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Preclear a virus levels. The man tasked with ending the fighting in yemen tells the Un Security Council is a real risk of a prolonged escalation in violence. Targeting a replica of a u. S. Aircraft carrier iran simulates war games as tensions rise with washington. And im a wellings of the sports news as for more coaching of of these cases place the Major League Baseball season in doubt and 500000. Joins an elite club as hes team in the test series against the west indies. It is the trial thats put one nations resolve to stamp out corruption to the ultimate test now a court in malaysia has convicted former Prime Minister on a string of charges and says. Consent to 12 years in prison but he wont go straight to jail and says that he will appeal the trial was one of 5 that budget was facing linked to a scandal surrounding a States Investment fund aljazeera for a slow he reports from kuala lumpur. Was guilty on all 7 counts and sentenced to prison for a maximum of 12 years and a fine of 50000000. 00 but the judge has allowed a delay in carrying out the sentence. Former Prime Minister of malaysia has been convicted of Money Laundering criminal breach of trust and abuse of power thats for illegally receiving nearly 10000000. 00 from s. R. C international a form a subsidiary of state Investment Fund one empty beach yet that sums only a fraction of the 4 and a half 1000000000. 00 that u. S. And malaysian Authorities Say have been stolen from one end. The judge rejected not ship defense that he had been tricked by finances and he described the argument that nudge was led to believe the money was part of a donation from saudi arabia as an elaborate but weak application not given his lawyers say they will appeal against the verdict a process that could take years this is. Definitely not the end of the world. Because theres a process of appeal. We hope that we would be successful that. There are outside Court Supporters greeted the verdict with anger and disbelief but there was also optimism elsewhere Civil Society groups and opposition politicians have fought for years to bring the Corruption Scandal to light here is. You know among the majority of. The mind of the majority of malaysians. Change and. Leaders reputation. If they were. The 3rd it could strengthen the credibility of Prime Minister ghassan who took power in february but it may also weaken his coalition that relies on not just party the biggest block in the alliance but slim parliamentary majority. Still has Strong Political influence despite no longer leading the United Malays National organization or some analysts say tuesdays conviction could strengthen the prosecutions case in other trials not to places dozens of additional charges including charges over the alleged laundering of 550000000. 00 from one and being one analyst cautioned its too early to predict not tips political to mice. But for now a leader who once seemed untouchable has been held to account for his actions lawrence louis aljazeera. Abraham sophie on is executive director of the decca center for Opinion Research he says the verdict could have an impact on the role of the party it believes his Coalition Government. There is whitespace speculation in terms of our. Allies within his party yet on this very big i mean yes some people that i know the value of s. Is the price at the high degree of well the 12 years as well as the last on the 7 current years so i think there is definitely going to be some of them to influence. Might be an effect is the beacon in the Coalition Government however not everybody is on this team needs there are Leaders Within his party which feel that they are to move on and put this in the past so that might be can refresh itself and this vote this in the context of a possible snap election that sort of attention to the Global Pandemic as the number of cases continues to rise governments are divided on how to respond germany is warning its citizens against travel to parts of spain that have reported a high number of infections the u. K. s already imposed a 2 week or untying on anyone returning from spain a move to the Spanish Government calls disproportionate. Some of the time of the court we are at this moment talking to the british authorities to try to make them reconsider a measure that in our view is unsuitable particularly if we keep the epidemiological data of the spanish territory and in particular certain tourist destinations like for example the canary in the barrick islands the violence here and dilute sea in regions which i insist have a total accumulated level of virus that is lower than whats being registered in the u. K. In epidemiological terms it is safer to be in these regions than in the u k. Lebanon is imposing a 2 week lockdown from thursday after a sharp rise in infections and deaths there Health Officials are warning that hospitals could become overwhelmed but after months of lockdown in chile the country has begun to lift restrictions in parts of the capital santiago but the region remains the most affected by the pandemic authorities in neighboring peru have released a study that says that one in 4 people in the capital lima may be infected well have a live update from santiago in a few moments but 1st lets hear from our series dominic cade in berlin who explains why germany is putting constraints on travelers 3 specific regions in spain adrian that the German Government believes its citizens should not be visiting and the point behind this its gone. They say that the situation the coronavirus situation is in in those regions is such that it is in advance of all for its citizens to go there but the point is you got to see this through the prism of whats been happening in german ministerial circles over the course of the last few days also because there has been a ratcheting up of concern regarding potential 2nd waves of coronavirus in germany brought back here so the fear goes by german citizens and german residents whove gone on holiday to certain areas that have become high risk areas and then bring it back with singly thats why yesterday we saw the Health Minister the federal Health Minister that is deciding that from next week the coronavirus testing that had been taking place in 3 airports until that point voluntarily will that will now be mandatory so youve got to view whats happening today through that prison is clearly a concern at the high level federally and also in the states of germany about the possibility of coronavirus coming back and brought back to germany by citizens whove been on holiday elsewhere in europe. Sprains Tourism Association says the u. K. Quarantine could cost the sector 11700000000. 