotiations and they agreed to discuss and finalize the remaining issues muting the next meeting to be at the end of february 2020 in washington however if you opted not to attend the meeting today refused to check back in any by lot of recess therefore the graft really rich was not signed by the 3 countries by suppressing the. In march 20th 20 the Prime Minister of the republic of the sudan is excellence looked around but one doc led an initiative that will to convince the parties to resume the negotiations with live view to reaching a fair comprehensive and final agreement his efforts culminated in restarting bilateral technical discussion which were followed by a trilateral negotiators. On the level of ministers of Water Resources in the context of the Sudanese Initiative the 3 parties have included her have concluded a total of 7 title or trade lateral Video Conference meetings during that period sudan submitted 3 versions of a compromise Draft Agreement for the fairest really and i hold operation of the girl the 1st is version was busy on the consensus reached looting the washington process while the 2nd and 3rd versions will being used on the feedback and suggestions received from egypt and from if youre here during the in those last negotiations. It is the 1st mr president let the 2nd is made significant progress progress during the last round of negotiations on the technical issues mainly are the fairest really. I knew an. Operation mitigation measures that down Safety Environmental and social issues cooperation and exchange however on the legal issues oh i didnt engage in marriage in that issue of binding nature of the legal agreement including amendments and terminations dispute resolution mechanism and the reference to 1959 water treaty between egypt and sudan as well as the demand but if youre prepared to enter into what the sharing agreement within 10 years in accordance with the naive basic comprehensive Framework Agreement since that that youve laid out a very gentle the use were of legal and political nature and according to article 10 of the declaration of principles the sudan is right suggested in walking article 10 there of its from of the collaboration of principles to refer the issue to the heads of state and government so till now we believe the heart one process is not yet exhausted and how to complete a 3rd of the role in solving this problem within the african initiate. Mr president we are confident that the Draft Agreement proposed by sudan during the last round. Of dawn 14 is constitutes a comprehensive fair and balanced draft which the secretary is kind of got as the basis for a little bush ations then it tells of this draft i think incorporated in that mixes of the letter of excellence in the minister of Foreign Affairs of the republic of sudan sent to the Security Council dated 24th 2020 it is our conviction that with political will and commitment the 3 countries can loot conclude this historic agreement mr president we highly regard the involvement of the African Union through its Church Person his exodus e precedent setting up a course of south africa in the extraordinary summit. Which took place virtually on 26 june 2020 the 3 concerned countries participating and just the summit along with the middle in the members of the African Bureau and the chairperson of the African Union the outcome of that mena summit was circulated by the commission of the African Union which welcomed the commitment by the 3 parties. To the 8 African Union let process and call for the following bequest in the Security Council to take note of the fact that the African Union is seized of the matter lending i mean you would empathize with the tripartite negotiations edging the partisans who find neutrally acceptable and if it were solution to an outcome issues well coming. Sort of courting the parties but if they have thrown it in making any statement or any action they dont need your holidays and complicated the African Union process and finally establishment of committees to reach only couple solutions with what are within one. Mr president we strongly believe that the african led process can push forward the 3 parties efforts to reach comprehensive clear and balanced again in light of the significant process is called earlier putting in mind the Draft Agreement made by sudan during the last ounce of negotiations and was in the 7 point consensus reached by the extraordinary summit of the African Union step president in conclusion i dont with reference to the content of the 2 letters by the minister for Foreign Affairs of sudan which were presenting to the Security Council one second and 20 force dual respectively i reiterated in the quest of the government that number one who called on the leaders of the 3 countries to demonstrate their political will and commitment by resolving the few remaining issues and blued the Agreement Number 2 or upon the parties and of the comprehensive draft sudan has submitted as the basis of finalizing the agreement and number 3 discourage all parties from any action that me your problem is the enforced by the African Union i thank you very much for securing the president. And that was a sudanese ambassador to the u. N. No matter how many that made say they got outlining his countrys policy of course as you mentioned sudan that the country