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Locked up replaces it rots a little. Bit outlines plans to lift its 14 day quarantine for visitors from more than 50 countries. And indias Prime Minister makes a surprise visit to the border region the center of a tense dispute with china. Almost 2 years after journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in istanbul a turkish trial has begun for 20 saudi nationals accused of being involved. As was among those to testify but none of the accused were anywhere near the court and g. s murder inside the saudi consulate provoked outrage around the world and the u. N. Special reportorial who investigated the case says the world must not forget. I call on them to ensure that in the last next session in november that they are far greater International Presence so that we continue to deliver that message to saudi arabia and to the rest of the world that you cannot get away with killing a joint or least and lets not forget that these is a state exec you shouldnt of course we are focusing on individual sport this is a state executive this is why the presence of other states of other members of the International Community is important. To this day remains have never been felt its all strata takes a look back at how all these events unfolded this is the last moment jamal who shows he was seen alive its october the 2nd 2018 the journalist who wrote for the Washington Post newspaper had gone to the saudi consulate in istanbul to get documents he needed for his wedding his turkish fiance had e. G. Ching is waited for him outside turkish prosecutors say he was murdered his body dismembered and the remains never found 20 sound is indicted for murder to be tried in their absence in a court in Istanbul Police say Security Camera video and photographs show the saudi suspects arriving in istanbul on the day she was killed other Video Evidence shows them checking into a hotel going to the consulate before returning to the airport and leaving that night you stumble prosecutors accuse former deputy head of saudi general intelligence of mcgillis siri a former royal advisor Sar Odell Qahtani of instigating murder with monstrous intent. The 18 other defendants include this man may have moved tribe who frequently traveled with the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin soma on the show shes murdered caused widespread revulsion around the world hed been in selfimposed exile for around a year because he was afraid of being arrested if he returned home he formally being close to the saudi royal family but in recent years became a vocal critic of the Saudi Crown Prince some western governments and the cia said they believe muhammad bin solomon ordered the killing the kingdom denies that. Last december a saudi called sentenced 5 men today since free to jail after a long and secretive trial the uns special rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions agnes kalama who completed a 6 month investigation into could show his murder said the saudi trial made a mockery of justice none of the guilty fishley named last may who shows his sons said they forgave the murderers Rights Groups said the pardon had been forced on said it was another saudi example of a parody of justice turkey accuses the saudi government of obstructing the Murder Investigation the saudis say the istanbul prosecutor didnt comply with requests to share information the Saudi Crown Prince has denied ordering the murder but admitted bearing responsibility is the kingdoms effective leader stand again for aging kings. For shows hes fiance had teaching is says she hopes the trial will at least shed light on where his body is telling stanford aljazeera. Lets go live now to mike hanna who is in washington d. C. Mike is this case still on the radar on capitol hill. My apologies we seem to have some technical problems getting mike hanna there we will try and get mike hanna back a little later in the program for now the. Libyan Government Forces have on earth bodies from another mass grave in a former stronghold of warlord holy fast our 5 bodies have been found at the latest size theyve had to be identified the search continues for more graves Government Forces say they found more than 200. 00 bodies and to whom and in the area south of tripoli the u. N. Has expressed horror of the discoveries and called for an investigation meanwhile top turkish officials are in libya to discuss ongoing military cooperation with the un recognized government among those in the delegation turkeys defense minister and army chief of staff turkey backs the tripoli based government in the fight against warlord who for half done in recent weeks turkish supporters helped push hostiles forces back. Who the forces in yemen say they have used drones to target an airport and an air base in saudi arabia a spokesman for the iran backed group made the announcement on twitter and said the areas were hit with High Accuracy saudi arabia said it intercepted the attack. French president emanuel corn has a new Prime Minister as part of a new Cabinet Reshuffle aimed at reviving the countrys post quarantine economy john conflicts a senior Civil Servant and local mayor has been chosen to replace felipe to step down earlier on friday. Orchestrated the coronavirus reopening strategy for the country our correspondent is in paris with more on the new Prime Minister. This was expected present my calls talked for some time about how he was going to reshuffle his ministers and perhaps the Prime Minister what we now know that we will that we do i should say have a new Prime Minister here in france jocasta eggs and even though the reshuffle was expected what wasnt expected was any french Prime Minister mainly because so few people here in falls have actually heard of him so to talk a