00 in lost revenue aljazeera is most at 0 reports now from barcelona these decision has a huge impact in the Tourism Sector that represents a 12 percent of the spanish economy the situation is quite critical we see here in barcelona where we are right now the beaches are we empty bars there are no queues to to to visit like the cathedral in the middle of the of the city no cute at all there was we were talking to the people at the cathedral saying that an ordinary day you would reduce 3660. 00 people 60 visitors a year the same dates we are they will have 1000 so the situation is quite critical we know that the government is negotiation and pushing very hard especially to brand the idea that spain is a save the estimation that weve got the corner of ours under control that these are only isolated branches or as isolated clusters that are completely under control as we heard last night from Prime Minister presented in this Television Interview he insisted that spain is a safe destination and this comes up. To u. K. Join this 150. 00 countries that have imposed limitations under strict travelers coming to our country although government is aligned in this in this in this sense and saying that this being here is safer than being for example in the queue in the u. K. Young france. A lockdown is being imposed in lebanon during the upcoming. Holiday and thats expected to make like to life difficult for many doctors say that hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed if the rise in infections is managed right away aljazeera say the whole are reports now from beirut. The number of daily infections in lebanon is now into 3 digits official say the corona virus has spread across the country there reimposing restrictions less than a months after the country and its only public airport reopened the numbers may be low when compared to other countries but this is a nation of only 6000000 people including a 1000000 refugees where the Health Care System is already in crisis private hospitals have started to turn away patients they make up 85 percent of the Health Sector and they are owed 1300000000. 00 by the government. Lists the Health Sector is passing through a critical crisis that has been going on for 2 years we are crying for help the Health Sector is taking its last breath 10 days ago our hospital stopped receiving noncritical cases. Staff are also being fired the countrys leading medical facility the American University hospital laid off nearly 900 years and administrators citing what it called the disastrous state of the economy since november up to 40 percent of lebannon 9000 nurses have lost their jobs what is happening is very serious and its going to affect drastically they had them in lebanon if we dont have enough nurses there that the number of patients who are currently at the hospital will be much higher burden or us hospitals funded by the public and left underfunded and ill equipped by successive governments for 3 decades are not just at the forefront of the battle against coronavirus what we have seen is with the economic crisis more and more patients cannot afford the private sector anymore and they are heading towards the Public Sector importing equipment and medicine is becoming harder and more expensive because of the sharp devaluation of the local currency and a lack of u. S. Dollars in circulation. The surge in coronavirus cases couldnt have come at a more difficult time levanon is close to bankruptcy because of years of corruption and the Health Sector has long been neglected by successive governments and was collapsing before the pandemic. More than 200 medical staff have now been infected the number of patients hospitalized and admitted to intensive care more than doubled in the last 2 weeks if that rate continues lebanons hospitals once among the best in the middle east will run out of the intensive care beds it needs by mid august sent to. Beirut. Lets take you live that of chile where some parts of the capital are seeing lockdown lifted despite the region being the worst affected by the pandemic a latin america at its lucy and human is in santiago you see a Wire Authorities lifting lockdown measures there now are they confident that the risk of infection has fallen far enough. Hello adrian i am not bush or that they are confident i can tell you many chileans are not the numbers tells the story there are still huge numbers of the 2nd highest fatality rate from cold with 1000 in the whole region the numbers of infections here in the capital have dropped but not significantly enough according to the w. H. O. For confinement measures to be slackened off to be released where we are right now is an area that has is that as of today has had the confinement measures lifted from monday to friday everyone still has to stay indoors on the weekends but at the same time there are 3 or 4 other areas. Regions rather of the country where quarantines total lockdown to be declared because of the rising numbers you can see here that the the footpaths the sidewalks have been marked so that people will stay to the right or to the left but weve been seeing people walking any way they want not respecting the social distancing measures here on the floor where i am now it looks a bit like a crossword puzzle or a we board these hexagons are supposed to be for people to stand in while they are waiting to cross the street but people arent using them very much either as you can see theyre empty and so according to Health Experts that