immediately downstream to divert our deal of heard that acronym mentioned thats the granite you are in a sense stan and also a saying discouraging any country from doing something that would go against the their attempt to come to an agreement now ok lets listen now to tell us casella say ethernet they will say oh p an ambassador to the u. N. Ins you tube is complement to the principle some purpose of the United Nations charter has been solid and consistent it has always been in this town some quarter of the priestess of collective security and multilateral. Egypt best track record in this regard speaks for itself it has always heard to and that actively supported dont promote that this principle is untrue gennaro an international that and its entire history it simply has never caused a threat to any country it has instilled been contributing to the cause of peace through it is active participation in disk youve been and to spilling to the early days of the United Nations until now this see little me be clear that you to doesnt believe the issues being discussed today how the legitimate lives in the Security Council it is bar to set a bad precedent and opened a pandoras box this council should not be a forum for exerting diplomatic d pressure. And we have an informant that comes from the pride planet earth no wishing it in ethiopia egypt and the sudan has not yet been concluded the city countrys founding father produced consensus on most of the prominent technical issues in the last rounds of the negotiation thats why ethiopia is of the few that progress. And and were trying the beneficial agreement is within reach. Even if the 3 countries failed to resolve their differences on the outstanding issues the delegation their declaration of principles to your people signed in 2015 by their leaders provides for dispute settlement mechanisms which are yet to be exhausted for them or are they have again union has the necessary good wit and expertise to hold the city countries in bridging their differences and reaching and which widely acceptable solution it is indeed lemond to say the least the principles of complementarity and subsidiarity between the u. N. And Regional Organization match talk about in this country and this constant was ignored when that you sure related to the ground it to bear own sense done was either justifiably brought to that put it to set condition it also controlled wins or to consult history of the United Nations charter which stipulates that how did this to any dispute among other shall 1st resort to regional managers as war i dont mince members of the council are aware there are 3 day so got as mentioned earlier the bureau of the assembly of the African Union held an extraordinary meeting under the chairmanship of it is that his excellence the president drama for the other state in the communicate issued on 2720 june 2020 the 3 countries agreed to resume negotiation under is all of the remaining issues still truck consideration under and a related process in the spirit of pan african started out of the and within the framework of African Solutions to african problems therefore our the African Union is now sister of the matter and its only appropriate that this council allows that they will it crosses to take its course mr president. Needless to say the law is as important to you as it is to egypt and the sudan and other source of livelihood and a kind of it doesnt the girl is conceived or the centerpiece of our National Development as security egypt or generators any 6 percent of the total luggage on one floor of the workers but it has another benefit from the river on top the 9. 00 to 15. 00 an argument between egypt and the sudan has a passion the entire what the rest of them between the 2 of them with egypt securing the loan share living nothing nothing at 40 to europe that was the unilateralists a decision to hug ever been taken concerning transfer boundary rivers 1997 egypt again took another unilateral decision and the tushar and the peace candidates taking the night i was there away from tonight are a force egypt or syria pitted complaints over this project in the meat 19 fifties trio undef years the 1st complaint was made by the government of him perhaps a little less regarding the maint of 59 out of egypt ignored egypt or subsequent objections despite this historical facts egypt continues to accusative of taking unilateralist action with respect to the building of the earth as you heard earlier mr president if europe is not asking too much it is sticking to couric past injustices and share this Precious Resource in any could have been threatened the reason every month despite being unrolled with abandonment whether its words in the nile besan for years the people of egypt or how bill deprived of their right to use the resource to extend themselves from object over to. This is what he for me to be accessing and utilizing it is what a resource is not a matter of choice but offered as they showed necessity the unfortunate reality is that to be in 2020 tens of millions something tippins stelios trial awards as a primary source of fuel with several consequences to their parents and the environment or a household where 85 percent of egypt leave and nearly 2 thirds of School Children are forced to stay in that unless this is a reality by contrast nearly 