bit more about this im joined by pierre haski a veteran political commentator here and from. I mean its a name that until today most people have never heard of definitely many people ive never heard even his name but hes a rare type of political and because hes on one side is a top technocrat and everybodys praising is efficiency as a technocrat he was in charge recently of the and of the look down in france after the pandemic so these are huge responsibilities and on the other side hes a grassroots politician hes the mayor of a small town in Southwestern France it was reelected in the last a municipal elections with 2 thirds of the vote in the 1st round so he has this combination of efficiency and being close to at least people in a small town we are in the middle here of course in france of an economic crisis the coronavirus pandemic so the government will indeed be very busy ahead and were still waiting here in france to find out what other ministers i have been appointed. If europeans Prime Minister has described days of violence as a coordinated attempt to start civil unrest that held an emergency meeting with senior advisers more than 80 people died in protest in response to the killing of prominent oromo singer. Conducive. The Paris Appeals Court has dismissed a bid to reopen an investigation into a plane crash that triggered rwandas 994 genocide which killed 800000 people president stephen elop body munna died when his plane was shot down and could guardian 994. 00 responsibility for the attack remains contested but some blame people close to current president paul kagame e n 20. 00 team french prosecutors dropped charges against 9 suspects with ties to become a jew or lack of evidence. The u. S. Has had another record rise in corona virus cases reporting more than 55000 new infections that figure is the largest any country has reported since the outbreak began there are fears that number will increase when people go out to attend july 4th celebrations this weekend. England is dropping Coronavirus Travel restrictions for travelers coming from more than 50 countries from july to 10 passengers arriving from places viewed as a low risk will not need to self isolate for 14 days or was born last month and has been fiercely opposed by the travel industry full this list of exempt countries hasnt been released yet but it is set to include germany france spain and italy. In with travelers from 50 countries including many in europe to arrive without going into quarantine but the measure will stay in place for the u. S. The other u. K. Nations scotland wales and Northern Ireland will announce the audibles comes as m. Haywood reports as many more english businesses are allowed to reopen their doors. The reception task was originally there for that come to the front of the shop carolines preparing the cylon for her 1st clients in 3 months lockdown meant she couldnt open any of our barber shops now shes booked but its hardly business as usual under new rules stylists will have to wear visors and aprons and customers will be kept apart from one another as much as possible it is a war way its a worry for the start of i think the customers are going to be quite safe because were going to clean everything down but i think probably a bit more worry for the staff coming back when theyve been self i feel a thing or you know how but now and then all of a sudden theyve got a touch people got their hair in parts of the u. K. Social distancing rules are being reduced from 2 metres to one these marks the hair says a Nice Distance behind the bar bar britain is one of the countrys worst affected by corona virus and some have questioned whether the changes are coming too soon prompting of a rise in cases. The last few months though have been a rocky ride for business with thousands of jobs lost a no way of knowing whats to come usually at this time of year people will be going through the gates bought this place has had to close and lose most of its staff and its thought it wont be able to fully reopen until early next year. Many hotels pubs and restaurants are reopening the old white hot in rutland theyve kept busy throughout this crisis making meals for people working in the local hospital. So theyre taking no chances but unlike many other bars have the luxury of space so people can socially distance. And with reservations ready lined up for the weekend the chef is prepping the kitchen all customers will be required to leave their name and Contact Details just in case theres any outbreak of coronavirus and they need to be traced and it will be different were going to have social distancing well be having in doors. All the different measures that are going to be in place i am a bit apprehensive. Of people coming in that you never met before but i think if we put all the measures in place everybody should be safe some believe relaxing the rules of lockdown particularly on a saturday could send infections soaring of course opening up the Hospitality Industry will boost the economy only in the coming weeks so we know the full impact of the changes to the u. K. Economy and the health of the nation and i would recommend. Unicef and 2 Health Organizations have struck a deal to buy and inexpensive steroids to treat critically ill coronavirus patients in poor countries british researchers found dick said methot son significantly reduced mortality among those worst affected by the virus the cheap and widely available steroid is known for its anti inflammatory effects to 4 and a half 1000000 people will have access to the drug. Still ahead on aljazeera a warning from the u. N. That beijings new security law for hong kong could be used to punish activists. Leave to everybody. And a new song will be played along with the starspangled banner at american Football Games something