weve spoken to it is much too soon much too early for the government to have lifted the confinement measures here in this area but well have to see if the numbers end up speaking for themselves as well that if the government says that it will go back to a lockdown clearly people are fatigued its been 4 months of being kept indoors and not being able to work and thats clearly the reason why the government has decided to relax the measures at least in part of santiago and watch the situation in peru where a Study Suggests that one in 4 people in the capital lima may have been infected with the virus. Thats right one in 4 is a huge amount of people that have tested positive and that are believed to have been carried or still be carrying cold and 19 and those numbers are continuing to rise one of the reasons of course is the prove has a very very high rate of people working in the Informal Sector up to 75 percent of the of the population which means they cannot afford to stay home they need to work every single day and sold it while the government was one of the 1st to declare total lockdowns and very stringent measures restrictions they had to relax them because people just were not respecting them they were not obeying the orders at all and so now we have a situation where the hospitals are overflowing with patients and at the so or the the funeral pyres unfortunately very very dramatic scenes are playing out at this hour in neighboring peru and thats exactly what people here in chile want to avoid all thats in america and its a lucy and human reporting live from santiago in chile many thanks to see. The Worlds Airlines continue to struggle the International Air transport Association Says that it will take until 2024 for global air traffic to return to preplan demick levels it says that passenger numbers were down by 86 percent last month there are concerns about border reopening as and how the outbreak is tackled in the United States and developing countries the latest move by britain to quarantine arrivals from spain is also slowed prospects for any sort of recovery look body says that governments can reduce the risk of infection by introducing covert 19 testing and Contact Tracing at airports last month projected that airlines could lose more than 84000000000. 00 as revenues for by 50 percent compared to 2019 and the global Aviation Industry is on course for its worst here on rec ord because of the pandemic British Airways lufthansa air france emirates and indigo are the latest airlines to announce job losses brian pearce is the chief economist for i. R. So the International Air transport association he joins us now live via skype from geneva good to have you with us bryant does the pandemic spell the end of air transport as weve come to know it how many more airlines are going to go under before things return to normal. I think you very difficult situation. Were just not seeing international who own any travel at the moment business is so low airlines are pulling back service demand is still very weak because because of the crisis we see governments very reluctant to not do so which sectors and types of airline are going to be worst hit those who fly mainly short haul or long haul koreas. I know its long haul. Theyre going to suffer the most i mean were were were seeing some travel want to mystic markets were seeing some travel corridors for instance in in europe so theres a little bit of International Travel so a short haul point to points in travel services you know the ones that are working at the moment that the airlines are really struggling at the ones that rely on connecting passengers feeding passengers into their hearts in order to create Viable Services and with many markets close their Business Model is just not working at the moment if youre flying to somewhere like iceland you get a test upon arrival or you go to work to a Quarantine Hotel before you pay for a test i mean that seems eminently sensible if iceland could do Something Like that why cant other government. I think one of the big problems at the moment is that were just seeing very uncoordinated in inconsistent actions from from governments and you know typically typically when the Airline Industry comes out of recession it encourages people back into flying again by. No fares but theres just a lack of confidence at the moment so. We need more core coordination and measures that increase the confidence in passengers to fly again. Things are looking bleak as you say theres a lack of confidence from from passengers even from the Airline Industry itself is there anything right now brian that gives you cause for optimism and that prediction of 3 years before things get back to what we consider to be normal but where is the good news right now. I dont know good news is in some of the asian and domestic markets you know we are seeing people coming back to earth fly. You know the enemys market is back to where it was pre precode it. But those are quite small markets its going to be a while before International Travel comes back you know within the industry one bright spot is actually air cargo which is in quite Strong Demand transporting p. P. Medical supplies and keeping the Global Supply chains alive today really good to talk to reverse the industry all the best but thanks to brian pearce the chief economist for. Accu. This is the news are still to come on the program. Defending the Justice Department the u. S. Attorney general is facing questions in congress over the treatment of protesters. In the absence of. Logging on to if you could afford it concern about what the future holds for children in nigeria as the Pandemic Forces schools remain shut. And well hear from the man in charge of Major League Baseball all the latest coronavirus scare thats coming up a little later with me in the schools. The United Nations Security Council has been holding a closed session to discuss the conflict in yemen its the 2nd time that theyve met in person at the u. N. Headquarters since covert 19 restrictions came into effect the council is concerned over a lack of diplomatic progress