100 percent of egyptian population or the ins in the cities and rural areas have access to electricity there for egypt believes that it has a national no moral imperative to do everything in its par to improve the lives of that despicable girl reason and to to penn a mother says cries for her so that they dont have to trade hours to collect firewood the unfortunate reality is that hayden and maddox are still being carried on for a really Long Distance due to lack of electricity to access live saving Emergency Medical Care they miss ocky and the rest with that breaking a lot of firewood. On their shoulders a lot of stock a daily reality once complicated the dam will generate 15700 juggle of power and one bringing electricity and not reporting the thing for a dignified life to all more than 65000000 people who currently live in complete darkness that is why we are in processing again and again that gerd is a Development Project and it cannot in any way be a matter of Security Threat if there is a Security Threat there to be discussed it has to do with the fact that there are millions of critter bins living under the poverty line that dan is meant to uplift this people and in a way it is a virgin a potential threat rather than causing any sicking social progress and better standards of what are People Living on behind isnt that consistent with the spirit of the un charter and the sustainable demagogues that we all aspire have in 27 the good or so one of the mega projects is in visit under it or perceive her to meet the African Union agenda 2650 i should also underline here where the girl is a purpose product which has been built by egyptians from or walks of life with an unprecedented deal and come from that it is to be recorded that and various obstacles were critical to prevent trauma excess in International Support my government did just what i do not think of public on public funded projects therefore it has a son a moment responsibility to bring this project to excess of completion. Mr president from the belly beginning it took the took a number president an initiative to create ringback understanding with egypt and the sudan on the gird but under stubble issuing the International Panel of experts and the paper their National Committee to that implement to implement its a sort of become an addition a lot of the National Independence Scientific Research books to form lead different scenarios and of course feeling unwell oppression of the get all this initiative has failed to deliver the desired result because of egyptian entrancing indians and this insistence on historic crowds and current youth the reason why egypt has been consistently engaged in the scuttling of the tribe at the negotiating i learn what to do with only internal situation than anything else on the other hand sudan northward where the benefits of that that be that other to me you tip that has been guided by the internationally accepted principle of it could have been under is an ability by the shin and not causing significant power in building that that it had better not hire them egypt and the sudan through that done because if the heart of militant starts to release the other then building it in the 1st place would have been milling less and purposed we are all the people of the not therefore egypt it cannot be egypt was are harming it such that if you look at clearly in cups lets it to present her commitment to the principles of transpiring were going to lay that in fact it took us a good fares it hurts had been unprecedented in the history of trans boundary rivers it doesnt deserve to be mistreated that it should be listed be amended or demonstrate the exemplary cooperation mr president in october 29th and of the request of egypt the uniteds the goats the government invited the street countries to washington d. C. For consumption. Responded positivity in good faith and hoping that the presence of the opposite of us will hold the 1st illiterate the negotiation. Egyptians or to impose an acceptable terance on india but by liberating and impressing the process unfortunately it gives our actions muddy the wider even further struggle the course of the negotiations it up there has shown a great deal of flexibility in the tripartite process to build the list sincerely trust and confidence as a demonstration of what its good for is just or it took about 2 to 3 of the girder is there where trump for it was 70 years on so it could be filled in 3 years without causing significant to egypt and the so that furthermore egypt added to postpone the 2nd phase of the 1st building if are now in even fro undergird is below so 200000000000 should be committed. Mr president on the 3 countries have already agreed on the initial printing of that luckily Mother Nature is another matter took this year is a no pushing time to begin in part only whether in the girders or by currently both the blue nile and the white male puff above are not a month long look victorias at the record high limit the highest one by me is also at its for supper a level of 182 emitter suburbs. Which is a record high for the past 40 years are hard to get during the 1st day of the parliament which is attesting what a trip egypt will retain only and pardon 110th of the original flow of the blue last

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