more telling for the times. But. Still some very heavy rain pushing out of central parts of china a lot of cloudy the same still rise theyre going to continue just pumping their way out across East China Sea case you see some heavy showers heavy showers there running game to a good parts of japan i suspect the west the weather is going to be across southern and eastern parts of japan as we go through saturday still plenty of showers right as we go on into sunday as you can see that wetter weather continues to drive its way over similar areas so we are likely to see some flooding here as we go through the next couple of days all the way back into Central China to the north of that its looking rather sorry actually 29 celsius in the shadows for beijing what you wish i was for the south hong kong around 32 degrees while humid. Here mates and sherry across Southeast Asia as it should be plenty of the heat of the day downpours burring up as well but its backed little drive down into jobber we have some rather wet weather recently just around carter thats in the. Of easing off but no sign of the rains easing off across south asia mobic down posts there across india west again saying some very very heavy rain will see some wet weather once again pushing herat across the go into the northeast of india into myanmar and plenty of heavy showers to the much of bangladesh. But. Its very difficult as a chef or restaurant tour to buy shrimp with the confidence that what youre serving is going to be good seafood by nature is a high risk money sometimes trip was raised using production drugs talking about expect are not approved for use in u. S. The f. D. A. Simply isnt testing enough on be imported market to really find all of these biologic president take no one else is in. Your geologist there are a reminder of our top stories this hour the trial of 20 saudi nationals accused of murdering the journalist Jamal Khashoggi has wrapped up for the day in turkey the suspects are being tried in absentia and include senior saudi officials the job she was dismembered in saudi conservation is double 2 years ago. Libyan Government Forces have unearthed bodies from another mass graves in the former stronghold although all the 35. 05 bodies have been found at the latest site Government Forces say they found more than 200. 00 bodies in takoma into me area south of tripoli. French president imagine what khan has named the senior Civil Servant and local mayor as new Prime Minister beyond caustics replaces it want felipe to step down earlier on friday as part of a Cabinet Reshuffle. Back now to our top story the trial earlier i spoke to agnes color mask who is the u. N. Special repertory on extrajudicial x. Executions she says the trial is likely to bring a lot of new information to life. The purpose of the trial of this nature is not to bring justice in the formal sense of the word to. The absence of the defendant his or Kissing Point it does a very important symbolic value and we cannot underestimate the importance of. Of that class says of the judicial process of the judicial recall commission of whether there have been so far the stories around the state executive of general castro has been handled largely by the media you guys have done a fantastic work by the u. N. And people like me and press freedom and human rights organizations the Justice Sector has been largely absent we cannot see what happened in in saudi arabia as amounting to the daily variety of justice so from that standpoint these is a 1st ok genre where the International Language justice in a formal sense of the world the International Language of low is being applied to the state killing of america should be and therefore it is very important its also important for the victims they are being given a full more space to speak thats the 1st time its happened in and thirdly i think the trial you will surprise us it will give us some information that we may not have even though a lot has already been reported already today there were in full mission but of course given by various witnesses which i personally did not know so i think asshole those reasons these trying does matter. China has threatened to retaliate after the u. S. Congress unanimously approved sanctions against beijing over its new security though and hong kong the bill which still needs to be approved by the president would penalize banks doing business with chinese officials behind the new legislation heres what it said about the u. S. Sanctions this move has grossly interfered in chinas internal affairs and seriously violated International Law as well as the basic norms governing International Relations if the us side is bent on going down the wrong path china will resolutely respond with all necessary counter measures. From our kong tells us more about chinas response this is from the Foreign Affairs committee has been swift to respond its of these sanctions or a move by the United States to interfere in chinas internal affairs thats a move by the United States to contain or restrain chinas progress and development and that says National Security is a basic prerequisite a precondition for existence and the development of a nation and these laws have widespread support not just in china and hong kong this is obviously a statement from the Chinese Government and it strongly urged washington to pretty much back off and stay out of hong kong and chinas affairs that said if the United States continues to go down what its described as the wrong path then obviously china says it will take the necessary response of certainly some threats coming from china and a Swift Response and condemnation of the of chinas introduction of the by 60 or the National Security laws in hong kong. German chancellor Angela Merkel says shes worried hong kongs autonomy will now be eroded by the new law United Nations is also concerned this fair itll lead to activists being persecuted un pointed to one particular provision of the ball which includes quote collusion with a foreign country or with external elements as concern that could be used to restrict Civil Society and target activists. Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed in the most sweeping constitutional changes in decades allowing him to stay in power until hes 83 years old russians of a well meaning they supported the change with almost 70 percent of those who voted in favor the changes will take effect on saturday Opposition Leader have x. In development has rejected the result calling the vote and it just missed attempt to legalize persons presidency for life. Indias Prime Minister has made an unannounced visit to the border region at the center of a tense dispute with china about the renter modi was accompanied by defense officials during the trip where he spoke with army members tensions led to violence last month with the killing of 20 indian soldiers during fighting with chinese troops the remote valley both sides tried to blame for the incident but have since sat down for talks to deescalate the situation whatever. The world is made of their minds that against expansionism today the world is dedicated to development and is welcoming the open the competitiveness of development. We have increased expenditure on the development of border infrastructure but 3 times in the country through this Border Area Development in the construction of roads and bridges at the border areas has also been sped up elizabeth has this update from new delhi. It was a complete surprise that he made this trip because on thursday we were told that the defense minister and the chief of Defense Staff would be traveling but it wasnt until friday morning that we saw that the Prime Minister had made the trip himself he addressed forces and he said that the age of expansionism is over and also that india has been spending it has been increasing spending on its development and on its infrastructure in the border area by 3 times now he made the trip amid the worst tensions between india and china in nearly 50 years they had been as you mentioned 3 rounds of military talks talks between commanders on both sides and that june 15th incident when 20 indian soldiers and unknown number of chinese soldiers were killed but there was a very Little Information official information from either side and what we have seen since a satellite imagery that appears to show a massive military build up on both sides of the border and we also had on thursday the Defense Ministry approving the purchase of more than 2000000000. 00 worth of fighter jets from russia and also upgrading nearly 60 aircraft and a statement from them saying that. Referring to the Current Situation and the need to strengthen the armed forces they said for the defense of our borders a Prime Minister modi making this trip on what has been has been an eventful 2 weeks between india and china especially this week. Rescues and meanwhile has told more bodies from a collapsed jade mine in the Northern State of culture piles of waste had collapsed into a lake and those day burying more than 160 workers local Officials Say they expect the distal to rise has more. Rescue and volunteer workers hike up the slopes of a collapsed mine retrieving bodies of those killed in a landslide on thursday the dead are carried away in makeshift stretches but heavy rain is hampering Recovery Efforts the bodies are laid out for relatives to identify some are to overcome by grief to even speak a local official says he expects the death toll to rise. More than 50 injured weve recovered 162. 00 bodies there are more bodies to recover we will continue to recover today many of the dead were workers from impoverished parts of myanmar who were scavenging the waste left by a mining firm. Despite being one of the most Lucrative Industries in the country the jade mines of this region in the northern catchin state are poorly regulated more than 100 people were killed in a 2015 mine collapse and at least 50 died in another landslide last year rights Group Global Witness says the trade is worth billions of dollars a year father of the official value of 750000000. 00 it says the money is used to fund conflict between the military and armed ethnic groups and has accused the government of failing to regulate mining practices myanma leader Aung San Suu Kyi has expressed her sadness over the accident but has blamed poverty for forcing people to work in myanmars dangerous jade minds florence aljazeera. The former partner of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein is facing up to 35 years in prison for her alleged role in abusing young girls british socialite skilling maxwell is accused of working with epstein to recruit girls to be abused in elite circles new york prosecutors say she played a Critical Role and also participated in the abuse to free abstain is believed to have committed suicide while awaiting trial last august. They are probably familiar with the starspangled banner and thats the u. S. National anthem thats played before all may just Holding Events well this year in light of the protests against Police Brutality and systemic racism the n. F. L. Will be playing another song as well on that bet it captures the black American Experience as usual has lived every. One civil rights activist James Weldon Johnson put pen to paper and wrote these words he knew that the road to equality would be a long one. Originally a poem lift every voice and sing was sung for the 1st time 120 years ago he recalls americas failure to address the issue of slavery somehow managing to strike a hopeful tone for the future acknowledging much work remains to be