on the alarmingly deteriorating Health Situation our diplomatic editor james bays reports. This is the 2nd time in 2 months that Martin Griffiths the u. N. Special envoy has addressed the Security Council and last time he spoke to them in the man he said there was significant progress and peace was within close reach an optimistic assessment in may compare that to what he told the Security Council a short time ago. Mr president i continue to hope i do that the joint declaration that go shave will turn the tide away from this model and views toward peace but i dont want today to sugarcoat things there is a real risk that these negotiations will slip away yemen will enter a new face a prolonged escalation of the uncontrolled spread of herbut 19 and a severe. And threatening economic decline. Thousands of people in yemen could be dying from undetected cases of cholera because covert 19 has overwhelmed Health Facilities that thats the latest assessment from oxfam which says that many are scared to seek treatment for fear of contracting the corona virus according to the u. K. Based charity the start of the rainy season next month could worsen the cholera outbreak more than 100000. 00 suspected cases were recorded in the 1st 3 months of this year wilson city keep is the yemen country director for Oxfam International he says the shortage of Health Facilities is posing a huge challenge. You to the 5 years of war are worth the humanitarian crises. Coming 19 and then now. Actually yemen is on it truly horrific catastrophe because. 1000 and cholera could in the coming weeks rainy season begins but we have seen a kind of significant drop of color act is this the past. Like 100000 that we have seen. This water while the rain has started and. Last year we have seen 70 percent increase actually people are afraid theyre frightened so theyre not actually reporting to the Health Center to get treatment and only really narrowed. U. S. Attorney general william barr has been defending his departments response to the black lives matter protests at a Congressional Committee hearing democrats said that federal agents were sent to violently cautious anti racism demonstrations in an effort to help Donald Trumps Reelection Campaign they also accused barr of using the Justice Department to secure favors for President Trump bar though denied the accusations was in the wake of George Floyds line by line writers and artists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless haneke and destruction on innocent victims the Current Situation in portland telling. Fisher is following the hearing he joins us now live from capitol hill allan what are lawmakers looking to get from the attorney general today how are they treating him. Well lets just pick up on the question of portland we know that the department of Justice William bought his sentence federal agents into portland where they are protecting the federal courthouse there and weve just had jimmy ruskin is a congressman from maryland say hold on a 2nd whats the difference between peaceful protests in portland and when armed 2nd amendment advocates went into state houses in michigan and also in other places with their guns to protest against governors issuing mosque orders in those states and that was a question that brought bill barr and his assembly defensive stance out saying that youve got to look at if there is a president ial overreach youve got to look to see when there is governor overreach as well sadly what were hearing from the democrats are questions covering a wide range of issues you would expect that because this is the 1st time since he became attorney general that william buyer has agreed to sit down with the Oversight Committee and answer some questions so weve talked about Election Security weve talked about the protests in portland weve talked about black lives matter and what has happened after that there was one very Interesting Exchange with Cedric Richmond who is a congressman from louisiana youll remember that donald trump has said that there is the possibility that the election come november will be rigged well congressman richmond said to bill barr do you think that the election will be rigged to which he replied theres no reason to think it will be weve also had dont trump say that he might not accept the result of the election so william barr was asked what happens if he decides not to leave he said well if the result was clear then i would leave office theres obviously a great deal of growing to cover a 100 were seeing the democrats attacking the attorney general because they believe that he is essentially making excuses for donald trump and politicizing their part of justice and we have the republicans on the other hand who are saying that bill barr has actually taken the politics out of the department of justice couple a k. Says that were courted roger stone former Campaign Advisor of course he had his sentence commuted by the president but the department of justice to intervene the part of justice run by william barr to reduce the sentence in the 1st place and also theres the case of Michael Flynn former National Security advisor who pled guilty on 2 counts of lying to the f. B. I. But then the department of justice decided to withdraw those charges and were still waiting for that case to finally plea out and also just finally adrian with a william bar refused to accept the suggestion from democrats that what william barr is doing by sending federal agents into places like portland is to create a video for donald trump to give this dystopian view of america under the democrats and provide this footage of protests around the country its interesting that jim jordan whos the ranking republican played that long video at the start of the hearing which is very unusual and essentially it was attacks on federal buildings and also on federal officers something exactly what the democrats are accusing the republicans of trying to do in this situation i was there was alan fischer reporting live there from washington alan many thanks indeed bruce fire is a former u. S. Associate Deputy Attorney general he joins us now live via skype from washington good to have you with us bruce this house judiciary Committee Hearing its been going on for several hours now what do you make of what youve heard so far. I think mr barr has not been able to expose paid him self and being an echo chamber of President Trump. I served over a decade in the department i know whats irregular we had basically a chinese wall when it came to Law Enforcement between the department and the white house mr barr suggests that its every day occurrence for the white house to call over suggest encourage lightning sentences exonerating someone whos click guilty and this is from a white house thats absolutely clueless about the facts it couldnt possibly be based upon knowledge that mr trump would say that mr flynn is the victim of a witch hunt in fact just guilty pleas occurred on mr trumps watch so we know those are political decisions we also know that there been other instances where attorneys at the department of complain there were intercessions by bar to oppose things as trivial as concentration in the Marijuana Industry because mr barr thought that offended his cultural sensitivities and mr barr with regard to the use of force in portland in Lafayette Square and otherwise and has been unable to demonstrate why if the violence was so pronounced the local officers and mayors on the scene wouldnt be summoning the federal government in to try to help quell the violence we have a posse comitatus act in the United States that prohibits the use of the military for Law Enforcement this effort of mr barr disposing of federal agents not necessarily military but actually clothed in military fatigues using oftentimes weapons or arms that have been excess surplus from the Defense Department has circumvented in my judgment the posse comitatus act and may disclose quite could say military obligation because the danger is so its. You as though this were the crossing of the English Channel on d. Day to attack omaha and normandy beaches ok vast inflation level of the danger of these impeachable offenses the youre describing yes they clearly are impeachable offenses mr barr is sabotaging the obligation he has in the present to faithfully execute the laws he is circumventing the laws those are just the ones that weve identified there have been other instances in which mr barr was the one who decided that there were certain whistleblower claims that ones range here crane that shouldnt be shared with congress that the president has Limitless Authority to defy congressional subpoenas on and on and on mr barr and i know because i worked with them in the Reagan Administration has this view that we have a limitless executive branch he has never once placed any line that he said the president cannot go beyond including when President Trump himself boasted and then theres article to which the president can do whatever he wants to do i believe that mr barr should be impeached the senate may not convict but its a lesson for the American People this is a country where the rule of law is king the king is not law could talk to as a whistle many thanks indeed bruce fein and washington. A weather update next year all the news out then 3000000000 animals killed or displaced scientists given alarming way assessment of the strain has pushed us. Losing homes and livelihoods hundreds of thousands of people in bangladesh wait for help in rising flood also. And n. B. A. Basketball teams get ready for the season restarts leave will have all the details about that and this for a little later on. The plane and dry weather throughout much of the middle east that. Quite a bit of cloud again further to the south and in fact to across the southwest of yemen the fall southwest assadi the whole range in the 4 causes that continue through wednesday now this rain could be heavy at times across into santa and weve had several days of right now as we could well see some flooding some localized flooding certainly in the streets it will continue to have 3 thursday by then that the temperatures once again on the rise across into iraq 50 to the 4 calls time baghdad the winds a fairly strong as well locals halt to dry winds coming through the interior and they will tend to kick up the sand on the 43 is the high end then down towards Southern Africa and fairly persistent rain as well across much of madagascar still in the clouds in the case where we have got that rain is to continue through wednesday will southern eastern i was picking up some rather heavy downpours at times and all the while weve got these coastal shastri mozambique through tons of air right their way up to coastal areas of somalia we could also see want to fall south coast of south africa on wednesday by thursday the winds a fairly brisk so itll feel fairly cool but fresh in the Port Elizabeth of the hive 18 and again there is the coming of the havea along coastal areas of tanzania up towards kenya. Oh. Its good to be with us hello again adrian try to get here in doha with the news hour from aljazeera the headlines malaysias former Prime Minister najib razak has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption linked to a state Investment Fund scandal but he wont go straight to jail and plans to appeal his conviction. The Worlds Airlines are struggling because of coke at 19 the International Air transport Association Says it could take 4 years until 2024 for global air traffic to return to prepare levels the agency says passenger numbers were down by 86. 