done. Its commonly known as the black National Anthem. Protests this year are focusing on Police Brutality and systemic racism old complaints that are seeing new momentum to address them as part of its efforts the American Football League the n. F. L. Says it will play the song before the National Anthem in all 16 games of its Opening Weekend september critics are already calling it a marketing stunt for an organization that had banned its players from dealing during the National Anthem to protest against these very issues up until last month read the national Football League believe lives matter and calling capper nick the player whose kneeling protest action and 2016 is now repeated by players and teams around the world he still doesnt have a job there are a lot of conversations to be had about inclusive ety and sports and some solutions are bound to be problematic just as black in f. L. Players have felt silenced and exploited native americans have complained for decades about the n. F. L. The Washington Redskins a team in the u. S. Capitol is under pressure to change its name many consider it an offensive racial term. Its main corporate sponsor fed ex says the name should change and nike has removed the teams birch and ice from its online store good laws are baseball is all across the move because of course when youre not money. You know even if we can say well maybe good night youre making the stars we can also be a little bit cynical of course because maybe there will. Be you can just. Based basic preferences. Perhaps because you know your audience will change you know maybe change woman friend or did she was in the past to a new or more international younger audience the use of native american names traditions and rituals produced a caricature as a negative stereotypes is also systemic thousands of School Mascots and sports teams do it including the super bowl winning Kansas City Chiefs who play the 1st game of the season lift every voice and sing is performed on national television. Sports and music play a huge role in any culture and artists and musicians helped define it a new song being added to the lineup is unlikely to change much but it will certainly spark debate enter shikari aljazeera. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories the 1st day of testimony has wrapped up in the trial of 20 exotic nationals accused of killing journalist jim allchin shakti theyre being tried in turkey and their absence has shocked she was murdered and dismembered the saudi consulate in istanbul 2 years ago the u. N. Special repertoire said more countries like the u. K. And canada need to be present for these proceedings. I call on them to ensure that the last next session in november that they are far greater International Presence so that we continue to deliver that message to saudi arabia and to the rest of the world that you cannot get away with killing a draw in the least and lets not forget these is a state exit. Of course we are focusing on the individual these shes a state executive and this is why the presence of other states of other members of the International Community is important. Libyan Government Forces have on earth bodies for another mass grave in a former stronghold of warlord. 5 bodies have been found at the bases site yet to be identified the search continues for more graves Government Forces say theyre found while the 200. 00 bodies into a hole are in the area south of tripoli french president obama has named a new Prime Minister as part of a Cabinet Reshuffle aimed at reviving the countrys post quarantine economy john caustics a senior Civil Servant and local bear has been chosen to replace a role for the step down earlier on friday because the x. Orchestrated the coronavirus reopening strategy for the country. Ethiopias Prime Minister has described days of violence as a coordinated attempt to start civil unrest but held an emergency meeting with senior advisers more than 80 people died in the protests response to the killing of prominent to own more singer a car. The u. S. Has had another record rise in corona virus cases reporting more than 55000 new infections that figure is the largest any country has ever reported since the outbreak began there are fears that number will increase when people go out to attend july 4th celebrations this weekend. Those are the headlines dont go away though much more news to come here on aljazeera after techno which is coming up next season. We know whats happening i read and we know how to get the date if that others and all i was just here guy but it put the phone on fire but if i was there then im going im going to give you. A piece of my mind. The way that you tell death story isnt what and make it to friends. This is techno a show about innovations that can change lives the science of fighting wildfires were going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity and were doing you can unique way. This is a show about science though not nice scientists. Tonight techno investigates shrimp safety the seafood by nature is a high Risk Commodity for americans love their shrimp but most of it comes from countries that use extensive antibiotics that could make you ill now techno goes inside the federal Testing Program American Food policy. Thats supposed to protect the food supply doctors should be some are a is mechanical engineer she will share the results of her investigation to how dangerous is that for human beings and im filled torahs im an entomologist visitor shrimp farm in the middle of indiana yes indiana that could revolutionize the industry well this is like a Little Laboratory here yes it is and im sure for terrorist santa maria it is a neuroscientist. Imagine that you are one of the 1st to take a trip to mars. This

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