00 and a half percent last month. At the United Nations Security Council is holding a closed session to discuss the conflict in yemen its the 2nd time theyve met in person at u. N. Headquarters since covert 90 restrictions came into effect special envoy Martin Griffiths says theres a real. Threat that yemen will enter a new phase of prolonged escalation. Iran has carried out military exercises in the gulf using a mock u. S. Aircraft carrier as target practice teherans navy and air force taking part in the drills that are gaining a lot of attention particularly since a real American Carrier is in the region aljazeera is as said baked reports from tehran. From land air and sea its a show of military strength from iran in the gulf at a time when tensions remain high with the. United states just days ago iran said one of its passenger planes was intercepted by u. S. Fighter jets as it flew over syria irans military leaders want to send a strong message me. The strategic purpose of our exercises is defensive but at the level of operation and tactic we are widely of pensive and theres nothing stronger than firing on and boarding a mock Aircraft Carrier the country that has the most carriers in the world the United States in recent days satellite images have shown the mock vessel being moved from the port city of under a bust it resembles the nimitz class carrier the us routinely sails into the gulf on this day the replica was used to train earing and forces gunships encircled the mock carrier and attempt to show the dominance of irans navy even with its smaller boats against and large a target. That armed forces of the Islamic Republic of iran will use all their power elements and potential such as defensive and offensive capabilities to respond to any moves to create instability at the right and appropriate time and place at the. The u. S. Militarys back rain based 5th fleet said we cannot speak to what iran hopes to gain by building this mock up or what tactical value they would hope to gain by using such a mockup in a Training Exercise scenario we do not see conflict but remain ready to defend u. S. Forces an interest from maritime threats in the region then just 3 kilometers that separates iran and oman and 20 percent of the worlds oil passes through that straight up for most of the revolutionary guards here want to send a clear message to the United States iran is prepared for a possible conflict with the us i want to show that its forces will be no pushover i said big al jazeera the front. Afghanistans government and the taliban have agreed to observe a 3 day truce from friday during the. Holiday. Planned follows a surge in violence in recent weeks the taliban has indicated that its prepared to hold talks with the government after aid provided a prisoner swap is complete as president ashraf ghani has hinted that the talks could begin as early as next week. As water minister has voiced concerns over ethiopias decision to fill the ground when a song on the river nile ethiopia says the project is vital to its development but sudan fears that it could cause flooding downstream putting millions of lives at risk. For the sudan we have conveyed our reserve ation accuse the unilateral move of filling the dams risible on july 12th and 13th we consider the move as a worrisome act we have also pointed out the negative impacts of this unilateral move which was taken without warning. Malise opposition has rejected a mediation plan by the regional bloc echo was called for the president to step down the move comes a day after president. Appointed a 6 Person Company to form a unity government he was responding to an appeal from west African Leaders who called for a new election after a disputed vote Political Tension has been rising in recent weeks with protesters demanding cases resignation they accuse him of corruption mismanaging the economy and of failing to contain armed groups Nicholas Hawk reports now from neighboring senegal he says the ecowas proposal has led to strong disagreements within mollies opposition it appears that theres seems to be some sort of cracks or divisions among the protest movement. Taking a much more conciliatory tone for wanting to accept some of the can some of the recommendations made by the echo off the west african body but then there are others hardliners who will accept nothing but the resignation of president mubarak are they said that he is in breach of article 37. 00 of the constitution after he deployed commandos men to fight armed groups in the north the country against peaceful unarmed protesters on the 11th and 10th of july meanwhile while this is happening while there is discussion among the protest movement there is the new cabinet thats been holding a meeting and you cabinet that was formed just last night after the extraordinary meeting of the echo os 6 ministers were talking here who are meeting led again by Prime Minister boosie say. At least 14 political activists say that theyve been asked to report police for questioning it comes ahead of antigovernment protests set for friday opposition and Union Leaders are among those who were turned out of a tussle reports from harare. Some people on the list say they are not going to hand themselves over to the Police Others have said on social media they fear for their lives and are too scared to sleep at home opposition leaders say this is an attempt by the government to stop fridays antigovernment protest from going ahead this is a serious replace it and. You cant criminalize and with a difference in opinion you cant criminalize instrument. Differing political opinions we have a constitution which in section 6 to 7 guarantees the right of zimbabweans to belong to different political organizations and mr godwin this government with the rulings on it here party says it believes fridays antigovernment protests has nothing to do with economy or corruption they say the opposition will use this as an opportunity to cause a violence on the day they say that the opposition is working with western embassies mainly the United States and they say the American Ambassador Brian Nichols is trying to destabilize the country by interfering in the affairs of zimbabwe the only question is did he give you much he would. Give. Not give plugs into. The fog. We remind remind nicholas that he is not in a supermarket room until hes going to there are several diplomats that are seconded to this in public from the African Union member countries in the world. Did mr muskerry did it and pretended to be. Is. The question is will people participate in fridays protest some people have said they are going to participate because theyre tired of the state of the economy they tired of rising inflation and they simply cant make ends meet either say theyre white about how Security Forces will react if they come in and decide to stop the protests from going ahead and others are concerned about the coronavirus pandemic as the cases of the virus keep rising in the country. The destruction of education in nigeria is raising concern for the future of millions of children that schools were shot 4 months ago while finally a secondary School Students will return next week to prepare for exams many children dont know when theyll be back in class but address reports from a butcher i. Covered 90 has emptied classrooms nigeria for school the resources learning never stops much of it in private schools. The students say given the necessary equipment to study. So theyre able to logon view the classes and then we also have the ability to view the lesson material in the online classroom and videos that they can watch. On their own and then also we have a learning path that goes home once a week and so theyre able to get fresh material we actually see some children are thriving in this environment children that had difficulty paying attention in class are really excited by the fact that they can see their teacher one on one but its a different story for the majority of students who go to government run schools this school has been under lock and key for the past 4 months and is the same story elsewhere in nigeria underfunded and. Really overcrowded most Public Schools have been unable to provide teaching for their students during the pandemic. For now the governments plan to provide teaching on radio and t. V. Isnt working for most because of poor Internet Access and power cuts and elicited the disruption to education well are serious repercussions for the future of students and the country. Or it. Has covered 1000. 00 cases rice government officials are putting in place safety requirement before schools can reopen private schools are more likely to meet those safety requirements as of public School Students the option for many is either to stay at home or on the streets how many trees. Which are around a 3rd of bangladesh has been affected by flooding its left 2000000 people in need of help many of those displaced a living in temporary shelters while others are being forced to take refuge on highways at least 100 people have died out a serious tanveer tragedy chowdhry reports now from. Is desperate to save whatever few possessions she was left with before the flooding she used to live with a family of 6 in this modest hut. Now shes not sure where our family and livestock will find shelter. With facing many problems theres no work here the authorities are supposed to distribute relief here but we have yet to receive any were not even sure what to feed our life stuck under these conditions we may have to take shelter by a bridge nearby for now. The nations largest river delta system many rivers which originate in the himalayas flow to india into the bay of bengal making the country highly vulnerable to flooding. Following the recent torrential rain many areas on the outskirts of the dhaka are also under water such as here in cyber but the Flood Forecasting Center says there is no chance of the floodwaters moving farther inland towards dhaka for now unicef say is more than 2000000 people including around a 1000000 children have been impacted and a half a 1000000 families displaced due to floods don joyride lost his home in korea graham not in bangladesh hes now living with his family in a temporary shelter many people came and visited the area even local Government People but so far we have not received any assistance its been almost 2 months since this area flooded Health Officials say if thousands of people in the flood affected areas have fallen victim to water borne diseases the government says its prepared to deal with the situation where the market will drop the Prime Minister has instructed us to take a Long Term Strategy to deal with the flood situation we are prepared and have adequate relief materials cash and food including special provisions for children dry foods and even hot cooked meals we had a Cabinet Meeting and decided where to distribute everything but despite the assurances the government has yet to assess the full impact of the flooding its a challenging time for people like cocaine or whoever made a raging coronavirus pandemic knol to face the struggle to rebuild their life can be childfree ill just sirrah bangladesh. Scientists say that nearly 3000000000000000 im sorry animals were killed or displaced by australias last bushfire season the World Wide Fund for nature describes it as one of the worst wildlife disasters in modern history while koalas became the face of the crisis that affected nearly every species on the continent many animals that didnt die in the flames faced starvation and dehydration or attacks by other animals Christopher Dickman is professor of terrestrial ecology at the university of sydney he worked on the estimates and says he was shocked this really has always been a fire prone confluence of fires are already part of the ecology that i think the sort of ours that we saw over the last season were so big so extensive that we really didnt see anything that to them before and i think because not of the forest that he wanted is the beard there are developments and been for a minute or 2 of 3 it may well mean that some of the chunks of forest burned it was very difficult for people to list mobile species to come back so we will be looking at a. Pretty important for us to state as a consequence one of the things we we really need to take ways that and monitoring before the fires in the forests the state wasnt very good and would like to see is much more it sits in one of 3 through forests and woodlands and other by regions in the continent so weve got warm idea of where. We are ecological communities and how the tracking of the time what the effects of different students events are it is not to physicians then with the with for the virus in the future to be able to predict with we should go where an engine if its to be most targeted perhaps in the wake of the 4 or the disturbance where recovery teams and Recovery Efforts should be most focused as well so the military i think would be a critical listen to learn from this. Civil rights pioneer john lewis has been given one of the highest honors for public service. Hes the 1st black lawmaker to lie in states at the Capitol Rotunda in washington d. C. Members of the public and politicians are paying their respects to lewis who is the youngest member of the big 6 civil rights leaders led by Martin Luther king jr he was elected to congress in 1986 and reelected 14 times. Just ahead in the sport see how englands cricket wrapped things up against the west indies leave here with that in just a moment. Or. Type of sport has the wellings. Thank you the u. S. Has top medical advisory in the fight against corona virus as the outbreak amongst Miami Marlins players could endanger the Major League Baseball season this after reports that at least 7 same players and staff on the team have now tested positive Dr Anthony Fauci is concerned after the test results that the mollen stranded in philadelphia following a game with the phillies with. A monday and tuesday be postponed the league is just 4 days into the restart she doesnt think games need to completely start yet the end will be commissioner remains confident. I dont put this in the nightmare category i mean obviously we dont want any player to get exposed. A its not a positive thing but i dont see it as a night where we built the protocols to allow us to continue to play thats why we have the expanded rosters thats why we have the poor of additional players and we think we can keep people safe and continue to play for just 2 days away from the n. B. A. Season very start. There feeling confident about the precautions being taken by the League Inside that disney bubble in florida the new Orleans Pelicans while open play on thursday against utah jazz and then looking good going into their 1st competitive guy the vaticans were up against the leaders in the as the Milwaukee Bucks in the last practice game a monday is a compost thing but it was the pelicans and walked away with 124 so 103 win. Because one giant sat out that final practice game against the Washington Wizards alongside teammate and steve davis but i wont need it anyway for trent jr smith now for 40 points in the 1st half leading the like to have 1232116 when like his face there alive on the clippers in their opening game on thursday i have our players have begun arriving for their Training Camps but the Miami Dolphins have placed a reply is and i reserve covert 19 missed it means the players have a tested positive or been in close contact with an infected person i mean you might remember Kansas City Chiefs super bowl winning quarterback patrick behind signed a deal worth more than half a 1000000. 00 earlier this month so that the 23 year old announced hes investing in the Kansas City Royals by sports where he is to become part. Of the public holmes is a former Major League Baseball player. When england cricketer secure borders joined an elite club 500 test wickets as he hopes his country defeat the west indies by 269 runs on the 5th day of the 3rd test in manchester when does that mean batsman craig braff white would be 508. 00 in tests are only 6 other bowlers have achieved 500. 00 test wickets or more the tourists collapse into 120. 00 man out for taking the final week it is england also take the series to iran is the 1st series played since the pandemic shut down. The 2 weeks ago i was in a bit. Less as i could leave a pretty. Strong. Light. Were out of the taxes were going to limp a qualification for the marathon and road race can start from september 13 months earlier than planned its because insurance athletes can only produce a small number of high level performances each year and their efforts unities are drying up ahead of the perspiring games in tokyo with some really top prices called off because of the pandemic the chairman of the Ferrari Company john l. Can admits the formula one thing will not be competitive until 2022 however hes got full confidence in the boss matter but not on ferrari are currently 5th in the standings and lets finish with some nice shots from all can do in new zealand where next years americas cup is set to be staged in march the American Magic they have begun preparations for the sports most prestigious race the 5 hour session hours on the water its the 1st time theyve been out since march when the pandemic halted their operations of the Training Base in florida play their yacht is called defiant thats all the sport now for you. But he thanks nic clarke will be sitting in this seat at this time tomorrow thats it from us from out here in doha center at london. Next ill see you again by. Jump into the story and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on and online be part of the debate let me put some comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic violence that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way he keeps human it business if were going to adapt to climate breakout this street on out is there its the u. K. s biggest hospital with the eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country under spread of coronavirus appears far wider than anyone saw. Kidnappings and murders in crimea since russias forced an extension of the black sea peninsula. I dont understand. By. Schools of crime into tongs have been arrested tortured and killed. Most believe by russian Security Forces. Crimea russias dark secret and aljazeera. The you. Spains Summer Season under threat as coronavirus face a spike in some regions the british and German Governments toughened their travel advice. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up malaysias former Prime Minister najib razak is found guilty on corruption charges but stays out of jail for now livelihoods washed away in bangladesh where a 3rd of the entire country is now submerged by monsoon flood

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